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Raguel sat on her golden throne not sure what to do for the rest of the day. As a Goddess, time was irrelevant, but it still didn’t mean it wasn’t boring waiting. Living as the oldest, and mother of all the divine ones, Raguel knew all too well how long time could be. Which was why she was feeling quite restless right now. Raguel had only a few jobs as the Goddess of the afterlife, and mother of the others. Her duty used to involve leading poor souls to the afterlife, but it wasn’t long before Raguel’s daughter Eleona took over that job, to ferry mortals from the other realm into the afterlife. Having her daughter take over most of Raguel’s job as a goddess, it was almost like she went into retirement, only to now be trusted to do just a few menial things as a Goddess. One, was over seeing that Eleona did her job correctly, and being the Queen of the Gods to check in on her other children. Being the queen of the Gods was something less exciting than it sounded, being more like a mother making sure her children did their jobs correctly.

It had been over a millennia since Raguel had an actual job and yet another day passed with her being nothing more than being a manager, or an overbearing mother for her children’s jobs. Yet, Raguel wasn’t upset, in-fact she was the opposite, she loved her beloved children who were doing their distinct and personal jobs. The goddess of death and afterlife, shepherding the worthy souls to the after life wasn’t something anyone could do. Raguel couldn’t be happier for her lovely daughter, however, Raguel did feel a little envious for her to have something productive to do all the time. Whereas Raguel could only sit on her holy throne and occasionally drink from her goblet. Like many days before, Raguel would sip and occasionally look upon the other Gods and Goddesses to see what they were up to. A task that left Raguel wanting more to do, or having a larger impactful job rather than being an overseer. Watching over other Gods and Goddesses, doing something productive or even fun was just a reminder of how much Raguel missed her calling.

Horgoth, Raguel’s husband and father to the other Godly beings, came into the throne room spotting Raguel all by herself. It took only a moment before he judged his wife's current mood from a glance “Dear what’s wrong? Did something happen?” He asked, sounding worried and concerned.

Raguel just sighed and took another sip from her cup, “Nothing dearest… just… you know enjoying my time, alone.” As much as she tried to hide it, Raguel could see that Horgoth was picking up on her depressed tone she was casting.

“Well, you don’t have to be alone, Raguel. There’s plenty you can do, why not go visit the mortal world? Explore and see the world from a mortal’s point of view. You never know, you might find something exciting,” Horgoth offered. It didn’t help that none of that seemed to entice his wife.

Raguel swished the fluids in her cup around as she thought about it. “I don’t know,” She sighed. “I haven’t been to the mortal realm in… a thousand, no ten thousand years? I doubt much has changed. Besides, I doubt they could keep me entertained longer than an hour or two. What could be worth going down there to see from a mortal’s point of view?”

Horgoth scratched his chin seeing that it wasn’t in his wife’s nature to join the mortal realm, so he decided to change gears. “Well, why not go visit one of the kids?” Horgoth laughed, “Why not visit our daughter?”

Raguel arched an eyebrow at her husband for a moment, “Yes… and which one would that be you are talking of?” Raguel asked with just a hint of sarcasm about their many children.

Horgoth sighed, “Whoever you are pleased to spend a day with… Why not Eleona? You haven’t seen her since… How many years has it been?” Horgoth nodded, “Spend a day with your daughter, both of you were shepherds of the dead right? I’m sure there’s plenty to talk about.”

Raguel took another gulp of her holy drink and thought about it. Horgoth did make a good point, she hadn’t seen Eleona in a long time. Sure she glanced in on her but there was never anything to observe over as she worked. Maybe it would be nice to have a mother daughter day, just the two of them together. Raguel liked the idea more and more as she contemplated it, finally after a few moments she made up her mind. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to check in on her tomorrow, maybe she’ll have something fun planned.” Raguel genially smiled, in what felt like centuries, at the mere concept of having fun.

“What?! Dad, are you serious,” Eleona asked, shocked at her father contacting her with the news. “Mom’s coming to see me? Why? Did I do something wrong,” Eleona was a little skittish to be honest. Never had her mother come to visit her.

“I just told her it would be nice to go visit you some time, you know your mother doesn’t get out much,” Horgoth explained.

Eleona rubbed her forehead at her annoying father’s action. Of course he would shove their mother off to her. It wasn’t like Eleona hated her mom, it just… she could be tiresome. Not to mention a stick in the mud for most things. “What am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to,” Eleona could only think of one word that would describe it, “Entertain her?”

“I’m sure you’ll find something,” Eleona’s father responded, “Take her to the human world, she hasn’t been in a long time.”

“Really? That seems like something you could do rather than me. I’m really busy,” Elona sort of lied.

