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Finally feeling somewhat spent, they both simply sat and panted for a few minutes. Silence pervaded except for the sound of breathing. Still with a screaming hot libido though, Anna was watching intently when Jayl started to move. First, she rolled over onto her front (Which from Anna's perspective was like watching an upside down 16 wheeler truck right itself). Then, she shuffled away a bit, and pointed her feet away, lining up to directly see Anna. She raised her torso slightly and rested her head on her arms in front of her. Anna had to crane her neck a bit to make eye contact. Return of Smirk.

"How was it then?"


"You realize you barely even did anything for me yeah? It's still your turn"

Anna laughed giddily "Don't pull that one with me, I saw you looking over! You loved having me there!"

"Oh I loved it, don't worry - but here's the thing little one (A frison passed up Anna's spine), you don't make the rules now - and I think I'd like you to be a bit more direct next time". She brought up her hand and started to eye up Anna again, who slammed her eyes shut, expecting another sensory overload. That never came. When she opened them again she... seemed to be the same size? She felt the wood beneath her feet shift slightly. She looked down. She looked up again. Jayl was further away? No. Glancing around at the forgotten, distant mundanaity of the kitchen, Anna surmised that she was shrinking again, but this time far more slowly.

"Run away little one or the big bad giantess will eat you up" Jayl called out mockingly and began an exaggeratedly slow crawl, reaching her enormous arms over and above her head to heave her body forward as though it were a great effort, her legs utterly inert.

Though all for the game, Anna didn't feel particularly threatened. "Oh, nooooooo" she called out jokingly, jogging backwards. She felt a lurch and over the next few seconds Jayl seemed to grow rapidly to near enough double her already enormous height, then the pace slowed again. Smirk. Anna gasped, admired for a brief moment, turned and began to run in earnest.

Still though, just jogging kept her well ahead. Feet pounding on the wood, she built a good amount of distance and stopped. Anna breathed deep, glad for her general fitness regimen, and surveyed the scene quickly. She could see the edge coming up soon. Behind however, Jayl. Still taking her time dragging herself along like a lame lamia. Anna noted that again, she looked just a bit larger.

"I'm coming to get youuuuu" - A hand that could engulf her whole body easily reached, but Anna had decided. She put her head down and ran.

Anna had boiled her options down and realized that she would need to try and either get off the table or double back and get around the enormous fae. Head down and running fast, her breathing getting more ragged, she suddenly had to hit an unexpected skidding stop. She had reached the edge of the table. She glanced down. Shouldn't have done that! There was a chair tucked in but Anna was no climber and that was at least 30x her height to even reach the cushion. She glanced back and realized she was running out of places to go. Huge before, Jayl now seemed positively geological and was approaching rapidly. Sprinting full tilt along the short edge of the rectangle, she made her move. Judging she was out of reach, she changed direction and began to circle around, yet just as she thought she might make it, Jayl lunged forwards and a hand - each finger as wide as she was tall - chopped down onto the table in front of her, the ground quaking beneath. She was caught.

"Well well welllllll" Hammed Jayl, "What do I have here but a tiiiiny human"

Anna glanced around and gave a half-hearted attempt to run back the way she came, but she was so out of breath she almost welcomed the other hand coming down and stopping her. She held her own up in defeat and stared up. It really was like looking up at a small mountain now. Panting, she waited as a single finger descended to serve as a platform. She climbed aboard and it was slowly raised to eye level. An eyeball larger than herself focused in on her, iris shining.

"I promised the big bad giantess would gobble you up" - She licked her lips.

In an effort to delay the inevitable, Anna tried a time honored tradition: Rules lawyering - "Bullshit! I saw that jump at the end! How come you suddenly changed the rules?"

But it was ineffective. Jayl grinned unnaturally wide, showing teeth, and said simply "I never said I'd crawl forever!". There was now a menacing edge to her voice, and Anna shivered. Hopefully, Anna thought, she's still just into the role of playing the big bad giantess. But the teeth, as tall as her, were effectively unnerving. Anna sincerely hoped Jayl was still just playing. Her footing lowered in front of Jayl's lips, which pursed and blew what felt like gale force winds into her face. An overpoweringly sweet smelling gust. Anna crouched down and gripped as best she could, once again staggered by the strength of casual gestures. She could see movement inside the mouth. When the wind stopped, a few words then emerged.

"Now you've lost, and that makes you mine!" (Missed her calling in the pantomime, Anna wryly observed), "I am the big bad Giantess and you must surrender to meee..." The serpentine tongue emerged from the dark cavern and began questing slowly outwards. Huge, slimy and with now visibly rough texture, it laid itself out like a supremely gross magic carpet for Anna.

She did not step on it.

Jayl, mouth open and tongue hanging out, made a quite undignified, and mildly irritated grunt and shifted her head slightly.

She did not step on it.

The tongue withdrew.

Jayl looked down at Anna, who stared back, incredulous.

"What, did you seriously think I would just feed myself to you!?" She called up

"Spoilsport, you know you'll love it" pouted the fairy, all menace gone.

"Well I guess we'll never be finding that out then"

A moment's pause. Then, Smirk.

"Oh no you fuckin-"

*glomp*. Quick as a flash, the finger rose and the mouth descended. Anna was suddenly surrounded by hot moisture and again, that incredible, delicious, honey-like smell now so thick she could hardly breathe. Her finger platform was still in place, but glancing back, Jayl's lips had almost sealed around it, allowing just a pinprick of light in.

Anna, deciding she should at least try to appeal for mercy, called out a long "Jaaaaaaayyyyl", the sound dying, muffled by the soft flesh around her. No response.

