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We started our day trapped in complete darkness.

Not only were we surrounded on all sides by the cold glass of a mason jar, the lid being far too sturdy for beings our size to measure up to. But we had also been shoved in a desk drawer the night before. Occasionally, it was hard not to hear the quaking footfalls outside, the sounds of our captor walking by like minor earthquakes in the distance. Each time the sound of his steps echoed against the walls, I wondered if the light would finally rush in and we would be given some kind of reason for our being here.

Then again, I wasn't sure if I really wanted to know what exactly was going on.

My wife, Sadie, whimpered in fear. She was still newly shrunken, of course. Giants were brand new to her. She had been taking care of me ever since I was overcome by this horrible affliction last year, and on the one day we decided it was safe enough for me to venture outside of the apartment, all of the worst possible things happened at once.

We were at the mall. I was sitting in her lap while she sat at a bench, staring at her phone. She looked down at me with a smile.

"How's the weather down there?" Sadie teased. She had a way of making everything seem okay.

"Just fine, thanks," I responded sarcastically. "How does it feel being a hundred feet tall?"

She started laughing. It almost seemed like she was going to respond, but then she stopped. A concerned look spread across her face, and she grabbed her chest. Her phone fell to the ground.

"Sadie, are you OK?" I yelled.

"I think I'm having a heart attack," she gasped between breaths. I tried screaming for help, but it quickly became clear that this was no heart attack. I fell out of her legs and onto the seat of the bench face first, and looked up to see the giant before me transform in a matter of seconds. She found herself at a size even smaller than me - my best guess is that we stand at a combined height of perhaps six to ten inches.

When she finally stopped shrinking, neither of us could believe this had happened.

"Holy shit," she exclaimed, still gasping for air.

"Oh my god, honey," I said, holding her close. "We should get off this bench before someone..."

By the time we took a leap of faith off of the bench, Sadie had finally gained control of her emotions. Still, we were all alone in a crowded shopping mall, shoe after shoe falling with a sickening thud right in front of us.


It was impossible to stay on proper footing as the giants strolled by. It's a miracle we were never stepped on. To them, it was a leisurely trip to the mall, but to us, it was hell. The few that even noticed us refused to respond to our cries for help, until a pair of brown leather dress shoes parked itself in front of us.

That was the first time we got a good look at him. He was tall and lanky, somewhat well dressed - it looked like he just got off work. He was an older fellow, but couldn't have been older than 40. I would have probably described him as somewhat dorky at normal size, but it was hard to consider him anything other than intimidating while groveling at the ground beneath him.

"Please sir, can you help us?" Sadie begged.

"Yes, please. It would mean the world to us," I added.

It was the strangest thing. He didn't seem surprised, or even empathetic. He said nothing. He just stared at us like we were common insects for what felt like an eternity, before he bent down and we were scooped up in his hands. Sadie screamed as she was lifted into the air and tossed into his other hand. It seems I was dropped in the right pocket of his dress pants, with his wallet and keys, whereas she was dropped in the left. I shook around as he walked forward, struggling not to slam too hard into his leather wallet or be impaled on his sharp keys.

One last heavy shake came when the man presumably took a seat, my body forcibly slamming into his thigh before an engine roared to life. I began to worry about Sadie, given that the impact was so dramatic, but I had no way of parsing her condition. I was tempted to try and crawl out of the pocket, but feared the consequences of pissing off this clearly sinister mammoth of a man.

After a little more walking, a massive sweaty hand reached in and wrapped itself around me, before pushing me aside and lifting the keys. A door unlocked and it became clear we were in his home.

We were lifted out of our respective pockets, and held once again in the same hand, our bodies smashing against each other.

"Are you okay, honey?" I asked, desperately.

"What the fuck is going on? What are you doing, you motherfucker!?" She screamed up at him.

We were only out of the pocket for a few seconds before being placed in our glass prison and then plunged into the darkness of a drawer. And that's where we stayed until the next morning.

