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Author's Chapter Notes:

(Took a fair bit longer than I wanted to get this ready to go, but here's Part 1 of 3 for this story's alternate endings! Like in Stature of Justice, things won't work out quite so well for poor Athena and Apollo here. Enjoy!)


BAD ENDING #1 Chapter One

(While Athena and Apollo are in the robotics lab, before the Skye Device activates.)


“What the… is this thing doing something…?”

He turned, curious.

“What’s up?” he inquired, heading toward Athena. The redhead was standing next to Aura’s workbench. She had set down the gadget that this trip to the lab had been intended to drop off, leaving it right next to a quickly-scribbled note of apology, and was now holding something else, instead.

He suddenly froze, his eyes going wide. With his gaze fixed on the object in Athena’s left hand, he stammered a response to the awful feeling that had just set in over him, all other thoughts suddenly replaced by dread.

“Th-that’s not Ema’s invention, is it...!?”


Athena didn’t get the chance to respond; the Skye Device emitted a noisy buzz, visibly shuddering in her grip. Apollo staggered back, eyes wide. He couldn’t shrink again – it had been more than traumatizing enough the first time.

The device clattered to the floor, falling from Athena’s hand.

“A-Athena, what’s-…”

The redhead was frantically looking herself over.

“You’re not shrinking…”

For just a second, Apollo felt relieved. Maybe it had been a false alarm. The device could’ve just gone off with no one set up as its target, or just shrunk some inconsequential item somewhere in the room...

[Something’s wrong! Super-duper wrong!!]

Widget’s outburst instantly caused his relief to evaporate. Apollo looked on, too scared to guess at what was happening. Suddenly, the utmost dread overtook him. Athena wasn’t shrinking, that much was for sure – she was growing.

“A-Apollo, help…!!” she stammered, looking like she’d frozen up completely. Her body was expanding, her head drawing rapidly closer to the lab’s ceiling until she was forced to duck. Her knees bent, and she slumped uncomfortably forward, her size throwing Apollo into shadow as she blocked out the lab's ceiling lights. Just as stunned as Athena appeared to be, Apollo watched in disbelief. His friend was becoming so large that she wasn’t going to fit inside of this room at all in just a few seconds. “Make it stop-!!”

Athena had adjusted her posture to try and get a huge hand braced to the ceiling, but this movement caused her to lose her balance. She lurched forward, and Apollo gave a yelp of panic, moving backward until he collided painfully with Aura’s desk. The framed picture he’d been looking over rattled with the impact. Athena, meanwhile, had lurched forward, and one of her knees struck the floor, coming down directly on top of Ema’s invention. The device exploded into pieces, loose components scattering wildly around the room as it was obliterated by the powerful strike.

Still unable to regain her balance, and out of space above her, Athena toppled onto her front entirely, her hair spilling over onto Apollo’s position. He yelled, getting a mouthful of hair as his world was consumed with red. He was left to flail awkwardly in a heavy sea of strands, his composure completely shot.

He heard Athena grunt quite loudly, her panicked breaths becoming strained. What was happening…? For a split-second, he had expected Athena to stop growing when the Skye Device was destroyed, but was she going to…?




Apollo yelled, forcing the endless hair around him away from his mouth. He still couldn’t see a thing, but the cacophony of noise that now surrounded him gave him an alarmingly good idea of what was happening. Athena had become too large for the robotics lab to contain her, and she wasn’t finished growing yet, so there was really only one thing for it.

Something like ten seconds passed, and the horrible roar of noise finally began to fade. Apollo’s ears were painfully ringing as the red tangle of hair all around him began to move, lifting away from him.

He was on his back, staring upward. He made an uncomfortable, strained noise as he realized that he was looking directly up at Athena’s chest, which was hovering a short distance above him. Where was he, exactly…?

The pieces fell together after a moment. Athena hadn’t just broken through the ceiling – the robotics lab was on the space centre’s fourth floor, so she had to have crashed through the floor as well. Miraculously, however, he was still in the same place, his small section of floor apparently having been spared from destruction.

Athena’s outfit appeared unharmed, but she had to be a hundred… no, a hundred and fifty feet tall now, at least. Dust was swirling through the air, making her figure difficult to make out. It looked as if she had stopped growing, at least. She was on her knees again, having apparently pushed herself partly upright.

He tried to call out to her, but choked on the heavy cloud of dust.



He flinched; her voice was so loud

Athena’s vast body moved, shifting back so she could peer down at him. Familiar blue eyes came into view, so much larger than normal.

“A-Apollo, oh my God-!!”

