An Afternoon at the Pool
Alessia zestfully put her gym bag down on the empty wooden bench beside the entrance to the local outdoor pool and dropped down on the shadowy side of the seat with an exhausted yawn. It actually wasn’t all that far from her home to the pool, but even now, just past noon, it was already way over 30 degrees Celsius with not a single cloud on the clear, blue sky. So even the short walk over here had been fairly exhausting. The weather reminded Alessia more of the visits to her grandparents in the south of Italy. For Germany, it had been unusually warm for an extended period of time now. This was also the reason she had agreed to go to the pool with Tanja and Jessica as well as Lisa and her boyfriend Konstantin this afternoon. Jana also had indicated that she might join them later on, but she hadn’t been sure yet. Her own boyfriend Florian unfortunately didn’t have time today, but since they saw each other nearly every day at their sports club and generally did a lot together anyway, it didn’t bother Alessia all too much.
On the way to the pool, she had taken a short detour to bring along something to eat for everyone, so Alessia had expected to be a little late. But, as it turned out, none of her friends had showed up just yet. Just as she considered taking out her smartphone to check it for any new messages, she felt a slight vibration in the back pocket of her hot pants. Alessia pulled out the phone and squinted a little. Even though she was sitting in the shadow, it was still very bright, making the display quite hard to read. It was a text message from Lisa, who apologised for the delay and let her know that she and Konstantin would arrive at the pool in around five minutes. Alessia confirmed this information with a thumbs-up emoji and then noticed two people approach her bench from the corner of her eye. Even though she had to squint again a little in order to take a closer look at them, she soon realised that it was Tanja and Jessica.
“Hey.” Alessia greeted them and waved. Then she got up and the three girls exchanged amicable hugs. She had been to the cinema with Tanja only a few days ago, but she hadn’t seen Jessica since their shopping trip in town a couple of weeks ago.
“How are you? How’s your summer job going?” Alessia asked with a warm smile.
“Meh.” Jessica replied and frowned. “It’s all a bit more stressful than I thought. Oh well, just another two weeks and I’ll be done with it.”
“No excuses!” Tanja said, putting on a stern face and gently punching Jessica in the hip.
“Hey!” She protested and fought off a few further attempts from Tanja to playfully pinch or box her. “You try getting up at six in the morning every day!”
“No problem at all.” Tanja exclaimed resolutely, but also stopped her teasing to not overly annoy her friend. “I have energy all the time!”
“You know what, I actually believe that.” Jessica replied dryly. “And today, you have all day to let it all out.”
“I bet we’ll have to carry her back to my place later because she overestimated herself again.” Alessia added with a sarcastic smile.
“Wait a minute!” Tanja said and defensively lifted her hands, nervously looking from Jessica to Alessia and back again. “What’s with these new alliances all of a sudden?”
“It’s your own fault.” Jessica replied. “You started it.”
“But I...” Tanja started, but then paused and looked across Jessica’s shoulder as she saw Lisa and Konstantin turn around the corner and walk towards them.
Since Tanja had broken off mid-sentence and also started waving at the new arrivals with no further explanation, Alessia and Jessica just looked at each other, confused by their friend’s short attention span. But then they followed her gaze and also noticed Lisa and her boyfriend. As both joined the group, they all hugged each other once again and then began walking towards the entrance of the pool, briefly waiting for Alessia as she picked up her gym bag again.
“Sorry for being late.” Konstantin apologised, looking at his wristwatch. “The bus was stuck in traffic for 10 minutes.”
“And it was sooo full.” Lisa added, wiping the sweat off her forehead and fanning some air towards herself with her flat hand. “It’s like the whole town is out and about today. Does nobody go on vacation anymore?”
“Why should they?” Alessia asked and made a sweeping movement with her hand. “It’s not like Italy is any warmer at the moment.”
Lisa let out an audible sigh and moved her hand across her belly, which at that moment gave off a silent rumble.
“I’m hungry.” She added whiningly.
“I told you, we should have gotten something for you at the bakery back there.” Konstantin said somewhat reproachfully, while also lovingly wrapping his arm around her hip and giving her a gentle pinch in the belly.
“But then we would have missed the bus, sweetie.” Lisa explained with feigned condescension and gave him a brief, patronising kiss on the cheek.
“Don’t worry, I brought something along for all of us.” Alessia interjected.
“Really? What did you get?” Lisa asked, a hopeful shimmer showing in her clear, blue eyes. Konstantin also threw her a questioning look.
Alessia frowned and pulled out her phone once more as the group joined one of the queues leading up to the ticket office of the outdoor pool.
“Didn’t I tell you earlier on? I went to Vortex and got a large box and some fries for all of us.” She explained as she scanned through her chat history with Lisa and Konstantin. Apparently, she had indeed forgotten to tell them.
“Oh, thanks.” Lisa exclaimed, catching Alessia somewhat off guard as she suddenly wrapped her arms around her and gave her another tight hug. Normally, she was a more reserved girl, but this news seemed to please her a lot. “I love you!”
“Uh-hum.” Konstantin cleared his throat and looked at his girlfriend with playful indignation.
“Yeah, you too.” Lisa added unenthusiastically, winking. “But she buys nice things for me! And apart from that, I haven’t had anything from Vortex in ages!”
“But we only went there recently!?” Alessia and Tanja replied almost simultaneously.
Lisa tilted her head a little and scratched her forehead in thought as she considered what her friends had said. “Really? And when was that?”
“Uhm, about three weeks ago. You know, when we went shopping with Jessica.” Tanja answered. “At the river promenade.”
“Oh, right! I almost forgot about that.”
“And I was worried that you’d say: Ugh, not again.” Alessia said with a laugh and stepped up to the ticket window as the first of the group, flashing her season pass at the cashier.
“Me? Never.” Lisa explained with a broad, happy grin as she bought a ticket for herself. She was followed by Jessica, Tanja and then Konstantin, who had let the four girls go on ahead and who also had a season pass.
“Well, I’m already wearing my bikini underneath. Anyone of you need to get changed first?” Alessia asked the others, but everyone just shook their heads.
The five stepped out of the reception building and back into the open, where they were greeted by the glaring sun and the scorching heat once again. Furthermore, they could now hear the sound of hundreds of chatting people, the clamour of playing children, and smell the faint odour of sun cream and chlorine. Tanja immediately took off her flip-flops, but after a couple of steps, she had to realise that the grey concrete slabs in the entrance area of the pool had absorbed so much heat from the sun that it felt as if she was walking on hot coals.
“Ouch! Ow!” She exclaimed and awkwardly jumped from one foot to the other, her soles turning visibly red as she walked across the hot concrete.
“Just put your flip-flops back on.” Jessica said, shaking her head in exasperation.
“No way, I can do this!” Tanja replied defiantly and pranced over the hot ground for another few minutes, until she reached the lawn and cheerfully jumped into the much cooler, albeit slightly burnt-looking grass. Stretching out her arms, she elegant turned back to the group in one fluid motion and then made a curtsy, as if she were a ballerina who had just shown off a particularly complicated dancing figure.
Jessica lifted her hands for a slow, sarcastic clap. “Most impressive.”
“Right?” Tanja ignored her mockery, looked around and then pointed at a shady spot beneath a tree on a small hill which offered a fairly good view of the swimming pool complex. It was somewhat further away from the edge of the pool, but also not as crowded. “Let’s go there!”
