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Story Notes:

An original story and setting of my own devising, inspired heavily by locations and characters from the Gulliver's Travels stories. Only in this case, interpreting them as if they were factually discovered, and continue to exist within a modern world, semi-realistic setting.


Dr. Ida Eldris sat in the glow of the flat panel screens lined up across the console in the dimly lit experiment monitoring chamber. The row of screens displayed the various notes left for her by the supervising professor, as well as the results of previous experiments and the day's scheduled operations.


As she idly curled her silky lilac colored hair around her fingertip, she leans back in her chair with her nylon covered legs coming to rest her heels atop the console itself. Examining the results of the most recent experiments once more she decides they looked normal enough and decided to click the “Clear” notification to the lower floors to send up another Subject.


Sitting up and brushing her black skirt down into a more comfortable position across her thighs, straightening her lab coat down and around her bosom and torso, she looked over the rim of her glasses at her own reflection in one of the inactive side monitors. Laughing quietly at herself for being so unaware of how unkempt looking she was becoming, she began to pull her hair back and pin it in place as she spoke to herself briefly.


"Man, what am I even doing here? 10 subjects yesterday, and another 10 today, they sure are pouring in, and what am I doing, just sitting here pressing buttons. What does the Munodi think I am, an automaton? I didn't go through years of Academy exams for this. I should be handling these “subjects” directly, in the experimentation levels. Not like this, administering serums through a console into a glass chamber.


She sat for a moment exasperated at the situation and shook her head to clear her mind, brushing an errant strand of hair back into place from her face.


Ever since Professor Munodi and the other Professors of the Academy of Projectors, had begun their new series of genome-alteration and “rehabilitation” experiments, the funding from the Capital itself, and the rest of the world's governments had been pouring in to speed up the various projects into altering humans in ways never thought possible.


Ida had watched as they quickly moved past animal and plant trials until the Academy had a growing need for live Human subjects on which to test the various therapies, devices, implants, and serums they had been developing.


They found the population they needed for these experiments, in a joint deal with multiple world countries’ prison incarceration systems. The Academy offered the establishments vast amounts of money in exchange for the possession of, and complete control of the basic human rights of their most long-term criminals.


Individuals whose very rights in the eyes of ethical society had already been long waved by their various misdeeds and vile actions. These people who were largely already scheduled for death or imprisonment for life, were the perfect test subjects to advance these new treatments on the human body. Judging from the influx of subjects currently being processed just through Munodi's project, Dr. Eldris could tell business was moving quickly.


The project she had been chosen to assist with in order to earn her own place as a graduate of the Academy itself, was the mass and size transmogrification experiments currently being done by the well-known Dr. Munodi. As one of the descendants of Balnibari's ancient noble families, his ancestors had already been known as grand inventors long before the Island had revealed itself to the world at large and found its place of sovereignty among the world's nations.


At first it was an honor to work under such a well-known, and highly esteemed professor. However, after her first few weeks as his assistant, Ida had found Munodi himself, and his various project papers and experiment ideas lining his office, to be a bit more "eccentric" and sometimes even close to the occult or mentally insane in nature, than she had expected.


His current invention to be presented at the end of their year, and of the team’s grant funded testing, was two fast acting genetic Serums. Both were meant to be introduced through various methods into the human body, and both of which vastly altered the size of the person through internal chemical reactions and a molecular shifting of their density and mass. 


One allowed people to be grown, synthetically, to vastly grander heights, reaching potentially over 50 feet tall and maintaining normal healthy bodily functions. Well, besides an increase in proportional strength and durability.


The other was capable of shrinking individuals to the size of a doll, an insect, or even potentially microscopic sizes, yet maintaining a much higher level of durability than one would imagine and gaining various abilities to process oxygen and food much differently than a normally sized individual.


Ida stared deeply into the strange azure liquid filled glass tube as she picked it up out of the solid security lock case on the console in front of her. Moving carefully, she begins preparing to load it into the tube-like delivery system positioned on the wall of the monitoring chamber. The serum seemed to shimmer and move, glowing slightly as the reactive chemical energy and fluids swayed around inside.


