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I stood on a vast plain, staring off into the distance. A dark, black mountain was far off. I sighed, scuffed the Formica with my foot, and glanced at what would simply be a toaster to the rest of the world. My name is Jimmy Sanderson. I’m 15, and at about half of an inch tall, I am the smallest person on the planet.

Thunderous rumbling shook me, but, I had dealt with that my entire life. The booming grew nearer, and I turned to a vast wall of white cotton towering above me. “Good morning, honey!”, roared in my ears. A lucky fluke of my birth, was that other people’s voices weren’t at an ear drum shattering level to me. People’s voices were about at the level of a loud shout. My life is hard enough being surrounded by landscape sized giants, without having their voices be incomprehensible thunder. “Hi, mom!”, I said in a voice a little louder than conversation level.

Michelle Sanderson, my mother, was 32 years old. I had been a prom night mistake. The sperm donor left town the week after it happened. After several ultrasounds, I was deemed a ‘medical miracle’. Hell, mom said the pregnancy went so smoothly, the morning sickness would have been the only real clue. My birth took special equipment, of course. Mine was the only one that the doctor needed a magnifying glass for. Soon, the media hounds began baying, and my mother was inundated with requests for interviews, for pics of me, and other things. Several scientific labs offered her millions for her to put them in my care. “He’s my son, not a lab rat.”, was her reply.

A finger that was as big as a city bus lowered in front of me. Mom wanted her good morning kiss, of course. I grabbed on. Although she moved her finger as slowly and as carefully as she could, there was some trembling. The white expanse of her panties flew by, the T of VICTORIA’S SECRET and her bellybutton following. Mom was on the curvy side, although she was able to go to the gym twice a week, now that I was a teenager. ‘No matter how many times this happens, I still blush’, I thought. My face turned red as her pale, 44 DDD breasts passed. ‘It would help if she wore a bra, but, she never does first thing.’, I grumped mentally. Finally, plump lips that could probably eat a thousand of me filled my vision. As the huge finger drew closer, I leaned up and gave her her kiss. She pulled her finger back before saying, “Thank you, baby.” In the distance above, I could make out her blue eyes, as well as a forest of red hair even further. She slowly placed me back down on the counter, and began breakfast preparations.

Mom was an only child, as was I. Her parents had passed in a car crash when she was 20. They had been millionaires, and we wanted for nothing, really. After the media storm that resulted from my birth, my mother trusted very few people. A life of leisure allowed her to teach me the same things that other kids learn in school. Granted, there were subjects she knew little about. She wanted to give me the best education she could, however, so we ended up learning about some things together. Unlike those students, sex ed was not one of them. They had done some ‘Man On The Street’ interviews about me on TV. The female responses, which ranged from “Aw, he’s like a little mouse!”, to “He certainly won’t be much of a man, when he grows up.”. showed clearly that a sexual relationship could never happen, regardless of how technically feasible it might be. The one time we had caught one such interview made my mom angry enough to almost throw the remote through the TV.

Finally, breakfast was ready, which consisted of one egg, one piece of toast, and one slice of bacon. Mom dug in, and I waited. Others would be disgusted by this, no doubt, but, I ate from the remains of her food. After all, I was small enough to barely eat anything. She let out a quiet belch. “Oh, excuse me! Your turn, sweetheart.” After eating my fill, she put the plates in the sink. As she got up from the table, her thong clad ass stretched almost as far as I could see. I spun around quickly. ‘I should be used to this, by now.’, I thought.

It had been two years ago. We had been sitting on the couch (well, Mom was, I was sitting on her shoulder). The sitcom had switched to a commercial break, and a Victoria’s Secret ad came on. I stared and felt a weird sensation in my chest. A loud gasp, and a gigantic finger covered my view. “That’s quite enough of that for you, honey.” I didn’t respond, confused by what I had felt. Later that night, I was in bed, after undressing from one of the sets of clothes Mom adapted from doll’s clothes. The bed being a matchbox stuffed with cotton on her nightstand. She had just finished up a shower before bed, and I had taken my own. My version of a shower being Mom holding me under a slight trickle from the bathroom sink. As I thought of what happened earlier, my heart started to pound. It seemed like another person was guiding my hand downwards. I felt myself get hard at the memory of those models, and I began to rub down there. I moaned as I rubbed harder, so involved I didn’t hear the thunder of my mother’s feet. I heard her voice, and opened my eyes. Her still nude form towered above me. Something shot out of me and I gasped. Mom merely said” Good night, dear.”, and dressed in her pajamas. As the light turned off, I felt my face burn in embarrassment.

