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Melanie jumped into bed with a sigh of relief, rolled onto her back, and spread her arms in satisfaction as the bedsprings squeaked beneath her. “Ah~.” After a long day of college work, it felt good to be home again. 

After a few minutes of lying there staring at the ceiling and relaxing, she finally remembered what she’d been meaning to try all day. Rummaging in her handbag, she pulled out her cell–the latest yPhone X–and swiped to the app she’d downloaded this morning: Universapp. 

For a moment or two, Melanie simply wiggled her finger over the icon. All her friends had recommended it, but it couldn’t actually be as fun as they’d made it sound. …Could it?

With a shrug, she tapped it. Only one way to find out…

As the app finished loading, a menu sprang into sight. It had three choices:




She tapped the first, and the menu became a sprawling list of variables. As she scrolled down, Melanie’s eyes opened wide. There were so many! She didn’t even understand half of them. Lorentz Covariance? Gravitational Constant? Weak vs Strong Force Ratio? What did that even mean? 

She was about to toss her phone away with a groan when a little textbox popped up. “First time?” it asked. “Don’t worry! Try one of our recommended presets!” It pointed her to a row of icons at the top of the list. ‘Standard, Population: Average, ‘Standard, Population: Max’, ‘Extreme, Population: Average’, and so on. 

Hmming, she picked ‘Standard, Population: Max’ and tapped it. At once, all the variables changed. 

Scrolling back down the list, Melanie struggled to figure out what she’d done. Almost all the options were now set to standard or average values, with the exceptions being ones like ‘Goldilocks Zone Size’ and ‘Inhabited Planets’, which had all been set to max. 

Frowning, she scrolled to the very bottom of the list, where a big red button read ‘GENERATE UNIVERSE’.

She tapped it. 

The screen flashed. As the light faded, Melanie found herself looking at a growing swirl of cosmic gases. Swirling like a cosmic whirlwind, it swiftly condensed into stars and planets and moons. (She supposed Universapp’s makers couldn’t really expect anyone to wait for billions of years.) Slowly, the loading bar at the bottom of the screen filled. 

Finally, as the maelstrom of gases finished settling into a normal group of galaxies, the loading barred reached 100%. The app automatically picked one of the newly-made spirals and zoomed in on it, though Melanie found she could swipe to any of the others too. There was no end to them–she could scroll as far as she liked. 

Returning to the first galaxy she’d seen, Melanie spread her fingers to zoom in. Stars flew past the screen as she grew closer and closer, until at last she found herself looking at what could only be a star system. The app automatically picked out the planets and highlighted them for her. There were 13 in total, each with their own moons. 

Studying them, Melanie realized what she’d done by picking ‘Standard, Population: Max’:

Every one of the planets in the system looked like Earth. None were identical–some even had major differences like rings or lots of moons–but every single one of them was clearly inhabited. 

Zooming out, she checked the new system over and found the same was true of it too. She’d generated a universe where every single planet was full of people. 

Curious, she tapped one. The app produced a little infobox. ‘Gadalpha, Class-M, Pop: 4,567,751,267, Civilizational Level: Information Age.’ Even as she watched, the population count ticked steadily upward. She guessed the app was running in real time now.

At the bottom of the infobox was an Actions Menu. Selecting it, Melanie scrolled through her choices…

Her eyes went wide. There were so many choices! She could build things, conjure resources, cure diseases. She could even increase the fertility rate. 

Or, she could take a darker route. The app offered her an almost endless list of ways to cause destruction. She could summon natural disasters, launch meteors, and even blow the planet up outright. 

Closing the menu for the moment, she zoomed in even closer and found herself staring at a city that might have been New York. There were little differences, like the architectural flourishes and the letters on its signs, but Melanie was stunned at how similar they were. 

The city’s name was ‘Ophyra’, the app informed her. It was the de facto capital of the ‘Ungolon Union’, itself the planet Gadalpha’s sole superpower. It had a population of 5,543,125 and counting. 

Like the planet as a whole, Ophyra had an Action Menu. Scrolling through it, Melanie found she could reduce crime, deal with pollution, or just raze the entire thing to the ground. The list of options was almost endless. 

Watching the people flitting through the city streets below like ants in a farm, Melanie wondered if she could zoom in any further. 

As it happened, she could. Pinching the screen and spreading, she found she could zoom all the way up to an individual of her choice and get a full infobox with all of their details. 

