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The men below heard Emma uncharacteristically call out in obvious distress and rushed outside to see the giantess shrinking very rapidly, her once towering form was now only as tall as their houses and then after a few seconds she was on a comparable scale to them and even looking up into the gather faces around her. The men roughly seized her and held her still whilst Melina holstered her gun and smiled down at Tony offering him a lift with her hand to the floor to save him struggling.
“May I help?”
He said having witnessed what she had done and was very confused by it all. Her large hand lifted him gracefully to the ground and Tony was glad to be in a less perilous position.
“Thank you, Melissa”
“Actually my name is Melina and I guess I have some explaining to do, do you mind if I sit down on your largest building over there?”

Melina used the building as a seat, this one had a flat roof and although the structure grumbled under her weight it was able to be used like a stool supporting her.
“I’m with the resistance.....”
She announced, settling the now many men at ease in her presence.
“Have you come to rescue us Melina?”
One of the men below at Melina’s feet asked this question with so much hope attached to the answer.
“We sure have”
Reaching for Doug and managing to pull him out of his concealed hiding place amongst her dark locks she settled him on her skirted lap so that the men below could just about see him.
“Who’s that you’ve got there?”
“This is Doug, he’s with me and he’s probably the smartest guy on this planet, you had better let me take care of Emma and then we can work out what to do next.”

Reluctantly the men gave up Emma and Melina carefully reached down a single hand to lift her up.
“You don’t know what you’ve done! When Cohaagan finds out, girl I would hate to be in your shoes!”
Emma rattled off her threat as she struggled in Melina’s large fingers but bringing her right in front of her face, Melina just smiled and softly retorted.
“Yes but right now these shoes are a lot bigger than yours, remember that”

Carrying Doug in one hand and Emma in the other Melina stepped over the plastic side wall and found the pressure pad that disabled all the barriers. Now all the occupants of the three environments were able to hear each other although they were still unable to scale the walls to get out. Putting Emma on the floor Melina cut her down in size once more until she was a effectively half an inch tall, small enough that she could place Emma into her blouse pocket warning her to keep quiet. There was no argument from Emma who was more than frightened to be handled by Melina.

Doug was then placed on the floor and whilst Melina had the BMU in her hand she enlarged him so that he stood almost as tall as she was.
“Woah, this feels awfully big”
He smiled as he tried to become accustomed to a more normal height, although to Doug it was becoming hard to figure out what was his normal after the last week or so. Once his new size had stabilised his first priority was to kiss Melina whilst they shared this more equal footing but he noticed that he was still restricted in stature as his eyes lined up squarely to his girlfriend’s pretty nose.
“I thought you’d like to be bigger for a while so you can do you technical magic and put some sort virus into their systems and trash all their data records here, we can’t let them continue to experiment on these men anymore”
“Sure, I can do that.”
Agreeing with her plan Doug accessed a holographic control console and began to explore the security of the system that was being used.
“Looks pretty straight forward I’m in already to the core of their programs here but we had better not get the system to wipe itself and the backups until we are long gone, there is a live link still active and if that goes down people are going to get wise to our presence pretty fast.”
“Good thinking, I really missed your genius you know”
Melina looked over his shoulder a little confused by his hand gestures and the way he could navigate through the virtual interface with such breathtaking speed.
“I’m glad to be back and that was a nice touch making me shorter than you by the way”
“Well you know how I do like to be the taller one, besides your growth here is only temporary we still have to smuggle you back out through security somehow”
“One challenge at a time Melina”
Doug said as he finished his current task and turned to summarise his actions.
“Ok, I won’t bore you will the techno brief but all their data goes bye-bye in two hours and there is nothing they can do to stop it.”
“Not my research!”
Emma’s voice hollered as loud as she could manage to protest against all of her data being erased and Melina grinned looking down and into her pocket.
“I quite forgot that I was still carrying you in my blouse, I think you need to be put somewhere out of our way”

Carrying the small scientist to her own office, Melina looked at the options of where she could hide her and the most obvious was to stand her in the depths of her own empty litter bin. This plastic tub was the perfect prison and there was no way that she would escape and cause any trouble. As she looked down over the furious and scared woman standing on the base of the bin, Melina smiled and told her that she deserved this for keeping the men in such conditions. She used her BMU on a setting that would grow Emma back to normal using a timing that would ensure she would not be able to raise the alarm. Throwing a whole pack of tissue paper in the bin on top of her, Emma was covered from sight and her tiny voice muffled unless you were close.
“Better hope the cleaning staff don’t come before you are rescued”
Melina quipped, giving Emma something to fear as she left the room and rejoined Doug.

