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Author's Chapter Notes:

Sorry, sort of short chapter. 

Once the clock struck 5:00pm, Madison made a dash for her car. Her day had seemed to go on a lifetime since her meeting with Dr. Volpe. All she could think about was getting back and making sure that James was okay after Volpe’s remarks and comments tipped it off that he might have known what was going on. She  burst through the main doors, disregarding any co-workers or other employees in her way. She had one mission on her mind, and nothing was gonna stop her from it. 

Dr. Volpe watched out his office window as Madison practically ran through the lot, pushing by people, and having no regard for anyone in her way. She looked like someone panicking, like someone hiding something, like someone guilty, and he knew he had her practically in his trap, he just needed to know for sure that the portal had been a success.

Madison raced home, becoming impatient behind every driver in front of her as if she was a NASCAR driver behind a pace car. It was only about a 20 minute ride home, but every minute on the road felt like an eternity to her as she became more and more anxious with each passing moment. Her mind raced with thoughts of what had happened today and what she had to do next in order to protect herself, but more importantly James. Was he okay? Safe? Still even there? If so, what did she need to do next in order to keep him safe? Where would she hide him? Then her heart sank, if she could fix whatever the issue may be, and re-connect the portal to his universe, would she lose him forever? She was on the verge of tears. She had only just met him, but it seemed as if they had known each other for years at this point and felt as comfortable as a couple around each other. Part of her thought selfishly and pondered the idea of keeping him here with her, making him her boyfriend, living together in harmony, but she knew each passing moment he spent here, he was in danger. She fought back tears at the thought of it all, and just needed to see him to settle her nerves and compose herself. 

She finally arrived at her complex and hastily pulled into her spot. She raced to her apartment and juggled her keys in her hand attempting to retrieve the correct key to enter in. As she entered in the correct key, she discovered that her door was unlocked, causing her fears to become a reality. She had distinctly remembered locking the apartment that morning before she left, which meant that someone had broken in. With the idea of someone possibly being inside, she opened the door slowly and peaked her head in to see if there was any sign of someone inside. The lights were off and everything seemed quiet, but she couldn’t be for certain. She carefully stepped inside and closed the door behind her. She wanted to run through to make sure it was all clear, but she didn’t want to run through the apartment carelessly and potentially step on James if he happened to be in the open and in her path.

“Hello….?” She called out cautiously, as she gripped a can of pepper spray in her hand for her own protection. “Anyone there?”

She slowly took a few steps in, minding her foot placement with each step to make sure James wasn’t right there. Her heart pounded in her chest and felt like it was about to burst. She made her way slowly and methodically through her apartment, towards her bedroom, make sure no one was hiding anywhere along the way. She wanted nothing more than to call out to James, make sure he was okay, find him, care for him, but she couldn’t risk someone hearing her call for him if there was someone still inside. She made her way to the bedroom and once she had entered and checked everything, she confirmed the coast was clear, and she could finally search for James.

“James! Where are you? Please if you hear me, just make yourself visible and stand still!” She called out as she set her items down on her bed. Her heart pounded even harder as she began scanning the ground below her for any sign of life. She dropped down to her knees and got close to the floor to look around at his level, to see if there was any sign of him. She scanned along her bedroom floor, and saw no sign on James. She carefully rose once more, and proceeded out of the bedroom to investigate further for him.

It had been a few hours since James’ ordeal with the hired henchmen of Dr. Volpe. He was dropped and kicked around and his body couldn’t handle the trauma. The last thing he remembered was holding on for dear life and his world spinning as the sock he hid himself in was kicked by the brute of a henchman. He came too once more to the sound of the apartment door opening with a slight creak in the hinges. His whole body ached, more than it did from the other night with Madison. His head pounded and was still heavily dazed. He couldn’t tell which way was up and struggled to find any sense of baring in the sock. He swore he could hear Madison calling out, but he was too dazed to be sure. He attempted to call out back, but it was futile. At his size and his location, she had to find him on her own. With all of his strength and energy, he attempted to climb his way out of the sock, that he had ended up in the toe of. With each motion and pull towards the entrance, his body screamed in pain. He could tell there was some pretty serious damage done to him from the fall and kick, but couldn’t tell for certain what it was. Each time he pulled himself closer, a shooting pain shot through his arm into his shoulder. His head spun like crazy as he fought to grab a fresh breath and with each breath, a shooting pain ran through his chest. He just knew he had to be discovered soon and helped, or else he was in deep trouble.

