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Author's Chapter Notes:

Tags: F/fm, Gentle-ish

Out in the void of space, Celeste wanders the cosmos, searching for life to interact with. She doesn't remember how long she has been doing this, nor does she know where or how she was born, but she wanders nonetheless, not really caring about those kinds of details. She might think about her origins from time to time in the blank spaces between galaxies, but she tends to brush those ideas aside quickly, preferring to think of new and interesting ways of interacting with the life she encounters.


Since she is much larger than the planets she runs into, said interaction is usually very difficult. She has given up trying to speak to the lifeforms, as every time she has tried, she has been attacked by whatever weapon the planet can muster. These weapons have ranged from tickling her to actually causing her harm, but fortunately, none have ever had the power to gravely injure or kill her. Additionally, any injury she receives heals almost instantly, so she assumes that she is somehow immortal. But again, she usually does not dwell on why this happens, preferring to stay in the here and now.




On the East Coast of the United States, nighttime just arrived. Most people have gone to sleep early so they can get up for work in the morning, but some are still awake, keeping themselves occupied with whatever strikes their fancy. Some of these people are watching the stars, trying to make constellations using their imaginations. Some see a dog, some see a ship, and some see...well, something dirtier than that.


Though, in the night sky, some stargazers are noticing a sizable dark spot where there should be stars. They find this immediately strange, as stars don't just vanish from the sky. The longer they look at this dark spot, the more it seems to resemble a woman's silhouette, and it seems to be growing larger. Some stargazers start to panic, and others think their eyes are just playing tricks on them. But suddenly, the dark spot starts to light up, and the approaching form's features begin to become visible.


All of the people of the Earth gradually become aware of the approaching celestial body, and their reactions range from full-blown panic to admiration. She continues to draw closer, her focus now noticeably on Earth, and she is taking up more and more of the sky. Even those on the other side of the planet can see her approaching, though their view of her is less clear due to the daylight. Eventually, she reaches the planet, and her heavenly face looks down onto the surface below.




Celeste looks at the blue ball hovering by her breasts. She can see some greenery on its surface, probably the land where the tiny lifeforms live, she thinks. Wanting to inspect it closer, she picks it up in her hand, and holds it to her face. She's learned how to harmlessly grasp a planet after numerous failed attempts, so while much of the planet is being pressed against her skin, barely any damage is being done to it.


She thinks she feels some bumps in-between the folds on her fingerprint, which given their texture, she assumes are mountains. She also sees some grey spots scattered here and there. Getting incredibly close to the surface of the planet, so much so that her eye enters the atmosphere, she makes out geometric patterns, so she guesses that this is where the people live.


After a few minutes, she notices that the planet has not attacked her yet (or so she thinks, she just hasn't noticed their missiles since she's so massive). So to thank them for this, she brings her lips close to the Earth and kisses its surface, leaving a slight indent where her lips were, along with oceans of saliva covering the land. She realizes she might have overdone it, but she stops caring, thinking instead about what the next planet will hold. She releases her grip on the Earth, blows it a kiss goodbye, and swims off into the depths of space, her curiosity satisfied.


Chapter End Notes:

Sorry if anyone was waiting on new chapters, I'll be able to finish the list soon.

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