Reviews For MAJOR/minor
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Reviewer: Kurogane335 Signed [Report This]
Date: December 11 2017 12:18 AM Title: Chapter 1: A minor/Surprise

Hey, NotSirk, I've a question of life or death. Do Sabrina and Mabel have already blossomed into their adult selfs physically or as they still in this phase where they look like old kids but not yet teenagers ? Since you said in chapter 1 that Sabrina was three heads taller than Izzy, it got me thinking. Can e hope a chapter where Izzellah will actually have to resist not only Sabrina and Mabel's wishes to bond with her, but also her own lust after two two would have become sexy young adults ? I sure hope so ^^

Author's Response:

There still closer to kids then full adults. So's Riri for that matter although I imagine Riri's just a little older. Development wise even though their brains are more mature and MAJORS can grasp concepts like driving, and make sound decisions (when they're not trying to punch each others teeth out) they develop at a similar rate to minor humans until adulthood. The adult period lasts significantly longer though before they become elderly. MAJORS have close to double the lifespan of a minor.

Right now they're in that awkward between kid and teen phase which is why Izzy denies any physical attraction but they could hit full puberty at anytime. Although be warned. A MAJOR in the grasp of puberty is....excitable. Izzy might start drooling though if it ever happens.

And just because:

Izzellah 5'7 

Peter 5'5

Lisa 6'8 (done growing for the most part)

Lee 6'0

Sabrina 7'4 (still growing)

Mabel 7'5 (Sabrina hates this)

Riri 7'7 (Sabrina doe not hate this)

Brenda 8'5 (Still a little short for a MAJOR more commen for a girl)

Gloria 9'0 (Pretty good for an old lady)

Mei 9'3 (Surprise!)

Rebecca 9'5 (Slightly above average for a MAJOR woman)

Braxton 10'1 (Mr. Average)

Darren 10'3 (Mr. Average's older, hotter brother)

Romeo 10'4

Ignacio 11' 5 (Officially classed tall goofball! I'll have to check this because I know I wrote his height in story)

Shannon ??? (An actual giantess?)

These are the working sizes I've written down. Might be subject to change.


Reviewer: Kosmita Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 09 2017 9:23 PM Title: Chapter 7: minor/Bonding

The dynamic between Majors and Minors remind me of Aldous Huxley’s novel, ‘Brave New World’ where there’s a social caste system, and which everyone in their caste is made to love their caste. The Epsilons learn what their role in society is – embrace it, love it, and wouldn’t have any other way. They especially don’t question it. Sure, the Alphas seem to have a great life and get all kinds of perks, but being an Alpha is tough work and really obtrusive, the poor Epsilons would be taught.

Here, we have Minors that are being indoctrinated to embrace their lives. Go to school, but don’t bother trying to master Mathematics, English, etc. By the way, bonding is great for you. By the way, you can live a pretty chill life by just bonding with a Major and sticking with them for the rest of their lives. Dat indoctrination, tho.

And this is why I love Izzy. Nurture vs. Nature. Was Izzy brought up by her father to question life and society? Or is it something innate…maybe instinctive? Izzy is a tough, smart chick in a world not prepared for her. This was illustrated in the chat she had with Lucy after class was over. Why the hell was this Izzy chick so inquisitive when every other Minor just accepted their lot in life? I love how Izzy’s moxie is impacting everyone she encounters in such profound ways.

Personal feelings time:  My favorite characters thus far are Izzy, Sabrina, and Brenda. I need to see more of Brenda! I feel like I’m being jipped here, lol. It’s like your other story, ‘Small.’ I just kept waiting for Izzy and Brenda to finally interact, and it only lasted a chapter! HOWEVER, I have my hopes up for this story because of that unconscious defense Izzy put up for Brenda during her mind-melt thingy. My heart fucking melted! There’s a chance for some Izzy and Brenda action.

Anyway, great story! Keep doing what you’re doing. I can’t wait to see a new chapter!

Author's Response:

Izzy's mostly influenced by her mother who passed away. You'll learn more about her later but Sheila was fairly independent for a minor and Izzellah wants to do better than her. Izzy reminds Ignacio too much of his late wife to really coddle her too much. Letting Izzy have a life is what Sheila wanted. Although letteing her have her freedom is kind of spoiling her in a different way. Now she's used to it and so headstrong she'd fight him every time he tried to step in. Also he's just kind of a sloppy lazy guy except when it comes too working out..

I try to make Izzy not seem too special but I'd be lieing if I said her presence didn't have an impact.

Brenda will return!.....eventually.

Reviewer: Some giantess fan Signed [Report This]
Date: December 09 2017 7:20 PM Title: Chapter 1: A minor/Surprise

Okey! I'm just gonna write down my thoughts on MAJORS here:


Looking at the other reviews, it's pretty clear that most MAJORS are hated by most of the readers; and not without reason. Everything they do is hypocritical! They claim that they want to return the minors to what they once were, yet they view them as helpless children, spoil them and give them no control over their own lives. This causes minors to descent in their fantasy worlds as it's the only place where they are in control, resulting in a vicious circle; the more helpless the seem, the less control they are given and the more they go in their own world, which causes them to seem more helpless in the real world and be given even less control.


The latest chapter pretty much proved Izzellah's theory: minors don't need bonds MAJORS do! Contrary to what the arrogant, and appearantly ignorant, MAJORS believe! In fact, MAJORS need it so much that they even evolved to force minors into bonding with them with the Tier 3. The minors are essentially the only people who can keep the aggressive MAJORS in check.

