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Jan was staring at her reflection. She was in love with her new stature and she was still having a hard time believing that she wasn't dreaming. After all, just last night she was in bed wishing to be able to have this power. And out of nowhere, with no explanation, she now had it. Yes, she wasn't able to change sizes as dramatically as she had dreamed, but it seemed like it was just a matter of time before she could do so.

"Hmmm I should call Eli, she should be home soon and I'm going to give her a huge surprise."

Janis grabbed her phone, but before she went ahead to call her lover, she noticed how small her phone felt now. She loved the feeling she got when comparing her new size to everyday objects, but she quickly decided to grow her phone to look as big as it was before she became bigger.

"As cute as it looked, I like that I don't have to pay extra to have a large screen in my pocket. One of the few advantages of being a small girl I guess."

Jan resumed what sye was doing and went directly to tap on Eli's contact to ask if she was on her way home already. Eli's photoshoots always took somewhere between 4 and 5 hours, and she left the apartment at 9 a.m. and it was already 3 p.m. so she was supposed to be home already.

"Hi babe! How's your shooting going?"

"Oh Hi honey! I'm so sorry, I was about to call you. Well it took a lot longer than it should because one of the girls got here 2 hours late, and then I received a call from the office to ask me to cover for Kevin. Looks like he's sick and they needed someone urgently, so I accepted. I should've called you earlier babe, but I was kind of in a hurry and I just didn't find the chance to give myself the time to give you a proper call."

"Oh don't worry sweetie, I get it. Just remember that a simple text is enough for me ok? As much as I appreciate it you don't have to feel guilty for not making me the center of your day."

"I don't deserve you baby"

"No one does, but you are ok haha. I'll have a nice dinner for two when you get home ok?"

"Actually I wanted to buy you some dinner tonight. I'm doing overtime thanks to Kevin so we should spend his money somewhere nice. What do you think?"

"I love that, Eli!"

"Choose wherever you want to eat honey and just text me the place whenever you have decided. And we can meet there when I get out of the office."

"Perfect. We have a date, then." Jan bit her lip as she said that. She was so happy to have someone as thoughtful as Eli in her life. At that moment, she felt her life was perfect.

"Yes, it's a date. I'll see you tonight hot stuff. I love you."

"Love you too, baby."

Jan hung up and then she realized that there was a small problem now. She wanted to surprise Eli with the big news when she came back home.

"Oh damn, I wanted to surprise her as soon as I saw her. I don't want to freak her out in public. Not to mention that other people might freak out if they notice something strange like a girl growing a foot taller out of nowhere. Well, it doesn't have to be too flashy. I could go for a more subtle surprise so that she doesn't shit her pants in front of everyone. And if I do it right, no one else will notice. Hmmm I have a few ideas, but I'll need to try something new."

Jan then looked towards the living room couch.

"Ok you. Why don't you get smaller… but slowly, let's say, 5 seconds."

And as she completed her request in her mind, she saw how the couch instead of shrinking in the blink of an eye, it slowly dwindled in size and after 5 seconds it just stopped.

"Ok, seems like I can do that. I just need to do one last experiment, but I'll have to go for a walk for this one."

Jan took off Eli's heels and left them in the middle of the living room after growing them back to their regular size. She then put on her new flat sandals and looked at herself in the mirror.

"Look at that gorgeous 5'10" woman." Jan said posing in front of the mirror admiring her figure.

"Time to leave!" Jan grabbed her keys and got out of the apartment. After a couple of seconds she opened the door and came back in holding the door open. She just stared at the apartment for a few seconds and then, every single item that she had altered went back to its regular size in an instant.

"I'm getting really good at this!" Jan said out loud being very proud of herself. Jan then got out and closed the door behind her.

Jan was walking around, looking for the perfect situation to try this new thing out. The thing was that she didn't want to alarm anyone or call any attention, so she was looking carefully for the perfect situation to arrive.

"Bingo." Jan had found a man walking very distracted as he looked in every direction except in front of him as he was also on the phone, and he seemed to be just as tall as Jan, it was perfect.

Jan and the random guy crashed into each other just as Jan wanted. She was prepared and dropped to the floor while her small purse fell out of her shoulder, spilling all of its contents to the pavement. At the same time, the man dropped to the floor as well, a bit too hard. Jan wanted him to meet the floor, but it seems like she used too much force, which was understandable since she had become so much larger not too long ago, and she had a hard time measuring her new level of strength.

As soon as she saw the guy tumbling down she went for it, in an instant, she changed the man's size. It was perfect for him to not notice the change.