And so, that is how my mother began to star in my fantasies. I felt ashamed. How could I think of mom like that? A part of my brain said that she had been my only human contact for my entire life, so it had been only a matter of time. I ignored that voice. Continuing my nightly activities, I felt shame and disgust each time.

After doing the breakfast dishes, Mom picked me up to do our morning routine, showering brushing our teeth (which Mom did to me by putting some toothpaste on her finger, very carefully). After getting dressed, we went down to watch TV. An ad for a dating app came on, and a thought hit me. ‘Mom’s devoted her whole life to me. She should have some semblance of a normal one’, I thought. “Hey, Mom?” “What is it, honey?” Have you ever thought about using one of those sites?” Her face turned to shock. “Never! What about you? You’d be defenseless while I was gone?”
I thought for a second. “What about putting me in a plastic container or something? It’d would be hard for any bugs to get in. And maybe we could fashion me a sword, for protection?” She looked worried. “I… I don’t know.” She picked me up and held me in front of her. I put on my best convincing face. “Please. You’ve spent so much time taking care of me. You need to have a life of your own.” She nodded. “Okay.”

A month later, she had met her first guy on that dating app. Mom had me set in a plastic bowl, with a sword she had made from a pin. “Are you hungry?”, she said. “Mom, I ate supper already. I’m good until you get back.” She loomed above me, clad in a black cocktail dress. Her makeup was on thick, but not overstated. I swung my sword a few times. “My little warrior.”, she smiled. She rose up, grabbing her purse. “I’ll try not to be gone too long.” The loud slam of the door echoed in the kitchen. She came back two hours later, wearing the biggest smite I had ever seen. “His name was Robert, and he was such a gentleman! We talked about our lives, though I didn’t mention you. He even held the car door open for me, and kissed my hand!” She gently picked me up, and she seemed to float rather than walk. A part of me was jealous of him, but most of me was happy for Mom.

This continued for several months. One night after another of her dates with Robert, I heard the front door open and close. But, it was not just my mother’s voice I heard. A deep baritone echoed.

“I usually don’t trust people in my house, but, you’re such a gentleman, Robert”, she slurred. “Thanks for trusting me, Michelle.” Thunder echoed as the two lumbered into the kitchen. I stared from inside my box, as they kissed. As they broke apart with a loud gasp, I saw his giant hand slowly slide down and grab mom’s ass. She let out a yelp and moved away. “You’re go...going too fast, Bob.” The man sneered, “You’ve kept me waiting for a long time. It’s about time for you to give me what I deserve!”

He roughly grabbed her, as I pounded on the wall of my plastic prison. “Fucking asshole! Leave my mom alone, you animal!” Dropping his hand, he walked over. “..the fuck?” I stared at me in confusion until the pieces slid together. “Shit! You’re that tiny kid! The one that was in the news years ago!” His hand reached for me. “I could make a shit ton of money selling you to some medical lab.” As he grew closer, my mom screamed, “Don’t you touch my son!” She moved forward and spun him around, followed by a kick to his crotch and a strong right hook to his jaw. He fell to the ground and did not move, as she quickly called the cops. I hid behind the toaster until they left, the creep in tow.

Mom very gently grabbed me. “Oh my baby boy!”, she cried. “Are you okay?” I was shivering slightly from fear, but I nodded yes. ‘Even though he was so huge compared to you, you still yelled at him! Part of me wants to scold you for that, and part of me wants to kiss you!” She drew me closer to her mouth, and brushed her lips across my body. Despite the strong flavor of alcohol, it was amazing. She walked to her bedroom, stumbling a little. After putting me in my bed, sleep soon came. I heard her whisper, “I love you, my gallant knight.”, just before I lost consciousness.

