Reviews For Cut Short
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Reviewer: Intheliar Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 18 2017 11:05 AM Title: Chapter 1

You have an eloquent way of describing things, sir.

I must admit, I was really rooting for the story to continue abated, and have its happy ending; but the darker side of me just loves accidental or regretful giantess vore. For that, I thank you for the short story. I wonder how long she lamented her actions that day? For all intents and purposes, he might have actually lived longer if he was left to fend for himself; if it wasn't for her good intentions.

But then again, if I had to pick a way to die, I'd rather be swallowed accidentally by a well-meaning giantess than starve in the corner of a room or get stepped on by the foursome making their way out of detention, you know?

Either way, I really enjoyed this story; and I was just leaving this review to let you know that. :)

Reviewer: SS944 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 19 2017 11:23 PM Title: Chapter 1

Really have come to love your stuff! Jo's mouth of course has been by far an experience and I'm grateful to have come about it. This story however I feel has great meaning beyond just the accidental vore. It's a fine message and a nice change from what people consider Giantess stories. Though I have read many good stories, this one I will remember fondly as I do with Jo's Mouth. You are very descriptive and poetic in a good way when it comes to your writing.  In short, you are wonderful. I'd keep your style and refine it over time as we all do get better no matter how great we are at the moment.  ^^

Author's Response: Thank you! With this one, I wanted to show the seemingly awkward yet idyllic way that gentle giantess stories tend to start out, and then give it a dark twist. I feel like a lot of gentle giantess stories can seem to be a bit of a fairytale, and I wanted to challenge that a bit. Nevertheless, this is easily my least favourite of all the stories I've written on here thus far. That's not to say I don't like it, I do, it's just that I moved away from the more traditional formula and I feel like I could've done it better. I also feel like I rushed the ending a tad... It was late that night, and I suppose I rushed to finish it rather than give it another night. Oh well, as long as you lot like it, that's all that really matters, right? :)

Reviewer: ilikepie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 27 2017 8:48 PM Title: Chapter 1

A short, sweet subversion.  Lovely little story with great detail.  Let's hope she learned her lesson for the next micro she finds XD  Thrilled to see you back :)


Idea: if you wanted to continue this too, what if each chapter was a "what-if" for these two messing up and getting him killed in different ways?  Say in chap 2, she didn't swallow him and spits him out for fear of such.  Then carries him some other way, only to trip and squish him?!  Just a sudden idea for a cute comedy of errors ;p

Author's Response: Dear god, I almost forgot to respond to the reviews on here! Glad to hear you liked it, it was a bit rushed in my opinion but hey, live and learn. As for continuing it, I can certainly see your point, but I feel like it'd take away from the message I was giving it. Perhaps I'll do a story like that in future! :D

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