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Author's Chapter Notes:

This one's pretty long. I don't know if that'll be a one time thing or not but I'm starting to add more of a story to the whole thing so who knows. 


Getting dressed this morning was….odd. All my clothes felt looser than normal and there was a good inch of empty space at the tips of my shoes. I had been so focused on Max’s growth that I’d barely paid any attention to myself but today things just seemed off. I resolved to discuss it with Max later.

Max had asked me to bring the custom dildo to her house for a comparison tonight. Only when her brother answered the door did I realize how silly I looked, carrying a 19 inch penis in my hands. He looked me over and made a face as if he were about to say something sarcastic or degrading, but the looming shadow behind him made him think twice. He motioned me in and stood aside. When I saw Max my jaw dropped. 

Max had chosen to wear what looked like a professionally fitted suit. The smooth lines and crisp fabric clung to and accentuated every one of her considerable curves. Her hair was done up in a tight bun with a neat pin holding it up. Her pressed suit pants did little to disguise the considerable bulge at her crotch. A pair of black rimmed glasses and very high heels tied the whole look together. Her head seemed only inches from the hallway’s 8 foot ceiling and her pursed lips barely hid her giddy smile. She folded her arms and spoke.

“Do you have an appointment Mr. Smalls?” Her tone was professional though a hint of flirtation couldn’t help but slip through. 

“Yes ma’am, I believe I’m your 8 o’clock.” I replied, playing along. Sam seemed less than impressed with our impromptu foreplay. 

“Yeah, yeah that’s great….” He paused, probably remembering the new “ground rules” Max had set. “If you’ll both excuse me I got some….stuff.” For a moment Max looked like she was going to press him to call her “Big sister” like yesterday but instead let him pass, she was clearly eager to get down to “Business”.  I followed her down the hallway to the basement stairs, her heels clacked satisfyingly on the hardwood flooring. When we passed through the kitchen Max had to duck her head to one side to avoid clashing with the chandelier. Upon approaching the basement door we faced a dilemma. The doorways in Max’s house were only 6’8” high. Plenty for a normal person but with her growth and her new heels the top on the doorway only came up to her chin. She gently placed one hand on the underside of the frame and, bending at the knees, ducked through with admirable swiftness. I eagerly followed. 

When I reached the bottom of the staircase I froze in my tracks. Max was not the only person down here. Lounging in on an oversized sofa in the corner of the room was probably the largest girl I’d ever seen. She looked to be about the same height as Max with her heels but she was much wider. Her arms were toned and rippled with powerful muscle. She was only wearing a loose tank top and a skirt with no underwear as her enormous package was laid out across her titanic legs. She had long auburn hair that seemed to cascade all over the sofa in waves of silk. She looked up abruptly as I entered and locked eyes with me. 

“Ooooh, so this is your little nugget Maxy?” She purred. Her voice was deep and smooth, not husky like Max’s.

“Yup! This is my boyfriend Trevor. Trevor, this is Carly. We met at a Futa Bar earlier today.” This was too much information to take in all at once. Boyfriend? I mean I guess yeah but we hadn’t put a label on anything yet. Futa Bar? Since when did Max drink? Carly? Why was she here, what was all this about? 

As I was frozen in place Carly shifted on the sofa and stood. She stood on her tiptoes and raised her arms in an exaggerated stretch,  placing her fingers on the 10 foot ceiling. Her hair nestled around her body, reaching all the way to her ankles and her cock swung freely past her knees. Then she slowly strutted over to my position. It only took her couple strides to cross the 15 foot distance. She bent at the waist until she was level with me, one hand placed on her bulging rear end. 

“Mmmmm, you’re so cute I could. Just. Eat. You. up.” She clacked her teeth, then stood with a giggle and turned to Max. The two started talking. I looked up at their faces, so far above me. My head barely reached the bottom of their prestigious breasts. Seeing the two side by side I noticed some key differences. Max was curvier than Carly but even with her monstrous heels she looked to only be about an inch taller. Carly was much more buff. With a sharp, toned physique and while her breasts and ass were both large, they were propped up by thick layers of muscle, betraying their true size. 

