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He used to have it all. Nice car. Fancy place. And a different girl in bed every weekend. At 26, he was truly living the perfect bachelor life. This was until that damn virus ravaged the world. Technically, all the other than the girls were still in his life, they just weren’t his. No, that had changed weeks prior with a small tickle in the back of his throat…

Reports from earlier that summer had surfaced that a mysterious disease appeared to be infecting those with dominant Caucasian genes. He wasn’t worried, he had the best insurance money could buy. As he had told his friends, he was sure “the eggheads” would have a cure by Fourth of July. But Fourth of July came and went. With it, went many of his friends. First Joey disappeared, then Chris, Bryson, and Justin…he followed soon after.

August 5th, how could he forget the date. A Tuesday. He woke up with a small fever, but he would soon learn that was the least of his worries. He remembered waking up in his king size bed in his apartment on the 30th floor of his building overlooking Grant Park. The soft hum of his maid vacuuming could be heard outside his bedroom door. She came every other day. He was thankful she was there today; he could ask her to run down to the corner store for some Robitussin.  

Lakmini hummed softly to herself as she vacuumed. Her day of chores was just beginning. She had arrived in America from Sri Lanka just two years prior at age 20 with her mother and two sisters. She had landed a job with a large maid service and worked for numerous clients around Chicago. Many, like Mr. Bartlett, were close to her age, but she was astonished by their wealth. She hoped that one day she could live like them.  

Alex Bartlett remained in his bed as he struggled to get-up. The fever alone was fierce enough, but something else seemed off, he just couldn’t tell what it was.  

“LAKMINI!” He attempted to shout, but his voice came out a hoarse croak.

“LAKMINI!” He attempted to more, but again his throat betrayed him.

Alex cursed softly to himself and then forced himself out of bed. This is when he noticed the difference. His usual bedtime outfit of a white tee and boxer-briefs seemed slightly looser and he seemed to make a bit more effort to reach the floor.

“Man. This fever is certainly something.” He thought to himself.  

Alex placed his bare feet on the ground and then stood up. He was used to towering over things at his usual 6foot 3inch height, but he wasn’t towering as much anymore. His bedroom seemed to give him a different perspective.

He shook his head “Probably just dehydrated.” He thought aloud. He stooped down to pick up a pair of sweatpants from the floor and placed his left leg in and then his right. Slowly, he hiked up his pants, their loose fit surprised him.

“I must be really dehydrated…” he attempted to assuage the thoughts which bubbled in his mind.

Alex made his way to his door and slowly opened it. He saw Lakmini focused on the floor as she neared the end of vacuuming. As different as he felt, she seemed normal. He hair was tied into a ponytail – per her company’s dress code – and the blue scrubs she wore hung loosely on her skinny body. The Maid Service “House Call” liked to ham up the medical puns. In a weird way, he found her kind of cute. Alex knew she was only 5foot 4inches and she didn’t look any larger from this distance.

“Lakmini!” He attempted to yell once more and waved to try to get her attention.

Lakmini saw movement from the corner of her eye and lifted her head. Mr.Bartlett waved to her from his bedroom across the apartment’s living room. She turned off the vacuum and waved back.

“Hello, Mister Alex, sir!” She addressed her employer in her accented English. She looked at him and smiled, but something stuck out. She watched as he stepped toward her. She remembered when she was first assigned to him 6 months earlier. How handsome she found him, he seemed like somebody from an American reality show. Tall and fit with no imperfections. His brown hair was thick and he had an infectious smile. He seemed nice enough, but always seemed to talk down to her.

As Alex stepped toward his maid, he and she both could soon see that something was tremendously wrong.  

Whereas he used to tower over her, Alex soon realized that he had to crane his neck ever-so-slightly to look into her eyes.  

Lakmini struggled to maintain her professional composure as Alex neared. Where she was used to looking up to him to talk, he now appeared to be a few inches shorter than herself.

Alex now stood a foot from his maid and looked up at her.

“Lakmini. Thank God.” He croaked. “I-I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m so happy you’re here. I think I may have gotten that cold going around.”

Lakmini looked down at Alex as he spoke, her head felt light, but she maintained her ground as he spoke up to her. Her mind thought back to the news bulletin weeks prior warning of some strange new virus…

“…I need you to go down to the store and grab me some Robitussin, Tylenol, ibuprofen. Zinc. Anything that looks good…” Alex continued to speak up to Lakmini who listened intently.  