In the following weeks, Mom seemed more affectionate. She held me more, and my new TV watching place was between her breasts. One night, I asked her, “Why haven’t you gone on any more dates?” She looked down at me with a smile and said, “You’re the only man I need in my life, baby.”

Three months later, it was my 16th birthday. Waking up, I heard my mom say, “Happy birthday, honey.” She took me into the bathroom for our morning routine, and then set to making breakfast. This time it was a blueberry pancake, my favorite! After finishing, she put me on the coffee table and went back into the kitchen. “It’s one of your birthday surprises”, was her response to my questions. As usual when she left me alone for any period of time, my sword was at my side. A damn good thing too, because crawling up the table’s leg about ten minutes later, was a huge ant! I let out a shout as it skittered towards me, antennae wiggling. As I readied my sword to defend myself, I heard familiar thunder. Soon, my mother towered above the battle scene. With a shout of horror, she slammed her hand down, crushing the intruder.

After cleaning up the remains in a tissue, she turned back to me. Giant tears rained down, splattering around me. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart! I wasn’t thinking about if some bug attacked you while I was gone!” I shook my head. “It’s okay, Mom. You saved me!” With a trembling smile and tears still in her eyes, she picked me up and kissed me. “I’ll never leave you alone in a dangerous situation like that again, my baby.” As we walked into the kitchen, I saw a red velvet cake mix box, as well as a cupcake pan. “I wanted to surprise you, but, I’m making red velvet cupcakes for your birthday!” I grinned. “Thank you so much!”

Later on, a giant cupcake with cream cheese frosting sat before me. I climbed on top of it and began eating. With a giggle, Mom said, “I know it’s your birthday, but, slow down! You don’t wanna get sick.” After I had had my fill, Mom ate the rest of it. “That was delicious!”, I smiled up at her. With a grin and a blush, she replied, “Thank you, sweetie.” She stored the rest of them in a container, and we watched some television, me in my usual viewing spot.

When it was time to go to bed, she picked me up as usual. Her hand was trembling slightly. “Are you okay?” I asked, but, she said nothing. When we entered her bedroom, I looked around in confusion. There were several candles around, giving the room a soft glow. Rose petals were scattered on her bed. “What’s going on, Mom? Do you have another date?” She placed me on her bed, on top of one of the petals. Taking a deep breath, she said, “Yes. Yes, I do.”

I stared up at her, wondering what she meant. As her hands went to her belt and loosened it, I said, “What…?” Her belt was quickly removed and fell to the floor with a clunk. A loud zipping sound echoed, and her jeans fell to her feet. She sat down on the bed, careful to be far enough that I didn’t roll. Removing her jeans from her ankles, she pulled off her white t shirt, with MY EYES ARE UP THERE, BUDDY in black print. She slowly shifted her body, one enormous leg flying over me. Now just in her underwear, I gasped. The crotch of a pair of emerald green silk panties stretched in front of me. A huge hand reached down and grabbed me. I don’t know why I hadn’t noticed before, but, her nail polish matched. Her soft stomach whizzed underneath me, followed by a bra similar in color to her panties. My mouth grew dry, as I saw it strain to contain her mountainous breasts.

As her face filled my view, a look that was a strange combination of fear and desire came over her. “I….I know you haven’t had the same kind of life that other people your age have, and I’m sorry.” My eyes widened, and I shook my head. “No, mom. It’s OK. I’ve had a great life, with you.” Tears began to form in her eyes. “But I still wish you could have had a normal life. Learning how to ride a bike. Going to prom.” She took another deep breath. “You….your first time.” I was confused for a second, until it fell into place. The candles, the petals, her sexy lingerie. “I…”, she gulped. “I know that this isn’t ideal, having you losing your v...virginity to your old mom. But, not only couldn’t any other woman do it because of your having to hide, I just couldn’t stand the idea of another woman doing that.” My jaw dropped. She growled slightly, eyes narrowing. “I imagined this happening with someone else. All I could see is some bitch laughing at your height, saying that you weren’t man enough for her. It made me so angry, I thought ‘It’s better that it happens with someone he truly loves, not some vapid teen whore.’ And, after the incident with that bastard, I could only look at other men and see them as ugly, groping, perverted beasts.” My voice was a whisper. “M...mom?”