She strained to remember the explanations Munodi had given to her in reference to his creation of the synthetic composite, and the elements used, but his way of speaking and the language he used made it difficult even for an adept student such as herself to follow. She found herself struggling to even keep up with him when he started ranting, in order to even take proper notes, most of which she had further trouble deciphering later on when looking back at them.


Effectively this had left the full composition of the serum largely unknown to her, although she had already seen its effects in action enough times to be somewhat used to and familiar with it. Although she had become intensely interested, and scientifically curious in seeing the long-term results of its use on their subjects’ minds and bodies.


She heard the metallic buzz across the intercom in the room signaling the approach of the next test subject into the experimentation chamber her monitoring room overlooked, a sheet of thick clear glass separating the two. Slowly running her fingers one last time over the cold glass tube, she presses it into the metallic device that feeds it into the application system.


Looking up at the monitor and clicking the clear button again, she stands up- checking herself and her appearance once more. Satisfied, she motions to the camera in the corner of the room to "send them in".


Doing so, she walks over to the tube structure on the wall, inserts the canister into it and closes it carefully. Hearing it click into place she watches as it slides quickly through the tube, into the large chrome machine in the other room suspended with its various wires and tubes above the large bowl-shaped platform the subject would be placed on.


This would be the 37th person she'd shrunk so far, she thought to herself as she walked back over to the console, starting the initiation process on the machines themselves and setting up the dosages of serum to be loaded from the canister, into the area around the subject.


A strange feeling washed over her as she watched the diagram of the human body on the backlit screen surge down in size while she dragged the slider positioning the dose of shrinking serum. At first, she had found the procedure rather shocking, almost disturbing really.


Yet recently, the feeling of control she had over these people as she watched them begin coming in over these last couple weeks had begun to have an effect on her. It seemed to be a sort of pleasing effect that she wasn't quite sure what to think about yet.


Ida knew already, however, that she personally couldn't wait to move on to the next phase of experimentation. To see and interact directly with these shrunken humans, to touch them herself, to test their durability and ability to withstand exposure, various elements, and even... other things...


In her time in the quiet monitoring room, she had begun to daydream about this and various... less scientific things, between sessions of powering up and powering down this serum application machine. She knew all of this repetition was required in order to proceed with this current phase of the experiment, collection, and alteration of subjects, but it had been more than 2 weeks now.


Still, she was somewhat apprehensive to give in against her own inhibitions in terms of dealing with other human beings as such, taking their lives and rights away, and even possibly harming them in the coming experiments as she had never truly done before. But her interactions with the various criminal subjects being processed, most far less than nice or polite despite her efforts to treat them kindly, had begun to harden her.

Especially her interactions with her next subject, Number 37, would quickly make up her mind for her, as time would show.


Her thoughts were quickly pulled away from her idle pondering towards the blinking lights across the screens and spinning alarms above the doorway in the experimentation room suddenly beginning to flash, signaling the all-clear, and that the subject was about to be brought into the chamber itself.


Standing and trying to look more serious and less distracted, the young Dr. braced herself as she saw the pressurized internal door of the chamber begin sliding open and the Academy Security officers walking through, a small group of them this time, holding onto the arms of a very large, shackled man.


The heavily scarred looking man had a short, cropped head of brownish, dirt colored hair, and a bulging muscular frame laden with various tattoos protruding out from under the medical gown he had been given to wear.


Slightly taken aback by the set of guards accompanying the man into the room, Ida looked down to check the subject file on the console screen and saw that the man was marked as "Extremely Dangerous" and while reading down his list of various crimes he had been incarcerated for, she had to look away as she found herself becoming quickly disgusted.


Looking back up, through the plexi-glass window separating the two rooms, she watched as the guards unsecured the man's shackle-like cuffs from his feet, and one carefully removed the cuffs from his hands as the others watched at gunpoint. Meanwhile he leered and seemed to growl at them as she heard through the recording devices in the room feeding audio into the monitoring chamber.