“Oh come now, it won't be all that bad. Your mother hasn’t been to the mortal world in… well I think it was before they made wheels!” Elona felt her annoyance growing as her father laughed, “I’m sure you can find something to brighten her day up!” Elona surely doubted it. When it came to human things, no matter what she or her siblings did, her mother just never understood.

“Are you seriously telling me that not only do I have to do my everyday job,” Eleona muttered, “But I have to keep my mother amused all day too?” The annoyance in her voice was just low enough that her father didn’t hear it.

Another laugh made Eleona want to yell, “If anyone can do it, it’s you sweetie. Best of luck!”

Before Eleona knew it, Horgoth was done talking and gone. “You gotta be kidding me,” Eleona huffed on her dark black throne made of obsidian. “How am I supposed to babysit my mother and take care of the dead at the same time-” Eleona frowned as a thought came across her mind. “Well… maybe there is a way,” Eleona felt a familiar smile slowly creep over her face. One that meant that tomorrow was gonna be more fun than she thought. A wicked gleam was forming as she started to plan for a day that not only she or her mom wouldn’t forget, but the mortals too.

Raguel headed to her daughter's domain. It had been a long time since Raguel had been, probably the last time she was the goddess of the afterlife. However when she arrived she was shocked if not startled to see how much things had changed under Eleona’s rule. Things looked darker. Raguel headed toward what was once a golden but not stark black colored castle that Eleona called home. Raguel couldn’t help but feel uneasy at the whole environment. Maybe she needed to talk to Elenona about her choice in design for the afterlife. Shouldn’t it be more cheerful, happy, or something besides this?

Raguel spotted a few souls outside the large castle wandering around. The little poor souls were no bigger than raguel’s thumb, which was normal. A mortal’s fleeting soul was always smaller and less formed than that of divine ones. As of now Raguel size was large enough that she could have accidentally smothered a trembling soul crossing her path if she wasn’t paying attention.

Deciding to bring up her concerns first when she saw her daughter, Raguel headed quicker toward Eleona’s domain and home. As she approached the doors, she noticed a few more souls quivering outside the doors. They were so puny compared to the door, no wonder why they were unable to get in, they wouldn’t be able to budge the door. Slowly pushing the door, she watched the startled tiny mortal souls creep inside.

“Mother,” Came Eleona’s voice in a cheerful manner… that was till she saw the two soul coming inside, “MOTHER!” Eleona came rushing in and quickly picked up the little tiny mortal beings. “Quick, quick, you’ll let more in…” Eleona said, pulling Raguel inside before slamming the door shut. “Jeez, mom…” Eleona groaned, “You could have waited for me to let you in so no one,” She looked at her closed hand with the two little people in them, “SNUCK IN,” She nearly hissed at the mortals. Raguel frowned at her daughter's actions, especially when she walked over to a wall with a dozen dark metal cages hanging from the wall. “I’ll deal with you later,” Eleona spoke as she put both mortal souls in separate cages and closed them. “Okay… where were we… MOTHER,” Eleona called out steeping toward Raguel with open arms. “It’s so nice to see you, mother.”

Raguel accepted the hug and enjoyed the embrace for a few moments before they separated. Looking around Raguel couldn’t help but force herself to say, “I like what you did with the place…”

Eleona sounded delighted, “Really?! I thought it could use some color change and-”

“Black,” Raguel spoke… “Not exactly a very… happy color, is it?”

Eleona bit back a retort, and here it comes… of course she wasn’t happy. Mother was never happy. However Eleona decided to use this to her advantage, “Well, maybe not to you…”

Raguel frowned confused, “Not to me… what do you mean?”

“Mom… come on, please? You know?” Eleona said in a kidding voice for a moment. Suddenly she looked shocked, “But… I mean EVERYONE knows, so surely…”

Raguel frowned and slowly nodded in agreement, “Well, of course I know! That… uh...”

Eleona gasped, “Mother! You truly don’t know? How long has it been since you've been to the mortal world?”

Raguel thought for a moment and shrugged, “Well, maybe a while or so…”

“Ooo, that might explain it,” Eleona's surprised voice hit Raguel in shock.

“What?” Raguel asked defensively.

“Oh, nothing… just, well, it’s been a little while right…” Eleona said, sounding hesitant. “So, I mean, it’s a given you don’t know what the mortals are like nowadays?”

“Well,” Raguel frowned again… “No, but it can’t be much different from when I was-”

“Mom, time moves so fast there… things change, heck not even a century ago they didn’t even have death metal music,” Eleona explained.

“I’m sorry,” Raguel blinked at a term she never heard in her life, “What music? Death-”

“M-e-t-a-l, metal. You know, like heavy music, harder than rock and roll,” Eleona explained.