She nodded as she took in his words. “Okay, Mister Alex, sir. I will get you this medicine.”  

“Wonderful. My wallet is on the kitchen counter.” He directed, “And don’t buy anything unnecessary…” He added.

Lakmini nodded and ran through the kitchen grabbing Alex’s wallet from the counter. She quickly made her way to ground level and stepped inside. As she perused the aisles for Alex’s requested items, she noticed something. The sidewalks and the store had a lot less white people than she was used to seeing in Chicago… She brushed it off as she gathered the assorted items and stood in line to check out.

“Sorry about the wait y’all.” A black woman from behind the counter addressed the line. “A few of our employees came down with a cold, so we’re understaffed…”  

After 25 minutes, Lakmini was on her way back up to Alex’s apartment. As she stepped through the door, she was met by Alex pacing nervously around the floor.

“Lakmini! That took you long enough.” Alex scolded as he snatched bag from her hand.

Lakmini stepped back in offense.

“Mister Alex, I did as you asked. Please do not scold me.” Lakmini bit her lip.

Alex ignored Lakmini and pulled the Robitussin from the bag. “Enough of this and I’ll be good to go in no time.” He ripped off the plastic securing the cap and opened it. With two large gulps, he downed the desired amount of the cherry flavoured liquid and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

“I’m going to back to bed.” He handed Lakmini the still open bottle, placed the bag on the floor,  and walked off.

Lakmini looked at the mess made by Alex and groaned to herself. Regardless, she continued with her tasks.

Asleep once more in his bed, Alex tossed and turned; his dreams were nightmares of him being some sort of insect being chased by Lakmini … He jolted awake. His body covered in even more sweat, he swung off his bed again. The familiar feeling from this morning had returned. And his clothes seemed even looser.

He slowly opened the door of his bedroom. His once large feet now padded softly on the carpet. He could hear foreign voices as he walked down the hall to his living room. He peeked from around the corner to witness Lakmini sitting on the sofa as a Sri Lankan soap opera played on the TV, she was so engrossed by the drama on the TV that she didn’t even notice him stepping toward her.

A commercial break came and Alex coughed to get Lakmini’s attention.

Startled, Lakmini jumped from the sofa.

“Oh. Mister Alex, sir. I’m so sorry. I had finished my duties and I wanted to make sure you were okay….” She attempted to explain.

Alex stepped forward, “It’s okay. Actually, I’m glad you’re still here. I…” he paused, “…I don’t think I’m going to get any better. I may need you around more to help me with things…”

Lakmini stared down at Alex who seemed a couple inches shorter from this morning.  

“What are you asking?” She raised an eyebrow.

“Um. Do you think you could, maybe stay here until I get better or maybe some sort of cure is made?” Alex asked sheepishly.

Lakmini felt sorry for Alex, but then remembered his attitude he was when he thought things would get better.

“I did not appreciate how rude you were to me earlier. I do not like being yelled at.” She placed her hands on her hips to emphasize her point.

Alex felt embarrassed as he was chastised by the woman, he stared at her feet. Bare after being slipped from her white tennis shoes.

“I know. I’m sorry. I promise it won’t happen again.” Alex looked up into her eyes.

Lakimi, however, was not through, “And beside. I have many other clients and my mother and sisters need me home and…”

Alex raised his hand, “May I speak?” he asked in an attempt to pause Lakmini’s tirade.

“However much the company is paying you, I’ll double. And your family…if this lasts longer than anticipated, I have plenty of rooms here…” Alex motioned around his 5 bedroom apartment.

Staring down at the man who begged for her assistance, Lakmini tapped her right foot in thought.

“$1,000 a week for me to stay and we discuss my family if you are not better in a week?” She put her terms out.

Alex paused and thought about the terms, he had plenty of savings and still had his trust fund to live off. And having her family around may help keep things cleaner. He stuck out his hand…

“Deal.” He said

“Deal.” Lakmini replied and took Alex’s smaller hand in her own.

“I will sleep here tonight.” Lakmini stated in no uncertain terms. “Come to me in the morning.” She then shooed him off and returned to her show.

Alex trekked back to his room and then paused. He tried to process what just occurred, but was too tired from that days events. His bed accepted him once more.

The next morning, Alex awoke feeling much better. He realized he was still the same size from the prior night, but no smaller. He giddly rose from the bed and stepped out to the living room.