"Oh god I'm so sorry it's my fault, I should look where I'm going, i'm so sorry. Are you ok?" Jan said apologetically, with visible shame in her face while trying to avoid eye contact to seem more ashamed. At ghe same time she started to collect her things back from the floor and placing them in her purse.

"Oh no, it's fine. Please don't worry about it, I wasn't looking either. I think we can share the blame. Here, let me help you." Jan was ready to deal with an asshole, but it turns out that this guy was polite, and felt a bit ashamed as well, so it all went very smoothly.

"Ok, I think that's all. Thank you so much." Jan said while standing up.

"Don't mention it, it's nothing." He stood to his feet as well.

When they were both standing up, Jan was pleased to see that it had worked. The man who a minute ago stood as tall as her, was now barely reaching her nose.

"Looks like I can change other people's sizes as well, not only my own!" She thought, excited to finally have the answer she wanted.

"Oh, you are quite tall!"

"Yes I hear that a lot." Jan said, trying her hardest not to make a big deal out of it. For the first time in her life, someone was calling her tall. And not only that. She could see what Eli had told her before. The man seemed a bit nervous now, a little… uneasy. Seems like Eli was so right, watching someone feeling small next to you was something else entirely.

"May I ask you… uhm, I'm just curious… how tall are you?"

"Hmmm, how tall do I look, little guy?" Jan was dying inside. She felt like she had power over him just by standing in front of him.

"Well, uhm, 5'11" isn't little, you know? Haha. But I would guess that you are like, i don't know… 6'5"?"

Jan proceed to bend down to meet his eyes directly, as she extended her right index finger towards his nose and as she gave it a small flick she said: "Bingo" while winking her eye at the now very short guy.

He was frozen in place. Dumbfounded by the experience. And Jan walked away feeling so powerful.

"He will grow back to his regular size in the next 60 seconds" She declared in her mind.

Jan had now confirmed it. She can slowly change the size of her subjects. And she can also manipulate other people's sizes. Not just hers and inanimate objects. But she wanted to have more fun now that she was feeling so confident about herself and her ability. She was now going to try something harder to pull off. Jan decided to ride the train, because for her next trick, she would need more than one person.

Jan went to the nearest train station and stepped inside the first train that arrived. She wasn't going anywhere in particular, she just needed a large group of unsuspecting people that were unaware of their surroundings so that she could try to pull this off.

Just as Jan entered the train, she found out that it was fairly crowded. Not too much, since she could spot a place where she could sit. As she walked towards the seat, she spotted the tallest person in that section of the train. A guy who seemed to be 3 inches taller than her, putting him at around 6'1". Even though there were a few free seats, including one right in front of him, he chose to ride the train standing up, looking at his phone while listening to music through his earbuds. Jan sat right in front of him, and stood there very nervous for what she was about to try.

"Ok ok it's fine. Everyone is either looking at their phones or reading a book. No one seems to be paying attention. It's still risky, but fuck it, they won't know it was me anyway."

Jan overcame her nerves, calmed down and went for it.

"Ok, let's try phrasing it a bit differently this time. Over the next to minutes, everyone here but me, will lose 5% of their height." After completing her sentence in her mind, she felt dizzy for just a couple of seconds. Just like when you stand up too fast, and it quickly fades away.

"Wow, easy there. Seems like i'm pushing my limits with this. Well, now I just have to wait."

Jan was closely paying attention to everyone's height, but since most people were sitting, it was harder to notice any changes. And the guy who stood right in front of her was at an angle in which it wasn't easy to ser any changes either.

"Maybe it didn't work. No, just wait a bit more, just 30 seconds more and then stand up to get ready to get out in the next station."

"Ok, time's up. And this guy will be perfect to know if it did work." Jan stood up and held the same metal pole as the 6'1".

The man was still looking at his phone, unbothered by anything around him. But now, Jan was taller than him by an inch or so.

"I fucking did it!" Jan couldn't believe she was already able tu pull something this big already.

The train stopped, and Jan quickly got out.

"Ok, everyone who shrunk back there will grow back to normal in a span of two minutes." Jan felt dizzy again, but this time it was barely noticeable.

"I can feel myself getting… I don't know… stronger?." Jan's stomach growled loudly as she was coming to terms with her progress.

"Oh, I haven't eaten anything. I should get something just to get rid of the hunger until I see Eli later tonight."

While eating a slice of pizza Jan had an idea sitting alone at her small table for one.

"Hmm I wonder if I can resize something without me being present. Ok, let's try this out. Aaaaaaand donde, I guess. I will confirm it when I get home, for now it's pizza time."

Jan finished her snack and went back to her apartment. 

