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Chapter 33: All According to Plan 

A few hours before, Savannah had gone over the night’s plan with Jeff, if it could really be called a “plan” in the proper sense. A lot was up in the air — they didn’t know how the police officer would respond, but they did know that, thanks to Sarah’s strength and overwhelming physical power, they would never be in danger. 

“You…you mean, like, Sarah’s gonna, uh…actually, you know…force the cop to do stuff?” Jeff had asked Savannah uncertainly. 

“I don’t know,’ she responded airily. “It depends on how she’s feeling tonight.”

“B-but…but I saw that cop. And…uh…he’s pretty big,” said Jeff.

“Hmm yes but then again everyone must seem big to you, sweetheart,” said Savannah warmly, scrunching up her nose at him. They had been sitting on the big sofa, while Sarah focused on her work, with her headphones in, and her back turned. 

“Yeah, but…but still, though,” said Jeff, reddening at Savannah’s little tease. “I could still tell that this guy is…like…like pretty muscular and…and tall.” 

Savannah chuckled lightly in response to Jeff’s concerns, and Jeff felt a cold fear start to creep through him. He looked over to Sarah, working diligently away, her huge back turned their way. What was she capable of? Savannah seemed utterly unconcerned with the prospect of Sarah having to physically overpower a large and powerful man. An additional thing suddenly occurred to Jeff, and he spoke it aloud. It was somehow easier to speak with Savannah, even though his voice still shook a little. 

“And…and, uh…w-wouldn’t a police officer be…be trained in, uh…hand to hand combat and…and stuff like that?” he asked. Savannah glanced down at him with laughing eyes.

“Haha, golly, little guy! You sure are worried about our little Sarah, aren’t you?” Her voice was gentle and humorous. 

“Y-yes!” Jeff managed to say, hating that his voice sounded squeaky and high-pitched. It was hard not to sound shrill when speaking to Savannah, whose voice was deep and velvety. 

“Jeff,’ said Savannah good-naturedly, peering closer down at him as she took his much smaller hands in hers. “Relax. Look over there. Look at her. Look how big she looks, just sitting down. You know how huge she is, how strong she is. Do you really think some cop with a little combat training is gonna be able to hang with her?”

“I…I don’t know!” said Jeff honestly. He had no point of reference for all of this. He knew that Sarah was certainly incredibly strong…like, a hundred times stronger than he was, but by this point, it had been thoroughly stamped into Jeff’s mind how small and puny he was, and how effortlessly Sarah could overpower him, both mentally and physically. Jeff didn’t know about other people…especially a big, muscly, masculine-type man like this cop. Jeff found himself in the odd and unfamiliar position of worrying about Sarah, of actually considering the possibility that she didn’t know what she was doing, or that she had bitten off more than she could chew. But Savannah knew what was going on, and she smiled softly as she shook her head down at him. 

“Oh man Jeff,” she murmured, her voice quite gentle despite its deep intensity. “You better be glad she’s got her headphones in right now, because I don’t think she’d take too kindly to you second-guessing her like this.”

“Wh-what!? N-no! No, I…i j-just — ” he stammered, but Savannah put her hand up to stop him, the innumerable silver rings on her fingers flashing slightly. 

“Shhhh, no need to protest, Jeff,” she whispered. “But that’s what you’re doing. You’re not trusting Sarah; you’re not putting your complete faith in her; you’re thinking that maybe she doesn’t know what she’s doing.” Savannah smiled kindly down at him as she shook her head again. “This is one thing that you’ll need to learn. Let me just give you this advice to remember, Jeff, and you’ll do well not to forget it. You ready?”

“Yes,” said Jeff, his cheeks flushed. He was already regretting speaking up. 

“As far as you’re concerned,” said Savannah in the same soft voice, but clearly and carefully, “Sarah knows best. There’s no room for your own thoughts and opinions, you understand? Unless Sarah asks for them, they’re a waste of time. Do you know why?”

“W-why?” asked Jeff in a small voice. He was beginning to feel overwhelmed again, and he glanced down into Savannah’s lap. Her skin-tight black dress curved and arched over her thick hips and enormous ass, which, combined with the the big meaty pillars of her upper thighs, formed a kind of huge, fleshy throne upon which Savannah sat. Her big shapely forearms were resting in her lap. Jeff saw how her slightly chunky stomach spilled over a little into her own lap. She was just so huge…so much bigger than he was in every conceivable way. And compared to Sarah, she looked tiny. Jeff’s breathing pace increased. Why, in moments like these, when he was in the midst of being utterly humiliated, did he become that much more aware of the size difference between him and the women around him? Why in these moments did he seem to gain an almost-savant-like hyperawareness of the puniness of his own body? 

