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Like thunder, the engine roared, a constant hum fighting with the screams of the wind. Two wheels moved the earth, leaving mile after mile of blacktop to fade on the horizon. Dust battered the rider, beating relentlessly against desert scorched skin and a blue helmet. Nova couldn't help but laugh at the feeling of it all.

For four years, she had roamed the open desert roads of Arizona with her sisters. For four years, she had tasted freedom the likes of which other's could only imagine. For four years, she'd owed her life and happiness to the Blue Roses, her family; the ones who had saved her from herself. They had taken her in when she'd had nowhere else to turn to, when she'd found herself homeless after leaving an abusive relationship. It was their shared experiences with men which bound them together, which made them family.

"Would you slow down already! You're doing over a hundred." As her sister's voice chirped in her earpiece, Nova came back to herself, releasing the throttle. However, she still couldn't bring herself to put on the breaks. Even as the dual rumbles of her sisters' bikes approached from behind, she longed to take off, to race after the setting sun that dyed the desert crimson.

"I hate it when you do that! You never know when another gang might show up!" Cindy pulled alongside Nova, her leather jacket fluttering in the breeze. A blue rose was emblazoned upon the back, a perfect match to Nova's own.

"If anyone shows up, I'll just outrun them." Nova put as much cockiness in her tone as her microphone would allow, turning to face her sister. Despite the tinted screen on Cindy's blue helmet, the biker still managed convey rolling her eyes.

"You're such a kid."

"You're such an adult."

"Hey!" Another voice chirped over the headset. Elena, their third, trailed along just behind the two. Her attire matched their own.

"If you're done chit-chatting, the checkpoint's just ahead." Looking forward, Nova was just able to make out the Arizona-Mexico border.

"Wow, you've got the eyes of a hawk." There was a touch of laughter to Cindy's voice as she spoke. This was the route they always took across the border, and they were all rather familiar with the path by now; eyesight had nothing to do with it. At the speed they were going, it took less than a minute for them to arrive.

Because of the relatively low amount of traffic which passed through this particular checkpoint, it was a favorite of the Blue Roses. Getting across the border was a relatively painless process; it took fifteen minute in total, and most of that was spent waiting in one of the fourteen lanes for their turn to pass through. It wouldn't be until the girls tried to come back to Arizona that the hassle would begin. Still, sitting in one place for fifteen minutes was far too long so far as Nova was concerned, and her companions found themselves struggling to keep up with the woman not long after they passed the gate.

Night had already settled by the time the Roses arrived at their destination: a nondescript shack among a sea of shacks stinking of filth. The girls were all on edge, fully aware of how exposed they were. Three American women, unarmed, in the middle of a Mexican slum. Things could go bad fast if they weren't careful. It wasn't until a familiar face came out to greet them, bringing a host of armed guards, that the girls finally relaxed a little.

"You're early." Martin was a short man in his mid forties, dark skinned with jet black hair and speaking heavily accented English. He was overweight, balding, and generally of poor hygiene. However, he was also the last man you wanted to cross in this part of Mexico. He had connections in both high and low places, as well as a well deserved reputation for being ruthless. He was also the Blue Roses' business partner.

Having met their associate, the girls finally stepped from their bikes and removed their helmets. Nova was the first, eager to remove her stuffy headgear now that they weren't riding anymore. Sweat beaded on her red skin, a feature inherited from her grandmother, and she took a moment to brush her hand through her short black hair. Elena followed suit, exposing her almond skin and black locks, features that marked her as the granddaughter of illegal immigrants. By contrast, Cindy's blonde ponytail and pale skin stood out.

"I don't like meeting at night." Being the senior member, Elena took charge.

"Night is better. Fewer eyes." Martin waved the girls inside as he spoke. The girls followed.

"And more dangers." Martin didn't acknowledge Elena's comment.

As far as shacks go, this one wasn't bad. It was larger than its neighbors by half, and its tin roof had relatively few leaks. However, the girls weren't here to admire the decor. Martin led the girls to the far corner, pushing a section of the wall aside to expose a set of low stairs. The girls had to crouch in order to make their way down.

"How are things on the other side?" Martin was referring to the Blue Roses' end of their deal. While Martin ran the Mexican side of their smuggling racket, the girls ran the American side, using their citizenship in order to travel unmolested.

"You would know more about that than me." Though Elena was a senior member, she was still only a runner; she had little involvement with the business side of things. Besides, like most Roses, she was hesitant to engage in small talk with men. Claiming to know nothing would likely put an end to the conversation. Martin grunted in response but spoke no further.