“Rolling what rock?” Raguel asked, confused at what her daughter was saying.

Eleona inhaled, “Right… my point. You’re so out of touch these days mom. You don’t know what these poor pathetically weak mortals like.”

“Pathetic,” Eleona repeated the word used.

“Yes, pathetic, mom! Look, see,” Eleona pointed to the cowering and frightened looking mortals stuck in their cages. “They are so scared and terrified! Horrified even!”

Raguel felt said for the poor creatures, “So why would you even-”

“Ugh, mom… because,” She flicked one of the cages, getting the little soul trapped to scream out, “They LOVE IT!”

Raguel looked even more confused now than before, “They what?”

“They love it! It’s like how they used to worship you way way way back than… well instead of praise, they love to fear US! It’s like a total power trip thing, or whatever,” Eleona explained. “Trust me mom, all the mortals are into this thing.”

Raguel was more confused, “They are?” How could they be into something like being frightened?

Eleona smiled more seeing her mother slowly take the bait. She was falling right into her hands, how gullible of her mom. “I’m telling you mom. No offense, but I’ve been doing this for centuries… I think I would know what these mortals like and don't. I mean,” Eleona bit back her snickering, “You saw how they were trying to sneak in here right? Now why would they want to come here if they didn’t like it?”

Raguel couldn’t help but agree with that argument. If what Eleona was saying was true, these mortals really liked this kind of stuff. Maybe Raguel misunderstood them more than she thought. “I guess that does make sense.”

Eleona did her best not to show off her sneaky face as she turned around from her mom, “Exactly. Anyway, let’s get back to why you came to visit after so long.”

“Right,” Raguel nodded, turning away from the caged souls. Seeing as it wasn’t a punishment for them, Raguel didn’t feel so bad now. “I thought it would be nice to spend some time with you. It’s been far to long since we just talked and enjoyed a day-”

“Sorry, mom, but I’m terribly busy. You know, helping the souls into the afterlife and all that. I got a lot to do and I’m sure you don’t want to watch me do my job and all that,” Eleona told her with as much reason as she could. Eleona made sure to leave those words hanging in the air as they walked through her home. “Unless… well I’m sure you don’t want to…”

“Want to, what,” Raguel asked.

Eleona turned around and looked at her mother, “Well… I guess if you don’t mind. Maybe we can make this a mother daughter “work” day. Both of us gathering souls and helping them move onto the afterlife?” Eleona quickly laughed, “Oh never mind, that’s just silly.”

Raguel however thought about it. She was bored, and doing a little work wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. Plus she could bond with her daughter. Maybe this was a good idea. “Well, I wouldn’t mind if it doesn’t affect you negatively with your duties.”

“Absolutely not! Oh, mother, this will be the most fun you had in forever,” Eleona cheered. “Well, I guess it’s best we head over there now.”

Raguel slowed down a little but continued to follow her daughter, “Head over where?”

Eleona spun around and smiled at her mom, “To the mortal world, I think it’s time for a purging...”

Kevin was walking from the office and smiling despite the hell show he went through, fucking Fridays. He had just finished a week-long project and was heading home for the weekend. Not caring about anything other than the walk home, he suddenly noticed something. There was a shadow on him, strange because the weather didn’t call for clouds today. Looking up at the sudden shadow cast on him, Kevin felt his bag fall from his grasp. Hundreds if not thousands of feet up above him was a shockingly HOT woman taller than any skyscraper in the city. She stood there gazing before Kevin… Suddenly another gorgeous woman stepped into view out of nowhere casting a dual shadow upon him. Kevin assumed he was hallucinating the whole thing, surely there couldn’t be two giant women towering over the city like this.

However the reactions of the others by standards on the sidewalk were similar to Kevin’s. Each one stopping to look up at the gargantuan figures. Some falling on their butt to look up, others just gazing upward to see why it was dark. Kevin was one of the many frozen people trying to fully understand what he was seeing. He could see both women talking to each other, it was now that Kevin saw similar features on both Giantesses, they had to be related in some way. Not that it mattered. Kevin continued to watch the two towering titans talk. They were saying something but were too far above him to be heard. Instead he watched the younger one turn toward him and the others. Slowly she started to lean down and squat while examining them. Kevin watched her eyes line up with him and she smiled at him. It was a kind and nice smile, something that made Kevin feel at ease. Slowly her hand descended from the heavens and toward him. Kevin watched the finger move in closer and closer toward him, as if she was pointing at him. Laying on his butt, Kevin watched the small index finger grow into a massive truck sized digit as it descended quickly toward him. He didn’t have much of a chance to move as the digit came rushing toward him like a speeding car. Paralyzed, like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming car, Kevin threw up his arms to protect him from the impending finger.

