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Story Notes:

In a not-so-distant past there existed a peculiar kingdom that was surrounded by colossal walls. Standing tall and impenetrable, these walls encapsulated the kingdom's inhabitants, creating a realm like no other. At the heart of this kingdom stood an awe-inspiring castle, which served as the residence of the noble King and Queen. Within the castle's grand halls, an intriguing secret lay hidden. Nobody from the outside world was ever let in unless they were close friends with the King and Queen. This Kingdom was considered a sovereign state and secluded itself from the rest of the outside world.

The rulers of this kingdom, the King and Queen, along with their courtesans and courtiers, were of normal size, towering over the landscape. However, the majority of the kingdom's populace lived a drastically different existence. The remaining inhabitants, the peasants, were a mere three inches tall.

These diminutive peasants resided within the kingdom's walls, leading a challenging life amidst the towering giants. They toiled day and night, diligently tending to their miniature farmlands and raising miniature livestock. Their purpose was twofold: not only did they ensure their own survival, but they also catered to the needs of the King and Queen and the entire royal court.

Within the sprawling castle, the King and Queen reveled in the luxury befitting their status. They feasted on sumptuous banquets prepared by the miniature peasants, their tables adorned with minuscule yet delectable delicacies. The tiny farmers cultivated miniature crops, tended to gardens within the castle walls, and even bred miniature animals to provide for the royals.

Despite their small stature, the peasants possessed remarkable resilience and determination. They formed close-knit communities, supporting one another in their daily struggles. The kingdom's walls not only protected them from the outside world but also became their sanctuary, fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie.

Generations had passed since the kingdom's formation, and the tradition of small-sized peasants serving the ruling class had become deeply entrenched. However, among the tiny populace, there were those who yearned for something more—individuals who dared to dream beyond their confined existence.

One such dreamer was Henry, a young peasant with a heart full of curiosity and a spirit burning with adventure. While Henry dutifully fulfilled his responsibilities, a hunger for exploration and discovery consumed him. He marveled at the towering castle and wondered about the lands beyond the walls. Deep within him, a longing for freedom and equality grew stronger each day.

Driven by his desire for equality, Henry embarked on a mission to bring change to his kingdom. He rallied his fellow peasants, inspiring them with tales of a life with everyone being equal. United by a shared vision, they started organizing secret meetings and discussing their aspirations for a more equitable future.

Word of the peasant uprising reached the ears of the King and Queen. Initially dismissing it as mere murmurs, they soon realized the magnitude of the discontent. The monarchs, intrigued by the courage and determination of the peasants, decided to hear their grievances.

Henry, chosen as the voice of his people, presented their plea before the King and Queen. As Henry stood before the towering figures of the King and Queen, his voice trembled with determination. He spoke of the struggles and aspirations of the peasant community, emphasizing the need for fairness and opportunity. But to his dismay, the King and Queen remained unmoved by his impassioned words.

The ruling couple, firmly entrenched in their power, saw no reason to relinquish their control over the tiny peasants. They firmly told him that there is no need for change, things are great the way they are. They also reinforced the fact that they believed their size defined their worth and that their duty was to serve the monarchy unquestioningly.

Crushed by the monarchs' decision, Henry returned to his community with a heavy heart. Henry, weary and disheartened, found himself on the brink of despair. The once-flickering flame of hope within him had dwindled to a mere ember. The divide between the two groups had only widened, fueling animosity and breeding contempt. And now, a new chapter of injustice was about to unfold.

The King and Queen, suspicious of the rebelling tiny peasants, sought to quell any further uprisings. Their solution was a cunning one—creating a select group of loyalists who would be granted a special potion, this potion elevated them to a size of six inches. These newfound giants, all peasant women, were given the responsibility of maintaining control over their smaller counterparts.

Henry watched with a heavy heart as the six-inch peasants took up their newfound roles. At first, it seemed as though they would bridge the gap between the two size groups and foster understanding. However, the allure of power quickly corrupted them.

With their increased size and the authority bestowed upon them by the King and Queen, the larger peasants exploited their position to the fullest. They reveled in the privileges afforded to them, relishing in the power dynamics that now dominated the kingdom. Instead of fostering unity, they further perpetuated the divide, becoming the oppressors of their own people.

These newfound enforcers, drunk on authority, began to impose harsh rules and regulations upon the tiny peasants. They forced them to work longer hours, extracting every ounce of labor from them to fulfill the demands of the ruling class. The tiny peasants were subjected to greater scrutiny and harsher punishments for even the slightest infractions.

The larger peasants, once fellow comrades of the oppressed, now reveled in their elevated status, looking down upon their smaller counterparts with disdain. They savored the suffering they inflicted, taunting and belittling the tiny peasants, reminding them of their inferiority at every turn.

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