If I had to guess then I'd say that this aggression is a result of their superior height, strength, and intelligence being a double-edged sword; the human body wasn't meant to grow so big, their brains have to be under a lot of presure trying to regulate it.

The only reason why minors even need to bond with MAJORS is to get around a world not made for them and defend themselves from other MAJORS, which once again proves their hypocricy; MAJORS aren't the solution! Their the cause!


Now, I want to write down what I think about their thinking process. With the revelation that cars were invented by minors, I have come to believe that a MAJOR'S way of thinking is very linear and lacks in imagination and the ability to innovate. In fact, Sabrina's confusion at how Izzellah handled math causes their thinking process to seem almost machine-like to me!

I wonder what effects this all had on society. The story seems to take place in a dystopian future yet the technology seems the same as early 21st century. This means that the MAJORS couldn't invent new technologies or could only improve on what the minors had already made. Sooner or later this will cause society to stagnate, if it hasn't already.


After thinking about all this, I now can't help but think of the MAJORS as a, well... doomed species. With their violent and arrogant tendencies as well as their youner generation taking minors for granted, I can totally see a day coming where they will end up destroying themselves.


(Hope to get a responce!)

Author's Response:

Well..............let's see what hoping gets you:

I don't think EVERYONE hates the MAJORS. I don't for what that matters. (not much). I think a few people are very vocal about it! There is a lot not to like though. I personally see it as a "superior" society trying to fix a mistake. Alternative point of view is they're manipulating and oppressing subclass of their own species they nearly wiped out themselves. Valid perspective.

Minors don't need bonds. I think I've made that clear now. Is that clear? (Seriously if people are confused PLEASE TELL ME!) I would argue that MAJORS don't need them so much as they WANT them but that's a matter of opinion at this point. I only write the story. When people read it, it takes on a life of it's own. I've read many theories on it now and none of them are completely wrong. Unless someone guesses MAJORS are robots. That would be wrong.....unless?...No! I just barely dodged jumping the shark this last chapter. They're not robots. Tier 3's do throw a dramatic wrinkle in the equation.

Ummmm. There was other stuff here and I'll try to remember it but I lost it again. I really hate this whole timing out thing. I'll need to be briefer or start typing these out on a notepad first. DAMMIT!!! 

Okay so necessity is the mother of invention. Minors need more than MAJORS!

I like your justification for MAJOR aggression.

I don't think MAJORS would destroy themselves because that's depressing even though they probably would!

Some bullshit tease about the Dark Age (I am working on it)

Great comment. The End!

FUCK! I hate this comment system!

Reviewer: pixl8ed Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 09 2017 12:55 AM Title: Chapter 7: minor/Bonding

Okay...that was weird.  And a little off putting.  Lisa did a sort of 180, character wise, it seemed she was a low ambition and immature ditz, pretty much what you’d expect from a tiny of this world.  I’m glad Izzy has a friend, but Lisa... she’s really kind of a not-very-smart-know-it-all.  Again, Izzy is getting the bottom of the barrel as far as relationships go.  That said, Lisa seems to be changing, inspired by the cool and questioning Izzy.  So I have hope for the halfsie.  She’ll either wind up more discriminating like Izzy or she’s a prime candidate for a role on reality TV.

But, okay, the hugging scene with Lisa and Romeo was kinda’ sweet.

Still not seeing any reason for Izzy to want to bond.  It’s seeming more and more like she’s been getting programmed with biggie propaganda to seek something that is merely a feel good for her but so important to the big morons.  Christina may have the skill to paint the communing portion of it in pretty, innocent colors, but that just makes it seem more and more like a biggie trap to me.  Cuz Lisa seems really quite “lessened” by her experiences.  She’s enjoyed being used by the big dummies, but she has nothing to really show for it.  Where bonded and post bonded biggies seem calmer and more focused. 

Izzy shouldn’t really mind the whole capital letters thing.  TV is always spelled with all capital letters and look how stoopid that is.

Peter’s still a stooge.  Even more so, now that we see he thinks he’s Heathcliff.

Sabrina is even less annoying.   Still think she’s bullocks, but less annoying bullocks.  And I’m liking Mei’s stalker mentality less and less.  

It’s strange, but I liked that Izzy defended Brenda reflexively.  Like she won her conflict with her and is being magnanimous.  It almost makes me hate the walking disaster less.  Though, again, it’s Izzy’s subtle, yet glowing character that the moment reveals that really makes her tale shine for me.

Overall this was a fun to read chapter.  There were a few too many moments of the same old lost and ignorant and confused Izzy but they yielded some laughs so that made them enjoyable.  Your writing was solid and effectively communicated some difficult concepts.  You tackled what must have been a challenging chapter with some style and humor.  Good work.



Author's Response:

Honestly I was very nervous about this chapter! Trying to experiment and write the more fantastical ideas in my head. I'm still not sure it comes acroos well but your points help greatly. I tried to flesh out Lisa more and show that she's as much a victim of the established quo as anyone even and at the same time give her a bit of a mentor role. Yeah she's more like a Monica Steeps than maybe she'd like but I think her and Izzy can teacg each other. At least that's my goal.

I know your getting fed up with Izzy's ignorance but time wise it hasn't even been a week. That's not an excuse but it is a factor. Normally her mom would've (a minor) would've coached her but she's gone. That kind of threw a wrench in things and Ignacio?...well you'll see soon. You might like the upcoming chapters? Izzy's got some words for her papa! Until then this is just who Izzy is for now, but she's asking questions! And no, there is no reason for her to get a bond but now you probably know why MAJORS are hungry for it! 

Peter's a stooge! Still thinking about giving him a chapter though!

