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Author's Chapter Notes:

Sorry for the delay, but here's a new chapter! Thank you guys for the comments, they keep me motivated! I know some of you are going to be particularly excited about the action in this chapter. Remember to tell me what you guys think!

In the last two weeks, Annabelle had been violated in ways she couldn't have dreamed of before. But as her tormentors—both past and present—lounged in her bedroom, she realized she never truly understood what a true invasion of her privacy could look like.

She had a good view of everyone in the room, as Naomi had taken her usual stance of leaning against a wall with her arms crossed.

Leah and Molly sat on Annabelle's bed—a sight that made Annabelle want to somehow vomit and cry at the same time. Just by being in the room, they had desecrated one of the few places in which she had felt somewhat safe when she lived in this town.  

Harper was attempting to snoop without it being seen as snooping. She casually glanced and glided her fingers over the various objects on Annabelle's desk.

But it was Zoey who Annabelle couldn't keep her eyes from. The amazonian turned titaness, had taken Annabelle's desk chair and was comfortably splayed out in the black chair. She was noisily devouring a box of cookies. Annabelle watched her enormous maw smack loudly as she crushed the cookies between her sharp teeth. Annabelle couldn't help but picture her own tiny body trapped in her maw, being absolutely obliterated by her molars. The Shrinkee shuddered at the mental image.

Zoey seemed relaxed, but her blue eyes scrutinized over the giantesses' every movement.

"So," Zoey said, her voice causing Annabelle to flinch, "Anna's friends—the other ones—said there was some kind of issue with their hotel room, so they couldn't make it."

Leah tilted her head with a frown, "Oh really? That's too bad."

Annabelle bristled. She knew the giantesses had done something to prevent her friends from visiting her house. Although the Shrinkee was aggravated by the giantesses' audacity, she was also relieved that her friends would be nowhere near her tormentors. 

Molly changed the subject, "Mrs. Cooper said she wanted to give us some things of Anna's?"

Before she answered her, Zoey tossed a handful of cookies into her mouth and regarded the chubby girl with intrigue. She swallowed with a nod.

"Yeah, she something about that," Zoey started. She looked over the other giantesses and asked, "So I understand the other freshies becoming friends with Anna, but how did you all know her?" 

For a split second, Annabelle noticed the giantesses exchange glances. Molly answered, "We've known Anna from the start of the semester. Since we're graduating next year, we were looking for someone to take over as one of the student leaders of the university. She had the grades and the temperament for the job."

Annabelle watched Zoey's familiar sneer flicker across her face for a quick moment before it disappeared into a more curious expression. She tilted her head and asked innocuously, "Really? Anna? You think she had the right temperament?" 

Harper put down Annabelle's old keychain and frowned at Zoey. "Anna would've totally made an amazing leader. She was smart and kind and generous," Harper implored. 

With a change in inflection that was so slight Annabelle was sure only she noticed, Zoey nodded with a smile, "She was generous."  

Annabelle's stomach twisted in the familiar way she'd felt for the last four years. Her cheeks grew warm from embarrassment. She thought she had been making strides with her confidence and self-assuredness, but just one passive aggressive comment from Zoey, and she was back in the high school cafeteria, eating lunch alone. 

To an outside observer, Zoey's comment may have seemed complimentary, but Annabelle knew Zoey was implying what Zoey was  constantly implying—that Annabelle was promiscuous. 

Despite the fact that Annabelle had her first kiss only two weeks ago, Zoey had somehow convinced the entire school that she'd slept with most of the men in their town.

Throughout the years, those rumors had caused a lot of unwanted advances from both her classmates and some of the adults around her town. To compensate, Annabelle had taken to wearing baggy clothes and hoodies.  

If the giantesses picked up on Zoey's double entendre, they didn't show it. 

"So what was Anna like when she was younger?" Harper asked, her eyes beaming with curiosity. 

The knot in Annabelle's stomach became more intense. The other giantesses also looked mildly curious.

Zoey looked over at the giantesses with a small smile. Annabelle could tell she was considering all of her options. Zoey was rarely impulsive when it came to her. The way she had tormented her for four years had always been so strategic. 

For once, Annabelle wasn't worried. She didn't think Zoey would talk about what had happened during high school. There was no way she would want to be associated with how Annabelle was treated. 

Zoey folded her arms and sighed, "Well—"

Just then the sound of the front door unlocking pierced through the bedroom. 

"Zoey?" Zelda's voice called out. Annabelle breathed a sigh of relief. She wasn't thrilled about Zelda giving away some of her belongings, but hopefully it meant the giantesses would finally leave this town behind.

"We're in here, Mom," Zoey answered. 

Zelda appeared in the room holding what looked to be a photo album. Still, that's not what Annabelle was focusing on. Trailing after her step-mother was the only friend she had made in her four years living in this town.

Their family's old bloodhound, Maggie, slowly trudged behind Zelda. Annabelle watched as the gigantic dog rested her head on top of Zelda's feet as soon as she had stopped walking. Her wrinkly face and floppy brown skin hid her brown eyes.

Like Paisley, it was amazing to see a living creature Annabelle should've towered over, as an enormous entity. Still, Annabelle couldn't help but produce a small smile when she saw Maggie. 

Maggie was an old dog, and Annabelle had always found comfort in her calming energy. Though, the dog was a bit of a coward. She'd always whimper and scurry away when Zoey started to "play" with Annabelle. But after it was over, she'd sometimes  lick Annabelle's wounds. 

Annabelle turned her attention from Maggie and towards her step-mother. Zelda's sad face softened when she saw everyone around the bedroom. 

"I'm so glad you could make it," she said gratefully. "I just want to say that I'm thankful Anna had friends like you all."

Annabelle sighed. Her gratitude was sorely misplaced.  

"Oh of course, Mrs. Cooper. Thank you so much for inviting us into your home," Naomi said kindly. 

Annabelle was thankful she hadn't eaten anything in a while, or else she would've been upchucking it. 

"Where's Don?" Zoey asked. 

Zelda's smile dimmed a bit. "He's back at the grave site. He wanted to stay a little longer by himself," she answered. 

Annabelle's heart hurt for her father. She couldn't imagine the pain he must've been feeling. 

"What's that?" Zoey said, gesturing at the photo album.

Zelda smiled sadly, "It's the Cooper's family photo album. Don wanted to bury it with Anna, but he changed his mind and told me to bring it back to the house."

Annabelle pressed her face against the locket. She didn't recognize the photo album at all. In fact, the actual brown book it was in looked pretty new.

As if to answer her question, Zelda said, "He had a box of loose photos of Anna and his...well Anna's sister and mother. Before Anna moved to Queenston he was going to give it to her as a graduation gift." 

Zelda looked down at the photo album wistfully, "Ultimately, I think he decided against it. I don't think he wanted to remind Annabelle of the past."

It was difficult for Annabelle to see the giantesses' reactions when her own eyes were filling up with tears. The tiny girl could barely see right in front of her.

So when suddenly she heard Naomi's heart beat faster with a slight yelp from the punk-rock giantess, Annabelle was startled. 

She wiped her eyes and looked at what was happening. Down below near Naomi's legs, Maggie had started sniffing around. Annabelle peered down, astounded. She hadn't even seen Maggie move from Zelda's feet. Maggie jumped onto Naomi, causing the punk rock giantess to slightly stumble against Annabelle's bedroom wall.