“Looks good.” Alessia said approvingly.
For a few moments, they pushed past countless other bathers and carefully navigated around the many swimming towels on the ground. Then, they slowly climbed up the gentle slope and finally sat down in the spot Tanja had chosen earlier. The bubbly blonde simply dropped her gym bag into the grass, quickly slipped out of her black top and her hot pants and then darted towards the diving platform in her bright red bikini. As she hurried towards the pool, her shapely, taut buttocks happily jiggled up and down in her bikini pants, drawing some furtive looks from a group of teenagers nearby.
“That girl really has ants in her pants.” Jessica said with another disapproving shake of her head as she spread out a large swimming towel on the lawn. Then, the four sat down on the colourful towel and began to take off their street clothes.
“Can’t she at least put on some sun cream first?” She then added, adjusting her blue bikini and looking for the bottle of sunscreen in her handbag.
“She will, in her own time.” Alessia replied and then pulled back the zipper of her gym bag to look for her own bottle of sun cream. As her friend opened the bag, Lisa noticed the Vortex box inside of it, which was tucked in between a couple of towels and a bottle of iced tea. Her stomach let out another silent groan.
“Alessia?” She asked with an innocent expression on her face while Konstantin began to rub some sun cream on her back.
“Lisa?” Alessia replied with the same, supposedly clueless tone, even though she already knew where her friend was going with her question.
“What’s that in there?” She asked playfully und pointed her right index finger at the plastic box in Alessia’s gym bag.
“I don’t know.” She replied with a mischievous grin an then looked at the others. “Shall we perhaps take a closer look?”
Lisa licked her lips in anticipation. “Oh yes, please!”
Heat. Darkness. Fear. These three words were everything Jan’s world had literally shrunken down to over the last few hours. All around him, it was so dark that he could not even see his hand in front of his face, and his olfactory senses were completely overwhelmed by a mixture of plastic, sweat and the ubiquitous smell of the synthetic clothing which marked him as a piece of food sold by the restaurant chain Vortex. In the humid micro-climate of his cubicle, which was even further heated up by the warmth of his own body, he could downright taste this smell, so that he constantly had a hearty, slightly salty taste in his mouth. As he remembered with a cold shiver, it was his own taste.
His hearing was as good as useless as well. In the relative isolation of his sealed cubicle, he could only faintly hear the screaming, yelling and hammering of the other shrunken people in the box, but even those were largely drowned out by his own, laboured breathing. Not even his sense of balance currently gave his brain much to work with, since from his perspective, the whole world seemed to be in constant movement. If Jan hadn’t woken up this morning, but only now, he wouldn’t have had the slightest idea of where he was. But since he had regained consciousness back in the restaurant, he was somewhat aware of his situation.
In what now felt like his previous life, he had been an inconspicuous, normal kind of person – though with the notable difference that he was a vorarephile, a person who found the thought of being devoured by another human being extremely stimulating. So it wasn’t all too surprising that he long had kept an eye on Vortex and it’s innovative business model, which was to shrink down criminals and other undesirables to sell them as food, a business model that had made them one of the most successful fast food chains in the world. On the internet, in a forum frequented by like-minded people, he had come across a thread in which Vortex apparently looked for people who’d let themselves be shrunken down willingly. Everyone on the forum had believed that this was a joke, since Vortex publicly always insisted that they only worked in close cooperation with judicial authorities and the criminal justice system.
Jan had realised that this wasn’t quite true as he woke up in this cubicle inside a Vortex box a couple of hours ago, shortly before it had been purchased by a remarkably beautiful girl with slightly Mediterranean looks. But he hadn’t managed to get a really good look at her, since she had almost immediately put the box inside her gym bag, which was where he and his fellow sufferers still currently were. Even outside the bag, it had been unpleasantly warm and humid, but now these conditions had worsened to the point of becoming unbearable, and he found himself struggling for every single breath of air. All around him, he could still feel the mighty movements of the giantess, whose bag he and the others were now trapped inside. The contents of the gym bag kept shifting up and down with every one of her steps, accompanied by the dull, frightening thunder of her giant feet as they touched the ground, causing tremors that almost felt like earthquakes to the shrunken people in the box.
Never before in his life had Jan felt so helpless and completely at the mercy of someone else. Even though the thought of the giantess’ beauty was very appealing, his thoughts were currently dominated by the animalistic fear of soon being eaten by this beautiful girl. Because that was all she really was: A high school or perhaps a very young university student who had just bought some food for herself. It was just that he was part of this food.
A couple of times, his barely functioning sense of orientation was thrown off even further as the gym bag was moved around, even coming to a complete halt for some time. Jan could do nothing more than speculate which events in the world outside had caused this, and there also was nothing he could do against the power of a being that was so much larger than him. After a while, he also thought that he could hear something like voices, but the double damping by both the bag and the walls of his cubicle made it impossible for him to understand anything. Just a little bit later, the whole bag seemed to drop down once more as it was apparently put down a second time. At least this was how shrunken Jan interpreted the massive movements around him. There were several moments of silence, during which he could only hear his own, heavy breathing again, then he suddenly heard a loud zipping sound from high above. It was accompanied by glaring light that suddenly flooded the inside of the bag, painfully burning in his eyes. Again, he couldn’t see a thing, but this time because there was too much light.
While his brain still tried to regain control over his overwhelmed optical nerves, Jan felt how the entire box was suddenly lifted upwards. It actually was quite a gentle movement, but the sudden acceleration still pressed him flat against the hard plastic walls of his prison. Then the box was tilted by 90 degrees and he crashed down on the floor of his cubicle, a sudden pain flashing through his right hand. Finally, the box came to rest on a soft surface, though for Jan it still felt as if he had been in a serious traffic accident. Moaning with pain, he turned on his back and held his aching hand, then he lifted it up to his face and slowly moved his fingers to check if he had broken something. Relieved, he came to the conclusion that this wasn’t the case, and it was only in this moment that he became aware of the fact that he could slowly see again. Shaking with fear and exhaustion, he got up and squinted as he tried to look out the transparent outside wall of his cubicle. The view was absolutely astonishing.
Right outside the transparent wall of hard plastic which separated his narrow cubicle from the enormous outside world, there was a colourful, hilly landscape. It took Jan a few moments to realise that it was actually a gargantuan towel of some kind, and that the box had been placed down on top of it. Further away, this surreal landscape gave way to an endless jungle, which actually was nothing else than a lawn. Even further beyond, the dense forest of grass and the occasional, oversized daisy dropped down a soft slope and stretched for what seemed several miles from Jan’s perspective, until it reached a bright, blue ocean that really was a swimming pool approximately 20 to 30 metres away. All around this beautiful and sunny, but also alien scenery, Jan saw colossal humans of different size, age, and gender, who all stomped through this bizarre paradise like gods and goddesses.
For a moment, the prisoners inside the box completely forgot about the danger they were in, admiring the inherent grace of these gigantic beings in reverent silence. But this fleeting moment instantly passed as the box was plunged into a dark shadow and one of the enormous humans in the immediate vicinity leaned right over them. An uproar went through the box, though it was considerably dampened by the plastic walls of the cubicles. Shaking uncontrollably, Jan fell on the ground again and instinctively huddled in a corner as he recognised the girl that had purchased his box high above. It was almost impossible to grasp how much bigger she was than he and the other shrunken people in the box, as the shrinking process had left them with merely one percent of their original size. But along with the almost instinctive fear he felt when looking at the giantess, there also was considerable excitement.