Is Sabrina growing on you? She's growing on Izzy! Look out! Although neither of them seem interested in bonding? Maybe Sabrina's slightly more interested then she lets on but? Is she even really a contender now?

Hey you gotta play the game! You think getting a bond is easy? You gotta use your opportunities to your advantage. Bonding with your brother is boring! Izzy's young and trim and smart! Mei's gotta make plays! Pffft. Most MAJORS are like this in some way. Even Mei can't escape it. She's just as thirsty as anyone but is it better to rush Izzy like a rhino or play the long game? You can judge that yourself. Mabel or Mei? Who's more aggravating? 

Anyway thanks for the comment. Don't know when I'll update again. I might have a few more in me before Christmas.....keyword "might"


Reviewer: Kurogane335 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 09 2017 12:23 AM Title: Chapter 7: minor/Bonding

Mind. Blown.

Like, man did I not expect it. The bond's so much more than what I believed it was ! I can't wait to actually read about Izzy first time bonding with a MAJOR, it ought to be some serious rodeo !

You get a ten out of ten mark !

Author's Response:

Well I hope this chapter helps add some context at least. It's basically a free pass to do whatever you want because it's all in your head. There are some serious repercussions though. One could be scarred for life, but your character has some experience with that. Really looking forward to reading more!

Reviewer: AdamX Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 08 2017 7:35 PM Title: Chapter 7: minor/Bonding



That was a hell of a read! Like reading Avatar but you won't have to wait almost ten years or more for sequels that don't come. It was brilliantly crafted and a great way to explain bonding to the readers in a more forward sense.


Also Rabbit Izzy is adorable.

Author's Response:

AUSTIN GOT THE STUNNER!!!....I mean, uhh yeah...Lisa got the Izzy. Izzy likes Lisa. Friends. Good for them.

Reviewer: Kurogane335 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: December 04 2017 7:08 AM Title: Chapter 6: minor/Encounters

Damn it...I had promised myself not to, because I've other projects on wikia, more personal and all still waiting in the cold outside but... I REALLY want to write a story in your MAJOR/minor universe now. Damn it ! It would be a rather brutal and short story so I'm not sure you would agree with it (no sex, Rated R and quite honestly I would have to check and be sure it respects this site policies -I think so, but better sage than sorry), so let me know if you want more details here or elsewhere, even if don't how to PM here (if it's even possible!).




Author's Response:

Uhhhhhhhhhh....GO FOR IT! I don't care how brutal it is. Kill someone if you want! Not any of my characters if you want it to be canon. I might even reference it if I like it. I don't know about the terms of this site but people do alot. By the nature of giantess there are many stories where people die..cruelly even. Flattened, eaten, so don't let that stop you. And from the other end many stories are straight up porn with any kink you can imagine, loli, futa, s&m, bdsm, bbm, bbc, abc, cbs...Some of those might be televison channels. Anyway most people just put a warning for courtesy. Although don't let it sidetrack you from other stuff. I've felt the pain of unfinished stories *cough* MrSirk! *cough*

Anyways besides all that! I was gonna say something along the lines of a blatant tease about wanting to post a chapter about the dark age because it's buzzing in my head right now but I won't because it won't fit with the pacing right now sooooo... take that?

Reviewer: Kosmita Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 01 2017 6:00 PM Title: Chapter 6: minor/Encounters

I love this story mainly because of the characters. Izzy is my fav...oh shoot, can I say that? Izzy?

Anyway, I'm glad to see a new chapter added. For a second I thought this story might be abandoned. Keep up the great work. I can't wait to see more!

Author's Response:

Pff I was barely gone a month! Lots of stories and authors are gone for years! *cough* MrSirk! *cough* *cough* Anyway I'm back. I'll do at least one more chapter before Christmas. I like the flow of this story having a series of updates before a small break. 

And yeah you can call her Izzy in the comments, bue be warned! If ever I need a name idea and suddenly a character named Kosmita appears? If they say "Izzy" to her face?! Oh they're getting a slap!

Reviewer: Kurogane335 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: December 01 2017 12:09 AM Title: Chapter 1: A minor/Surprise

First thing first... I love your story ! It's one of my favourite, with GH-X2. I just like NWO stories which go out of their way to truly flesh out a world (especially non-post apocalypse ones).

Now, time to dive into what I want to say concerning the world and then the characters.

1. I can't help but feel that the MAJORS are the result of a super-soldier experiment gone wrong. First because of the Dark Age mystery. If Mei can go out saying that minors evolved through the centuries because they were hunted down, the inability of the MAJORS to even talk about the Dark Age is quite suspect. Furthermore, their abilities (size, strength, low-level psionic powers) and behaviour (highly competitive, prone to resort to violence) really scream "super-weapons" for me. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that if minor were not exterminated proper, it was because some MAJOR leader discovered that, when bonded, minors had the ability to "tame" MAJORS, because so far, the bonded giants seems far calmer and less prone to violence.

2.Excepting the most vile, the Winton and Titzilla for the most part (but also Gloria to some extent, for her sneaky and underhanded behaviour), I find all the other MAJORS to be potentially good for Izzy's personal growth. The poor girl was in a bad position : too sheltered to truly understand her world, too independant to fit into the mold that minor are expected to be, which saddens me because she should have been better prepared. Then again, it's already hard to educate children in our world, so I won't judge her father in hers.

So far, if Izzy has to bond with someone at least for a time to truly learn what it is and be able to go above that, Mei is really my favourite. While she uses her abilities to gauge Izzy, and all MAJORS do the same really, she is the most respectful of her. I don't think she's Endgame, but I really think that both Izzy and her could only grow as characters if they were togethor for a time. Mabel's sister is also a strong contender, if only because I want to learn more about Tier 3 and the feedback her and Izzy now have.

