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"Let's find out, then," Natalie tested, after asking if I was ready to behave during her first 'Bring your sissy-maid to work day.' She wheeled her office chair back and curled her finger to, "Come here."

I obliged, fondling my fingers, anxious.

She pointed under here desk, where I found the strangest, most terrifying mechanism yet. A hole revealed the dark underside of the floor, while a latch locked a door that fit so perfectly.

"W-wh-what's that?" I tried to ask casually, but came out childlike and pathetic.

"Isn't it great? I had it installed not long ago." Natalie proceeded to open the latch and lift the door. Two steps, made for somebody normal-sized, led to a comically small stool that read 'Sissy maid's' engraved on the seat. No doubt, probably a gift from Karen. Natalie explained the purpose to this mysterious floor-box; "I think you know what I'm gonna use this for. Just another reminder of your place here: beneath my feet."

I froze between my promise to obey my goddess, or to protest this ridiculous demand at torture.

"The best part about it..." Natalie started, "Well, I thought it would be annoying when I first realized this, but I'm looking at it in a new light... The best part about this little head hole is that it can only be willingly entered." What did she mean? "See, I'll have to hold the door until you're seated on your little pauper throne here. You can't do both, otherwise you won't make it down the stairs, or get your head through." She kept the hole just big enough to fit through so specifically shaped to my head. "I can't physically force you down, because I have to hold the door. I can't have somebody hold the door for me-- or vice versa-- because there isn't enough room. I could use my less than subtle charm," she referenced tha manipulative contractual control she has over me, "but I don't want to." One leg draped over the other, her chin draped over the top of her hand. An eager, toothy smile stabbed her gaze into me. "So, Caleb," I dreaded, "get in."

There was some emotion force that draped me like a weighted blanket, but I was a lowly ant. I gazed down into the torture hole Natalie installed beneath her desk. No doubt, I-- and I'm sure you, dear reader-- know what this hole will be used for. But I promised. I'd be good just moments ago. Going back on my word now would be less than ideal for me, no doubt.

My two foot body took the first step, willingly, just as Natalie promised. She cooed with glee at my compliance. The next step bit Natalie's finger in excitement. Hitting the ground level of this chamber lifted her brow, taking her eyelids with it. Overexcited, she kept bumping the lid onto my head; "Come on, sissy, come one. Sit down. Get in your seat. I've been wanting to test this out for days."

I sat down, and choked up as the door passed over me, giving my head-- and only my head-- access to the world outside my prison. Natalie impatiently locked the latch with a padlock. "I-I won't go anywhere, goddess. You don't have to l-lock it."

Natalie removed the key from the from the pad and locked eyes with me-- her tongue peeked through her pearly white teeth, "But I want to."

Fair enough... I guess...

There I sat, in a hole beneath my ex-fiance's desk; my head peeking out, waiting to be presented with her rancid feet. All coming together by no force but my own... like she said; willingly.

I winced, bracing for impact as Natalie's office chair rolled in at full speed. I thought the wheels would run over my face, but I was lucky enough they didn't. Two nylon-encased feet popped out of the high heels with my vulnerable head in between. I had no choice. I knew fighting woult be fruitless. I closed my eyes--

"Hey," Natalie barked, interrupting my narrative, "Keep your eyes open." Seriously? I obliged, "I want you to see me toying with you."

I opened up my eyes, and saw her two nylong feet cover my face, with no hesitation.

"Hm," Natalie sounded disappointed, "Just a little too short." With that, I grew, just enough that my neck just barely touched the head hole I trapped myself in. Any bigger and I'd choke. Not that choking was anything new to me at this point.

And she went about her day, fondling me like a fidget spinner for feet. I learned to go with her motions; tips of her toes on my lips means to open, flat on my mouth means kiss-- if not kiss, she give me a little toe tap to let me know, anything on my nose, I take deep... deep breaths.

She had a few clients while I was locked in my chamber. I'm incredibly thankful that she's been so tame with me today. I guess this is just Natalie in work-mode.

Lunch came around and Natalie decided to have her daily workout. She left me in my hole with her high heel over my face. I ruminated on how much I've grown used to this horrid stench. How peaceful of a day I had locked under my ex's desk, worshipping her nasty nylon feet. I felt like I let myself down falling this far into her control.

She had to have known that I felt this conflicting feeling of peace and remorse. I say that because I grew an erection despite her rancid high heel stench covering my face. Would she let me touch it? Sure enough, yeah. I figured that I'm all alone here... and her office looks empty with me down here... so nobody would know if I just... Was this a gift? A trap? Would she know if I played dumb?

Before I could answer myself, I found my hand already circling my tip. I couldn't escape the vinegary scent, so I accepted it. And it stuck to me. It burned into my head. It became a part of me... or I a part of it. In such a short time for me to forget, my tongue met the insole of Natalie's heel. When the over-the-top, fresh, salty flavor burned my tongue, I came... and came to from my second-long blackout.

I opened my eyes and sat in ashamed, releived silence. Like when you hit a pot hole while driving so hard that you turn your music down and drive in silence at your frustration. It pains me how easily I was able to surpress the memory of what I did. It was so easy for me to go about my day like normal.

Natalie returned from her lunch workout, and so nonchalantly shoved her sweat socks in my mouth to suck the moisture out. At my size, they filled my mouth, stretching my cheeks, tickling my throat, and sticking from my mouth.

Despite my task at hand, Natalie opened the hatch to my cell holding a manilla envelope set for delivery, "Alright, I need you to-" she stared puzzled at the mess I made down there and then smiled. The  started snickering.

"What?" I barked through the sweat socks, trying to play dumb.

"Make a little mess there, Caleb?" she asked, pulling the socks out from my palet.

"Yeah, well... er... y-yes goddess..."

"Now what in the world prompted that?" she asked, holding her hand to her mouth.

"You know damn well!" I argued, turning red in the face, accusing her of using that psychic manipulation on my vulnerable arousal.

Natalie audibly laughed, but tried to hold it back, "No... I can't say I do."

I held my breath in shock. "W-what?" The red in my face hid the over-the-top blush on my cheeks. "You mean you didn't..."

She didn't say a word. She didn't need to.I snatched up the envelope and stormed for the door.

Pinched in her fingers, her damp socks swung like a hypnotic pendant, "Oh, sissy!" she ordered, far louder than she ever commanded before here in her office.

I saw people poke their heads from their offices, cubicles, whever they were in an earshot of her call. I turned to avoid facing them a little longer.

"You almost forgot your little treat!" Natalie laughed.

I felt so ashamed. Angry even. At her. At myself. At the parts of me that I can't control; instinct. I turned, avoiding eye contact until she forced my eyes to lock onto hers with that unnerving control she has over me. I snatched the sweat socks up, and with tears in my eyes, put them in my mouth myself.

And with that, she brought my erection back to life; this time under her discretion.

As I stormed out to deliver the envelope, she added, "Don't think I'm gonna let you off so easy." I kept walking. "After all, you didn't have my permission."

I storme down the halls of the office, taking an extremely long way as I turned corners when I saw people on my route. Socks on my mouth, and an uninvited tent in my pants. I brought the envelope to who would become my next worst nightmare.

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