How often in his life had he fantasised about such a scenario. Reality felt quite different indeed, especially the feeling of absolute powerlessness and raw fear was something that even the most imaginative of minds was unable to emulate. At the same time, he had to admit that he felt an extreme, albeit bizarre anticipation for what was about to happen to him. Of course, the fact that the giant girl who had bought him was extremely good-looking, and that she was now wearing nothing more than a tight, black bikini over her athletic, tanned body had a lot to do with this. Far above the box, the horizon was filled by her soft, lean belly. Towards the lower end of Jan’s field of view, it was framed by her shapely hips, hinting at similarly well-built buttocks. Towards the top, it ultimately passed over into the giant domes of her large breasts, which bobbed up and down in her tight bikini top like a pair of fleshy mountains. Jan inadvertently wondered if he would meet his end inside this smooth belly, then his gaze further travelled up her graceful neck towards her giant face, which was so beautiful that he felt a nervous tingling sensation in his hands and feet. As she broke into an enchanting smile, her soft lips parted, flashing two rows of perfect, pearly teeth, and her warm brown eyes almost seemed to smile as well. Her charming, Mediterranean face was framed by medium-length, black hair, which was interspersed with elegantly braided strands. It was hard to believe that this gorgeous girl probably had already devoured countless shrunken people like Jan without wasting a second thought on them. But from her perspective, they weren’t proper human beings, they were simply food.
With an ease that didn’t really match her tremendous size, the giantess tore off the plastic foil which sealed the box at the top, and she did so with an uncanny routine to her movements. But instead of reaching inside to consume her first tiny victim, she simply made an inviting gesture with her other hand.
“Help yourself.” Jan heard her say as she placed a bag of fries beside them.
Trembling, Jan huddled up more intuitively than deliberately, and stared out through the recently removed roof of his cubicle. Every moment now, a pair of giant fingers could reach in, lift him up and throw him into the waiting maw of one of the giant people out there. It was in this moment that another giantess entered Jan’s field of view. She too was remarkably beautiful, albeit in a different way than the one in the black bikini: She had light blonde hair, bound together in a simple ponytail, crystal clear blue eyes and smooth, fair skin, but wasn’t just as athletic as her friend. Her figure was more ordinary, not fat by any means, but with just a hint of pudginess on her magnificent, soft belly. The question inevitably crossed Jan’s mind how many shrunken people already had been digested in this gentle, female belly, and now were nothing more than part of the fat tissue he was looking at. Her big breasts were squeezed in a tight pink bikini and visibly jiggled around in her ample cleavage as she sat down in front of the box and slowly stretched out her hand towards it.
Jan felt the entire weight of the box slightly shift backwards, accompanied by another collective scream as all the shrunken people inside backed away from the approaching hand of the blonde giantess. For a moment, he thought that the manicured fingers of the girl would reach right into his prison, but then they entered the cubicle immediately to his right. He heard a muffled scream, then he saw how a stout middle-aged woman was lifted out of the box. What he did not know was that this person was Monika Sauer, who had worked at the local tax office until she had encountered irregularities in the annual payments of Vortex. She then had been reckless enough to start asking the wrong questions, drawing the company’s ire to herself. Screaming and crying, she was now helplessly hitting the fingernails of the gigantic girl who had pinned her between her thumb and index finger, mercilessly lifting her up to her mouth as she licked her lips. Jan followed the path of the shrunken woman in disbelief as the young giantess flicked her into her dark, black mouth and then savoured her taste for a little, before she finally tilted back her head and swallowed her with a faint gulp.
In a strange mixture of mortal fear and excitement, Jan watched the slight contraction in the girl’s throat and imagined how the tiny woman was now slowly being forced down her oesophagus, deep into the depths of this enormous young body. His gaze travelled down to her large breasts, which slightly bobbed around once more as the blonde girl patted her belly with a tranquil look on her face. In this moment, Monika was catapulted into her stomach by the overwhelming force of the peristalsis. Letting out a hoarse shriek, she landed in a flat puddle of gastric mucus and the pitiful remains of the cheerios Lisa had eaten for breakfast, which were almost entirely digested by now. Obviously, Jan was not aware of these particularities, but he knew that it was only a matter of time until one of these girls would eat him too. However, the unresolved conflict between his survival instincts and his vorarephilia left him at a loss on whether he should tried to escape from this situation or simply surrender himself to his fate, accepting that his life was as good as over anyway.
Lisa savoured the tiny woman in her mouth and swallowed, grinning as the first tiny for today wriggled down her throat and caused a tickling sensation in her oesophagus. The feeling finally subsided between her full breasts, so that she didn’t really feel her snack arrive in her stomach a couple of seconds later. For her, that was all there was to it. From Lisa’s perspective, the process of digestion that now began to kick in was something entirely passive, something she didn’t pay any kind of attention to. For shrunken Monika, however, it was the start of a nearly one-hour ordeal that ultimately ended with her being turned into a little bit of fat on this blonde girls’ supple breasts. Lisa gently patted her belly and then bent over the box again to select another shrunken person, while her stomach let out a content gurgling sound.
“Yum.” She said and looked over to Alessia, who just now pulled a tiny person out of the box and tossed him into her mouth.
These were the last couple of moments in the life of Takeshi Maeda, a Japanese businessman whose company had been involved in some shady arms deals with several Middle Eastern governments and whose name had raised suspicions with German passport control. Since the Japanese authorities had refused to pay for the extradition and he probably would have faced a similar fate in his home country, German police had eventually just handed him over to Vortex. All of his money suddenly was of no use to him as Takeshi desperately tried to hold onto the molars of the girl that was about to eat him. Then he was finally swept into her gullet with a load of saliva as she swallowed him. He would never find out that the giantess was a German-Italian girl called Alessia and that the digested remains of his shrunken body would end up inside her well-trained gluteus maximus.
“Is the large box enough? I thought about buying two medium ones first.” Alessia asked after gulping down the tiny Japanese man.
“Yes, of course. We also have the fries, that’s definitely enough.” Lisa said as she lifted another shrunken person above her head before letting him fall onto her closed lips and sucking him inside with a quiet slurp. “And thanks again.”
“Don’t mention it.” Alessia said with a wave of her hand and tossed a fry into her mouth.
Lisa pushed around her victim inside her mouth, then she swallowed them and licked the remaining taste off her fingers. As the second shrunken person of the day slipped into her belly, she leaned back into Konstantin’s lap. Her boyfriend gently caressed her blonde hair and then kissed her lips, which still tasted of the shrunken people she had eaten. Animated by the taste, he reached into the box and lifted out a tiny person, who was just about to pull himself over the edge of his cubicle in a pathetic attempt to flee.
With all his remaining strength, Dennis pulled himself up the sharp plastic edge of his cubicle. His whole body was trembling from exhaustion and fear, but what was worse than the physical ordeal and the fear of soon being eaten by one of these huge people was the shock that he knew two of them. Alessia and Konstantin were in the same sports club as himself, though they were a couple of years younger and he therefore didn’t know them all that well. It had taken him a couple of moments to even recognise them. After all, he was quite a tall guy himself and had been at least a head taller than Alessia the last time he had seen her. That had to have been two or three weeks ago. Now, he wasn’t much larger than one of her fingernails, and if he didn’t manage to get out of this damned box soon, either she, Konstantin, his blonde girlfriend or the girl in the blue bikini would eat him.