The gigantic old dog began to energetically sniff Naomi's dress. 

Zelda winced at the dog's behavior. "Sorry about that," Zelda apologized earnestly. She handed the photo album to Zoey and clapped her hands together. "Come Maggie, sit," she ordered.

Maggie ignored her and continued to sniff Naomi. Annabelle watched the huge dog intensely. The first feeling that passed through Annabelle was fear. Although she loved the dog, Maggie looked absolutely monstrous. The second sensation was unease. Something was strange about her. Maggie looked determined—as if she was looking for something. 

Annabelle clambered to her knees. Was it actually possible that her dog had picked up on her scent? 

The giantesses must've had the same thought, as both Naomi and Harper—who was suddenly by Naomi's side—laughed awkwardly while trying to pull Maggie away.  

Annabelle couldn't let this opportunity get away from her. She banged against the locket with all of her might.

"Maggie! Here girl!" She shouted. 

In the slightest of movements that only a Shrinkee would notice, Maggie's ear twitched. Her big brown eyes met Annabelle's as the bloodhound locked onto the locket. 

"Maggie!" Annabelle screamed with desperation. 

Annabelle saw Maggie's nose twitch. The dog sniffed near the locket. Naomi and Harper's awkward laughter was gone as they tried to pull her away. Maggie's huge wet snout grew closer and closer. 

Just then, a gigantic hand appeared. Zelda's wrist—strong and firm from years of yoga—tensed as she grabbed Maggie's collar.

"Bad! Bad girl!" Zelda scolded the bloodhound. She pulled a whimpering Maggie back. Annabelle slumped back on her behind. She knew it'd be a long shot. She tried not to let her disappointment overcome her. Her best plan was still to find Camilla and escape. Still, if there was a possibility to escape this hell even a second sooner, she was going to take it. 

"I'm so sorry," Zelda apologized again. She laughed uncomfortably, "I guess she just likes you."

Naomi chuckled with discomfort as she wiped the slobber from her dress. "Lucky me," she muttered. 

Annabelle checked the giants' reactions. The giantesses seemed relieved that Maggie had been removed from Naomi.

Zoey, of course, was still munching on the cookies and enjoying the show. Maggie was her dog too, and yet she hadn't moved a single inch to help Zelda.

Although Zelda had moved Maggie away from Naomi, the dog was still attempting to pounce on her again. Zelda frowned at Maggie as she held her back. "What has gotten into you?" She said to the bloodhound.

Zoey shrugged, popping another cookie into her maw, "She's probably just stressed from having so many unfamiliar people in her home."

Zelda looked at Maggie with newfound concern. "Oh poor girl," She turned to her daughter, "Sunbeam, I'm going to do some breathing exercises with her until she calms down. Why don't you and Anna's friends look through the album together. I think it will help you heal."

The giantesses' perked up at the mention of Annabelle's photos. Zoey rolled her eyes, "Sure Mom, whatever you think will help."

Zelda smiled gratefully, missing her daughter's sarcasm. She turned to the giantesses. 

"I'll be back soon. Make yourselves at home," she smiled.

With that, Zelda left with a reluctant Maggie. In the new quiet of the room, everyone stared at the photo album in Zoey's lap. The blonde allowed a small smile to spread across her lips.

Annabelle could see the wheels in Zoey's head spin, as she no doubt considered her next move. There was nothing Zoey loved more than pushing people's buttons. The Shrinkee didn't particularly care if Zoey irritated her captors, but it would more than likely delay the giantesses from leaving as quickly as they could.

Zoey held the album in front of Leah and Molly. When Leah reached for it, Zoey abruptly pulled it back. Even from Naomi's spot on the wall, Annabelle could see Leah's eyebrow twitch. 

As Zoey's smile grew, Annabelle could tell she also noticed the giantess' irritation. 

"Sorry, but I was just wondering about something," Zoey said innocently. 

Annabelle's stomach was starting to twist itself again. Zoey was in one of her playful moods. She sensed tension in the room, and she wasn't going to let go until she was bored.

"What do you want to know?" Leah asked. Her green eyes met Zoey's blue orbs. Annabelle's heart sunk.

Living with the giantesses for two weeks had left Annabelle with the ability to discern their more microscopic movements and what they meant. There was a slight inflection in Leah's voice that Annabelle recognized. The emerald eyed giantess was challenging Zoey. 

Zoey began flipping quickly through the photo album. She held it close in front of her, away from the giantesses' field of vision. She looked up at them with a smile. "You guys said you knew Anna since the start of the semester. Were you close?"

Leah wasted no time answering. "Yes," she stated.

"So I guess she told you all kinds of things about herself," Zoey said, her smile unwavering. 

Annabelle couldn't tell what Zoey was getting at, but she knew whatever it was, the giantesses wouldn't like it. 

Leah's small smile remained, but her eyes were cold. "Some things," she answered simply.  

"Did she tell you about her disorder? That she was a Shrinkee?" Zoey asked slowly, but evenly.

Annabelle winced as the words came out of her mouth. For the longest time, Zoey finding out about her disorder had been one of Annabelle's greatest fears. Because of how the giantesses had framed her death, she had assumed Zoey had learned of  her Shrinkee status, but to hear her say it aloud was paralyzingly terrifying. 

This time it was Naomi who spoke, "Yeah, she told us."

Annabelle frowned. Technically that was true, but it was closer to the truth to say that she had told a room full of people—both Shrinkees and the (pre-)giantesses—that she had HDD. The giantesses had set up the Shrinkee meeting, so it wasn't as though she had "come out" to any of them.

Suddenly, dread filled Annabelle.

That wasn't true.

Repressed memories of the night of her birthday flashed through her mind. 

That night, she had made the biggest mistake of her life. It was her largest regret. She'd spent the last two weeks avoiding the fact that she was hugely responsible for her own entrapment. 

For as long as she could remember, her father had always told her to never reveal her status a Shrinkee to anyone—and Annabelle had lived by that rule.

Right until the night of her birthday.

Like the emotional intoxicated idiot she had been, Annabelle had confessed everything to Harper. Everything

Zoey's eyes turned steely. "She told you?" She reiterated. Her smile had fallen. Annabelle knew how much of a blow this was for Zoey. Her step-sister prided herself on knowing—and manipulating every single aspect of Annabelle's life. For something this big to slip past her was a huge attack on her ego.

Harper practically skipped over to the bed and plopped down next to Leah. Annabelle couldn't tell if the co-ed was purposely egging the athlete on, or if she was just that oblivious. 

"She told me first," Harper said, essentially bragging. 

Annabelle noticed the ends of Zoey's fingers turned white as she gripped the album tighter. Still, her facial expression hadn't changed.

"Oh yeah?" Zoey said with a small smile, "Were you guys particularly close?" 

Annabelle gnawed on her thumb. This was bad. This was exactly what she hadn't wanted to happen.

Harper's smile expanded as she nodded, "We always had this, like, personal connection. From the moment I saw her, it was like our souls were—"

"That sounds really cool," Zoey interrupted with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. She abruptly stood up and tossed Molly the photo album. "I'm going to get more cookies," she announced before leaving Annabelle's room.

The other giantesses instantly turned to Harper with annoyed expressions. 

"What are you doing?" Leah chastised. 

Harper's blonde brows furrowed. "What? She asked me a question," she said defensively. 

