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Chapter 12

The beginning-of-the-year freshman dance was just a few days away, but for Jason, the days themselves seemed to crawl by. The reason why was because he wasn’t really doing much of anything. Even though he and Eve had parted on nominally good terms after their most recent strange (and brief) sexual encounter, Jason began to helplessly play Eve’s impassioned and vicious words back to himself, over and over, in his head:

“Just shut the fuck up and lie there like a little bitch!”

Her words kept looping and looping around his brain, as with each loop, the anxiety and pressure built from within. He deserved it — he knew he deserved it. He had cum far too quickly…what other kind of a reaction was he expecting from his girlfriend?! Lately, it just seemed like he couldn’t fuck to save his life…or his relationship, more specifically. Jason didn’t know what it was — maybe it was the extra weigh that Eve had put on. Maybe that was it…her hips and ass had thickened noticeably, and her legs were bigger and stronger from her increased appetite and exercise. Even her arms, just…looked great. Maybe that’s all there was to it; Jason just needed to get used to Eve being even hotter than he was accustomed to dealing with, and then…well, and then he would be ok. 

But even though he tried to convince himself of this simple explanation and easy fix, Jason knew that it wasn’t the whole story. There were other things going on: more mental and emotional than physical. Eve just wasn’t growing bigger physically, she was expanding mentally and emotionally as well. Very clearly, she was no longer content with the same old routine that they had in the bedroom. Personally, Jason didn’t see anything wrong with the kind of sex they’d been having — aside from the fact that he kept cumming far too soon, he thought it was great. But Eve obviously wanted more. She wanted him to…to dominate her, and not just in a light way like he was used to doing. A little smack on the ass wasn’t going to cut it anymore. 

No, Eve wanted him to overpower her, to overwhelm her, with his potent, aggressive, and confident sexuality. She wanted him to hold her down, pull her hair, talk dirty to her, objectify her, and make it clear who was the alpha in the relationship…or, at least, in the bedroom. Jason didn’t know what was wrong with himself — all those things definitely sounded hot to him, and there was no question that he was physically stronger than her (although he had been surprised by her strength during their wrestling match). He could totally be a dominant-type guy — in high school he certainly was. After all, he was the one who, sexually speaking, introduced Eve to pretty much everything. So why did the thought of Eve’s increased sexual needs and appetite leave him feeling crippled by anxiety and…terrified?

Jason didn’t want to think about it, but deep in his subconscious, he knew why. It was the same fear that he had been nursing ever since he and Eve had gone to college, the same thing that those guys had pointed out, snickering, a few days before — the fear that Eve was becoming too much for him, that she was outgrowing him, that she was becoming more and more out of his league. Jason knew that all of this didn’t have to be so. All he had to do was get himself back on a strict workout schedule, go to all his classes, get enough rest, and just…generally make decisions that would allow him to thrive in the college environment. He knew that if he just did all these things, he would have no problem building up the confidence to give Eve what she wanted in bed. He totally had what it took to match her — he knew he did. 

But Jason wasn’t doing anything. He felt trapped…paralyzed by the speed with which everything was now moving . Just a few weeks before, he and Eve had been hanging out all the time; it had been summer, and nothing had been wrong with anything. Everything had been perfect, until they were forced to live across campus from each other. And of course Eve just had to involve herself in her stupid math club that took up so much of her time. The real truth was, Jason wasn’t doing anything to rectify the situation because he had been emotionally hurt by Eve’s behavior. It wasn’t even her yelling at him during sex — if Jason was being honest with himself, her enormous sexual energy and vitality was an unbelievable turn-on for him, even if it made him feel small and inadequate. Rather, it was the fact that Eve had chosen to do all these other things with her time…rather than spend it with him. In Jason’s mind, Eve was the most important thing in the world; everything else, including his education, was secondary. But he couldn’t help but feel that it wasn’t the same for Eve. Jason was beginning to get the nasty, sickening feeling that Eve didn’t value their relationship as highly as he did. Why else would she be spending all this time doing “math-this” and “math-that” and “going to hang out with Shanna and Ben to do homework” and on and on and on. He was important too!