“Is that okay Trev, Trev?” I broke from my daze and saw both girls looking down at me from their considerable height. 

“Wha-what?” I had no idea what they’d be talking about. The whole time I felt like a child watching his mother speak to another adult. Max smiled warmly though, patient as always.

“We’re going to do some comparisons with Carly today instead. Since, you know, you’re too small to do it on your own.” Her tone was kind but the words still stung slightly. But behind the sting was something else, a twinge of excitement. 

“Yeah, that’s fine. It also reminds me there’s something I wanted to ask you.” I paused unsure if I should continue. Both girls looked at me, silent and expecting. I went on. “Do I looked….smaller to you?” There was a brief pause, then Max and Carly both broke out into laughter. Max was the first to recover. 

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry honey! Ahem. Well yes. You do, you’ve looked quite small to me for a while now.”

“No that’s not what I mean, like do I look shorter? Like have I shrunk?” Carly was still holding back fits of giggles but Max seemed to have caught on and her face became more serious. 

“Well we can find out, that’s why we’re here right?” She gestured over to the measuring station. I nodded and the three of us walked over to the pole. I grabbed the same chair that I’d used yesterday while Max slid off her heels. I found that even with the chair I was still several inches shorter than Max. I spent a few moments craning my neck to try and read the numbers when I felt two strong hands grip me around the waist and lift me up. 

“What? I’m only trying to help.” Carly giggled. I decided to roll with it and read the number.

“You’re 6 feet 11 inches tall, 6 more than yesterday.” 

“Damn, girl you’re growing fast! I don’t think I ever grew more than 4 inches in one day.” Carly gently placed me on the floor and stood in front of Max. Without her heels Max’s head brushed the bottom of Carly’s chin as the two compared. 

“Yup! I’m a grower for sure!” Max chriped. “Your turn!” 

“Oh, no honey I haven’t grown in years. I’ve been 7’8” since I stopped. I’d rather measure this little nugget.” Carly turned to me grinning. I was hesitant, but Max’s gentle smile gave me some courage. I stood with my back to the pole as Max stepped forward to measure me. Standing like this my head didn’t even clear her shoulders and my face was surrounded by her soft cleavage. Max seemed to be taking her time and when I looked up at her towering face I saw it twisted in confusion. 

“It says you’re 5 foot 6, babe. That’s not right is it?” 

“No, I should be 5’8”.” I responded, puzzled. Carly interjected. 

“You’re kidding right? You two don’t know?” Both Max and I stared at her, faces blank. “Oh my God you really don’t. Okay so, while a futa is growing her bodily fluids have certain….properties. Men who are exposed start to shrink, some guys get down to like 4 feet tall. We call them Betas and they’re in pretty high demand since their some of the few men who are actually cool with fucking 7+ foot tall dick girls. Has Trever drunk any of your pre?” 

“Uh, no, not that I know of.” Max looked down at me questioningly, I shook my head. “I mean, we make out a lot if that counts.” Carly raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah that counts but you’re spit must be pretty potent if you made him shrink two inches just from making out. If he drank some of your precum he’d probably lose a foot or more over night.” Max and I stood together as if unsure of what to say next. Finally Max spoke.

“Okay….well, that’s a conversation we’ll have to have later.” She looked down at me. “If you don’t want to get any smaller we can stop making out until after I’m done growing.” I smiled reassuringly at her. I didn’t want to stop kissing my girlfriend but shrinking like this was a big deal and not something I was sure I was comfortable with. I couldn’t get the 2 inches I’d lost back but I could stop it if I wanted. And that was okay.

After some brief conversation we moved on to weight. Carly went first. I could hear the heavy-duty scale crackle and groan under her mass. The final result was a clean 400 pounds. Max went next. She gave me a gleeful wink as she stepped on. 

“347 pounds” Carly whistled. “Damn girl, you THICC!” She gave Max’s ass a resounding slap and I watched as it jiggled like a giant gum drop. Max looked over to me and spoke gently. 

“Do you want to go?” She was giving me a comforting smile, obviously trying to make me feel better.

