Penname: sketch [Contact] Real name:
Member Since: August 07 2012
Membership status: Member

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Reviews by sketch

The adventures of two giantess sisters, and their normal-sized brother. A sequel to The Princess of Vandan.

Categories: Teenager (13-19), Adventure, Gentle
Characters: None
Growth: Titan (101 ft. to 500 ft.)
Shrink: None
Size Roles: FF/m
Warnings: This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Series: Vandan
Chapters: 18 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 41250 Read Count: 225553
[Report This] Published: January 14 2012 Updated: October 18 2013
Reviewer: sketch Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: August 26 2012 Title: Chapter 13: Chapter 12

As much as I'd like to see what Belena's up to, even though this is now two Sylvie/Valdan chapters in a row, I really don't want to wait two weeks to see how this cliffhanger works out.  Sylvie was still a little selfish at the beggining there, but this looks like a turning point for both siblings.


On a lighter note, it's kind of a trope that the more you check that no one is watching, the more likely someone is.  And I noticed there's no mention of Rett in the village.  Just saying.

Author's Response:

Rett was there, lol, he just didn't have anything to say! The next chapter will focus on Sylvie as well, so as not to break the flow of the story at the moment.

Reviewer: sketch Signed
Date: August 08 2012 Title: Chapter 11: Chapter 10

I'm really enjoying both story lines here.  Yeah, Belena moving a little fast, but I like were she's headed. 

Regarding Sylvie, I think it's more the way she forces her brother to do what she wants despite the fact that he doesn't like it; who also happens to be rather sympathic.  I know he's supposed to come off bratty too, but it's not unjustified from what we've seen.  If she head a more willing playmate, I think the backlash would be less.

Author's Response:

I don't mind if people don't like Sylvie's character, she is supposed to be a bit unlikeable. I would choose Valdan's side too, since his exasperation towards her is quite understandable! But I don't think Sylvie will turn out bad.

Reviewer: sketch Signed
Date: May 01 2013 Title: Chapter 17: Chapter 16

I was hoping at least Rett would go back with them.  Actually I was thinking if Valdan choose to stay in the village, Sylvie would've needed a witness to prove to her parents that she didn't just abandon her brother.  The part where she calls him 'big' brother was touching. 


While I don't want this story to stop again, I do look forward to your new story because I enjoy all your stories.

Author's Response:

I know it's a little late (I've finally got round to finishing it!) but thanks for the great review!

Reviewer: sketch Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: September 19 2012 Title: Chapter 14: Chapter 13

I'm going to echo that noooo, but I would be a hypocrite if I couldn't patiently wait through an extended break.

Look forward to when you continue this story and anything else you write.

Reviewer: sketch Signed
Date: March 22 2013 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter 14

Whoo!!! New chapter!

Oh man, poor Lorek.  I can't beleive Belena would spring this on him after not seeing each other for over a week. 

Author's Response:

She has been very scatterbrained lately, it's true. But Lorek is also at fault; he hadn't made it clear enough to her how much his dad hated the giant race. In any case, Belen awill definitely feel extremly guilty about her decision, and she'll have to make it up to Lorek somehow.

The Vacation by L2K7 Rated: R starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 17]

This is the first story I've ever done with giant or shrunken couples, and is partially an idea a friend of mine helped me come up with. Two couples meet at a cabin for a vacation, and one of the couples mysteriously shrinks and chaos ensues.  

Categories: Young Adult 20-29, Couples , Feet, Instant Size Change
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 55 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 61214 Read Count: 321454
[Report This] Published: March 22 2012 Updated: August 20 2012
Reviewer: sketch Signed
Date: August 08 2012 Title: Chapter 51: Chapter 51 - Threaded Ideas

This story has grown on me in the same way Cindy and Nick have become closer.

by Rated: [Reviews - ]
[Report This] Published: January 01 1970 Updated: January 01 1970
Reviewer: sketch Signed
Date: August 08 2012 Title: None

This is in no way an endorsement of hitting women, but good on Randy for standing up for himself.

The sad part, in her own twisted amoral way she probably thought she was helping him out, by whoring him out.  I expect her to be less mad and more confused wtf.  Also Half?  What does she even need money for?

Author's Response: Wait 'til you see what she uses that money for. I think you'll be surprised. :)

Reviewer: sketch Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: August 17 2012 Title: None

First off, it's nice that Randy and Tabatha are getting along better, though she did call him runt when she told him he owes her.  And that was a bitch thing to do to the barista.


I thought Sam and Randy might run into her or another victim of Tabatha on that last run.  Sam's an angel, and a playful minx.  But why you gotta be instigating Sam? :P

Author's Response: You know how siblings are. They always screw with each other.

Reviewer: sketch Signed
Date: September 16 2012 Title: None

Once again, good for Randy for not playing along with her games if he can help it.  Tabitha just can’t be open about her feelings, you know except for hurting those who hurt her, and that puts her in an awkward position.  She has to manipulate Randy into her fun, but at the same time doesn’t want him to hate her.  It’s funny to see her almost begging him to stick around.  Wonder how today will change their interactions going forward?  

