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Karly stomped up to the desk, and slammed her hand on the bell, getting the bespectacled man’s attention.

“Yes, how may I- “ He began to ask before she cut him right off.

“I demand a refund. I don’t know what sort of rubbish you're peddling, but that fell FAR short of my expectations” Karly spat at him.

“I am sorry to hear you are unsatisfied, what seems to-” He responded with a collected customer service voice.

“The city was boring as shit. Somethings wrong with it.” She said, her eyes narrowed and her brow raised in frustration.

“I assure you, we quality tested every product before- “ He tried to respond, but she was not having it.

“I have been coming here. FOR MONTHS. Every week, every single Friday. This is the first time I have had this issue. So as I said. I would like a refund” Karly smacked the desk again, emphasizing her frustration.

“I am sorry to hear you were not satisfied. Let me pull up your experience. Can you please explain the issue? HMMM, I can see your session was shorter than usual, but you did fully use the product, so I may not be-”

“I fully used it because it was garbage, not because it was any good. Literally tried all of it and it was completely defective” Karly rolled her eyes.

The man rolled his eyes as he double clicked on his computer. “Alright, please describe the nature of your problem with your booking today”

“So, it started out like normal but….”

15  Minutes earlier

Still dressed up in her office halloween party costume, she figured it was fitting for the holiday as she gave herself a once over in her window’s reflection. Naturally a blonde, she gave herself a spin admiring how well her Sarah costume had come out. Karly hated wigs, so she always tried to choose something that worked with her hair. 

A tight corset showing a hint of cleavage without being too risque for the office, she had adjusted her dress so it ended partway down her calves. Not because she was trying to be modest with her legs, but purely because she hated things dragging on the ground. Not that she had planned for this appointment when she got dressed this morning but she couldn’t pass up the last minute appointment. Not after that dreadful party.

Satisfied with her appearance Karly strutted into the brick warehouse building, passing by the miscellaneous other businesses as she walked up to the door smirking at the sign as she entered.

Truthfully, she had no idea if it was legal, illegal, it was almost so fantastical you just didn't ask questions, you enjoyed it. With no online presence, it grew purely by quiet  whispers. Her mom of all people had been the one to mention it after a rather eye opening conversation about her parents divorce. “Alternative Therapies: Little things, BIG results”'.

Entering the waiting room, she glanced at the desk and frowned. It was that creepy guy again, blegh. Karly rolled her eyes, guess most of her costume was staying on today. She knew they recorded the rooms, for “safety and quality assurance” but like most places she wasn’t sure anyone watched that footage unless there was an issue.

This guy though, numerous times had made remarks towards her as she left that suggested he had been watching and knew exactly what she did in her room. She shivered, what a creep. Like, if he didn't TELL her she probably wouldn;’t care but still.

Stepping up. “Hello, i'm here for my booking, under Karly” She said trying to sound chipper.

“Nice to see you again Karly, as always. I have you in the room….3” He said smiling at her with a wink. Karly rolled her eyes and just nodded, walking by as she headed down the hall up to room 3.

Opening the door, and shutting it behind her, she clicked the lock as she turned her attention to the floor. Stepping into one of these rooms, and looking across the miniature landscape never got old. She had no idea how they did it, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to know, but it was different every time.

It was a bit…bigger than she usually preferred, she hadn’t checked the dimensions whens he made the booking. Stepping closer to the landscape, it looked like the tallest buildings were going to be just under hip height. Not too big she supposed, but still not quite the experience she usually sought.

She looked down, taking in the entire sight as her eyes followed the road before her towards the city. Like a cut out of a map, the room had some fields, which gave way to a couple blocks of suburban development before giving rise to the city. Then, abruptly the city ended at the far wall. 

Times like these made her curious, were the other parts of the city,in other rooms? Perhaps also waiting to be visited? Or maybe they were gone already? Maybe even still standing where they came from, a rectangular cut of the city just….gone.

She took a step, feeling her boots sink into the soft earth as some movement caught her attention. A car raced haphazardly on the roast straight towards her, or perhaps away from the city. She saw it start to slow, and try to turn.

“Ahh ahh ahh” she muttered under her breath as she aimed the toe of her boot. The first crunch was always one of the best as she lowered her foot down, stopping just as she felt the car start to give. She listened, as quietly as she could be, crouching down slightly until the sound made it to her ears. Screaming. Music to her ears.

“Yesssssss” she practically moaned as she fully stepped forward, her immense black boot sole pancaking the car, and its inhabitants. Setting her sights farther into the room, she strutted with a sensual purpose as she walked towards the city. It only took a couple strides of her monumentally long legs to reach something more interesting than the bare fields she started in.