“So Melina, when this data is erased we should be long on our way to finding out who’s the current head of security since Lori left. Then we simply find the balancing crystal, get to the purification centre and Mars should be back to normal within a few hours”
“You make it sound so simple”
Melina nudged him playfully and walked off to check the small men in their contained environments who were gathering outside and waiting to understand what was going on.

Now that all of the separating barriers had been disabled she could hear the segregated groups of men talking between themselves as she approached. Melina stood before the middle enclosure and all of the men were outside and still totally naked. Never before had Melina seen such a sight, there were one hundred men all exposing their entire bodies and measuring no more than six inches tall. It felt to Melina like she was towering over a Lilliput village from Gulliver’s travels and when some of the men saw the high rise beauty returning to look over them there was a loud roar of applause.
“Don’t thank me yet fella’s, we still have to get you all safely out of here”

Melina smiled down and crouched by the edge of the nearest wall so she could speak more easily with the small men below. Her eyes couldn’t help wondering casually from the little faces to their exposed manhood’s, most of the men attempted to cover themselves up but many were so used to being without clothes that this didn’t even bother them.
“Please make us normal size, we can bust out of here all together”
One of the men closest to Melina in the middle section piped up and Melina understood his eagerness to escape but had to inform him of the realities.
“I would love to make you all normal sized but right now that’s not going to help you. The hand held device I have here can only enlarge one of you at a time, that would take a long while to restore you all and I fear we need to get going before there are any routine checks or people trying to communicate with this research facility. The hospital is secure, you all know that these early buildings don’t have windows that open to the outside, that’s been the same since the atmosphere was inhospitable. All the exits have security posted to them so nothing gets in or out without being scanned”
“Then we will force our way out, show Cohaagan we can’t be pushed around forever”
A rather gruff sounding man shouted up and Melina was soon joined by Doug who had overheard the conversation. He lowered to the same sort of level as Melina to look less imposing and introduced who he was.
“Guys, I’m Doug Quaid and I am part of rebellion effort. Believe me when I say that you will be severely outmatched in any confrontation with these women. I used their system only seconds ago to look at our options and this hospital unfortunately is right next to one of their remote operations posts. They co-ordinate nearly fifty security women in close vicinity, all equipped with these BMU devices that could cut you down to the size of insects before you even reached the outskirts of the hospital grounds. We only have one such device here so the odds of all of making it are very slim.”
“Doug’s right”
Melina took over and tried to be sympathetic to the poor men who were eager for revenge at the way they had been treated.
“If we attempt to get out of here and cause a big confrontation the result for our rebellion effort could set us back majorly, especially if we are captured. Doug and I are close to knowing the full picture of what Cohaagan has planned for the population of this planet and maybe how we can stop her for good.”
“So what do you suggest Melina?”
Tony from the neighbouring containment unit shouted up and Melina in reaction looked blankly at Doug hoping his inventiveness would come up with something.
“Hey don’t look at me Mel, I didn’t plan for this rescue mission”
Doug frowned and couldn’t see an obvious solution.
“Well we can’t just leave them here, and that Penetrator capsule thingy we used to smuggle you inside is only good for one person and its busted now, so that could be detected”
The mention from Melina of the Penetrator gave Doug an idea.

