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Author's Chapter Notes:

OKay this chapter will be Chelsea continuing her time at school, but will have a new twist for today.


This chapter contains sensitive content: FART ASS UNAWARE BONDAGE 

Chelsea was currently on her way to her 2ndclass of the day, but she did need to get something to eat.  Her ass started to really reek like that garlicky food she ate on Sunday night and the swamp ass was starting to get very wet and started to drench the poor little guy.  It still has not really registered to him he is currently drenched in a woman with a fat ass swamp ass.  She was walking to this coffee shop where also so happened to have some fruit, and other pastries available.  When she got in line her body felt okay at the moment, but that would soon change later. When she completed her order she decided to sit down and scroll through social media for a bit.  In her mind not very much was happening today, but it definitely killed some time.  For her unaware little captive his body was now getting used to having the pressure of her big ass sit down on him again.  It did hurt a bit and it stinked, but over time he had to get used to it. He tried to cry out, but the pressure was too much for his ribcage.  The woman did tell him that he would not die and his body was still as durable as his human size, but it for sure did start to hurt a bit.  It smelled like a wet gym sock as the stench started to build up a bit.  The little man knew woman had body odor, but being in this situation really made him think about how bad and gross woman can be at times. Chelsea had no idea what was going on, with her little captive trying to scream through the tape in his mouth.  It also was a little loud in the common area, so he really would not be heard regardless of him having tape or not. That woman really did make it almost impossible for him to be found.  It made him wonder was this a normal thing or was this extremely taboo, and he just got unlucky.  Chelsea then started to feel a little off.  Her captive did not really know of anything yet, but Chelsea knew.  Chelsea knew she needed to use the bathroom.  The Coffee started to catch up with her. Without warning she got up, and excused herself to go to the restroom.  Her little man just felt his body and gravity change as he was not being crushed anymore he was trying to prepare himself for her to walk a long period of time, and then get ready to be crushed again.  Although that was not the case.  He felt her pause at one point and did not know why.  He then heard multiple doors open and he started to feel like he was falling with light coming to his view.  He looked up and saw Chelsea now looking forward.  Eventually he figured out where they were.  They were in a bathroom it seemed.  He looked up and saw Chelsea playing on her phone as he was just trying control his breathing.  Without warning he heard her fart into the toilet, and then in a little bit more she started to piss a bit.  Chelsea grabbed her nose a little bit as it stunk from up where she was.  She did not want to be known as the woman that gassed up the bathroom stall.  It is never fun to be known as that.


“Oh thank god no one is around I have nothing to worry about.”  As she said to her self.


The little man now could start to faintly smell the creation that she was sturing up in the toilet.  It now started to make him squirm a little bit as he was trying to get as much clean air as possible.


“Mhhhhmmhm mhmhmhm”  As the little man was trying to get her attention with the tape in his mouth. Just praying that maybe she would be able to see him down there and his little prayers would be answered. Although it was about to be the complete opposite.  Chelsea started to wipe her ass knowing she only had a couple minutes left, but she had a little bit of a problem.


“Oh you go to be kidding me they only have like 3 squares left.  My ass will be too messy.”


The little man started to hear that a bit, and frantic panicking started to creep in.  


“Well I guess I have to just use my panties, probably that will absorb the smell a bit, besides I can go commando with throwing them in my one small compartment of the backpack.  The smell will be sealed in pretty good”


Chelsea then started to take off her panties from the bottom of her ankles and brought them up to her ass level height.  The man now could start to smell her shit in the toilet, as he was being hoisted up.  She started to slide them inside and smear it all around her dirty crack, as it started to absorb the stench.  Now having the tape in was not such a bad idea, but the liquid was starting to get into her fabric.  The man now started to feel the wetness from her shit she just took, and it made him start to gag.  He was now screaming at the top of his lungs as the shit was now starting to get around his whole body, and into his hair.  Chelsea then took the panties and put them into a separate part of her back pack, and locked it up and dropped it inside.  She then started to pick up her backpack and go to class.  


“Oh my god I am such a pig, but I guess I have to do what I have to do.”


As Chelsea started to now walk into class with nothing but her leggings now on she went to go sit in the farthest corner around no one.  The reason for this is she wanted not a single person to smell her back pack.  The little man was now shoved into the dark pocket as he was begging to be let go as the shit now was starting to get around his eyes and hair.  Chelsea was just trying to cover up the smell completely unaware of the little man trying to get some air to breathe.  As class was going she tried to make sure that no men would be looking at her ass.  Obviously with the leggings on people could kind of see through it, but not entirely. She had to constantly try and cover up her leggings with what ever plan she needed to implement.  As for her little man the smell started to intensify with being locked in there for so long.  The air eventually got heavy and he felt like he was going to pass out. It was way too much shock for hi little body.  Chelsea eventually had to leave class and started to walk back to her apartment. She got all these weird looks from guys and she started to feel a little uncomfortable.  She decides she needed to do something.  Chelsea went back to a bathroom stall, and started to lock the door. She reached into her backpack and pulled out the stinky panties and started to put them on again.  She did put them on inside out, because she wanted to avoid an infection, so her unaware sleeping man was now getting face first pushed into her stinky leggings that were just on her bare ass.  When he woke up he knew he was not in the same area, which for a moment made him a little excited, but then he smelt her rip ass again as the fabric did not fully block the stench.  He started to gag as he could feel her meal hit his back.  It was better than before, but still stunk badly. He did start to scream when he could feel her wet fart start to slide down his back not even wondering how bad that is going to be.  Chelsea eventually got back to her home, and started to walk towards her room.  When she got in there she blew out a loud stink fart hopefully with no on around.  The stench started to hit the little man on top of the wetness with his back being drenched from a shart.


 “Ooohh that was loud stinky one thank god no on could hear it.”


She started to take off her panties and put them on top of her laundry pile. As the little man could see her holding her nose as the laundry pile had to be smelly he started to scream and get her attention, but Chelsea’s eyes were not fixated on him at all.  Chelsea then began to walk downstairs where he was now face to face with a huge washer, and now he will have another problem.


(I plan on making the last part the ending.  The catch is I made this story so open ended with plot many many endings will be made.  So all of these endings will satisfy my watchers.)

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