The sound of crushing and breaking asphalt filled the air as Kevin tensed up. The sound was right next to him as he slowly opened his eyes and turned toward the crunching sound. The long finger from the young Giantess was stabbing into the ground. It clearly crushed the walkway near Kevin and was embedded a few feet into the ground as it stabbed it with little to no effort. Kevin gazed at the long finger sticking into the hard rocky ground like it was nothing but sand. Slowly it started to pull back. Kevin watched the index finger retract before he slowly sat up and glanced toward the crater created by the creature. The indent was prominent and defined, something that a large finger would make, however what caused Kevin to pull back was the puddle of pulp in the center of the bowl indent. A red blotch of goo, along with some unidentified material of whatever was attached to whomever it was in the center. The remains of what was a person was less than obliterated and Kevin felt his stomach heave at the sight.

“Squish,” came a loud voice from above. “Just like that… so, want to help?” A cheerful voice from the younger godly being. Something that made Kevin’s heart beat rapidly. His gaze shot toward the two enormous women gazing over his city.

“Well…” The older giantess spoke hesitantly for a moment then finally the terrible words left her lips, “I guess I could…”

Kevin felt dread spread though his body as he watched the older woman of the two slowly lift one her feet up, her heel hovering over him for a moment. A good sold football field or longer distance blocking out the remaining sun.

“Oh my God…” Kevin whimpered as he watched the barefoot move into place above him. Without less than a moment, Kevin was looking at the bottom of a fleshy wall of skin and next it all went black as it came crashing down on him. He didn’t feel a thing, only heard the sound of structures and ground shattering and crumbling moments before it all went away…

Raguel slowly stepped down on the patch of land as she felt her foot pulverize the dirt below her, “Are you sure about this,” Raguel asked, not so certain of her daughter's words as she felt her foot flatten a few mortals underneath it.

“Mom,” Eleona sighed, waving her worries away, “They don’t care. It’s like a big thing for them. Like I said before, they love this kind of thing. Look,” Eleona said, pointing toward a small patch of grass. “You should deal with them.”

Raguel was skeptical as she watched the slow mass of people stand there looking at her. However, listening to her daughter's words, she had told Raguel to think of it as cleaning if that helps. Not giving it much thought, Rageul lifted her foot off the ground and dragged it toward the mass of people. Trying not to enjoy the sound or feeling of what was to come from her foot, Raguel tried to dampen the upcoming feelings. Yet, when she felt her heel and flat of her foot pressing down on the mass of humans, things changed. The slight feeling of small pops like bubbles, the growing squishiness of goo on her skin as she flattened however many under foot. Raguel felt a shiver run up her body as she smashed the group of people below her. The slimy patch created beneath her felt weird. Countless souls splattered and smashed beneath her from a single step. A feeling that most gods and goddesses never experienced, or at least not herself. It was a bizarre feeling for Raguel as she could feel the sensation of just a flutter of movement under her foot. Raguel pressed harder into the ground, slowly till she knew that nothing could survive her holy weight. The crumbling and crushing sound that came from underfoot made it clear as even the earth was being compressed under her. Turning to her daughter she couldn’t help but ask, “Are you sure we should be doing this? I mean, can’t we-”

“I told you mom,” Eleona’s annoyed voice responded, “They like it… look!” Eleona explained as she pointed to another small person on top of a building watching. One moment they were there, the next a bright light flashed form Eleona’s finger and right over the roof of the building. The top of the building was gone and only a hot stream of smoke was left from the vaporized building. “See he didn’t even try to run,” Eleona explained.

Raguel frowned, “And what about the ones actually running,” She pointed to a stream of people running down away from her.

Eleona laughed as she headed toward them, “I told you mom, it’s like…” Eleona paused with her foot just feet above a group of metal vehicles unable to move forward as the others in front weren’t moving. “Tag!” Eleona announced before stepping down with a loud crunch and screeching of metal and glass. “You remember tag, right?”

Raguel thought about it again, tag was a fun game where someone ran away from the other. It clearly wasn’t out of fear. “Oh… so it’s all just like a game for them?”

“Exactly!” Eleona announced as she started to go into a gleeful rampage. Raguel stood there as she watched her daughter go into a cleaning purge. She pointed at buildings as they flashed out of existence with only a hot smokey shadow left behind. Part of Raguel felt bad, maybe some remorse or pity for the mortals. However, as much as Rageul worried that this might be wrong, she couldn’t help but look down at a small gathering of people just looking up at her. Not one of them were running or screaming. It was like they were begging for her to do something to them…

“Well, I guess if this is really what they want,” Raguel shook her head and decided to join her daughter in this interesting activity.