“Wow,” she said, flicking curiously through several. “This app is really detailed.” 

After a few minutes of watching a park full of happy people playing, Melanie decided she’d had enough of Ophyra. Scrolling allll the way back out, she looked down on the planet and picked its Action Menu again, working her way down through all the options till she came to the very end. 

‘Delete Planet’. Curious, Melanie tapped it. 

Just like that, the planet Gadalpha vanished, wiped clean out of existence like a sum off a whiteboard. There was no confirmation button–no chance for her to change her mind–one moment the planet was there, and the next it simply wasn’t. 

As she stared at the empty spot where Gadalpha had been sitting, Melanie found her heart pounding in her chest and a fire burning in her sex. Absently, she slipped her fingers up her skirt. Holy fuck. Holy fuck. She hadn’t expected it to be that much fun. 

A thin smile on her lips, she swiped her way over to the next nearest planet. This one was called ‘Reghulor’. ‘Class-M, Population: 5,212,865,123, Civilisational Level: Information Age.’ It looked like Gadalpha’s identical twin.

This time, she didn’t bother to zoom in. Instead, she went straight to the Action Menu and scrolled down in search of the most entertaining option. 

Let’s see, she thought, thumbing her way through the list. There were so many fun choices. She could freeze the planet in an eternal winter, set its atmosphere on fire, turn all its water into acid. Or there were the slightly weirder options, like infecting it with self-replicating nanobots or dropping an all-consuming alien blob on one of its population centers. 

Then there were the really weird options, like flattening it into a disc or squeezing it into a cube. There was even an option to print the planet, though it was grayed out. When Melanie clicked it, the app informed her it required a special printer. 

 Scrolling back up to the top of the list, she found an option she hadn’t noticed before: ‘Communicate’.

“Communicate?” said Melanie. Curious, she tapped it. “Hello?”

Nothing happened. With a frown, Melanie zoomed in on a city and found its people looking around in confusion, as if someone had tapped them all on the shoulders before disappearing. 

“Hello?” repeated Melanie. 

As one, the people below jumped. 

Melanie experienced a sudden thrill. Oh, so that was what it meant by Communicate. She laughed, earning another jolt of panic from her audience. What should she say?

“Hey, everyone! Can you all hear me? My name’s Melanie, and I’m going to be your new goddess, okay? That means you have to do everything I say, or… I’ll delete your planet or something.”

A wave of confusion washed over the people beneath her. Some turned to each other, talking rapidly, while others fled the scene as if there were anywhere they’d be safe. A few even shouted at the sky, making the small assumption she could hear them (or cared to listen). 

Swiping her way over to the next nearest city, Melanie found the situation the same there. Good, they can all hear me then. Now, how shall I prove my divinity? She smirked. “Hey, so, just to make it clear I’m not joking, I’m gonna cause a little earthquake, okay? Hold on tight!”

Zooming back out, she selected Reghulor as a whole and chose the weakest earthquake option she could find. Zooming back in, she laughed in delight to find people falling to their knees or clasping things for support. 

As the earthquake faded, Melanie spoke up again. “Get the picture? You guys have to do everything I say, or next time I’ll do something even worse~.”

At once, her captive audience broke into utter terror. People ran screaming or dropped to their knees and prayed. Watching them, Melanie screwed up her eyes and slipped her fingers between her legs. God, now she knew why all her friends loved this app. 

As she masturbated with one hand, she raised her phone to her mouth with her other. “Okay, everyone! I want you to raise your arms and shout: Melanie is the greatest! And if anyone doesn’t I’ll crash the moon into you or something.” She laughed. “On the count of three. One… two… three!”

Thumbing from city to city, she watched as people raised their arms to the sky and cried out her name. “Melanie is the greatest! Melanie is the greatest!” Screwing up her eyes, she tickled her clit a little harder. 

Not everyone was willing to obey her commands though. Each time Melanie flicked to a different scene, she found at least one person who’d refused. In some cases, the situation resolved itself: the other people around them, fearful of her wrath, would make them obey. But not everyone had someone to force them. 

“Oooh, nice cheering, guys. But I’m afraid that some of you didn’t get into the spirit of it. Too bad–that means it’s punishment time! Let’s see, what should I…?”