We both cried through the night, too anxious to really get any sleep. We barely even talked about our current situation - there was far too much mystery to really make any concrete assumptions, other than that this was a very bad predicament to be in.

Finally, we began to hear more activity. There was a second set of foot steps.

"Love you, hon," a male voice spoke with a hushed sincerity.

"Love you, too," a kiss sounded off after the woman spoke. "Oh, yeah - I'm working until midnight, Alan. Make sure you take care of the dishes and leave some leftovers."

"He's married?" Sadie said in shock.

"Or at least in some kind of long term relationship," I added.

As the door shut in some distant part of the house, the drawer opened and there was light. We became dizzy as the jar was lifted into the sky and rotated before we were poured out of it onto some surface. I fell hard on my face against a wooden desk, before Sadie spilled out onto me. We both writhed in pain, before hearing our first words from the giant.

"Hello there."

I looked around at the room around us. It was some kind of office, and very unorganized, with papers and books and computer parts lying around. The blinds were shut, with only a tiny bit of sun coming through. On the far side of the room, a degree sat on the wall, reading "Alan Grant - Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering". And there in front of us sat the man himself, in a comfy office chair.

"God, I can't believe I actually found two of you things at once. And not only that - a couple."

My heart sank as he talked about us like we were rare items he found on eBay.

"Well, nevertheless, welcome to my home. I'm sure you two are wondering what exactly is going on here..."

Alan's hefty fingers wrapped around Sadie in an instant, effortlessly lifting her into the sky.

"What are you doing!" I yelped. "Don't you dare touch her!"

He ignored me completely, inspecting her body through a magnifying glass, his already large eye blown up in a vast and unsettling image across the lens as Sadie screamed.

"And we've got a sexy little one here, too," he said, inspecting her breasts and butt. "My lucky day."

He tossed her back on the desk like a piece of garbage before returning his attention to the both of us.

"This is so fucked up," I said. "You can't do this to us!"

"You know, I can barely hear you. I'm not sure if you WANT me to hear what you're saying, given how very rude you sound," Alan condescended.

"Anyway, it looks like you two are probably dating or something, right? I don't take issue with that at all. It's nice to have my own little Adam and Eve. But you do have to understand that your obedience to me is going to have to take precedence."

"What the fuck does that mean?" Sadie screamed at him.

"Every day, I see little things like you out on the street all the time. Ever since that shrinking thing started last year. It's always some shrunken little shit begging at my feet for food or help or whatever..."

As he elaborated further, a pit began to form in my stomach, and I started to realize just how serious this was.

"You don't have anything left to contribute to society. Why should I give my time or money to little bastards like you? If anything, you should be working for ME," he gradually became louder and more frightening with every word. Calming down, he laid back in his chair and continued speaking.

"Well, that's what I've been thinking. Then I saw you two in the mall today and I thought... fuck it. Why not set my own example? I figure it's inevitable, anyway, that you tinies will be forced into servitude."

As much as I wanted to scream at him, to demand that he let us go, to stand up for myself and my wife, I tried being diplomatic.

"Sir, I'm sorry that you're angry, but me and my wife are good people. We don't mean any harm to you, and we're more than happy to let this go if you can just call one of our friends-"

"Shut the fuck up. You're lucky I didn't crush you under my fucking shoes like the vermin you are."

I gulped. I couldn't stop Sadie as she moved forward and started yelling up at him.

"I am not going to be a pet for some fucking creep! This is illegal and disgusting!"

"You may feel that way. Frankly, I don't think anyone's going to come looking for you, and you two have nowhere to run, which means for all intents and purposes, you're my property now."

It seemed like Sadie was going to continue to protest, before Alan got out of the chair and rose to his full height, towering over us. I could feel myself gagging as I inspected his morning outfit, looking to his sweatpants only to see something bulging against the dark fabric. Was he... getting off on this?

"Now, are there any more objections?"

He waited a few seconds.

"No? Then it's time for your first task."