Watching the man, he started to glare around the experimentation chamber walking his way towards the device and the far wall after the guards nodded to him and began to walk back out the door. As it slid safely shut behind them, all Ida could think was that he moved more like a caged animal than a person.


Subject #37, she saw as she had looked down at the screen, was in reality, as far as his record had shown her, more beast than man. She momentarily stared at him stalking about the chamber, seeming to smell the area around himself and grumble obscenities to himself as he slowly turned around the small, dimly lit metallic room.


His record showed a list of obscene acts the man had committed since a young age. Following being processed through the juvenile detainment system of his original country, he had enlisted into what became a largely blacked out military service record. This had effectively turned him into a trained killing machine.


At some point he had gone AWOL and was now one of the most potentially dangerous criminals she had yet seen come through these halls in the current subject exchange program. Crimes such as he had listed were largely unknown to the xenophobic, mostly civil, peacefully out of touch Island of Balnibari. Which, in its populations efforts to surpass its own technological and philosophical advancements had little time for such things.


Murder, Rape, Molestation, Mutilation, Cannibalism, Assault, Theft, Terrorism, it seemed that this subject had given up his humanity by choice, long ago. As she quickly glanced from the terminal back to the man moving within the room, she was startled to find his tattoo covered face looking back at her across the room through the glass.


Smiling at her, he stretched the tattoos across the skin of his face and bared his broken and irregular teeth, showing the damage his face had taken in many of the violent episodes his file described.


Suddenly he moved across the room, his massive frame taking a few strides towards the window faster than she thought possible and mashing his face and hands against it. She was somewhat taken aback and even flinched slightly as the window shook under his weight pressing against it. Immediately he began making various vulgar motions, sniffing roughly at the window and licking his lips as she watched his eyes slowly crawl across her body through the thick sheet of plexi-glass.


"Hey there, pretty little lady- why don't you come out from behind that console, so I can get a better look at ya, huh? You look like you got a nice pair of legs on ya!" He growled at her through the audio pickup in the room as she watched his breath fog onto the window.


She paused, trying to regain her composure slightly as she looked at the consoles and stood back into her proper posture, clearing her throat, and preparing herself for the next part of the procedure, ignoring his taunts.


"COME ON BITCH! I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME IN THERE!" He suddenly shouted, booming through the speakers in her monitoring chamber, as he slammed his fists down against the glass, stalking away and pacing back towards the window quickly.


Shaking herself slightly to keep her composure and professionalism, Ida pressed down firmly onto the intercom button that allowed her to speak into the room through the microphone on the console.


"Subject Number 37, please distance yourself from the window and approach the central platform for the next phase of-" She started to say before he slammed on the window again quickly and interrupted her.


"Subject WHAT, oh hell no I ain't no number, I got a name you bitch! Hell- you should know me after what I done, everyone knows me! I ain't no "Number 37" so go fuck yourself with that! I'm fucking Chuck Lawson and you better remember my fuckin’ name!"


Clearing her throat slightly, she attempted to continue the procedure, according to the protocol she had been given. "Mr. Lawson, your name, property and rights have been purchased by the Kingdom of Balnibari from your former country of residence, due to this you- now and forever, for all intents and purposes, are now the property of The Academy.”


“For such purposes you have been designated the title, Subject Number 37. Any names, titles or rights you held previously in life have been stripped upon the purchase of your personhood, by the Academy itself."


She managed to say quite clearly, and feeling proud of herself she added, as she leaned in towards the window protecting her from Chuck, "So you better get used to it now" While smiling brightly towards him, hiding her own sense of unease in dealing with such a clearly vulgar individual.


Huffing at her comments as he shook the glass again and took a few steps back to appreciate his situation, Chuck stopped for a moment and his face muscles moved, he angled his rock like brow, apparently contemplating something, before he spoke again.


