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It was the end of the world. Jake was here to bear witness to it, and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. He thought that perhaps he should have been more distraught about the whole thing, but he was conflicted. As he looked up into the sky and caught sight of what would be genociding billions of lives in a split-second he could feel a number of conflicting emotions. But the prevalent one underneath them all was plain and simple.


It was not a meteor coming down from the sky. Not a planet. Not a huge chunk of ice. Nothing of that sort. No, it was a woman’s backside. One he recognized, actually. It was enormous beyond compare. Large enough that he could take a centuries-long journey across its massive scale and never reach the end of it. The huge, round, jiggling ass came down as a woman beyond comprehension planned on using the world around him as a seat.

He welcomed it. He looked up, knowing that while this was not the way he expected to go, it was also far from a bad way to die. He could be proud going this way. As the air resistance above turned the huge, jiggly cheeks a bright orange and gold color he could feel the wind around him begin to displace. Huge gusts blew trees over, and forced him to the ground. He tried his best to keep his eyes open, hoping to at least feel his tiny body make contact with the giant woman’s ass directly. His arms reached forward. The huge cheeks came down ever more slowly. And…!

Jake awoke suddenly, the vivid images running through his mind lingering for a few seconds after. His heart raced as he looked around, needing a moment to remember where he was. It was safe here. He was in his tiny seat in a sectioned-off area. There was nothing to worry about.

He exhaled, and took deep breaths to calm himself down. Though he was safe in his ever-so-miniscule protected bubble, he was constantly made aware of his place in the world. Every so often colossal feet stomped by, narrowly missing the small containment area that he had been seated in. It made sense, given that this was a shipping station used for people of several wide-ranging sizes.

Jake was a Nano. Had been his entire life. In this world the dominant species came in many, many different scales that were radically different from one another. Scientifically, those at the top were labeled Prodigans. It was the only way to effectively describe their truly gargantuan scale to the rest of the world around them.

They preferred to call themselves, “Normal.”

Below them were Brobdignagans, who stood barely a handful of inches tall when next to a Prodigan. Then there were the Gulliverans, who stood only a few inches tall next to a Brobdignagan. Next were Lilliputians, who were equally tiny next to the Gulliverians, followed by Microputians, who were even smaller than the Lilliputians.

And then there was Jake… and people like him. Coined “Nanos”, they were in abundant supply over every inch of the planet and their numbers far outweighed anything that anyone else had ever seen. While estimates at the Prodigan population placed them at about 6 billion spread across the entire planet, every smaller race increased that number exponentially.  All the way down to the Nanos, trillions of whom could live in a single Prodigan home without the owners ever knowing.

This created problems, of course. It was not possible to have a functional democracy with numbers like this. The bigger a person was, the greater their needs ultimately were, but with the exponential increase in population anything that was to benefit the smaller races would easily win out in terms of sheer numbers.

So new laws were put into place to deal with these problems. The representation and overall rights of each smaller tier of the populace was lessened, until you eventually dropped all the way down to Nanos, who were essentially reduced to little more than pets to the majority of those above them.

To ease this transition, there were other laws put into place. If a person of a smaller race decided that they wanted to sign the rights to their life away they could do exactly that, and lead a carefree life with someone who was much bigger than themselves. If they were lucky, that was. Some owners were mischievous. Some were downright cruel, and took great joy in taking full advantage of the tiny people who had lost all citizenship status by every metric.

It was thoughts like these that kept Jake on edge, despite all the reassurances he had been given. He looked down at his watch, then looked around again. He was waiting to be delivered to his new, permanent home right now. It should have been an interesting time, perhaps even a wonderful one… but he could not help but feel nervous.

Back home, Jake had lived in a small, isolated Nano nation tucked away inside of a forest that appeared to be on the scale of a Gulliveran. No one ever came by that wasn’t also a Nano, though he had heard some of his friends tell stories of the time that they had spotted a Lilliputian in the distance. A young woman who stood at several miles in height, just walking by, never even turning to face them. He thought them all liars, but had secretly wished that he had gotten the chance to see her as well. Perhaps it was that jealousy that had brought him to this situation ultimately, he thought, biting his thumb.

At the moment he sat inside of a metal capsule. It was rather spacious, and huge to him, but he was getting a harsh lesson in reality. In truth he was finding himself rather small. The station only served customers up to Gulliverian level in scale, and he could feel the entire structure he sat inside tremor violently when a Microputian walked by, making sure to never step over the yellow line that separated the Nano seating from the regular walkway.

When he looked left to right he could see more capsules just like this one. There had to be thousands of them, as far as the eye could see. Each was capable of holding more than a few hundred Nano-sized people like himself, and though his was far from jam-packed, if all of them were even at half capacity that would mean that he was looking at tiny round housing structures for hundreds of thousands of people his size.

Microputians walked by occasionally, never paying any mind to the small metal capsules with windows as they did so. He had seen every manner of shoe walk past his small containment building, and wondered how it would hold up if one of these people ever fell over, and landed onto them. He thought that they seemed strong enough to survive if one of the Microputians walking by would accidentally do exactly that.

The Lilliputians many miles away in the distance however… that was a different story entirely. Though they were nowhere near the places he sat, he could tell that any of these structures would disintegrate like sand if one of the Lilliputians were to place their enormous feet onto it.

