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Author's Chapter Notes:

Author’s notes:
This chapter contains: insertion, breasts, mouth play, body exploration, and a bathtub scene


The vagina is a human-being’s portal to the World. While all humans crawl into existence through a vagina, Adeel wondered if he would be the first human to use it to portal out of existence. He was fairly certain that he was going to die. Death by pussy. It was a real possibility, and he had to admit that it was a very interesting way to go.


He regretted latching onto his wife’s dildo. But then again what other choice had he had? Everything had happened so quickly. He hadn’t had enough time to react to the situation before Khrystina fed him to her womanhood. He wondered if he could have done anything to stop her from dildo-fucking him. Recognising that there was no way to accurately ascertain this query, he resigned himself to the strings of Fate.


Adeel couldn’t breathe. The air inside Khrystina’s vagina was stale, foul-smelling, and not oxygen-rich. The crushing pressure of being caught between her flesh and her sex-toy was taking a physical toll on him. He gasped for breath, but that did little to alleviate his suffering. His fellow adventurer, the cylindrical humming machine, showed no signs of weariness or exhaustion. On the contrary, the metallic obelisk continued its consistent violent jolting. Adeel’s face-first downward-slant position caused blood to drain into his face. His legs went numb, and his face turned tomato-red. His body, unlike his wife’s necklace-dildo, was not resistant to being shaken so violently. With great difficulty, he attempted to calm his mind and ascertain the potential medical problems that this experience could inflict upon him: brain damage, coma, heart attack, and blood loss due to potential injuries. The dildo started moving in-and-out at a more rapid pace, and the living container around him began secreting a semi-transparent white gooey substance. A couple of minutes later, Adeel could feel the fleshy walls pulsating. He heaved a metaphorical sigh of relief. With the climax drawing nearer, he knew that his ordeal would soon come to an end. But then rather unexpectedly, the Vesper prematurely withdrew from the moist tunnel.

Khrystina smiled at her husband. He was coated in an oozy mess of her saliva and her sexual juices. She turned off the dildo.

She said, “That was amazing. The Vesper never fails to disappoint.”

Adeel’s only response was to gasp for breath. As a pious individual, he believed that every experience was a lesson from God. Fresh air, he realised, was a luxury that he had taken for granted for too long.

Khrystina continued, “But I have a better idea.”

She traced her finger down her pussy and towards her asshole. She briefly rubbed her finger in a circular manner around her asshole before sticking it in.

“Khrystina, NO!”


“Oh c’mon! I am so close to climaxing. Don’t be such a mood-killer!”

She raised the Vesper with the lethal intent of plunging it into her rectum.

“Khrystina, NO means no.”


She laughed lightly and said, “No means no. That’s my phrase! Normally, I am the one who uses it against you.”


“Yes, and when you do, I listen. I respect your No means no.”


“Ok, ok, calm down. I’ll respect your No means no. Here, let me help you off the Vesper.”


She plucked him up, and dropped him onto her belly.

She joked, “How dare you use my own weapon against me?”

Adeel said nothing. He buried his face in his hands, and adopted a fetal position.

With great concern in her voice, Khrystina asked, “Hey, hey, hey, what’s gotten into you?”

“I nearly died in there today, Khrystina! I couldn’t breathe. I was suffocating. Everything smelled gross. The physical pressure was unbearable. I felt like I was being crushed between a mountain and an aeroplane.” 


Khrystina felt terribly guilty. She had no idea that she had endangered her husband’s life. 


He continued, “You went too far this time. I mean you really crossed the line. I can’t believe that you’d do something like this to me.”

She offered softly, “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

He responded, “You owe me an apology.”

“Hubby, I am sorry. I thought it would be a fun experience for both of us. It was supposed to be a punishment, but more like a fun punishment. I didn’t know that I was putting your life at risk. I got carried away. I am sorry.”


“It wasn’t fun. I did not enjoy being used as your sex toy. I absolutely did not.”

“Ok. Point noted. It won’t happen again. Tell me, how can I make it up to you?”

“The whole purpose of all of this was to punish me, was it not?”