“Hello Everyone. Thank you for being a part of my end of day relaxation session!” She boomed with a smirk as she lowered her first footstep down onto a two store home. Without holding back her foot crushed it flat, as wood splintered and the sounds of cracking and construction giving out.
She paused, listening, waiting. Usually by now there was….something. Anything. Some sort of response. Sirens, screaming, maybe gunfire if the city of the day had a military.. She looked down, and frowned. If she didn’t know any better, she would say someone else had already been through the neighborhood.

Cars lay strewn haphazardly across the streets, debris, and even some bodies were already visible. She squinted and crouched down, doors were open, windows already shattered. It looked almost like a warzone down there, and she was just getting started.

“What the fuck…did they seriously sell me a used one?” she muttered out loud. No that didn’t even make sense, she was far too large to cause precision damage like this. It must have come like this from…wherever these came from.

Movement in her peripherals drew her out of her thoughts, damaged or not she still had a city to rampage through. Without giving it a second look she stepped towards some people out in the streets. Strangely they didn't seem to be running, or really reacting to her. Maybe they were too focused on looting? 
Uncaring the reason, her foot came down, as a black boot sole crushed half a dozen people into paste onto the neighborhood street.

“YES, squish under me like the bugs you are” Karly bellowed, giggling at herself as she quickly followed with another aimed foot on some other stragglers out in the street.

Stragglers were nice, but not what she came here for. Karly’s favorite was crowds. Turning her attention to the increasingly large buildings behind the neighborhoods she stood back up to her full height and took short, measured steps. Closing her eyes, she tried to guess what each foot was falling on. A car, a house, some people.
She was sure the answer was all of the above, but imagining it was always fun. Something was still off though.

She opened her eyes as she felt a building under her foot put up enough resistance she actually noticed. It was…quiet, too quiet. By now there was always something going on. People were stupid, no matter the size, the police always showed up, there was always screaming, people staring from behind windows. Cars screeching to get away. Horns as traffic turned all the streets into death traps.

She looked down, somehow this city had….none of those things. “Come on people, what the fuck!” She shouted with some irritation in her voice. Throwing a kick she toppled a building at knee height, causing a series of crashes and thuds as buildings collided and collapsed. That oughta do it, she thought to herself, Waiting for the eventual stream of screaming people pouring out as they realize the buildings wouldn’t save them.

If it was outside she’d swear you would be able to hear the wind blow. The only sound was crashing from some buildings. Where the fuck was everyone? 
Karly tried to step deeper in, but found the denser section too narrow. They never seemed to design their cities with giantesses in mind. Rolling her eyes she put her hands on her hips and just swung her hip into the towering skyscraper. 

A playful shove was all it needed as it tried to bend at first before the building just snapped halfway up, her ass continued into its space as it toppled over and Karly smiled seeing how easy it was to demolish things with any part of her.

Smirking, Karely turned further, taking a seat on the bottom half of the once proud pinnacle of the city’s skyline. Or, at last she tried to. As her titanic behind made contact and she began putting weight on it, she felt floor after floor of the building collapsing under her until she was just resting her ass on the remnants of a building.

Feeling the pleasurable crunch of a building under her entirety she wiggled her cheeks a bit, before standing back up she stopped and listened. The only sounds reaching her ears was the crunching and breaking of things under her colossal behind. Where was everyone?

“ARGHH what even is this shitty city” Karly yelled as she stood up. Sure the city  breaks right but….it's worthless without the people.

Walking through some more buildings, she felt the walls and floors just give way as her boots passed through, her dress was scraping and dragging along tops of buildings, and at one point she had to turn and kick a rooftop to get snagged from an antenna. Getting increasingly frustrated she was about to just start kicking and punching buildings whens he spotted what she'd been looking for.

In the far back of the city she finally found them, hundreds of people lined the street. Probably having retreated here to get away from her. Still, she was surprised at how quiet they'd been.

“THERE YOU ARE” Karly exclaimed as she shoved another building out of the way and stepped towards the crowd. She was so excited again, it didn’t occur to her how strange it was they didn’t react. 

“Here I COMEEEE” She continued as she playfully took a baby step towards them, her foot mashing a couple onto the ground with a wet squishing sound.

 “RUN AWAY IT'S THE BIG BAD GIANTESS” She cackled as she jumped, landing onto a cluster with both feet. Her THUD caused the entire city to shake a bit.

“Mmmm that's it” She whispered as step after step her boots crunched down onto 10s of people. All just milling around aimlessly, not even reacting to her presence. It was halfway through the crowd that she stopped, realizing nothing was happening. Where were the screams? The running?

