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Chapter 18

Katherine watched Raymond scurry up the stairs to get changed out of his cum-stained shorts, and as she watched him go, and heard the friendly, laughing din of his parents’ voices conversing animatedly with Clara and Sarah, Katherine couldn’t help but feel a warm wave of positive feelings wash over her. This was all going so much better than she could have ever hoped. Just about half an hour before, she had been walking up to the Pierce’s house, having no idea what to expect from Raymond. If anything, she had been worried that he had not given his obvious submissive urges any thought at all…and that he would continue to behave like a pathetic little puppy dog around her. 

But that clearly was not the case. Raymond was as submissive…and as small…as ever, but the difference between his attitude the past summer and his attitude now was that he now had seemed to fully admit to himself that this was who he was. Before, he had come off as whining, petulant, and unadulteratedly pathetic. This attitude certainly had its perks as far as Katherine was concerned, at least from a purely sexual standpoint: an ex of hers, who was 8 inches shorter and around 80 pounds lighter, weakly and confusedly protesting through his helpless horniness. There was no doubt that Katherine had enjoyed exploring this little dynamic the past summer. She knew, however, that this kind of power structure would start to irritate her more than it turned her on. She liked open communication, especially in terms of her sexual dynamics. She had been “playing” with people long enough to know that unspoken assumptions about sexual power could become toxic very, very quickly. 

And so, she was delighted to discover that Raymond had grown and matured into his own submission over the past few months. On the surface, of course, his life didn’t look good at all. He had dropped out of school; he looked like he had lost more weight off his already-frail frame; he didn’t have “anything going for him,” as the phrase went. He didn’t have a job…he didn’t have anything that suggested that he was going anywhere in life. 

But Katherine could read between the lines. She could see that something deeper was going on here. Conventional society said that Raymond was failing as a human being…but what Katherine saw was something far more profound. In her eyes, she saw a young man (who she hadn’t forgotten was actually a couple months older than her) who had the courage and the drive to explore the more intense aspects of his own submissive sexuality. Katherine knew that everyone had their own little fantasies, but she also knew that very, very few people grew up prioritizing their own sexual fulfillment. She was proud of Raymond for taking this step, which couldn’t have been easy. Abandoning his “adult” ambitions (not that he really had any), allowing his body to become smaller and frailer, letting his younger, taller, bigger, stronger sister boss him around…even submitting to the humiliation of posing for hundreds of size comparison pictures on Clara’s instagram page. It was all part of the package — he was delving deeper and deeper into his own submission. And, from the understanding that they had reached just a few minutes before, it had all been in preparation for HER…for Katherine herself. He had prepared himself…to GIVE himself to her. Not as a boyfriend, like he had been before. Not as an equal. But as her INFERIOR, as her submissive. 

Katherine knew that she went to college at Stanford, all the way across the country, and that she was only back in town for a short visit over Christmas break. She knew that her dynamic with Raymond, whatever it became and however it played out, was going to have to be a long-distance one, at least for the next couple years. But that idea didn’t dissuade her excitement. She already had a number of submissives back at Stanford whom she saw regularly…she just wouldn’t be able to see Raymond AS regularly. But there were so many things they could do remotely. She could carry out the power exchange online…she could make him do things for her…perform specified tasks for her…change his body for her…she could dominate him from the opposite side of the continent! It was a tremendously arousing thought, and as she moved towards the kitchen to greet the Pierces, her mind was alive and teeming with all the possibilities. 

‘And geez, Raymond’s got his work cut out for him living with Clara,’ thought Katherine with a chuckle. ‘Good god, that instagram…!?’ One of the hottest parts about it to Katherine was that Clara wasn’t doing it for the sexual thrill — she seemed to be thoroughly disgusted with the idea. Instead, she was just enjoying the pure power high of physically and emotionally dominating her big brother, and posting the whole humiliating exchange online for her 20k-plus followers to see. Katherine didn’t have any doubt that 99% of those followers were jerking off to the size comparisons, and to Clara’s humiliating captions. But, for all her aggressive bullying of Raymond, and all her physical and intellectual precociousness, Clara still had something of the innocent little girl in her. She was just doing all this because it was fun. 