Macy was in panic mode. One second everything was normal, then there was shaking. Noises and sounds filling the city, something flashed and another earthquake. Macy panicked and ran out of the office and into the streets. Pushing out the front door of the many floored building, she saw a crowd of people standing around… a foot?!

Was that a giant fucking foot?!?!

Macy followed the large leg up to the huge hips and the big busty bosom of the godly woman standing in the sky. She was gigantic, a true goddess if there were any such things. Macy felt compelled to look but the fear of her life hit her hard as couldn’t move. “What the fuck is that,” Macy whispered with dread.

A crushing sound further into the city drew Macy away from the one above her, “What was that!?” Macy called out with panic from the noise she heard. It sounded like something exploded.

A hopeless and defeated voice came from one of her coworkers, “It’s the other one.” A nervous laugh left him, “There's two… two of them.”

“Two?! Oh god,” Macy felt her heart race at the idea of not just one giant woman but two terrifying the city. As much as Macy felt her body already locking up in fear and dread, she willed her legs to move. A feat harder said than done. However she made it happen as she pushed her way past the horrified and numb looking citizens. It wasn’t till she made it a block down the road when she heard something startling. It was a gasp, turning around Macy looked as the enormous woman was squatting down and getting closer to the small crowd of stunned people. Macy watched the gigantic gorgeous woman peer at them, as if maybe there was something she wanted to ask. Macy continued to watch the woman squat down till she was nearly sitting on the road.

Just as Macy thought the titan was gonna speak, she slowly shrugged.

Macy watched with horror as she opened her palm and pushed it down into the center of the crowd. The sounds of horror and pain filled the street as the crushing and squishing of so many filled the air. Cries of pain and fear littered the area as now people started to run in every direction. Macy was terrified at the sight as the woman pulled her now red palm off the compressed ground. What made her even sicker was the disappointed voice that filled the air.

“Oh so now you all want to play that game… What was it, tag?” The Giantess started to stand back up, “Fine.”

Macy didn’t understand what she was hearing from the booming voice, but once the enormous woman started to move, Macy didn’t stick around to find out. Sure enough, the ground shook at the sudden stomping the woman was doing. The cries of people cutting out mid screech followed by an Earth shaking thumping.

Macy turned a corner on the street and paused. In front of her a few blocks down was the other one. Sure enough she was doing something similar to the other one. Kicking and stomping. Occasionally she pointed somewhere and things just evaporated in a hot flash. Portions of the city were missing as the woman was slaughtered so many in mere seconds. Macy figured she could only head in the other direction as she ran with a crowd of panicked people toward the outskirts of the city. It was like some fucked up nightmare as Macy kept thinking she would wake up soon. Yet her pounding heart and aching body told her this was real.

The sounds of destruction and horror grew quiet as she ran further away from it. Luckily she knew the city well enough to know where to head. She just had to go a few more feet-

Macy and the group of people she was running with were instantly back downtown in pure chaos. Screams and cries for help filled the air and so was that horrible sounding crushing sound. Trying to find out what was going on, Macy looked up.

Macy watched an enormous foot come slamming down next to her smashing and splattering the remains of dozens of people near her. The sounds of goo and gore filled her ears along with a maniacal laughter from the younger Giantess, “Nowhere to go but under my feet!” Macy pushed and shoved past dazed and confused looking people as another foot came down near her obliterating another portion of the crowd she was in, the sickening sound of what she could only imagine what someone stepping on grapes might hear. Macy was in flight mode as she just ran not looking where she was. The horrible sounds of people crying and begging only to be smashed into the ground filled Macy’s ears. It wasn’t till she finally managed to turn down a road that she noticed where she was… she was back in the middle of the city.

“WH-HOW?!” Macy cried out in alarm reading the street sign again. She was almost out of the city before she ended up back here…

It was now that she realized there was no running. She was stuck in the city along with everyone else. With two enormous woman slaughtering people for some fucked up fun or whatever.

Macy felt something snap as she couldn’t help but cry and laugh at the same time, “I’m gonna … die…”

Eleona made a decent sized pocket of people. She made sure to stomp around them leaving a small patch of uncrushed land for them to stand on. It had to have about five or so people huddling there. Anyone who tried to leave was immediately stomped on or smited into oblivion. Smiling, she was getting so turned on right now. However, one thing she wanted to try, she hadn’t done in a long time. Grinning, she started to squat down and look at the little group of people. Taking a quick glance toward her mom, she was way too busy stomping and flattening the other part of the city to see her. Eleona glowered down at the helpless humans. “As long as you don’t move you should be fine…” Eleona whispered to them. “You got that?”

