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It was another typical day inside Titans Tower. Monitoring the world for trouble being caused by supervillains and… playing video games? At least that’s what guys like Beast Boy and Cyborg were doing. Others, like Starfire, Robin, and Raven were taking their duties as heroes seriously and training in their respective rooms. Raven especially. As she further learned how to control her dark energy, she wanted to expand her spell repertoire. She had been spending the past few weeks of her free time experimenting with new spells, such as…
“By the powers of Azarath, I bestow…” Raven said as she closed her eyes, then opened them up to reveal them glowing a bright white. Then she did a quick turnaround and shot streams of dark energy out from her hands, which formed together into an innocent looking rabbit covered in dark energy. The rabbit looked cute all by itself, but then it let out a vicious roar and its eyes glowed red towards Raven, who stood perfectly still even as the rabbit lunged towards her face. Once the rabbit got close enough, Raven put her hands up again and allowed the rabbit to be absorbed into her hands, dark energy and all, until there was no trace left of it.
“Maybe a bit too cute to start with.” Raven said as she rolled her eyes, thinking she fumbled another spell she hoped to perfect.

And yet, practice makes perfect, she reminded herself. Another thing she got to thinking was how small that rabbit was, which led to yet another random thought that she curiously said out loud.
“Small living beings are fun to interact with. They make me feel big and powerful.” Raven said as she imagined herself being surrounded by shrunken versions of evil villains she and the other Titans have encountered in the past, stomping each and every one of them under her purple boots. That’s when Raven opened her eyes and smiled. And then she walked over to one of her spellbooks.
“I’m going to need to combine the right incantations in order to pull this off…” Raven said as she flipped through the pages and quickly processed the information in her head. After a few minutes, she closed her book and looked in the nearby mirror.
“By the powers of Azarath, I command you… SHRINK!” Raven shouted as she swung her hands around, covering them in her dark energy. And then she thrust the energy off her hands like a hadoken. It slowly moved out and Raven expected the mirror to shrink before her eyes… but instead, it bounced off the glass and Raven gasped as she had to quickly duck out of the way of the energy (no fun being shrunk myself, she thought). She then watched nervously as the energy continued to bounce off other objects, even solid ones like her bed, which made her wonder how the spell could get as bouncy as it did. But before she could wonder any further, she then watched the energy fly out of her bedroom past the open door… and it seemed to be gaining speed too. Raven dusted off her cape and sighed.
“Sigh… hopefully that doesn’t hit anything important.” Raven said as she walked around her bedroom to check on any damage the energy ball left behind.

Meanwhile, Robin, while wiping the sweat off his forehead (a clear sign he had been training hard), was walking down the hallway all by himself until Starfire floated out from another room.
“Oh, hey, Starfire.” Robin said.
“Heya, Robin! Let me guess, training hard as always?” Starfire asked.
“Yeah, but how come you’re not sweating a bucket load? I thought you’d be training too.” Robin said.
“Don’t you remember? It takes a LOT for us Tamaraneans to sweat!” Starfire said as she swung her arms around without breaking a sweat.
“Right. What was I thinking?” Robin said.
“Whoa, what’s that!?” Starfire suddenly asked as she looked out in front of her. Robin did the same and the two saw a ball of dark energy bouncing from one wall of the hallway to the other. They then saw the ball make one more bounce that redirected the ball towards them, and it was coming at such high speed they didn’t have time to dodge it.
“Ack!” they both screamed as she held their arms up bracing for whatever impact the energy ball would deliver to them. Instead, they watched the energy flow into their bodies, and then watched as the world around them quickly got bigger and bigger.