Author's Response: There will be many changes, for Tabatha AND Samantha. This story is far from over.

Reviewer: sketch Signed
Date: October 04 2012 Title: None

So Randy is Tabitha's boyfriend now?  How can someone so perceptive be so clueless.

So where's he going to sleep?

Reviewer: sketch Signed star
Date: October 22 2012 Title: None

Didn't really care for this chapter.  It seems like she progresses with Randy, only for these games to erase all sympathy for the character.  I'm just waiting for someone she cares about to catch her in the act.  Like I was expecting Randy to accidentally get caught up in the mix.

I was also hoping Anna would realize Ted was there at the last second.

Reviewer: sketch Signed
Date: October 23 2012 Title: None

Tabitha and Liz are such hypocrites.  If she had let everyone else but Liz get gunned down anyways, I wouldn't have been surprised.  It's impossible to see these two as victims.

Sigh, what's Randy up to?

Reviewer: sketch Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: December 15 2012 Title: None

And then Sam and Randy, + Claire, lived happily ever after.  After an appropiate period of mourning of course.

Author's Response: Seems like it's headed that way...

Reviewer: sketch Signed
Date: December 21 2012 Title: None

Poor Leon :(


Saw the amnesia angle coming.  I thought it would result in a personality reset though, but it looks like Tabitha is really truly evil to the core.  Honestly, less sympathetic than a woman beating pimp.

Reviewer: sketch Signed
Date: January 21 2013 Title: None

So she finally realizes what's wrong with her.  The question is why now?  And the answer can't just be the accident.  She was still being sadistic after it.  In any case, it's a start.  Now she needs to stop being emo and fix things.

Reviewer: sketch Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: April 10 2013 Title: None

Now this is what I like to read.  I was disappointed in Randy last chapter because it looked like he begun loving her before she had yet to truly turn from the evil inside her.  Like she had figuratively, and literally, broken his spine.


But this chapter shows real development and a desire to change.  I can honestly share Sam's excitement.  Though I expect you'll have her do something else vile, wicked, and atrocious in a future chapter to ruin these good feeling.  (Last time it was appalling and horrific.)     

Reviewer: sketch Signed
Date: April 15 2013 Title: None

Saw this coming.  Though I have to admit, I thought Tabi would have caused more trauma, thus complicating things

Author's Response: Now there's a new question, will Tabatha somehow scar Randy's daughter for life?

Friend or Foe by edexdexx Rated: R starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 49]

After being shrunken by a girl, Franky has to find a way to get his freedom. Will he be able to collaborate to get out of this mess or end up manipulated himself.

Categories: Entrapment, Gentle, Humiliation, Violent
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: None
Warnings: None
Series: Friend or Foe
Chapters: 17 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 27400 Read Count: 110592
[Report This] Published: August 29 2012 Updated: September 27 2012
Reviewer: sketch Signed
Date: September 27 2012 Title: Chapter 16: Game Over

Eh, it was kind of predictable at the end.  You knew they would both turn on him.  i was expecting a better payoff at the end.  You even tease it at the end with Liza being nervous at the grave site.  I thought she might turn on madison at that point, and then either continue with keeping Franky or toss him off as  well.  His last biting remark seems hollow now because it looks like Liza is Madison's friend now.

Author's Response:

Well yeah, it's easy to tell he wasn't going to get away with mouthing off to them unscathed. But, I don't wanna give too much away to the sequel however, worry not Liza and Maddison's situation won't go unaddressed.

Reviewer: sketch Signed
Date: September 26 2012 Title: Chapter 15: Curtain Call

It needed to  be said.

Author's Response:

It did,  I wonder what Maddison and Liza have to say in response.


The seventh Elevator Girl adventure.  A battle as a giantess leaves the bracelet out of commission, and a confidante's curiosity puts Kellie Ross' life in jeopardy.


Elevator Man, the events describing his shrinking adventure and Granite Man are the property of their copyright holders.  All other characters and situations are the authors.  No infringment is intended.

Categories: Growing Woman
Characters: None
Growth: Amazon (7 ft. to 15 ft.)
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: None
Warnings: The Following story is appropriate for all audiences
Series: Elevator Girl
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 4040 Read Count: 12575
[Report This] Published: September 01 2012 Updated: September 01 2012
Reviewer: sketch Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: September 01 2012 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

I'm loving this series and I'm glad you decided to pick up the pace with additions. 

The only thing is a couple of them aren't under the Elevator girl series, and you stopped numbering them in the summery.  Can I suggest going back and adjusting those so your readers do end up reading them out of order.

Author's Response:

I got the stories put into the series list about the time you made your review.  Frankly, it had been so long between when I wrote "Elevator Girl Meets Granite Man" and "Elevator Girl's Big Date" that I forgot about numbering the stories, so I'm really glad you reminded me, and I did that this morning.


I'm really glad you're enjoying the series!  I've got a paying writing gig, so I'm working to get this series finished when I have lulls in that schedule.  I hope you enjoy the upcoming chpaters!