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Story Notes:

A rather short story of my own imagination with my first My Hero original character. Enjoy!

Ever since the world had discovered quirks, each day having something new in store. For a Professional Hero like Mina-scule, she got to see the finer details of this chaotic reality with her smaller stature. While it wasn't the primary part of her quirk, her stature at half a centimeter was useful for that.

Standing at the edge of the sidewalk, she smiled proudly as she conducted her patrol inconspicuously. Her pink and white suit wasn't good for camouflage, but she was confident enough in her height alone to keep her safe. Watching the pedestrians as they went by, she was happy to see that yet again it'd be the case. The feeling of being a super cool spy type always managed to make her a bit giddy.

The bustling masses just moved on without a know or care of her, adding to her feelings. Looking about, she thought of how her chosen posting was great. In front of a jewelry shop, fifteen minutes from the nearest precinct, it was the best spot for a villain to hit for some easy yen. Her brown eyes searched the individual people as they walked by, paying particular attention to those entering the shop. With both hands on her hips, she confidently assumed she'd be ready for anything and that she'd be able to pick out a perpetrator from a crowd.

With a curious glance to one of the exiting figures, she found her instincts to be correct. The man she hadn't seen enter the shop, his broad shoulders and tight, black shirt definitely made him stand out to a keen eye. In his hand, the dufflebag he carried also looked quite full. With a flick on her wrist, prepping the grapple shot within her glove, she waited for the man to step closer. Adding to her suspicions were his constant checks around him, as if he was looking for any witnesses paying attention.

Angling her arm up, she fired off a hook into his pant leg. With a yank, the wire went taught and began reeling in, sending her soaring upwards. As wind ripped against her face, she let out a laugh and detached her hook. Her momentum continued to carry her upwards and, with a spin, she fired another hook up and repeated the process of rapidly scaling the man. As she went upwards, she made quick note of the sweat that clung to him, the smell being rather potent even from outside his clothing.

It wasn't hard getting to his head, landing within the black forest of his scalp. Once there, she started scanning her surroundings with a smile. All she had to do was find the right spot and-

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

Alarm bells sounded off behind her. She quickly grasped the strands of hair next to her as the man broke into a sprint. She intensified her grip as she tried to hold on, each bound being felt throughout her body. What nearly got her wasn’t any sprinting step, but rather the hard stop that suddenly occurred.

The rapid impact, punctuated with the crunch of concrete, was surprising enough even for her that she found herself looking in the direction she thought the noise had come from. While the world was obscured by a messy forest of hair, the raspy, feminine voice dripping with excitement put the distinct image of a certain smug bunny hero in her head.

"Aren't you a big one? Think you can handle my kick?"

Dread filled her core, as if she loathed the oncoming fight, even though she was there to try to stop the criminal as well. It seemed that the feeling was shared with the man she stood on, her brain jolting as she quickly realized she was standing on the man about to be taking on the Rabbit Hero: Mirko.

"Y-you ain't got shit! Take this!"

She felt the man jerk under her, as well as hearing a gun hammer cock. Her eyes went wide and she quickly let go of the hair strands. She rapidly squatted down and shot herself upwards in a springing jump. Right on time, the ground she had just left disappeared, the thunderclap of impact sending Mina-scule flying. She had just barely caught a glimpse of the source of the shockwave, seeing Mirko slam her foot into the side of the man's head and knocking him out cold.

She waved her arms in the air and yelped, her momentum cutting short. Time stood still as she peaked, her brain struggling to process that she was now about to fall. A shape rapidly approaching, her eyes locked with a giant, red iris for a moment. What was a second felt like an eternity, allowing Mina to witness the pupil contract in reaction. The Rabbit Hero had now seen her.

And just like that, time resumed and she plummeted back to the ground. The rumbling of the man hitting the ground, as well as the roaring of Mirko ripping through the air barely overpowered her own screaming. She frantically searched for anything to grapple to, but both larger figures were now out of reach. It only added to the torture that time didn't fully correct itself, the drop feeling like it was taking minutes.

When she got near to the ground, she tried her best to calm herself and to angle just right. It was difficult, acting like things would be okay when any action could be drastic. Kicking her legs under her, she grit her teeth and steeled herself for the impact.

As her feet touched the ground, she quickly lurched forwards and rolled across her shoulders to disperse the energy. The previously controlled maneuver quickly became uncontrolled, though, as she didn't have much of a plan beyond the first tumble. She clattered against the ground and slid to a stop clumsily, giving her massive disorientation as she tried to raise her head.

Shaking as she pushed herself up, the short statured hero would try to stand back on her feet. Looking about, the area in front of her snapped into a wall of purple coloring, with an explosive shock wave that knocked her back what felt like a few feet. Skidding to a stop, she'd groan as she physically recovered. Opening her eyes, they nearly popped out of her skull as she searched for the top of the new wall, tracing it up into the sky and to the face of Mirko staring right back down at her. Written on the larger hero's face was nothing else but total bravado. Had Mina been of saner mind, she'd guess this power dynamic was rather enjoyable for the fighter type.

"Well then, are you his partner? Seems like you'd be a hard one to catch! I don't think you could handle a kick, though…."

Mina sprung back up in a panic. Mirko's hand started descending down upon her, the larger hero bending down at the waist. Mina continued to sprint away, huffing and puffing with each stride. As white walls appeared on either side of her, her legs continued to pump; they moved even as the gloves fingers pinched her form and hoisted her up. Thinking quickly, she aimed and fired a grapple at the ground. Reeling the line, she yelped as the glove ripped off from her forearm, leaving her hand bare. With her only other option down, she just squirmed and fought. Despite her struggles, not even the material would budge.

"Don't know when to quit, eh? I know how to fix that!"

Mina felt the rush of being picked up come to a halt as she was held. Unaware of what was going on, she continued to try to wiggle her way out. Freedom came much sooner than expected, though, as the fingers holding her released. She then got a clear view of Mirko holding up her other hand, another finger hooked into the hem of its glove. She could see a hole created as the hero pulled the hem out, the interior of the glove and the tan palm exposed. Mina screamed as she fell yet again, this time into the worn glove of the superior hero. She slammed into the meaty heel of Mirko's palm and rolled down across it, quickly coming to a hard stop as the glove material snapped back into place. Immediately, the stuffy air of the glove filled her body as she took breaths.

"Just need a good slap!"

Mina tried to pull her face away from the palm of the bunny hero's hand, the elastic material around her fighting back. Suddenly, she felt huge amounts of vertigo; the hand was moving. She barely had time to realize the hint she was given before she felt a descending sensation. Mina didn't even feel her face smash into the hand flesh before everything went black.

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