It took only a few seconds for everything to happen, and a few milliseconds for Robin and Starfire to process what just happened.
“Waaaah! We shrunk!” they both screamed.
“Okay, Robin, deep breath. You’re only smaller than, like, two ants stacked together.” Robin said between deep breaths. Starfire, meanwhile, looked around and was just as bewildered seeing everything tower over her.
“Ugh! I hate being tiny! Please tell me you have something in those fancy belts of yours to get us back to normal!” Starfire said.
“Er… no?” Robin said.
“GAAAAAAH! So… angry!” Starfire said as her eyes glowed a bright green.
“Whoa, whoa! Slow down, Starfire! We’ll find a way out of this. We’re Titans! We always find a way!” Robin said. Starfire took a deep breath and no longer glowed green.
“You’re right, you’re right. Sorry. I’m still feeling kinda small after that one time we fought alongside the Doom Patrol.” Starfire said.
“Elasti-Girl, right? Wasn’t that cool how she could grow big and…” Robin said.
“NOT HELPING!!!” Starfire suddenly roared out.
“Eeeeps! Sorry. Anyway, you can still fly, right?” Robin asked, prompting Starfire to levitate off the ground.
“Of course.” Starfire said.
“Good, because we’re not going to make any headway by walking on this floor.” Robin said.
“So where should we go?” Starfire asked.
“Well, we could alert Cyborg or Beast Boy, but they’re probably busy rocking out the video games again.” Robin said, only to watch as Starfire flew away at rocket speed. But then she came back a few seconds later.
“Yep, they’re playing games.” Starfire said.
“Of course. And it’s better we go to the source anyway.” Robin said.
“Raven, right?” Starfire asked.
“Who else?” Robin said. Starfire grabbed onto Robin and took off for the air.

It took a couple minutes, given the weight of Robin meant Starfire couldn’t fly at full speed, but eventually the shrunken duo made it inside Raven’s bedroom. Already they were creeped out by how dark the room looked.
“Hey, I did say Raven likes her darkness.” Robin said.
“Indeed you did.” Starfire said.
“Look, there’s Raven over there!” Robin said as he pointed over at the ‘giant’ Raven. The two already had a pit in their stomachs seeing Raven so huge, and it only scared them further when Raven walked around the room and each of her steps left a thundering boom. The two were so distracted by the sheer size of Raven compared to themselves, Starfire almost didn’t realize Raven was walking where she and Robin were flying.
“Whoa!” Starfire said as she zoomed out of the way before she could crash into one of Raven’s legs. She and Robin watched as Raven plopped herself down on her bed flat on her back and staring up at the ceiling.
“Ugh… who knew dark energy training could be so exhausting?” Raven mulled out loud. Of course, this presented the perfect opportunity for both Starfire and Robin.
“Starfire, we can fly into her ear and get her attention that way!” Robin said.
“Oh, how so?” Starfire said.
“That’s right… I keep forgetting your Tamaranean. If Raven is like any other human such as myself, she’ll have an ear canal, and at the end of that ear canal is an eardrum that we can both bang on like an actual drum and yell into, and our voices will be amplified.” Robin said.
“Hmmm… fascinating!” Starfire said.
“We might get a little dirty because of the ear wax, but…” Robin said.
“But it can’t be any worse than the inside of a Tamaranean’s ear, right?” Starfire asked.
“Fair point.” Robin said.

The two flew towards Raven’s ear on the side of her head, which luckily was exposed because she had her hood down, but there was still one unexpected development for the shrunken heroes.
“Mmmmm… must nap.” Raven said as she turned her head to her side, which put Robin and Starfire directly in the path of her nose.
“Waaaah! Brakes, Starfire! Brakes brakes brakes!’ Robin said as he waddled around underneath Starfire.
“I… I can’t! You’re moving too much!” Starfire said. By the time she could gain reasonable control of herself, it was too late. They were inches away from one of her giant nostrils.
“Waaaaah!” they both screamed until the darkness took over their vision.

When their eyes finally adjusted to the darkness, they realized what they got stuck in that caused Starfire to stop her flight dead in its tracks.
“Somebody call the Boogerman.” Robin joked.
“Ugh… and I thought the inside of a Krypton-eating monster’s nose was bad enough!” Starfire shouted as she fought to break free.
“I just gotta reach my utility belt… there!” Robin said as he pushed a button on his belt, releasing some kind of grappling hook that he swung up to the booger he was stuck to. He then pressed a button on the hook, allowing it to extend and latch onto another booger, letting him swing across to the booger that Starfire was stuck to.
“Feel like hanging around?” Robin joked again.
“Ugh… another joke from you and I’ll give you a good energy punch in the head! Now get me out of here!” Starfire shouted.
“Right away, your Starfiery-ness!” Robin said as he pulled out what appeared to be a sharp boomerang (not that far off from Batman’s Batarang). He threw it with precision up at the booger Starfire was trapped in. The boomerang sliced the booger clean off the wall it was clinging too, with Starfire falling right into Robin’s arms while the booger fell down the hole that was the nostril they flew in.