Khrystina nodded slowly, and said, “Partially.”

Adeel continued, “Well, I think you’ve accomplished your goal. You’ve punished me. We are even now. I think you should turn me back to normal.”

“Once we fix our major relationship problems, I promise, I’ll turn you back to normal.”

“The longer I stay small, the greater the risk of you accidentally killing me.”

“Adeel, please cooperate with me.”

“This isn’t the right way to discuss anything Khrystina. I nearly died in a pussy today. And death by pussy is not how I intend to die.”

“As long as you are small, you aren’t going anywhere near my pussy. There, that resolves your dying-in-a-pussy problem.”

“What if an animal, like say a rat or a cockroach, comes in here and attacks me? What then, huh?”

“If you’re so concerned about being attacked by pests, I’d suggest that you stick close to me.”

Adeel sighed in resignation. He realised that he was not in a position to negotiate. Khrystina was holding all the cards.

He asked quietly, “Do you promise to not hurt me while I am small?”


“I promise.”

“And do you promise to protect me and keep me safe from anything dangerous?”

Khrystina joked, “It feels like we are reading our marriage vows again.” 


Adeel pressed on, “Do you promise?”

“Yes, I promise.”
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 


Adeel stood at the edge of the marble countertop. With a simple tug, Khrystina had drained away, what was to him, an entire lake. He watched in awe as the water level receded slowly.

He asked in disbelief, “So you mean to say that there were no sharks in the bathtub?”

“No! I was joking. I can’t believe you fell for that!”

“But I don’t understand.”

“Where did you expect me to get the sharks from? By the way, I was snooping through the attic after you left. And I found something.”

Khrystina waved a brown cotton-bag towards him. Adeel looked at her with a bewildered expression.

She continued, “This is why your subconscious is mad and bitter at me.”

“What is in the bag?”

Khrystina dispatched her left-hand into the bag.



When it returned, it was holding a yellow rubber duck.

Adeel glared at her, and said, “I can’t believe that you are bringing that up.”

She placed the giant rubber-duck on the countertop next to him. To him, it was proportionally half the size of his mansion. Her hand dove back into the realm of the brown bag and retrieved a toy-boat. She placed it next to him. The boat was proportionally the size of three rooms in his mansion combined. The boat also had two toy sailor-girls on board. They were easily triple his size; his head reached up to their knees.

Khrystina asked with a sad smile, “Do you remember when we purchased these bath toys?”

“Yes. Eleven months into our wedding.” 


“And do you remember who we purchased them for?”

“Khrystina, that has nothing to do with this.”

Khrystina turned on the faucet, and a steamy stream of water poured into the bathtub. In her hand, she held an ocean-blue sphere with streaks of sand-yellow and cherry-blossom-pink. 


“Bath bomb?”, she offered. 


“Yeah, why not.” 


The scented sphere crashed into the water like a boulder falling off a cliff and into the ocean. As the disintegrating blob fizzled out of existence, it adulterated the transparent water with a deep ocean-blue colour and streaks of cherry-blossom-pink and sand-yellow. The magnificent pool radiated an aura of magic and surrealism. 

Khrystina pushed the duck into the water, and said sadly, “Little ducky wants to swim.”

The yellow duck fell head-first into the enchanted water, before bouncing back above the surface, and floating away.

Khrystina lifted her husband up and walked towards the sink. She said, “Let’s give you a quick rinse before we go swimming.”

Adeel leaned over Khrystina’s palm and surveyed the sink. Its strainer had holes large enough to swallow him whole.

“Darling, you’ve got to be careful. Don’t drop me please.”


Khrystina turned on the sink’s tap and a small stream of cool water began collecting in her palm. With her thumb and index finger, she gently cleaned her husband in the itty-bitty pool in her hand.

She asked gloomily, “That has nothing to do with our current problems?” 

“You shouldn’t feel guilty about factors which are beyond your control.”

“We tried everything-”

“I don’t hold it against you, sweetheart. It is not your fault.”

