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Author's Chapter Notes:

Tags: M/f, Gentle

Yet another boring day at the Drive-In Theatre that won't go by fast enough. I'd stop working here in a heartbeat if weren't for the fact that it's a steady job and finding a new one would be a pain in the ass. I think, eh, I'll just pass the time looking at my phone, even though we're technically not supposed to. As long as the manager doesn't catch me, it should be fine. Though, eventually, I get bored of that as well, and spend some time watching the time on the clock change.


I say it's a steady job, but not enough people go to the Drive-Thru to make it exciting...or profitable. Suddenly, I feel very slight shakes in the ground. I initially ignore them, but they seem to be growing in intensity with each shake. My first instinct is that it's an earthquake, and I start looking around for anything that is prone to falling over, and I steady everything that isn't nailed down. Though once I'm done, I realize that earthquakes shouldn't be this strong on the east coast, nor should they be so persistent and rhythmic. I look towards where the sound seems to be coming from out the front window of my kiosk, and I see something I'd never thought I'd see as long as I live.


Above the roofs of the buildings surrounding me, I see what appears to be a giant, walking slowly towards the theatre. At least that's where I think he's walking, and I almost start to run away, but then I come to the conclusion that I'll be safer than in here than out in the open. He might not even come over here, so I shouldn't be worrying yet. Though those soothing thoughts are immediately thrown out the window the moment that he turns onto my street. My heart starts racing, and I start thinking the worst, imagining what the giant might do to me. His steps are practically booming at this point, with each step leaving cracks in the asphalt below him. At the moment where he might pass me, he stops in his tracks, and my heart stops. His shoes, which seem to be Converse sneakers, are the size of cars, covered in dirt and bits of asphalt from where he had stepped. His jeans droop slightly over his shoes as well. I would give more details on him, but I could only see so much from within my kiosk, and I didn't really feel like going outside at that moment. Though while I'm inspecting his sneakers, he starts to squat, making my heart drop into my feet.


I think "this is the end, why did I take this stupid job, I could have gone to college like my mom told me to, etc." Then, I see his hand fall to the ground gently, and on it I see what looks like a normal, 20-something girl, looking up at what I assume to be the giant's face with a smile on her face. I have to snap myself out of my dark fantasies when I see this, as I did not expect this at all. Once the giant's hand hits the grounds, she hops off of it and starts walking toward me. She reaches my kiosk and says, "Two tickets for BFG please?"


I stare in disbelief and confusion at what I now realize is one of the more interesting couples that I've ever seen, but then I realize that I've been staring for a bit too long, and I snap myself back into reality. I frantically hit the buttons on my register, and say "Ummm...uh 12 d-dollars please?" Without any hesitation and with a bit of a chuckle, she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a 20 and gives it to me through the slot. I take it and I am ready to give her some change, but then she interrupts me, saying she's fine without it. I decide not to question it, say my thanks, and then I watch her walk past my kiosk towards the screen, followed by her giant companion, who practically steps over my kiosk while walking. I then hear his steps stop, and I hear one more loud thud, which I assume is him sitting down.


I'd go out of the kiosk to look at the two of them, but a small part of me wants to give them some privacy, at least as much as a couple like them can have. After a few minutes, I've completely calmed down, and sit back in my chair with a blank expression on my face. I pinch myself to make sure what I just experienced wasn't a dream, and surprisingly, this is reality.


The rest of my shift is actually quite peaceful, even with the giant eventually leaving with booming steps like before, but at that point, I had weirdly gotten used to it. The sun sets, and after clocking off, I leave the kiosk and walk towards my car. On the way, I have some time to think about my day and what I should do. My thoughts bounce absolutely everywhere and once I get in my car, the surreality of today finally hits me. Before driving off, I think, "If that couple ever comes back to the theatre, I hope it's during my shift."

Chapter End Notes:

This was the last one I wrote on Twitter, so the rest of the chapters should be better formatted (and written).

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