Robin relaxed enough to finally realize that because of the way Raven was laying down, they could land safely on one of the nostril walls like it was a floor despite it being sticky and slippery.
“Whew… glad that’s over with. See? I didn’t make any funny puns this time!” Robin said.
“I must say, Robin, you showed extraordinary restraint… and bravery in freeing me.” Starfire said.
“Heh, glad you approve, now let’s get out of here!” Robin said. Starfire tried lifting herself off the ground to use her natural flying ability… but nothing was happening, even if she closed her eyes and concentrated.
“Uh oh…” Starfire said.
“Uh oh?” Robin asked.
“For some reason I am not able to fly anymore!” Starfire said.
“Hmmm… I wonder if it’s because of the dark energy inside of her acting as interference.” Robin said.
“So what do we do now?” Starfire asked. She and Robin felt a huge gust of wind try to pull them deeper into the tunnel where more darkness and boogers lied.
“Well, going back out isn’t an option. We’d just get inhaled back inside. I think the only way we’re getting out of here is through.” Robin said.
“Sounds like fun.” Starfire said as she tried to put on a brave smile.
“Yes, I know, not the most ideal situation, but neither is being shrunken smaller than ant food.” Robin said.
“I guess we better not waste anymore time.” Starfire said as the duo walked further up Raven’s nostril, cringing every time they came across an oversized booger.

As they got deeper and deeper up the nostril, the gusts from Raven’s inhaling became stronger. It eventually got to the point where Robin and Starfire had no choice but get lifted up and hold on for the ride.
“Whoooooa!” they both screamed as they flew through the tunnel. After bouncing around a few walls and feeling themselves falling, the duo eventually clutched onto something large and slippery. This turned out to be Raven’s uvula, but as mentioned before, because it was covered it saliva, it was very difficult for the two to keep a hold of.
“I… I can’t hold on!” Starfire screamed until she and Robin finally lost their grip. The two kept falling and falling and falling until they finally felt themselves land on something hard, but what that was they couldn't tell because of how pitch black it was around them.
"Ugh... I can't see! If only we had some light." Robin said.
"I believe the Earth expression is ask and ye shall receive." Starfire said as she lit up her hands with green energy, which made the two realize where they were, especially when they saw the bubbly green liquid just in front of their shoes.
"Oh god... we're in her stomach." Robin said.
"Hmmm... fascinating. I've never seen a human's stomach acid so close... Ack!" Starfire said as she briefly dipped her finger into the stomach acid, only to feel a slight burn on her finger that she quickly extinguished using her powers.
"And hopefully you never have to again. Be careful not to fall into that stuff or we'll be digested for sure!" Robin said. Starfire nodded as the two jumped from platform to platform.
"Raven sure has eaten a good bit today." Starfire said.
"Hey, why not? The Gotham Lunch Special I made was quite good, wasn't it?" Robin said.
"Heh heh... your cooking skills were rather impressive, Robin." Starfire said, relieved somewhat that Robin was finding time to put out some humor despite being in a life-threatening situation.

The two kept jumping until Robin spotted some soft and cushiony pink walls.
"Hmmmm... I have an idea, Starfire. We should go this way." Robin said.
"Huh? Are you sure?" Starfire said.
"If I remember my human biology studies correctly, we'll be taken to a safer spot than this here stomach." Robin said as he pushed his hands against the walls, soon getting sucked in through the villi.
"Robin!" Starfire said as she frantically jumped in after her friend. The two eventually landed on something soft and cushiony, with nearly every wall and floor around them colored a bright pink.
“Where are we now, Robin?” Starfire asked.
“As I suspected, we’re in her lungs now.” Robin said.
“Her lungs? Hmmm… and if I remember my own human biology studies, this is how Raven is able to breathe. Wow… look at how pink this place is.” Starfire said.
“At least this means her lungs are in good…” Robin started to say.
“Good what, Robin? Did you mean to say good health?” Starfire asked.
“Yeah, well… good except for those things.” Robin said as he and Starfire finally took note of the big blobs of black matter that were floating towards them.
“Eeeek! What are those things!?” Starfire shouted.
“If I had to guess, those are bits of her dark energy, and they must think we’re viruses!” Robin said.
“Robin, should I feel humiliated or flattered?” Starfire asked. Robin didn't seem interested in the question.
“Nevertheless, we’ll have to fight them off. Can you still shoot your green energy?” Robin said, prompting Starfire to glow her hands and eyes green.
“Yes!” Starfire said.
“Then GO!” Robin shouted as he unleashed whatever weapon he felt like carrying and went after the blobs of dark matter, with Starfire shooting them out of the sky.