‘Now Sarah,’ thought Katherine, ‘Is a different story.’ It went without saying that this new girl, Clara’s best friend, was an impressive young woman. Her immense intelligence was immediately obvious, and somehow seemed complimented by her 6’1 stature. Sarah was already shapely, but Katherine could tell that he was only jut beginning to fill out. But it was Sarah’s steady poise that was really throwing Katherine for a loop. She had met very few adults, and no teenagers, who held themselves like that. And this girl was only 14! Katherine’s mind jumped back a few minutes, to Sarah’s effortless domination of Raymond. She had only needed to whisper to him…but that was all she needed. And then she had licked him…all right in front of her too! And all without Clara even seeing! Katherine was impressed, yes…but there was something else brewing in her. A slight uneasiness around this girl…how could someone so young already know so much? But Katherine chased the thought out of her mind — she was very happy to have met Sarah, and she definitely enjoyed the admiring, almost awe-like way that Sarah looked at her. 

“Oh there she is!” cried Charles Pierce, as Katherine ambled into the kitchen. He broke from the group of Tracy Pierce, Clara, and Sarah, and approached Katherine with open arms. “My goodness, Katherine! You look better than ever!”

“Haha, thanks Mr. Pierce!” laughed Katherine, spreading her own arms and accepting his embrace. She immediately started blushing, and felt her pussy walls lubricating a little. She had always had a secret little crush on Charles Pierce, even when she had been dating Raymond, and she hadn’t forgotten their dinner a few months before, when he had broken with social convention and unapologetically asked her about her weight training. She remembered that she had also caught him looking at her breasts, but when they made eye contact, he hadn’t been sheepish. He had just smiled warmly — his easy confidence had always been something that Katherine admired in him.

But even though Charles Pierce was a confident, sanguine man, nothing could change the fact that he was still only 5’8, and as they hugged, Katherine was able to glance down onto the top of his head, which only came up to her chin…his eyes were even with her big, developed shoulders stretching the confines of her tight black short-sleeve t-shirt. The two of them held the hug for slightly longer than usual, with Katherine inhaling the musky scent of Charles’s cologne. She always marveled at how small other people really felt to her. Even though Charles was around average height, and robust, Katherine felt his bones and muscles give way under her powerful embrace. She felt like she could have squeezed the air out of him, easily, if she wanted to. She raised her eyes and saw Tracy Pierce approaching as well, also with open arms. Behind her, Clara and Sarah were watching. 

“Charles, let her go!” laughed Tracy. “I need to get my hug in too! Aww, Katherine, how are you?!” 

“I’m…haha, I’m fine, Mrs. Pierce!” she said, breaking her hug with Charles and duly embracing his wife. At 5’4, Tracy was just over a foot shorter than Katherine, as as they hugged, Katherine’s big breasts squeezed up against Tracy’s face. 

“Oooo, haha!” laughed Tracy at the obvious humor of Katherine’s breasts in her face. She broke the hug and looked up at Katherine in wonder, continuing to laugh. “I know I’m short compared to everyone else here, but, haha, Katherine, you just make me feel like I’m tiny!”

“Well, compared to her, you are, mom,” said Clara simply. 

“Hehe, well, it’s not just your mom, Clara,” chuckled Katherine. “I think I make a lot of people feel tiny.”

“No kidding!” exclaimed Charles, stepping back and looking her up and down in admiration. “Katherine…have you…have you been lifting heavier, haha!?” 

Katherine smiled appreciatively. She knew that he had just been about to say, “Have you gotten bigger?” but he had gone for the less obvious option. 