Annabelle was just relieved Zoey didn't attack Harper right then and there. The athlete could show restraint when she had to, but she rarely had patience when it came to Annabelle. The Shrinkee was sure that if Harper had been allowed to continue, she would've beaten her to a pulp. 

Molly just shook her head and opened the photo album. Annabelle's world shifted as Naomi made her way to the bed. Annabelle was weightless for a moment as Naomi sat down next to Molly. 

Annabelle glanced down at the album and then closed her eyes. She didn't know whether to look away or not. The album was intended as a gift for her, but once again the giantesses were imposing themselves on her personal life. 

She decided to refuse to let them steal another thing from her. She peered down at the album. 

The giantesses squealed at the very first photo. It looked like it was taken right after she and Beth were born. Annabelle was wearing a onesie and staring directly into the camera. There was already a tuff of dark red hair on top of her head.

Harper quickly snapped a photo with her phone. Annabelle cringed, she should've known the giantesses would react so obsessively. 

The giantesses flipped through the album snapping photos at every opportunity. They went quicker than they probably would've liked, but they were most likely worried about Zoey's return. 

As they went through the book, Annabelle was forcefully taken down memory lane. Although the giantesses skipped through photos of anyone that wasn't her, Annabelle tried her best to examine the photos of her family. 

There were photos of her sister playing soccer, and generally being a wild child. In all of her photos, she had a mischievous and gleeful look in her eyes. Although she was only seven minutes older than Annabelle, Beth had always acted like a much older sibling. Annabelle couldn't count the number of times Beth had protected her from neighborhood brats and stray dogs and bugs. 

Even as a twin she was one of a kind.

Annabelle tried to find as many photos of Beth as she could, but the giantesses were making it difficult with their stubborn focus on photos of just her. "Just let me see my goddamn sister for a second," Annabelle grumbled.

Just then the giantesses stopped at a photo. When Annabelle laid eyes on the photo, she also froze. She felt her breath catch in her throat. Feelings began to creep up—feelings that she had long since locked away.

Staring back at her with brilliant and deep brown eyes was her mother. The photo was simple. Her mother was sitting at their old piano, smiling up at the camera. 

"Woah," Harper breathed. 

"She's so pretty," Molly said.  

Leah nodded, also transfixed by the photo. "I see where Poppy gets her looks from," she said tracing the photo with a gigantic slender finger. 

"She looks just like her—except for the hair," Naomi noted.

The giantesses' comments about her mother made Annabelle oddly proud. When she was younger she had also thought her mother was the most beautiful woman in the world. 

"Wait," Harper suddenly said, drawing both Annabelle's and the other giantesses' attention to the blonde. Her face stared intensely at the photo. "Is she...like foreign?" She asked.

Annabelle groaned and rolled her eyes. Again, the giantesses were proving that money couldn't buy brains.

Molly looked at Harper incredulously, while Leah sighed.

The emerald eyed giantess replied, exasperated, "You were just complaining how I keep information about Poppy away from you, but you obviously didn't read Poppy's familial background that I provided. If you'd had, you'd know Poppy's father is English and Scottish, and Poppy's mother is Moroccan and Brazilian."

Annabelle shook her head. She wasn't even surprised at the giantesses' invasion of her privacy anymore. She didn't want to think how they had even managed to obtain that information.

"Harp," Naomi started, she sounded amused, "Did you think Poppy just had a deep tan or something?" 

Harper's cheeks turned red. "Whatever," she mumbled. Annabelle flinched as the blonde turned to Naomi's locket. Her huge finger tapped against the neckwear. 

"This just makes me wuv her even more now," she cooed. "She's so exotic! Her family is from all over the world!" 

Annabelle cringed while the other giantesses rolled their eyes.  

"Come on, I want to finish before she gets back," Molly said, tapping the photo album. Leah continued going through the book. They had stopped cooing over every individual photo. 

Every time they found of photo of her they snapped a picture with their phones and moved on to the next one. Just as they reached the final page, Annabelle heard the bedroom door open.

The giantesses causally put their phones away and pretended to be still be flipping through the album. Annabelle held a desperate hope that somehow, Zoey would notice the giantesses' creepy photo taking. Nothing real would come of it, but she'd like to see them squirm for once. 

Zoey returned, already munching on the new box of cookies. She was too fixated on her snack to even begin to suspect the giantesses of any out-of-line activity. Zoey plopped down onto the chair. She seemingly appeared to have moved past her aggravation. 

Annabelle wondered what she had done to relieve herself. When she had lived here, Zoey worked out any frustrations by "playing" with her or exercising intensely. 

Annabelle looked her tormentress over. She didn't seem out of breath or showed any other signs of exhaustion. The Shrinkee sighed. She didn't like this. It felt like the calm before the storm.

Zoey nodded to the photo album in Molly's hands. "She's cute, right?" She said proudly, grinning. "Actually, that whole family looks like they could be in one of those stock photos." 

"Do you have any pictures of her when she was in high school?" Harper asked brightly. 

Annabelle winced while Zoey didn't miss a beat. She causally threw a few cookies into her mouth. "You know how some teenagers can be. She was pretty shy, she didn't like to be photographed." 

Then as almost an after thought, Zoey added, "Plus, she moved in with us not so long after all the stuff with her mom happened. Anna was generally pretty mopey, but I like to think I helped her out of her shell a bit."

Annabelle clenched her fists at Zoey's suggestion. Annabelle barely had enough time to process the situation with her mother before Zoey began her torment.

Annabelle looked up at the giantesses to see their reactions, and was surprised to see them look concerned.

The Shrinkee's head knocked against the locket's wall as she felt Naomi lean forward a bit. The giantess' voice vibrated the locket. 

"About Anna's mom—" Naomi started before she was interrupted by Zelda, reentering the room.

Zelda stepped into the room with purpose. Her face betrayed stress and her breath was thin. 

"Zoey, do you know what happened to Anna's things? The box I was going to give her friends?" Zelda asked with slight desperation. 

Zoey turned her head to her and raised an eyebrow, "No, what's wrong? You can't find it?"

Annabelle watched the giantesses tense up. Zelda's brows furrowed, "No, it was in the garage, but there's paint all over it."

Zoey frowned, "Why was it in the garage?" 

Zelda sighed, "I didn't want your step-father to have to look at it."

Zoey shook her head with a deep sigh, "Well Maggie must've gotten into it somehow. I'll help you try to clean it up." She stood up to her full massive height.

Zelda turned to the giantesses, "I'm so sorry girls. Hopefully, this won't take too long."

Molly shook her head, "Oh don't worry about it, Mrs. Cooper, we're grateful you're even giving us some of her things."

Zelda's face shone with appreciation, "You girls are so sweet. Oh, and remember to also save some of Anna's belongings for her other friends—Oliver, Chloe, and Isabella."

The giantesses nodded with pleasant grins that stayed on their faces until Zoey and Zelda left the room.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Naomi grumbled, "Fuck those freshmen, they're not getting shit." 

Leah flipped her hair and leaned back on Annabelle's bed. "Obviously," she said flatly.  

Harper jumped up from the bed and began immediately rummaging through Annabelle's drawers. The Shrinkee sucked in air and exhaled deeply. She had known it would be only a matter of time before Harper started looking through her things. 

Annabelle looked at the blonde giantess when she heard her giggle manically. "Found it," she said gleefully.

Annabelle's entire body burned with embarrassment as the blonde held a pair of panties in between her fingers. 