Panting, he began to lift his right leg over the plastic edge and tried to block out the searing pain in his palms as the sharp edge cut deep into his skin. But just as he was about to shift the weight of his aching body over the edge to drop down on the oversized towel, he was plunged into a dark shadow and once again heard the fearful cries of the other shrunken people. Feeling a fresh surge of panic, Dennis looked up, only to see Konstantin’s enormous hand fill out the sky above him. Then he was suddenly pinched in between two giant fingers and lifted up with literally breathtaking force. Even though he almost passed out under the combined pressure of the monstrous fingers and the sudden rush of air around him, he knew that he had to act now if he didn’t want to end up in the boy’s stomach.
“Konzi! Here! It’s me! Stop!” He yelled as loud as he could, attempting to amplify his strong voice further by forming his hand to a funnel in front of his mouth.
Then he started crying out the boy’s name, since he was more likely to react to this than to some generic cries for help. Several moments of absolute fear went by as he was lifted above the seemingly infinite body of Konstantin’s girlfriend, who still lay in his lap and stroked her belly as it began to digest shrunken people like Dennis. The face of the brown-haired, athletic giant came closer and closer, until his enormous mouth filled out the entire field of view of the shrunken person in his hand. Dennis screamed in fear as the lips parted and opened up to reveal Konstantin’s enormous teeth and the view of his gaping, dark maw. At the same time, the hot, moist breath of the giant began to wash over him, and Dennis knew that he would be devoured if Konstantin didn’t recognise him very soon.
“Konstantin! Please don’t!” He yelled once more, shaking with dread. Then, just as Dennis thought that he would be dropped into the giant’s wide-open mouth, the boy suddenly closed it again, lifting him further up to his gigantic, brown eyes.
Alessia pushed another shrunken person around in her mouth, relishing his taste spread over her tongue, as Lisa’s boyfriend began to closer examine the tiny person in his hand, even calling him by his name after a few moments. Surprised, she swallowed the person in her mouth, drowning out their cries for help in a wet gulp. Then she briefly cleared her throat to speak to Konstantin as the first of the girls, who all looked at him with a puzzled look on their faces.
“Do you know that guy?” She asked with a slightly bewildered tone in her voice and frowned a little as her last snack noticeably slid down her oesophagus. Apparently, she had swallowed them a little to hastily and they were being forced down her throat sideways.
“That’s... Dennis from our sports club.” Konstantin stated with a frown, lifting the squirming shrunken person even closer to his eyes as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
“No way!” Alessia said with a sceptical look on her face. Then she got up, stepping over the box to sit down beside Konstantin and Lisa. She squinted and thoroughly examined the tiny creature in between the boy’s fingers. After a couple of seconds, she finally let out an incredulous snort. “You’re right.”
“Who? What? What’s going on?” Lisa asked and curiously looked around between the tiny person, her boyfriend and Alessia.
Jessica too stared at them with a confused look on her face, utterly forgetting about the tiny person she had just been about to eat and whose legs were still sticking out between her lips. Lisa noticed this and briefly pointed at her own lips to give her a hint. For a few moments, Jessica looked even more bewildered, but then she realised what Lisa was trying to tell her with her gesture and quickly sucked the shrunken person into her mouth, swallowing him without further ado. This really was not how George Conway, a retired roofer from the US, had imagined his two-week holiday in Germany to go. Instead of going on a hike through the Black Forest, he now travelled down the oesophagus of some random German girl, falling into her stomach with a wet splash to be mixed up with the remains of her breakfast. For tomorrow, he had planned a short trip over the border into France, but instead, he would be no more than fat tissue on Jessica’s butt and some semi-digested bones in her toilet by then.
Alessia giggled quietly and held her hand in front of her mouth until she had collected herself again a few seconds later. “That’s Dennis, a guy from our sports club.”
“Really?” Jessica asked curiously and lifted one of her eyebrows, casually reaching into the box and lifting out another shrunken person, a nerdy boy around her age. But she didn’t pay attention to his hysterical begging and gulped him down without even thinking about it.
“And what are you gonna do with him now?”
Breathing heavily, Dennis looked at the enormous human beings around him. He still hadn’t recovered from the primal fear that came with almost being eaten, but now he could at least catch his breath and start to calm down. Since the giant people around him didn’t really seem to understand him very well acoustically, he tried to communicate his wish to be at least put down somewhere safe with broad, sweeping hand movements. But evidently, Konstantin and the girls didn’t understand this either. Dennis felt nervous again. Sure, Konstantin was looking at him, but not like at a human being. Instead, he seemed to be scrutinising him like some kind of weird animal. To Dennis’ growing annoyance, Alessia seemed to find the whole thing incredibly funny. And the black-haired girl just kept on eating shrunken people like himself, as if this hadn’t changed anything at all. Below, he saw the face of Konstantin’s girlfriend, whose head was lying in her boyfriend’s lap and who curiously looked at him with her clear, blue eyes. He shuddered. This was not the reaction he had expected. The continued carelessness of these giants, who could squish him to pulp with one wrong movement, was more than just a little disconcerting. To that extent, he welcomed the question from the girl in the blue bikini, even though she asked it just as she tossed another shrunken person into her mouth.
“I don’t know.” Konstantin finally replied thoughtfully.
“Could you please just let me down first?” Dennis yelled in exasperation, though the giants still didn’t seem to understand what he was saying.
“Are you gonna eat him or not?” Alessia asked with a giggle.
“No. I mean, I can’t... No, that’s just too weird. Do you want him?” He asked and lifted him towards Alessia’s face.
Feeling a fresh wave of primal fear wash through his body, Dennis looked up at Alessia, who looked back at him with her deep brown eyes. To his abject horror, she actually seemed to be thinking about it. This couldn’t be true. It had to be some kind of sick joke.
“What? No, please! You can’t be serious!” He cried desperately.
“Hmmm... Aw, no. Otherwise I might feel bad about myself later.” Alessia finally declined. “I’ll have some more of the others.”
Relieved, but still shaking, Dennis looked back at Konstantin, who now looked at him with a questioning expression on his face.
“Konzi, please stop.” He whimpered. “This isn’t...”
Dennis noticed too late that the giant wasn’t actually looking at him, but at his girlfriend, and only just as this terrible realisation reached his brain, he suddenly felt Konstantin’s iron grip loosen around him. Rapidly falling, he felt nothing but air rush past him for a few moments, then he was unexpectedly plunged into a warm, wet darkness. Before he could realise what was happening to him, he found himself covered in a viscous, hot, and slightly burning fluid. He gasped for air and started to hyperventilate, then he heard a deafening, wet gulp and was squeezed into a tight, fleshy tube with overwhelming force.
Konstantin looked at Lisa with a questioning look on his face. She simply grinned at him and then expectantly opened her mouth. Without saying another word, he let go of Dennis and dropped him right into the waiting gullet of his girlfriend, where the tiny man briefly bounced onto her wet pharynx and then was swallowed almost automatically. As Lisa moved her hand over her throat and between her large breasts, roughly along the same path Dennis was now travelling down to her stomach, Konstantin leaned over her and gave her another loving kiss. For a few seconds, Alessia just stared at the two in bewilderment, not completely understanding what just had happened. Then she started laughing at the top of her lungs.
“What the fuck, guys!” She exclaimed, holding her belly laughing and wiping a tear from her eye with a broad, incredulous grin.