“Yes, actually I have!” she said brightly, nodding her head. “These last few months I’ve actually upped my regimen and I’ve been seeing the results!” 

“Just…wow, amazing,” said Charles, shaking his head. “That is just so cool, Katherine.” 

“And I’m sure you’ve already seen that one of our children has taken your exercise lessons to heart!” said Tracy, indicating to Clara, who stepped proudly forward.

“And this is only a few month’s worth!” she announced, puffing out her chest. “I’m just getting started!” 

“She’s shot up like a weed these past few months, hasn’t she?” laughed Charles, going up to his daughter and standing next to her for a comparison. “Haha, I mean, look at this Katherine! My 14-year-old daughter is three-and-a-half inches taller than me!”

“And the doctors say that she’s still growing,” said Tracy, shaking her head incredulously. “I don’t know where all this is coming from, since Charles and I are both pretty ordinary as far as height goes.” 

“I know what it is,” said Charles slyly, pivoting around to Sarah, who started smiling at his impending joke. “It’s all this hanging out with Sarah that’s doing it! Clara was supposed to stop growing at 5’8, but Miss 6-foot-one over here showed her that there was so much more!”

“Haha, I don’t know what you’re talking about, Mr. Pierce!” laughed Sarah. 

“Oh come on, confess!” teased Charles. “You’ve discovered a growth serum and you and Clara have secretly been dosing each other with it!” 

“Um, I think if you were interested in a growth serum, you’d need to talk to Katherine over there,” chuckled Sarah, pointing. “And besides, if I found out how to make a growth serum, I’d be a lot taller than 6’1.” 

“Oh my god Sarah we should totally find out how to make something like that!” exclaimed Clara, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. “We can go to the library and do a whole bunch of research and run all kinds of cool experiments and tests and sh…and stuff.”

“Hah…well that does sound like fun,” agreed Sarah. “But I’m not sure we’ll get anywhere with it. That kind of thing would be…crazy complicated in real life.”

“Oh whatever,” said Clara flippantly, rolling her eyes. 

“And besides,” continued Sarah, “The best way to get bigger is to do what you’re doing…well, we’re doing, right now. What Katherine said to do: exercise, weight training, safe supplements, and lots of eating.”

“And on that note, I think we’re all about ready for that chicken stew!” said Tracy. “Let’s all get our bowls and do it buffet-style, what do you say? Where’s Raymond?”

“Oh my god, did he go up and hide in his room again?” asked Clara. “I swear, he’s such a — oh wait, there he is. Hahaha, why did you change clothes!? You look ridiculous!” 

Raymond had just walked into the kitchen, and everyone turned to look at him. Katherine had to make an extra effort to contain herself, because his outfit was doing a lot to highlight the scrawniness of his body. He had on a small white basketball t-shirt that left his arms and shoulders exposed, and his shorts were bright pink and only went down to about his mid-thigh. They clearly had been designed to be form-fitting skinny jean shorts for a much larger girl, but on Raymond, his thighs weren’t even touching the sides of the jeans. With all the talk of height and weight lifting, and growth serums, and now this…well, it took almost everything Katherine could muster to not excuse herself to the bathroom and rub one out. She was horny…and it made it even better that she knew Raymond had purposefully dressed like that. He had done it for her. 

“Uhhh, hello everybody,” muttered Raymond, ignoring Clara’s putdown. 

“Hi son,” said Charles, furrowing his brow a little at Raymond’s outfit. “Did you…uh, did you have a good day?”

Raymond looked up at Katherine and nodded his head. 

“Happy to see Katherine, huh?” said Charles. 

“Yeah,” said Raymond quietly. 

“Well, I’m glad you came over, Katherine,” sighed Charles, smiling a little wistfully at Katherine as they all moved towards the crock pot. “Something to get our son to come downstairs.”

Katherine felt a twinge of sadness go through her. The Pierces had no idea what their son was doing, and if they did know, they certainly would not have approved. They may very well have even reacted with disgust, or at the very least with anguish. She could her it in Charles’s voice — he thought his son was lost. 