Which made it all the more humbling to know that these capsules, and the walkways for both Micros and Lilliputians were resting atop counters and tables for Gulliverians. Though there weren’t any nearby, Jake could turn around and beyond an enormous glass wall separating them from the counters. Massive titans walked by, all on their way somewhere else, and hardly paid any mind to the throngs of civilization just nearby. There were even chairs for the people, and he could tell from one of the women seated somewhere far down the line that any one of them could have crushed thousands of these capsules without even raising an eyebrow.

He gulped nervously.

That was only the size of a Gulliverian in comparison to himself. He tried to think about what life would be like when he was finally shipped to his destination, but he could hardly imagine.

His adventure had begun almost a year prior. There was a great equalizer in this world of immense scale differences, and it came in the form of communication. The Internet. It was while hanging out in a chat room one day that Jake had struck up a conversation with a young woman. Their conversations quickly became a regular thing, and he learned that her name was Sarah. Things between the two of them went well, but after about a month she had said something that made him stop dead in his tracks.

“I have so many pets. I bet you’d love to see them!”

“How many?”

“Gosh. I don’t even know. I don’t think I have the patience to count that high…”

He tried to shake off the strange sentiment, but found that he simply couldn’t. A week later he had probed more, and came to a startling discovery.

Sarah was a Prodigan.

She had revealed the information to him so casually that he was simply stunned at first. Here they were online, and she was talking to him like they were on equal footing. When in reality, if the two were in the same room… she wouldn’t even be aware of his presence. He could spend an entire lifetime attempting to travel her body, and fail to do so while she remained blissfully unaware the entire time.

He decided he didn’t want to deal with the heartbreak that would come from her finding out on her own, and told her the truth about his own diminutive stature. He expected to be blocked afterwards, and wondered if he should better try and find a woman closer to his own size to try and meet. No bigger than a Microputian!

To his surprise, she was not bothered by this revelation.

But afterwards… their conversations began to change.

Rather than discuss things the way they had been, she instead gradually shifted into talking up her pets more often. She talked about how she had started collecting Lilliputians, Microputians, and even Nanos since graduating from college. She kept them in towns, cities, and even whole worlds that she maintained herself, making sure that her tiny little pets got to live wonderful lives in the lap of luxury. She talked about how much all of her pets adored her, and how they had not regretted eagerly signing their lives over to her one bit.

Naturally, Jake was intrigued.

In his own life things hadn’t been going so well. Finding a job was very difficult for Nanos, after all. Their race was the one that forfeited their lives over to bigger people at the highest rate by far, as there was incredibly little practical use they could provide the workforce outside of computer-related work. And he had had enough data entry to last three lifetimes. He wanted something new. Something exciting. Something…

Something devoid of responsibilities. Something he would never have to worry about.

On the eleventh month after initially talking to Sarah she had convinced him. He asked sheepishly, thankful that she could not see how incredibly bright red his face had turned when he did so, if he could sign himself over to become her belonging.

She responded not with words, but with a link. One to the official government forum to sign his life over. He didn’t question things, and his heart began to pound with excitement as he quickly filled it out.

The forum was sent, and a date was scheduled. Shortly before it was time to depart he dropped all of his belongings off at a place for charity. He had no qualms about doing so. He had no loved ones to keep him here, anyway. They had all left to greener pastures, or had signed their own lives over to someone who would dote on them and pamper them like cute pets. At least, that was what he assumed became of them…

Naturally, Jake never heard from any of them again. Few owners let their pets have any communication with their former lives, so this was not out of the ordinary, but it did serve to increase the mystique of the idea. For Jake, it was a no-brainer.


A staticy voice came on over the speaker systems.

“Gulliverian Train A is now boarding. Please head into the Gulliverian-only cars if that applies to you. Lilliputian cars #400-900 will be loaded into the same car. Microputian carriages #1300-#15,800 will be loaded as well. And Nano capsules #1,820,000 to #27,100,000 will be loaded as well.”

Jake looked down at his ticket. Capsule #3,899,210. That meant he was up. He took a deep breath, and felt the entire capsule he sat in begin to move down a conveyor belt. The distance between his car and the ones next to him began to grow smaller, leaving the individual capsules packed into a tight space, and he looked up ominously at the Microputian cars placed in the rack above his own. If the metal housing keeping them in position were to fail, just one of those cars would crush hundreds if not thousands of the capsules he was sitting in.

Not wanting to think such unpleasant thoughts, he closed his eyes, and decided now was as good a time as any to take a nap.

The rest of the trip went by in a flash. Countless cars were packed into the massive train car, and there was still plenty of room to spare. After the short ride was finished, every Nano in the car was given a small beacon that would transport them to their final destination. Then they were unloaded, sorted, and it felt like hardly any time at all had passed when he heard an alarm blare in his car specifically.

Yawning, he took a deep breath, and stepped out. A tiny machine scanned his identity, confirmed the location he was set to travel to, and his entire body began to tingle.

Seconds later, Jake regained consciousness, and took a deep breath. The sensation of teleporting was always an unpleasant one, but it was the only realistic way to sort and travel the innumerable people of his scale where they needed to go. He glanced around at his new surroundings, attempting to get a handle on where he was.

It was a sight that defied description.

The ground was smooth and hard. It extended in every direction as far as the eye could see, but he knew it had to end eventually. Knew, only because he could just barely see the absolutely enormous signs of cookware, and dishes in the great distance. If Prodigan homes worked anything like Nanos, then he assumed he was on top of a counter of some sort.