Madison had finished searching her bedroom and bathroom and still found no sigh on James. She moved into the living room and went to investigate the doll house that he was living in. She noticed the water cap that she had left for him spilled out and flipped over on the floor outside of the home along with the crumbs of food she left for him to eat. She didn’t however see any sign of James. She became increasingly worried at this and searched around the floor and furniture in the room. If he wasn’t in the doll house hiding, he had to be near by, but the overwhelming fear that he had been discovered ran through the back of her mind, as she saw no sign of him anywhere. She looked by the TV stand and the coffee table and then looked towards the sound. She got down on all fours and peaked under to discover nothing else other than a lone sock tucked underneath. She didn’t recall it being there before, so she reached in and gently grabbed it.

James felt his whole world moving all around him, as the sock he was in was dragged from underneath the sofa. He tried to maintain his position in the sock as it moved, but was unable to do so as it was lifted up. He sank back down to the toe of the sock and with that, drifted back off into unconsciousness from the pain and exhaustion. Madison carefully lifted the sock up and gently felt around it on the outside for any sign of James. Her heart felt relieved as she felt the tiny form on someone in the toe, but realized there was no motion in return from it. She carefully laid the sock on the table and elevated it to roll James out of it, not knowing if it was him or not, and worse, if he was still alive. She had tears rolling down her face as James’ limp body rolled out and flopped out onto the table in front of her.

“Oh Jesus James, please wake up!” She pleaded as her eyes filled even more with tears. She choked back a cry and wiped her eyes as there was still no response from him. “Wake up!” She cried louder, as tears were beginning to fall around him from her. She gently nudged him with her finger, searching for any sign of life or reaction. 

“Oh god, no… no please no….” She cried as she began to fear the worse. Had she failed him in the one thing she promised; protecting him? She began to bawl her eyes out as James ceased to move to any finger nudge or sound or her pleas. She threw her head into her hands bent over the table as she cried her eyes out and assumed the worse. She had caused his death for the lack of protection she provided, and now, this poor defenseless mans’ life was on her hands for failing to keep him safe. What hurt even more, is she realized in that moment, that she had grown so attached and close to him, so much so that it was crazy to say, but she had caught feelings for him. She continued to cry into her hands, thinking of what to do next.

James was dreaming of home. He as in his apartment, in his bed, watching tv and relaxing. He had his phone in one hand, messaging friends. They were talking about plans to go out for the night, to have a good time, and who knows, maybe return with a girl and have some fun. But something was off, he didn’t want to go out searching for a girl. He didn’t have that desire or need. As he looked back up laying in bed from his phone, that’s when he saw her. It was Madison, only she was normal sized compared to him. She wore her caring smile and eyes as she came closer to him in bed. He had an overwhelming sense of calm and serenity with this image. She wore some of his clothes that were extra baggy on her as she crawled into bed next to him. She rested her head on his shoulder and cuddled up next to him. He leaned over and kissed her head and took a deep breath to reveal the sent of her floral lotion filling his nose. He smiled and looked down at her as her blue eyes looked back up to him. All was right in the world. He could feel the love she was showing him and couldn’t help himself from saying “I love you” to her in the dream. 

Madison, tried desperately to compose herself. She started to wipe tears away and clean her face, and in doing so, could have sworn to hear something come from the table in front of her. She wiped her eyes and could see ever so slightly some motion in James. “Oh my God, James, are you okay? Are you there?” She said with a sliver of hope. “Please wake up!”

James swore he heard something coming from the TV, but couldn’t take his eyes of Madison in his arms. He forgot completely that she was actually hundreds of feet taller than him and was only stuck in the moment of laying with her in his arms. He heard her call his name in the dream, and stated again “I love you”. 

Madison saw James toss and turn slightly and mumble something under his breath. She become overwhelmed again with emotions, only this time, it was with relief and happiness. “James, I’m right here, wake up please!” She said softly, hoping to break him out of his trance.

James saw Madison in his dream begin talking to him. She was smiling and telling him she was right there. He smiled and said again, “I love you.” 

Madison heard clear as day as James called out saying “I love you” as he tossed and turned in his state. She felt a rush of tears come once more, only this time is was tears of joy and happiness in hearing those words come from his mouth. 

“I love you too James!” She said with a laugh as tears poured down her face. A single drop fell from her cheek and landed directly on James. James saw Madison in his arms say I love you too, and decided to lean in for a kiss, only to be jolted awake by the warm splashing sensation of water covering his body. Madison’s tear has jolted him awake. He coughed and fought to catch his breath in labored pain, but opened his eyes to see Madison smiling down with tears in her eyes upon him. He realized he was just dreaming, but saw the girl her loved right there. He gave a slight smile as his naked body laid there in her tear. He took a moment to catch his breath and compose himself as Madison wiped away her tears in relief.

“So, did I miss anything?” He said for some comic relief to relieve Madison of the emotional rollercoaster she had just been on. 

“She wiped away her final tear and laughed back at him, shaking her head at his comedic timing. 

“I love you too James” is all she said as James smiled back up at her and closed his eyes to lay back down.

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