As her subjects broke into utter panic, Melanie zoomed out and selected Reghulor’s menu again. “Hmm… Oooh! This looks fun! Let’s see…” Most of the people who’d refused to obey her were young men, sooo. “Transform… Males, Age 18-24… Candy~.” Licking her upper lips, Melanie slipped her fingers even deeper inside her lower ones. Tap!

She watched with a delighted grin as every male aged 18-24 on the planet vanished in a puff of smoke. When it cleared, all that remained were little candies of every variety imaginable, from lollipops to boiled sweets to caramel chocolates. Nothing suggested they’d ever been human. 

Melanie watched with a smirk as friends and family members alike burst into paroxysms of grief, wailing at the sky for her to turn their sons and boyfriends back. She simply laughed. 

“Maybe next time your guys’ll be more obedient. Hey, speaking of… My next command is to enjoy all the delicious candy I’ve given you! And if even a single piece is left, I’ll blow up your entire world” She laughed as her subjects wailed in horror.  

Zooming out and leaving the inhabitants of Reghulor to languish in their misery, Melanie fell back with a sigh of cruel delight. Ah~, she thought, fingering her pussy. I wonder what other fun stuff you can do with this app?


Leaving Reghulor behind, Melanie zoomed out and selected a neighboring star system. It had its own Action Menu with an assortment of fun options, which ranged from making the star go supernova to turning it into a supermassive black hole to deleting it entirely. 

There was almost a system-level Communicate option. This was the first thing Melanie selected. 

“Hey, everyone! I’m your new goddess, Melanie! Yep, that’s right! You all have a goddess now, so you better get to worshiping me!” Zooming in around the system, she found its inhabitants more confused than anything. Time for a demonstration. “So, I know that, like you might not believe me and everything, so I’m going to show you all a little display of my power.” 

Zooming back out to the system, Melanie selected its star and found the option to change its color. In a single tap, she changed it bright white to obnoxious, neon pink. “Ta-da! Now do you believe me?” 

She barely even had to zoom in to hear the screams radiating from the system’s planets. People were acting as though it were the apocalypse. Jeez, all she’d done was change the color of the sun. 

“Hey,” she said, “all your screaming is really getting on my nerves. Why don’t you guys calm down before I shut you up myself?”

If anything, this only made the screaming that much worse. 

With a sign, she zoomed back out, selected the system and picked the Adjust Planets’ Gravity option. Flicking it to x2, she watched with a laugh as her new subjects found themselves struggling to move. 

Of course, doubling the gravity of every planet in the system had some side effects. Melanie laughed as tall buildings collapsed and planes crashed as they failed to make it off the runway. 

“Oops, sorry, about that,” she said, hovering her finger over the slider. “Let me set it to something more reasonable. With a smirk, she flicked the slider all the way to the end: x100…

…And laughed as she flattened everything in the system. 

“Oops, I guess I got a little carried about there. You guys can’t exactly worship me as meat paste, can you? Oh well, there are plenty of other planets for me to play with.”


Melanie spent the next couple of hours flicking from one world to the next, testing out options at every level from city up to system. She razed cities, blew up worlds, turned stars to black holes, and sicced swarms of alien locusts on entire stellar systems. 

Each world she visited, she made sure to speak up once, introducing herself and commanding its inhabitants to worship her. Most of the time she only kept her new followers for only a handful of minutes before deciding to turn everything on their planet into diamond or whatever. But a few worlds were so quick and so eager to worship her that she couldn’t bring herself to destroy them. 

One of these worlds, Lamiadia, seemed to be desperate for a goddess. The second she showed up, its people dropped everything they were doing to throw their hands up in prayer. As a reward, she blessed them all with perfect health and left them with instructions to build lots and lots of big temples for her. 

Another world, Oreola, seemed like Lamiadia at first. When she arrived, its people practically threw her a party, but it didn’t take long for cracks to show in the facade. While half of the planet’s population loved her, the other half couldn’t hate her more, and they were prepared to fight to keep their independence. 

Annoyed, she’d turned them all into stone and instructed the planet’s more loyal inhabitants to use them to build temples. This done, she’d flicked on to the next world without a thought. 

The planet in question, Phantaen, turned out to be another recalcitrant one. She barely had to make a request before its population started rioting. Annoyed, she drew up the Action Menu. 

But as she went to smash the disobedient world into rubble, Melanie noticed an interesting option on the list...



Kalian had just arrived at his office block when the bright light appeared in the sky. Pausing mid-step, he ran to the nearest window and found a strangely-dressed woman floating in the air.

