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The silence in the room was heavy, almost like molasses. It would have been a nightmarish scenario for almost anyone, and yet Clayton was finding it difficult to feel much of anything in particular except for intense attraction toward this…this demoness…this witch…and her daughter. He took several deep breaths, trying to steady himself. Even though he found these two amazingly attractive, he had no wish to become their…servant, or slave, or whatever it was that Kazehana wanted them to be. He had a full life back at home! He had to finish school and go to college! He couldn’t just…just drop everything and live here, to be at the mercy of this amazon. Sure, she was beautiful, and sure, her daughter was gorgeous too…but…but to surrender his life away?? For an entire year!?! It was out of the question!

He turned to his mother, hoping that maybe, since she had gotten all of her emotion out, that she could somehow help to come up with some sort of solution to this conundrum. but she wasn’t looking at him. She was staring straight ahead at Kazehana. It was almost like she didn’t even want to look at her son. Clayton felt a stab of hopelessness. He wasn’t going to get any help from her. 

“One of you,” repeated Kazehana, “must take his place. And, by the ancient right, neither I nor my daughter may choose. You must decide amongst yourselves.” 

Clayton felt something unpleasant jump up within him. How were they going to solve this?? He didn’t want to leave his mother to serve this witch whom she obviously hated, but he also didn’t want to sacrifice an entire year of his young life either! He turned to her. 

“Uh…m-mom?” he began, but right then, she spoke, without even turning her head to him. 

“Clayton will serve,” she said flatly. “My son will take his place.” 

Kazehana’s eyebrows went up. Clayton’s eyes widened in panic. 

“What?! No! Mom! W-wait! C-can’t…can’t we just talk about this for a minute?! I…I mean…m-maybe…maybe we can split the time or…or something?!” 

But still, Katherine Williamson did not even turn her head to regard her son. She kept staring straight ahead at Kazehana, with her jaw set. Scarlet actually showed a little emotion of her own, as her own eyebrows went up, betraying a bit of excitement. She turned to her mother. 

“Well, you heard her, mom. Don’t the rules…I mean, uh…the ancient rite…doesn’t it say that the senior of the two can speak for the whole, and that whatever the oldest says, goes?”

“I believe it does say that, Scarlet,” said Kazehana, nodding slowly, without taking her eyes off Katherine’s face. “I believe it does.” She let the seconds go by, and then spoke up again. 

“You are sure of this, Mrs. Williamson? You are sure that you want your son to serve in your husband’s place? You are sure that you want to sacrifice him to serve?” 

“I’m sure,” said Katherine in the same flat voice. “Just let me get out of here.” 

Kazehana hummed for a moment, as if considering, and then heaved a great breath, standing up. 

“Very well,” she said spreading her arms wide. “The contract is extended to your son. Katherine Williamson, you may go.” 

Without wasting any more time, Katherine stood up, and, without even saying goodbye to Clayton, she practically ran out the door. It slammed shut heavily, and seconds later, Clayton heard the sound of her car starting up and screeching away. He couldn’t believe it. His own mother had just…abandoned him. Left him! He bowed his head a little as he stared forward indistinctly into the intricately-designed red carpet. It occurred to him that now would be a good time to cry about his pitiable state, but the tears wouldn’t come. And, deep down, he knew why: not a single aspect of his mother’s behavior surprised him. Perhaps it had come as a bit unexpected that she would get up and leave so suddenly, but the fact that she had abandoned him to his fate, that she only cared about herself, that she had always associated him with her hatred for his father, was all too apparent to Clayton. If anything, now he didn’t have to wonder anymore how she felt about him. She didn’t care about him, and she never really had. 

“Stand up, boy,” came Kazehana’s voice. Clayton’s head snapped up, and he felt himself rise to his feet. Kazehana sauntered over to him slowly, guzzling more from her enormous wine bottle. She stopped only when the thick contours of her hips were brushing his upper chest. Clayton was stunned at how big she was. He looked down and saw that she was in her bare feet…she didn’t even have any added boost of heels! The top of Clayton’s head only came up to the middle of her huge breasts, and, looking forward, he realized that his eyes were actually slightly below her breasts. Never in his life had he felt so utterly dwarfed in every way.