Sometimes Starfire would miss and hit one of the walls of Raven’s lungs, prompting a very audible cough from outside.
“Starfire, be careful! We don’t want to be damaging these lungs!” Robin shouted.
“Whoops! Sorry!” Starfire said. It felt like forever had passed when it was really just a couple minutes, but Robin and Starfire were starting to show signs of exhaustion.
“There’s too many of them, Robin!” Starfire shouted.
“You’re right, Starfire. This calls for a tactical retreat!” Robin said.
“But where will we go?” Starfire asked. Robin rolled underneath a group of dark matter blobs and stopped against one of the walls, pushing his hand until it went right through.
“Starfire, over here! I think this leads to her blood stream!” Robin said. Starfire did a series of acrobatics to avoid the dark matter blobs (since she couldn’t fly) and met up with Robin, both of whom were pushing up against the lung wall.
“I sure hope you’re right… whoa!” Starfire said until she and Robin broke through just before the dark energy could get them.

The two wiggled their way through the walls until they broke through and fell down, eventually splashing into a red river.
“Looks like we’re in her blood stream now.” Raven said.
“*gulp* And we’re not alone either.” Starfire said as she looked up and saw more dark energy blobs floating towards them. Some of them even resembled Raven herself, complete with white glowing eyes over an entirely dark body.
“You are not welcome here, viral scum.” one of the Raven blobs said.
“Heh… who would’ve thought Raven’s dark energy could call people names?” Robin said.
“Who cares what they call us? They’ll soon be eating my wrath!” Starfire said as she charged up her hands and eyes with green energy, only for Robin to push the hands away.
“Whoa, hold on, Starfire! We probably shouldn’t be so hasty in destroying all these dark energy blobs. Who knows? Raven might need them for when we go into battle, or…” Robin said.
“...or she’ll need them to reverse the spell that shrunk us. You’re right, you’re right.” Starfire said as she shook her hands to clear up the energy.
“Let’s only destroy what we can while we work our way through Raven’s body.” Robin said.
“Roger that!” Starfire said as she and Robin dove into the bloodstream and used the strong current to swim their way past the dark energy blobs as well as the Raven blobs.
The swimming and occasional blob battling lasted for a couple minutes until the two saw a wall that was opening and closing.
“Hold on, Starfire! We’re heading into her heart!” Robin shouted as he and Starfire held their breath while the two rushed into the heart and got covered from head to toe in blood.

After what felt like a long time rushing through the red liquid like they were at a water park, which caused them to lose consciousness because of how long they were holding their breath, the two eventually regained their senses, with Starfire running over to check on Robin.
“Oh no! Robin’s bleeding! I’ll revive you, my fellow Titan!” Starfire said as she moved her arms back like she was going to pound Robin’s stomach with her fists, which she did. Thanks to Starfire’s great strength, the strike immediately woke Robin back up.
“*cough cough cough* Whoa, Starfire! I keep telling you, easy on the gut punching!” Robin said.
“Sorry… I still don’t know my own strength.” Starfire said with a I didn’t do it type smile. She helped Robin back onto his feet.
“So where are we?” Starfire asked.
“Hmmm… if I had to guess, we’re in one of the intestines, probably the small one.” Robin said.
“The small intestine? Oooooh… if I remember correctly, that leads to…” Starfire said.
“Yep. And I take it you still can’t fly?” Robin said, watching as Starfire tried to take flight again.
“Affirmative.” Starfire said.
“Then I guess we take the only way out.” Robin said as he sighed and shrugged and made his way through the tunnel that was the small intestine, with Starfire following from behind.