"It's Master to you. I won't be addressed any other way," he cut me off. "And no more questions either, you little prick. You two have a busy schedule today and I don't want to see you running behind."

"Remember these?" he said before placing us on the floor in front of his brown leather dress shoes. He pushed them onto their side, with the bottoms facing us.

"You'll be seeing a lot of them, as you'll be keeping them clean from now on. Since there are two of you, I don't expect it to take too long. Oh, and just in case you get any ideas..."

Before I knew what was going on, I was picked up by Alan again as he tied string around my waist. He did the same with my wife. When he set us down, I realized that he had tied us each to some kind of expensive action figure that was at least two times our size. It was of a female cartoon character with obscenely large breasts.

"Such a fucking pervert," Sadie said underneath her breath.

"Well, I'll leave you two to it while I take my morning shower," Alan said before walking out of the room. A sense of panic set in as we looked around, trying to find any opportunity for escape.

"What are we going to fucking do?" Sadie wept, tears streaming down her face.

"We'll figure something out, sweetie," I said, knowing with complete confidence that we were fucked.

"How can you say that when we're the newest addition to some perverted freak's toy collection?"

I couldn't come up with a good response.

We tried everything - we tried biting through the string, we tried using our combined strength to break it, we tried knocking over the figure, and nothing worked. By the time a few minutes had passed, we turned our attention to the shoes.

"How does he even want us to clean them?" I asked. "We don't have a brush or anything."

Sadie spat on the bottom of the right shoe, using her hands to brush dirt off. It was humiliating that we were actually doing his literal dirty work, but we had no other choice.

The bottoms of the shoes were not exactly filthy, but there were still some specks of dirt that required quite a bit of effort to get off. The combined scent of dirt and leather washed over us. We each took one shoe, and by the time Alan returned, we had finished the task, covered in dirt, sweat, and reeking of leather.

He wandered back into the room in nothing but a towel, his hairy legs and chest a chilling sight to behold. The scent of his body wash filled the air as little droplets of water sprinkled onto the floor, almost like a soft drizzle of rain. As disgusting as it was to look up at the droplets falling from his hairy legs, it reminded me of how long it had been since I'd had anything to drink.


He said nothing more before untying us and putting us back in the jar, leaving us on his desk to wait. Both of our stomachs were growling - it had been more than an entire day since we ate or drank anything.

When the lid came off again an hour later, we were not removed from the jar - instead, a small (but relatively large) piece of turkey was held above us.

"There's some scraps from my sandwich. You two have earned that, at least. Split it and then I'll give you each something to drink."

As I went in to rip a piece off, he pulled the meat back up.

"Anything you want to say first?"

We both sighed deeply, before moaning "Thank you, Master", in unison.

"Good little slaves."

It was a humiliating gesture to literally eat out of his hands, but it was a relief nonetheless to finally get some sustenance. The rest of the day was no better, as we were forced to do labor for Alan constantly as he worked from home. This sometimes meant passing him something on his desk, and other times meant being placed at his feet to "worship him" while he typed away, which comprised of each of us kissing and licking his sweaty feet. By the time the sun began to set, each of us were ready to collapse from exhaustion, and we had said the phrase "Yes, Master" about a hundred times each.

"Alright, little guy, you've done very good today. You may go back in the jar for the night - but be ready for plenty more work tomorrow," Alan said, dropping me back in the mason jar.

"W-what about Sadie?" I looked through the blurry glass as a concerned look spread across her face.

"I'm not quite done with her yet," he said, before wrapping her body around his fingers while she screamed in fear. "Don't worry, she'll be back by midnight."

I howled in a desperate attempt to earn Sadie some mercy, banging against the glass as hard as my little body would let me. But it changed nothing. Alan unzipped his pants, opened his waistband, and Sadie fell right into his underwear. I could only imagine what she was experiencing as the giant cupped his hand over the new bulge in his pants, pushing my wife firmly against his genitals. I couldn't even hear her screams anymore as I was shoved back into the drawer.

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