All in an instant, Clayton felt the strange tingle that had been pricking in his spine change…it was like the tingle had graduated to an entirely new and different dimension. The tingle intensified, and seemed to flood throughout his body, out into his abdomen, up his neck, and down all his limbs, to the very tips of his fingers and toes. Clayton breathed out a single, gasping breath, since he was taken by surprise by the sudden sensation. It lingered for a few moments, and then was gone. Clayton stared forward and saw that Kazehana looked just…just a little bigger than she had a few moments before. With a sudden thought that tore through his brain like lightning, Clayton wondered if he had just shrunk. But…but surely he hadn’t! He didn’t have a…a whatever that weird thing his father had, that Kazehana had mentioned…a giantess fetish!? He…he didn’t have that, no way! Of course…of course he was just imagining that he had just shrunk then, right! 

But even as Clayton’s mind spun in on itself in a panic, his cock twinged and spasmed a little in his pants. He couldn’t help it — the proximity of Kazehana’s huge, beautiful body was too much to ignore. 

Kazehana bent down and seized Clayton’s chin in her free hand. Her long fingers totally enveloped his face, as her palm easily cupped his chin. Clayton shuddered at her touch. He could feel, just from the grip of her hand, that she was unbelievably strong, even stronger than Alaina. 

“You felt that, didn’t you Clayton?” she breathed down at him. “You felt that tingle go through your whole body?”

“Uhhh, y-yes…yes I did,” he said in a small voice, his words coming out a bit mushed since Kazehana was gripping his face. 

“Get used to it, little guy,” she purred down at him. “That was the first little shrink spurt of your servitude. There will be many, many more…you can count on that.”

“Sh-shrink…spurt?!” blurted Clayton. His worst fears had been realized. He noticed that Scarlett had gotten up from her chair and was walking towards them, stopping when she was only an arm’s length away. Clayton was relieved to see that Scarlett was actually a couple inches shorter than he was, even after he had shrunk. Clayton didn’t know it, but in the span of a few seconds, he had shrunk down an entire inch, from 6 feet even to 5’11. Scarlett, however, still stood a couple inches shorter than him, at 5’9. Up close like this, Clayton could see that her body, although lithe and well-formed, was nowhere near as curvy as her mother’s. Most noticeably, Scarlett lacked the huge rack that Kazehana boasted.

Kazehana shook his face a little, gently but firmly, causing his attention to break back to her.

“You can try and resist it, like your father did,” cooed Kazehana’s deep rich voice down at him. “You can try. But you won’t succeed. The more you fight it, the more you will be forced to give in. Welcome to your servitude, little Clayton.” 

She stood back up and released his chin, turning to Scarlett. 

“Well, he’s all yours,” she said, gesturing with her wine bottle as she took another big gulp. She looked down at Clayton with an amused sparkle in her eye. 

“Don’t take it personally, little guy. But I think I need a little break after your father. There towards the end, I could feel myself start to get…too into it. Too powerful. I have to be careful, you know…otherwise I’ll reveal myself to the world. And we can’t have that, now, can we?”

Clayton shook his head, since he felt that agreeing with whatever Kazehana said was probably the safest course of action. He suddenly wondered how his father had died. But he didn’t have time to wonder very long, because Scarlet had stepped up to him, looking slightly up into his eyes. Clayton was dumbstruck. Her dark hair looked so lovely, and it went so…perfectly well with her black eyes and round face. But more than anything, Clayton was totally at a loss to explain Scarlet’s expression. He had no idea what she was thinking. She looked…excited…but also just…something else. Maybe…hungry?

“Ok, I’ll leave him to you, then,” said Kazehana, the amusement dripping from her voice. She turned and walked out of the room, her huge ass swaying behind her as she took another big gulp from her wine bottle. “I’ve gotta go check on Lydia, and see how she’s doing on her homework.”

Lydia? There was another girl in the family?? How old was she!? All these thoughts shot through Clayton’s head, but he didn’t have time to dwell on them. 

“Kneel down before me,” came Scarlet’s voice, after her mother had left the room. 

“Uhhh,” said Clayton. He had made a motion to kneel down, but he suddenly realized that he was bigger than this girl. It was one thing to obey Kazehana, since she was huge and incredibly strong, but why should Clayton have to follow orders from her little daughter? They were basically the same age, after all, and he was bigger than her. 

“Clayton,” said Scarlet quietly. “You don’t want to start things off this way. I said kneel down in front of me.” 

“Um, I mean…uh, Scarlet, haha,” laughed Clayton nervously, still standing where he was. “It’s uhh…it’s nice to meet you too, haha! Couldn’t we, uh…like, talk for a minute, like, uh…like normal people?” 

Without saying a word, Scarlet reached out her hand and gripped Clayton’s shoulder. The next thing he knew, Clayton was splayed out on the carpet, not knowing what had hit him. 

“When I tell you to do something,” said Scarlet quietly from above, “you’ll do it, Clayton.” 