“Woah, this is kinda weird,” said the woman. She flipped, in stark defiance of gravity. It looked as if she were supported by a crane. “Ah! I shouldn’t have looked down!”

Kalian gasped. Though the woman must be half a kilometer in the air, he could hear her speak as if she were right next to him. 

“Hmm,” she said, coming to a stop upside down. “Let’s see… what else can I do like this?”

The woman flashed and became a web of lights threaded across the sky. The air screamed as she flew, breaking the sound barrier instantly. Kalian threw himself to the ground as the window before him smashed. 

A second later, she slammed to a stop again. “Okay, that was kinda fun, but it’s not really what I’m here for. Isn’t there a–? Ah! There it is…”

As Kalian watched in horror, the woman glowed again. This time, instead of flying at Mach 20, she started to stretch instead. He stared as she swelled into a giant half a kilometer or more in height, her enormous figure standing higher than even the city’s tallest skyscrapers. 

“Perfect,” said the giantess, seizing a nearby building. Tightening her grip, she snapped it like a stick. Kalian could only moan as it collapsed in a shower of debris. 

Laughing at the sight, the giantess turned to a shorter, squatter office block, and pressed her hands into its ceiling. With a hideous crash, it cracked and collapsed into a pile of ruined concrete and girders. 

The woman sighed. “What flimsy buildings. Doesn’t anyone on this planet know how to build properly? Marching over to a nearby row of flats, she raised a foot and kicked right through them, demolishing half with the initial impact and the remaining half with shrapnel. 

“Oh, hey! People!” She raised a foot. 

As the sound of stomping shook his office, Kalian collapsed and sat there trembling. What was going on? Who was this? Why was she–?

A giant eye filled the shattered window. Kalian squealed and wet himself instantly. 

“Oh hey, there are people in here too,” said the giantess, drawing back with a smirk. “How’d you like the look of me, little guy? You look like the kinda guy who’d just looove a big girl to sit on you. Am I right? I bet you’d like to get real close to my ass, wouldn’t you, subby?” She laughed. “Well, don’t worry. I’ll grant your wish.”

Standing, the giantess turned and dropped her skirt and her panties, baring the full moon of her prodigious rear. “Get ready!” she said, looking over her shoulder. “On the count of three. One… two… Three!”

Kalian screamed as her butt dropped towards him. 

Lor Drendleshar smiled and waved at a fellow teacher as he made his way to the school gate. Leaving the playground behind, he whistled as he strolled through the streets of the city, briefcase swinging at his side. He’d just finished a long day of teaching, and though it was hard work, he could only say he enjoyed it. There was something to unlocking people’s potential that nothing else could compare to. 

As Lor came to the end of the street, something screeched in his ear. Pausing, he poked it to see if it would stop. It didn’t–in fact, the sound simply grew louder, like a microphone feedback loop till at last it became–

“Hey!” cried a high-pitched, girlish voice. “Wow! I really like the look of your planet. It’s a lot prettier than some of the other worlds I’ve seen.”

Lor almost dropped his briefcase in shock. Was he hearing voices? Heart pounding, he snapped his gaze around in search of the source and found no-one. What was going on?

The voice laughed. “Wow, look at all you guys spinning around down there. You’re not going to find me, silly, I’m speaking directly to your minds. Oh–I almost forgot. I should probably introduce myself, shouldn’t I? My name is Melanie, and I’m going to be your new goddess! Yay! Doesn’t that sound fun?”

A bead of sweat dripped from Lor’s brow? G-Goddess? 

“Now, as your new goddess I expect to see a lot of passionate worship, okay?” The voice sounded smug. “To start with, why don’t you guys all drop to your knees and give me a ‘hail Melanie’, huh? On the count of three. One, two, aaaand three!”

Lor stood frozen. Hail Melanie? What was she–what was she talking about?

“Tcht,” said the voice. “I can tell that a whole bunch of you didn’t bother. Normally I’d blow up your whole planet for that insult, but I’m feeling pretty merciful today, so I’ll let you off with a warning instead. Let’s see… let’s see. What should I–? Oooh, this looks fun.” 

As Lor tried to figure out what this strange, alien voice in his head could possibly be talking about, a terrible pressure afflicted his entire body. With a gasp, he dropped to his knees, clutching his stomach and groaning as the world grew around him. All at once, his clothes fell loose–he tumbled through a cavern of ill-fitting fabric, landing with a gasp on the pillow of former pants, he could only sit there naked, shrunken, and frozen in shock. 