She saw a few nod their heads, the others were too shocked or broken mentally to comprehend her. Something that happened often when a God or Goddess showed their true forms on earth. Smirking, Eleona cleared her throat a little before she felt a good glob of grime building up in her nasal cavity. Hacking up what had to be the biggest loogie in history, she began to collect it along with any spit in her mouth. Pressing her lips together she let the ball of sludge and snot gather and spew out of her mouth. The ball of bile hit its mark dead on as it splattered and collapsed on the huddle group of people. Eleona smiled as she watched the mass of people try to escape or swim out of the viscous fluid, but it was too thick, many were already gulping in gallons of the gathered gunk unable to breath. Others struggled and fought, trying to climb over each other but failing as they couldn’t get out.

“Nice…” Eleona smiled watching the last of the puny people gurgle and twitch in her snotty saliva.

Eleona stood up and watched her mother crawling on all fours crushing everything under her. She was peering around areas and saying “Found you!” Just before either crushing them with her body or collapsing a building onto them.

Looking around, most of the city was destroyed or will be after a little more time. As for survivors, Eleona had a plan for them. In fact, now would probably be the best time for it.

“Mom,” Eleona called out.

Raguel stopped in the middle of crushing a long metal vehicle that had a few people left in it. “Yes?” Raguel replied, picking up the bus and turning toward her daughter.

“I was wondering, did you want to eat something?”

Raguel knew that as divine beings, they didn’t need to eat, only if they wanted to try something. “Eat? Well… I guess,” Raguel spoke, not seeing an issue with it. Raguel looked into the contraption that held a few people hiding in it. It took no effort to slowly clench her fist. The sound of metal and cries filled the air as she felt the long object start to compress into a very tight crunched up ball. Feeling the now solid ball of steel she created, Raguel looked at her daughter, “So, are we done here?”

Eleona smiled, “Almost… this is something else I like to do.” Eleona laughed while looking at her mother, “However, maybe we should clean up a little?”

Raguel looked down at herself and felt herself blush at the mess that was on her. Remains of people and buildings littered her form. In fact she even spotted a few moving humans stuck to her clothes. Either they were climbing her for safety or stuck from her colliding into buildings. “Oh right…”

Raguel watched Eleona form shine for a second and everything on her fizzled away into what looked to be dust. Doing the same, Raguel vaporized anything attached to her. That included any dirt from the building and all the tiny people. The wave of light passed over a few who let out noises as they turned to ash and floated off her body. Eventually both Raguel and Eleona were speck free and standing in the middle of a crippled town.

“So what are we eating?” Raguel asked

“That’s the fun part,” Eleona said smiling as she snapped her fingers and a nice round table with two chairs appeared. “It’s a surprise.” Raguel decided to head over to one of the chairs and took a seat. The bowl in the center of the table was empty, leading to Raguel to arch her eyes at her daughter like she might have forgotten something. Eleona took a seat and continued to smile, “Don’t worry, I didn’t forget any food.” Another snap and Raguel watched a clear thin dome around the town slowly collapse inward. As it came closer to Raguel and Eleona small little things started to appear in the bowl. They were people from the city as they were transported into the bowl. “There, all the ones we missed,” Eleona spoke, smiling at her mother.

“Wait… are we gonna,” Raguel looked confused and disturbed, “Gonna-”

“Eat lunch?” Eleona responded, “Yup. They make the perfect snack after a nice purging. Also, you would be shocked at how many of them enjoy this kind of thing.”

Now that was shocking to Raguel to hear, “They like… this stuff? Why?!”

“Mom come on, you just saw how they are. This is the kind of stuff that they really like, I told you. So go on… try one,” Eleona offered.

Raguel was skittish, but Eleona had been right before, and why would she be wrong now. Deciding to try just one of the many, she reached in and grabbed a random mortal to sample.  So far Eleona had been right, so maybe she was also right about this…

Macy was freaking out. She learned that no matter how far she ran, she ended up back under one of the two monstrous women. Finally she decided instead of running, she would hide and wait it out. That didn’t prove effective when she saw a giant table and seats appear out of nowhere. Suddenly she felt it again, that feeling of being transported, and soon she was in a mass of people in a large towering bowl. She let out a scream as did many others. Sure enough, Macy could see both Giantess chatting casually like they didn’t slaughter millions of lives. Finally the older of the two, reach toward them. Macy felt the surge of people around her shove and push as they tried to escape from the fingers, but it was pointless. Soon a screaming man was extracted from the crowd. He was pleading for help as he was drawn into the sky toward that face. She looked confused and uncertain, examining the man between her enormous fingers. Finally after a sigh, the large lips opened. The man was flicked inside and the mouth before the Giantess shut it closed.