Clayton felt confused for a moment, wondering how he could’ve fallen do fast onto the floor. But almost as soon as his confusion set in, anger did as well. He struggled to his feet. 

“Now…now wait just a minute,” he protested, but Scarlet was too fast for him. Calmly, as if she was not making any effort at all, she extended her hand, placing it on his chest, and lightly shoved him forward. Clayton choked on the vacuum of air as Scarlett seemed to fly away from him. His back collided painfully with something hard, and only then did he realize that Scarlett had shoved him backwards, a full fifteen feet, and that he had crashed into the chair she had been sitting in. 

“Aaaaauuggh!” cried Clayton in pain, grasping his back. In a few short paces, Scarlet had walked up to him, and was standing in front of him, her hand on her hip, still chewing her gum. It was like she was waiting for him to get up. Clayton suddenly felt rage explode within him. This was all so stupid, all this “servitude” business. Why did he have to pay for the crazy shit that his father had gotten into?! With an angry snarl, fueled by the physical pain he was feeling, Clayton jumped back to his feet and ran at Scarlet, both hands raised. He didn’t know what he was going to do…hit her…tackle her…just something…something to show her that she wasn’t in charge. 

Scarlet waited for Clayton to get to her, and when he did, she shot out her hands, catching each of Clayton’s hands in one of her own. Clayton immediately became aware of her immense physical strength. It had not come as a surprise to him that Kazehana was so strong, since she was so huge, but Scarlet’s overwhelming strength seemingly came out of nowhere. Clayton tried to move his arms against hers, but he may as well have been trying to wrestle a marble statue. She felt his hands firmly in hers, looking at him steadily. Then, with a slow, creeping smile, she started moving his arms up, down, then right, then left, just to show him how effortlessly she could manipulate his body. 

“Wh-what…what the…f-fuck?!” panted Clayton, gritting his teeth as he tried in vain to resist her power. But there was nothing he could do. 

“Did you really think,” came Scarlet’s voice as she looked slightly up at him with her steady, dark eyes, “that I wouldn’t inherit my mother’s demonic strength. You’re in over your head, Clayton. I know it doesn’t show right now, but I’m literally hundreds of times stronger than you.” 

Clayton continued to pant and wince and fight, not wanting to believe Scarlet’s words. She toyed around with him for another minute or so, before she finally began to squeeze down on his hands. Clayton cried out in pain. 

“Submit, Clayton,” she breathed quietly. “Submit to me, and I won’t break every bone in your hands. Keep fighting, and I’ll have to teach you a lesson.”

Clayton suddenly relented, breathing hard, the sweat dotting his brow from the futile effort. 

“Kneel,” repeated Scarlet. Clayton did, not quite believing what was happening. 

“Kiss my foot,” she said, extending her brown boot. Clayton recoiled at first from the boot, but then realized that he really had no choice. He gave her boot a little tacit kiss. 

“Hmmm, that was pretty pathetic,” said Scarlet. “But I’ll teach you to do better. Before long, I’ll have you slobbering on my toes while you beg me to let you cum. All in good time…” 

Scarlet hummed to herself for a moment, and then she snapped her fingers. 

“Ok, now, strip yourself down, Clayton. I wanna see what I’m working with here.” 

Clayton hesitated for a moment, and it was a moment too long. Scarlet bent down and grabbed his balls through his pants, causing him to yelp out in more pain. 

“I’m not going to tolerate any more lollygagging from you,” she whispered sweetly through a little smile. “Do as I say, or I’m gonna have to break something.” 

“O-ok! Ok!” yelped Clayton. He quickly stripped down to his underwear, not being able to dodge how the surreal was fast becoming the real. It was like he was living in some crazy parallel universe that had existed the whole time…but that he had only now been allowed to access. And it wasn’t pleasant. 

“Underwear too,” said Scarlet, popping her gum as she snapped her fingers again. “What did you think I meant by “strip?” Come on Clayton, let’s go.” 

Clayton made sure not to hesitate again this time, and a second or two later he stood before his half-sister, totally naked, his penis hanging limply in the warm mansion air. Scarlet looked down at it shamelessly, trilling to herself. 

“Hmmm, nice size. Not gigantic. But not small either…nice.” She walked around his nude body, humming and clicking her tongue to herself, inspecting him. Clayton felt like a piece of meat…but as Scarlet continued to walk around him, he felt something cooking deep inside him. Something that he had never felt before. His cock twitched a little. What was happening? He wasn’t into this!! He wasn’t into all this crazy submissive bullshit!! 

“Mmhmm, I seeeee you twitching down there,” chuckled Scarlet quietly in his ear. “Just like his daddy.”