She–she shrunk me?

Despite the stifling atmosphere of his clothes, the voice in his head remained as clear as ever. “There,” she said, sounding smug. “I just turned alllll your men into tiny little playthings. Try not to crush them.” She sniggered. 

Lor’s heart pounded in horror. What was going on? What was going on?! How could she possibly do this to them? What did she even have to gain from it?

The voice in his head laughed darkly. “Now,” she said, “I’m going to ask you all to bow again. If you all obey, I might turn your men back. If you don’t… KABOOM!” She burst into laughter. 

Sweat pouring from Lor’s face, he fought his way up out of his clothes and back into the open air. 

“On the count of three,” said the Goddess. “One. Two. Three.”

Sunlight struck Lor’s face. Tears forming in his eyes, he forced him to kneel and bow. “Hail Melanie!” he cried, hoping it would help. His voice sounded like a squeaky toy. “Hail Melanie! Hail Melanie!”

A few seconds passed in silence. Lor spent them quivering. 

“Well done,” said the Goddess at last. “I’m really impressed…”

A spark of hope ignited in Lor’s breast. 

“...at how badly you guys managed to insult me! Like, are you guys even trying? I don’t think even half of you did the pose properly this time!”

The spark in Lor’s breast died, dragging his heart down with it. 

“You know what?” continued the Goddess. “Forget this stupid planet–it’s not like there aren’t millions of others I can visit.” 

Lor dared to entertain another brief mote of hope. Was she–was she leaving? 

“Here’s a parting present before I go. Enjoy your punishment, losers.” 

As the Goddess’s voice cut off, thousands of little blips of light flashed in the sky. Lor squinted with shrunken eyes, struggling to process what he was seeing. 

Were they… saucers?

With a gigantic flash, one appeared in the sky above him, turning around a point not too far from Lor’s position. As he stared in shock, a hatch opened in the flying saucer’s base, and a sickly green light lit itself inside. 

A second later, death rained down on the city. 


Melanie continued to play with her little toy universe till the sun dropped over the horizon and the rumbling of her stomach became impossible to ignore. The latter inspired her to zap a few planets into burgers, but the fact she couldn’t actually eat them only made her hungrier–the grayed-out ‘print’ option simply sat there and taunted her. 

Eventually, it started to make her angry. Why should a goddess like her be denied anything? She had to buy one of the app maker’s printers…

Leaving the app running in the background, she tabbed to her home screen and opened up the store.


The next day, Melanie arrived home from college to find her package waiting by the door. Snatching it up, she hurried to her bedroom, tore off the packaging, and placed it on her desk. 

It looked like a pink cube about a foot or so in width. A thin seam split it around the middle, and when she tried she found she could open it. There was nothing inside. 

Frowning, she picked up her phone and turned on her Bluetooth. It didn’t take long for the printer to connect. 

This done, she opened up the app again, loaded her universe, and zoomed into one of the planets in her dominion. Its name was Dulary, and its population was 9 billion. “Hey guys, just a quick question for you this time: which are you most in the mood for at the moment? A quick bite? Or a drink? Answer truthfully!”

Activating the app’s polling function, Melanie sat back and waited. It didn’t take long for the results to come in. 52% of Dulary’s inhabitants were in the mood for a snack, while 48% were gagging for a drink. 

“Okay, guys, if that’s what you want.” Zooming out, Melanie selected the planet. “Transform… Planet… Um… Cookie… Aaaaand Print!” With a giant puff of smoke, the planet Dulary vanished.

On Melanie’s desk, her printer whirred and shook. Finally, with a ding, it snapped open. Peering inside, she found a large cookie textured somewhat like a planet. Picking it up, she turned it over in her hands for inspection. 

Returning to her phone, she found to her amusement that while Dulary had vanished from the universe, the infobox detailing its current state remained. ‘Dullary, Class-N/A (Cookie), Population: 9,284,335,710. Civilisational Level: N/A. Expanding the box, she found a summary of the planet’s general mood: ‘Fearful’. That was interesting. Had it frozen like that when she turned them into cookies or were they still…?

Curious, she picked the cookie up and raised it to her mouth. On her phone, the summary flashed from ‘Fearful’ to ‘Terrified’. 