"You goddamn eggheads think you can get away with whatever you want out here huh?! Treat us like fuckin cattle?! Well- you got another thing comin, you'll see. Ain't no rock that's been built that can hold Chuck fuckin Lawson, yah hear me?"


Staring at him, fairly unmoved, through the glass she sighed and continued, repeating herself slightly, as she brushed the errant strand of hair from in front of her glasses back into her pinned up hair once again.


"Please move away from the observation window and onto the experimentation platform, Mr. Lawson, or I will be forced to summon the guards."


Spitting onto the floor of the chamber, Chuck walks across the room towards the platform beneath the application machine.


"Yeah, yeah alright, whatever- it's not like I got much of a choice in this fuckin’ box now do I, ya stupid bitch. But I'll tell ya now, I like a girl with legs like yours, and if I get out of here… Nah, when I get out of here... I'm gonna come for you little girl. I'm gonna get a taste of that pretty flesh of yours and I bet it's fuckin delicious."


He shouts, grabbing his crotch as he stood on the platform and licked his lips again, making a throat slitting motion with the fingers of his other hand while thrusting his pelvis towards her.


Attempting to look unaffected by his antics in the chamber past the window, she shifts uneasily and repositions her skewed glasses. Something about the way he moved and spoke perturbed her deeply, giving rise to emotions she hadn't felt since the days of her own schoolyard bullying during childhood many years ago.


He was clearly a disgusting and despicable person, and his personal threats towards her and knowing how many people he had actually harmed made a strange heat, a type of rage, begin to burn inside her as she looked with hate at his flexing bodily mass, making its motions of vulgarity towards her.


She realized as she watched him and hesitated to begin the next phase of the experiment, that the feeling was- that she wanted to hurt him.


Shaking the thoughts from her head she ignored his antics and chose to remain professional. Seeing as he had at least moved into range of the administration platform, she figured it was best to just begin the process, at least that would give her some satisfaction, she thought.


"Thank you Subject #37, I will now begin the procedure, you may experience some displeasure or pain during the administration sequence, but I assure you it will be temporary. Please try to remain on the platform itself for the duration of the procedure to allow for proper extraction, and of course, thank you for your participation in The Academy's advancements in world technologies."


She spoke the lines through the microphone as she held the button from memory, but stared him down as she did so, trying to rub in the position he was in, and assert her control of the situation.


"Yeah, yeah whatever you fuckin’ nerd. You know you'd look a lot better if you stopped talking and put that mouth of yours to good use wrapping those fat lips around my cock you dumb slut. I'm not scared of this scientific experiment mumbo jumbo, what the fuck are you gonna do to us that I haven't already done to someone."


Chuck yelled across the chamber as he moved his hands to flash explicit gestures at the monitoring window and cameras, mockingly continuing his thrusting motions towards her.


Wincing slightly and gritting her teeth at the personal comments continuing to dig under her skin from the wretched man, she took a breath for a moment before continuing to start the program on the terminals in front of her, saying nothing. The lights began to flare up across the screens showing the machine and its functions in working order and the subject in position atop the platform.


As she scrolled over the various alignments and functions the large machine above Chuck in the other room flared to life, glimmering with lights as the serum was injected through the tubes above, into the chambers within it, as it started to hum loudly, processing it into a gas to be released into the area.


"So, what the fuck are ya doing over there huh? What'ya gonna gas me to death is that it? This all some big fucking money-sink of an execution? What is it?! Tell me you FUCKIN BITCH! YOU LISTEN TO ME!" Chuck began to yell over the machines increasingly loud hum.


Sighing she considered ignoring him, then remembering protocol she decided she was at least supposed to give a brief explanation if asked. Shouting slightly herself over the rising hum of the machine, she spoke into the mic.


"The machine above you is going to vent a specially made serum-gas into the room, which once absorbed by your body is going to change it on a chemical and molecular level, and heavily alter your size to something more... manageable, as part of an ongoing prisoner population control and relocation research program."


"Alter my... size? What?! What the fuck are you talking about, that's not even fuckin possible." Chuck shouted back throwing his arms around in noticeable confusion as the lights on the walls and machine above continued to flash over him in multiple colors.