“Lakmini!” He shouted

“In here!” came her reply from the kitchen.

Alex walked to the kitchen as a spicey flavorful smell filled the air.  

“Oh that smells great. What’re you making?” he asked.

“Aappa.” Lakmini replied, “I went to the store first thing as your kitchen was bare.” I have your wallet with me.

Alex disapproved, but brushed it aside.

“So. Good news. I may not need you around as much as I thought.” He spoke happily.

Lakmini paused and turned to face Alex. She looked down at him. He did look to be about the same height – maybe 4foot 9inches, but certainly no smaller.

“Oh?” She asked and stepped toward Alex so that he stood in her shadow.

Alex felt slightly intimidated, “Ye, uh..you see I’m not any smaller?”

“But.” Lakmini smiled, “You are still small.” She ruffled his hair with her right hand, “Take a seat Mister Alex and I will have breakfast for you.”

This seemed to put a stop to any conversation of him backing out of their deal.

Like a child, Alex sat at the marble table and waited patiently for Lakmini to serve him the Aappa she made.

“I hope you like it. It’s very famous in Sri Lanka.” Lakmini exclaimed happily and sat down to enjoy her own breakfast.

Alex took a forkful of the Curry covered egg and thin dough. He carefully placed into his mouth and chewed.  

Lakmini watched carefully as Alex’s face lit up.

“Dis ish delishus.” He spoke with a full mouth which earned laughted.

“I am very glad you like it!” Lakmini smiled, “I will only charge you $200 extra a week to continue feeding you.” She smirked.

Alex’s heart dropped. He choked down the mouthful of food and then attempted to protest.

“Lakmini, look. I don’t really think that’s nec-“  

“When you get smaller, it will be much smaller for you to eat..” She cut him off.

Alex sighed. “Fine. $1,200 a week now.”  

Lakmini smiled, “Very good. Now finish your food. Busy day ahead.”

“What do you mean?” Alex asked.

“I must go shopping. I need new clothes. I cannot wear these all the time.” Lakmini motioned to her scrubs.

“Can’t you go home and get some?” Alex asked slightly angry.

Lakmini shook her head, “1 hour Metro ride one way. If I am gone too long you may shrink more and I may come back and step on you…” Lakmini teased.

Alex felt his hear trace increase at the thought, “O-ok. We can go shopping to get you new clothes.”  

“No. I will go shopping. You will stay here and clean up the mess from breakfast and make the beds. It is too dangerous for you to go out.” Lakmini stopped Alex.

“But you’re barely any larger than me.” He protested.

“But I am not shrinking.” She retorted.

“Neither am I! Well, at least not that I think…” Alex’s voice trailed off.

“Do you want to take that chance in public?” She emphasized.

“No…” Alex answered truthfully.

And so, after a crash course from Lakmini, Alex was left to do the duties he thought he was paying her for.

As he stood on top of a small stepping stool to reach the sink and scrubbed the pan which Lakmini had used to make the Aappas, Alex felt dizzy.  

“Oh crap.” Was all he could muster before darkness enveloped him.

He awoke to Lakmini standing over him.

“Mister Alex. Are you okay?” She asked with concern, but seemed to wear a happy smile.

“W-what happened?” He asked groggily.

“It is very good that you did not come with me.” She replied and extended her hand.

“D-did it happen again?” He asked fearfully.

Lakmini simply nodded with a large smirk.

Taking her hand, Alex stood up, but then gulped. He was completely covered by his shirt as his underwear and pants slid off his body.

Lakmini stood triumphantly above him as his head reached around her stomach.

Alex looked down to her bare feet and then up to her smiling face as he realized just how much she towered over him now.  

“Mister Alex, you are so small now. Maybe I should get a leash so I do not lose you?” She teased

Alex shuddered at the thought of being treated like some sort of dog.  

The height difference was not lost on Lakmini. She thought about how intimidated she usually felt being around Alex and others like him, but now it felt good to be able to look down on him. This man who was born into good life. How maybe this was the universe giving herself and others in her position a chance to live the best life themselves.

“I prepared for this.” She spoke proudly and then walked to a mass of shopping bags.

Alex groaned as Lakmini returned with a smile. In her hands she held a child-size doctor play set. A small pair of Scrubs lay within.

“Put this on.” She stated.

“Lakmini. I think maybe it’s time that we –“ Alex stepped back.