Going up to her 5th floor apartment was so much easier now that the steps felt much lower. "Wow, tall people have it so easy!"

Jan grabbed her keys and opened the apartment door. 

"Holy shit!" Jan screamed surprised. She was not prepared to see what was waiting for her in the middle of the living room. Elizabeth's heels from earlier, the ones that Jan was obsessed about. Well, they were now much bigger than what Janis thought they were going to be. They were twice as tall as their living room table, which while still not very tall, was huge for a pair of heels.

"What the hell? I did this? For real!?" Jan walked towards the pair of heels. "That's right, I just wanted to make them as big as possible." Jan stood in front of them still in disbelief.

"They… they… they are nearly as tall as my legs… They are gigantic!" Jan was in shock at the sight in front of her. Jan stood right beside the left shoe, and grabbed it askwardly, as it's shape and size made impossible to propperly find a way to hold it.

"Oh, that's heavy." She struggled to lift it a couple of inches off the ground. She then knelt down in front of the now enormous pair of heels before her. When kneeling, the heels came up to her chin, it was an unreal thing to see. She was 5'10" and yet, she felt smaller than she ever had. But not for long.

Jan suddenly bumped her head with something very hard, and heard a loud booming sound echoing through the building.

"Ouch! What the hell? Oh shit, I'm gigantic." Jan said, realizing that everything around her was now tiny. Her right foot nearly as long as the couch that had been effortlessly pushed away by her. She was sitting on her knees now, and she couldn't sit up right because the 15 foot ceiling was way too low. But still, the pair of heels in front of her seemed way too big to fit her.

"Oh, that's right, they're size 12, and i'm a size 4." She said as she made them smaller in order to fit her perfectly. Now, what previously felt like a 100 pounds, she held with a single hand with ease, just like any other shoe. 

"Pfft what am I doing? There's no point if I can't even stand up. And how tall am I? Maybe if I go outside I can take advantage of my new size… Oh wait, I can't do that." Jan said with the sad realization that she wasn't able to really do that without making a mess that could potentially ruin her own and Eli's lives. And she  slowly shrunk back, not to her previous height of 5'10", but to her original 4'8" and the pair of heels returned to their regular size as well.

"Well I wonder how small I can get now." Jan tried to look for options, if she wasn't able to make herself giant outside her apartment, she could make everything tiny inside it, including Eli, of course.

Eli rapidly shrunk down until the regular sized heels seemed to have grown to their previous height. Seems like both her growth and shrinking spectrum are proportional to each other. 

Eli quickly forgot about the sad realization that she couldn't fully use her growth as she pleased, because she was now standing in the middle of a gigantic living room. The small table that previously could just reach her knees, was now nearly twice as tall as her. The ceiling seemed to be nearly a 100 feet above her now. The doorknobs were far beyond her reach. Everything was huge. And so, she decided to measure herself. If her power to grow and shrink was proportional, then she could figure out how big she could get, if she could know how small she was right now.

"I just need to find the mencil… oh crap." The tip of the pencil was sticking out from the corner of the living room table, and while not that tall, to Jan, it was over 8 feet tall for her.

"I could grow mysefl just enough to reach it, but this actually seems fun! And I have an idea." Jan quickly ran towards the bow of the pair of heels, which was a good 3 feet tall to her. It was much lighter than one of the shoes, but she still ended up getting tired from pushing it to reach the top of the table. She then climbed up the box, and then jumped to reach the edge of the table and got herself up.

"Yes! I did it!" Her view from this height was like looking at the world from the height of her knees, but still, it felt like she was standing on the roof of a 2 story house. Then she looked at the pencil. "Well, thats way bigger than I thought." The pencil was as long as her legs, but it was surprisingly light, so she decided she could still pull this off.

After going back down and measuring herself against the wall she remembered that she had left the measuring tape on top of the kitchen counter.

"Ugh ok, I don't have time for that." Jan grew herself just enough to look over the counter and grabbed the measuring tape. And kneeled in front of her little mark to measure.

"A hair over eleven inches." So I guess that I can get to 1/5th my regular height, and by extension, a moment ago I was… wow, over 23 feet tall. Eli would barely make it past my knees at that size." Jan started to daydream of the possibilities now. 

"I could shrink Eli to a bit over 1 foot tall, while I could make myself like 10 feet tall… at least. I'm going to have so much fun with you tonight, my little Eli."

Jan snapped out of it, remembering that she had a day with her beloved tonight. She looked at her phone and saw the time. It read 7:36. She still had more than enough time to shower and get ready. Jan was eager to see Elizabeth. 

"Eli, it's time for you to know what it really is like to feel tiny." 

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