Just… an enormous one at that... He could feel his eyes strain as he tried to take in the enormity of it all. He thought back to the Gulliverians that he had seen back at the station sitting in those huge chairs. A single one of those would still be miniscule next to the enormous expanse of open space all around him.

For a moment he began to worry. He had nothing on him but the clothes on his back, after all. How was he supposed to signal to Sarah that he had arrived? He was far too small to be seen with the naked eye! She could wipe the counter clean and crush him into a pulp without ever having known he had-

At that moment an enormous red light began to flash high above him. A soft tone that nevertheless rattled his entire body sounded through the empty room. He wondered if he should be worried at first, but then he heard it.


Deep. Heavy. Rhythmic. As they grew louder, and closer, he could feel his own legs turn to jelly beneath him. He dropped to his knees, trying to stop from falling over, before quickly realizing that this was not going to be enough. He fell flat on his belly, spreading himself out to take up as much space as possible so the rumbles didn’t send him bouncing too high.


His heart skipped a beat. Jake recognized that voice. It was so strange to hear it at its true volume. He’d heard Sarah speak many times during their voice chats, but they had always spoken as if they were equals. Even if he knew early on that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Now he knew that his loudest, most powerful cries for help would be drowned out by the slightest most barely-audible sounds that she could ever make. Her breathing could send him flying off of the counter thousands of miles away. He could probably hear the blood rushing through her veins he was so tiny. The beating of her heart would probably be enough to send him bouncing across the ground.

And then she appeared.

She looked as pretty as he remembered. Only on a larger scale than he could’ve ever imagined. At least, from what he could see of her… An enormous, massive beautiful woman appeared from around the corner, stepping into the kitchen. As she did so, the blinking light which had been signaling his appearance stopped suddenly, and he could feel the beacon begin to vibrate in his hands. He looked down at it, noting that it was beginning to glow incredibly bright. So bright that it hurt his eyes just to look in it’s direction, even with his eyes closed! With a start, he dropped it onto the floor, and covered his face.

“Ah, there it is.”

The rumbling grew louder. Heavier. More powerful. Jake looked up. And up. And up. He craned his neck so far back he feared he would fall over, and yet he still was not able to see her face. Not for lack of trying, but the colossal twin-planets that were her breasts blocked any view of any part of her body above that.

“Here. Take this.”

The voice was so loud and rumbled so deeply that Jake could hardly understand it. But it didn’t matter, as a moment later he could see one of Sarah’s gigantic fingers descend from high above, and lay flat out onto the counter nearby. Situated in the curve was a box of absolutely enormous proportions. It looked like it could house his entire apartment complex back home effortlessly, but in comparison to her fingernail it looked tiny beyond comprehension.

She angled her finger downward, and let the small box skid off, coming to a stop near the blinking light. Her hand moved away after, and with an enormous rush of wind Jake could feel her entire body lower itself. His hair and clothing whipped behind him, but thankfully it was not enough to send him flying. He watched as the gigantic woman gradually brought her eyes up to the same level of the counter, and press her face against it.

Now that she was much closer, he could at least make out her face in the distance… She wore those same glasses he’d always thought were cute, and though he could not see her entire face, Jake could tell from the shape of it that she was smiling right now. She stopped to brush some stray hair out from the front of her face, before bringing a hand up to her glasses, and squeezing on the frames just outside of the lenses.

With the sound of whirring machinery, the sight of her eyes behind the glasses changed rapidly. What once was normal was now magnified beyond belief, making her look ridiculous. He wondered what the point of that was, before realizing that her now much larger looking eyes had locked onto him directly.

“Of course…” he thought to himself. It only made sense that the larger races would have devices to aid them in noticing the smaller people. He wasn’t even sure whether or not Sarah needed glasses, now! Maybe she only wore them for the sake of being able to see anyone smaller than a Gulliveran without pulling out a Micro/Nanoscope!

But, he tried not thinking about that right now. She had obviously dropped that box near him for a reason, and he turned to look at it. It appeared to be a perfect cube, and the side of every face on it had what looked to be fancy equipment. He stepped up to one of the small hatches made to be his size, and looked at it expectantly.

There was a button there, and a place to slide his face inside. Nothing more. He frowned, but didn’t know what else to do, so he did exactly what it appeared he would need to. With a push of the button he pushed his face into the slot, and felt the machinery inside whir to life.

A small bright flash of light took a picture of his face.

Then the cube began to shake.

He backed away, not sure what to think of this… until a small compartment opened up nearby. A small drawer filled with… what looked to be a collar? He looked at it expectantly, then back up to the enormous giantess who was watching his every movement. She nodded gently in response, and he shrugged his shoulders as he tried using it in exactly the way it appeared he should.

No sooner than when he had placed it around his neck did he feel it spring to life, snapping closed. Auto-adjusting as it tightened its cold metal grasp around his throat. For a moment he was afraid of what was going to happen to him, and quickly tried to pull it off, but found that he was unable to get a firm grip on it as it quickly sent a jolt of electricity throughout his entire body.

“Can you hear me?”

The voice was loud. Echoing. It rattled his bones, but… there was a second component to it. Directly inside of his ears, no… his mind… he could hear it. Sarah’s voice. Transmitted clear as day into his consciousness.