Bonus : if (when?) other independant minor characters are introduced, I expect to see a lot of tensions from the MAJORS. Especially if Izzy and one of the newcomers beging to be attracted to each others. The dynamic of the story will become even more complew, and I like it.

Overall... Keep going strong !

Author's Response:

Thanks for the praise but I'm nowhere near GH-X2 level. Will it ever comeback and finish? I was one of the Jack x Caitlin shippers. I know it was abusive, but Penny was too indecisive and passive. At least Caitlin has passion and clearly wanted Jack! Even if Penny or maybe even a normal girl ultimately would've been better for him. But enough about that.

Super soldier is a little too comic book for me but overall your theroies pretty close. Like Pix close which means I have another one of you on my ass now! :P I like the word "tame" That doesn't mean ANYTHING! i the word *wink* I wasn't winking! I had something in my eye! *wink* 

Izzy has a tough journey ahead of her. Highschool! Will she make it?! With luck and good friend by her side she can accomplish anything! Or you know whatever it's not a big deal. She's sheltered and independent but its just life. Not the doomsday scenario it might look like from the outside. Even if worse comes to worst she'll end up out of school but finding success online or something. 

I don't really know who she'll end up with or if she'll bond at all. At this point I don't know what a satisfying pairing will be if pairing is even satisfying. I mean Sabrina's the obvious setup but their relationships nowhere near that level. So who knows I'm actually interested in opinions on this as the story progresses. Mei seems like a good candidate but she's also pretty well "Manipulative" but not in a malicious way but I still don't think Izzy would like being controlled like that if she ever became aware of it. It's anyone's game.

So thanks for the comment and the support! More chapters coming at some point right?

Reviewer: pixl8ed Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 30 2017 3:47 PM Title: Chapter 6: minor/Encounters

     That was a joke, not a burn...I can’t burn on stuff I ain’t read.  Spooky’s implications aside. 
     Fine...I’ll read Small...the first chapter...that’s all I’ll promise....
     There. I’m being open minded...kinda.

     Okay, so, let me get this straight, all that business with the jock douchbags butting heads was a set up for Lisa achieving some sort of enlightenment?  Her greatest ambition is to go to the movies by herself.  That’s quite a leap. 
     Of course, with her recent breakup and seeing Izzy taking her time and being particular ...garnishing tons of attention while she does ... might be enough to wake her up to her circumstances .... her “too loose and it will not play, too tight and it will break” moment might emerge from that. 
     Which, now that I imagine it, sounds pretty cool.

    Hey, Izzy has no standards by which to measure friendship.  I’m happy for her every time she overcomes her desperate loneliness enough to give the stupid biggies the cold shoulder.  But she really has no benchmark for judging how a friend should act.  So, yes, scabby Sabby, maggoty Mabel and Brenda bleh are her best friends...which is just sad. And the whole mind reading thing means they don’t have to work at it...they can just say what she wants to hear.  Really, really sad.  Manipulative Mei and jungle gym Jessica have to gang up on her and really tick me off with their tricks...poor Izzy.  She doesn’t have a bad attitude...she has a legitimate complaint. 

     And if they were doing the right thing, they wouldn’t feel the need to keep their conspiracy from the poor tinies.  They’re scum and they just can’t admit it to fact, Izzy is proving herself way smarter than them, because she figured it out first.  Ha ha..way to go tiny heroine.

   Oh, darn..that’s another long review that was really meant to just answer your answer...god...I am so weird. 



Author's Response:

First  of all I love the nicknames. "Scabby" Sabby, "Maggoty" Mabel. I gotta use one ot those!

I wasn't necessarily talking about Lisa but there's potential there. 

I feel I should clarify that they're all not necessarily reading her mind verbatum. That was something Rebecca did because she's well. Skeevy, sneaky, duplicitous...other words come to mind. But it's more like Izzy's broadcasting a frequency they can all pick up on to different degrees. Someone like Sabrina might be oblivious to it because whatever yo she don't care. But someone like "Manipulative" Mei definitly picks up on it and probably uses it to her advantage. Izzy can turn it off but she doesn't know how because well.....I don't need to give you more ammunition towards Ignacio. He tried dammit! He's a single father of a minor!...Other things that won't garner and sympathy from you!

Oh and you don't have to read Small. I don't care. Different people like different stuff. I don't read everything Jacksmith *because that's an easy example* writes. Honestly I think MAJOR/minors better than Small, if only because Small was the first story I'd written in years and I had to  shake off the rust as it were. I'm far more analytical in evalutating MAJOR/minor and trying to manage mistakes and expectations. 

Also maybe you talk to much but I can't say a damn thing cause pot and kettle you see. This was supposed to be a simple reply too. I could learn from deisel.

Reviewer: pixl8ed Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 30 2017 7:16 AM Title: Chapter 6: minor/Encounters

Gawd, I hate that!

Somtimes re-logging in and hitting back space can recover it.  But it's happened to be enough that I just generate my stuff in a writng progarm then cut and paste. 

But the fact that you tried to give a detailed response means a lot.  Thanks.



Author's Response:

Eh. It's probably for the best. I was picking on Peter Silver pretty hard in that post for being fairly lame. You made a comment on Izzy not having any allies that she can relate to or share her circumstance and perspective and Peter's not one of them. He's too entrenched in the status quo. An example of why bonding is so appealing but also everything Izzellah hates about minors in general. I'll might highlight his perspective more. It's not all bad. I'll try to elaborate more if I can remember what I said. 

