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Jan and Eli have been dating for 1 year and 2 months. Jan moved to Eli's apartment after 6 months of being together. They were both very happy together with stable jobs and a stable relationship, and they both had finally found someone who shared their sexual desires perfectly.

The night of their first date ended with both of  them drunk in Eli's apartment having sex. That night Jan was quite drunk and made the risky move (risky in her mind) of asking Eli if she could have some foot action with her. Turns out that Eli was into feet as well. A few months later they were already going for domination dynamics in bed, and Eli was down for all of it. She was into it too. They switched places from time to time since Jan loved being dominant. But since there's a difference of nearly 2 feet in height, Eli ended up enjoying it more when Jan was her tiny submissive girl. But Eli had an "As long as you like it I like it" kind of mindset, so it wasn't like she didn't enjoy playing the sub. 

Two months after Jan moved to Eli's apartment she decided to tell her lover about her size fetish. Eli wasn't even surprised. Eli confessed that she had similar fantasies in her head all the time. Constantly daydreaming about being even taller, and fantasizing about toying with a much smaller Jan, making her do whatever she pleased.

Everything was perfect for both of them, and it was about to get even better.

Back to the present day, Eli and Jan were cuddling in bed talking about whatever before falling asleep.

"So, Eli. If you could wish for one thing, whatever it was, what would you wish for?" Asked Jan.

"Pfft that's easy. Infinite money! We would travel around the world and do whatever we want. One day we could be skydiving in dubai, and the next day, having a romantic dinner in Paris. Life would be so sweet. No worries, no limits." Eli said without hesitation.

"That's nice. Kind of predictable, as always, but I totally understand it. Especially since our generation seems to struggle so hard to achieve financial freedom."

"Oh come on! You never said that I had to go crazy and wish for something that no one has ever wished before. What would you wish for then Ms. Think outside the box?." Eli asked, defending herself with a loud playful tone.

"Haha nah I'm not original either. I would go more fantasy style and wish to be able to manipulate reality I guess. That way we can have the money, yes. But imagine just teleporting from Dubai to paris in the blink of an eye. No need for long flights. Heck we could have dinner on the moon, honey! Imagine that."

"Oh, J. That's cheating! That's like asking a genie to give you infinite wishes. It's against the rules to become god! Come on, limit yourself, that's part of the fun."

"Haha well, in that case, babe, you already know what I would wish for." 

"Huh? No I don't think I do J. Infinite pizza? A pair of heels your size?"

"No, silly! I would like to have size manipulation. You can pay for everything with your endless pockets, while I make you small enough to carry you inside of mine."

"Oh, I'll be in your pocket? Come on, just put me between those big boobs of yours!" Eli exclaimed as she launched her face to Jan's chest and playfully tickled her, making Jan burst into laughter.

"Stop! Stop! Omg i'm going to pee the bed babe! Hahaha stop it!"

"Haha okok little girl, you win, I don't want you to pee on our bed. But hey, if you ever get your wish, don't you dare mess with my size or I'll kick your ass ok? Make yourself as big as the Eiffel Tower if you want, but I won't let you take a single inch from me." 

"Yeah sure. Like you could stand a chance against a size changer."

"What did you just say?" Eli said as she positioned herself to start ticking Jan again.

"Nothing! Aahhh please don't"

"That's what I thought, little one." Eli leaned slowly and gave Jan a kiss. "I love you honey."

"I love you too sweetheart."

They both got into their usual spoon position and fell asleep shortly after. But before falling asleep, something lingered in Jan's mind. She was thinking of how much she wanted her wish to come true. She wanted it more than anything in the world.

The next morning Jan woke up and Eli had already showered and was getting ready to leave.

"Hey, where are you going looking that hot, honey? Are you going to cheat on me?" Jan said jokingly.

"I'm too much for other girls babe, you are the only one who can handle the whole 6'7" of me. But did you forget that I have a shooting this morning?" 

"Oh, sorry you are right, I forgot about it. Do you want me to make you breakfast while you get ready?" 

"Don't worry babe, I'll be ready in 2 minutes. The team will redo my makeup when I get there anyway, I just like to do it myself whenever I go out. And they will have something for us at the studio, so don't worry about it baby."