“Y-Yes…?” He thought back in his head. Not knowing what to expect…

The giantess nearby stood back up to her full height. She cast a long shadow over the entire counter, and Jake was hardly aware of what he was supposed to do, now. He hadn’t heard of anything like this from her! She said that her pet Nanos simply lived comfortable lives! He hadn’t heard anything about thought-transmitting devices, or magnification glasses, or-

“Nice to meet you, Jake.” Sarah’s sweet voice said, transmitted directly to his brain. Are you ready to come to your new home?”

“I… I am.” He thought back.

In that instant he could feel all of his worries melt away. Despite all the hardships and bizarre rituals involved in getting here in the first place, he had arrived, and was ready to begin life anew in Sarah’s home. A gargantuan fingernail came down, and presented itself to him. He half-expected some other high-tech contraption used to transport him safely, but he was given no such luck this time. Instead he had to be acutely aware of just how unfathomably large Sarah was in comparison to himself. He made it onto the inside curve of a nail that felt bigger than his home country.

With a rush of wind he was carried off, and though it was exhilarating to experience the perspective of a Prodigan, it lasted only for a few seconds. Before he knew it, he had arrived at what he recognized to be the terrarium. One that he knew the larger races had used to capture and maintain many different types of animals. He knew that Gulliverians would even hold massive beasts like ants in them, which was always a sobering thought.

But this one was enormous. Ocean spread out in every direction farther than he could see, along with many land masses which varied in size dotting the world below. It was enough to take his breath away. He didn’t know how big this terrarium was, but he had a feeling that it could have effortlessly housed trillions if not quadrillions of Nanos just like himself. Was this really the paradise he had been looking forward to? Could he live a life of luxury among people his own size, with all of his wants and needs being taken care of under the condition that he now just belonged to Sarah?

It seemed to defy belief. It resembled the images he’d seen of the entire planet he lived on in its true scale. What were rivers and oceans to Prodigans were impassable bodies of water spanning millions upon billions of Nano miles. Now here they were, replicated in a similar manner inside of this terrarium. It would be the closest thing to simulating life as a Prodigan itself.

He wondered what that would be like.

He didn’t have much time, though. As he was slowly lowered into the terrarium through the atmosphere above, he could see many sprawling landscapes which seemed to vary a good amount, and wondered which one he’d get to live in. He wondered this all the way up until she brought her finger dangerously close to the earth itself, right into the center of a particularly big continent with a flashing light inside as a beacon of its own.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t entirely honest with you, Jake.”

Jake felt his blood turn to ice. The huge nail-tip he was sitting on was pressed into the ground, carving a huge canyon into the ground, and tilted over to let him slide down and out onto the ground a ways away from it. He rolled head over heel wildly, until he slammed into the soft, bare patch of dirt in front of him. The brightly flashing beacon seemed to react to his presence, and automatically turned off now that he was nearby before suddenly vanishing.

“You see, keeping nanos as pets is greatly fulfilling and all… but sometimes I want more out of it. It’s not enough to have trillions of you fully dependent on me to survive. That’s a nice perk, but I need more…”

“More?” Jake asked, as the huge finger began to lift away and rise up into the heavens. As it did so he felt a breath catch in his lungs. He could see tiny specks of red on the bottom of the nail, and looked out at the huge canyon system she had created when resting the tip of her nail against the ground. Indeed there were signs that there had been some people there just a moment prior. Had they… had they been waiting here for her? Perhaps to greet him? And they had just…

“Yes.” Sarah said, solemnly. “So… I made some modifications to some already-existing technology I had on hand. You’ll understand soon enough. But… well, you’re in an underdeveloped world right now. I want you to raise it into something great. Something worth worshiping me.”

“Worship you…? I don’t-“

“Don’t talk back.” Sarah interrupted, her voice stern. “We’ve talked for almost a year your time... You know me well considering that it hasn’t been nearly that long for me... I don’t like to think of sizes the way other Prodigans do.” She explained, crouching so she could look through the glass at the terrarium as a whole.

“Everyone around me… they’re idiots. Calling themselves ‘Normal’, and not embracing their true size.” She spat, her voice acidic. “No. I’m huge. Gigantic. Unfathomably large on a Galactic scale... Especially to little bacterium like you… Jake.”

Jake could hardly believe what he was hearing. What did she mean “his time”. He thought he’d get to live the rest of his life with his best friend! Not some narcissistic Prodigan with a God-Complex. And now… now he was being forced to-

“Show me you can do this, Jake.” She said. “If you do, I can assure you that the people of this world will lead long, happy, and fulfilling lives.”

Jake didn’t know what to say. He didn’t need to respond. Sarah answered any followup questions he had a moment later.

“That collar you’re using to communicate with me? It also makes you… immune… to one of the many pathetic aspects that come along with being a Nano. Specifically, the aspect in which your race experiences time… You see, without that collar...” She paused, playfully drumming her fingers along the roof of the glass box. “You’d be just another pathetic, short-lived, germ like every other member of your kind. Time is so unstable for you little guys that each day for me might be anywhere from a couple weeks to several years for you worthless little Nanos. You’re so insignificant, that if I didn’t give you that collar when I did you might’ve already met your expiration date! And I just can’t have that. At least not until you’re done with your task… Luckily, that hunk of metal on your neck will give you plenty of time to build up a civilization that accepts me, a natural-born Prodigan, as the one true ruler of everything. ‘The Goddess of All-Creation’!” She said as she started to giggle. Biting her bottom lip out of frustration as she thought about it. “Do that, and no harm will befall you. But if you can’t do a good job…”

With that statement, Sarah brought her right hand up to her face. Her big, plush, full lips parted. A moment later her tongue, bigger than multiple continents, poked out from between them. Her finger pressed into the wet muscle, swirling around for a few seconds, before pulling away, a string of saliva connecting the two for just a moment.