For one I commented on that harsh burn in your first sentence. It still hurts. 

I've planted some seeds I believe. Izzellah won't be the only minor that has a unique perspective for long. We've actually already met one. Plus she has a bunch of MAJORS fo friends! Mabel and Izzy: Best Friends! 

Uh there was other stuff. More detailed response on the whole evil plan MAJORS have to control and manipulate minors for fun and profit. It's not really a conspiracy but y'know from the outside looking in it seems pretty horrible right? Thye think they're doing the right thing. Maybe they are? Who knows? *shrugs* 

Reviewer: pixl8ed Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 29 2017 10:02 PM Title: Chapter 6: minor/Encounters’ve been gone so long I almost had to resort to reading that other story...Small is it?  But no, you showed up just in time.

Okay, I’m tempted to discuss how the opening worked on multiple levels.  How the biggies fought with...uh...through?  And then actually fought without an Animal House type food fight occurring. 
But I’m not gonna do that cuz Johh Belushi would roll over in his grave if I went reaching that hard.

Izzy being honest in her judgment was truly endearing.  Mabel has given her a ton of reasons to take her down a peg and yes she chose to truthful.  I really like that.  As a primary protagonist, demonstrating character is priceless.  Though principles can be weakness, used against her at inopportune moments, she’s telling the truth.  Though, like everything else, it costs her.

Though Izzy’s reaction to them going to blows was pretty darn cool also...screw a bunch of biggies getting all psycho.  She’s got better things to worry about.

I’m not sure why you’re calling her a perv...the gym scene only shows her being sexually attracted to sexually attractive people.  Yes, her ignorance about how the biggie scum can read her like an open book...I’m starting to hate dad again here...means that she loses some of her mystique just because she has intense, but normal feelings.  But that’s just more unfairness of the world and her place in it. 

This chapter was overall rather light and fun.  The biggies are still entitled and annoying, but not as vile as they are most of the time.  Though I still don’t like any of them.  The dislike is lessening in some cases.

The expansion of Mei’s character and the introduction of Jessica only makes me wish that Izzy had a wingwoman.  She’s so alone and lonely that these morons look worth her time.  Like a normal person she craves companionship with peers, but she has no peers.  All the tinies are lames and all the biggies are jerks.  So, there’s a sadness to her quest. 

The coach laying out “the big plan” really makes me wish Izzy would reject being a pawn in the biggies game.  Though the big plan seems to contradict the principal’s protests when Izzy first showed up.  Do they want minors to come and blend in, or not?  If they do, they better do something about the doors in that place. 

The question that pops into my head, the question Izzy should be asking, is would any of these so called superior types want to be a minor?  Are they creating a world, a situation, any of them would like to be in?  If they are so damn smart, why don’t any of them consider that?  Too sure all minors are alike, or too busy playing buck buck with each other for that to penetrate their thick skulls I would suppose.

Excellent characterization in a simple setting.  Well done master wordsmith.  Thank you for sharing this and keep enjoying writing.

Oh, and happy national novel writing month...last day. 



Author's Response:

AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! I had written this whole detailed response and replied but then my login timed out and now it's gone! So you know what? Fuck it!

MAJORS are jerks okay! Most MAJORS are jerks. They like manipulating minors. They've practically been raised to do so. I'm speaking in gerneralities of course but that's the main philosophy of society as a whole. The principal's understandably worried about MAJOR/minor intermingling because MAJORS are huge and dangerous and competitive and possesive and if you add teenage emotions and hormones you're just asking for a natual disaister, but ultimately more minors=more bonds=even more minors because sex. More minors, more money, reputation, everything everyone everywhere cares about. No one's actually gonna admit that or say it so blatantly but that's how it goes. Izzellah as a minor is caught in the middle. Of course it doesn't really matter to her. She just wants to go to school, make friends, maybe get laid and be an individual. 

#not a spoiler because I've been pretty blatant with the subtext. 

Sorry I'm just pissed now. That other post was work! 

Reviewer: AdamX Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 29 2017 7:13 PM Title: Chapter 6: minor/Encounters

Izzy's got them worked into a I tried.


That said I am torn between the possible Irish wrestling girl and the divine Asian speedster as to my favorite non-Sabrina bonding partner. Though so far the girls seem nicer than the gents here.

Also did Izzy stab him? If so good on her!

Author's Response:

Tizzy. (T)Izzy! I get it!

Who know how this strange romance comedy/social commentary/teen drama/whatever the hell I feel like will go? I think Izzy will end up with Coach Jonah now!

Also no she didn't stab him. She wishes. It's an in chapter call back to Darren who gripped his shoulder the same way moments before. He's possessive. Most MAJORS are actually. Girls might have more of a lid on it due partially to less testosterone. :P

Author's Response:

Tizzy. (T)Izzy! I get it!

Who know how this strange romance comedy/social commentary/teen drama/whatever the hell I feel like will go? I think Izzy will end up with Coach Jonah now!

Also no she didn't stab him. She wishes. It's an in chapter call back to Darren who gripped his shoulder the same way moments before. He's possessive. Most MAJORS are actually. Girls might have more of a lid on it due partially to less testosterone. :P

Reviewer: giantess jessica Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 15 2017 10:30 AM Title: Chapter 1: A minor/Surprise

Hey Chris!!! Umm.... Sorry. Can you teach this chick how to make a story. Ps. Cute name

Author's Response:

Wait what?!....How do you even know my real name? You weren't poking around that MrSirk guy's defunct account were you. I have no relation to that guy. Also it's "Kris" with a "k" if you care. Ummmmmm that's it. I really don't know how to respond to this. Also I'm deleting whatever spam bullshit the comment below this one is which you won't see because it will be gone by the time you read this.