The group descended in silence for the last dozen seconds. The lab was buried a good forty foot beneath ground level, having originally been a bunker to protect members of the cartel during emergencies. However, Martin had repurposed it. Now it served as a hideout for their own smuggling racket.

As the girls reached the bottom, low lamplight illuminated their surroundings. The lab was little more than a concrete room, thirty foot across and seven foot high. Vents sat in the far walls, drawing air from an unseen set of tunnels, yet still failing to get rid of the stale stench in the air. Seven dirty faces stared up at the girls.

"Live cargo, again?" A note of disgust crept into Cindy's voice as she spoke.

"They paid." Martin's response was matter of fact. His customers had paid the price of travel. That was all he cared about. A large stack of cocaine bricks sat on a metal table in the middle of the room: the other part of their cargo.

"No point stalling." Elena sighed, turning to face Martin with a meaningful stare.

"I know, I know." Martin waved dismissively, turning to climb back up the stairs. After the girls were sure he was gone, they turned towards their cargo.

"Should we do the bricks first, or the people?" Though Nova already knew the answer, she asked Elena just to be sure.

"The bricks." As she spoke, Elena walked over towards the far wall where a nondescript crate waited. The Hispanic woman opened the crate without a moment's hesitation, riffling through the copious amounts of insulation which cushioned the device within. After a moment, her hand found its prize. As Elena turned back to face the room, a mechanical gauntlet of sorts was affixed to her palm.

"I still don't see how you work that thing." There was an edge of gruffness to Nova's voice as she spoke. The device was a shrinking gauntlet, stolen technology the Blue Roses lent to Martin for his smuggling operation. However, not just anyone could operate the thing. The device was thought controlled, and took years of practice to master, something only the senior members of the Blue Roses were allowed to attempt. Nova had once tried to use one as a bet, only to end up shrinking herself on accident. That was part of the reason Martin didn't simply steal the technology. Without anyone there to grow you back to normal, practicing with a gauntlet was guaranteed to have long-term consequences long before you ever had the chance to master the thing.

"It's easy, once you get the hang of it. It's all about your state of mind." While she was speaking, Elena pressed the gauntlet against the stack of cocaine, shrinking it to less than one-thirtieth its size. What had once been fifty kilos of cocaine bricks was reduced to a kilo and a half in seconds. It had been Elena who had made the bet with Nova resulting in her shrinking, and she was clearly poking fun at her sister by showing off. Cindy produced a handful of condoms and began packing the cocaine inside. After filling the condoms and tying them off, all that was left were the passengers.

"I think you frightened them." A touch of humor colored Nova's tone as she eyeballed their soon to be passengers.

"They think it's black magic." Elena's tone was matter of fact, discouraging any further discourse. Putting on a reassuring smile, the senior Rose beaconed towards the group of soon-to-be immigrants.

"Primero?" Despite her Mexican heritage, Elena spoke very little Spanish. Her mother had married a white man, seeking to give her daughter an advantage in America. She'd taken after her mother anyways. It took a lot of coaxing and a lot of smiling, but eventually a woman stepped forward. She looked to be the spouse of one of the men present.

Gently, Elena sat her hand upon the woman's shoulder, careful not to startle her. However, the wife still flinched at the Rose's touch, clearly afraid. Elena cooed to the woman for a moment, waiting until she met her eyes before proceeding.

"Alright, I'm going to begin. Empiezo. Comprendes?" Elena's voice was soft and soothing. Though the woman was trembling a bit, she nodded none the less.

Not wanting to give the woman the chance to reconsider, Elena hurried to shrink her. In a matter of moments, the Mexican woman was reduced from the size of an adult, to a child's, to a doll's, and finally to that of a finger. Gently, Elena crouched down next to the panicked woman, lightly scooping her up on her palm.

"Shh. It's okay." Elena calmly cooed to her passenger, seeking to calm her down. To Nova, she seemed almost maternal in those moments, as if soothing a child, though she knew it was just an act to calm down their cargo. Nova had never taken the time to ask after Elena's past, it wasn't her business to pry into painful memories, but as she watched, she suspected it had something to do with a child. Once the wife was sufficiently calmed down, Elena placed her within a small plastic sphere, it's solid walls pockmarked with air holes. The ball was swiftly handed off to Cindy for safe keeping.

From there, the shrinking process went rather smoothly. Apparently, after seeing Elena treat the first passenger with such gentleness, the rest were much less timid about the whole process. Most of them took to the change rather easily, requiring little to no adjustment time before they were safely packed away in their balls. By the end they had the wife, her husband, and her adult daughter in one cluster, two sisters in another, and an unrelated man and woman in a third.