“Where did you get those shorts, Raymond?” asked Tracy. “They’re umm…a little different.”

“I…uh…just found them somewhere,” said Raymond unconvincingly. 

“Found them?” asked Clara sharply. “What are you talking about? Found them here? In this house? Because if you found them here then they used to be mine…which means you stole them from me.”

“I…they weren’t yours, Clara!” exclaimed Raymond. 

“Huh…they better not have been,” she said threateningly, peering down closely at the shorts. Katherine noticed that even as Clara peered down, she was taller than Raymond. 

“I don’t think those would fit you anyway, Clara,” said Tracy, handing out bowls to everyone. 

“Ha! They barely fit Raymond!” laughed Clara. “But it’s because they’re too big for him!” 

“Ok, enough of all that, young lady,” said Charles. “I think we all can use our eyes to see what’s in front of us, thank you very much.” 

Katherine noticed Charles’s protective words toward Raymond — he had been more than happy to talk about height and size topics when Raymond wasn’t in the room, but as soon as he was, his father exhibited discomfort around the topic. Raymond had become so small that it was starting to make his father uncomfortable. 

A minute later they were all walking towards the dining room table with their full bowls. A white tablecloth covered the table, going down almost all the way to the floor. Charles and Tracy sat at opposite ends of the table, and Katherine and Raymond sat next to each other on one side. Clara and Sarah were about to take their seats, when Sarah jostled around Clara, indicating that she wanted to sit next to Charles…and directly across from Raymond. 

“Hey Clara, mind if I sit next to your dad?” she asked. “I wanted to talk to him about a legal question I had.”

“Uh, sure, yeah,” said Clara, switching places with her. 

“Oh boy, I may not be enough for you, Sarah!” laughed Charles, who was a real estate lawyer. “Your questions are always so good…sometimes I don’t know the answer!” 

“Well, this one’s about eminent domain, so you should know the answer,” responded Sarah playfully, arching her eyebrow. Katherine privately registered that Sarah also enjoyed flirting with Mr. Pierce. There was a lot in common between her and Clara’s friend…quite a lot in common…

Charles mimed acting affronted, then chuckled and launched into a lecture-style spiel:

“Well, you know eminent domain is verrrry interesting,” he began. “And as I’m sure you know already, Sarah, you being you and all, eminent domain describes the power of a state or government to seize private property for public use.”

“Mmhmm,” said Sarah, nodding her head. It was clear that she already knew this. 

“Now the history of eminent domain,” continued Charles, “Goes way back. The “Takings Clause” of the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution said that — ”

“Honey?” interrupted Tracy cheerily. “I know you’re just getting warmed up, but do you think eminent domain can wait until after we say grace?”

“Oh! Ahaha, of course dear, I’m sorry,” replied Charles sheepishly. He held out both of his hands, one to Sarah on his right, and one to Raymond on his left. “Alright, everyone hold hands — would you like to say the blessing, dear?”

“Gladly,” said Tracy, and as she began, Katherine inclined her head slightly, in respect for the ritual. As she did, she caught a glimpse of Charles’s eyes going back and forth, between the hand that held Sarah’s, and the one that held his son’s. With a sudden thrill, Katherine knew what he was doing. He was registering that the difference in their hands was actually real. At 6’1, and already precociously filled-out, Sarah had large, strong-looking hands, with long fingers. Katherine had noticed them before, but now, she was watching Mr. Pierce notice them for himself, as he compared Sarah’s hand to Raymond’s. Katherine was squeezing Raymond’s other hand, and it felt weak and pitiful in her grasp. She knew her hands were a good deal bigger and stronger than average, but that only served to highlight the disparity. 