“I thought of you, how sweet and gentle you’ve always been. That ant almost killing you today cemented it in my mind. I know it’s wrong, but, I think of you as not just my son, but an amazing, handsome, man.” I said, quietly, “I’ve thought about you in….in that way for two years now. Remember that Victoria’s Secret commercial? How you blocked me seeing it?” A rumbling chuckle echoed from her. “I….I touched myself for the first time that night. And when I c..came, in my bed, your beautiful body towered above me.” A loud gasp flew from her huge mouth.

“Of course, you didn’t notice. How could you? But I’ve thought of you as a gorgeous woman as well as my mother, since then. My mind kept on telling me it was sick and wrong, but, I couldn’t stop.” Tears ran down my face. “I never thought I’d be in love, that you’d feel the same.” She brought me to her lips for a soft kiss. I responded, and had my very first kiss. Like in some cheesy romance movie, we both said, “I love you.” With a wicked smirk Mom said, “Well, it’s about time for someone’s first time, my darling.” I chuckled as she set me on her pillow. Sitting up, she said, “Usually the boy is supposed to take the girls bra off, but, I’ll have to do it.” So saying she undid the hooks on her bra. Being released from its tight compression, it flew across the room. Her panties followed, and I was treated to a view of her humongous ass. Mom turned to the side, and I could see her colossal tits bounce. My manhood bulged in my jeans. She moved forward until her face filled my view. With a look of desire I never thought I’d see on anyone, she purred, “It looks like someone’s happy to see me.”

I removed my clothes, and felt embarrassed. “I know I’m nowhere as big as a normal guy..” She shushed me and said, “The fact that you truly love me means everything in the world, baby. Size doesn’t matter.” She grabbed me, and laying back, placed me between her breasts. “My body is yours to explore, handsome.”, she whispered. I climbed up her left one, holding tight as it jiggled slightly. Getting to her nipple, I bit it and clawed at it roughly. I figured that she needed more stimulation, due to my size. A loud moan echoed, and I heard her cry out, “Yes, sweetie! You make me feel so good!” I moved back down, kissing her soft skin as I went. Moving to her other breast, I repeated the process, with more lusty moans as my reward.

It was like I was intoxicated on the smell of her skin, the softness of it I trailed my way down her belly, kissing as much as I could. “Oh god, sweetheart!”, I heard bellow from behind me. Soon I came to the auburn forest of her crotch. Carefully making my way through, giggles echoed in the air. I crawled through, and found the drop off that was between her thighs. I slowly climbed down, reaching a huge bump that I figured was her clitoris. I rubbed my body against it, and a loud shriek of pleasure thundered in my ears. “Lower, baby, go lower!”, Mom shouted. I continued down, sliding along the lips of her vagina. Her moaning grew to loud screams, as I barely managed to open the lips and enter.

Liquid covered the bottom of the fleshy cavern, and I began to kiss and lick the walls. Everything shook, and my mother let out a yell so loud I could hear it int here, slightly. Her sweet juices began to fill more of the area, and I started to hump the wall. Her moans were loud enough that I could hear them clearly. Her vagina shook more, as she thrust her hips. With a loud grunt, I came against the wall of flesh. A few seconds later I heard, “JIIMMYYYY!”, as a tidal wave rushed past me, throwing me back into the world.

A huge hand picked me up, and I saw the landscape I had just traversed fly under me. I could hear the thunder of her heart as I went past her breasts. Setting me on top of the right one, she sighed, happily. “How was your first time, darling?”

“It was…. It was…. Wow!”, was all I could say. Mom let out a giggle. “I’m glad it was good for you, honey.” She sighed again. “I have never had sex like that, ever before! It was so intimate, you exploring me, your gentle kisses.” I blushed. “I’m so glad I could make you feel good, Mom.” “Oh baby, this is the best I’ve ever felt. Now, let’s go get cleaned up, my sexy lover.”