Without hesitation, Harper smothered her face into the fabric. Annabelle cringed as she heard her breathe in deeply.

Molly shook her head with amused disgust, "Seriously Harper?"

Annabelle could hear the grin in Naomi's voice as she teased her, "You are such a pervert." 

Harper finally lifted her head from the panties. She had a wide smile on her face. She hummed as she shamelessly placed the panties into her purse. 

Leah only raised an eyebrow at the blonde. Harper shrugged with a satisfied grin, "You guys are just jealous because you didn't think of it first. Plus, if Poppy's stuff really is ruined from the paint, then I want at least one souvenir." 

Molly frowned, "I hope they get the paint from her things. I wanted to see what it could be."

Annabelle laughed dryly to herself. The second Zelda had said her belongings had been covered in paint, she knew Zoey had been the culprit. It wasn't even a question for Annabelle. She knew Zoey had been pissed off earlier. Annabelle was just happy no innocents got hurt this time. 

"I'm sure that—" Leah started to say just as the bedroom door crept open a bit. The giantesses instantly froze. Annabelle turned to see Maggie slowly inching into the room. Her black nose was to Annabelle's floor, sniffing around.

The giantesses relaxed. "It's just the dog," Molly exhaled. 

The giantesses watched Maggie sniff around for a moment. Harper abruptly began to erupt into giggles. 

"What?" Leah asked the bubbly blonde. 

The blonde answered through her giggles, "I just think it's funny how our pet had her own pet."

"Yeah that's hilarious, Harp," Annabelle heard Naomi say sarcastically.  

Leah's green eyes observed Maggie. "She's not the kind of dog I'd picture Poppy with," Leah noted.

Harper frowned, indignant, "Of course! Like, Poppy is so cute, and that dog is so not. Poppy should have had, like, a poodle or something." The blonde gasped and turned to Leah, "Leah, can dogs have HDD?"

Leah rolled her eyes with a sigh, "We're not getting Poppy a tiny dog."

Harper pouted, "Why not? It would be so cute. Just think, a puppy for my Poppy."

Annabelle groaned and covered her ears. She wished they would just stop talking—forever. 

"Our Poppy," Naomi corrected. "And Harp, do you really think you could handle anything taking Poppy's attention away from you? Even if it was a cute palm-sized dog?" 

Harper hesitated, then deflated, "Yeah," she admitted, "If she loved it more than me, then I'd have to flush it down the toilet or something," she concluded. 

Annabelle shuddered for the imaginary Shrinkee-dog. The giantess really was deranged. 

"Um guys," Molly said, breaking everyone's attention from the inane conversation. The chubby giantess gestured to Maggie, who was still sniffing around the room.

"I think the dog might be picking up on Poppy's scent," Molly said. Annabelle peered down at Maggie. It didn't look like she was following a particular path like she had when she tried to sniff the locket. The bloodhound was sniffing in a more random pattern.

Leah sat up and glanced down at Maggie. "I don't think so," she said.

Naomi added, "Mol, this locket is made out some of the densest material out there. You couldn't break it open with a sledge hammer."

"Yeah but—" Molly's thought was interrupted by Maggie's sudden movements. With energy and vigor Annabelle never could have expected from such an old dog, Maggie pounced on Naomi.

Annabelle screamed as the gigantic dog's mouth lurched at her. She jumped back against the locket's wall. Maggie's long, pink tongue pressed against the locket. Slobber coated the neckwear. Annabelle could only see into the deep darkness of Maggie's maw.

"Fucking shit!" She heard Naomi yell.

Annabelle was jostled around and flipped onto her back. She didn't know what was going on outside of the locket, but she heard a lot of grunting and swears from the giantesses. Annabelle was violently shaken again. 

Light shone into the locket once more. Naomi had grabbed the locket from Maggie's maw, and was pulling it back. Annabelle tried to steady herself, but the shaking was too intense. 

Naomi's giant fingers clutched around the locket, attempting to secure it from Maggie's grasp. Instead, it did the reverse. 

Her finger pressed against the locket, opening the door behind Annabelle. Both Naomi and Annabelle yelped in surprise. Instantly, Annabelle was bombarded with humidity. 

The air in the locket became thick with dog breath. Annabelle quickly started to breathe from her mouth. Annabelle clambered to her knees. She looked at the locket's opening door. There were no handles, so there was no way to close it. Annabelle's feet began to get wet, and she realized Maggie's slobber was flowing into the locket. 

Suddenly, Annabelle was thrown back against the wall. Wind whisked through the locket, as Annabelle saw Naomi's giant fingers grow further away. Her world started to shake more aggressively, and the Shrinkee fell to the locket's floor again. 

It didn't take Annabelle long to realize that Maggie had escaped from the giantesses' grasp and was on the move. Annabelle couldn't see too much outside of the bloodhound's enormous teeth. The sound of Maggie's nails on the hardwood let Annabelle know she was no longer in her bedroom. 

Annabelle was too terrified of the possibility of being swallowed by her dog to feel any relief from escaping the giantesses. 

The locket was filling up with more and more slobber. Annabelle struggled to at least sit up, so her face wouldn't be covered in the disgusting drool.

Just as she finally was able to steady herself on her knees, Maggie abruptly stopped in her tracks. Annabelle fell forward, face planting into the drool. 

A new set of fingers entered Maggie's mouth. Annabelle yelped as the locket—and she along with it—was snatched out of the bloodhound's maw. 

The locket was lifted high into the air. Annabelle's stomach flipped upside down. She didn't know who had the locket, but it sure wasn't Maggie anymore. 

Annabelle groaned as she sat up on her butt. Just from the cold air she could tell the locket's door was wide open. First, she looked down and jumped back when she saw just how high up she was. Based on the tiles she knew she was in the kitchen. Far down below, was Maggie, whimpering and jumping on the pair of legs belonging to the person who held the locket. Annabelle followed the legs until she craned her neck to see the face of the locket's new possessor. 

Annabelle's blood froze. She backed up against the locket's wall until her spine started to creak.

"No no no no no no," Annabelle whimpered. 

Above her, Zoey's massive head loomed above. In a rare act of mercy from the universe, her gigantic step-sister hadn't yet seen her. She dangled the locket's chain between the tips of her thumb and finger, but her attention was on the whimpering dog below.  

Annabelle was petrified. The locket's door was wide open. At the right angle all Zoey would have to do is look down, and she would see her. 

"Bad dog!" Zoey admonished Maggie. Annabelle flinched at her step-sister's booming voice. The Shrinkee began to shake. She had never felt fear like this before. Even when she watched the giantesses slay dozens of Shrinkees, she hadn't felt this utterly terrified. 

Zoey was absolutely massive. The athlete had terrified her before she had shrunk, but now Zoey was bigger than any mountain. 

If she were to find her when she was only a few inches tall...

Annabelle couldn't stop shaking. "P-Poppy," She stammered under her breath. "P-Poppy t-take over. Y-You can have my body, please I can't do this." 

Tears filled Annabelle's eyes when she was only met with silence. Annabelle inwardly cursed her hormone created hallucination. Of all the times to ignore her, she had to choose now.

Another voice momentarily took Annabelle's attention away from the fear. 

"Maggie! What has gotten into you today?" Annabelle heard Zelda scold her. Annabelle tore her eyes away from Zoey and looked down to see Zelda putting a leash onto Maggie's collar. Annabelle went to war with herself, trying to decide if she should attempt to get Zelda's attention. 

