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Author's Chapter Notes:

Julia has to find out what to do with Steve


written by me, thegreatrizzo

Julia fervently rubbed her fingers in her vagina to try to confirm that Steve was not where she thought he was located, at last that wasn’t the case, Steve was in her womb. 

“Shit.” Julia said to herself as a little panic started to set in at the thought of having swallowed a tiny human by her womb. This was not going to be easy to explain to Kady what she had done with her son, she had taken him to her most secret place. “I definitely need to get you out before my husband finds out.”

Steve agreed as he banged around inside Julia’s womb trying to escape, he knew it was hopeless once he was inside here but he tried anyway. He no longer had the arousal he had earlier when he was outside looking at a woman’s pussy, his body knew the danger he was in so it allowed Steve mind to gain control again of its height. Steve was now four inches tall when he accepted his fate inside here and stopped beating against the flesh prison.

“I guess I have to wait another four weeks to get out.” Steve sighed as he curled up into his fetal position and allowed himself to slowly grow inside Julia’s womb. Steve reached out and scooped up a glob of Julia sweet vagina fluids and swallowed it as it was his food and water source inside here until he would be connected.

“Mmhmmm.” Julia groaned in pleasure as Steve fought against her for a little before stopping and curling into a ball inside her womb, she could feel his hand scraping her wall as well for something. He suddenly stopped moving as he was in his little ball but she could feel that he was growing slowly.

“Much better.” Julia breathed out.

Julia was able to recollect her thoughts as she was thinking out how to get him out. She thought about trying to play with the dildo again but realized that she would be pushing him back into her womb if she tried. Julia then tried to squeeze her pussy to push him out like when she gave birth to Alesha, she even got into the pose and breathing rhythm for it but nothing happened as Steve grew to five inches.

“I really need to get you out.” Julia panted as she tried to figure out how to get him out of there. “Maybe Alesha had something to get him out.”

Julia stood up as Steve grew to 6 inches in length. He did not seem to like the squeezing that Julia did on him, trying to get him out. Steve was seven inches and became noticeable on Julia’s belly. It felt very good to have a little human inside her womb.

“My husband does come back for another 4 hours until the game is over so that is good.” Julia rubbed her belly with her little traveler as she went into Alesha’s room.

I wonder what sort of device it would be.” Julia started to comb through Alesha's room as Steve was now eight inches but slowing down his growth inside of her. Julia looked for fifteen minutes in Alesha’s room for a hint of what she was supposed to find

“Is it a pole or a thread that she planned to get you out with?” Julia tapped her pregnant belly that contained a foot long Steve inside the womb. It felt amazing having little Steve as her baby Julia thought at as she continued her shirt.

“It is none of those.” A voice came from the doorway.

Julia turned to see her daughter leaning on the doorframe of her room, starting intently and visibly upset at her mother. Alesha had returned from her dog sitting job.

“I can explain.” Julia held on to her belly that had her little Steve inside. He had slowed his growth to be around 1 foot tall.

“You better.” Alesha walked into her room as Julia sat down on the bed.

Julia explained to her daughter about Kady sending her message about Steve and wondering if Alesha was keeping him secret from the rest of the girls. Julia then Steve on Alesha’s nipple and used the mother-daughter talk to get close to confirm. Once she had Steve, her passions got the best of her and Julia used a dildo to accidentally drop Steve in her womb. 

“I see.” Alesha listened intently as her mother spoke of her adventure with Alesha’s toy. She wanted to use Steve like this later on but her mother beat her to it on accident, she had to get him back.

“How did you plan to get him out?” Julia begged her daughter. Julia was distraught as she asked. “I couldn’t think of anything to get him out. Your dad will be furious if he saw me like this.”

“He would.” Alesha stared at her mother’s pregnant belly that had 13 inch Steve inside. “I do have something but you have to swear to me a few things.”

“What is it?” Julia’s eyes lit up.

“First, you must not tell Kady that you found him telling you did not understand her question but still look or something like that.” Alesha raised her finger then raised a second. “Second, it will be painful but do you think you can handle it?”

“I will do that and I can handle it.” Julia became a little bit more cheerful. “Now lets get him out.

“Third thing.” Alesha raised a third finger. “I want you to keep your promise that you said you would have during our mother-daughter talk.”

Julia paused for a moment, she was pondering what Alesha was implying. It finally clicked for her and Julia could see that she had no other option. 

“I swear that we will support you no matter what choice you make.” Julia sighed, she knew what her daughter wanted.

“Good, or else I will tell everyone what you did.” Alesha stood up and went to her desk, she pulled an epipen device that Kady and Allison had given her just in case of an emergency.

“Are you ready for this?” Alesha walked over to her mother while wiggling the pen.


Chapter End Notes:

Does Julia want to give birth to Steve or does she want something else.

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