“N-no I’m not,” sputtered Clayton, closing his eyes. Surely the twitch in his cock was just because Scarlet was so pretty. Or confident…or something. It wasn’t because…he was her slave or anything. 

“Oh yes you are,” she cooed in his ear, reaching down and drawing a single finger up his length. “I can smell the cum in your balls starting to bubble. You’re a sub through and through. You’ve just never been taught before. I’m going to teach you, Clayton. I’m going to teeaachhhh youuuuu.” Scarlet’s whispered words worked like some kind of arcane spell on his cock, and he felt the blood starting to rush down into his crotch as his length started thickening and rising in the air. The same tingle that he had felt initially, when he had shrunk, started tickling his spine again, and he panicked. 

“F-fuck this!” cried Clayton. His eyes shot open and he made a sudden bolt for the door. Scarlet was too fast for him, though, and he only got a few paces before he felt her powerful hand seize him by the neck and pull him back, making him choke and gag. His feet desperately ran in place, digging into the carpet, but he was going nowhere. 

“Gotcha,” whispered Scarlet in his ear. “And now you’re gonna see what a bad idea that was.” 

Clayton heard her spit on something, and a cold fear rose in his chest. Still holding him in place by his neck, Scarlet produced two long, manicured fingers of her free hand in front of Clayton’s face, all wet with her spit. She fluttered her fingers back and forth, making long strands with her spit, teasing him. 

“Can you guess where these two little guys are going?” she asked in his ear. “Can you guess, Clayton?” 

“D-don’t — ” he started to beg, but it was too late. With a vicious thrust, Scarlet had shoved both fingers straight up his ass. His scream was cut off as Scarlet squeezed her hand into his windpipe, turning what had been a piercing screech into a tiny, pathetic-sounding squeal. 

“Oh yeah, I’m going deep in there,” snarled Scarlet, rummaging her fingers mercilessly into his ass. “Deeeeep in there. Oh yeah…oohhh yeeaaaahhh.” 

For the next several minutes, Scarlet proceeded to rape Clayton’s ass with her fingers, laughing softly in his ear the whole time as she gradually increased the pressure on his throat. Clayton was in silent agony, unable to cry out, and unable to move his body away from his tormentor. He could feel his mind breaking. How could this be happening to him?? His half-sister was literally raping him, and there was nothing he could do about it. 

“Ok, now here comes the fun part,” breathed Scarlet brightly. “You’re gonna jerk yourself off, Clayton! I’d do it myself, but it’s a little weird, don’t you think, for siblings to jerk each other off? Haha! So yeah, you can start now.”

Clayton did as he was told without pause, hoping beyond hope that if he just obeyed Scarlet, she would let up on him. It took him a minute or so, but he was finally able to achieve a full-fledged erection. Scarlet helped him by fiddling his prostate with her fingers, giggling in his ear as she chewed and smacked on her gum happily. 

“There it is!” she laughed. “That’s what I wanna see Clayton! Now jerk it for me! Jerk it! Jerk it! Jerk it!” 

She kept chanting in his ear, and despite the fact that he was being choked, despite the fact that he was getting his ass ravaged by the Scarlet’s sadistic and persistent fingers, Clayton could feel the warm color creeping into his face. He was actually…able to give in to the situation and become aroused. He didn’t know how, but the more he surrendered, the more he gave in, the harder he became. He grit his teeth again, shutting his eyes tightly. He didn’t care if he shrank a little bit again. He didn’t care. He just wanted Scarlet to stop choking him and fucking him in the ass. But almost as soon as he wished for these things, Scarlet sped up her fingers even faster against his prostate as her hand tightened still more around his helpless neck. 

Clayton started seeing stars, but more than anything else, he felt the oncoming tide of an absolutely massive orgasm begin to build at the base of his cock. He was at full mast now, and was desperately beating himself off. She was so strong, so powerful…his orgasm bubbled and built further…she was so pretty…so…powerful…

“Shoot it!” snarled Scarlet in his ear. “Squirt it out Clayton! Give innnn to me.” 

Her fingers pushed and pulled and buzzed mercilessly against his prostate at an even more rapid, inhuman pace. And she squeezed his neck even tighter. Clayton’s mouth shot open, his eyes rolled back into his head, as he let loose the most intense orgasm in his life. He was conscious barely long enough to feel the dreaded tingle shoot once more through his body, and hear Scarlet’s shout of joy, but he didn’t hear anything more after that. Darkness enveloped his eyes and his head lolled forward, his entire body going limp as he passed out.

Chapter End Notes:

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