Penname: MXP20 [Contact] Real name: he/him
Member Since: September 15 2023
Membership status: Member

I've been part of the community for decades now. I've written under different pseudonyms throughout the years, to include Gadget91/Kosmita. (I went through a dark time in 2020 during covid and nuked my stuff. Sorry.)

But anyway, I'm back! As I pick up writing again, I'm more focussed on plot and story -- though I can't help myself but write some smutty scenes from time to time.

Thanks for stopping by!


I love talking about my stories. But talking about them here on giantessworld's comment platform is just suboptimal. I have a small discord server with a channel for each of my stories. Feel free to hop on so we can discuss lore, worldbuilding, provide suggestions, and just shoot the shit. Also, get real-time updates on what I'm working on.

I also have about 25K words of unpublished chapters and content. I might share these early and provide previews before I post them here.

Anyway, here's the link:

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