A colossal hand appeared, and before Apollo could move anywhere, he was picked up, closing his eyes to block out the choking dust as he was lifted upward. He found himself staring down Athena’s enlarged face, her expression terrified. She was mumbling an incoherent string of words that sounded as if they were scattered across every language she knew.

She tried to speak to him, but finally fell silent, just staring back at him in horror. He shakily got to his feet, standing in her raised palm.

She really had crashed right out of the space centre. A generous chunk of the facility was in ruins now, with Athena’s body devastating every single floor. She was huge

“A-Apollo, where’s the the thing!? Where’s Ema’s device-!?”

For a second, he drew a blank. After the pause, a chill spread across his aching body as his mind finally began to piece the events of the past chaotic minute together. He could hear an alarm of some kind ringing in the ruined space centre, and as he looked around, it was instantly obvious that Athena’s enlargement hadn’t gone unnoticed. The entire space around the facility was about to descend into utter chaos.

“… O-oh, shit





BAD ENDING #2 – Chapter Three

(Just after Aura has knocked the shrunken lawyers to the floor, from her desk.)


Athena suddenly gasped, the tiny sounds barely even audible.


Her strained voice matched how sore she felt all over. She forced herself to roll over onto her back, sitting up. Where was Apollo? He’d been falling with her...

There. He was just a few steps away, lying on his side.

... He wasn’t moving.


She shakily tried to stand up, but both of her knees buckled immediately, and she toppled onto the ground again, coming down hard. It hurt, just like the last landing. After a moment to recover from the shock of hitting the ground again, she cursed quietly. She couldn’t just lie on the ground here while Apollo could potentially be even more hurt. It didn’t even feel like she’d broken any bones, and yet just getting herself off the ground was proving to be an incredible challenge.




A startled breath escaped her lips. That had been a pretty loud noise, and the ground had shuddered under her for a second.

(Don’t tell me...!)

If Aura was moving again, this situation was at risk of getting much worse. Athena groaned in frustration, once more forcing herself upward with both hands. She braced one knee on the ground, panting. Her red hair was hanging partly over her face, and she moved a shaky hand to brush it aside.


She nearly flopped right back to the ground in surprise, hearing Apollo’s rather noisy groan.

“Y-you alright, Apollo…!?”

She was on her feet at last. She heard Apollo cough, the sound very strained. Any concerns for herself vanished instantly. It was entirely her mistake that had put them into this situation in the first place, so the task of getting her friend back out of it was on her shoulders. If he was hurt...




She gasped, nearly falling over as the floor rumbled beneath her. Aura was definitely moving. Her heart thumping painfully in her chest and her limbs still aching, Athena rushed to Apollo’s side, turning her fallen friend over. His eyes were open, at least.

“A-Apollo, are you OK…!? Anything broken!?”

He looked rather stunned to be seeing her.

“W-we’re not dead…?” he asked, his usual loud voice dropped to a breathless rasp.

In any better situation, she might have laughed. “I don’t think we are…” she said. “Can you move at all…?”

Something pink appeared in her field of vision, and she jerked her head to the side. Her lengthy ponytail brushed across Apollo’s face as she moved, making him sputter in protest.

Aura had settled one of her feet on the floor, her colossal leg towering high into the air above the pair like some bizarre, alien tree. Its scale was astonishing, but Athena couldn’t think on it for long. Her wide eyes followed Aura’s leg until she spotted its twin. Just getting up from her chair, the skyscraper-high roboticist was moving in their direction.

“A-Athena…?” Apollo’s voice still sounded weak, but she could feel him moving, trying to push himself off the floor like she had. Unfortunately, while she would normally have helped him, there was a rather horrible sight keeping her preoccupied at the moment.

Almost in a trance, Athena watched Aura’s left foot rise into the air, hurtling unstoppably forward, directly toward her. She could see the older woman’s toes stressing the pink fabric of the tights containing them for just a moment before she and Apollo were cast into shadow.

She opened her mouth in a scream, dropping on top of Apollo in whatever effort to shield him she could manage, but it could never have been enough. With the force of a building’s collapse, Aura’s foot made impact, crashing down upon them in devastating fashion.



An irritable frown on her face, Aura shuffled across the room, heading for the bathroom. She hadn’t needed it until just now, even when she’d last been standing just a minute ago. It seemed as if her body had patiently waited until the exact moment that she’d made herself comfortable to spring the need for a bathroom break on her.

Between her quiet, self-directed grumblings and the alcohol seeping its way into her system, Aura had no particular reason to notice the utterly puny crunch that had sounded from beneath her left foot when she left her chair, and was similarly oblivious to the faint stain of blood that she left on the floor with her next few footfalls. It had faded by the time she reached the bathroom.