Khrystina looked at her husband with tears in her eyes, and said, “But your subconscious holds a grudge against me because I couldn’t give you the one thing that you’ve wanted most. A family.”

“Habibi, if this was such a big problem for me, I would’ve already left you.”

“You always wanted children. When we found out that I was barren and incapable of giving you any kids, it broke your heart. I could see it in your eyes.”

“In a way, it is good that we couldn’t have children. It helped both of us commit a large amount of energy, time, and resources to further our careers.”

“But you still want children, don’t you? Be honest with me.”

“I would be lying if I said that I didn’t.”
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

A lone boat floated across the enchanted lake. Her captain was neither willing nor able to chart her course. And so, the boat wandered aimlessly through the ocean-blue waters with no purpose. Her incumbent crew, consisting of two insubordinate Amazonian sailors, stood unmoving on the deck, and peered into the distant horizons. The transport slowly bumped into the white walls which kept the waters from the outside world. The captain was young, handsome, and naked. Laying on the floor of the deck, he stared at the ceiling and contemplated his life. Occasionally, waves, stirred up by the movements of the lake’s living archipelago, would crash into the boat and rock her gently from side-to-side. 

The captain’s mind was stuck in a time loop. He could picture his fist smashing into his wife’s left cheek. He had made a grave mistake by striking her. And although he had anticipated to face the consequences of his actions, he hadn’t expected them to be so serious. With his face in his palm, the captain conducted a thorough mental investigation of the incident.

At the end of the day, domestic violence, or any kind of violence for that matter, is all about control. Party A exercises violence on Party B to coercively compel them to or prevent them from doing something. Deep down inside, Adeel knew that he had hit her because he wanted to control her. But he would never admit that to anyone, not even himself. So he did his best to rationalise his actions. He told himself that he had hit her for her own good- to punish her, and prevent her from making the same mistakes again. 


Two days ago, he had discovered his wife’s secret credit card debt. She had maxed out four of her credit cards and was not paying them off on time. This was typical Khrystina. She was horrible with money; it was as if she had never been taught how to handle it. She was an ardent shopaholic. If she saw something that she liked, she would buy it without batting an eye. She burnt through her cash faster than she could earn it. This infuriated Adeel. He absolutely hated people who were reckless with their money. As an orphan who grew up on the streets, Adeel knew the true value of money. As a child, he had made it his first priority to become financially-savvy. He had once told Khrystina that, “A healthy bank balance is absolutely crucial for a well-lived life.” But much to his chagrin, she never heeded his advice on money matters. It is said that an individual should marry someone who is his/her financial equal. Khrystina Kuznetsova was not Adeel Ibrahim Farooq Hassan Gamal’s financial equal. But this wasn’t the direct cause of the violent incident.


An onion has many layers. In order to get to the bottom of the onion, one has to cut through all its layers. Most things in life are like onions: they are multi-layered, and in order to fully understand them, one has to cut deep into them. 



The root cause of the violent incident was Adeel himself. Although his charisma, ambition and success drew a lot of people towards him, Adeel saw them all as pawns on a chessboard. He did not trust them fully, and always wore a purposefully-woven facade around them. His every move was coldly calculated, and served to either maintain his personal brand or further his agenda. Although he blended everywhere and fit in with everyone, he belonged nowhere. To put it simply, he did not consider anybody to be a real friend. Since he had no family of his own, all his affection and emotional energy were focused on the one person he loved: Khrystina Kuznetsova. He had become too emotionally dependent on her. He craved for every drop of her attention, affection, and love. And when he did not get that, he went mad with envy. She was everything to him: a parent-figure (despite being younger to him),  friend, lover, and confidant. The thought of losing her drove him insane. So he did everything in his power to hide her from the world, and discreetly restrict her social interactions.