Then she burst into a downright fit of laughter, throwing herself on her back as she started to giggle uncontrollably. Inside her stomach, these sudden movements knocked Takeshi out of the presumptive safety of a stomach fold he had hidden behind to escape the more and more powerful digestive juices. He flew through the acidic air with a scream and then plunged into a puddle of concentrated stomach acid, almost instantly starting to disintegrate, and finally losing consciousness after several seconds of agonising pain.
“What’s going on?” Asked Tanja, who had just returned from the swimming pool, water still dripping off her wet body. She looked at her friends with a quizzical look on her face, pushing some strands of blonde hair out of her face and tugging at her red bikini trousers, which had slightly slipped into her butt crack. “You okay, Alessia?”
“Lisa just ate someone called Dennis from your sports club.” Jessica explained dryly, only to make Alessia cry with laughter again.
“The guy...” Alessia began as she sat up, but then she burst into yet another fit of laughter and buried her face in her hands, evidently struggling to regain her composure. Lisa put her hand on Alessia’s shoulder and looked at her as if she were concerned about her mental health.
“The guy who keeps hanging out with Pascal.” Konstantin explained with a suppressed grin, obviously trying not to let Alessia’s contagious laughter take hold of him as well.
“Dennis.” Tanja said and frowned as she tried to remember who that was.
“Pretty fit, black hair, goatee...” Konstantin explained to help her memory.
“Oh, yeah!” Tanja remembered and then tilted her head a little, looking surprised. “Isn’t he a bit big to fit in there?” She then asked an gently prodded Lisa’s soft belly with her wet foot.
“Hey!” She protested and pushed her friend’s foot away.
“He was in the Vortex box Alessia bought.”
“Really? Well, I’m not that surprised.” Tanja said with a dismissive shrug and looked at the box as her stomach let out a faint groan. All the high diving had made her a bit hungry after all, and the squirming shrunken people looked quite tempting.
“How so?” Jessica asked.
“He’d always hang out with these weird guys.” Tanja explained, her normally cheerful face flashing a short expression of contempt. “And Pascal deals weed, I think. Hey, maybe he’s in there too!” She added and then walked several steps towards the box, bending over it to look if she could maybe see him inside.
Inside the box, a group of three shrunken people had decided to make use of the gap Alessia had left as she stepped over to Konstantin, lifting themselves over the edges of their cubicles in an angle that wasn’t visible to the giants. Now they had started running over the fairly exposed surface of the towel and towards the jungle-like lawn. There, they hoped to hide themselves from the giants’ view, even though they knew that it wasn’t exactly safe either. One of them had escaped from a cubicle right next to Jan’s prison. He had even reached out his hand towards him, offering him a chance to escape with them, but Jan still wasn’t sure if he even wanted to run away. Especially given that there was no realistic chance of ever regaining his normal size. He would perhaps avoid getting eaten by one of these people, but surviving in the world out there was next to impossible. Ultimately, one would still end being stepped on, squished, or being eaten. With that in mind, he preferred to die inside the belly of a beautiful woman, and the chances for this happening were currently four to one.
From his cubicle, he observed how the three fugitive shrunken men carried themselves over the towel. They had almost arrived at the edge, but then the blonde giantess in the red bikini had suddenly returned from the pool with booming steps. She came to a halt right in front of the towel and then started talking to the other giantesses, evidently without noticing the three escapees. But her arrival had visibly unsettled them, because she was now standing right in the spot where they had planned to escape into the thicket of the lawn. Two of them had broken off to the left and continued sprinting across the towel, while Jan’s former neighbour kept running right at her, apparently hoping that she’d just not see him and that he would be able to slip away between her giant feet.
But while he still was running towards the edge of the gigantic swimming towel, the giantess in the red bikini suddenly turned towards the box and walked a couple of steps forward. Even though the soft underground clearly dampened her colossal footsteps, the tremors caused by them were still strong enough to throw the tiny man off his feet, making him fall flat on his back. Then it happened: For one moment, Jan was still looking at the colourful, Dalí-esque landscape of the oversized towel with the shrunken person in the middle, then there suddenly was nothing else than a giant, wet female foot that mercilessly pressed the disappeared landscape into the lawn below.
What Jan did not know was that, due to the soft underground, the man who had disappeared underneath this foot hadn’t been killed immediately. Instead, he remained stuck beneath the right ball of the giantess’ foot for a couple of seconds. As he was being suffocated by the heat of the giant body and the tremendous weight, which pressed him further and further into the ground, his nostrils were filled by the smell of chlorine, grass, and the bodily scent of her feet. Then the soil underneath could not sink in any further, and his bones suddenly gave in with a sickening crunch as his body burst underneath the overwhelming weight of the giant girl. She didn’t even notice that she had just squished a fugitive shrunken person beneath her feet, and even if she had known, she wouldn’t have cared.
The other two shrunken people also weren’t safe yet. Just as Jan began to look up along the enormous feet of the blonde girl, he also saw the giantess in the black bikini get up from the corner of his eye. Apparently, she had recovered from her laughing fit, even though her soft lips still showed a slight, mischievous grin. As she got up, her bulging breasts visibly bobbed up and down in her bikini, and when she stepped over the box once again to return to her spot, Jan could clearly see her perfect, round butt cheeks jiggle in her scant bikini pants. During the conversation amongst the giants, which Jan had only fleetingly listened to, the blonde girl had called her Alessia. It was a fitting name, Jan thought, since she did indeed look like a Roman goddess. The fact that she was so much larger than himself only served to amplify this feeling. As she stepped over the box, Jan realised that she was headed in the same direction the other fugitive shrunken people were running towards. He quickly looked down, only to see one of them be crushed underneath Alessia’s naked right foot. The last remaining tiny outside of the box made a sharp turn to the right and already seemed to be safe when he suddenly looked up and let out a gut-wrenching scream. Before Jan even knew what was going on, a dark shadow was cast over the eloper, and moments later he was buried beneath Alessia’s soft butt cheeks. She had sat on him and wiped out two lives without even being aware of it.
Shaking, Jan stared at the immaculate, tanned butt cheeks of the giantess. He could only hope that the poor guy had been squished instantly, otherwise he would now slowly suffocate underneath this veritable mountain of fat and muscles. Then he heard the distinctive screaming of the other shrunken people as the box was plunged into darkness yet again. He instinctively inhaled and fearfully looked up, where he could see the blonde girl in the red bikini bend over the box. As she leaned over and lowered herself down towards them, several enormous drops of water fell off her towering wet body and smashed into the box like artillery shells, soaking the shrunken people inside in explosions of chlorinated water.
“Pascal? Are you in there?” The girl asked mockingly and licked her lips as she appeared to scan the cubicles with her icy blue eyes.
Jan shivered. Up until now, the girls had seemed rather apathetic in the way they had eaten their victims – not counting the general amusement that Dennis’ demise inside the belly of the blonde girl with the ponytail had caused. But the gaze of this giantess was more evocative of a cat which didn’t just hunt its prey, but which also took sadistic pleasure in devouring it.
Then she looked right into his cubicle and their eyes seemed to meet. Before Jan could interpret what this meant, she leaned down even further, and for several moments, he could barely see anything else than the enormous hills of her breasts jiggling around in her tight bikini top.
“Are you Pascal?” She asked.