Meanwhile, Raven had tried taking a nap but found herself never getting comfortable. It was as if the dark energy inside of her was fighting something, but what? Or maybe it was something she ate? She wasn’t sure, but she knew she couldn’t lay on her bed for another second.
“Ugh… not like it’s easy to sleep in this tower anyway.” Raven said as she got up and then walked out of her bedroom. After walking through other hallways and corridors, she eventually made it to one of the control rooms, where she saw not a map of the city that’s monitoring for trouble, but instead… Beast Boy and Cyborg were playing some random fighting video game.
“Ack! Got you now, Beastie Bestie!” Cyborg said.
“Not until I unleash my ultra counter!” Beast Boy shouted as the two fought frantically with each other and the game controllers they were holding. Raven rolled her eyes as she watched from behind.
“Hasn’t Robin told you a billion times not to use the main computer as your video game screen?” Raven asked.
“Yeah, but you should see his stats on his game!” Beast Boy said.
“A hundred million games and counting on this unit!” Cyborg said. Once again, Raven rolled her eyes and sighed.
“By the way, where are Robin and Starfire anyway?” Raven said.
“Dunno, they’re probably out and… oh hell no!!!” Cyborg said as he got back to focusing on the game. Raven just stood back and watched, thinking this would be fun to watch the two go so much at it.

Robin and Starfire finally made it inside the large intestine… but they were a long ways from being alone.
“Oh poop.” Starfire said as she and Robin looked up and saw more dark energy blobs descending upon them. Like before, some of them looked like shadowy clones of Raven herself… one in particular was twice the size of Robin and Starfire and spoke out.
“YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE!” the clone yelled as the energy got into a fighting pose, as did Robin and Starfire.
“Yeah, well, we couldn’t agree more! Just let us pass by and we’ll be on our way!” Robin said.
“VIRAL THREAT MUST BE ELIMINATED!” the clone yelled as she fired some dark energy at the two, which they dodged by rolling out of the way.
“Ugh… I’m getting tired of being called a viral threat! Let’s just deal with these nuisances, Robin!” Starfire said as she used her green energy to form a makeshift sword.
“Right! GO!” Robin shouted as swung some of his weaponry around. The heroes and the Raven clones charged together into battle.
And this was not lost on Raven for the most part. She felt an itch near her butt and scratched it while moaning softly.

The battle inside the large intestine proved to be just about even between Robin, Starfire, and the energy blobs. Some got easily disintegrated while others put up a good fight. The biggest of the Raven dark energy clones proved most formidable as she swiped at the two heroes with her sharp fingernails. Often a projectile from the battlefield would fly towards one of the intestinal walls, causing them to rumble and bleed out some kind of clear liquid.
After a short while, with only the taller Raven clone left standing, Starfire did not hesitate to charge towards the clone.
“This one’s mine!” Starfire said as she formed a makeshift sword with her green energy and then stabbed it into the chest of the surprised Raven energy clone.

As Raven coughed up black ‘blood’ and collapsed to her knees, she looked up at Starfire and smiled.
“I hope you will take great pleasure in what’s about to come.” Raven said before she suddenly contorted and expanded in all sorts of uncomfortable ways.
“Get down!” Robin shouted as he and Starfire ducked to the ground. The Raven clone then exploded, sending splats of dark energy onto the nearby walls. Robin and Starfire got back up and breathed a sigh of relief to see no more energy blobs around the area except those stuck on the wall.
“Looks like we’re in the clear.” Robin said.
“But what did that clone mean by taking great pleasure in what’s about to come?” Starfire said.
“Eh, you know opponents of us always have famous last words.” Robin said. Suddenly, the two felt the area shake strongly with the walls vibrating.
“But something tells me we’re about to find out!” Robin said.
“Eeeeek! What do we do now!?” Starfire shouted.
“Hold on to me!” Robin said as he and Starfire held onto each other just as some powerful force of wind blew them down the large intestine and towards a faint light.