When Adeel discovered that his wife was planning on going on a trip to Venice with a group of friends, his subconscious decided to intervene. On the day that she was supposed to leave for Italy (this happens to be the same day when the violent incident took place), Adeel brought up Khrystina’s four maxed-out credit cards. When the conversation began descending into an argument, Adeel sped up the process by talking about his wife’s previous bad financial decisions. He brought up the car loan that she wasn’t making regular payments to, her reckless adventure in the stock market, and her recent spending spree on jewellery.
Having known her intimately for such a long period, he knew what ticked her and what didn’t. So he used every little trick from his book, the ins-and-outs-of-Khrystina-Kuznetsova, to drive her insane. Then, when she started yelling at him, he responded by pressing his sweaty palm against her face. In her fury, Khrystina countered this by biting his hand. And he retaliated by delivering two successive punches to her face: the first punch smashed into her left cheek, and the second punch struck her lip. Realising that there was no way she could hide the bruises, Khrystina called her girlfriends and told them that she wouldn’t be able to make the trip for personal reasons. When Adeel tried to apologise to her, she pushed him before seeking sanctuary in the bathroom. Mission accomplished.


From the stern of his boat, the Captain gazed at his colossal, sleeping wife. She looked beautiful, and also thoroughly exhausted. The water in the pool had bartered with the colours of the bath-bomb, exchanging transparency for opaqueness. Consequently, he couldn’t see parts of Khrystina which were underwater. Instead he saw a disembodied archipelago of her body parts. Abruptly, he dived into the pool and swam towards the nearest island: her left breast. He swam across a patch of ocean-blue and streaks of cherry-blossom and sand-yellow. After a lot of effort, he managed to climb onto her mammary, which was proportionally large enough to host human settlements. From atop her nipple, he could see his boat at a distance. Like a predator stalking its prey, the monstrous yellow rubber-duck slowly creeped towards the vehicle. His wife’s D-cup breasts easily dwarfed both the boat and the duck. His presence on her nipple stirred her to life. 

She said with a faint smile, “I see you are enjoying yourself.”

“Yeah, swimming is much more fun when there are no sharks in the water.”

“How’s the view from down there?”

“Majestic. I wonder if I can get a better view from atop your forehead.”

“I think you just might.”

“Could you maybe give me a lift?”


“Where’s the fun in that?”

Khrystina stroked her chin slowly.

She then said, “I think I have a better idea.”

She flashed a mischievous smile at him, before adding, “Why don’t you climb all the way up here?” She pointed at her temple.

“Ooooh, that sounds like fun!”

Khrystina nodded playfully. “You can be the first Mountaineer to climb Mt. Khrystina!”

Adeel dived into the water right above her cleavage, and swam towards her face.

She offered, “Here, let me help you.”

She tilted her head downwards and rolled out her mouth’s organic red carpet. Adeel climbed onto her tongue and peered into the red, pink, and black chasm in front of him. Temporary, thin, transparent pillars of saliva-strands held the roof of the cavern from the tongue. With her tongue still stretched out of her mouth, Khrystina snapped her mouth shut, leaned back, and tilted her head up. The slipperiness of the tongue caused Adeel to slide downwards. He landed on her upper lip, and stumbled onto her philtrum (the groove above the lip, and below the nose). Khrystina’s flaring nostrils glared at the little intruder, and encased him in her rhythmic breathing.

After retrieving her tongue into her maw, Khrystina tilted her head downward again. Adeel lost his balance. He realised that he risked falling to his death. And so in a desperate bid to survive, he grabbed her columella, the cartridge between her nostrils, with both his hands. 

Khrystina joked, “I think you’d make a great nose stud.”

“Khrystina, I could really use some help!”


“I have an irresistible urge to snort you up my nose.”

“Please don’t.”


She tilted her head upwards until her face was like a flat plan. Adeel climbed onto the ride of her nose, and ran towards the temple of her head.

Khrystina asked, “How’s the view from up there, Mountaineer?”


“Fantastic. Definitely worth the climb!”


The entire panorama of the bathtub lay spread out in front of him. Both the duck and the boat looked teeny from atop Khrystina’s head. He could feel the texture and design of the multi-coloured pool with his eyes.

Khrystina said, “Now that we’ve had our fun, it is time to go.”

“Where to?”

“The kitchen. It is time to get serious, and talk business.”

She added slowly, “Plus I am hungry, and my wonderful husband has just purchased some delicious snacks.”

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