“Ooooh,” said Melanie, slipping a hand between her legs. “That’s just perfect.” As her fingers danced between her lower lips, she raised the cookie to her upper ones and gave it a teasing little kiss. Nine billion people trapped as a delicious little treat for her. Oooh, it was just so good. 

Sticking out her tongue, Melanie gave them a lick. As she pulled away, she felt crumbs on her tongue–how many people did each represent? How many lives would end when she swallowed them?

Lacking an answer, she shrugged and opened wide. Slipping the cookie into her mouth, she took a single, emphatic bite. Crunch! A giant chunk–one of the planet’s former continents, landed on her tongue. She held it there for a moment, turning it around and lacquering it in saliva, relishing the thought of how terrified its occupants must be as they crumbled into mush. Finally, she pushed it into her molars and ended with a single crunch. 

How many millions? she wondered, swallowing with a gulp. Oooh, how many lives had she just ended? Her pussy burned–she had to bite her lip to keep herself from coming. 

Not yet. Not yet. Forcing the rest of the cookie down her in a series of enormous bites, she smirked. She still had so many ideas left to test…


Yuni had been in the middle of a walk through the suburbs when the Goddess had asked her question. Now he stared as the glowing buttons appeared out of thin air. ‘SNACK’ read one. ‘DRINK’ read the other. 

During her first appearance, the Goddess had ordered them to bow and threatened them with destruction when they refused. But this… He didn’t know what to make of it? Was it some sort of trick? An actual question? Was she simply playing a game?

Fearful of punishment, he decided to get it over with. Raising a hand, he pushed ‘SNACK’. At once, the buttons vanished. 

Soon enough, he heard the Goddess speak again. “Okay, guys, if that’s what you want.” There was a tense pause. “Transform… Planet… um…”

Yuni’s heart stopped beating. Transform planet? What was she talking about? What was–?

“Cookie,” said the Goddess. “Aaaaand Print!”

Thick smoke rose from Yuni’s hands, from his arms and legs and clothes and face, and from everything around him. He screamed as it filled his sight, blocking out everything. 

An instant later, his scream caught in his throat. He found himself frozen, unable to move at all. 

As he struggled to escape the confines of his trapped form, a terrible weight struck him, pressing him into the ground. He could do nothing, not even scream, as he found himself flattened, squashed thin as paper. 

Soon the smoke faded, revealing not the clear blue sky but the smooth plastic lid of some giant, world-constraining box. What he saw around him was worse, however. Where the nice houses of the suburbs had been, now there was nothing but a flat brown expanse, its surface textured like… biscuit? Looking down, he found himself a part of it, his body fused to the rough surface of the world as a barely distinguishable layer. He wanted to scream, but he no longer had the vocal cords. 

As he cried in his head, the lid of the giant box opened, and something new filled Yuni’s sky. It took him a second to recognize it as a face, to recognize the thing flying towards them as a hand. He tried to scream as it seized his world and wrenched it upwards, dragging it inexorably towards two plump, hungry lips. 

He stared as they opened, and a tongue like a world-snaring serpent coiled from between them. 

A second later, it lashed out and struck him. 


The next world she turned her attention to was called Phallior. Its inhabitants hated the idea of serving her, but she’d been too tired to think of an appropriate punishment during her last session. Now she had the perfect idea though~.

“Hey, guys,” she said, zooming in on their biggest city. “It’s me again! So, guess what, I finally thought of a fun punishment for you! What do you guys think of becoming a smoothie, huh?” 

Her unwilling subjects reacted with confusion. 

“What’s the matter?” she asked. “Don’t you understand? It’s not a metaphor or anything, I’m being completely literal. Here, let me show you.” She zoomed out. “Transform… Planet… Apple aaaand Print!” To the screams of its inhabitants, Phallior vanished. 

A second later, her printer dinged. Skipping over, Melanie opened it up and pulled out an almost normal apple. The only sign there was anything special about it were the faint impressions of continents on its skin. 

Returning to her phone, she zapped a handful of other rebellious planets into fruit, printed them out, and hauled them to her kitchen. She’d already set up the blender.

Filling it with cream and milk, she dumped the former-planets-turned-fruits inside, popped the cap back into place, set it to Liquefy, and punched the button to start blending. Whirr! 