Jan inhaled sharply and felt a rush of deadly terror as the enormous fingers of the girl reached into his cubicle. With terrifying speed, he was pinched between her thumb and her index finger, pushing all the air out of his lungs. He once more gasped for air as the giantess lifted him out of his prison, helplessly squirming as he was lifted up along her enormous body and into dazzling heights. He saw her belly, which faintly lifted up and down with her calm breathing, then he flew past the generous bulges of her breasts and towards her soft lips. But to his surprise, the giantess didn’t toss him into her mouth. Instead, she lifted him up a bit further towards her large, blue eyes to take a close look at him.
Tanja lifted one of the shrunken people out of the box and carefully scrutinised him. Since he was so small, she had difficulties to determine whether he was Pascal or not. To her, all these tiny people looked alike anyway. She herself probably wouldn’t even have recognised Dennis in the first place and just eaten him without even realising it.
“Is this Pascal?” She then asked with a slightly frustrated tone and abruptly held the shrunken person in front of Alessia’s face. “I think he kinda looks like him!”
Slightly startled, Alessia flinched back as Tanja unexpectedly held a shrunken person directly to her eyes, just as she was about to take another look at the box and select another snack for herself. She flashed an irritated look at Tanja, who kept looking at her questioningly, and then allowed her gaze to travel back to the tiny person between her friend’s fingers. For a few seconds, she carefully looked at him, but it wasn’t Pascal – just some random guy she had never seen before. But instead of telling her friend and letting her get away with this kind of obnoxious behaviour, she decided to mess with Tanja a little.
All of a sudden, Alessia leaned forward, opening her mouth wide and quickly wrapping her lips around Tanja’s fingers. Before her friend could react, Alessia sucked the shrunken man out from between her fingers and pushed him far back into her mouth, covering him in a layer of saliva and softly pinching him between her molars.
“Wha...” Tanja began, completely taken by surprise, and pulled her hand back. Then she realised what her friend had done and frowned, wiping off her hand on the swimming towel with a disgusted look on her face. “Ew! What the hell was that?”
Alessia gave her a devilish grin and then lifted her hand in front of her mouth, repositioning the tiny person inside in order to speak.
“Ts yow owm fawt fow lifdin him op to ma faes wike dat.” She defended herself with a full mouth, giggling again as she pushed the thrashing shrunken person towards the back of her tongue, where he desperately tried to hold on to something.
“That was mine!” Tanja protested with feigned indignation while she obviously tried to suppress a smile of her own.
Alessia lifted her hand up to her mouth once more, pushed the shrunken man into a load of warm saliva and then swallowed hard. “Not anymore.”
Jan had almost lost consciousness when the blonde giantess suddenly held him right in front of the face of her black-haired friend, Alessia. Apart from the nauseating, abrupt acceleration, his whole field of view had changed quicker than his brain was able to process. Moreover, the strong aerodynamic resistance had made it almost impossible for him to breathe during this movement, and the cold airstream around him had given him something like a thermal shock, despite the warm weather. All of this only lasted very briefly, but what remained was a strong sense of dizziness and the intense urge to throw up.
Directly beneath, he could see Alessia’s colossal breasts, which gently wobbled around in the generous cleavage of her black bikini top as she flinched backwards, apparently just as surprised by her friend’s sudden movement as Jan. Some seconds went by as she simply looked at him with her beautiful, brown eyes. They seemed far to gentle and kind as to be connected to any kind of danger to Jan’s life. But then, they lit up with the same predatory spark he had seen in the eyes of her friend, and he instinctively knew that it was over.
Even though he had expected it, the speed with which she suddenly leaned over forwards and he found himself inside her mouth was absolutely terrifying. Jan screamed in fear as he found himself inside her moist, hot, and pitch-black mouth and the giantess’ warm, sticky tongue brushed over him. Then he was caught in a hurricane-like gust, which sprang from the dark abyss of her throat and sucked him right out of the other giantess’ grip. Letting out another terrified cry, he fell onto Alessia’s tongue, instantly finding himself covered in a layer of hot, gooey saliva. Breathing heavily, he attempted to wipe some of the slightly burning liquid out of his face, as he feared that he would otherwise drown in it. Around himself, he felt the girl’s mighty, hot breath, accompanied by a deafening giggle as she coated him in even more saliva and then carefully pinched him between her gigantic molars.
For a fleeting moment, Jan was jammed between the massive teeth, which more seemed like sharp, white rocks to him, and which could crush him into pulp in an instant. Then he was released again and thrown through the oral cavity as Alessia said something. He didn’t understand a word, but the volume of her booming voice, which washed over him from the depths of her body as hot gusts of air, was almost insufferable. While he felt stimulated like never before in his life, the sheer power of the giantess was so terrifying that he nevertheless found himself slipping into a panic attack, desperately trying to hold onto something as he began to slip towards the darkness of Alessia’s throat. Despite the darkness, he could vaguely recognise the outline of her uvula, which seemed to point towards the giantess’ waiting gullet. For a last time, he cried out in anguish as the entire tongue gave away beneath him, then he was caught in a deluge of warm spit and found himself falling down into near perfect darkness as the giant girl swallowed him with a loud, wet gulp.
Grinning triumphantly, Alessia placed her right hand on the area around her sternum, behind which the feeling of the shrunken man sliding down her oesophagus slowly subsided. Then it disappeared altogether somewhere behind her breasts before he arrived in her stomach a few seconds later. She opened her mouth and stretched out her tongue towards Tanja to show her that it was indeed empty. Tanja looked inside with an overly stern expression on her face, but she couldn’t make out anything else than Alessia’s perfect teeth, which still had some masticated remains of fries stuck to the chewing surfaces, as well as her soft, wet tongue and some strings of saliva that stretched between her lower and upper jaws. Whoever the little guy had been, Alessia had eaten him.
“I wanted to eat Pascal.” Tanja said, pouting.
Lisa too had sat up to better follow the conversation between Alessia and Tanja. This made the air inside her stomach shift and move up through her oesophagus. Having been raised to be a good girl by her parents, she promptly lifted her hand up to her mouth, but this couldn’t stop the air from escaping her body as a deep, wet burp. Lisa looked around apologetically.
“I’m so sorry. That must have been Dennis.” She said, visibly embarrassed and wholly innocent, without even intending to make a joke.
Accordingly, she first didn’t really understand her friends’ ensuing laughter, but she joined in anyway, partially just because Alessia’s laugh was so contagious. Meanwhile, deep inside her stomach, Dennis had been thrown through the acidic air by her hearty belch, hitting against her slippery stomach walls. But he actually was still alive and only would succumb to lack of oxygen over the course of the next hour, buried beneath slimy mountains of chewed fries and ultimately overwhelmed by the increasingly powerful stomach acids. Then Lisa’s body would almost completely digest him over the course of the afternoon, turning him into fat deposits on her round butt cheeks and her thighs.
“Don’t worry about it.” Alessia said with a wave of her hand. “Did he taste good, then?”
“Very.” Lisa replied and patted her belly. Then she reached for a fry and yet another shrunken person, throwing them into her mouth simultaneously and starting to chew around on them.
“That wasn’t Pascal, by the way.” Alessia said as she turned back to Tanja. “It was just some guy. So you can keep looking.”
“Really?” Tanja asked with a pleased smile and then leaned over the box again. “Hey there! Pascal! Come to Tanja!”