If her step-mother discovered her, then she would give her to her dad. But, then the giantesses would come after her father. There was also the possibility that Zoey would convince Zelda and her father to become her primary caregiver. Annabelle shuddered at the thought.

There was no chance in hell she would take that risk. 

"I'm so sorry about her. I'm going to calm her down in my bedroom," Zelda said to the giantesses, who Annabelle hadn't noticed until this point. They stood a few feet across from Zoey, looking pale. They didn't even respond to Zelda. They were obviously trying to hide their panic, but Annabelle could sense their desperation. They probably thought Annabelle was going to call out for Zoey at any second. 

In any other instance Annabelle would've basked in their distress, but the Shrinkee was too preoccupied with her terror to enjoy the moment. 

As Zelda dragged Maggie out the kitchen, Annabelle was locked onto Zoey again. Now that Maggie was gone, the enormous athlete held a glint in her eye that Annabelle recognized. It was the same glint she held when she was in one of her playful moods. However, this time it was directed towards the giantesses. She must've sensed their desperation, and was going to jump on it. 

"Sorry about that," Zoey said glibly. She grinned, "Maggie's getting a little deranged in her old age."

Naomi took a quick step forward. She extended her arm to take back the locket. "That's okay," she said, her colossal hand heading straight for Annabelle.

Annabelle was jerked back, as Zoey yanked the locket away from the punk-rock giantess. Annabelle pushed her body back into the locket's wall. With the door wide open, Annabelle knew it would be a long way down if she fell. 

Zoey glanced between the locket and Naomi. Annabelle knew Zoey could only see the top of the locket from her angle, and not from the side where she was out in the open, but it didn't stop the Shrinkee from freezing every time her blue eyes focused on the locket. 

Annabelle could tell Naomi and the other giantesses were struggling not to make direct eye contact with her in order not to draw attention to her.

Still, Naomi looked to be running out of patience as Zoey snatched the locket just from her grasp.

Zoey's face contorted into a pseudo grimace. She let out a playful tsk, "Don't touch it, it's covered in old dog slobber. I'll wash it for you. It's the least I can do."

Naomi responded with a strained smile, "That's okay, it's an expensive locket and there's a special cleaning—"

Zoey chuckled, "Don't worry about it, I'll just rinse it off. I assume it's water proof, right?" Zoey didn't wait for her to answer. Annabelle started to shake again as the locket jostled with every step her gigantic step-sister took.

Zoey approached the kitchen sink, and the Shrinkee's dread overwhelmed her. She could call out for help, she couldn't scream. The giantesses only stood frozen, they looked unsure of how to proceed. 

Annabelle watched her enormous step-sister turn the faucet on. The roaring water assaulted her ears. Annabelle's body stiffened. Once Zoey started to wash the locket there would be no way she wouldn't see her. Zoey slowly crept the locket towards the running water. The giantesses must have been making agitated expressions otherwise Zoey wouldn't be drawing this out so much. 

Zoey's voice boomed over the roaring faucet, "Actually, I think will be easier."

Annabelle didn't have time to even let Zoey's words digest before she was abruptly moved over to the right side of the sink. An enormous dish pan filled with murky water was directly beneath her. The Shrinkee took a deep breath and clenched her eyes shut. Annabelle knew Zoey wouldn't give the giantesses time to react.

And she didn't.

Annabelle became weightless as Zoey plunged the locket into the dirty water. The water slapped against Annabelle's skin like a whip. Water engulfed her completely. Annabelle held onto the walls of the locket for dear life. The water was murky, but she didn't want to take the risk of Zoey spotting her in the dish pan. From above the surface of the disgusting water, she heard muffled voices—no doubt the giantesses. Annabelle was too panicked to wonder what they were saying.

Annabelle's body tugged against the weight of the water. Zoey was pulling the locket out. When she resurfaced, the water flowed from Annabelle's ears and she was able to hear clearly. Naomi was saying something about the locket's metals. Annabelle couldn't concentrate on the giant people around her.

Her head was spinning from the smell of the water. Annabelle glanced down at her legs and saw the remains of what looked to be a chewed piece of leftover pasta. The Shrinkee cringed and kicked it away from her limbs.

The locket began to swing again. Zoey was once again on the move. Her step-sister's footfalls boomed in her ears. Even as she was perched high above in the locket, the massive blonde's movements were almost deafening to her.

Annabelle leaned back into the locket. Zoey's strides were longer and faster than the giantesses', so Annabelle had to take extra care not to be thrown from the locket. 

Zoey soon reached Annabelle's bedroom. However, instead of reclaiming her chair, Zoey leaned against Annabelle's desk. The giantesses followed from behind, walking tentatively. It was as though they were afraid any sudden movements might key Zoey in on Annabelle's presence. They also seemed to avoid looking anywhere near the locket.

That was the wrong move. Annabelle knew Zoey liked her victims to be attentive. 

Sure enough, Zoey began swinging the locket with more purpose. Annabelle flung forward and landed on her chest. She closed her eyes and pretended she was on a roller coaster ride—an unregulated, unsafe roller coaster ride. 

Zoey's thunderous voice managed to find its way to the nauseated Annabelle's ears.

"Oh, I'm just drying it off for you." Annabelle could hear her smirk. "This looks expensive, but the chain broke off pretty easily, huh? I mean, it's not like Maggie's a spring pup anymore."

Annabelle heard Naomi's terse voice reply, "Yeah, I'm going to have a long talk to the...manufacturers about that."

Zoey's chuckle vibrated throughout the locket, "You should do that. But it doesn't seem that bad, I mean it can handle this."

Suddenly, Annabelle's spinning intensified. The locket started swinging in the opposite direction. In an instant, Annabelle found herself tumbling across its floor. She slipped out of the locket's open door. 

Through pure instinct, Annabelle grasped the floor of the locket before she plummeted down miles and miles to the floor. Her edges of her fingers barely held her as she dangled freely from the locket. Even in this perilous position, Annabelle couldn't help but glance up at her massive step-sister. Somehow she hadn't noticed her. Her focus was on the giantesses rather than the locket.

Although she knew it was entirely fucked up, her dangling position had left her more terrified of her lack of coverage from the enormous athlete, than the potential of falling miles to the floor. Zoey's pink lips were still moving as she passively taunted the giantesses. Annabelle watched her angled jaw moved up and down while she carried a cocky smirk. Her step-sister was amazingly powerful looking. Annabelle knew that if she just causally looked down at the locket, she would spend the rest of her life under her unyielding, and tortuous control.

That was enough motivation to attempt to climb back into the locket. Annabelle strained every muscle in her arms to pull herself up. Surprisingly, she had the strength to do it, but both Zoey's swinging and the residual water from the sink was making it difficult to keep a steady grip.

Annabelle wanted to scream, cry, or even whimper, but she knew any sound she made had the potential to get her caught. Still, Annabelle was moments away from being overwhelmed by panic. Any second, Zoey could decide to look down. Annabelle glanced at the giantesses.

Her stomach sank. She was sure it was purely instinctual, but they were directing more glances over to her. If they kept it up, Zoey really would look down to see what they were staring at. 

On top of that, Annabelle was starting to slip. She could feel it. Zoey was going to look down and find her.

Just then, Leah's proud voice cut through Annabelle's mental spiral. "I was wondering about something," she said evenly, without a trace of anxiety. 

