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Most people have a super power ability. Usually they are small scale but every person has one. Some are common while others are unique per person. The emergence of super powers came hand and hand with the shrinking virus. 30 percent of all people shrink. It usually happens between 14 and 28 but there are exceptions. No one is a hundred percent safe from it but a lot of people have near perfect immunity with an only .0001 percent chance of them getting the virus naturally. The government eventually classified wild tinies as non humans but tinies could become registered citizens with the help of a standard human. Non registered tinies were commonly used in many fields like food, fashion, and even toys. The demand for these products were high and the tiny population couldnt keep up. A relatively common ability was Shrink control which allowed certain girls to be able to make anything smaller. They couldnt grow anything but they are often hired to shrink criminals or often illegally hired to shrink innocent people in order to supplement the demand for tiny products. A much rarer ability is full size control which allows a girl to shrink and grow things at will. This is a very rare but these people are payed a lot as rich people who are unlucky and shrink pay them to get restored to normal height.

The story takes place at a standard college. There is a group of three girls with unique class powers. First is Chloe whose unique ability is called trigger. it allows her to manipulate odds through a trigger. She can make an extremely unlikely event happen by mapping it to a trigger of her choice. She often maps it to her snapping so that her snap will cause the event to occur but sometimes she maps it to a coin flip for fun. She cant do it if the odds are zero percent to begin with tho and she cant directly reduce the odds of something occurring. Shes always done super well in school as she is able to just guess on tests and make her answers correct. She is a pretty confident and cocky person. Second is Zoe. Her unique ability is called Transport. She can teleport any object into a different position in the surrounding area. She cant control it very well and it is often just a random place within a set area but if she focuses really hard she can be fairly precise. She is a fairy shy person. She used to warp annoying people away from her just to be alone. Doesnt really get along with any one outside the trio. The last one is Amy. Her unique ability is is called Blind Spot. She can make objects appear invisible or even appear to be something else entirely for a short period of time. She is a pretty mean and cruel person. Shes been friends with chole since they were kids.

The three girls were pretty antitiny but most people were anyway. They used their abilities fairly frequently to torment other students for fun. School wasnt super difficult for them so they had a good amount of freetime. The administration never did much to stop them as they were all pretty important students. Chloe was a pro athlete for a couple school teams, Zoe was an expert at computers and led many technical clubs to win awards, and they were way to scared to try and deal with amy. As such the trio went uncontested in their pranks.

Chloe would activate the shrinking virus in their victims with her trigger. Even if they had relative immunity they still had a very small percent chance that she could exploit. She would then pick up the tiny and bring it over to the others. Amy would then cloak the tiny with some sort of illusion and Zoe would warp it into somewhere dangerous. They've done this many times and tried many different ideas. Here is some of their favorites:

- Amy made the tiny invisible and zoe focuses super hard to perfectly warp it onto a seat in the cafe before a group of girls came over to sit. They knew this tiny a bit before shrinking and knew that one of the girls in the group was his gf so chloe triggered the odds to make sure that his gf squished him herself.

- They warped a tiny student into a food supply of tinies in the cafeteria.

-They frequently would hang outside of classes and wait for someone to leave for the bathroom and shrink them. Zoe would then warp them back into a random place in the classroom. Sometimes they would make it invisible but it was kinda more fun to see the people react and try to squish it for being a pest. Zoes personal favorite was when one of the bugs got warped straight into a trash can in the classroom. Chloes favorite was when the bug warped into a girls mouth. Amy had to act fast and make the tiny appear to be chocolate so the girl would swallow it.

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