Mr. Pierce’s sidelong glances lasted only a moment, and then he had closed his eyes for the prayer. Katherine suddenly wondered whether or not Mr. Pierce had some submissive fantasies of his own…or size fetishes like his son. Katherine doubted it — she had always seen him as a powerful, confident man…

‘But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have those fantasies,’ Katherine reminded herself. ‘Maybe these things are genetic.’ She didn’t really know…with her head inclined, she glanced sidelong at Raymond, who seemed to have gone a little pale. He was looking across the table at Sarah, who was staring straight back at him. But Katherine didn’t see this — she was too focused on how huge she looked next to Raymond. They were sitting in the same kinds of chairs, and Katherine could actually feel the squeeze of the armrests on both sides of her ass, hips, and thighs; she completely filled her chair. With Raymond, however, there was plenty of dark wood visible in his seat, both on his right, his left, and behind him. It would have probably taken five or six of his butts to come close to filling as much space as Katherine. And that was just once comparison. She rose up high above him in her chair — because she was sitting on something so much more substantial, she looked even taller than him than when they were standing next to each other. Sitting in their chairs, the top of Raymond’s head didn’t even come up to her shoulders. Her thighs rose up, almost brushing the bottom of the table — his hardly seemed to protrude from his seat at all. Her forearms looked massive next to his, almost cartoonish. Her hand swallowed his…there was no end to the comparisons that shot through Katherine’s brain. 

‘Good lord,’ she thought to herself. ‘I bet he weighs 110 pounds.’ 

She looked ahead at her bowl full of delicious-smelling chicken soup, and for a few moments pretended to just take in the blessing that Tracy was saying. A little flutter of the white tablecloth caught her eye, near Raymond’s legs, and she glanced down. There was a big, white-socked foot in Raymond’s crotch. Its toes were softly kneading his groin, nuzzling up to his balls. Katherine felt a white hot shot of shock go through her. Without moving her head, she jerked her eyes up and across the table, looking straight at Sarah. The young girl had her eyes fixed on Raymond, and was sticking her tongue into the side of her mouth over and over, just barely perceptively. 

Katherine looked at Sarah incredulously. She could not believe that this girl was actually doing that…in this situation! Sarah quickly caught Katherine’s eye and grinned at her, winking. For a split second, Katherine felt hot rage…in that moment, she felt like Sarah was mocking her…baiting her…flexing her power over Katherine’s submissive, and showing that she was more dominant, more carefree, and less concerned with social consequences. 

But when Sarah had winked at her, Katherine’s rage immediately subsided. 

‘Look at me, assuming that a 14-year-old girl is challenging me!’ she laughed to herself. ‘She’s not challenging me — she’s trying to impress me!’ 

And indeed, the way that Sarah was looking at Katherine now and raising her eyebrows, it was as if she was saying, 

‘Are you in? Let’s see what we can do to him together without getting caught!’

Katherine still couldn’t believe the gumption of this girl, but she had to admit, secretly teasing and tormenting Raymond under the dinner table certainly had its allure. She knew that joining in with Sarah, or even sanctioning her behavior, was totally wrong by any definition of proper behavior. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce would be horrified…and angry…if they found out what was going on. 

But strangely, this particular situation felt different to Katherine. And it was all to do with how Sarah handled herself; apart from her brazen displays of sexuality, she was the most emotionally mature young person Katherine had ever met. Katherine had already been turned-on before they sat down to dinner, but now her loins were positively churning. 

She looked across the table, glancing once at Clara, whose eyes were unfocused and bored-looking as Tracy finished up the prayer. 

‘Good,’ thought Katherine. ‘She doesn’t know what’s going on. This is between me and Sarah.’ 

She shot her eyes quickly back over to Sarah, who looked at her expectantly with her mouth slightly opened, as if asking for approval. Katherine gave her a quick but decisive wink, and flashed a smile as she widened her nostrils a little. Sarah blinked once, and her grin broadened slightly. She had been green-lighted. 