Zoey stopped swinging, causing one of Annabelle's hands to slip. The Shrinkee's fingers screamed as she held herself up with one hand.

Above her, Zoey had become intrigued by Leah's comment. Her massive mouth dropped its smirk. Zoey stared dead ahead at Leah. 

"Yeah?" She said.

Annabelle heard the springs of the bed come to life as Leah sat down. 

"You seem pretty caviler about your step-sister's death," Leah said bluntly.

Before Annabelle could witness Zoey's reaction to Leah's challenge, Annabelle finally felt the surface of the locket's floor slip away from her finger's grip.

Silence temporarily found her as she plummeted towards the floor. The passing wind swirled in her air as her weightless body tumbled down. Either through luck or sheer terror, Annabelle's lungs were so restricted that she couldn't summon the air to scream. Silently she fell for what seemed like minutes, until she landed onto her hardwood floor—hard.

It took a moment for Annabelle to actually feel the pain. But when it finally came, it nearly rendered her unconscious. Her entire body hurt. Although her eyes were dry and she had a difficult time seeing anything other than the floating white spots in her vision, she could tell that she'd broken her left arm. The blinding pain coming from her spine let her know her back was most likely broken too.

Annabelle's vision began to clear, allowing her to her surroundings. When she finally did, she wished she'd remained blind.

Above her was a sight she had only seen in the most horrifying of her nightmares. Zoey towered above her. The titaness' frame spanned miles above the tiny girl. From her perspective, the Shrinkee could see muscles that might go unnoticed at human size. Annabelle was directly beneath her titanic step-sister. Her massive feet flanked both sides of Annabelle's small body. She was so close to her feet, she could feel the warmth and smell the faint musk from the gigantic peds. If either of Zoey's feet moved even an inch she would've touched her.

Annabelle's terror was momentarily put on pause as she felt the bones in her arm begin to mend. Her arm exploded in pain. She bit down on her lip and her eyes filled with tears. She was terrified to even let so much as a whimper pass from her lips. Though, she doubted Zoey would notice if she screamed.

Above her Leah and her step-sister seemed to be having an intense conversation. Annabelle watched Zoey's colossal head tilt. Her eyebrow was raised and she had regained her smirk, but Annabelle watched her massive toes clench right next to her. The sudden movement almost caused Zoey's big toe nail to scratch Annabelle's cheek. Annabelle wanted nothing more than to slink away, but her back was still broken.

"You think I don't care that my sister is gone?" Zoey asked with a dry chuckle.

Annabelle heard the bed springs creak in the distance. She was sure Leah had just repositioned herself on her bed. If she hadn't known Leah well enough, she would have assumed the noise was her withering under Zoey's gaze, but Annabelle knew the raven haired giantess was more than likely baiting Zoey with a condescending expression.

Leah's flat voice rang through the bedroom, "I just think it's odd how you're snacking away and smiling when your step-sister was buried only a couple of hours ago."

Zoey made a flippant musing sound and peered at what Annabelle assumed was Leah. After she stared at her in silence for a moment, Zoey finally said, "Anna and I have a very special relationship. Of course I'm bummed that she's not here with me right now, but I know we'll see each other again."

Annabelle's skin crawled at the conviction in Zoey's words. There was absolutely no reason for her to think Annabelle was still alive, and yet she sounded so sure.

Zoey's words must have alarmed the giantesses, because Annabelle heard Molly's slightly unnerved voice say, "You speak like she's...you know...still alive."

Zoey gave the chubby giantess a small smile and stood up straighter. In her slight movement, she lifted her foot to shift herself. Annabelle's heart nearly exploded. Without warning, she was engulfed in the shadow of Zoey's foot. The huge foot hurled towards her. Fueled by pure adrenaline, Annabelle rolled out of the way.  

She panted from fear as Zoey's foot landed right where she had been. What was probably a silent movement for the titaness, was the massive thud of a giant foot colliding onto the floor for Annabelle. A full second passed before Annabelle realized her back was not causing her blinding pain. It was still sore, but it had healed itself.

Before she could allow the slightest of relief to wash over her, the colossal co-eds' conversation from above continued. 

"Why do you assume she's dead?" Zoey retorted calmly. 

Annabelle heard Harper's anxious voice say, "T-The police said the bus crash killed everyone."

"There was no body," Zoey shot back. The giantesses must have been making disapproving expressions, because Zoey added, "Look, I know how it sounds—that's part of the reason I haven't mentioned it to Don or my Mom, but I know my sister, and I'd know if she were dead."

"And you're simply certain of this?" Leah challenged. 

Zoey chuckled again, "Yeah," she said with a grin. "I know Anna better than anyone—including herself. She's a lot tougher than some bus crash—I made sure of that," she said with pride.

Annabelle wanted to scream. Over the years, one of Zoey's "explanations" for tormenting her was "she was trying to make her tougher". If anything, Annabelle had gotten this far in spite of Zoey, definitely not because of her.

Leah's tone changed, it was less accusatory and more patient. "Then tell me how Anna became different since she met you," she asked.

Annabelle watched Zoey's face light up. Her massive mouth spread into a large grin. The titianess' blue eyes danced along the ceiling as she considered Leah's question. 

Just then, Annabelle felt a vibration through the floor. She froze, thinking it was Zoey's foot again, but she noticed the vibration felt more distance and even more subtle. Annabelle sat up and turned around. The giantesses were staring at her with desperation in their eyes. Leah looked slightly calmer as she wore her poker face. Annabelle's gaze landed on her gigantic hand. She was taping her toe onto the floor and making a beckoning motion with her finger. 

Annabelle grimaced. She understood now. Leah had asked Zoey that question as a distraction, and the giantesses were telling her to use the opportunity to make her way across the room to them.


Not them. She would never choose them willingly. Still, she couldn't be caught by Zoey either. Annabelle hurriedly scanned her room. Her step-mother had cleaned out most of her stuff. There were not that many places to hide. 

Annabelle's eyes found a pile of her old hoodies. Zelda probably had set them aside to donate. They were in the same direction as the giantesses, so they would most likely think she was running towards them, until she would veer left at the very last second. Annabelle cringed. It was risky, but it was better than nothing.  

Before Annabelle's fear could paralyze her feet, she was off running. Her left arm and back still hurt, but she could still run. Annabelle ran as fast as she could—which admittedly—was pretty fast. It had been a while since Annabelle had been allowed to exercise in a manner that wasn't directly catering to the giantesses. The Shrinkee was surprised to see she was much faster than she had been before she'd shrunk.

Annabelle kept her eyes on the pile of hoodies. She knew that if she looked up, the giantesses would be watching her, and was afraid she would be thrown off from her goal. 

She quickly ran across the room. Just as Annabelle was preparing to veer left, she was thrown to the ground by the vibration of Zoey's sudden and loud stomp. Before Annabelle even hit the ground, her heart sank. She was sure Zoey had seen her.

Her step-sister's voice boomed around her, "I just remembered! Anna hadn't even had her period when she came here. I practically had to teach her how to be a woman."

Annabelle didn't know whether to feel relieved or deeply embarrassed at Zoey's sudden declaration. She decided on relieved, as Zoey had not discovered her. Though it did not last long. The titaness was still talking about Annabelle's first mensuration, but she had also started walking back to the desk chair.