BAD ENDING #3 – Chapter Four

(When the two lawyers are trying to climb up Aura’s body, starting with her panties.)


Concentrating was… not easy. In the couple of minutes that Athena and Apollo had thus far spent attempting to scale the high wall of Aura’s magenta panties, both had been trying their best not to think about just what part of the towering roboticist’s anatomy was just beyond the fabric layer, but between the body heat swirling around them and the noticeable scent filling their lungs along with their panting breaths as they climbed, it wasn’t working.

Apollo was anxiously biting his lower lip, his eyes wide and his head wrenched to one side as he tried to focus his mind on the climb alone. It was a valiant effort on his part, but it just wasn’t something he could manage – just beyond this single layer of magenta fabric was Aura’s crotch, and the strain he was feeling in the front of his jeans told the full story of how ineffectively his efforts not to acknowledge the colossal roboticist’s womanhood were moving along. The utterly massive sex hidden by the wall before him had to be bigger than the entire size of the Wright Anything Agency at this scale.

When this particular thought passed through his frazzled mind, Apollo instantly found himself envisioning the sight of Aura’s gigantic fingertips spreading her damp limps apart to allow her other hand to eagerly shove the three-floor building straight into her cunt, the structure of the office immediately being put to the test, and slowly crumbling against the pressure put forth by Aura’s inner walls-

He made a quiet, choking sort of sound, and shook his head. What in the hell was he thinking about that for…? Had his brief sight of Aura teasing herself a bit back in the bathroom really gotten his hormones that worked up?

He looked upward instead. The gap between his position on the magenta wall and Athena’s was widening; he had slowed down. Taking a heavy, shaking breath, he got moving at his original speed again, trying to catch up. Athena was probably going to reach Aura’s waist any minute.

His left hand slipped, and he gasped. The full weight of his body suddenly became all too obvious, and with a horrible lurch in the vicinity of his stomach, Apollo lost his grip. He yelled as gravity took its hold on him, flailing to catch the fabric wall again.

With a painful yank against his left shoulder, he found a grip again, swinging in place until his right hand was solidly gripping at the wall again.

“Apollo!!” he heard Athena call out, sounding alarmed. “Are you OK!?”

“Ngh-… Y-yeah…!” he called back. How far had he slipped…? Hopefully he was still at least halfway up…



Her glass pressed to her lips, Aura twitched. Out of nowhere, she’d felt a light twinge between her thighs, like a loose thread or something in her panties had briefly tickled at her. She nearly spilled a bit of her drink down her chin, catching herself just in time. She swallowed her sip and set the glass down, her grey eyes flicking downward. A thin smile crept across her lips.

She’d gotten a little excited, back in the bathroom. After such a frustrating work week, a bit of… private time was certainly appealing. Still, she’d gone through more than a few drinks already, and she didn’t like the idea of cleaning up after herself in the morning if she started masturbating right here, at her desk.

Battling thoughts flitted through her hazy mind, her eyes drifting closed.

… She could stand mopping up once she made her way out of bed. Her quarters needed a good cleaning, anyway.

Almost automatically, Aura’s left hand slipped from its spot on the desktop and crept down toward her waist, her thighs twitching slightly on the chair.



Athena frowned. She was close to reaching the relative safety of Aura’s waistline, but now Apollo was in trouble, back below her. Was he going to be able to make this climb…? She took a firm grip, looking downward. She could barely even see her friend’s position below her with her own body dangling from the fabric wall. The wall suddenly moved, and Athena yelped, startled. What was…

Her blue eyes shot open wide before she’d even finished turning her head back. A huge hand had appeared, fingertips gliding over Aura’s stomach to arrive just above her, right where she was intending to stop. Aura pushed her fingers smoothly into the space beneath her panties, and the fabric shifted away from her body. Her breaths becoming more rapid, Athena tightened her grip, her mind racing. What was Aura doing…!? Was she just itchy, or…?

(Sh-she wouldn’t… right here? Right now!?)

Athena didn’t have any more time to reflect on this new development. One of Aura’s knuckles struck her from beneath the magenta fabric of the huge set of panties, and she was knocked right off of the wall. She screamed, tumbling downward in a dizzying roll.


Apollo’s yell of pain was followed almost immediately by a crashing impact, and Athena rolled to one side, dazed. She’d fallen right of top of poor Apollo, causing him to crash all the way back down to Aura’s chair, as well.


She opened her eyes, blinking at the sight of blurred shapes dancing all around. Her vision started to clear, but when it did, her mouth fell open.

Aura was masturbating, most of her hand now buried in the front of her panties.