She stamped a foot, “Put on!” She ordered as she towered over Alex.

Lakmini stood with her arms crossed in front of the bathroom where Alex had sequestered himself to change. He soon emerged donned in scrubs. He looked defeated.

“Why am I wearing this?” He asked upward to his maid.

“So your clothes do not get dirty when doing tasks.” Lakmini replied matter-of-factly.

“And what did you buy for yourself? What about your tasks that I pay you for?” Alex asked angrily.

“Many good things. New pair of blue jeans and nice tshirt.” Lakmini waved her hands over her body proudly. “You are paying me to take care of you. No longer for tasks.” She answered his second question.

“That’s bullshit!” Alex stepped toward the larger girl.

Lakmini pushed him back forcefully into the wall.

“Do not be rude again, Mister Alex.” She warned, but he did not relent and rushed her again.  

With one quick motion, she kicked his legs out from under him.

Alex landed on his back, but tried to get up once again. He was stopped as a heavy weight landed on his chest.

Lakmini stood with her right foot on Alex’s torso. He struggled to get free, but it was no use as she increased the pressure.

“I saw many small white people today. It was terrifying seeing so many sick people. Many were begging for help, but being ignored. You are in a lucky position.” Lakimini philosophized with Alex under heel. She then removed her foot and walked off.

Shaken, Alex remained on the floor for the next few minutes, until Lakmini called his name.

“Mister Alex, please to come to the living room.” Lakmini called.

Alex rose slowly and then trudged into the living room where Lakmini sat at his computer desk.

Alex stood before Lakmini who remained seated on an office chair in front of the desk.

“I spoke with a lawyer. After seeing today, I think it is very important we secure your assets. It is very dangerous for you and its is important that you have somebody you trust.” Lakmini spoke down to him.“This virus is dangerous for your kind, so it will be good to have protection.”

“What do you mean?” He asked.

“Come.” She beckoned him toward the computer screen and pointed. “This video was taken by my cousins at a resort population with many foreigners, especially anglos…” Lakmini pointed to the video and pressed play.

They both watched in horror as white bodies mere inches tall were surrounded and stepped on by Sri Lankans. The camera zoomed into to a tiny redhead having her face grabbed and shoved between the bare toes of Sri Lankan woman. He tiny screams imperceptible though her body thrashed.

Alex was speechless.

“I do not think you will be getting better.” Lakmini spoke to Alex who looked down at the floor. “If you are to be this size, I want to protect you from the world, but you must show your worth.”

“And if I don’t’?” He asked.

“Then I will see how much you a worth on the market.” Lakmini replied. “I like you Mister Alex, but I must do things to make my family proud first. To be able to give them such a good life…” Lakmini trailed off.

To emphasize the danger Alex was in, Lakmini found another video. This time somewhere in Brazil.

A small white tourist about Alex’s size ran from a gang of girls. His clothes stripped off. Unfortunately he was eventually caught and one of the girls flattened him with her ass…

“What do I need to do?” Alex asked.

Lakmini smiled broadley and switched tabs…

3 days later, Alex and Lakmini had settled into their new lives. Alex had continued to fall in height, now only standing near 2feet tall, but Lakmini adapted what she expected from him.

Her sisters and mother were set to move in a couple of days and Lakmini had him busy changing linens and decorations accordingly.

What once was the lair of a rich bachelor was replaced by Sri Lankan art and decorations as Lakmini enjoyed her newly acquired wealth.

Alex was addressing Lakmini as Miss Lakmini while she simply called him Alex. As if to enforce what would happen to him if he displeased her, she had acquired some tiny whites from black markets. They stood mere inches tall. Lakmini constantly had them doing degrading tasks.

“Your tea, Miss.” Alex walked into his gym room dressed in a small polo shirt and slacks. He nearly gagged at the sight which awaited him.  

On the balcony, Lakmini lay covered in sweat on a lounge chair. She snapped to Alex to direct him toward her. Her bare feet aired out four small white people licked the sweat from her body. Alex watched in horror as an emaciated man worked between her toes.

Lakmini was on a video call with a friend in London. She turned the camera to Alex who waved shyly and earned a laugh from the woman on the screen. She turned her camera in return to a woman slightly larger than Alex on her hands and knees in a French-maid outfit scrubbing tiled floors.

Lakmini took her tea and waved Alex off as she and her friend continued their conversation

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