Member Since: December 10 2006
Membership status: Member
I'm a Connecticut Yankee from the Northwest Corner of the Nutmeg State. I was born in 1959, which makes me a reasonably hygienic middle-aged man (as opposed to a dirty old one; lol!). It also makes me an avid science fiction buff, as I grew up reading Silver Age comics and watching now-vintage sci-fi TV shows. Also, a moderate collector of same.
Membership status: Member
I'm a Connecticut Yankee from the Northwest Corner of the Nutmeg State. I was born in 1959, which makes me a reasonably hygienic middle-aged man (as opposed to a dirty old one; lol!). It also makes me an avid science fiction buff, as I grew up reading Silver Age comics and watching now-vintage sci-fi TV shows. Also, a moderate collector of same.
Stories by Carycomic
Reviews by Carycomic
Challenges by Carycomic
Challenges by Carycomic
Challenges by Carycomic
Carycomic's Favorites
Favorite Authors
1. asukafan2001
Why _not_ favoritize it?
2. Intheliar
A promising rookie.
3. Mr_G
He created the Sizechanger Universe. Need I say more?
4. Nostory
Jessica is the sexiest gentle giantess I've ever seen depicted, here. Need I really say more?
5. The Shrunken Scholar
I read this story in one sitting. That's how much I liked it.