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Chapter 3

Mandy struggled to find a bra that would fit her new form. Katie had brought a wide variety of bras of various sizes from the nearby Victoria’s Secret that morning. My dad had tipped off her off to the proposed experiment he’d later suggest to my girlfriend. He long figured Mandy would accept.

“I’m sorry this is taking so long. One of these last couple should hopefully be the right fit,” Katie said while digging through the Victoria’s Secret bag.

“No worries. It took me this long to get properly fitted for my normal bras. Besides, it’s worth it to make sure these puppies are comfortably secured,” Mandy said, clutching her new DD boobs. Mandy’s 5-foot-3 stature further emphasized her plump new bust even more given her relatively short height.

“Are you enjoying this bra shopping, Nick?” Mandy asked me. “Or are you getting a bit impatient?”

“You know, as much as I enjoy getting to learn all the intricacies of underwear fitting, I think I’ll go take a look around the lab while you two finish up in here,” I told them.

“Your loss Nicky. I’ll give you a glimpse of my final pick a little later,” Mandy said with a toothy grin. I think her flirtatiousness was perhaps making Katie a little uncomfortable. I exited the room and walked back into the main area of my dad’s lab. He was typing away at his desk on his computer.

“Are they about done?” he asked me. “I heard from Katie that it was a success.”

“It went perfectly,” I said. “They’re having a bit of a hard time finding a bra that will actually fit Mandy. I’m gonna check out some of your inventions that you have back there.”

My dad’s lab was lined with several rows of shelves, each containing a multitude of gadgets and inventions that he’d created over the years. There were the abject failures (self-lacing sneakers), the worthless (flavored CDs) and even a few successes (the original shrink ray among them). My personal favorite that never caught on (outside of my dad’s imagination) were shoes with little wheels in the heel that you could skate around in. I’m surprised investors never took interest in those.

I wandered down to the row that featured some of his newest creations. There was a whole row of shiny new portable shrink/growth rays. This was the device that was going to make Sterling Labs a billion dollars. Resizing capabilities all in the palm of your hand. It’d be revolutionary. They kind of reminded me of a Star Trek communicator, only a little bigger. So far, only the military was really allowed to handle such technology. Little did anyone know I’d actually snuck one home a few weeks ago.

I picked one up to examine it more closely. It was hard to believe the technology that used to take up practically the whole back of a van could fit into something this compact. The screen suddenly lit up as I examined the device. “1%” was flashing on the screen. It must be low on battery. I pressed what I thought was the power button when the antenna like device began to glow blue at the top. I noticed the other devices were plugged into the wall with cords, so I inserted a loose cord into the ray. Power surged through the device and suddenly the world turned blue, then black.

I was laying on my back when I first came to. I must’ve hit my head on the linoleum floor after getting startled by the device. But something was off. The lab seemed somehow different. I glanced over to the shelf next to me where the rays had been only to see a ledge that was a couple feet higher than me. Glancing up, I saw the resizer. It was dangling by its cord at what looked like nearly 200 feet above me.

I had been shrunk.

I must’ve been about an inch tall. Each floor tile seemed like a 10-yard marker on a football field. There was no way I could reach the resizing ray. I had to get back to my dad to get his help. I sprinted down the aisle, which took an eternity. By the time I reached the end, I still had to make my way halfway across the lab to reach dad’s desk. I made a mad dash. I’d made it as far as the door to the testing room when I heard a loud click.

“We’re all done in there,” Katie boomed as she stepped through the door. “Look at the bazookas on this babe.”

I stopped in my tracks. Out walked Mandy, now fully dressed again with her denim miniskirt and a striped yellow and white blouse that could now barely contain her enlarged breasts. Breasts that were now infinitely larger than they were a moment ago, from my vantage point I mean.

“They look, uh, great!” my dad said awkwardly. “That’s fantastic! It’s a success. Now all you need to do is give it two weeks and then our trial run will be over. Just let Katie or I know if you experience any side effects. Once the two-week trial run is done, you’re welcome to return your breasts to normal size or keep them as is if you like them.”

“I’m liking them so far,” Mandy replied. “I know who else likes them even more. Where’s Nick?”

I was now practically below her at bug size. Staring up a pair of towering legs to her skirt, I could just make out her pastel pink flower panties that covered her ample buns. I was almost too hypnotized to notice Mandy’s giant flip-flop adorned foot come crashing down just inches from me.

“I thought he was browsing around the lab,” dad said, as the three took a cursory glance around the lab. “Nick, where are you?” he shouted. I dodged Mandy’s other foot and noticed her purse sitting on the ground beside the testing room door. I made a bee line for it.

“I don’t see him anywhere,” my towering girlfriend said.

“Maybe he went out the back way and is already at the car,” dad said.

Meanwhile, as they walked around the lab, I crouched beside Mandy’s enormous purse. I had to find a way to get their attention, but they’d never see me at this size. I’d get crushed if I wasn’t careful.

“You know what, he probably found my old vegetable-oil powered scooter and drove off with it,” dad said. “He’s done that before. His mom doesn’t like him riding it, but I sometimes let him get away with it.”

A disappointed looking Mandy started to walk back in my direction. I climbed up the side of the white, flowery purse. This was the best way to avoid getting stepped on without getting locked inside a giant lab all weekend by myself.

“I’m sure you’ll find him in no time,” Katie told a glum Mandy. “He’ll be looking forward to your big new knockers.”

Was I ever. Peeking out through the top of her purse I was still enjoying the sight of Mandy’s bountiful cleavage, though it was from a different perspective than I was anticipating. Her monstrous boobs were even more than I’d hoped for. Maybe too much more.


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