With practiced precision, Sarah gradually brought her finger back down into the terrarium. Nowhere near Jake’s landing point this time, but he couldn’t see it in the distance. It had to be thousands of miles away, and his heart froze as he felt the tremors as it reached the surface.

For a moment, he could hear it. Transmitted through his collar. Screams for help. Cries for mercy. People who found their artificial sky blocked out by an enormous, wet finger. It was large beyond imagination, and there had to be millions if not billions of people in direct danger.

He could hear the whistling sound of the huge finger, descending from the heavens above. With destructive force it came down, and struck an unsuspecting continent. The sound was like that of a powerful explosion going off, and in the same instant he could hear billions of screams silenced in an instant. Buildings crumbled, shrill cries for help amplified many times over, and the entire terrarium shook from the impact of Sarah’s index finger crushing this landmass out of existence from so far away.

“I’ve got listening devices everywhere.” Sarah explained, dragging her finger back just a touch. Millions more lives were extinguished in the blink of an eye, and a small, pleased smile formed on her face. “And it’s not hard to find more unclaimed Nanos to repopulate. Not that I even need to… You guys repopulate insanely fast!”

Jake froze. He knew what she was talking about. Smaller races who wanted to live as a pet but did not have anyone in mind directly could sign up to be claimed by anyone willing. He had heard that they could be waiting weeks, months, even years to be claimed. Especially for Nanos… But from the sounds of it Sarah may have been a frequent claimant of these individuals to fill out her terrariums. Although he knew now that this probably wasn’t the case for Nanos… Since they already drastically outnumbered Prodigans, and could reproduce at a much faster rate… but to have it be to such a degree that she could so callously wipe out billions of them for no reason other than to prove a point, was…


Jake looked up. He watched the huge finger rise up high into the heavens, and move straight towards the Goddess’ face. He watched her lips part again, gasping in total shock as she gradually sucked her finger back into her mouth. An enormously powerful wet sound could be heard as she sucked it clean, and withdrew it. The remnants of the civilization she had just crushed had vanished completely, leaving the pad of her finger clean of debris as it had been before she pressed it down.

Without saying another word, the colossal Goddess smiled before turning away and walking off. Jake didn’t know what to think as he heard and felt her colossal footsteps getting further away until they stopped completely.

Everything was so bizarre now. He watched the spot in the heavens where she once stood for a few minutes, before realizing that wasn’t coming back. At least… probably not for a while…

He looked out before him, and took a good, long look at the people that he had been dropped with. They were all Nanos like himself, but they looked at him with suspicious eyes. No one knew what to think of him. All they knew was that Sarah had placed him before them, and not much more.

“H-Hi.” He said, waving to them.

They looked back at him blankly.

“How long have you been here?”

They looked to one another, then back to him. Finally a young woman dressed in a skirt made of leaves stepped forward, and cleared her throat.

“Eleven generations.” She said, looking at him.

Jake could hardly believe it.

Well, that explained why the people were so primitive. They must have been abandoned here some time ago, and just left to fend for themselves. How were they supposed to do that? Was this part of her plan all along? To leave a bunch of them in here so long that they were reduced to this primitive stage? All so that she could have someone come along and raise them from this into something that could worship Sarah like the…

Jake swallowed.

She’d called herself a goddess… and he wondered if perhaps she was right. Sure, she didn’t have any notable abilities, or powers… but to these people she may as well have been. She effortlessly wielded the power of life and death over them all for her own amusement. She was so incredibly enormous in scale next to them that trillions of them could have been sacrificed to her hunger, and would not even prove to be a satisfying meal.

What other requirements were there for divinity?

“Okay.” Jake said, trying to calm his nerves. “Alright, so... I was sent here by… G-Goddess Sarah.’” He said, feeling his heart seize up as he did so. He looked up again, seeing the same clear-blue sky up above which was completely blocked out just moments before while she was passing her divine judgement, and he wondered how he was going to go about this.

It took almost a month for Jake to get settled into his new life. During that time he was introduced to the tribe that he would forcibly be staying with, and the sorts of things that they did to survive. It was a bizarre reality that he had been forced into, but…

He could not say he hated it as much as he thought he might.

Oh, it was far from the luxurious life he had longed to have when he agreed to this, but… things were interesting nonetheless. Sarah was not totally heartless, it had seemed, as she had left this particular village with an abundance of supplies to make survival among the primitive civilization effortless. An enormous crater had been carved out and filled with milk, which didn’t seem to follow Nano time. It stayed fresh, and warm for months at a time, though he had to wonder why she had chosen to sprinkle a few droplets of milk for them as opposed to fresh water. Water wasn’t especially difficult to come by in the plains where they lived. However, it was about a few hours hike East into a nearby vast forest where the closest river was located.

Still, there was little to complain about. The lake was vast, and it provided a nutritious form of nourishment for the entire village. There were hundreds of people here, and they were all eager to listen to the new man who had appeared with strange clothing, and do as he said.