Macy felt her fear intensify as the older woman frowned and slowly nodded in an approving way, “That’s good…”

“And just wait till they pass.” The other spoke with delight, “You can practically feel their souls flow through your body to the afterlife! It’s the best feeling EVER!”

Macy was horrified by those words, but she didn’t know why she wasn’t expecting to hear something as terrifying as that sounded. Suddenly the other Giantess, the younger one, dipped her hand in for a handful of panicked people. She quickly pushed them into her mouth and started to chew. The sounds of crunching and popping filled the air before a quick gulp after a few chomps, “I find chewing a little, makes the others freak out more.”

Macy didn’t know how much more she could freak out at this point, this was pure hell. There was no other explanation of what was going on, she had died a while ago, and was living in hell. The bowl of people between the two towering beings started to panic even more as two sets of hands started to reach back in for more. Macy was knocked to the ground as people ran over her to escape to anywhere those hands weren’t heading to. Macy prayed that maybe she would get trampled to death before being devoured. However a bright light shone in on her. It seemed a hand went for the people near Macy, and she only survived for being too low to the ground. Shocked, she watched the older giantess bring a big handful of people to her mouth and shove them into her face.

“MMM,” she moaned as she carefully licked and sucked up any stragglers from her palm. “They are so good!”

Still staying laying down in the bowl, Macy figured this was it. There couldn’t be any escape. Another hand reaching into the bowl grabbing more people before slowly shoving them into an empty mouth. It wouldn’t be long before everyone was gone. Macy could feel the feeling of hope vanish with each cry and munching sound. It was pointless…

“Oh… that’s more filling than I thought,” The older woman spoke, pausing after a bite.

Macy felt hope building up in her, one of them was getting full? Macy didn’t know what would happen to her and the others when they were done, but it was a chance, a hope that they might be set free?

“Oh?” The younger one spoke from across the table, “Mom… have you not been digesting them? I make sure to make my stomach super strong so I don’t get full. That way they fizzle up in just a few seconds so I can keep eating.”

Macy felt her gut turn at those words. The thought of an acidic stomach that eats you up faster than normal just to keep eating?!

“Oh… let me try that,” The mother said as she looked down at her slightly bulging belly from a handful of people. Macy observed the woman put a hand on the little bump. Slowly with horror Macy watched the skin over the belly start to shrink as the whaling inside increased drastically before dying down to silence. Suddenly a loud burp escaped the woman before she could cover her mouth, “OH! Oh, I’m so sorry dear… that was a shocker.”

The daughter laughed, “It’s fine mom, It’s just us. Or well,” Macy watched the younger giantess reach in for some more people, “It will be just us,” She laughed before chucking some more people into her mouth.

Macy felt her sanity slipping at their conversation. They weren’t even living beings to them. Macy couldn’t move as she looked up in shock and horror as the two continued to eat and digest people. A few burps escaped from the mother as she seemed to have trouble trying to digest things quickly. After fist full of people started to become a few people at a time, it soon came down to single plucking of people out of the bowl. Macy for some reason was overseen, maybe they thought she was dead?

Whatever the reason, it was finally just her. She was the last one in the enormous empty bowl that used to hold hundreds if not more.

“Ahhhh,” The younger woman sighed. “Soooo goooood. You can just feel them can’t you?”

The older giantess nodded, sighing the same, “It feels so good…”

“Oh, mom, there’s one left…”

Macy closed her eyes as she knew that it was just a matter of time. She almost wished she was one of the first few eaten, so she didn’t have to listen to the pain and torment the others went through. How could she be the only one left? It almost seemed impossible, but here she was.

“Doesn’t seem to be moving,” The mother spoke.

“She’s just pretending to be dead. Those are like the least fun ones. You can have her.”

Macy didn’t want to know what she meant by “least fun ones” but soon two large fingers were picking up her limp body. Macy opened her eyes to see herself being pulled toward the older woman. Macy couldn’t help but see the attractiveness to the woman. Something that gave off a nice motherly and loving vibe, how she didn’t notice till she was staring at this face moments before her death was beyond Macy. However it glowed with adult beauty and glory. Macy almost forgot how many poor unfortunate souls ended up dead because of this gorgeous face. Hell… Macy nearly forgot what was gonna happen to her.

“No no no, please don’t eat me!” Macy cried out. The large woman didn't seem to hear.

Macy was slowly brought closer to those lush lips before they parted. The hard shiny teeth opening only made Macy start to cry as she was soon pushed past them. The slippery slimy tongue slurped up Macy from the two fingers with such ease it was almost comical. She was hit by a wave of saliva as she was sucked off the two digits holding her. Soon another nasty surge of liquid goo covered her. The smell of iron and other scents hit her hard as she was being carried off by the new current of fluids. Macy struggled the best she could but it was overwhelming as the tongue moved and pushed her around into more muck. Finally it happened, Macy was shoved down something like a tunnel and into what could only be a Goddess gut, where she would meet her doom.

