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Story Notes:

this is my first 

An alarm buzzes, loudly and blaringly, on a Monday morning. Jake Jones rolls over grumbling eyes bleary with sleep he looks at his phone after rubbing his eyes seeing 7:00 am. With even more grumbling he rolls over out of bed and stumbling into the kitchen in his upscale penthouse apartment. He gets the coffee machine going and flips on the big wall screen tv and opens to the news only passively listening.


An attractive red-haired woman comes onto the screen, a name below her image read Alyssa M. Black. which was a change from the usual anchor had been a middle-aged man just yesterday. But Jake paid that no mind, guess he’s out today he thinks to himself.


“So big changes on the network today, I’ll be stepping in permanently as the new head anchor as John unfortunately… had to step down yesterday due to… unforeseen circumstances” she said with a rather smug grin. “Suffice it to say he has a new position here at this network”


Her co-host, another woman who looked to be an Asian woman with her hair up in a ponytail. Laughed out loud knowingly.


“Absolutely Janet, he should be seeing things from a whole new perspective now”


From somewhere off camera there is a muffled cry and the first woman smiled and simply shifted her body below the camera and the noises stop


“but, that aside, we bring you the news today in the aftermath of the landslide election of Caroline Price to the presidency. she has already gotten right into action implementing her sweeping reforms regarding the shrinking epidemic that has been sweeping the globe for the past 3 years, expanding upon the already existing Dibs protocol. Changes that have been in motion for the past year with sweeping bi partisan support with the influx of new younger congresswomen having more opportunity due to many of their male colleagues having to step down due to the shrink epidemic.  Suffice it to say we can expect BIG changes coming our way soon. President Price will be addressing the nation later this evening so make sure to tune in at 5pm eastern time”


The camera pans out and it goes to commercial, which had begun to include ads for the new Dibs protocol centers, accessories and support for women who now find themself with their new pets.  Most ads seem to now be catered towards women in general as well. Seeing this Jake changes the screen from tv mode and goes to his music playlists to listen to his favorite tunes.  He simply couldn’t watch any more of that neo feminist crap they had been trying to shove down everyone’s throats the past few years since the outbreak. ‘there was no way that could possibly happen to him right? That’s something that happens to OTHER men. Not me, never me’ he thinks to himself as he pours his coffee and sitting down to eat a quick breakfast.


Finishing this he gets himself cleaned up and heads to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Doing his business, he turns to the sink to wash his hands. While doing this he looks up in the mirror for a moment and pauses.  He can’t believe what he’s seeing as he looks at himself. It’s not just that he has a bad case of bed head… which he does…. It’s the strip of off colored hair running along the side of his head just above the ear as if it had been bleached. But he could tell it wasn’t artificial, In fact, what he saw chilled him to the bone. Because he recognized it as the well-known tell-tale mark that the shrinking mutation had become active inside him. And within 24 hours he was guaranteed to shrink down… and now with the new ‘DIBS’ laws he would end up as the property of whatever woman found him first, or end up at one of the government ‘shelters’ which functioned more as ‘pet’ shops.


"no no no!  please god no!" 


He cries out panicking. 


“it can’t be true it can’t! m my life is over! W what am I going to do!”


He paces back and forth in the bathroom after this, there’s no telling when he’d shrink, or who would find him. He had no family or close friends he could call on nearby to help him.


It’s then that he thinks of work, he had to go in in another hour, he was the boss at the office where he worked, and he’d worked his way up the corporate ladder until he had become the boss of the local firm and had thought he was well on his way up to regional manager but now….. now it was all over.  He also knew that he had no choice but to go into work, company policy had began to be extremely strict on men calling out of work, and recent laws even made it a fine for them to do so given the high rate of men trying to avoid work.


So he had no choice but to go into the office, he just had to make it through the day without shrinking, after that…. well he’d have to cross that bridge when he came to it. 


Nervously he gets dressed and ready for work. He had to find a way to hide his hair as if any of the girls in the office noticed… well he didn’t want to think about that, as there were several of them who would LOVE to find him in that position. (As he’d never admit it, but he had been something of an arrogant asshole to many of them, flirting with them and crossing dangerously close to sexual harassment, though he’d evaded many claims over the years as he could be charming when he wanted to.)