Athena’s mind was suddenly a complete blank. She felt transfixed, staring up at the unbelievable sight directly overhead – even after all the incredible things she had witnessed and experienced since first shrinking, it was difficult to even process that what was now before her was real. She could hear a slick, damp sound as Aura’s fingers visibly moved beneath the fabric layer of her panties, her apparent excitement already making her wet, it seemed. The sound was impossible to ignore, overpowering Athena’s sensitive hearing.

She and Apollo needed to get the hell away from here. She coughed once when she tried to push herself upright. The impact had left her feeling a bit stunned.


A deeply uncomfortable look on her face, Athena tried to beat down the thought of just how aroused Aura sounded already, her low voice drifting down from above. Between the soft moan and the continuing sounds of Aura’s fingertips exploring her pussy, however, the noises surrounding her simply couldn’t be ignored.

“Apollo?” she called out, trying anything to block out the sound.

“Ugh… r-right here…”

At least he was alright. It sounded like he’d landed just behind her position. She still needed a second to recover, but in a moment, she would be able to get up and help him.



Aura tried and failed to suppress another soft moan, her free arm resting on the desktop as she leaned heavily forward, her other hand buried in the front of her panties, palm resting over the trimmed, violet patch of her pubes. Her heavy breasts were pressed solidly to the desk, and her face was flushing even more red than the alcohol had already made it. She had her index and middle fingers inside of herself, shifting them in and out while the side of her thumb massaged at her aching clit. She hadn’t expected to end up feeling quite this horny this evening, but now that she was there, there was nothing else for it.

She needed to adjust herself a bit. Pausing, she used her free arm to push her chair backward a bit, away from the desk. Then, finding a more comfortable position for her lower body on the seat, she resumed.

Aura hadn’t noticed, but down on her chair, between her thighs, two puny figures had been struggling to stand, thrown for a loop when she moved the chair backward. Rolling into an awkward pile directly beneath where her hand was positioned, the two were suddenly being placed in incredible danger, being so close to her body.



Athena screamed first, but Apollo wasn’t far behind.

There had only been about four seconds of time between Athena getting shakily to her feet, reaching for Apollo’s hand, and the world rocking violently backward and hurling her back to the ground. She had landed on top of Apollo yet again, the pair rolling uncomfortably for a moment until they collided with a soft, incredibly warm wall of fabric.

They were directly making contact with Aura’s panties again, and now the gargantuan roboticist’s fingers were slipping back inside of her body, just inches above them.

It was unbearable. The overpowering scent of Aura’s body and her arousal filled their puny lungs, the fabric of her panties pressing down on them when she began to adjust herself on the chair. They found themselves pinned there, trapped beneath the soft ceiling.

… It was becoming damp, too. This was the worst way this situation could’ve unfolded, Athena was feeling sure. She tried to yell for Apollo, but with her whole body being pressed painfully to the chair, her chest compressed, she couldn’t manage anything more than a muffled groan of distress. Her heart was thundering wildly in her chest, her aching limbs fighting and desperate to escape, but now Aura’s body weight was focusing down on her entirely, and she couldn’t hope to fight back. She was being crushed into the chair by Aura’s pussy alone, and even more than the terror she was feeling for both herself and Apollo, she was feeling humiliated beyond description. They couldn’t just die here, smothered beneath Aura’s crotch while she masturbated right on top of them…

She was lightheaded, her sore limbs growing weaker. Athena fought, but before long, she had nothing left, and her senses began to fade, a dampness setting in against her shrunken body and her lungs filled with only the oppressive scent of Aura’s unbearable arousal.



This wasn’t going to last long. Aura’s arousal had turned to desperation – she needed this, and she needed it now. There was no way she could stand waiting.

She adjusted herself again, her free hand moving upward to slip in beneath her tank top and settle against one of her heavy breasts, cupping at it and massaging her rigid nipple as soon as she got her hand under her bra.

She was dripping already, soaking the chair beneath her. It would be a hassle to clean in the morning, but worth it for the feelings she was experiencing in her hazy mind right now.

For Aura’s two unnoticed guests, however, the end of the road had already arrived. With their comparatively massive host as completely oblivious to their presence and situation as ever, Athena and Apollo had expired already, smothered beneath Aura’s soaked panties as her grinding motions drove their puny, limp bodies into the seat.




Chapter End Notes:

(So, that covers three of the planned seven bad endings! Since not all of them end with deaths, let me know if you like the idea of any of them being expanded upon in a possible Alternates story! And please - leave a review if you've got a moment! I'd love to know what you think of this story. Do you have a favourite alternate ending?)

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