"Alright, so who's going to take three?" It was Cindy who asked, her face a little flushed.

"I'll take the sisters and the man." There was a resigned note to Nova's voice.

"Alright, we'll distribute the cocaine so as to give you a little less to deal with." As she spoke, Elena slid a hand down to the button of her jeans, unclasping it.

An awkward silence filled the room as the girls unbuttoned their jeans, preparing to insert their cargo. No matter how many times they repeated this ritual, it always felt awkward to do this sort of thing with an audience present. Lowering their pants and undergarments to their knees, just low enough to grant them access, the girls started with the cocaine.

Taking a small bottle of lube from her pocket, Nova lubed up the cocaine before passing the bottle around, careful not to make eye-contact. Hooking her finger between her cheeks, the woman proceeded to press the condoms into herself on at a time, pushing them past her sphincter and into her rectum. A light jolt of pain shot through the Rose's abdomen at the unusual intrusion, causing her eyes to water. The feeling was always foul, the wet squelching nauseating. Well, being a Rose wasn't without its downsides. After a few minutes of disgusted expressions, the cocaine was nowhere to be seen.

"I really hate this part. I can't stand the thought of being watched." Cindy crossed her arms, turning her head away from the cluster of plastic spheres.

"Would it make it easier if I took the man?" Cindy actually met Elena's eyes for a moment before turning away, nodding slightly.

"Please..." Cindy sounded pathetic, and she knew it, and that knowledge made deflate further.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it." Elena put as much compassion as she could into her voice. Cindy had had an especially rough relationship with her father. She was only eighteen and had already been in the Roses for two years, having been forced to flee home for her life. She wouldn't talk about what happened, even after all this time, but she still harbored a strong fear of men.

Lubricating the spheres, Elena was the first one to insert her passengers, pressing them gently against her vaginal passage. She took the wife from earlier and her husband, leaving the couple's daughter and the lone woman to Cindy. Nova inserted the lone man first, cursing softly as she did so. Her own experience had left her hating men, but thankfully she loved the Roses more, so she was able to suffer through the experience. The two sisters followed shortly. After everyone was fully clothed once more, they cleaned up before gathering their things and returning upstairs.

Nova had a special hatred for climbing stairs after inserting cargo. The way they made her lift her legs and bounce her body left her hyper aware of the three plastic spheres stuffed up her velvet tunnel. She could feel them shift with every step, stretching her outward and clacking together. The stimulation turned her discomfort into arousal and the thought of having a man inside her turned her arousal into hatred, leaving her wet and angry. She hated the way her body seemed to betray her. Looking to her side, two flushed faces greeted her, sharing a reassuring smile despite their own apparent discomfort. Nova returned it.

Martin was waiting outside for them, his armed guards watching over the bikes. Elena and him exchanged a momentary look, followed by a nod, before the girls headed over towards their bikes. In a moment they were off, their business having been concluded, heading back towards the border.

The trip back through the checkpoint took considerably longer going into Arizona than coming out of it. The girls had to sit through a half hour of searches and investigation prior to being allowed back through, including a pass over by a drug dog. All the while, the Roses couldn't help but think of the passengers nestled deep within their womanhoods, listening to every groan of their body, experiencing every smell, and watching. Though it only took an hour for them to pass through the checkpoint, time passed at a snail's pace. It was with a huge sigh of relief that the girls were finally allowed to go free.

After another hellish hour, the Roses finally arrived back at their headquarters, a motorcycle shop that also doubled as a bar. Taking the time to unload their cargo, the girls collected their payments for the day's work before heading their separate ways. Cindy went home while Elena remained at the shop, presumably to give a debriefing. Nova decided to go for a ride before heading back to her apartment.

Once more Nova's engine roared like thunder, the constant hum vibrating against the her nether region and pushing the already aroused woman towards the brink. The two wheels beneath her pulled her ever forward, her pleasure reaching new heights as the world surged by. Dust and wind battered the biker as she stripped off her blue helmet, setting it on the back of her bike to better enjoy the breeze tearing at her face, her pleasure growing in intensity the faster she went. Nova couldn't help but laugh at the feeling of it all.

For four years she had enjoyed a new life with her sisters, free of her abusive husband. For four years, she had worked to rebuild herself, to make herself a stronger woman. For four years, despite the happiness her sisters had brought, Nova had never forgotten her hatred of men or how she had been wronged. The Roses had taken her in and built her up into the woman she was today, and yet despite that, today she had betrayed them. She had only turned in two passengers, not three. With a teeth-grinding shriek of angry passion, Nova came, bombarding her stolen orb with orgasmic hatred and further humiliating the man trapped within.

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