Reviewer: pixl8ed Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 27 2017 10:41 PM Title: Chapter 5: MAJOR/confrontation

Okay.  I feel really let promised us Izzy eating pizza.  Not seeking pizza.  Not ordering pizza, but eating pizza...and you failed to deliver...
Get it?  Pizza?  Deliver? have pizza delivered....never mind.

Okay, really, how did you manage to fit so much awesome into one chapter.  The exchanges were lively and witty.  Izzy is back to being the embodiment of tiny awesomeness.  And the biggies were just great in all their vileness.  You have really created a character that can carry us through a world of creeps and make it so readable.

Jeez, just when I though that Sabrina was going to stop being this, annoying, in-the-way thing she can’t make up her mind.  Somebody get her a kitten and a book on life planning.   Though, her non-admission about the Brenda incident makes it look like they’re all in on it.  I can understand why Izzy is getting tired of her and her crap.

Before we discuss Brenda incident 2.  You described a lot of witnesses, plus shouting, in Brenda incident 1.  How is she still getting away with it so cleanly?  No authority figure is at least asking questions?  Do the biggie scum value each other so highly that the idea of Brenda having consequences for her attack on Izzy is just not going to occur to them?  Are a few “scornful stares” really going to be her sole price to pay?

Rebecca just can’t stop sucking, can she?  So, she read Izzy’s mind last time it seems.  And she got ahead of her move for the mace, so she must be doing it here again.  So, she knows how much she’s abusing and scaring Izzy here.  So, she’s trying to make being scummy an extreme sport.

And what was she doing there?  Izzy is in the halls of this vast, maze-like school and she just happens to run into miss bubblegum crisis?  I think these mind powers are more extensive than previously hinted at.  And Izzy should be figuring this out.  Though, at the knowledge of just how completely they can violate her, the only logical response would seem to be retreat.

And with the big creep-ette undermining her sense of place.  Making her doubt that if a biggie told a different story, her version would just be brushed aside...that should be enough to make her go to the principal’s office and just clarify that.  Because her ability to be believed is her only real protection.

Your work really shines in Brenda.  She’s almost sympathetic.  Like all her kind, she’s pretty vile.  Her tears are still selfish. The bathroom scene revealed she wanted Izzy more than she wanted to make things right.  So, all her sorries were for herself, really.  She wanted to apologize more as a means to an end than to make things better for Izzy.  Of course, I can’t say I’m surprised.  Look who she hangs out with.

In spite of the implication that the biggies are not designed for ...light touches...the characterizations are subtle and well thought out.  The biggies all suck, but they manage to suck in individual and interesting ways. 

I’m starting to perceive a change in Izzy and Sabrina’s relationship. 
Izzy is starting to hate her less because she’s in her face and insulting all time, and more because she resents being forced to need her.  I’m liking the turn.  It’s a first step to a new perspective, I’m hoping.   It was great to see her weighing options and obstacles this chapter.  She’s becoming an even deeper and more interesting character.

Really great work.  I am so satisfied as a reader.  You can be really proud of your gifts and skills as a storyteller.  At least I think so...I better read it again though, just to be sure.



Author's Response:

Pix, Pix, Pix....Without overstating my writing let's just say if you knew every detail of what's happening with Izzy and to your credit yeah you're pretty close! Oh man! Well you already hate MAJORS so actually it wouldn't change anything........huh......

I'll never say explicitly what's going on because that's boring but Rebecca took a bite. She already admitted it. While Brenda was tring to swallow the apple whole she nibbled on a corner. Izzellah's fine but....well there are some teeth marks? Does that fit with this weird apple eating metaphor?.......... You know what screw it. Yes! Rebecca read her mind! You got me! Congratulations smarty pants, my writing's too obvious! She did it once and left a small impact like how Brenda's mind rape almost gave Izzy amnesia! But way less invasive or abrupt and dangerous! If Izzy knew what she was doing it would be easy to solve but she's a bond vigin so until then she's basically at every MAJOR's mercy. Rebecca's taking advantage because SURPRISE! She's not that great a person. She looks down on Izzy even as she's attracted and intrigued by her. Johnny's still worse though. Did you hear he strangles cats? I'm spreading that around! 

Also it's like a mini coverup. It's not really a secret but...Izzy needs to stay away from those afternoon classes.

Reviewer: MadHatter Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 27 2017 9:55 PM Title: Chapter 1: A minor/Surprise

I waited to toss a review after reading the first couple of chapters since I saw you reusing the sisters and freinds for an alternate style story. at first I thought it was.. kinda lazy? but I have to admit, it has turned out more interesting then I initially thought. I enjoy your writing style so I couldn't put it down either way, so I had to read it lol

As for my thoughts, I find the dynamic between characters to be good really. They all have different opinions and circumstances and the relationship between sabrina and izzy doesn't feel super strange to me in this one like before. The bonding has me curious as well, but i'm getting a gist from the latest chapter of what to expect perhaps, so i'll wait and see!

So far, it's been a good dang read. Izzy isn't as hopeless in this story, still a strong character and such while the other characers all feel unique as well so far. 

I do have ONE question though.. Noticed a lack of description in the last chapter and was really curious. When she put izzy on her shoulders... was she facing forward or backwards... I MUST KNOW!!

Author's Response:

Well if it isn't MadHatter...-_- ......Calling me to court once again I see! Is that a saying? I don't actually know but is should be!