Katherine turned to give Raymond a quick look. Sarah’s foot was still playing in the crotch of his pink jean shorts, and Katherine suddenly wondered if these shorts, that Raymond had “found,” had been given to him by Sarah. Maybe they had belonged to her at one point…Katherine didn’t know, but she did know that she was just beginning to plunge the depths of this crazy new dynamic. Maybe Sarah had already dominated him before!? 

Raymond caught Katherine’s eye. Six months ago, he would have looked at her pitifully, helplessly, begging her to somehow make it stop. But now, his eyes conveyed something different: barely-contained arousal. And he knew. Katherine had no doubt in her mind that he knew what was expected of him right now. Katherine cocked an eyebrow at him as she gave him a wry grin. She said nothing, but Raymond understood what she was saying:

‘Here’s your second chance to impress me: don’t cum!’ 

“From now until the end of time may we, in You, abide, Amen,” said Tracy, finishing the blessing.

“Amen!” said Clara, rolling her eyes as she started attacking her food. 

“Amen,” muttered Sarah quietly, smiling at Katherine as her foot disappeared from Raymond’s crotch. 

“Amen,” enjoined Katherine, smiling back at Sarah. She knew her foot would return.

“Amen,” murmured Raymond, taking a deep breath as he reached for his spoon. From his perspective, it was like he was starting a marathon. 

“A-men!” said Charles loudly, smiling widely at the gathering. He had seen nothing. Katherine could tell that from the way the table was positioned that neither Pierce parent had a good view of Raymond’s lap. 

“So Mr. Pierce,” said Sarah animatedly, bending a little in her chair to adjust something under the table, and quickly coming back up, “My question is more hypothetical than anything else.”

“I’m a lawyer, Sarah,” laughed Charles, helping himself to some soup. “Hypotheticals are my bread and butter.” 

“Haha, ok, good,” laughed Sarah. “So…say that there’s a neighborhood that’s completely…um, I think the term is “blighted.” Like, all the buildings are falling apart and have poor sanitation, there’s pollution everywhere, the soil is contaminated with, like, heavy metals and stuff from illegal dumping, you know…”

“Yep, yep, I think I can see where this is going,” said Charles, nodding enthusiastically. 

“Basically, all growth in this neighborhood has completely…stalled,” continued Sarah. “And, actually, things are going backwards, reverting…to uh, what’s the term?”

“De-industrializing, I think?” offered Katherine. 

“Yeah! That’s it! De-industrializing!” said Sarah. “So in this neighborhood, economic growth has stalled and gone backward, everything’s contaminated, and people are just living in poverty or moving away.”

“Yes, I think the larger term here is “urban decay,”” said Charles through spoons of soup. 

“Ok, is that what it’s called?” asked Sarah, nodding. “So, yeah…basically this neighborhood’s totally hopeless. It’s not going anywhere but down.”

Katherine heard Raymond intake his breath a little, and she glanced down and saw that Sarah’s foot had reappeared in his crotch. But she had taken her sock off, and her red-nailed toes wriggled freely against his cock and balls.

“Mmhmm,” nodded Charles, smiling. “Go on…”

“So, like… does the government have the power to step in and, um...invoke eminent domain rights over the neighborhood?” asked Sarah. “I mean, it has the means, the resources, you know…the power, to make something out of the hopeless situation, right?”

Sarah realized what Sarah was doing, and she swallowed several spoonfuls of soup in a row to disguise her smile. This girl was too much!

Raymond's cock was already starting to bulge in his pants and Katherine nudged into him playfully, feeling his body give way a little in the wake of her easy strength. 

“How about it, Raymond?” she giggled. “You took that constitutional law elective our senior year — how would you answer Sarah’s question?”

Raymond’s face was growing red. He felt his cock twitching under the silent ministrations of Sarah’s toes. Clara’s friend had already done a thing or two to him, but it had never been this brazen. He took another deep breath — this was going to be a long, long dinner.


Chapter End Notes:

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