“Guys, have they shrunk you since you have been here?”
Doug questioned and Tony responded.
“Most of us were transported here about one foot tall originally, but they have altered our heights from twelve inches to eight and then to six as we are now, the whole floor of these prisons we are kept inside, glow up white when she makes such alterations and our buildings scale to accommodate.”
“Then it could be possible, the reduction capability from the reformator technology that covers these units you are in would be more powerful than the hand held BMU’s and we could shrink you all on mass to a size that would allow Melina to carry you and so that you are not detectible by their security scanners”
“You are talking about shrinking us all again? Smaller than we are right now?”
Tony and a few of the other men began to feel very nervous and there was a lot of cross chatter amongst them in an instant. It was one thing to be six inches tall but to contemplate and volunteer to be made even smaller was not appealing for any of them.
“It’s a risk I would have to share Tony, I have to get out of here myself so I won’t be asking you to do something I was not prepared to do myself. But we would have to be really small”
“Wait a minute guys”
Came a concerned sounding Melina.
“Doug, what sort of size are we talking about here. There are one hundred men down there and if you want me to carry them all then they would need to be tiny, like amazingly tiny. Isn’t that dangerous?”
“Well if my calculations are correct and if my knowledge of the particular scanner waves they use in those security posts is up to date, then to avoid detection each one of us men would have to be about one quarter of a millimetre tall or less. That’s a scary thought but I’m willing to bet we could avoid detection at that extreme size”
“Woah, a quarter of a millimetre? You would be like a little spec of dust compared to me? Are you sure about this?”
“My maths isn’t usually wrong Melina you know that. The hand held BMU can’t go down to that sort of reduction but these more fixed industrial reformators could shrink us that small.”
“I’m not sure I like this plan, no disrespect lady but right now you look really big to me but the thought of being carried around by some behemoth of a woman scares me rigid. What if you dropped us you wouldn’t even know about it”
The gruff sounding man who had spoken earlier shouted up to interrupt the two giants above. Melina looked down at him and smiled to reassure him.
“I’m no monster, but you are right that handling you tiny fella’s would be a problem, for starters I will have a challenge to even see you all properly at such a small size”
“Guys, we are spending too much time here debating this, I suggest we use the equipment here to reduce our sizes to a quarter of a millimetre. Melina then figures out a method to carry us all the safest way possible. We may need to communicate with Melina so I suggest that when you go back to retrieve your nurses outfit, that I see if we can modify and reduce the comms unit out of the Penetrator. When Melina is clear of this facility we need to find a place to restore everyone back to normal. We only have the one BMU currently, the crystal inside them can’t go through the scanner no matter its size without being detected, we only have one unit outside of here that’s in operation but it would take forever to restore you all one by one......”
Thinking on his feet Doug tried to think of a way to restore them all and then it struck him.
“....I have a new friend sympathetic to our cause and the plight of men, he has an industrial reformator so he could use this to grow us all back to normal size”
Melina said glad to see Doug had not let her down and was still as creative as ever.
“Now, any of you who do not wish to go along with this plan can stay here of course?”
There was a rumbling of opinions being discussed below but Tony as the spokes person agreed.
“Taking our chances in the care of Melina up here and becoming free is all that really matters we agree to your plan”

A few minutes later and Doug was configuring the reformator technology with his back to Melina whilst she was in charge of getting all of the men into the central containment unit so they would all be together when the shrinking occurred. It would have taken her a while to pick up the men one by one at their six inch heights to lift them over the walls and so she decided to straddle the wall with a leg inside each of the two units allowing the men to climb her slender legs and walk across her skirted lap and slide down her other extended limb and into the correct area. The men all seemed to love this idea and some of them seemed to be taking a little more time than was necessary to savour the feeling of climbing up to use such a lovely bridge.

Melina found she was just biting her bottom lip as she felt the flow of the many hands and legs touching her all at the same time, she was trying to be professional but it was an enjoyable few minutes as she felt their small penises casually slap into her legs as they climbed her.

Soon she had finished one transfer and did the same for the rest and finally she found that she was standing like a female Gulliver amongst one hundred naked six inch men all at her feet.
“Enjoying yourself?”
Doug quipped from the outside as he could see the telltale flushing of Melina’s cheeks and she smiled back.
“Well, I’m sure you wouldn’t complain if they were all women down there”
“Guys, I am ready so Melina needs to step out, we can’t have her getting any smaller, and we need all of you to congregate somewhere when you are at the target size”
Melina almost reluctantly gracefully lifted up a leg and stepped over ten or fifteen men to reach the side, other men made room for her large shoes to land as she took a final step to the wall and then left.

Outside Doug kissed her on the lips unseen by the men below and he told her that she had to shrink him to carry him outside but not to the same extent as the other men just yet, his skills were needed to modify a communications device.
“No problem, it’s time for you to get tiny again”
The BMU flashed and Doug watched his girlfriend seemingly grow into a giant as he settled down to a height of two inches in comparison.

Melina picked him up and stood him to one side next to the outside wall of a container so that he would be safe from her accidently stepping on him.
“I’m glad that I made you small honey, you may not have agreed to the Idea I have of how to transport these little guys”
“What are you saying Mel? What idea?”

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