Raguel swallowed the last mortal into her belly. She didn’t want to tell her daughter, but she really enjoyed feeling them move in her belly. Seeing as it was the last one, Raguel made sure to weaken her digestion drastically. Being the last one, she wanted to savor it for a little longer than before.

“Well, this sure was fun,” Raguel said, leaning back sighing. “I didn’t know this was something you did.”

“Only on rare occasions,” Eleona said, reflecting her mother’s attitude.

“I have to wonder… won’t the mortals miss this city,” Raguel asked, gesturing around at the destroyed city and now void of mortal life in it, parts still crumbling from their destruction as they sat there.

“They have plenty,” Eleona laughed at her joking comment. Eleona didn’t care to elaborate that many times the mortals usually came up with their very own narrative about a city being destroyed. Some bizarre or natural disaster destroying these cities. Meteor, earthquake, volcano, or even a freak Hurricane. Leave it to the mortals to come up with some explanation for the God's work.

“Interesting, so how often do you… purge?” Raguel asked.

“Mmm, like at least a few times a month. Depends on how many people are in the mortal world. Gotta make sure they don’t overpopulate too much,” Eleona explained.

“Oh, well… that sounds like a lot of work for just a single goddess to do,” Eleona said, doing her best not to imply anything.

“Oh, really now? Mom… what are you trying to say,” Eleona leaned in on the table and rested her head on her hands as she smirked at her mother. “Something you want to ask me?”

“Well,” Raguel said, trying not to seem too interested in the idea, “I’m just saying… Maybe… I could… you know… help out… a little. I mean I WAS the goddess of the afterlife. I wouldn’t be against helping my daughter with her duties.”

Eleona happily smiled at her mother, “Well, I don’t see any issue with spending a day or two once a month together, just us spending time having some mortal fun. Especially if you had so much fun today, right?”

Raguel smiled as she leaned back in her chair, “Oh yes, this was a lot of fun.”

Horgoth watched his wife, queen of the gods, come into the bedchamber happy. “Had a pleasant day?”

“Actually yes,” Raguel responded, still smiling as she headed to her side of the bed.

Horgoth laughed, “Good, good! See, I knew that’s all you needed. Some good old, mother daughter time together. What did you all do?”

“Oh nothing too fancy, just OUR jobs as Goddess of the afterlife. I forgot how much I enjoyed the job.” Raguel said, pulling the covers up as she prepared for some sleep. “Eleona told me I can come by again very soon, for some more mother daughter time.”

“I take it you both had a good time,” Horgoth asked.

Raguel turned on her side, away from Horgoth as she slowly rubbed her belly with the single soul still trapped inside it. The little panicked tickling sensation that Raguel felt was a belly full of butterflies going off inside her. “Oh it was an amazing time, you have no idea.”

Macy sobbed as she felt her chamber turn and she went tumbling into another pool of acid. The chemicals smelled like vomit and other disgusting things. However it didn’t burn… well not as bad as she thought it should have. It was in fact a very irritatingly slow itching sensation, a discomforting sunburn as she felt the sensation all over skin. Her clothes were slowly falling apart leaving more skin exposed to the horrible environment. This wasn’t the only horrible thing, the sounds of a living person’s body filled her ears. There were sounds of rumbling talking, breathing, heart beat, stomach grumbles, and countless other noises Macy couldn’t point out. All she could do was stay stuck in th the stinky smelly stomach pit of some fucked up giant woman. The chamber walls around her moved and pressed in around her, making the space smaller as Macy couldn’t help but be pushed around. How long was she gonna be left alive in here? Even the air, as foul as it smelled, had plenty of oxygen for her to breathe for the past several hours. It was almost as if she was being kept alive for the pure amusement of her tormentor. However, that was impossible…

The low rumbling of something gurgling could be heard before another wave of stomach muck dripped down on Macy’s body making her skin crawl and complain from the every itchy and biting sensation. Why was Macy still alive? There was no way someone could make sure she stayed alive but still suffer like this, right?

However, Macy would never get a response, as she stewed away in the stomach of her unknown Goddess. One that was thinking the single human mortal would enjoy this long and torturous situation as a blissful afterlife in her Godly stomach before going to the actual afterlife. Macy would soon learn that she would be getting the worst treatment of all as she would last until the Goddess’ next purge. Something that wouldn’t be coming for a while now.

Smiling, the Goddess whispered ever so quietly, “Enjoy your time, little one.”

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