Already figured out this story is just a lazy cash grab! Just like a Disney sequel. A straight to video Disney sequel! Well as previously mentioned in some comment or end note somewhere I'll show you!....How happy I am you decided to comment! Thanks! 

And geez! I thought she was facing forward...but if she was facing backward?! ö_ö It would literally change the context of everything! I-I need to think on this.

I'll get an arbitrary five star rating out of you...or DIE trying! But probably not trying that hard.

Reviewer: AdamX Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 27 2017 5:52 PM Title: Chapter 1: A minor/Surprise

They really need to allow replies to replies for these but I liked both sisters actually, they seem fairly well meaning and nice thus far.


Also I know the fetish stuff has been light etc but I was mostly referring to the fact it is technically a giantess story but light on the naughty stuff and heavier on the well written characters. 

Author's Response:

Yeah they a reply system would be nice. Like disqus or something, but I don't think it's a priority. This is a literary site and a large percent of peeps don't comment at all. It does feel tedious to have to post a new comment just to respond or edit.

I'm happy you like both sisters. I'm trying to make each character seem flawed without being malicious. They sisters have their issues but they're not bad people. You know who is an asshole? That Johnny guy! He probably strangles cats on the weekends! That's just a rumor, but I am the author so who are you gonna trust on this?

I appreciate you liking the story. I do wonder if people actually enjoy it even without the more.....(I guess hardcore is a good description?) fetish stuff being prominent.

Reviewer: AdamX Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 27 2017 3:56 PM Title: Chapter 5: MAJOR/confrontation

This is turning into one of the best fetish reads of the year more and more.


I also kind of want a team of Izzy/Sab/Becca/Royce and the Red Sister. I don't know why but I feel for now they are actually pretty decent big folks unlike that asshole Johnny.


Show your work asshole! 

Author's Response:

Fetish story. Odd since I think I've been fairly light on that material so far (not to say it won't happen at some point), but hey I'll take it!!

Also which "Red sister"?

There's the older one Brenda: She screwed up royally by accident and will be spending most of her time moping as she tries her hardest just to get Izzellah to wave at her.

Then there's the younger Mabel: She insulted Izzellah and her father in their very first conversation! Also she's just generally obnoxious as a way of masking her insecurities.

Also I was under the impression Rebecca was unliked. Surprised she made your dreamteam.

Thanks for the comment....that is all.

Reviewer: pixl8ed Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 21 2017 10:57 AM Title: Chapter 4: A minor/Excursion

Okay...okay!  I got it!  I got it...

..huh...whut?  Mean pix?  What time is it? figured it out....we gotta hate Ignacio now.

Mean hate’re having an episode....go back to sleep... figured it out...

Figured what out?...

What does Ignacio do for a living?

Oh...we’re gonna Socratic method on this?  Fine...he’s a construction worker.

Where did he meet Gloria and Izzy’s mom?

At college...well, Gloria...dunno if Izzy’s mom went.

But he did!


He went to college and he makes his living as a construction worker.  He’s taking a job that’s
beneath him.’re using criminal profiling think he’s working in a job that’s beneath him because he feels guilty about something.  Uh..okay...but you’re forgetting something Nancy only use criminal profiling techniques when there’s been a crime committed.  No crime has been committed except the airing of Little Housewives.

Ah, but there has...a whole bunch of tinies went away...Dark Ages...remember? what now...?

What does Gloria do for a living? 

Uh...she wears in

She drive a Lexus. scientist...researcher at best...

So doctors go to big colleges with other people who have similar aspirations....usually other science types... construction workers go to tech school...but they met at college...Hot Rod was her college nick name. both liked cars...they met at a fix it yourself kinda place, they had a thing and he wound up falling for Izzy’s mom after she burned him over Sabrina’s dad. 

Ah...but...she sought him out 20 years later...that’s closer than fellow motorheads...she well off and smart...he’s gotta be more of a catch than that.  She must see him as at least an equal.  He was doing something at college that would make a med student get all melty with feelings.  He was someone probably in the sciences....he was probably connected with this Francis Luke Renard. sounds like you’re about to say Ignacio committed genocide as his college thesis...

No.  No.  But, think about it...all the great scientists asked the really important question...did all their really important work...before they were 25...some research Ignacio was working on got adapted ....corrupted ... by this Francis Luke Renard. 


Look how carefully he raised Izzy.  All the tinies around her barely count as human...he brought her up to be someone we can recognize...a real person...he’s preserving that through her.  He’s making up for his part in the ...disappearance of the humans.   Plus notice how isolated he keeps her.  How he lives with so little contact.  She never mentions him bringing co-workers home.  Adults that would be able to control themselves around her.  But he’s living like he’s in hiding and keeping Izzy away from anyone that might recognize him. he chose a tiny woman for a wife out of guilt also..he needed to protect her and preserve her out of responsibility too?  Maybe she was so awesome because he used some of his science stuff to preserve her intellect?

Oh!  Good angle... I hadn’t though of that...maybe.

I was being sarcastic.

You're supposed to use the sarcastic voice when you do I look foolish!

Look...the Major phenomenon has been going on for a while now.  There are over 100 year old majors.  This dark ages could have happened at any time...maybe before Ignacio was born.

Nope...Izzy’s car!

Izzy’s car?  The mustang?

Yes...up to then there were lots of cars for tiny people....that’s a transitory the dark ages ...the disappearance of all those tiny customers happened after.  While Ignacio was an college probably.

Uh evidence is ...Ignacio is a construction worker who went to college.  He’s got a super hot doctor for a girlfriend.  And he’s an super exceptional father.  That equals he’s participated in a mass murder.   But wouldn’t he be, like, hunted or something?