The best he manages is to wear an old baseball cap over his hair that didn’t clash too bad with his clothing and didn’t directly go against company dress code. But it certainly would raise some eyebrows as it’s not something that he would normally wear, as he was often quite assiduous about his appearance and wearing a worn old ball cap would stick out like a sore thumb. But better that than having my hair be seen, as if that happened there’d be no getting away from those girls.


He pulls into the parking garage in his very nice car, careful to pull into a slot in an obscure part of the garage, but still fairly close to the door way. Getting out he looks around quickly to see if anyone is around.  Seeing no one as he was fairly early, he goes through one of the less used hallways and slips into the office careful to evade any of the girls. He keeps his head down and tries not to look obvious, until he reaches the last stretch to get to his office. He makes a b-line for it but in haste he bumps into someone carrying a stack of paperwork and he and she drops the papers and he goes sprawling his cap slipping off his head


“h hey watch where you’re going” he says annoyed and looks up to see the figure of his secretary Claudia Hart a beautiful young blonde girl who was wearing her hair up in a bun and braid, tied off with a blue ribbon. She’s wearing a button up white blouse, the top button undone showing off just a hint of cleavage, as well as a high waisted black skirt that cut off at mid-thigh and dark nylon stockings and a pair of black three inch pumps.  And he sees that she’s looking at him annoyed, and then surprised, and then she smiles a bit and he realizes his hair was showing. he scrambles for his hat putting it on to hide it and got to his feet, not even bothering to stop and help pick up the scattered papers


“Um, Miss Hart I expect t that paper work that I need for the phone conference in my office ASAP” speaking as if nothing was amiss and just wanting to be in my office now. He rushes past her and slips into his office just missing the big smile that was spreading on her face.




Claudia Hart stepped into the office early, the first one there as usual to do most of the work for the boss…. As usual.  And yet the vast majority of what she did that asshole Mr. Jones almost always ended up taking credit for. An arrogant man that had schmoozed and connived his way into the position he held, and took every opportunity to flirt and lord it over the others in the office, nearly all women these days after the outbreak. ‘Dammit why couldn’t he just hurry up and shrink, then he’d see who’s really in charge, but that arrogant prick right at the place he belongs’ a thought she’d had on more than one occasion, along with thoughts about having him groveling at her feet…


Her thoughts where interrupted when the form of her boss, Jake, bumbled right into her causing her to drop all the paperwork that she’d been carrying to get sorted and ready for the boss for that meeting that she’d scheduled for him. She nearly responded to his rather rude response when she freezes and looks straight at the prone form of her boss her eyes locking on his head and the streak of white blonde hair contrasting against his dark brown hair. It couldn’t be… could it?


As he got to his feet and put on his cap, which she had thought was an odd choice of clothes when she’d seen him try and sneak in earlier… but now she understood why.


“of course…. Sir” she said nodding like a good subordinate, in response to his request for the paper work. and then collecting the scattered papers poorly attempting to hide the sheepish grin on her face as he quickly went to go and hide in his office.


Finishing collecting the papers, she walks over into the break room taking a moment to giggle girlishly in the empty room in order for her to regain her composure, taking the time to straighten her blouse and skirt and undoing another button to make sure that her cleavage was clearly visible and that her nylons were pulled nice and tight over her legs.  It was no secret that the boss had a thing for her the way he’d always flirt with her when he passed her desk. And she wanted to make sure she looked her best for what was to come. As if what she saw as it appeared to be…then she was about to move way up in the world, WAY up from his point of view. She smirks to herself thinking about it again.  Not only that but if she found him first, she was all hers according to the laws that had been put in place. She’d get his job and salary, and he’d get her, not only as his new boss, but as his new owner.  She shivered slightly with the sheer anticipation, as she knew that as her secretary there was no way anyone else would get him first before her.


Readying herself with a cup of Coffee along with the now complete papers I’d had prepared already at her desk she steps out of the room casually walking through the office. On the way back she saw another woman who had come in, as people where beginning to filter in now.