He did the only thing that came to mind.

“You must worship the Goddess.” He said, flatly. He didn’t know what else to say. He was not a preacher. He was not a religious man in his old life. He hardly knew what techniques they used to get by. He only knew that this was what he had been assigned to do, so by god he would do it. “If you don’t, then bad things will happen.”

The good news was that this turned out to be enough.

But the strange things did not end there. As days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, and eventually months turned to years, he began to notice the collar’s effect on him. The people around him were aging. Growing older. But he felt as young and spry as he did the day he had been dropped into this world.

He tried asking Sarah about how much time had passed for her one day. He didn’t know exactly how the collar worked, but he tried speaking to her telepathically a few times like he was able to before; hoping that it would channel into Sarah directly. But…

She never answered. Whether she was ignoring him, or if it just didn’t work was yet to be seen, but that didn’t really matter.

Alas, things weren't going to be good forever. It took some time, but after twenty long years of prosperity, the situation was beginning to grow dire. The wonderful lake of milk they had prospered from for so long was beginning to grow shallow. They would need more, and they had hardly any other form of sustenance in an exorbitant amount of time. Some variety would have been good, perhaps.

“Please… Sarah…” He tried asking again. “It has been so long since I’ve seen you. Since we’ve seen you. I… we need help. Please.” He pleaded, beginning to wonder why he bothered at all. It all seemed so pointless, really. There was so little he was actually capable of affecting. She’d given him some task that she had implied was important, only to leave him completely unable to do a thing more than have a direct line of communication with her.

Did she get a sick thrill out of doing this to people like him?

Jake stopped, and thought it over again. The thought that had just flitted through his mind had felt so… strange. He’d referred to himself as a person like that was a normal thing to do. But how could he even call himself that? Twenty years. Twenty long years he had been here, and yet he still had the audacity to think himself anything normal? He was a germ. A pet. A project for his true Goddess. He was dependent on her for everything. The small amount of milk she had expressed before leaving was what had kept the people here nourished for some time. There was no need for anything else, as the substance was nutritious enough to provide for everyone’s needs. Who was he to be making demands of her?

“Sorry.” He finally said, feeling dejected. He didn’t know what else to say, but tried to find the words anyway. “I know you have important things to do… Goddess. I’ll try not to bother you again unless it’s important.”

Two weeks later, there was a response.


Jake felt his heart skip a beat. It had been so long! He had lived the equivalent of his entire life outside of the terrarium inside of it by now, and he was finally getting to see her again! He quickly ran his fingers through his dirty hair, trying to clean up his appearance. His heart raced as he dusted himself off, and looked back up to the sky. Suddenly he felt quite foolish. No, with the difference in time scale… what was he expecting? She would take quite a long time to arrive!

Dutifully, he relayed the message to his primitive tribe. He told them that the giantess was coming back, and to work on expanding the lake so that more of her precious, life-giving milk could be stored for next time. Better than having it soak into the ground, he figured.

One week later she was visible in the distance. Three more days passed as she walked up to the terrarium, and pressed her face into the glass. Again everyone was presented with her true, magnificent scale in comparison to their own. For a moment he could swear that he locked eyes with the Goddess, before pushing those idiotic thoughts out of his head. How could he be so foolish! He was nothing before her! She was just as likely looking at the entire continent he was situated in! He needed to remember his place!

It took several hours after her appearance for her to grow bored of observing her world, and finally announce her presence to them. Instantly the clouds overhead dissipated, and things were immediately, intensely jarring. It was incredible to see the colossal Goddess who loomed over their entire world move at a speed befitting of one so large, they now had to get used to seeing her high above them in the heavens of their world for the first time in many years.

Jake thought of what it would be like if she were to ever decide to end them all. They wouldn’t be able to do a damn thing about it. Trillions of them could not stand up to her for even a second. Even if allowed time to gather themselves and their weaponry, any part of her would effortlessly genocide their entire tiny race. A small puff of air would whip up gale force winds powerful enough to shred meat from bone, and that wasn’t even getting into what would happen if she made contact with any of them directly.

Which is why it was so surprising to see her lower the walls of the terrarium. They looked up in wonderment, curious about her plans, as she turned the glass-walled box into a square situated atop her desk. She smiled as she tapped the side of her glasses, placed her hand over her mouth to minimize the sound and volume of her voice, and began to speak.

“I hope you’re thirsty, Jake.” Her words manifested in his mind once again, clear as day. The tiny man could hardly believe that he was being addressed directly like this. There had to be trillions of tiny lives looking up at her at this very moment, wondering what she was planning on doing, and he was the only one who knew.

And as she lifted her shirt over her head, and exposed her naked chest, he had a sudden sinking feeling in his chest. Why? Why had he asked for more milk? There wasn’t likely to be any way that she could possibly provide that while keeping him, and everyone around him safe! He’d just consigned them to a horrible fate!

“WAIT!” he shouted, dropping to his knees. “Please, Goddess! Isn’t there some safe way you can-“

“Do not interrupt.”

Jake covered his ears as the uncovered voice of Sarah was enough to shake the entire world around him. He dropped to his knees, trying to withstand her sheer presence, all the while wondering what he should be doing about this. With a start, he whipped his head up, and looked at the people around him.


His people.