Jason knew that he was being petty and pouty. Deep down, he didn’t really think that Eve was behaving badly in any way. And that’s what made it worse: there was nothing wrong with the way that she was conducting herself, so Jason couldn’t even get to feel righteously angry that she was hurting his feelings. Instead, all he felt was small and sullen, despondent and childish. He just wished that Eve had the same exact approach as he did to their relationship. In high school, they didn’t have nearly as much agency to decide how they were going to spend their time, and now, in college, it had become quite clear that Eve didn’t want to spend as much time as Jason wanted to spend with her. It was that simple. Jason knew that she meant nothing by it, and that she still loved him and cared for him, but it was a painful thing to realize. 

And so, instead of brushing the pain aside and becoming active and dynamic, Jason sat on it, brooding. He still wasn’t eating well, he didn’t feel like working out much, and his sleep was troubled by long periods of lying awake, full of anxiety and worry, in the middle of the night. He couldn’t get Eve out of his head, and what she was becoming. In a way, even, he came to realize during these long, brooding nights that Eve’s increasingly thick and curvy body were a direct reflection of her inner state. Just as her body was getting stronger, and heavier, and more vibrant, her mind, and her sense of self, were likewise expanding, flourishing, and prospering. It was the exact opposite of what was happening with him. He had lost a few pounds already, and his still-impressive muscles were starting to get a little flabby. His brain constantly felt clouded by anxiety and lack of sleep, and his appetite, both for food and for intellectual stimulation, had faltered. 

Jason sighed as he rolled over in his bed a few days later. It was 4am, and he still hadn’t been able to sleep. He was in the midst of his usual cyclone of worry about Eve, and he had suddenly been seized with an idea. He wanted to see how much he weighed now. He knew it was going to be less…but he wanted to see by how much less. Jason pulled the scale out from under his bed. He didn’t really know why he was doing this, but he felt compelled to do it, as if pushed by some invisible hand. If he had looked further into the recesses of his mind and contemplated, he would have realized that he was going through the motions of “catastrophizing” his situation. He had worked himself up to the point where he was convinced that everything was bad, that Eve didn’t actually like him anymore, and that his muscles, which she she had been so attracted to in high school, were melting away. He stepped on the scale and shined his phone on the number that came up: 164.9. 

Jason felt an almost-smug sense of satisfaction, and he even snickered out loud into the darkness. He was lighter than he had been since his junior year. It was all happening…everything was crashing down around him. He didn’t even weigh ten pounds more than his girlfriend now, and, at the rate that she was going, she would be the same weight — no, heavier — than him before long. Jason felt a dull sickness creep up into his stomach, but he continued to smile bitterly. 

“Yep, so, that’s awesome,” he said out loud, throwing his hands up in the air as he kicked the scale back under his bed. “Fantastic…my girlfriend’s almost as heavy as I am.” How was he going to manhandle Eve like she wanted when she was even bigger than he was!? She was already five inches taller than him — the last thing in the world that he needed was for her to actually weigh more than him. It was the last thing that he held over her: she was succeeding in school, making new friends, eating right, exercising, and getting good sleep…everything he wasn’t doing. But she was still smaller than him. In the irrational mental gymnastics of his 4am anxiety, Jason suddenly decided that the only way that he was going to get Eve to stay with him is if he continued to weigh more than her. That was it — he would really start eating and exercising this time around. He knew that he had already promised himself multiple times that “this” was the moment when he would turn everything around, but he felt anew and desperate energy revolving around this latest attempt. As far as he was concerned, his very relationship with Eve depended on it. 

For her part, Eve preferred not to think too hard about Jason for the ensuing few days. She felt like she had lost control when they were having sex, and had given away too much about how she actually felt about him. Eve felt terribly guilty about it all — she knew that it was in Jason’s nature to brood a little about things, so why on earth had she let herself go far enough to yell at him and call him a bitch as she grit her teeth and squeezed another orgasm out of him with her pussy? Eve viciously chastised herself later on as she recalled his look of utter shock and…something like intimidation…in his eyes. Of course he was going to replay that over and over in his mind, and it was going to make him awkward around her for a while…to say nothing of how it was going to affect his performance in the bedroom. And it was all her fault.