“Yeah I’ll go.” I stepped onto the scale and Max stood behind me and lightly placed her hands on my shoulders. “133 pounds.” I read out loud. I couldn’t believe I’d already lost over 10 pounds. As I looked at scale in disbelief I simultaneously felt a soft pressure on my head and saw the numbers creep back up to 144. 

“You’re still my precious little man, that’ll never change.” Max whispered from over my head, her breasts weighing me down. I smiled. She always knew what to say. Over to my right, Carly made a gagging sound. 

“Alright you lovebirds done? Are we gonna move on?”  

“Yes!” Max exclaimed, standing up and spinning me around at the same time. “Did you bring our little toy?” Max was referring to the massive dildo I’d brought over. I ran over to the corner where I’d stashed it and brought it back. Looking at the two amazons before me, it didn’t seem so massive anymore. Carly was already hard and Max was well on her way. “Sorry,” she blushed. “It’s getting really hard to keep it down.” 

“Yeah that’ll happen as you enter your second week. After the 8th day I was rock hard constantly. Only took another two days for me to bust my first nut.” Carly bragged. 

The two girls stood side by side and I held the now puny looking dildo in between their rising cocks. 

“So how big is that thing?” Carly asked

“19 inches.” Max replied. 

“Aww, it’s so widdle!” giggled Carly. She wasn’t wrong. The dildo was positively dwarfed by the girl’s surging members. “I’m 32 inches, a solid 2 foot 8.” Carly clarfried. “What about you short stack?” She was looking at me. 

“Uh, eight and half, though I might be smaller now since….” Carly chortled but Max shot her a warning look.

“And what about me babe?” Max redirected the conversation. I lowered the disgraced dildo and took out a measuring tape. 

“You are….28 inches.” I declared. Carly was shocked. 

“No way, you said this is day 7 for you? You’re nearly as big as me and I went for 10 days!” 

“I did say I was a grower didn’t I?” Max giggled cutely. Carly’s incredulous look was replaced with a smirk. 

“Yeah, yeah. Geeze I don’t even wanna know how big you’re gonna be if you make it the whole month.” 

“We have one more activity for today!” Max clapped her hands and walked over to the weight set. I thought she was gonna try lifting even more but instead she sat down on her knees and placed her elbow on the bench in an armwrestling position. I gulped. 

“Max you know I don’t have a hope.” 

“She means me, squirt.” Carly said as she passed beside be, placing an enormous hand on my head and ruffling my hair. I watched as she took her position on the opposite side of the bench. The two locked arms and began the count. When they started all I could hear was a low groan as the bench took the brunt of their tremendous might. Max was putting up a hell of fight but slowly she started to lose ground. After about 15 seconds Carly pinned her down. 

“Don’t worry darling, I’ve got about 50 pounds on you, it’s only natural.” Carly stood grinning. She looked down at the bench which had deformed slightly where the two had placed their elbows. “Sorry about your bench.” She scoffed. 

“Oh don’t worry,” Max said cheerily. She held the bench either side of the dent and gave a single twist, popping the hardened metal back into shape. “I can fix it no problem!” She grinned. 

“Alright girl, go off.” Carly looked unimpressed as she turned to face me. “So, do we get to have some real fun now?” She took two massive steps pinning me between her gigantic frame and the wall. “I’ve been wanting a go at you since we met.” She growled down at me. I could feel her dick pressing against my legs, threatening to lift me up the wall. The weight and heat of her body was suffocating. Suddenly the pressure relaxed and I heard Max’s voice, stern and commanding. 

“No. That’s all for tonight. You can go home.” She had placed her hand on Carly’s shoulder and pulled her away from me. Carly looked over at Max, expressionless weighing her options. Finally she relented. 

“Fine. Yeah, it’s getting late anyways.” She lifted Max’s hand from her shoulder and made her way upstairs. “Give me a ring when you’re ready to really have a good time.” Max placed her hand gently on my shoulder and we listened as Carly’s footsteps thudded from overhead. Then finally disappeared as she exited the house. 

I looked over at Max’s hand and saw that her knuckles were white and though her touch was still soft, I could feel her heart racing through her fingertips.                 

Max’s Stats.

Height: 6’11”

Weight: 347 Lbs

Penis Size: ?? flaccid, 28” erect.

Testicle Size: Small Pumpkin.


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