The chair was directly in the path of the hoodies. At best, Zoey would spot her, at worst—Zoey would step on her and then spot her. Zoey's thunderous footfalls shook Annabelle with every step. 

Annabelle knew she needed to hide. Fast.

The Shrinkee scanned the room. There was nowhere to run. Annabelle wanted to just curl up into a ball and tune the world out. 


She couldn't give up that easily. Annabelle looked over the room again. Just as Zoey was only a few steps away from her, Annabelle saw something that reminded her of the night she had first been shrunken. An idea formed in her mind. It was a bad idea, but it was an idea.

Once again, Annabelle's feet were braver than her mind. She took off in a completely different direction. She ran as fast as her little feet could carry her. She made a beeline towards the desk chair—directly towards the box of cookies that her step-sister had been devouring earlier. The bright purple box had been tossed on its side after Zoey had been first irritated by Harper.

Annabelle knew it was a dangerous idea. She knew it was a stupid idea. But it was her only idea.

The Shrinkee ran for the box. If she was lucky, Zoey would close up the box and put it away in one of their cabinets. Then, Annabelle could escape before the giantesses got to her, and figure out what to do later.

With heavy foot steps behind her, getting closer by the second, Annabelle raced up to the box of cookies. Without giving herself time to doubt the plan, Annabelle dove straight into the box of cookies. 

Since Annabelle had been shrunken, there were many things that made her disorientated due to the drastic change in the proportion of everyday objects. The cookies were not an exception. They were huge to the Shrinkee, easily twice the size of her head. 

Outside of the box, she heard Zoey's giant feet approach. The desk chair screeched and creaked. Annabelle was sure Zoey had just sat down.

Zoey's voice reached the inside of the box. "You know she couldn't drive too. I tried to teach her, but she just kept freaking out on me," Zoey chuckled.

Annabelle took a moment from being scared to appreciate the absolute bullshit Zoey was spewing. Due to their busy schedule, Zelda and her father had passed the task of teaching Annabelle to drive over to her step-sister. All it resulted in was Zoey sporadically screaming at the top of her lungs and reaching over to yank the steering wheel abruptly. Zoey had claimed it was to "prepare her for anything on the road". 

Annabelle gave up pretty quickly after a few "lessons", leaving her dependent on Zoey for rides. Annabelle was well aware that had most likely been Zoey's goal. 

The only silver lining of the situation had been Oliver giving her private driving lessons over the summer. She wouldn't trade those memories for anything.

Without warning, Annabelle's reminiscing was forcefully interrupted. She found herself being lifted up high as the cookie box was suddenly grabbed. 

She knew it was Zoey who picked the box up. Her step-sister's voice boomed louder than when she had heard it before. All of the box's shuffling had landed Annabelle on her back, on top of the mountain of cookies. Light shone from above and into the box. She was able to see Zoey's massive face from below. The titaness was still blathering on to the giantesses about her.

"These things are addictive," Zoey said, her voice echoing though the box. "Anna likes sweet things too. She loves fruit and any dessert."

Annabelle's stomach dropped as she saw Zoey start to raise her gigantic hand—then lower it towards the box. Her fingers descended into the box straight for Annabelle. The Shrinkee shut her eyes clenched her entire body, and prepared for the worst.

"W-Wait!" Molly's voice yelped. It startled both Annabelle and Zoey. Annabelle peeked her eyes open and saw Zoey's fingers had stopped mere inches from her body.

"I-I was just wondering what Anna's favorite dessert was—because I remember her saying it was chocolate cake, but now I'm thinking it could've been cherry pie," Molly said.

Annabelle watched Zoey's face break out into a grin, "Oh it was definitely ice cream," she said with a quiet chuckle.

Annabelle knew why she was laughing. Sometime during her junior year, Annabelle had eaten the last fudgesicle in the freezer. In response, the next day Zoey and her friends had bought out all of the ice cream at their local grocery store, scooped it into a large bucket, and dumped it on her in the middle of the cafeteria during lunch.  

It was a traumatic memory for Annabelle, but for once she was grateful for it. Zoey was obviously lost in the memory. The titaness distractedly removed her fingers from the box as tapped her fingers across the box's sides. 

Annabelle didn't waste the distraction Molly provided. She flipped over onto her stomach and began tunneling down deeper into the box. She crawled past cookie after cookie, until she felt Zoey's hand shake the box as she began reaching into it for more cookies. 

From the cracks of the cookies, Annabelle was able to see Zoey's ginormous fingers snatch a handful up and shove them into her wide maw.  Her giant step-sister chewed noisily as she always did. However, when Annabelle was this close to her, the sound of her chewing was almost thunderous. Annabelle listened as she heard the cookies break apart in her mouth, cracking under the slightest pressure from her sharp teeth.

Annabelle shuddered. She was starting to realize just how perilous her situation was.

After a huge swallowing sound, Zoey reached into the box again. This time, she grabbed an even bigger handful. More light crept into the box. Annabelle's cookie coverage was dwindling down.

The Shrinkee cursed herself. How could she be so stupid? She'd seen Zoey eat three full boxes in one sitting. She should've known Zoey would empty the box easily. 

Zoey poured the new handful of cookies into her mouth. Like before, Zoey easily decimated the cookies in her maw. Zoey reached into the box again. Her gigantic fingers nearly grazed Annabelle's head. As Zoey chewed, Annabelle knew she was running out of space. 

She had to come up with a new plan, but her fear was forcing her head blank. Each time Zoey's claw like fingers grasped the giant cookies, Annabelle couldn't help but think she might be next. It was all Annabelle could do from screaming every time she saw Zoey's enormous hand. 

Suddenly, Annabelle was violently flung into the side of the box. Cookies collided into her tiny body and landed on top of her. As she tried to regain her bearings, she heard Zoey's muffled protest through her full mouth.

Naomi's voice pierced through the box. "Sorry, but you made them look so good," she said. Annabelle's eyes widened and her heart pounded in her ears. She looked up to see Naomi's giant face peering down into the box. It was the first time she had seen Naomi's face since she'd been placed in the locket.

Her brown eyes were still bordered with heavy eyeliner, but most of her facial piercings were gone. She had probably gone with a more conservative look for Annabelle's funeral. 

Annabelle watched in horror as her fingers—nails coated in black polish—came barreling towards her. Annabelle squealed—making noise for the first time since she'd left the locket, and drove deeper into the pile of cookies. She could hear Naomi's hand digging through the cookies for her. 

Zoey must've been giving her a strange look, because Naomi said, "Oh, I always go for the cookies at the bottom—everyone knows they're the best part."

Annabelle dug through the cookies faster. She could feel the warmth from Naomi's hand getting closer. Annabelle hit a wall of carboard. She had come to the bottom of the box. The Shrinkee kicked the box and scratched at it, desperately attempting to make a hole.

Annabelle attacked the box until she was engulfed in warm darkness. Naomi had found her. The punk-rock giantess clasped her tightly in her hand, not allowing any space for Annabelle to fight back. Still, that didn't stop the Shrinkee. She squirmed and wiggled, attempting to break free. 

Annabelle used all of her strength, but she stood no chance against the co-ed. Naomi began to lift her from the box. Tears filled Annabelle's eyes. This was closest she had been to escape in a while. She didn't know if she could mentally take all of the "almosts" any longer. 

Abruptly, Annabelle's pity party was interrupted by a sight that terrified her on a cellular level: Naomi's open mouth.