But there was another side to Eve’s thinking. Even as she beat herself up about the moment, she was also asking herself what else she was supposed to do. Jason had really dropped the ball recently in terms of sex — didn’t she have a right to feel frustrated at him? Jason didn’t use to just crumble and cum in a minute; what was going on?! He just seemed…well, like tissue paper underneath her. The last few times they had fucked, she was the one who was definitely the dominant one, leading the exchange, making all the decisions. Jason was just lying there passively, that stupid open-mouthed look on his face, as he strained and strained, unsuccessfully, to keep from prematurely ejaculating. It certainly didn’t help that Eve was feeling hornier these days than she had ever felt in her life. Maybe it was all the food she was eating…or all the exercise…or just a combination of everything just being kicked up a few notches now that she was in college. Eve didn’t really know what it was, but she did know that she was feeling more vivacious and vibrant than ever…and Jason just…wasn’t really keeping up with her. 

Eve tried not to make too much out of it. She knew that he was having a bit of a hard time adjusting to the new college schedule, and after all, he did just want to spend more time with her, didn’t he? 

‘Oh no, a boyfriend who actually wants to hang out!’ she thought to herself with sarcastic bitterness, again scolding herself. If Jason’s weakness was pouting, then Eve’s was excessive self-reproach. She chastised herself for finding fault with his behavior. ‘He’s just having a little trouble getting used to everything,’ she told herself, ‘And he says a clumsy thing to William in front of Lauren and…he cums too early a few times and…I’ve already got it all worked out in my head that I’m outgrowing him. Come on, Eve! Lighten up a bit! Give the guy a chance!’

Eve assuaged her feeling guilt with these thoughts, but something uneasy still remained inside her. She just couldn’t shake the look on Jason’s face as she had snarled down at him and ridden him hard to his second orgasm. That wide-eyed, open-mouthed face…almost like a shocked puppy dog…it made her feel sick. Disgusted, even. That wasn’t the face of someone who could handle her, throw her around, dominate her. That wasn’t the expression of anyone who had everything all put together. No — it was the face of someone in over their head, overwhelmed, overpowered, overcome. And Eve hated that it was seared onto her mind. It seemed to pop up in random times in her mind, like it was trying to tell her something. She kept trying to push it away, but it was like buoyant thought in her mind: no matter how often and how intensely she pushed it down, eventually, it rose to the surface again.

She tried to distract herself by staying late at math club meetings, but the end result of that was that Derrick, the club’s leader, began to interpret her behavior as an invitation for him to become more upfront with his flirting. Eve didn’t really mind all that much — she admired Derrick immensely as an intellect (even though she wasn’t all that physically attracted to him), and she appreciated how much time and effort he had put into creating the club in the first place. And she had to admit, with the exception of his often-clumsy flirting with her, that Derrick was certainly well put-together. He absolutely had his shit together; he was on track to graduate and had hopes of joining an Ivy League graduate program. He was driven and ambitious, and Eve admired him for that. 

Still, though, after a little bit, his advances were becoming a little too forward, and Eve thought that, instead of directly confronting him about it, she would find a more creative and enjoyable way of showing him up. It was two days before the dance, and Eve decided that she was going to get a head start learning how to walk around confidently in her new 6-inch heels that Lauren had given to her. Needless to say, Derrick’s eyes (along with everyone else’s) went wide when Eve showed up to discuss partial derivatives at a towering 6’7. At 5’10, Derrick was the third-tallest person there, after Shanna’s 6’0, and for a few seconds he couldn’t even speak. Eve felt a pleasantly warm rush go through her body. This is exactly the reaction she had wanted. She was surprised, even, how great she felt, standing there with her hands on her hips, grinning down at this upperclassman who thought he could somehow get with her. He was put in his place now — Eve’s enlarged hips were even with his chest, his eyes were below her shoulders, and the top of his head barely reached her chin. 

“So…partial derivatives?” she asked humorously. Shanna and Ben (not the giant Ben Eve had met a few days before…skinny, pale, 5’7 Ben) laughed at Eve’s joke, as did a few others around the table. But Derrick was still just staring up at her, moving his mouth without any words coming out. 

“You ok there Derrick?” giggled Eve, taking the initiative to step closer and put her hand on his shoulder. Being naturally 6’1, Eve had fairly large hands, and she was surprised at how small Derrick’s shoulder felt. His body was trembling a little under her touch, and under her playful gaze as well. This is why she had done this — it was working. “You look like a fish out of water!”