After Alessia had swallowed him, the world had briefly gone dark around Jan as he lost consciousness for a couple of seconds. As he came around again, he found himself inside an incredibly tight, hot and muscular tube, which constantly expanded and then compressed again, slowly forcing him downwards. The force of the powerful muscles around him was so strong that he feared the contractions would end up breaking every bone in his body. Coughing and gasping for air, he began to hear the calm, regular thump of Alessia’s massive heartbeat, soon to be joined by the relaxed breathing sounds from her gigantic lungs. He knew that he was inside her oesophagus and travelling down her chest, right behind the soft hills of her large breasts. Again, he couldn’t help himself feel somewhat aroused by the fact that he was inside the body of this remarkably beautiful girl, even though the next stop on his journey was her acid-filled stomach, where he would be digested alive. Indeed, the oesophagus now seemed to bend to the side a little, making Jan skid down like on some kind of organic slide for another few split seconds. Then he was squeezed through a tight ring of muscles, which violently pressed his arms against his torso with an ominous, loud cracking sound.
Just as agonising pain flashed through his entire body, making him almost pass out again, his olfactory senses were assaulted by a rush of hot, wet air, which gave off a pungent smell of acid and vomit. Jan continued to fall through the hellish void for a few moments, then he splashed into a thick sludge. This swamp in particular smelled of fries, though it still couldn’t quite hide the other odours in the giantess’ stomach. Gagging, Jan began to kick around and held onto a more solid piece of chewed fries, finally managing to pull himself out of the stew of semi-digested food, pushing away some smaller, strangely hard bits. What he did not realise as he lay down on a somewhat more stable part of the chyme nearby, was that these pieces were the semi-digested bones of his predecessor Takeshi, who by now consisted mostly of dissolved nutrients in the acidic pool below him. By this time tomorrow, both of them would be nothing more than a bit of fat and muscle tissue on Alessia’s butt cheeks. Wheezing and completely drained by the profoundly traumatic process of being eaten, Jan turned flat on his back, trying not to sink too deep into the chyme and to collect himself a little.
It had actually happened. Alessia, this beautiful Italian girl with the picture-perfect body and lovely face had actually eaten him, and now he was inside her stomach, about to be digested by her. Soon, he would be nothing more than part of her body, at least those parts of him her organism could use for itself. The rest would probably end up in her toilet sometime tomorrow. Now that his fate was sealed and he could no longer do anything about it, he suddenly felt a strange relief and even happiness about having been eaten by such a lovely girl. Before his mind’s eye, he once again saw her gorgeous face, her elegant black hair, her large, brown eyes, and her graceful smile. Jan felt a pleasant, warm tingling again, although this time, he couldn’t be sure if this was actually the stomach acid slowly burning through parts of his synthetic clothing. As he breathed in the air, which gave off the acidic odour of digestive juices, it immediately began to burn in his airways and lungs, but it didn’t hurt just as bad as he had feared. Perhaps his body was also shutting down already, fully surrendering itself to Alessia’s digestive system. He was no longer human. He was nothing but food now, and as he thought about it, he realised that it was almost an honour for someone like him to be absorbed into the body of this stunningly beautiful, athletic girl.
Outside, in the world of the humans, Tanja had finally found Pascal – following a search that had already led to six other shrunken people end up inside her stomach. Now, she dangled the mortified shrunken man over her mouth as she slowly licked her lips.
“Tanja! What are you doing! You can’t do this to me!” He yelled in panic, desperately trying to somehow hold onto her fingernails.
“I can’t?” Tanja asked sarcastically and opened her mouth.
“Bye, Pascal.” Alessia said with a sly grin and waved goodbye to him as she took a deep gulp from her iced tea and got up to follow Lisa and Konstantin to the pool.
It were the last words Pascal would ever hear in his short life. Almost immediately afterwards, Tanja dropped him into her mouth, pushing him around inside for just a little longer. Finally, she also got bored of this little game and casually swallowed him down. She ignored the last, desperate cry for help from Pascal as he was squeezed into her oesophagus and waited for a few moments until the feeling of his tiny body travelling down finally disappeared behind her breasts. Then she rubbed her belly and purposefully let out a content, succinct burp, drawing another reproachful look from Jessica.
“You should be ashamed.”
“Why? But it’s okay when Lisa does it?” Tanja complained.
“Lisa didn’t do it on purpose. And she still apologised.” Jessica said didactically.
“Pff.” Tanja shot back petulantly and turned around to follow the other three to the pool, but Jessica held onto her ankle.
“Put on your sun cream first!” She commanded.
“Yes, mum.” Tanja groaned, rolling her eyes. Then she returned to her bag, pulled out a bottle of sun cream and began to rub it onto her skin.
“It would be even better if you dried yourself off first.” Jessica sighed. “It’s more effective that way, you know.”
Tanja stretched out her tongue and continued to put on her sun cream. When she was finally done with it, she got up and began to walk towards the pool. But then, she suddenly stopped and seemed to think about something. Finally, she turned around and gave Jessica a questioning look as she lay down and pulled a book out of her bag.
“Aren’t you coming?” Tanja asked.
“Nah, I’ll sun myself a little and keep an eye on our stuff.” Jessica explained.
“I can also watch our bags if you want to take a swim.”
Jessica smiled. Tanja could be annoying sometimes, but deep inside, she actually was a nice girl. Sometimes very deep inside.
“It’s okay. As I said, I want to sunbathe a little anyway.”
“Okay. Have fun.” Tanja said and then hurried over to the pool.
In the depths of Alessia’s belly, the stuffy and humid air had already made Jan drift off into a twilight state, but then the cardia opened up once more and a torrent of cold iced tea poured into the stomach, tearing him from his almost comatose state. He thrashed around, trying to stay at the surface of the rapidly rising ocean, but the formidable torrents and gigantic waves made it completely impossible to retain any kind of control over where they would carry him next. Furthermore, the giantess also stood up soon afterwards and started to walk, causing the contents of her stomach to slosh around inside her. These rhythmic movements, which were accompanied by the sound of the girl’s thunderous steps from below, allowed Jan to stabilise himself for a little. But then, the whole world suddenly turned on its head and he was forced beneath the surface by a tsunami of iced tea, stomach acid and chyme.
Jan tried to hold his breath and swim up again, but for some reason, there appeared to be no such thing as up and down inside Alessia’s stomach anymore. He was surrounded by pure chaos, like an acidic ocean during a typhoon. The only hint towards what was going on came from Alessia’s more pronounced and controlled breathing, as well as her marginally elevated heartbeat, but this wasn’t enough for Jan to make sense of the situation. For a couple of times, he was washed back up to the surface, wherever it happened to be at that particular moment. This allowed him to quickly breathe in some more oxygen, then the entire ocean seemed to drop down beneath him, pulling him down again. Around himself, Jan felt something like a pressure wave as the entire stomach contracted slightly, accompanied by a deafening rumble that he could still recognise as a loud, wet burp. It was the last thing he would ever hear in his life, because soon afterwards, there finally was not enough oxygen left in his lungs. All went dark and he heard how the sounds of Alessia’s body all around him slowly faded away, then Jan closed his eyes forever and sank down to the bottom of her stomach.