Beast Boy and Cyborg kept up their intense battle at the video game when suddenly they heard a sound that made them push the pause button. They quickly moved their heads towards Raven, tracing the loud fart sound they just heard to her. Plus there was the fact she was blushing quite brightly in the face.
“Oh. My. God. Raven…” Cyborg said.
“...farted. Raven just farted.” Beast Boy said. He and Cyborg looked at each other and then…
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!” they both burst into laughter, which only made Raven blush even more and get a bit angry too.
“Arrrrrgh!” Raven growled as she stormed out of the room and down the hallway and eventually back into her bedroom, using telekinesis to slam the door behind her.

As she did so, Robin and Starfire finally felt their bumpy ride stop. It took them a few seconds to process what they just went through, but finally Robin figured it out.
“Starfire. I think Raven just farted us out.” Robin said.
“Somehow I suspected as much. Heh heh...” Starfire said.
“If the smell wasn’t a giveaway, I don’t know what is.” Robin said. Starfire then made her whole body glow green.
“Well, at least I can fly again.” Starfire said.
“That’s cool, so now we can…” Robin said as he and Starfire looked down and suddenly found themselves covered in a black light.
“Now what!?” Starfire asked. She and Robin then started moving on their own away from Raven’s butt cheeks and outside her outfit into open air again.
“I think she realized what happened to us.” Robin said.

He and Starfire floated up and up and up until they were directly in front of one of her glowing eyes, which stopped glowing and turned back to their natural violet, causing them to fall only briefly before they landed in the palm of the giantess’s hand. Robin and Starfire immediately figured Raven used her powers of telekinesis to move them up to her face.
“I thought I felt something, or even someone, was responsible for the depleted dark energy supply in my body and the discomfort in my rectum.” Raven said. Robin and Starfire meekly waved up at the giantess.
“Er… hi, Raven. Thanks for finally noticing us.” Robin said.
“One of your energy blobs shrunk us!” Starfire said.
“So my spell did hit someone as it bounced out of my room. My apologies.” Raven said.
“Hey, it’s all good. Even superheroes like us make mistakes, right?” Robin said.
“I suppose you want to be returned to normal, right?” Raven asked.
“You can do that, right?” Starfire asked.
“Of course. Anything caused by dark energy can be reversed. But…” Raven said as she moved her hand closer to her mouth to let her shrunken teammates see her smile.
“I cannot let your unauthorized journey through me go unpunished, so there is a certain action I require of you.” Raven said.
“Er… what’s that?” Robin asked, with him and Starfire nervously wondering what the giant Raven had in mind.

That’s when Raven swirled one of her fingers around above the two and made dark energy come out of the other end. The dark energy swirled around both Robin and Starfire, much to the confusion of the two, until the dark energy disappeared. Robin and Starfire then looked down and simultaneously gasped and blushed. While they were a little bit taller than when they first shrunk (now standing approximately 2-3 inches tall), they stood naked as they rushed to cover their as much of their private parts as they could. Raven, on the other hand, kept smiling.
“R-R-R-Raven… what is the meaning of this!?” Robin shouted.
“Don’t worry, your clothes are safe and sound in your respective bedrooms. They’re even back to their normal sizes.” Raven said.
“Then… why are we butt naked and still small?” Starfire asked.
“You shall see, Starfire, but first…” Raven said. She then waved her finger around, this time covering herself in dark energy. Much like what happened to Robin and Starfire, the dark energy made Raven’s clothes disappear, leaving her naked from head to toe. She didn’t even try to cover herself, making Robin and Starfire finally relent from covering themselves.
“What? We’re all 18 or over now.” Raven said.