As soon as Eli was ready she grabbed her purse and headed out. She had a boring corporate office job, but she was doing some modeling on the side from time to time. When she was younger she applied to many modeling agencies just to find out that they all thought that a woman who stood at 6 foot 7 was "too tall to be a model". She thought it was ridiculous, but one day, a special kind of agency approached her. An agency that only managed women who were 6'4" or taller. The face of the agency was this 6 feet 9 inch woman from Russia, who was also the founder. So after approaching Eli through her Instagram she became one of their main models in no time, and she was now attending a few events around the country, even around the world a couple of times.

So now Janis was home alone and with nothing to do since she was off that day, so she decided that she could go shopping to have some quality time with herself.

Jan bought a few tops and jeans. She bought a few items for her foot jewelry collection. An ankle bracelet and 2 toe rings that she was eager to make Eli suck out of her toes maybe later that night.

Janis was looking for some shoes that would compliment her new feet accessories. Maybe some flat sandals would be great. The thing with Jan and her search for nice footwear was that it was very complicated to find something that would fit her. Flats, sandals and sneakers weren't too hard to find. But she would usually buy them in the kids section since she had tiny size 4 feet. And heels were out of the table. It was almost impossible to find heels her size, let alone a pair that she would like.

By the end of her shopping tour she had bought a pair of sandals and a pair of flats, so it wasn't that bad.

She headed back to the apartment and when she got to the door she saw a package for Eli. Apparently she had ordered a pair of heels online, so Jan grabbed them and took the inside with her.

Jan was getting her new clothes in her closet and then she started wondering what kind of heels her girlfriend had bought, since Eli had great taste for shoes and Jan always envied her for having lots of beautiful shoes that she could never have.

Jan sat in the living room with the box on her lap and opened it.

"No way! They are gorgeous! I didn't know that they made dupes of Versace's medusa that were this big."

They were in fact custom made for Eli's size, since her Instagram had started to gain a lot of traction lately and a couple of brands were willing to make custom size 12 versions of their shoes in order to have them on the feet of the now increasingly popular Eli.

Jan was dying to have a pair of these. Even if they were replicas, they looked exactly as beautiful as the originals, and they didn't make size 4 so Jan was probably never going to have a pair of her own.

"Fuck it, ill try them"

Jan's feet were obviously too tiny for the immense size 12 shoes she had in front of her, but she wanted to try them anyway. She stood in front of the mirror and sadly stared at her reflection. 

"I look like a girl trying on her mom's heels" Jan thought to herself.

"God damn it! If only they were smaller! I would look amazing in them! Jan quietly said to herself. As she did so she felt herself suddenly lose balance, and fell to the ground.

"What the hell? Did I slip? No, I was just standing. What happened?"

As Jan questioned her fall, she looked at her feet and noticed something that seemed impossible.

"Are the shoes?... No that can't be. No way… they are! They are smaller!."

Jan took her feet out of the now smaller heels and grabbed them to examine them.

"They even feel lighter, I think. But they are still way too big for me. Hmm maybe if I… shoes, get smaller!" Janis loudly demanded the shoes to become smaller to no avail while looking like a movie protagonist who just seems to discover a secret ability and looking crazy while trying to trigger it, and it didn't take her too long to have that exact thought in her head.

"Am I going Jim Carry right now? No no no they are definitely smaller. Maybe if I try it with something else."

She grabbed one of her new sandals. Those were a perfect fit, so she tried it again, but now instead of saying the words out loud she just said it in the echoes of her mind.

"Get smaller" Jan thought to herself. And right there, in front of her and in the blink of an eye, her sandals became smaller.

"Oh my god. This is happening. I… can… shrink stuff? And it seems like I can't even shrink things that much." She said with a tone of surprise that quickly turned into disappointment.

Jan thought as she placed her feet over her brand new sandals and the frame of her petite feet swallowed whole the now even smaller footwear.

"Wow, imagine if I was that small, that would be awf…" Jan was thinking to herself and her string of thought was cut by the sudden change in front of her and the immediate realization of what happened. Her sandals emerged instantly from under her feet to their previous size. Or that's what she would have assumed if she didn't notice how the world around her seemed to have expanded instantly.

"Fuck, I shrunk myself."