Alessia gracefully jumped from one of the concrete starting blocks at the edge of the pool and slipped into the cool water like an arrow, swimming a couple of rounds on her own first. Lisa and Konstantin were frolicking around near the edge of the pool, and Tanja hadn’t come over yet. But Alessia was actually quite happy with that, as this allowed her to swim a couple of proper rounds. For the rest of the afternoon, she would probably just splash around and jump off the tower a couple of times. Apart from her boyfriend Florian, only she was a really good and competent swimmer – the others, especially Tanja, weren’t exactly bad, but they couldn’t keep up with her once she really got started.
While she swam her rounds, she didn’t notice how the squished remains of the two shrunken people on her right sole and her left butt cheek slowly separated from her body, being washed away piece by piece until nothing was left to prove their ignominious fate, and their remains mixed with the other, more common debris in the pool. What Alessia did notice was that the contents of her stomach were tossed around inside her belly, especially during her turns. As the feeling of pressure got a little too unpleasant, she stopped at an empty spot along the edge of the pool and released the built-up air from her stomach with a satisfied burp, stifling it by pressing her hand against her mouth. Because no one else was in the immediate vicinity, she didn’t need to apologise and simply continued her rounds. The fact that in this moment, Jan’s life came to an end inside her stomach, was something she was neither aware of nor would she have cared about it. In fact, she already had forgotten about him.
After swimming another few rounds, she noticed Tanja standing at the edge of the pool, talking to another girl she almost instantly recognised as their friend Jana. Jana also spotted her quickly – however, she didn’t openly greet her, but instead secretly pointed at Tanja while still talking to her. Alessia grinned mischievously and dived down. Then she resurfaced immediately behind Tanja, grabbed her legs and pulled her into the pool.
“Wha... Aaaah!” Tanja cried out in surprise and then let herself fall into the water somewhat overdramatically. The ensuing splash soaked a floundering older woman, who looked at the girls with grumpy disapproval.
“Why did you do that?” Tanja laughed as the old woman had swam away, playfully pushing Alessia under water for some payback.
“It was her idea!” Alessia replied and pointed her finger at Jana.
The accused girl defensively lifted her arms, made a clueless face, and went a couple of steps away, so that Tanja couldn’t even try to pull her into the water as well.
“I didn’t do anything!” The newly arrived girl defended herself.
“Yeah, right.” Tanja shot back sarcastically and lifted herself out of the pool with both arms, closely followed by Alessia, who let out another faint belch.
Then both of them zeroed in on Jana and grabbed her upper arms. Their friend let out an exaggerated, shrill shriek.
“No! Help!” She yelled and giggled as Alessia and Tanja pulled her back towards the edge of the pool. But before they could throw Jana into the water, Lisa stepped into their way and protectively stretched out her arms.
“Leave Jana alone!” She said with a determined tone.
Alessia and Tanja briefly considered to just push Lisa into the pool as well – something she apparently had been expecting. But with a furtive look to Konstantin, who had snuck up behind them in the meantime, they finally decided against it and let go of Jana again.
“Well, okay.” Tanja grumbled and then abruptly wrapped her arms around Jana, giving her a tight hug. “Hey Jana! So glad you’re here too.”
“Uh, hello. I’m also happy to see you.” Jana said with a somewhat awkward grin as her dry bikini got soaked by Tanja.
“We’re over there.” Konstantin explained and pointed at the hill with the tree at its top.
“Jessica is here too. She’s looking after our stuff.” Lisa added. “Alessia bought something from Vortex, there’s enough left for you too.”
“Oh, very nice. I’m starving.” Jana answered.
“There were two guys from our sports club inside!” Tanja began excitedly.
“I beg your pardon?” Jana asked, looking confused.
“It’s a long story.” Alessia explained with a grin. “We’ll tell you later. Come on now.”
With this, they returned to their spot on the lawn and to Jessica, who also greeted Jana with an amicable hug. Soon, the girls entered a lively conversation about Jana’s internship, while she and the others completely emptied the box with the shrunken people and the bag of fries over the course of the next hour. Yet another half hour later, Lisa, Konstantin and Jana got up once more to buy some ice cream for dessert at the kiosk, with Lisa picking up the empty packaging and casually throwing it into the next bin.
Over the course of the next few hours, the six simply enjoyed a fun summer day at the pool, chatting with each other, playing handball on the lawn, and romping around in the cool water. All the while, the shrunken people inside their stomachs were completely dissolved and travelled down their digestive systems, entering their small intestines around the early afternoon. There, the largely disembodied chemical components of what had been the shrunken people’s bodies were gradually resorbed into the bloodstream of the giant person that had eaten them.
Towards the evening, as the group finally separated in front of the entrance of the swimming pool, only a few bones that once had been part of Jan still drifted through the dark, winding depths of Alessia’s small intestine, while most of what had been him flowed up and down the blood vessels of her athletic body. Some of it was instantly burned off as energy, but most of it was gradually integrated into different parts of her huge organism, especially the soft fatty tissue and the muscles on her breasts, her belly, her hips and her buttocks.
On her way home through the quiet side streets of the residential area they lived in, Alessia was accompanied by Tanja, whose body processed the digested remains of Pascal and the other shrunken people she had eaten in a similar way. Unlike Dennis, who would largely become a part of Lisa’s butt cheeks, most of Pascal ended inside the fat deposits and muscles on Tanja’s breasts, since she had especially trained the upper half of her body while swimming and playing handball all day. Both girls had already forgotten about the shrunken people they had eaten this afternoon and were looking forward to dinner, their stomachs both letting out faint groans as they approached the doorstep of Alessia’s home.
Alessia had invited Tanja to stay at her place over the weekend, and so Alessia’s family had decided to grill this evening. As they stepped into the hallway, the hungry girls were greeted by the smell of freshly grilled meat, making their mouths water and eliciting another audible rumble from Alessia’s belly. They both quickly hopped into the showers and then headed out into the garden. There, they were greeted by Alessia’s family and sat down at the large table on the spacious patio, where they were entertained by Alessia’s mother, an extroverted Italian woman with a passion for good food. Having filled their stomachs with grilled meat and salad, the girls each drank a glass of wine and continued to gossip with Alessia’s family for a little longer. Then they finally went upstairs into Alessia’s room, changed into some light pyjamas, and watched a somewhat trashy disaster movie.
Around midnight, they went to the bathroom to brush their teeth and then tiredly dropped into bed, falling asleep soon afterwards. As they slept, the remains of the shrunken people drifted through the depths of their digestive systems, finally passing through their ileocecal valves and into their large intestines. There, they were drained of remaining fluids and united with the other by-products of digestion.
Around eight o’clock, the girl who had absorbed most of Jan into her body and now merely had to dispose of his vestiges was awoken by an unpleasant pressure inside her rectum. For a few more moments, she tiredly rolled around in bed, then she finally rose to her feet with a slightly annoyed sigh and tiptoed past Tanja, who was still fast asleep. Alessia went down the stairs and into the bathroom, where she locked the door behind her, sleepily blew some of her long black hair out of her face and then pulled down the shorts of her pyjamas. Dropping her naked buttocks onto the toilet seat, she relaxed her sphincter to release her bowel movement from her body, letting out a longish fart.
Then the end product of Alessia’s digestion splashed into the toilet bowl below her. She continued to evacuate two smaller stragglers from her intestine and then also emptied her bladder into the toilet, then she wiped herself clean with another sigh and dropped the used paper into the ceramic bowl. Somewhat subconsciously, she pressed the flush button, pulled her pyjama shorts back up again and washed her hands. Then she left the bathroom, snuck upstairs und returned to her room to get another round of sleep.