She reached down, scooping some up, noting how easy it was to get a handful as she brought her hand up to her face. With people spilling out as she lifted she opened her mouth with an exaggerated “aaaaaahh” as she tilted her hand, pouring dozens into her gaping maw. 

For a moment she just let the mass sit there, as she slowly, gently moved her tongue around. Even the taste was …off. Where was the struggling? The screaming. She bit down on some, before swallowing. Even eating these people was boring. Done with her snack she looked down to continue.

She went to try and chase some like she normally would, only to find that no one was even running away. The joy of tormenting and slaughtering a crowd of tiny people was fading fast and the excitement was draining from her face.

“What is this? Are you guys even real?” At most some looked like they were walking…towards her? Otherwise they were just standing around, or aimlessly wandering. 
“GRRRRRR” She growled.. It felt so lifeless, like hunting just bugs or shitty NPCs in a video game. No fun at all.

“Alright. I'm done, this isn't doing it for me” she said, feeling herself calm down and lose interest. Grabbing a nearby building she pulled and pushed, causing it to fall and land on some of the crowd. Sure enough, no one reacted. No sounds, no attempt to flee. 

She didn;’t know what sort of BS they were peddling here today but she wasn’t having it. Kicking and trampling her way out of the city, and back towards the door Karly left a trail of anger fueled destruction in her wake as she unlocked the door and stepped out.

**10 minutes ago, not too far away**
“COME ON LETS GO GO GO” John screamed as he sprinted to the car. Hopping in the driver's seat he looked back watching as 2 of his friends ran towards them, chased by a sea of staggering monsters.

Liz jumped in the back seat, as did Carl. John was flooring it before the doors even shut. He didn’t know what to do, but getting the hell out of here seemed like a good first step.

Swerving, John avoided parked cars, others frantically running people, and lumbering undead as he just navigated out of downtown.

“What is happening?” Liz asked, her voice shaking.

“I've played enough video games to recognize a zombie outbreak,” Carl said. 

Carl shook his head and continued,”Look it sounds dumb, but you tell me a better explanation for this” he gestured to everything around them as he spoke, the confusion clear on his face too.

John listened but focused on driving. As they crossed a small bridge into the suburbs he blinked, for a brief moment his head just…hurt. Like a loud buzzing sound was all around them, then silence.

“Is it just me, or is there something wrong with the sky?” Carl asked, pointing up in front and above them as they went. Sure enough the sky had changed during the humm.

John replied first, “it looks….fake. This just keeps getting weirder. The horizons fucked up too…”

Liz was about to reply, instead she only pointed, confusion, and fear written all over her face as she muttered "uhm. Uhh”.

A Seam heading up into the sky appeared, and the sky, and world just…moved. A colossal woman, dressed as a witch stepped into view. The ground shook enough that John had to swerve to maintain control as her first footstep hit the ground.

“What the fuck” John muttered as he slowed down, unsure how to proceed.

“Dude, get away from her! She'll be worse than the zombies!” Carl shouted as John began to take a turn and keep driving.

“Why is she dressed like Hocus Pocus?” Liz asked as a shadow passed over them. The car stopped as they all flung forward, caught by their seat belts. 

All three screamed for a moment a muffle voice thundered from the sky as they were compressed into the ground car and all.

Back to the present

“So, again, I don't know what was wrong with it, but it either had no people, or the people there were all…weird. “ Karly snarled at the increasingly unhelpful desk worker.

“Alright well, we only offer refunds if you literally don't touch it, so I can’t offer you one of those but I can offer you a credit. Let me see here” He tapped some keys and smiled. “Room 5 has a city that someone else used earlier. It is still almost entirely intact, the customer has rather…gentle interests.” He said looking up. Karly was a valued customer, pissing her off would be a talking to by his boss.

“Fine. I'll go there now. You'd better hope it isn't ruined though” Karly said as she stormed off.

“Oh, and if it interests you more, the scale is smaller. The buildings are dildo sized!” He called out to her with a smirk. Karly replied without even looking back, flipping him a middle finger as she strolled into room 5. As if she would give that creep a show like that.

Entering room 5 Karly smiled as she looked across the room. A much smaller scale indeed, the tallest skyscrapers a little taller than her ankles this time. A size she liked much more. Bending down, she took off her boots and socks letting out a soft moan as she felt the ground and some miscellaneous buildings squish under her bare feet.

This was more like it. Gazing out towards the couple of cities across the room Karly smiled. Maybe it would be a good Halloween after all.
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