In the months that followed, it seemed like Mom’s libido increased. She would gently rub her fingers across my body when we watched TV. When she came back from the gym, she always smelled so good. A scent that was hers and hers alone. We’d have sex several times a week, my stamina just barely keeping up with her. We had just finished eating dinner, when a thought I had had in the back of my mind for a few months solidified. She washed the dishes, then came back to get me for an evening of relaxation. The fly of her jeans loomed in front of me, as I said, “Mom, would you sit down, please?” She sat down, and moved her head closer to me. “Anything wrong, sweetie?”, she said.

I shook my head, and took a deep breath. “I know our situation is strange, but, I love you and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I…” I swallowed a lump in my throat. “I know we couldn’t do it the proper way, and I can’t give you a ring. I know we will be together for the rest of our lives. I felt I needed to do this, though. Michelle, would you do me the honor of making me your husband?” Her eyes grew wide and she let out a squeal. “Yes! Oh god, yes! You’ve made me the happiest I’ve ever been in my life!” She gently grabbed me, showering my body with kisses.

A month later, I was standing on the kitchen counter, dressed in a tuxedo. The wedding march played, and Michelle entered the kitchen. She looked beautiful in grandma’s wedding dress. She came up to the counter, and pushed a button on the remote to stop the music. “Michelle, mom, you have spent your life caring for me, making sure I have the best one possible. You have such an amazing heart, a gentle spirit, a beautiful soul. I love you with all that I am.” A bashful grin broke out on her face as she replied, “Jimmy, my son, you’ve grown up into a wonderful, handsome gentleman. The world would think this is wrong, but, I don’t care. You’re the kindest, sweetest man I have ever met. I love you.”

She picked up a ring that was about as big as I was, from the counter. “With this ring, I thee wed.”,I said, feeling very choked up. There was no way to get a ring my size, so she just replied, “I love you, my darling.” She brought me to her lips and we kissed. Her tongue slid out slightly to lick me, and I did the same to her lip. Since there were no bridesmaids, there was no bouquet. Holding me in one hand, she looked down at me with a deep hunger. I knew tonight would be a night I’d never forget!

I sat on my wife’s belly, looking out at the sand. We had decided that the Bahamas would the perfect honeymoon. Carefully stowing me in her carry on luggage, we flew here a week ago. Paying extra for a deserted beach, so that I could be out without worry. Or so we thought.

A deep male voice sounded, “Hey sexy mamma! You look lonely.” A blonde dude that looked like he had more muscle than brains stood above us. If looks could kill, the glare Mom shot him would have killed him on the spot. “I don’t need any company, thank you.” “C’mon. I can make you feel real good”, the idiot leered. Crouching down, he saw me on her stomach. I was so shocked, I didn’t run. “What’s that? Some kinda toy?” He leaned closer, his ugly mug filling my vision. In a voice made of pure ice, Michelle responded, “That is my husband.” The man looked confused and began to laugh. “You must be some kinda crazy!” He grabbed me, pulling me up to his face. “This is a really life like toy.”, he marveled. He grabbed my arm, and I screamed in pain. “You let him go, now, fuckhead!”, Mom snarled. Standing up, she slapped him in the face. As he stumbled, she punched him in the jaw, and he fell like a tree.

I fell from his hand after she slapped him, bouncing off her shoulder. As she leaned forward to punch him, I slid down her back, into the dark crevasse of her butt crack. I felt her voice vibrate her giant cheeks. “Baby? Where are you?” I pawed at the flesh in front of me, which generated an “ow!” There was a gasp, and I saw a bit more light. Huge fingers grabbed me, and I was pulled out of the darkness. Mom’s horrified gaze swept over me. “Are you okay, love?” I nodded, saying, “I’m just glad you didn’t have anything spicy for lunch!” We both laughed, and then headed toward the hotel. The concierge was going to get an earful, that was for sure. It wasn’t a normal life, with my mom as my wife, but, it was mine. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Chapter End Notes:

I know incest is a touchy subject.  I hope people liked this, though.

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