"I'm afraid it is quite possible, and when this process is complete, you'll be less than a few inches tall, able to be stored much more easily than... well, otherwise."


She continued somewhat cheerfully, realizing the growing look of discomfort on the subject’s face as the room began to vibrate around him as the machine neared completion and readied itself.


"This… a few inches? What are you... Talking about...? No this isn't possible, this shouldn't even be possible- You can't just fucking use us as guinea pigs for science-fiction shit like that!! What the fuck are you talking about you whore?!"


He started to scream angrily as he began to step forward towards the edge of the platform, but the machine overpowered the noise of his voice.


Ida quickly slammed her finger down on the enter button, initiating the machine before he could move any further out of its range. Her eyes widened with excitement as the machine began to spray out a thick mist of shimmering blue gas into the room, dousing Chuck's boisterous frame and silhouetting him briefly. She heard his shouting replaced by coughing gasps as he inhaled the thick substance.


Leaning in closely towards the window in a mixture of awe, curiosity and amusement, Ida fought to hide a smile trying to creep out of the corners of her mouth as the gasping screams of the man filled the chamber ahead of her, the shape of his body marked in the mist by the flashing lights in the room, writhing in apparent agony as the serum began to take its effect.


As the mist began to quickly settle into an aerosol like dust across the white sterilized floor, it left Chuck clearly visible, now slightly off the platform near the center of the room, grasping at himself as the flesh across the muscles of his arms and chest rippled visibly, shuddering, and flexing across his body. His mouth and face were stretched unevenly as the bones beneath them began to shift roughly.


A horrible sound- something like a gagging, sputtering howl came from him, crazed in nature. He shook his head, his eyes mad with adrenaline as he doubled over, throwing his arms out and then clutching them against himself again, writhing as he slowly fell to his knees.


The skin across his body stretched and contorted, tightening, then retracting on his moving skeletal frame as his body bulged unevenly. His screams came and went between his sputtering gasps for air as his internal organs changed size within him. The medical gown that was tightly stretched across his muscular arms and chest moments before begins to fall in folds off of his rapidly shrinking body.


He twists his head upwards towards the monitoring window- looking at it with a wild look in his eyes as he fought against the overwhelming effects of the serum. Trying to stand he only succeeds in walking into the now free flowing gown as it wraps around his legs, sending him crashing to the floor.


Ida stares intently, her face now inches from the glass, unaware of how enthralled she was by the experience, as Chuck, now roughly 2-3 feet tall, crawled on his still fluctuating and now tiny arms, coughing and gasping towards the window as he continued to shrivel in size. The folds of the now massive gown closed down around him, and he slowly faded from side beneath it.


Ida waited a moment, holding her breath, as the powder spread across the floor slowly lost color, turning a dull grey, a signifier it had lost its potency. With its active effect now gone, the room was safe to enter.


Staring at the gown laying on the floor and enjoying the silence overtaking the room for a moment as the machine hums to a stop, releasing a burst of whistling air as it powers down, she releases her held breath. Looking at it now she has to shake her head while remembering that same chamber just contained one of the most horrible human beings that she's ever had the displeasure of meeting until only seconds ago, and technically still does.


She wonders if she could even hear his voice now if he was to shout again at that size, she hoped not- but figured she'd have to wait for the next phase of testing to tell. Still, she thought, appreciating the experience for a moment as she felt the warm tingle slowly fade across her body of her subsiding rage, and that questionable feeling of pleasure at the look of fear and desperation in his eyes, it was time to finish this session.


Turning from the console, Ida approached a tall, stacked shelf on the far wall of the monitoring room. There, a collection of small plastic cubes of various colors lined the shelves, all in sterilized bags, and marked with the medical wing of The Academy's logos and tags.