While the drama was unfolding beneath her, Sarah continued about her merry way. She wasn’t particularly careful as she gave her freshly-freed chest a nice rub, and a firm squeeze on the tip of her nipple. She had mentally marked off the location that Jake’s nation was present, and looked around it for a moment with a smile.

Then, leaning forward, she dropped her boobs onto her tiny world.

The impact was monumental. Hundreds of tiny continents and smaller islands situated at the southern end of the world were crushed under the colossal breasts like they were little more than dust. Billions of lives were ended in the same instant as they all watched the two planet-sized breasts big enough to spend their entire lives upon come down unto them mercilessly.

And all of the sounds were once again transmitted straight into Jake’s consciousness. He could hear billions upon billions of tiny people in their final moments. Wailing for help that would not come. Begging for mercy, where none would be found. Trying desperately to find a way out, when one simply did not exist. They were too small to do anything but perish at the might of their Goddess’ naked chest.

Jake himself felt as if he’d nearly go mad in the aftermath. As if the sounds weren’t enough, he had to watch as one of those gigantic breasts came dangerously close. He wondered if she even remembered where he was, and cursed himself for being so miniscule next to her.

But she did not crush him. Though it was still several miles away, the massive curvature of Sarah’s naked chest still managed to cast a huge shadow over him and the entire continent he lived in. They could hardly see a thing past the nipple that topped the enormous left breast, and wondered if they should be concerned about that.

Sarah sighed in relief, and tapped her glasses again.

“Listen closely.”

Jake didn’t like the sound of that.

Sarah carefully brought her hand up to her chest, and began to massage it. She sighed in pleasure as she did so, feeling a pleasant fullness inside of her chest that would be relieved soon enough. She tweaked her nipple, squeezed her breast, and finally felt it.

A small spray of milk shot forth from her nipple.

The effect was apocalyptic to the tiny people below. Jake watched as huge geysers of white liquid exploded far overhead, soaring past their puny nation and to where he knew more people had to be living.

When the sounds of it were obvious in his head, he realized what she wanted him to hear. She wanted to have her fun with the helpless citizens who depended on her for everything, and that meant that Jake would have to be privy to it all. The spurt of milk crashed onto dozens of landmasses in the distance, immediately causing a world-ending event in every last one of them. The sheer volume of milk was so catastrophic that entire continents were buried in no time flat. Tiny people cried for help as the insides of buildings were utterly flooded by the creamy liquid. Anyone unfortunate enough to be indoors now had to hope they could get out, and swim to the top of the new woman-made ocean before they ran out of air.

But they would have nothing to return to. The huge sea of milk that had been created began to spread around shortly after, but it left behind nothing underneath. Anything that had remained intact was now ruined beyond repair. She had effectively turned a dozen continents and the billions who lived there into the stragglers of a horrid event.

Sarah sighed in relief.

And after that gentle squeeze, a fresh droplet of milk beaded at the tip of her nipple. It was just enough to come out, and be visible to all as it stuck to her breast for just a moment, before sliding down the enormous curvature.

Jake watched in awe.

Down the curve of Sarah’s immense breast the droplet traveled until it finally splashed down onto the ground directly in front of it. Instantly the recently-expanded lakes were filled to the point of overflowing, though not to the same degree the continents that had taken a direct hit had been.

And Jake could only drop to his knees in abject worship. She had done it. She had provided for them for who knows how long. He couldn’t see anything of her beyond the huge breast, but when she carefully stood up from the table again, he could see the blackened debris sticking to the bottom of her boob.

Dusting herself off, he watched as the gigantic goddess who owned them all sighed in relief, brushed her skin clean of all the lives she had effortlessly taken, and began to reassemble the world’s walls. She didn’t bother dressing herself in doing so, and he watched helplessly as, once the box was reassembled, she changed the weather back to the clear summer day that it was and walked off.

One again, she had left them to go do more important things with her life.

He sighed, and looked around at his people, and the knee-deep milk all around him. At least they wouldn’t go hungry for a time.

He thought it would be years before she showed up again. Possibly decades, even. But he quickly discovered something. Sarah, it turns out, had enjoyed herself quite a bit when she had used her breasts to kill so many of the Nanos under her control.

Hardly a year later she returned, fully clothed now. She did not bother messing with the weather this time, she simply popped the top off of the terrarium, and pursed her lips. Fearing the worst, people in the more developed landmasses began to try and evacuate, not wanting to be any part of what was to come.

It wouldn’t help.

The following day she would spit into the terrarium. The huge mass of liquid would strike like the end of the world. Sarah was visible overhead the entire time, having caused the destruction so casually that Jake was forced to listen to. Every time she did something like this, he was reminded of how much greater she was than himself.

Over the years she returned more and more, offering up new punishments every time. Once she pursed her lips again, but rather than spit she simply blew into the terrarium, blowing away a huge swathe of land in the process. Another time she returned, and simply flicked the glass on the side to create such powerful sound waves that many people were simply disintegrated.

The most devastating of these visits happened another thirty years later. She grabbed hold of the entire world, and moved it from its place onto the floor of her room. The top was popped off, and Jake watched in fear as she raised her feet over the top of the box.

That day there were thick storm clouds covering the entire world, so billions of people were subjected to an unknowingly slow, and torturous demise. Sarah’s bare feet were pretty well-kept, and incomprehensibly huge. A single one of her toes could have wiped out more than a few continents in the blink of an eye, and she wasn’t being nearly that careful.