“I-I-I-I….uhh…ahhh…aha…ahahaa, h-hello Eve,” was all Derrick could manage to say.

Eve took a deliberately deep breath, inflating her breasts in Derrick’s face as she stood up even taller, still with her hand on his shoulder. It felt so good…amazing, actually…to flex her power like this. Recently, as she had gained a few pounds, Eve had become more conscious of how she took up space. Of course there was still a part of her that felt terrible anxiety around the prospect of gaining weight and getting fat, but this part of herself was getting fainter and fainter with each passing day. She was eating a lot and exercising a lot; of course she was going to gain some weight! And she had two choices: either whine and moan about it, or teach herself to enjoy it and use it as a confidence-booster. Eve had chosen the latter option. For the second time in a week, she was actually using her body to intimidate a shorter guy. And it felt good. 

“Oh, sorry…these heels a little too much for you?” teased Eve, taking her hand off Derrick’s shoulder and stepping back a little so he could see all of her. 

“Uhh…n-no, no! N-not too much, no!” stuttered Derrick, turning red. “I j-just…uh…I just…th-they’re very nice, Eve.” 

“Aww thanks!” she chirped, turning sideways and pulling her lower left leg up in a mock-pose. “I just thought I’d get some practice in wearing them, you know?”

“P-practice? For what?” blurted Derrick. 

“The dance, silly! The freshman commencement dance in two days!” 

“Oh….oh! Yeah…right…” said Derrick, bowing his head a little as he appreciated the meaning behind Eve’s words. She wasn’t just “going to the dance.” She was going with her boyfriend. 

“Haha, I’m going over to Jason’s dorm after this to practice some dancing,” Eve continued, going over to sit next to Ben and Shanna. “But I didn’t tell him I was wearing these, haha! Things could get a little interesting!” 

Ben and Shanna chuckled along with Eve, as did the rest of the group, but Derrick had been slightly set adrift. He wasn’t able to recover his mojo for the rest of the meeting, and he actually ended up deferring to Eve on several occasions; he seemed preoccupied. Eve kept a bit of a watch over him out of the corner of her eye, tracking the progress of her plan. Derrick did seem a bit deflated, and, as the meeting wore on, Eve realized that he wasn’t behaving this way just because of her reminding him (albeit indirectly) that she had a boyfriend. He was acting subdued and reserved because he had been literally shocked at how big and tall Eve looked. When she stood at 6’1, it was all well and good to pursue the girl who was slightly taller, but when she was a full 9 inches taller…well, that was an entirely different situation. And Derrick, for all his ambition and intelligence, just simply didn’t have the confidence to meet her in the middle. 

‘Golly,’ Eve found herself thinking, ‘If someone as confident as Derrick can’t handle me at this size, how’s Jason gonna react?’

But she reminded herself that he had already seen her in those heels before, and, after some definite awkwardness in the beginning, he had quickly rallied and been ok with it all. At least, that was how it appeared. Eve put any worries to rest and finished up the meeting, said goodbye to Shanna and Ben, and made a point to kindly wish Derrick a good night as well. 

“G’night,” Derrick mumbled, hardly looking up. For a second, Eve felt a flash of irritation rush through her. Was Derrick pouting too?! She stood up straight and put her hands on her hips, and for a moment she seriously entertained the prospect of asking Derrick what was going on, with the eventual intention of interrogating him. Did he seriously think he had some sort of…right to her?! But she decided against it — she was actually excited to practice dancing with Jason, and she didn’t much fancy the thought of having to lecture someone whom she otherwise greatly respected. 

Twenty minute later, Jason was opening his door to Eve. He had been true to his commitments, at least for this one day; he had gotten up early, eaten a good breakfast, worked out, showered, gone to class, and then cleaned his dorm. Eve smelled the fresh scent of citrus cleaner as she stepped into the room, sniffing pleasantly. 

“Mmmm, it smells good in here Jason! Looks like you — ow!” 

Eve had smacked the top of her head against Jason’s doorframe, which at just below 6’7 was a little shorter than ordinary frames.

“Oh! You ok?!” asked Jason with concern. 