As she held down the blender’s lid, the planets inside it became a maelstrom of pulp and juice. Watching them whirl, Melanie wondered what it must feel like for their former inhabitants. If the app was telling the truth, they should still be alive. She couldn’t imagine it was a very pleasant experience. 

Soon enough, the last piece of solid matter vanished, and what was left was a perfectly blended smoothie, bright pink and creamy and delicious. Licking her lips, She popped the blender’s cap off and poured some of its contents into a glass. 

As she raised the smoothie to her mouth, the delicious scent of fruit and cream struck her nostrils. Screwing up her eyes, she whimpered in delight. Oooh, it was going to taste so good!

Her first sip confirmed all of her suspicions. As the cool, sweet liquid trickled down her throat, Melanie shivered. So good! 

Swallowing, she released an airy breath. Thinking of how many lives she’d stolen to make it, how many former people were probably melting in her stomach right now, made her want to–

With an ‘ah!’, Melanie threw herself into a chair, spread her legs, and slipped her fingers between them. Chugging down the smoothie, she shivered in delight and fingered herself without restraint. It was the most potent aphrodisiac she could imagine. 

Each gulp she swallowed, the fire in her groin grew a little hotter, a little more intense. By the time she’d emptied half the glass, she felt as if she were burning. Releasing ragged breath after airy, ragged breath, she gulped harder, fingered faster, and melted in utter ecstasy. 

Finally, as the last drop of blended planets slipped down her throat–and with it who knew how many thousands of souls–the pressure in Melanie’s sex burst. Screaming in delight, she dropped her glass. It hit the floor and shattered as another sweet fluid spurted from her pussy. 


As fun as the app was, by Melanie’s fourth week of playing with it, it had really lost its luster. There were only so many ways you could mince or otherwise punish planets before it starts to get boring. 

For a little time, she even tried the opposite, using her powers as the app’s owner to raise her subject societies to utopia. Managing the needs of billions of simulated innocents soon became a chore though. People were so fucking needy. Within a week, she couldn’t bear it. 

She considered simply uninstalling the app, but this seemed like a waste of a good universe. If she was giving up on it, when not finish things with a bang?

Loading the app, she pinched the screen and stretched her fingers wide, zooming out, out, out, out. Planets flashed past her, followed by stars and then entire systems. Stellar clusters became galaxies, galaxies became galaxy groups. Still she kept zooming out, till the shining discs of galactic superclusters became inseparable, blurring into a single, indistinguishable ball of light. She kept expanding until it shrank to a pinprick. 

Finally, Melanie tapped the dot of her simulated universe and drew up its Action Menu. 

“Hmm. Hmmmm. Hmm. Oooh~.” 

At the end of the list lay a very familiar option: ‘Print’. With a grin, Melanie tapped it and scurried over to her printer. 

By the time she arrived, the device had already finished working. Popping open its lid, Melanie reached inside… and picked out a little glowing ball, like the world’s shiniest pearl. 

Raising it to her eyes, she squinted as she turned it around. Was she really holding an entire universe? She couldn’t see anything. 

With a shrug, she moved it to her mouth. She wondered what it tasted like…

Sticking out her tongue, Melanie gave the little ball a tiny lick. Wow, she thought, drawing back with wild eyes. It didn’t taste anything like she’d expected. She’d assumed it would be kinda spicy, but instead it was… she couldn’t describe it. It was like a mix of all flavors at once, all refined to utter sharpness. Yet, instead of drowning each other out, they complemented each other perfectly. It was the strangest, and most delicious, thing she’d ever tasted. 

Returning it to her mouth, Melanie puckered her lips and slipped it between them with a plop. As it landed on her tongue, she thought of the worlds she’d brought to utopia and all the billions of others she’d never even seen. All the billions of lives she’d guided to utter happiness, and all the trillions of others she’d never even touched. Until now, at any rate.

Her hand crept between her legs. Her pussy ignited. 

Rolling the universe on her tongue, Melanie delighted at the taste as she lacquered it in saliva. So good~. She wanted nothing more than to stand there and enjoy it forever. 

But she had other things to do, soooo…

Pushing the universe between her molars, Melanie held it there pinned like a marble in a vice. Taking one last second to savor its perfect taste, she tightened her grip on it and–


–shattered it into two big chunks and tens of tiny shards, which she proceeded to smash into mush and swallow without a thought. 

“Ah~,” she said, as countless lives slid down her throat. “So good~.”

Chapter End Notes:

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