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Repo Man

By: Sage of Stars

For: Camillia

It had been a clean break, at least, that’s how Mike chose to see it. Sure, Crystal had been a bit upset at first. Everyone got like that when a relationship like their’s ended, but he couldn’t keep doing it, living like he didn’t see her hitting up on every guy on the street, and even bringing home one or two. That new one, the one she was with even now, had been the final straw. He wasn’t about to play second fiddle to anyone, even if he knew that was just how she was.

The only thing he’d forgotten about had been the ring. His mother’s ring, actually, one he’d gotten a few years back after announcing his looking for a girl. His mom had understood, and given him the jewelry as a bit of a present, and then he’d given it to a girl or two whenever their relationship had reached a more serious level. With Crystal, however, that had happened so fast that he hadn’t really had time to make her promise to give it back.

It wasn’t that she had refused to give it back, after all, she couldn’t refuse what he didn’t directly ask, but she had ignored any hints he’d tossed her way about it, and so he figured she wouldn’t be willing to just hand it over. So he came up with a plan. Well, not really a plan, just a vague idea he’d decided to run with, figuring that it wouldn’t hurt to do something, even if it was kind of a funny plan.

At his work there was a machine they used to compress materials for shipment. The thing was real cutting edge, and as far as he knew, the general public didn’t even know the machine existed. It wasn’t a shrink ray, at least not, precisely. The guys that used it, called it a compressor, and it sprayed stuff with some mist that was then charged with a bit of electricity, and the stuff would get smaller, and lighter, allowing them to ship out blocks of stuff for mere pennies a ton.

Having acquired a bit of the spray from work, he had been using it whenever he’d felt like having a little fun. The stuff didn’t make him heavier, but it made him more durable by doing something weird with his biology. For one thing, he was squishy, almost like rubber. He could crush his bones into flat strips but they’d pop back, and he could even be chewed, something he’d found out when Crystal had mistaken him for a stick of gum one day, though luckily she spit him out rather than swallow.

Stripping off his clothes in her backyard, out of sight of the main house, Mike began to make his way toward his target, slowly creeping toward the door, knowing that if he was spotted, this would look really back, but figuring that the instant he found something electrical he could spritz himself down with the spray, and then grab the ring and run, which happened to be the entirety of his plan.

All in all, however, the first part went off rather well. The entrance into the house was easy, as Crystal never locked the back door, a habit he had tried to get her to stop when they’d been together, though he was glad he hadn’t. Then, finding an electrical outlet, he sprayed his body down, emptying his one dose sized can, and then tossing it in her trash, before touching the thing, feeling the mild tingle as the shock went through the spray, and his world began to rapidly get bigger.

The shrinking was as fast as it always was, and in a few heartbeats he was the size of a bug, which made him smirk. He was literally big enough now to wear the ring as a belt, which was how he intended to take it out of the house. And so he set off for the place most likely to contain the object of his desire, the bedroom where he’d spent so many nights with Crystal, curled up in her arms.

Right now, however, another man was enjoying that position. Well, he would be anyway. Turning the corner into the room, Mike yelp and hid, as Crystal sat, naked, on her bed, staring at the bathroom door, obviously waiting for someone to come out. It didn’t take a genius to know that the grunts, voice, and footsteps from inside the room were obviously male, which Mike, oddly enough, didn’t mind.

After all, he had released all claim on Crystal, and had decided it was now her choice with whom she would have sex. Looking around the room, he suddenly spotted his prize, sitting right on the edge of the desk nearby, and he started to go straight for it, intending on grabbing it and then running back toward the door, and then outside, to where he’d left his clothes, and the antidote for the shrink stuff.

Of course, as any guy would, he stopped in his track when he heard Crystal sigh a bit, and then lay back in the bed, rolling onto her back and then falling almost instantly into a light doze, a trick he’d always wished he knew how she did. She would just lay down, and like a light, be asleep, the whole world around her dead to her, at least, until someone tried to wake her up.

This presented an opportunity he knew he should ignore. After all, he’d given Crystal her freedom, he had no right to her anymore, but as he made his way to the desk, he could smell her, the scent of her body, the perfume of her existence imbued in every fiber of the carpet beneath his feet. The air itself a stamp on this place, calling it hers for now and forever.

With such a scent in his nose, it was no wonder that, almost to his goal, he changed course, and with a bit of a scramble, made his way up the side of the bed, coming to rest just beside her leg. He told himself that this was just a short jaunt. A quick taste of what should have been his, and his alone, before he grabbed his ring, and then left her life to go on with his own.

So thinking, he climbed her leg, feeling the soft skin beneath his grip, almost purring at the feel of it, loving how it gave even to his miniscule weight, and ever vigilant to the possibility that she might feel him and awaken, but as he crested her leg, he decided it was worth it. Right before him were some mountains, huge orbs that stretched into the heavens, and almost made him cry with what he was missing.