“Haha, I’m fine!” chuckled Eve. “Wow…I, uh…I guess I gotta watch my step in here, huh? You guys have kinda low door frames in this building.”

“Well, uh…I mean, it’s not a problem for most people, no offense,” said Jason, smiling despite the fact that his heart was beating away quicker than he would’ve liked. He was not at all accustomed to seeing Eve this tall, and he hadn’t been expecting her to be wearing the heels.

“Like, except for Ben down the hall, the door frames aren’t really a problem, haha!” he added.

“Who?” asked Eve suddenly, looking down at Jason as she paused rubbing her head. 

“Oh, Ben. This really big guy who lives down the hall,” said Jason. “I think he’s like 6’8 or something.”

“6’8…wow!” said Eve, blinking. The mere mention of this other Ben brought back some sudden and confused emotions. For a moment, Eve felt a little electricity in her clit, but she ignored it. 

“Anyway, I assume you’re wearing the heels so you can actually practice?” asked Jason, grinning as he closed the door. Today had been a good day for him, and he was feeling like he was getting his old confidence back. 

“Precisely, sir!” giggled Eve, bending down to do a mock curtsy. Even bending down like this, she was still taller than Jason. She stood back up again and, once more, stretched 11 inches taller than him. They stepped towards each other, closing the gap rapidly until they were standing about a foot apart. Eve still hadn’t gotten used to the height difference either — it was definitely something to see the top of her boyfriend’s head only come up to her shoulders. His own shoulders only reached the middle of her stomach, and his eyes were exactly even with the top of her breasts. The each took a moment to absorb the enormity of the comparison, but this time, Jason took the initiative, reached out for Eve’s left hand and wrapping his right arm around her waist. 

“Oooooo!” she squealed in pleasure, enjoying the feeling of being “taken.” 

“Shall we commence with the fox trot?” asked Jason in a mock-genteel voice. 

“A capital idea, dah-ling,” replied Eve in kind. 

They spent the next half hour playfully performing a number of different dances to a variety of music, and the whole time, Eve found herself impressed by Jason’s exuberance and easy confidence. This was the Jason who had been missing for a few weeks! He had gotten his style back…his confidence. It didn’t matter that his arm definitely felt smaller around her waist (was it because she had gotten bigger or he had gotten smaller?); it didn’t matter that she had to make sure her steps weren’t too wide, so he could keep up with her; it didn’t matter that she had the general sensation of being, just…much bigger than him. Jason was doing everything like his old self: taking the lead, cracking jokes, and generally just being the fun-loving guy she knew he was. 

When it came time for Eve to go back and to her dorm and finish her homework, Jason didn’t even think about asking her to stay and maybe have sex. It felt like they had just done something so much better: re-establishing their connection. He waved goodbye to Eve and closed the door, pumping his fist silently after. Eve turned down the hall, feeling similarly elated, and was about to turn the corner when Ben suddenly appeared around it, like a huge, shaggy shadow. Eve stopped dead, and her heart jumped into her mouth. 

“Oh! Sorry!” said Ben, putting a huge, hairy palm to his barrel chest in contrition. “My bad — I didn’t see you there Eve!”

“Y-you…you r-remember my name!?” she breathed, staring at him.

“Course I do!” he laughed genially, glancing down at her feet. “Nice heels you got there!” He stood up straight and measured his hand on the top of his head, going forward over hers. “Haha, almost as tall as me now!” 

“Y-yeah…” panted Eve. “Y-yeah…I, uh…uh…Jason said that you were…uh…that you were 6’8.”

“6’8 and a half,” corrected Ben, winking at her under his black bushy eyebrows. 

Eve just stood there unmoving. She seemed to have temporarily lost the use of her legs. She didn’t know what was happening to her — she was just staring at this gigantic man. Ben studied her a moment with, still smiling, his eyes going over her face for a brief few moments. 

“Well!” he said, breaking the silence. “Nice seeing you again, Eve! You guys are going to the dance, I’m guessing.”

“Ye…-uh…Yeah,” said Eve. 

“Well alright, me too!” said Ben, waving goodbye with a huge hand. “See ya there!”

Chapter End Notes:

This story is all the way up to Chapter 13 on my Patreon.  Join here for full access to this story, and dozens of others: https://www.patreon.com/joycejulep

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