“Because,” said Savannah slowly, lusciously, but still kindly, “Sarah’s smarter than you, Jeff. Right?”

“Y-yes,” said Jeff, nodding his head as he spoke. Why were these moments the ones that felt the most searing? His cock was almost fully erect.

“Her brain just…works better than yours. It’s nothing against you, I hope you realize, Jeff. But it’s just true. She’s told me about your interactions, and even in this short amount of time that I’ve been over here, I can see it clearly. She thinks faster than you, she knows more than you, she’s able to process information better than you, and she just…um…how to say it…her mind is just more…dynamic…adventurous…curious, you know?”

“Yeah,” croaked Jeff. He was just about ready to burst inside his pants if Savannah kept this up. 

“Yeah,” repeated Savannah, still in the same soft, kind voice. She wasn’t trying to be mean or put him down unreasonably. She was just speaking the truth in order to remind Jeff that everything was going to be ok. “It’s kind of striking, really, to see the difference. But again, Jeff, I’m not saying this to make you feel bad, ok? I’m just saying it to reassure you, you know? And to remind you why things are the way they are.” She laughed out loud. “I mean, you’re the one who sleeps in the cage, right? Haha, and you’re the one who signed that contract with her. You’re the submissive one, Jeff…and I gotta say, in all the years I’ve known Sarah, I’ve never seen a clearer or more obvious power dynamic than the one she has with you. It’s so intense and real it’s almost scary.” 

“I…I…uhhhh…uuhhhhgggh,” moaned Jeff, shutting his eyes and gritting his teeth. He was putting all possible energy into not shooting his load right then and there. He knew that he was under Sarah’s orders not to cum until later that night, and he knew that she would not be thrilled to learn that he had disobeyed her. 

“Jeff…are you…uhh?” said Savannah uncertainly, but then she realized what was going on. Her eyes got wide and her smile broadened. “Oh my god,” she whispered. “You’re…you’re about to cum, aren’t you? Haha!!” She burst into laughter, leaning back into the sofa, showing Jeff the upside-down “U” of her upper teeth. “Hahaha!! Oh geeezzz! You really are the perfect sub!! Like…holyyyyyyy shit dude!” She looked incredulously down at Jeff, as if she could hardly believe that he was real. 

“Did you come like this?” she blurted out in fascination. “Or did Sarah make you like this?”

“I…I d-don’t know!” said Jeff desperately. The effort not to cum was proving to be almost too much, and his face was now almost purple as the veins bulged in his neck and forehead. 

“Ok…ok,” said Savannah soothingly, reaching out her big hand to pet Jeff gently up and down his back. She seemed to have realized that if she kept on, Jeff would inevitably not be able to hold himself back. She would have to explain to Sarah that she had been responsible for it, and the last thing Savannah wanted to do was disappoint Sarah.

“All right…there we go…let's just relax a minute,” purred Savannah. In the next few minutes, she managed to calm Jeff down so that he wasn’t at his boiling point. Privately, she was marveling at how submissive and…just…how ”sub-y” Jeff was. She had seen a few like him in years past, but no one quite approaching the helpless intensity of Jeff’s own mental and physical submission. His incredibly short and puny body was the ultimate icing on the cake. 

“Ok,” said Savannah a few minutes later, after everything had calmed down. “So the plan’s pretty simple, right?”

“Right,” said Jeff, now breathing normally again. 

“Why don’t you repeat it back to me, just so I can be sure you’ve got it, huh?” said Savannah, cracking a grin. Clearly, she was excited about what was about to happen that night, and Jeff was trying to follow Savannah’s advice and just trust that Sarah had everything under control. He found that the more he trusted her, the easier it was to relax, and the easier it was to actually even get excited himself. 

“Uhhh…so…so you’ll be sitting in the kitchen,” he began.

“Mmmmhmmm, with the lights off,” said Savannah, smiling as she nodded her head up and down. “In a chair with my legs crossed, watching the whole thing go down.”

“And…and he won’t be able to see you…because…because it’ll be too dark,” said Jeff.