Still, he wasn’t going to be here long, and walked toward them, the skin dimpling a little less as he got from her legs and hips onto her toned chest, the light gold skin beneath his feet warm to the touch, and moving slightly with each breath she took, the rise and fall threatening more than once to send him toppling off the side of her chest onto the bed, before, with a grunt, he reached her breasts.

The mounds of flesh were as soft and supple as he remembered them, the low thudding of her heart so pure that he almost wished he could be inside her chest with it, as she continued to doze, not even reaching up to scratch him, something he found odd, as she had always seemed to be so sensitive in this part of her body, at least, from his experiences with it.

Before he could enjoy himself much, however, he heard a loud roaring sound, like the suddenly running over of a dam becoming a waterfall, and looking toward he bathroom door, he knew what it had to be. Had he enough time, he probably could have gotten off of Crystal and back to the floor, to hide out and wait until the fun was over to grab his ring and go.

He didn’t have time, however, for, as deep as Crystal slept, the sound of a flushing toilet that close was enough to wake her right up, and in a moment, she rose, and he was forced to spread out his arms and legs, to keep the pressure of the two hills around him from crushing his tiny body into nothing but a small stain between them.

Still trying to think, he suddenly heard a groan, and then his world shook with the deep sound of a giggle, his arms giving way and allowing the mounds of flesh to slap him between them, the pressure almost enough to break him, but not quite, merely making the air in his lungs rush out in a whoosh, as he stared at the man who had replaced him in Crystal’s life.

The guy moved like he looked, strong and sure, his hairy chest rising and falling, as he drew in great gulps of air to fuel his body, and Mike found the room was suddenly filled with his odor, his body’s masculine sent spilling off into the air, and overpowering even the close scent of Crystal’s body as he drew toward the bed, his foot steps sounding like explosions to the tiny man.

“Now then, where were we?” Mike heard him say, as he slid in on top of Crystal, and then immediately began to do something he hadn’t expected. He started to eat her out, his huge tongue coming out of his mouth and licking at her pussy enough that the tiny man could smell the juices spilling over a little bit from inside, before the tongue slowly began to make it’s way up the body.

This didn’t worry Mike at first, as he watched the long, slimy member slide over the soft landscape. Crystal was slowly leaning back, and her new stance was allowing the orbs around him to part a bit, making Mike sigh in relief as he slipped down between them, hoping he wouldn’t be crushed by the passion of the two lovers around him, before he could go claim the ring.

He needn’t have worried, however, as the tongue of the man suddenly pressed its way in between Crystal’s breasts, and then got under him, the man obviously not sure what he was, but then showing how little he really cared, as the saliva covered tendril drew up into his mouth, and he mmmed at the taste of the tiny man in his mouth, making Mike shout as he covered his ears against the noise.

He was then tossed forward as the man leaned, and he impacted his forward teeth, hard, crying out as the rock like teeth cut a little into his back, and then began to glide apart, forcing him to roll so as not to drop. When he was able to look down, he found himself staring at Crystal’s face, as her own mouth opened wide, and drew closer, until it finally filled his vision and all was cast into darkness.

The wild ride that followed was one of moving bits and pieces, of huge slimy things that pushed against him, covering him in spit, and then sandwiching him between them, making him unable to breath, as around him huge moans of pleasure threatened to deafen him, before, in one final desperate bid for freedom, he pulled himself out from between them, and plummeted.

He fell into something soft, the curled around him, making him feel like he was being massaged by some great hand, before it then closed over his head, and he realized what it was. Out of breath, he couldn’t even cry out as he was swallowed, Crystal merely gulping at whatever was in her mouth, sending it down into her body as she continued to kiss at her new lover.

The ride was fast, but somehow, drawn out, as the walls, first loose, closed around Mike tightly as he moved past something he assumed to be her collar bone. Once beyond that, he was inside her fully, and the sounds of her body echoed around him. Her roaring lungs, drawing in tons of air and then pushing it back out again in a whoosh, and the constant beating of her heart, a soft, almost musical background as he was shoved toward his destination.

Being pushed out into her stomach, was almost crushed by the sphincter leading into her belly, and when he finally dropped through, he was sent into a roll against the side, the soft walls, slick and slimy, leaving a tingling coating over his body as he moved toward the bottom of her belly, coming to a stop with a squish, as he rolled right into the remains of her lunch, which smelled of turkey, cheese, and mustard.

Before he could become adjusted to this new place, everything flipped, and he realized quickly as the world shook rhythmically around him, that Crystal had asserted herself onto her new man, always wanting to be on top. As her stomach flipped, Mike fell to the new floor, only to be covered in the mushy remains of her lunch, and find that he was unable to move, forced to endure not only being digested, but listening to his girl do another man, all because he couldn’t work up the courage to ask for his ring back.
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