It all hit Annabelle at once. She had been so concerned with getting caught, she had forgotten that Naomi had recaptured her under the guise of trying some of Zoey's cookies. Since Zoey was undoubtedly still watching, she would be expecting Naomi to eat the "cookie".

"N-No...no," Annabelle whimpered. 

Naomi must've heard her, because she quickly threw her into her maw before she could make any more noise. Instantly, Annabelle was sent into darkness.  

A primal fear took over the Shrinkee. She was in a mouth. She was in a human mouth. She was engulfed in darkness and thick, warm saliva. Naomi's tongue was her ground. She couldn't see it, but the smooth, slimly thing, was its own creature. The tongue was still for now, but Annabelle's instincts screamed that it was dangerous. Annabelle also took note that Naomi had removed her tongue piercing, so there was absolutely nothing to hold onto. 

The "air" which was essentially Naomi's recycled breath, was sticky and hot. There wasn't a lot of space to move in the mouth, but the dizziness Annabelle felt made it seem as though she was in a vast, hot, and flooded cave.

The cavernous mouth began moving. She still couldn't see anything, but she heard Naomi's gigantic teeth slam and grind into each other. The Shrinkee screamed, and Naomi began humming to drown her out. The small rational part of Annabelle knew Naomi was only pretending to chew so Zoey thought she was eating the cookies, but the primal part of Annabelle's brain only heard chewing and was convinced she was about to be grinded up between the punk-rock co-ed's teeth.

Annabelle continued to scream. Words were far past her mental abilities now. There was only fear. 

The fear turned to horror, as she heard different parts of Naomi's throat come alive. Behind her, she heard Naomi's throat muscles contract and expand.

Naomi was swallowing. Annabelle could only cry.

Gravity began to betray her, as she felt the enormous tongue shift sideways. Her feet were the first to slip down against the slimy tongue. Annabelle tried to grab the tongue to no avail. Naomi's saliva was all over her hands. It was in between her fingers, under nails—Annabelle had not way to hold onto anything. 

The Shrinkee slipped down until she no longer felt the tongue against her stomach. She fell further and was constricted on all sides of her body. She felt the pressure increase.

There was no doubt for the Shrinkee that she was in Naomi's throat. She felt the muscles of the throat move again. They cascaded over her tiny body like a bumpy massage chair. Annabelle heard the swallowing sound again, this time it was louder and bounced off her ear drums.

Annabelle moved deeper into the throat, crying the entire time. She moved faster until she no longer felt the intense pressure. Suddenly, she was in free fall. Her crying was interrupted by a quick scream as she landed into hot liquid with a plop. Annabelle quickly closed her mouth as the liquid came into contact with her tongue. It tasted like vomit.

Annabelle knew she was in Naomi's stomach. Though it was a concept she couldn't wrap her head around. She knew the logistics of it. She knew she had just been eaten by the co-ed, but her mind couldn't connect the situation into reality. 

She was a teenager. Teenagers didn't get eaten whole by co-eds.

Annabelle didn't know what to do. There wasn't much she could do.

Breathe in.

Annabelle coughed as she inhaled one of the worst smells that had come into contact with her nose. The mantra wouldn't work in this situation. 

She couldn't even concentrate. It was so loud. Annabelle didn't know what she expected the inside of a stomach to sound like, but she hadn't predicted this. It was like an organic factory. She heard everything regarding the inner workings of Naomi's body.

From her heartbeat to the expanding of her lungs, Annabelle heard it all. It was overwhelming—so overwhelming that Annabelle almost didn't notice her skin had begun to burn. The Shrinkee couldn't see anything inside Naomi's stomach, but she could tell she had been wading in a pool of Naomi's stomach acid.

The burning wasn't harrowingly painful, but it was definitely intense. Annabelle knew if she had light, she would see that her skin had turned red. 

Annabelle considered walking around and determining how much space she had in the stomach, but she knew it was pointless. She couldn't see a thing, and if she were being honest with herself, she didn't think she could will her legs to move. She was paralyzed with fear.

There was nothing she could do.

She didn't even know how long she had been in Naomi's stomach. It was impossible to measure time, and she couldn't hear anything outside of Naomi's organs. If she was moving Annabelle wouldn't know it. She was trapped and ignorant.

This was the lowest Annabelle had ever been. Annabelle knew there wasn't much lower than being eaten by a college student.


Annabelle's heart sank. She shook her head, "N-No, not you, not now."


Annabelle winced at what Poppy was implying. She wouldn't do it. She was not going to be digested. 


Annabelle slammed her hands over her ears, "Shut up, you fucking—"


Annabelle screamed and started sobbing. How could she deny the giantesses' power? Naomi had eaten her. She had been eaten. There was no greater show of dominance. How was she supposed to fight against power like that?

Even Annabelle's sobs were drowned out by the churning of Naomi's stomach. God, she was pathetic. Annabelle cried harder. She hated the giantesses, but she hated herself more.

Then it happened. Gravity reversed. One second, Annabelle was crying in a pool of stomach acid, the next, she was weightless in the air. Annabelle shot up until she felt the pressure of Naomi's throat return. She continued her ascent. Light burned her eyes as she saw she was headed straight out of Naomi's mouth. 

The stuffy air of Naomi's body evaporated and Annabelle felt cool air touch her blistering skin. The Shrinkee was shot out of the punk-rock giantess' mouth. After a few terrifying seconds in free fall, Annabelle landed directly onto Naomi's cupped palms. 

Before she could even understand what was happening. What felt like an avalanche of vomit crashed over her small body. Annabelle closed her eyes shut and clenched her entire body as she felt the hot, disgusting barf flow over her like a waterfall.

When the torrent was finally done, Annabelle weakly opened her eyes. One quick scan let her know she was in their van. The giantesses hovered above her wearing distraught expressions. Annabelle's ears were filled with vomit, but she could still hear the giantesses' muffled voices.

"Poppy! Poppy, are you okay?" Harper demanded, she had tears in her eyes. 

Naomi's lip quivered, "Poppy, I'm so fucking sorry."

Leah leaned in close. Annabelle was surprised to see even she had panic in her eyes, "Poppy, tell me if anything hurts," she insisted. 

Molly, who looked equally as upset, gently pushed Leah back, "Calm down guys, give her some space."

Annabelle's face crumbled as she looked up at the enormous co-eds. The giantesses and their giant concern only enraged Annabelle. She wished they simply treated her like a disposable toy. Then the situation wouldn't be as fucked up as it was.

She knew their deep concern aligned less with a friend or loved one getting hurt, and more like a beloved family pet getting injured. 

When they treated Annabelle like this it was only infuriating for the Shrinkee. She didn't understand them. If they could love her like a pet, what stopped them from loving her like a person?

Annabelle burst into tears, surprising the giantesses. The Shrinkee bawled in Naomi's ginormous palms. She let out everything she had been holding in, and sobbed. 

She felt one of the giantesses caresses her vomit covered back. Annabelle didn't push the finger away. She simply cried until her exhaustion pulled her into darkness.




Chapter End Notes:

Anna can't catch a break, can she? Tell me if you liked the vore action in this chapter. It was my first time writing anything like that, so I'm open to advice. I'm also open to any questions you have about the story.

Also, I loved reading your comments about the pairings you'd like to see. I'm hoping to surprise a few of you with what's going to be happening in the coming chapters.

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