“Yesss,” she hummed. “And what’ll I have in my hand?”

“Uhhh, the remote control for the music,” said Jeff. “And…and when Sarah g-gives you the sign, you’ll…you’ll turn it on.”

“Exactly,” she purred. “And you?”

“I’ll be in the cage,” said Jeff flatly. “Under the coffee table. And it’ll be covered with a sheet or something. I won’t be able to see out of it. But…but I won’t need to see anything, because…because all I’ve gotta do is…is wait for the sound of Sarah kissing the air in between songs. The cage won’t be locked. That’s when I’ll come out.”

“Wow, good, Jeff — you’ve got it one hundred percent!” said Savannah, engulfing his little shoulders in her big hands as she massaged them. “And then what’ll you do after you come out of the cage and kneel at her side?”

“Uhh…whatever Sarah wants,” said Jeff. 

“Yep!” lauded Savannah. “That’s it! That’s the plan! You just have to remember, Jeff, to be listening verrry carefully for the sound of her lips on the air. I assume that you don’t want to know what happens if you miss that signal?”

“I…I don’t need to know, b-because I…I won’t miss it!” said Jeff, trying his best to sound confident. 

“That’s it! That’s the spirit!” encouraged Savannah. “I can’t wait, Jeff! This is gonna be one hell of a fun time. And also remember this: when you’re in the cage, waiting to come out, you’re gonna be scared. I know that you will be. You’ll be totally naked, with none of your tiny little body to hide (except that big cock of yours!), and you’ll be stepping into a very intense sexual situation between two very big, powerful people. You just have to remember to go straight to Sarah and kneel at her side. Once you do that, you’re safe. You understand? This is gonna be a big test of your faith in her, Jeff. Just remember my advice, when you’re in the cage there, waiting. Just trust Sarah. Trust her….trust her…”

‘Trust her…trust her…trust her…’

Hours later, Jeff was replaying Savannah’s deep, velvety words over and over again in his brain as he crouched there in the cage on all fours, comfortably nestled under the coffee table with a blanket overhead, listening to Sarah and Jack Hanson interact. It was all quite strange for Jeff — whenever Sarah was involved, things seemed to move like a whirlwind. Less than 24 hours before, he had been tossing and turning in his bed at his parents’ house, nervously keeping himself up with conflicting thoughts of how he felt about Sarah, and his mysterious surgery, and his loss of height, and what she had done to him, and what she was planning on doing to him, and on and on and on. 

So much had happened in between then and now that Jeff could scarcely believe it…but there it was. Whenever Sarah entered back into his life, everything changed. Any focus that had previously been directed elsewhere was suddenly and powerfully directed onto Sarah. He had been struck by this same thought weeks previously: that Sarah was like the North Star…all direction started and ended with her. At least, that’s how Jeff felt. And the longer he remained within her fold, in her home, under her nose, the less he felt like an actual individual, and the more he felt like a subset of Sarah Helleger…an extension that existed to be molded and shaped as she saw fit. Her power, both in pure physicality and in her intelligence, was simply too strong to resist. 

Despite the straightforwardness of his submission to her, however, Jeff was still struggling with all kinds of odd, competing feelings and emotions. The week he had spent with his parents had allowed him to at least try his hand at thinking autonomously again, and the results were anything but clear. He didn’t know what to think about his own feelings. His old hopes of dating Sarah, or being in some kind of conventional relationship, had been totally shattered. And yet, at the same time, Jeff still felt pings of jealousy whenever he thought of Sarah doing things with other guys…or girls, even. He didn’t realize it, but these little bites and snips of jealousy were the remnants, the leftovers, of his old mentality, a mentality that wanted to own Sarah, to possess her, as a result of his profound attraction to her. 

Sarah could recognize the origins of these feelings, and she had been making it a point to burn them out of him, to purge them from his psyche. Feelings like that didn’t belong in the brains of her subs, most especially Jeff. Tonight was going to serve as a further purging session, among many other things. 

Jeff had to admit that Savannah had absolutely been right about him being afraid about the whole situation. It hadn’t started off so bad. About half an hour before the police officer showed up, Sarah had put Jeff in his cage, with a gentle squeeze of his shriveled bicep and a loving kiss on his forehead with her plush lips. She had closed the cage door and promptly thrown the blanket over it, and Jeff was left in almost total darkness. For the next half hour, Sarah and Savannah chatted pleasantly on the sofa about all kinds of unrelated topics…just shooting the shit…and the whole time, it was like Jeff wasn’t even there. Jeff couldn’t believe how either woman could be so calm before such a scene. 

