Penname: saltavio [Contact] Real name:
Member Since: July 12 2012
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Reviews by saltavio
Roomies by It Was Me Rated: X starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 87]

Callie has been having a rough go of it as of late, but little does she know that someone close by has it even harder than she does.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Categories: Giantess, Young Adult 20-29, Body Exploration, Couples, Entrapment, Feet, Gentle, Insertion, Mouth Play, Slave
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/f, F/m, FF/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 148665 Read Count: 63801
[Report This] Published: January 03 2024 Updated: February 03 2025
Reviewer: saltavio Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: August 04 2024 Title: Chapter 1: Callie vs. the Minimalist Mini

This story is really well done. I love love love Callie's personality. The differences between her and Duncan mixed with their situation could be the premise of a romantic comedy. I especially love Callie's urges towards him that she is mostly repressing, for now.

Great work!

Author's Response:

Hey saltavio! Congrats on wrapping up Growing Closer! I look forward to sitting down and reading how you wrapped it up when I get a chance to sit down and really enjoy it.

I'm thrilled that you love Callie so much. I hope you enjoy reading her half as much as I've enjoyed reading Trish.

And romantic comedy? I'll take it!

Thanks for letting me know your thoughts!

Reviewer: saltavio Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: August 18 2024 Title: Chapter 5: Duncan vs. the Shy Slaver

Great stuff. I really love the dynamics between Duncan and the various women that react to his size. The way Ada was being shy about him and inadvertently torturing him was the best combination of hot and cute. The descriptions of the mouth play was incredibly sexy, and the reunion of Callie and Duncan was heartwarming. Really looking forward to more of this.

Author's Response:

It's great to hear that the dynamic between Duncan and Ada worked so well for you. It was kind of tricky to pull off, but seeing you use the words hot and cute to describe it means I hit the mark I was going for!

I'm also thrilled that you found the reunion of Callie and Duncan heartwarming. They weren't apart for very long, so I was concerned that maybe it wouldn't feel like a big deal. So it means a lot to see that it made an impression on you!

And thanks for the compliment on the mouth play scene! We'll have to see if Duncan finds himself in a similar spot again later on, maybe under better circumstances even!

Reviewer: saltavio Signed
Date: August 27 2024 Title: Chapter 6: Duncan vs. the Tacit Trauma

What a twist!

The way Callie and Duncan are orbiting their feelings for each other is tantalizing. If this is what Callie is willing to do for Duncan as his roommate, I am really looking forward to what the pair will get up to when they confess their mutual attraction for each other. I hope Duncan can set aside his shame and let Callie be good for him!

Author's Response:

I love that you used the word tantalizing to describe the situation between Callie and Duncan. And yeah, if Callie is like this now, who knows what she'll get up to with him if/when they actually become an item.

As for Duncan's shame, he just can't accept the idea that Callie is into him (in general, let alone at his current size), despite how obvious her actions her would make it seem that she is. He really struggles to trust people and take what he sees at face value. With most people, it's a trust issue, and he typically assumes the worst in people until they've proven otherwise (and even then it's 50/50 with him). With Callie, it's almost the exact opposite. He still can't take what she's saying and showing him at face value, but with her, he feels like it's his fault, like he must be manipulating her somehow and that she's too naïve for her own good or something. In his mind, he used her to help reach a milestone in dealing with the trauma he keeps trying to deny instead of realizing that she was helping him because she really wanted to (because she really, really wanted to do all that to him!).

Will he get past this one day? Who knows ...

Reviewer: saltavio Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: September 14 2024 Title: Chapter 7: Duncan vs. the Ethical Endeavor

While this was hot, I'm sort of surprised that Monica landed on this punishment of Kristie and even more surprised that Duncan could tolerate watching it unfold. If Duncan told Monica 'no' in that moment my sense of their relationship was that she would accept it, or even if he said that he didn't want or need this. I think I was missing a dark side of Duncan until now.

Author's Response:

I can see where you're coming from here, and honestly, I was expecting more reviews like this or even some outright pushback.

First, though, I'm glad you found it hot at least! That's always fun!

But yeah, this was a bit dark even for Monica. She kind of decided the punishment in anger without thinking it through, which is why she was starting to backtrack shortly before she did it. She saw her own doubt written on Duncan and Callie's faces, assuming they were judging her because she was judging herself. If Kristie hadn't have said what she said to Duncan, Monica wasn't going to actually do it. It was another rare rash decision made because, now that she finally has people she can think of as friends, it turns out they're kind of an emotional weakness for her. We'll have to see how she feels about this later, when she's back to her more rational self.

And you're absolutely right when you say that Monica would have stopped if Duncan said so. Well, maybe not towards the very end. I do think there's a "point of no return" in which Monica was going to ride out that orgasm no matter what.

As for Duncan, I think this was the bigger issue here, and you nailed the core of it when you used the word tolerate. Seeing someone else go through what he did could easily make him relive his trauma, although I don't think that's a given. But I do think there is a big factor here that makes this different from his experience with Kristie: He was told that Kristie consented to this and she not only didn't deny this when she had the chance but instead decided to mock Duncan for making such a big deal out of the whole thing and in the most vulgar way she could think of. I do think that if Monica just said, "She did this to you, so I'm doing it to her" and Kristie was begging her not to, Duncan would have stepped in.

As for Duncan's dark side, I do think that the fact that Kristie, the one person that he trusted at the time, did such a terrible thing to him did darken his soul a little. His rape has kind of been hanging over his head since chapter one, and it has a lot to do with his trust issues. I think that would leave anyone at least a little bit bitter.

I also think we all have a little darkness in each of us and that it's how we deal with it that defines us. Duncan buried it deep inside and it manifested in guilt, leading him to protect Kristie from any harsh treatment from his understandably upset friends. Also, the fact that this dark thought was the last part of that segment was my way of trying to show how much he was burying this feeling and how shitty he felt that it existed inside him. He feels bad that this is a part of him, like it makes him a bad person. But given Kristie's apparent willingness to go along with things and how sudden Monica acted, I was hoping it would come off as understandable that he would give in to it in this small way, choosing to act passive. He didn't ask for this, after all.

So there's my defense of my characters' actions. However, don't take that to mean that I view your points as any less valid. You made some great ones, and I appreciate the feedback! And even if a little more insight into where I was coming from doesn't sway you in the least, that's fine, too! I'm just glad to have the discussion.


Tom and Lily have loved each other since high school, and after seven years of marriage, that shows no sign of slowing down. However, one day, they make a bizarre and unsettling discovery: any time the two of them sleep together, Lily somehow absorbs a fraction of his size. Tom is terrified, and Lily... Lily is desperate to not let Tom know just how much this excites her.

Hope you enjoy the story! If you do, I'd love it if you took a sec to leave a rating and review! And if you REALLY like it, consider tossing me a couple bucks at! You'll get the next chapter early if you do!

Categories: Breasts, Breast Enlargement, Butt, Gentle, Growing Woman, Humiliation, Maternal, Muscle, Slow Size Change
Characters: None
Growth: Amazon (7 ft. to 15 ft.)
Shrink: Dwarf (3 ft. to 5 ft.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 23 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 99469 Read Count: 138363
[Report This] Published: February 28 2024 Updated: August 02 2024
Reviewer: saltavio Signed
Date: March 02 2024 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

This story is sweet. I love the tension of the two trying to control themselves as they explore a new dynamic