Robin, meanwhile, between seeing the giant Raven naked before his eyes and seeing Starfire’s naked body stand out so beautifully… couldn’t resist giving his cock a few tugs, causing it to slowly grow bigger.
“Oooooh…” Robin moaned.
“Now then, I’ve always wanted to try a threesome, and since you said the magic word, Starfire…” Raven said.
“Huh? The magic word… whoa!” Starfire said, only to find herself surrounded in dark energy again. This time, Raven used the energy to telepathically move Starfire in mid-air. The tiny heroine couldn’t do anything to fly away from the shadowy grip, especially as she saw Raven’s anus fast approaching, causing her to gasp.
“No! Wait, Raven! Nooo…!” Starfire said, only to have her scream cut off as her head went right through the opening. As the naked shrunken Starfire’s upper body was moved back and forth in the anus, Raven moaned deeply as she gripped one of her boobs with one hand and continued to hold Robin in the other.
And speaking of Robin, what he was witnessing in front of his eyes only turned him on further. He stroked his now fully erect penis harder and faster, which Raven smiled about.
“Mmmm… now to complete the chain.” Raven said as she used her dark energy magic to take hold of Robin. Robin found himself floating down towards Starfire and soon found his cock going right in between Starfire’s butt cheeks. Despite the rapid in-and-out movements within Raven’s anus, Starfire felt and could faintly hear Robin moaning as he connected his big, bulging cock into her butt, causing her to moan and cry tears of ecstasy.

All three participants of the sexual act moaned and groaned and thrust with all their might, with Raven in particular rolling around in her bed. Naturally, her loud moans of pleasure, especially as she felt her nipples enlarge while she continued to fondle herself, attracted the attention of Cyborg and Beast Boy as they knocked on Raven’s closed bedroom door.
“Uhhh, Raven, are you…?” Beast Boy said.
“DON’T FUCKING COME IN HERE!!!” Raven screamed.
“Hey, you heard the lady. Better to leave than be turned into dark energy paste.” Cyborg said.
“Yeah, totally agree, dude.” Beast Boy said as the two quickly walked away from the door.

Good thing too, because the climax was approaching based on Robin’s next words.
“Raven… I’m cumming! Ahhhhhhh!” Robin said as he couldn’t hold back any more and unleashed his load of sticky white liquidness into Starfire’s rectum, who in turn screamed from being pleasured. After a few more seconds, Raven used her dark energy magic to telekinetically move Robin and Starfire away from her butt. Starfire was breathing heavily and gasping for air.
“Oh, my, god, that was insane. And I loved it!” Starfire said. Robin, meanwhile, still had a rock hard cock and looked like he was ready to blow again. Raven quickly picked up on this.
“Hmmhmm… for such a little guy, you sure have a big load to unleash. I’ll give you a place to put all that jizz.” Raven said as she picked up Robin and placed him in between her butt cheeks.
“Cumming… again… AHHHH!!!” Robin screamed as the thick white semen came shooting out of his tip and right into Raven’s butt. Even with Robin as small as he was, Raven felt the liquid shoot into her and she screamed in deep pleasure as well, especially with her nipples as hard as they were.
“Ooooooooooh…” Raven said.

Finally, Raven collapsed onto the bed taking deep breaths as she, with Robin and Starfire now laying on her stomach near her bellybutton (with Robin’s cock back to a flaccid state), recovered from what they just went through.
“Ahhhh… so that’s what it’s like to be part of a threesome.” Raven said.
“It was well worth it…” Robin said.
“So what now? Now can you grow us back to normal?” Starfire asked.
“Well… I will if there is one more thing you two can agree to do with me.” Raven said.
“What’s that?” Robin and Starfire asked.

Hours later, with the city and Titans Tower now under a night sky, everyone was back in their bed and ready for a good night’s sleep. But for Raven, she was not alone. After tucking the covers over herself, she looked to her left and then to her right to see both Robin and Starfire sleeping in her bed with her under those same covers and back to their normal sizes.
“It’s nice not to sleep alone with my dark energy for a change.” Raven said.
“I… *gulp*... I’m glad you agree.” Robin said nervously as he felt Raven rub her hand along the side of his naked body.
“What’s wrong, Robin? Afraid I might get too, shall we say, romantic again?” Raven said in a rather sexy tone. Raven flirted with a nervous looking Robin until she felt Starfire rub her own hands all over her butt.
“Now now, Raven, let’s not get carried away again. We wouldn’t want to send the wrong message to the rest of the world if we’re called to action.” Starfire said.
“You’re right. My apologies. Good night, my friends.” Raven said as she closed her eyes.
“Good night, Raven.” Robin and Starfire both said before they too closed their eyes and everyone fell asleep for the night.


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