Ah, but Christine the teacher called it “A Terrible Mistake.”  With caps and everthing.    But still ... she said Mistake.  And he might have just been an enabler....some brain that solved some problem that made it all possible...his guilt could be all his own imagining... like Peter Parker.

Okay, mean pix, I’m sure Sirk....I mean Notsirk...what the hell is a sirk anyway? ...anyway....Notsirk has better things to do than hear your crazy insinuations of one of the only biggies in the story that doesn’t make us sick. 

He said we could‘go hypothetical.”

Yeah....he doesn’t need to hear this...or your “Izzy’s vast underground complex with jumpsuited goons” idea.  He might be working on chapter 5 or something.  Leave him alone.

Hey...this is good stuff...

Go take yer meds!


Fine...Ignacio is possibly guilty of a crime against humanity....

Or he’s secretly a producer on Little Housewives.

I’‘ve got a rolled up newspaper right here...


Author's Response:

Haha! What is this?! Look I hate to break this to you but I am working on chapter 5, but it has next to nothing to do with the dark age. It's about Izzy going back to school and well......confronting people and eating pizza. That's all the hint you or anyone reading the reviews of a story that's off the first "most recent" page will get. Also I think you created a better explation and backstory for Ignacio then I did! Maybe he does have a credit on Little Housewives? It would explain how he afforded that house. The super expensive one with all the minor accommodations! Suspicious right? Or maybe I'm just messing with you now. There is stuff he keeps from his daughter, but what parent doesn't?

Reviewer: pixl8ed Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 19 2017 4:51 AM Title: Chapter 4: A minor/Excursion

Oh, so your biggies are super big and strong and tough.  They have some kind of mental super powers that they are allowed to exploit some poor person completely lacking agency to use.  They are benefitting from some mysterious apolcalypse of the tinies, knowledge of which is kept suppressed ... because it’s embarrassing!?!?!?  In short  they have the whole world built for them and handed to them on a silver power....and now you want me to like them?  Anything else you want for them....solid gold toilets?  Space candy growing on trees?  They’ve got enough!

Every single one of them sees Izzy as a potential target for bonding...and nothing else.  No, hi Izzy.  What’s your favorite subject?  Read any good books?  Just...hey potential mind rape victim... you know you like it...

And yes...I hold Brenda completely responsible.  She knew she was a danger and yet she approached a target for her bonding crap.  Izzy is kept ignorant and powerless by the world.  She is completely lacking any agency in this situation. The law does nothing to protect her and sees Brenda as the only person who’s potential matters.  And the fact that miss bubble gum stepped up so quickly to assure her that everything she did was okay just goes to show how worthless the world and its biggies are.  Not to mention how those who stayed behind all had a good laugh at how they thought she got away with it while Izzy is still, basically, having the rest of her first day of supposed learning stolen from her...ha cute and beside, she’s only tiny, so no big deal.  So, yeah, to heck with Brenda and her kind.

Gloria might say she loves Izzy...or wants to (nice out you left yourself, bitch) but all her actions seem more to be leading to either getting Izzy out of the house, so she can have dad all to her selfish self, or getting her stupid kid hooked up with a bonding victim.  Or both.

Sabrina’s initial attitude of “you’re just some tiny thing that’s existence only has meaning when my kind gives it to you, so it’s okay for me to invade your space...and besides what are you gonna do to stop me?" might be changing.  But that’s not earning her any slack in my eyes.   Being less of a negative is not the same thing as being a positive.  And I can understand Izzy giving her slack, this world has given her frightfully low standards in her relationships.

Unlike Izzy, I wasn’t raised in this world.  So I can resent her being kept in a state of needing any of their help for her.  Because, that’s where she is.  Hers is a future of being dependant...and that’s all the world of biggies has to offer her.

She is one of the coolest characters in zize fiction and even she sees herself as having a “disablity.”   That ain’t right.

Eeerrr...that went into a little longer and deeper rant than I planned... oh, well... uh...good story.  Yeah, that’s what I want to say...good character and story.



PS....okay, I wasn't going to mention this, because I want to like dad,  but Izzy's story of the car leads be to one inescapable conclusion:  If the ascention of the biggies happened in his lifetime, then dad MUST have been alive during this Dark it looks like he's lying when he says he doesn't know what it is.  Though he does seem to miss things, maybe he just wasn't paying attention when a big chunk of the human race went away.

So, dad just made my list too.  Maybe.

Author's Response:

Oh no! I would never tell you not to hate a character or in this case a group. The best part of reading these comments is seeing how different people interpret my writing. For instance to pick on deisel again. (when you gonna comment again deisel?) He likes Ms. Applegate. I only think she's okay. Just because I the author don't have much animosity toward MAJORS doesn't mean you can't hate them like the plague! I mean they're is a lot to hate. They do have all the power. Well maybe not ALL the power but more than a significant amount. Like 96.7% of the power. That's official now! That's canon!! Also they don't need your gold toilets. They have their own!!! That's official now too! Even if I never mention it once or mention one using a regular toilet. That's a mistake now! It's all GOLD baby!!

Also just shhhhh on the dark age. That's supposed to be a mystery and your just sniffing out details like a pig hunting truffles! It's like you got a taste of food then started reciting all its ingredients! Calm down Masterchef!  Stop being so smart! Oh no! Did I just say that?! God I'm a monster!! Keep being smart!! Don't listen to me!

Thanks again for your input. It just might be making me a better writer.....maybe. And keep calling the MAJORS on their shit. No one else will. Well maybe someone else will? I don't control what people do.

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