“oh hey Claudia how was your weekend?”, she says smiling. She was a woman with medium brown hair cut in a bob in her late 20’s  “already hard at work for the boss I see” eyeing the paper work


“yep am indeed Juliette” she said smiling as she stopped to engage in small talk with one of her work friends “so Juliette… you hear they’re expanding the Dibs protocol rules even more? Apparently it’s going to be a lot easier to claim and register tiny guys now”


“yeah the new president and administration is going ham getting laws passed right now what with the emergency authority the government had during the chaos of the first outbreak. In fact it made it so much easier to claim my own little pet” she said smiling


“oh right you claimed Mark didn’t you!” Claudia said grinning, as she remembered she’d said something about that recently over lunch


“I did indeed, and I got to tell you it’s been so much fun toying with the little guy! You wouldn’t believe the power rush, and they’re SO much cuter at that size especially making them serve and worship you like a goddess. I make him paint my nails, and rub my feet, polish my shoes, and lick gunk from between my toes… not to mention the… other uses” she giggles as she describes the various ways she used her new little boy toy


“haha oh my…. That sounds amazing, now only if that prick of a boss would shrink… I’d love to have him at my mercy like that” Claudia says, grinning as knowingly


“YESS! That asshole needs to be put in his place and learn to respect women. Especially in this day and age, find out who really has the power now.” Juliette laughs loudly “In fact… I’ve got my little boy toy with me right now” she glances around before lifting up off her chair for a moment and lifting her skirt to reveal her ass and the humanoid form held tightly against it by her nylons and panties “you remember when he kept trying to grope me at that office party? Couldn’t get enough of my ass, now he’s got more of it than he can handle!”


Claudia reaches forward and gives him a solid poke watching as he squirms helplessly against Juliette’s ass. They both laugh as his form twitches and squirms inside before she sits back down, and they can both make out a little muffled cry as she does so. Juliette makes sure to wiggle her bum into her seat.


“ya know, maybe I should give my little toy here a new name. Mark isn’t a great name for a pet…. Hmm, how about Buttkiss” she laughs out loud “appropriate, right? My little Buttkiss”


“well, I have to go and deliver these papers to our asshole in chief. I’ll probably come and chat again at lunch… see ya Juliette…. And see ya BUTTKISS” they both laugh again as she walks away


She walks along the rows of desks and a few other women busy about their work before coming to the boss’s office. She gives herself another once over to make sure she looks as good as possible just in case he’s already tiny inside. Taking a breath, she knocks on his door announcing herself reaching for the knob and opening it.




Entering his office after the run in with Claudia, Jake attempted to sit down and just get to work to distract himself from what he could only see as his impending doom. However, he fails at this quite spectacularly. His mind continuously is unable to focus and he’d end up just fidgeting and nearly having panic attacks his nerves were so high.  He couldn’t even finish reading even one email. Constantly being haunted by the feeling that his clothes didn’t fit right, that the shrinking had started which would set off another panic attack.


And this went on for a solid 30 minutes while Claude was out in the office preparing the papers as well as chatting. Being unable to continue he gets up and begins to pace back and forth in his office


“I just have to make it through the work day… just through the work day…..” he said repeatedly almost like a mantra, trying to will his body to comply and to will himself not to shrink, as useless as it maybe


However, it wasn’t even ten minutes after this that the first wave of dizziness hit nearly causing him to trip. He holds his hands to his head.


“NO! no no no no no! please! Not now not now! I thought I’d have longer than that!” he said panicking as he staggers forward bracing himself on the desk. Already he could feel the clothes on him get looser and looser as it began very slowly at first but he could feel it picking up pace, his vision blurring in waves and massive feelings of vertigo as the world began to expand around him.


It’s at this point that he hears the knock on the door and the door handle turning as Claudia announced herself. His heart nearly skips a beat and he feels his blood go cold and panicking he moves to try and frantically tries to hide behind his desk. However his now oversized shoes cause him to trip and fall in a heap just as he hears the door creak as it opens and he turns to see her walking in looking up at her as her eyes fall on him lying on the floor in his oversized clothes not much bigger than a 10 year old boy, his eyes wide in terror. 


She freezes and her face first forms into one of surprise, taken a back for a moment and she gasps, her face shifting into a wide grin.

Chapter End Notes:

this is my first story entry for this particular world. I don't claim originality, as I used many elements I like from various New world order stories. and I am by no means a particularly good writer so any feed back is appreciated.

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