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Author's Chapter Notes:
First Chapter of the story Giantess Diana
Diana came from a normal family who always loved her father, Mike, and her mother, Alisha. Diana had a boyfriend, Andrew, who was at the same law college on the outskirts of London. Only Diana knew how much trouble her father had taken for her to study at such a good law college. Diana’s results came good and her happiness increased when she and her boyfriend both got to work in the same law firm. Diana was so happy that she would get to see her boyfriend right in front of her. Diana’s parents also approved her relationship with Andrew, as he was a very good guy who genuinely cared for Diana. Diana and Andrew got married just one year later when, in the midst of a moonlit Valentine’s Day, Andrew got down on to his knees and framed the question for her. Diana was on cloud nine. Diana had a friend named Darcy, who was also interested in crystals like Diana. Diana loved living on 9/11 Parker Street because at the end of the block there was an old antique store. It had all crystals and pendants. Diana often went with Darcy near that shop till the time she didn't have a third member in her family. On a Sunday morning, Diana got up from bed and felt puking, so she ran towards the sink in the kitchen and vomited a bit. Diana then returned and told Andrew that she was pregnant. Both the husband, Andrew, and wife, Diana, were so happy, knowing that in 10 months they would have a person to share their happiness and sorrows with. But these were the only good days that Diana knew after her marriage and after her son Tom grew up to be 15 years of age. Then Diana felt like a rock of sadness had fallen on her. Diana’s father, Mike, and mother-in-law died on Christmas Eve two years ago. The only happy time that was left with Diana was when she got to walk with Darcy to the antique store. While going this time, Diana saw one of the glittering bracelets in the bracelet section and that caught her eye. Diana asked Martha, the wife of the owner of the antique shop, to take it out as she wanted to look at it. Martha took the bracelet out of the showcase and handed it to Diana. Martha said, "That’s one beautiful piece." Do you know it has a story associated with it? " Diana moved her head in no way to neglect in response. Martha said, "It’s a piece from the land of the tribal people of Ghana who have enchanted it with magic and it sorts to complete the wish of the person who wears it and the change is permanent." Diana chuckled and thought it reminded her of one of Martha's stories. Diana asked, "How much is it?" Martha replied, "150 dollars to be exact." Diana said, "Oh, that is in my budget for this month. I will take it." Martha smiled and packed the bracelet for Diana and gave it to Diana. Diana handed Darcy the cash and said, "I am done. Let’s leave." Darcy was talking to her son’s teacher, whom she had met by chance. Then, after ten minutes, both Diana and Darcy left.
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