Looking back for a moment at the finely dusted gown of #37, laying draped across what she assumed was his now unconscious and few inches tall body, she looked through the various cubes, thinking about what color he should get. Smiling she reached forward and selected a bright, feminine, pastel colored wrapped cube. Chuckling to herself, she took some joy in the opportunity to make such an asshole's life even just a little bit more miserable.


Walking back across the room, she laid the cube on the edge of the console for a moment, reaching over to a glove dispenser on the wall beside it and carefully pulling on a pair of latex gloves, before picking the cube back up, and walking casually out the door on the side of the room, taking one last moment to look back through the window into the chamber beyond at the settling dust, before stepping out.


Walking into the hallway outside of the monitoring and experimentation chambers, she looked down the long, brightly lit, and mostly white expanse, allowing her eyes to adjust for a moment. Doors lined the walls, which were adorned with various numbers and letters assigning directions towards and designations of chambers across this wing of The Academy.


Pausing for a moment to gaze at the various other students, workers, and professors walking the halls and going about their business, she continued on towards the door to her experimentation chamber.


Looking up at the camera above the door, she held the plastic wrapped cube towards it and gave the guards a thumbs up, showing the “all clear” once again and the lights above to door flash as it slides open. As she walks into the quiet, grey dust covered room, her heels clicking against the solid white tile floor, she keeps her eyes fixed on the assuming pile formed by #37's fallen medical gown.


Approaching it slowly, she watches as her shadow, cast by the industrial lights above falls over the small visible lump laying underneath the fabric. She stops, peering down and standing with her black heels on either side of the gown.


Bending over casually she lifts the fabric off the ground holding it between two fingers and carefully tossing it to the side imaging it to be quite rancid after housing that man.


The fabric of her skirt stretches over her nylon covered legs as she bends back over, hunching above the diminutive nude form of the previously massive, muscular man who was standing in the chamber, now lying unconscious on the cold tile between her feet.


Her eyes grow wide as she feels the sheer difference in size and power between them now. Looking down at the sheen surface of her dark heels, more than twice his size, and only inches from his body, she wonders if it would be capable of crushing it like an insect. She feels her face grow slightly flush and the strange sensation start to return, deeper inside her.


Deciding it best not to delay her job too much she reaches down carefully and wraps her gloved fingers around the tiny man's meaty torso, feeling how light he is as she easily lifts him into her hand and stands up.


Walking over to the shelf coming out of the wall underneath the observation window she sets the cube down and removes it from its wrapping with her free hand, casually glancing over the body of the toy sized human in her other palm. She moves his limbs around with her fingertips, momentarily enjoying the violent man’s defenselessness in this unconscious state.


After unwrapping the cube, she presses the switch on the top and watches as a latch pops open, and a hatch slides open across the top.


Looking into the plastic brightly colored containment device she couldn't help but smile again. It was almost cute, she thought, looking down at the miniature furniture and bed in the tiny one-bedroom, one-bathroom “Dwelling Cube”. It was all made out of the same-colored plastic and lacking the small linens and items they would be fitted with once she sent it through into processing and storage.


Looking down once more at the pathetically small form in her hand she laughed down at him. "Well, I hope you like pink Mr. 37, because this is your new home." Ida said as she casually dropped the tiny body into the cube, hearing it hit the floor of the small home with a satisfyingly rough slap, and watching the unconscious man roll onto his back.


Smiling she walked across the room and pressed a button on the wall near the experiment platform, causing a small door to slide open on the wall, revealing an awaiting conveyor belt system leading to the containment storage. Placing #37's cube down onto the belt she sighed, relieved, checking the time before turning back towards the door.


Shaking her head and straightening herself out one last time, her heels clack against the floor as she casually walks back through the door, signaling the camera to open it for her as her task was complete. Strolling into the hallway she begins to think about what she might have for lunch, and about what kinds of things she may experience in the next phases of the experiments.


Collecting her personal items from the locker rooms down the halls, she takes a minute to note the name and number of "Chuck Lawson" #37.


"I'll have to remember to take especially good care of him during our stress testing phase." She mumbles to herself as she packs up her things and gets ready to head out on her break.


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