The heat coming off of her feet was enough to alter weather patterns. People directly in her shadow could feel it immediately. Humidity spiked, and it wasn’t long before rain began to pour around the area. Hot, salty, rain that smelled and tasted like sweat. People again attempted evacuation, but it was no use. There was no evacuating these multiple continents in the few days that they had.

Jake had, by this time, grown used to the sounds of the people meeting their ends at Sarah’s immense body. Every additional crushed person was just more evidence that she deserved this. She had earned the right to treat them like dirt, as there wasn’t a single thing they could do for her. She was gracious enough to give them a place to live, and she could revoke that right at any moment. And as her toes turned billions more people into nothing, and left behind two immense wastelands in the shapes of her feet, he made a mental note to go visit them later. To remind himself and his people firsthand of her true scale. To never forget their place in the world.

70 years passed.

He was dealing with new generations of people, and advancements of his civilization had gone slowly. He didn’t know much about anything to help, but he hadn’t bothered attempting to contact Sarah again. There would be no point to it. She didn’t have to listen to anything he said, and he was quite frankly ashamed that he had a direct line of contact with her.

But one day, the voice in his head came alive again.

“You’ve had it easy for too long.” A woman’s voice said.

Jake could only agree.

“So I’m getting rid of it. I thought inviting you would change things up… but I’m bored. I’ll be there to dispose of you all soon.”

He didn’t warn anyone. Why should he? Just because he was given the gift of speaking to the Goddess didn’t mean he could do anything about her wishes. She wanted to genocide their entire world. She was well within her rights to do so, and any attempts to avoid that fate would be utterly embarrassing.

When she arrived a month later, she was naked. She had edited the weather so that there were catastrophic storms all around the world. No one currently living in the terrarium had ever experienced anything like this, and the sight and sound of these storms caused immense amounts of panic amongst them.

Jake could only stare, and wonder what she had in store.

It didn’t take long. She disassembled the box again, and stood up in front of them. Naked from the waist down, she turned around, and presented her enormous, round, jiggling ass to the trillions of people below. She gave it a firm slap, the sound of which sent shockwaves through the entire thing.

“So long, little people. I hope you had fun, Jake.”

Turning around, she raised her own massive ass over the entire thing. Jake looked up in awe, and felt a long-forgotten memory bubble back to the surface. That of his visions before ever coming here. Seeing a woman with an ass as large as a solar-system making a seat out of him. Before it had been something supplied to him through the power of a vivid imagination alone. Now it was something real.

And now he knew that ass belonged to Sarah.

He’d always admired her backside. She would show it off to him in their chats long ago. Chats he was embarrassed about, now. What right did he have to speak to someone of her stature that way? No, this was the fate that he had earned himself. There was nothing he could do to make up for the sin of familiarizing himself with the cosmic Goddess. This was the ending he deserved.

And he welcomed it. In his final moments, he raised both his hands, praising her with all his being. It was so much more real seeing it in person this time. The gargantuan cheeks were larger than he could comprehend, and the idea that they were on a living being just did not feel right. If he survived this, then he would know that he had a greater purpose to serve, but that thought disgusted him. He was a Nano. Not a Brobdingagian. Not a Gulliverian. Not a Lilliputian. Not even a goddamn Microputian. People like him should not exist.

Sarah’s ass would obliterate him without even noticing. He took a deep breath, his lungs filling with the pungent aroma all around him, and waited to be accepted into oblivion’s warm embrace.

Sarah sat down, feeling a puff of dust go all around her as she did so. The terrarium wasn’t very big, but she could feel that her ass dwarfed it by a large amount. Not a single square inch was left untouched, and she settled her weight down, sighing in relief. Her soft, jiggling ass sank into the soft dirt and water as she did so, and she looked around the area for a moment, letting herself enjoy this.

For a full minute she thought about what she’d done. How many people were dead now, because of her?

And with that pleasant thought, she smiled.

Unbeknownst to her, there was one place that remained safe the entire time. While the enormous cheeks carved the entire rest of the terrarium into huge craters, there was a small, secluded area in the center. One that was filled with tiny people. One that had a small man she had once given an important task to.

Jake and his people stood, and praised the Goddess for paying them a visit. Though the smell of her ass was heavy, they could only enjoy the warmth that she provided them. And when she eventually stood up, reassembled the box, and walked away, he could only think of one thing.

He had to do what was right.

A long time passed. Far longer than any normal human had been around. So long that Jake couldn’t be bothered to count that high. He had seen countless generations grow up and live their entire lives in this wasteland, and thought about his own past.

Three-thousand years passed.

Suddenly, Sarah appeared again. Shortly after ending her project she had thrown the terrarium into the storage of her garage, and upon cleaning it one day, nearly a year later, she happened upon it again. It had been so long since she loomed over tiny people like a Goddess, she wondered if she should perhaps do that again.

Looking inside, she felt her jaw drop.

The enormous imprint of her ass was still there, just as it had been when she put it away. But things had changed. It was filled to the brim with civilization. Countless Nanoscopic lights in every angle filled the curved ditches, and in-between the both of them was a raised area.

Suddenly confused, she had adjusted the magnification level of her glasses before tapping on their side a couple times.


Chapter End Notes:
Thanks for reading! This originally started as an RP scenario, and later a commission. However, still not being satisfied I decided to re-write it into a full fledged story. This is my first time posting anything like this, so I hope all of you size-extremists enjoyed!
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