And then when the doorbell rang, Jeff’s heart leapt up into the back of his throat and started beating like mad. He was incredibly nervous and anxious. It was actually happening! The cop had actually come to the house! It was almost surreal. Jeff was straining his ears against the cage bars, trying to hear their interaction on the doorstep. He couldn’t make out any words, thought he could definitely perceive Sarah’s sultry tone, and Officer Hanson’s masculine timbre. Their words became clearer a little bit later as they came into the living room. 

“So,” Jeff heard the cop say, ““what do you…um, do for a living, huh?” The cop’s voice was coming from somewhere very close by. Jeff made sure he was breathing as softly as possible as his heart continued to beat away like a hammer in his chest. He couldn’t believe how close everything sounded.

“Oh, no small talk right now, please, Jack,” came Sarah’s playful voice. She was apparently sitting on the sofa…so this cop’s name was “Jack”…Jeff suddenly felt a warm wave pour soothingly over his anxiety-riddled insides. Sarah sounded so confident, so in control. And as Jeff continued to listen to their interaction as it proceeded along, he found himself smiling out into the darkness of his cage. This guy was totally overmatched. Any time he tried to get a leg up on Sarah, she easily smacked him back down. It was a useful, valuable lesson for Jeff, to auditorily witness Sarah dominating someone else. She was masterful, effortless…powerful. Their interaction was completely guided by her words. Jack had nothing, no power whatsoever in the exchange. Even Jeff could tell. The music came on, and Jeff felt a further wave of warmth. Savannah was there in the darkness of the kitchen, watching all of this happen. Jeff liked her. She was caring, gentle…kind. A wonderful resource for getting to know Sarah better. Plus just…insanely attractive. Her gentle power and dark eyes were extremely alluring to Jeff, but it was all in the overarching context of Sarah. And that’s how it had been planned. 

When Sarah started mocking Jack’s size, and comparing parts of their bodies, Jeff smile got broader. He wished that he could see what was going on, but even though he couldn’t, hearing the scene was enough to make him almost completely erect. Sarah had spared him the sound in his cock tonight, as she had said that he needed to be eased back into that role. But even still, his erection was swelling impressively in the darkness. This cop was just putty in her hands! It didn’t matter that he was a big, tall muscly masculine guy — next to Sarah, he was tiny! Jeff had to remind himself over and over not to get too distracted by Sarah’s teasing, and every time the music got quiet during the transition from song to song, he strained to hear the sound of her kiss. 

When Sarah started blowing the cop, Jeff had to clasp his hands together to keep them from going straight to his own cock. The loud, lewd sounds of Sarah slobbering and squelching up and down Jack's dick were almost too much to resist. But Jeff held firm, and was rewarded mere moments later, after the Jack had cum and was again standing before her. The music faded away in between songs, and Jeff strained his ear against the cage bars. 


Sarah kissed the air, and Jeff’s heart paused for a moment, his stomach dropping to his feet. That was it! Now was the time! His fear whipped up inside him like a hurricane, but his limbs seemed to move on their own accord. He pushed the cage door forward as he emerged from behind the blanket. His nude skin felt cold in the normal air of the living room, since he had gotten nice and toasty inside his covered cage. He was vaguely aware of the nearly-naked form of the cop stumbling backwards, away from him, but Jeff wasn’t focused on that now. He crawled straight over to Sarah, who was lounging on the sofa with her legs spread wide, and knelt in a sitting position on his knees right next to her left calf. 

“Wh-what the!? What the fuck!?!” yelled Jack, almost tripping backward over the torn jeans that had collected around his ankles. “Wh-what’s that!?”

“Haha, “what”….nice!” chuckled Sarah. She leaned forward from her sitting position and started to scratch Jeff lovingly behind the ears. He closed his eyes briefly as he felt Sarah’s long strong fingers pet him. He was safe. 

“Now come on, Jack, don’t act like you haven’t met this guy before,” chided Sarah, clicking her tongue as she shook her head. “You were introduced to this little man just a few hours ago, remember? And I do believe you ascertained that he is indeed old enough to participate in these…adult activities.” 