She pulled in a full lungful for the cry of "JAAAAAAAAAYL" then coughed loudly. A giggle rocked the world around her. "Right so you're just frigging well ignoring me then, fine, ok, FINE! Treat me like a caged insect I'll behave like one". She got down on hands and knees, grabbed as much skin as she could from the finger and wrenched for all she was worth. Gratifyingly, she heard a yelping noise echo around. Less gratifyingly, she was then immediately sideswept and wrapped up by the tongue (how was it so agile?), the finger was withdrawn and the lips sealed tight behind it, voiding the area of light completely.

Pitch black, compressed by rough flesh all around, Anna was tumbled about in the slick saliva. The air practically caught in her lungs it was so thick. Anna wrestled for freedom, eventually slipping free of the tongue and rushed for the lips, disoriented and slipping in the dark - hoping to force an exit. To her surprise, as she got there, Jayl's tongue withdrew, seemingly allowing her forward. The teeth were not blocking her exit, and Anna forced her body between the lips, which squeezed her whole body tightly as she pushed through - then her head was out, and there was light, and her shoulders emerged too. She looked down and inhaled. They were at an impossible, dizzying height. It was like leaning her head out of a plane. Far, far below was the table and the rest of the kitchen. They must be flying at near roof height, Anna reasoned past the vertigo. She looked away from the nauseating scene, then the jaw she was held in slowly began to tilt upwards as Jayl leaned her head back. Anna was once again dangling, this time her own hands fighting to cling on to the lower lip.

As intimidatingly as she could manage while keeping her lower jaw stationary, Jayl exclaimed "Submit" (which came out far closer to "Thubmit").

Anna responded by struggling more and trying to get more of her body out, causing Jayl to sigh, reach her fingers in and pinch up Anna gently (like being held between two pudgy boulders, she idly observed). She was lifted out gently, and Jayl (now apparently back into roleplay mode) decried "See now your hopeless situation, foolish speck!" 

Anna's instant reaction was to clap her hands over her ears at the volume, causing another brief look of guilt crossed Jayl's face. She continued, trying and failing to combine both a whisper and an intimidating command "Surrender to meeee...". Anna fought to keep from laughing, and Jayl, clearly miffed at how this whole thing had gone, lowered her back towards the mouth where, like a horror movie killer, The Tongue re-emerged to pull Anna back into the darkness.

This time, there was no escape. It was just Anna and The Tongue. She lay atop it on her back. It twitched slightly. "I really am just a speck now", she said aloud, and the thought lit a fire in her. She reveled in how utterly worthless she now was. An intelligent, educated human. Capable of so much. No human rights now, she was a morsel. "Finger food", she joked to herself. Lightheadedness washed over her. She kept thinking all it would take was a single motion, a gulp and that would be it. She trusted Jayl logically enough that she wouldn't, now, but as she lay and sweated and fondled herself, she found unexpected joy in the notion. She was nothing, nothing, nothing. She had no control. Only pleasure. As if to emphasize it, she was occasionally rocked by movements of the body as a whole, rolling her around on the tongue, which would adjust to keep her stable. She continued slowly toying with herself, drowning in the atmosphere and her thoughts. How long had she been in here, in the dark, with only the sound of enormous lungs to accompany her. Eventually, she felt a need to shift her body, and sat up, unexpectedly banging her head on the roof of Jayl's mouth!

She's growing me back? Almost disappointed in the idea, Anna quickly realized that her old friend Tongue was suddenly more active too, touching various parts of her body gently, as if searching for the right area, which it eventually found. Anna bucked slightly as she felt it try to press its way inside, and she felt herself growing more rapidly to help it.

"Getting bored?" she called. Things were starting to get very cramped and Anna was forced to adopt a crawling position to stop getting squashed against the roof, yet still she was growing, feeling more and more tightly constricted, her back now starting to push against the upper jaw. Her growth then stopped short, leaving her in a very ungainly position. On elbows and knees, facing the wrong way to make an exit. She was having a hard time envisioning how to even turn around, unhelped by the fact she was now being eaten out while eaten - and it wasn't easy to think as she was teased constantly, letting out embarrassing moans she was sure her captor could hear.

Yet she was not allowed another climax. As soon as she was feeling close and wanted to speed up, light and air suddenly burst in as the maw opened and a hand reached in, pulling her out, blinking. She was still smaller than Jayl's hand - but vastly bigger than when she had entered. Jayl smiled warmly at her and blew a kiss. They were now on a kitchen counter near the kettle.

"I forgot, you were supposed to pleasure me, right? Well, I think you need a bath first. Help me out a sec yeah, we need to lift this."

Anna found herself placed on the ground still aching inside, but started to run to keep up as Jayl strode away towards the kettle. She was growing again, quickly approaching Jayl's height and then surpassing it too. She stopped around 2 feet tall, marveling at the difference (it somehow seemed weirder to be stood on the countertop like this then as a mouse), and, under Jayl's instructions, tipped some hot water into a large bowl Jayl had found on the countertop. Jayl put a toe in, and then lithely snaked the rest of her body too, hanging her arms out the sides, the water covering up to her belly.

The bath wasn't really big enough for Anna (frankly, it was a bit small for Jayl) but she had a feeling that wasn't going to be an issue for long. Sure enough, every step she took it looked more appropriately sized. As she stepped over the side opposite Jayl she flinched at the water. It was almost too hot. Yet with a slight wince, she managed to climb in and as she sat she felt the clammy fluids she had been coated with start to float away the heat relaxed her a bit, though as it met her privates she was reminded of her need. She sat, and ran her hands underwater along Jayl's smooth legs. They seemed to expand in her touch, yet no water displaced...

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