Janis looked around. Everything around her was bigger than it was just a second ago. The doorknobs that were chest level, now came up to her shoulder.

"Don't freak out, don't freak out. I should be able to revert this. Just think about being regular size and everything should be fine." Janis was thinking to herself while holding her eyes shut. After a few moments she was afraid of opening her eyes again to find out that she only had the power to shrink things, not grow them back. But then she realized that her sandals felt like they were completely inside the frame of her feet. 

When Jan opened her eyes she was relieved to find herself back to her familiar point of view.

"Pfff for s moment I thought I was going to stay small forever. Well, no, who am I kidding, I'm still tiny."

After a few minutes of shrinking and regrowing a few things, Janis turned back to Elizabeth's heels, which were still in their shrunken state, and still way too big for her tiny feet.

"If I could grow myself for them to fit…"

Jan couldn't believe that it took ger this long to even consider it. Jan could make herself grow past her regular size too. But just like her shrinking ability, it wasn't by much.

"Omg I'm taller!" Everything is lower! The doorknob, the chairs, the couch, hell, even the ceiling seems closer!" Jan had never in her life felt this level of excitement.

"Time to try them back on!"

And they were still too big.

"Fuck! Is our size difference so great really? Hmm how tall am I anyway?."

Janis grabbed a pencil and a measuring tape. After a couple of minutes she had her answer.

"Look at that! I'm 5'1"! That's 5 inches taller! I guess I shouldn't complain too hard. I'm being too hard on myself. And instead of being mad at what I can't do, I think I should try to find out what I can do."

Jan couldn't help but keep experimenting with her new found ability. She spent all day trying to change the size of all kinds of stuff. Their bed, their TV, all of her clothes at once. After a couple of hours playing with her power she noticed how easy it felt now. At first it felt like something out of her control that was coincidentally in sync with her thoughts or desires. Like a lucid dream in which you can barely influence anything at all. But now it felt absolutely intentional. As intentional ad moving her arm, as jumping, as writing. Now she felt like she was in control of it, and she loved every bit of it.

After hours of experimentation she noticed that it had not only become easier. But there was something even more exciting happening.

"Ok I think I'm done for now. We now have a bigger bed, bigger TV, fridge, living room… ah! The sky's the limit!" She then stepped on a pair of very small sandals.

"Oh no I forgot about them. I left them small now that I remember. Well, get as big as you can, little ones, because I'm wearing you today."

The sandals grew instantly in front of her.

"That's better. Now let's put them on…"

Jan was speechless for a moment while she was frozen in place staring at her sandals.

"They are… too big now. Way too big, actually."

She was awestruck.

"I guess I'll have to make myself as big as I can as well if I want to wear them today." She thought to herself as she was now used to doing so. She knew what was happening, in an instant everything clicked inside her mind. And in that instant, she felt herself growing past her 5 foot 1 stature. She knee it now. This power was like a muscle, and she had been exercising it non stop for the past few hours.

"They fit perfectly now." She said with a quiet satisfaction as she went barefoot again and walked toward the wall in which she measured herself a moments ago. Her 5'1" mark now barely made it past her chin.

A few moments later she marked her new height against the wall and measured.

"5 feet 10 inches tall. I'm over a foot taller now. This is just unbelievable." Janis was barely able to process everything that had transpired during the past few hours.

After measuring her new height of 5'10" she immediately started walking towards Eli's shrunken pair of heels.

"They have to fit now, they must fit!" Jan grabbed the left shoe and tried it on.

"Too bad… they're… too small." Jan said with a grin on her face. "But it's ok, they'll grow to fit me just fine now." As she completed her thought, her foot slid right into it, fitting perfectly, as if they were custom made for her.

She walked back to the wall one more time. 

Jan measured herself with the heels on, and now she was towering at 6'4". With these heels on, she was just 3 inches away from reaching Eli's height. At first she felt disappointed that even now that she felt so big and so powerful. Even with the help of these 6 inch heels, she would still look small next to her beautiful Eli.

But then she realized something. Not long ago, she thought her maximum height would be 5'1". And at that time that made her feel big and intimidating. Now at her new height, 5'1'' seemed tiny, and 4'8" seemed laughable. Who knows, maybe tomorrow, 7 feet tall will seem… cute.

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