“I don’t…I…” stammered Jack. His mouth had gone dry, and he was finding it difficult to form actual words. 

“No need to talk, Jack,” said Sarah, as the bass-heavy music started up again. “You know what to do.” Sarah made her hands into fists in front of her and bobbed her huge body up and down on the sofa, swaying and jostling herself sexily to the beat. Jack just stood there, not moving. Sarah suddenly stopped her seated dancing and stood up. Jack gawked and took a couple steps back. As Sarah had stood up, she had shed her see-through white nightrobe. Now all she was wearing was that tight black lingerie and her tall black heels. Her huge bare breasts jutted out as she put her hands on her hips. Jeff looked up from his kneeling position in awe. Jack’s 6’1 looked positively puny…because in her heels, Sarah loomed more than an entire foot over him, at 7’1 and a half. 

“Get dancing, cowboy,” said Sarah softly. “Or get out.”

Jack instantly did as he was told, awkwardly swaying his body back and forth. Sarah smiled and strode over to him, standing behind him as he continued to dance. 

“Well Jeff, whaddya think?” Sarah asked brightly. She put her hands on Jack’s shoulders as he kept dancing. It was incredible. His head barely came up to the bottom of her shoulders. Her massive breasts hung over both of his shoulders, each of them completely dwarfing his head. Her thick hips extended out well beyond either side of him, almost at the level of his nipples. 

“He…he looks small next to you,” said Jeff, marveling that he didn’t actually stutter. 

“He does, doesn’t he?” said Sarah, nodding. “Come over here, Jeff.” Jeff obligingly crawled over. In the midst of his dance, Jack shrank back, as if in fear of Jeff’s approaching form. Sarah grasped him even tighter by the shoulders, preventing him from retreating. 

“Aww Jeff, look at this! The big bad police officer is afraid of you!” laughed Sarah. Jeff had crawled up to her, and once again rose to a kneeling position on his knees next to Sarah’s calf. Inwardly, he wondered whether Sarah’s calf alone was as thick as his torso. 

“Ok Jeff, I give you special permission to stand now,” said Sarah. Jeff rose up, not taking long to reach his full height of 4’11. He had seen how tiny Jack looked next to Sarah, but now that Jeff was standing next to both of them, he realized how completely he was dwarfed. Sarah’s massive hips curved and rose above his shoulders, and he saw that he was staring straight into the lowest group of her abdominal muscles, gently defined under her feminine bulk. The top of his head didn’t even reach the underside of her breasts. The black line of her lingerie was right at his nose, an inch or two beneath his eyes. Jeff didn’t even look at Jack — he was too absorbed by Sarah’s enormity. 

“Hmmm, wow, this is nice!” hummed Sarah from far above. She wrapped her hand around Jeff’s neck, her fingers going just over three quarters around it, and massaged it softly. 

“I don’t want — ” came Jack’s halted, troubled voice, and Jeff felt a stab of anxiety. But Sarah immediately cut him off. 

“Jack, if you speak out of turn again, I’m going to throw you out myself,” said Sarah. “And there won’t be any coming back. I don’t have the time. You understand?” 

Jeff ventured a glance up at the naked cop, who looked huge enough to Jeff, since his eyes were even with the middle of Jack’s chest. Jack paused for a second and bowed his head slightly, nodding. 

“Good,” said Sarah from above. “Now stop dancing for a moment, Jack. Turn toward the kitchen, ok? You too Jeff. All right, now everybody smiiillleeee!” 

Three rapid flashes of light suddenly flared from the dark kitchen, and moments later Savannah had emerged from the black void. Jack was about to make an incredulous, choking noise, but silenced himself. Savannah was waving her phone back and forth, smiling broadly. 

“Got at least one good one, Sarah!” she said, indicating to her phone that had just taken a few pictures. “And I just emailed them to both of us, just in case, you know.” 

“Can’t wait to see them!’ said Sarah. She crouched down behind both Jeff and Jack, so that her head was still rising high above Jack’s, but so she could put one hand each comfortably around both their outer shoulders. She pulled them in towards her.

“Wow, Sarah, you’re bigger than both of them combined…easy!” said Savannah. 

“Well, that’s not saying too much, when you’ve got a little half-person here!” laughed Sarah, jostling Jeff’s whole body playfully with her big hand. “Ok! Now that everyone’s here, the real fun begins!”

Chapter End Notes:

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