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Kelly eyed the lollipop longingly, absentmindedly twirling the stem in between her thumb and index finger while the aftertaste of her first lick settled in her mouth. She noticed that she had only licked one side of the lollipop, and that the other was still covered in the exotic Arabian spice. Determined to enjoy her last bite, she paused in anticipation, then slowly raised the lollipop to her lips. But this time, instead of licking it, she puckered her lips and touched the top of the lollipop to them, forcing the lollipop through her pursed lips, letting her lips slowly roll over the lollipop until it was completely engulfed in her mouth and her lips closed around the stem on the other side.


Once inside her mouth, she flicked the lollipop several times with her tongue, each time getting more excited and, strangely enough, aroused. She felt her nipples begin to harden as she toyed with the lollipop in her mouth, washing her tongue over and around its entirety and licking off every fleck of spice she could feel. A small moan of sexual pleasure arose in her, but it came out as a hum instead since her closed mouth trapped the nascent lustful moan and forced it to escape through her nose. She let her mind wander for a while as she savored the lollipop in her mouth, and then she satisfiedly swallowed, allowing her spit to gently roll down the back of her throat. She could feel it all the way down to her stomach.


This isn’t just a spice, Kelly surmised. It’s one of those erotic aphrodisiacs. Holy shit! I can’t believe Anika is this kinky to have a freaking aphrodisiac hidden in her desk! I didn’t think she had it in her. I guess guys really go for the mysterious, quiet type, though. When she gets back, we’re going to have to have a little chat.


Bringing her thoughts back to the present, she continued to tongue the lollipop still encompassed by her mouth, but almost all of the spice was gone. Although she felt the occasional grain of aphrodisiac stick to her tongue, she had swallowed most of it. In an uncharacteristic flash of innovation she rolled her tongue over her lips to pick up any of the spice that would have stuck to her puckered lips as she inserted the lollipop. This yielded a bounty of spice, but it, too, was soon gone, and she was left with nothing in her mouth but a lollipop.


Well, I guess that’s it, she pondered resignedly. I can only justify eating as much of Anika’s spice as I actually ruined by dropping my lollipop into it. But there was one problem with letting her mind make that call: she was horny. Wickedly horny. And an internal struggle began between her mind and her body, the former attempting to maintain some semblance of conscience and propriety by not allowing her to continue to destroy her roommate’s property, the latter passionately aroused and inexorably drawn to the powder before her, craving another fix of the aphrodisiacal drug to maintain her high. The grand battle between her mind and her lust lasted all of five seconds.


She had never been known to be much of a thinker.




Ron was one of the unfortunate 500 still left on the lollipop after the giantess’s first lick. He was completely diametrically opposite from where the lick had taken place and, being immobile, he had no idea that she had already licked the lollipop. He still didn’t know what her intentions were for them. He was about to find out.


Then his whole world went topsy-turvy on him as he felt the lollipop being rotated back and forth at hundreds of miles per hour. It would have been enough to make him vomit if he weren’t so busy screaming. Finally his world stopped moving, and then everything turned red. Well, more pink than red. As he stared bleary-eyed ahead, trying to get his bearings after having become so violently dizzy, his vision started to come into focus. Oh no, he was not mistaken. His field of vision was very much pink. He was staring directly at a mouth several hundred feet tall and, if it were possibly to assign human emotions to anything so impossibly large, it was…smiling.


The sides of her smiling lips came together and a (relatively) small hole formed between them as she formed the most intimidating pucker he could imagine. The lollipop was thrust forward into her awaiting mouth, and Ron was fortunate enough to be on the part that went straight through the whole and into her mouth.


Hundreds of other scattered over the rest of the lollipop were not so lucky. As her colossal lips contacted the surface of the lollipop, she smeared a hundred into paste instantly. Then her lips slowly advanced around the perimeter of the lollipop like an unstoppable wall, steamrolling dozens but collecting hundreds more in the coat of saliva left on her lips from the last time she’d licked them. But those who were crushed by her advancing lips and those who ended up stuck to the colossal pillows shared the same fate: they would die in this giant girl’s mouth.


An oppressive heat washed over Ron as he entered her mouth, and after a few seconds, her lips sealed over the stem behind him. It was like a sauna in her mouth, a cavernous steam room with spit dripping off her teeth and the smell of the remains of mangled bodies still lingering from her last lick. Fortunately for Ron, he did not have time to let the impression of his surroundings sink in as her monstrous tongue came straight at him, knocking him off the lollipop and into the pool of spit settled against the back of her lower teeth. He watched above him as a tongue almost a thousand feet long crushed the hundreds who were on the lollipop.


As Ron wallowed in the pool of spit, he was deafened as the walls of the cavern reverberated with an unholy rumble that shook him to his core. Now deaf, soaked, and a broken man, Ron was almost thankful as her tongue swished around and maneuvered him and all the others to the back of her mouth. He floated resignedly as he began his final slide down the back of throat and into her belly to join the hundreds of others whose digestion was already in progress.


Those left stuck to her moist and plush lips had little time to celebrate. Though they had avoided the fate of those trapped in her mouth and now swallowed, their reprieve was short lived as her tongue darted out of its captivity and rolled over them, crushing many and collecting the rest. They soon joined their compatriots in her belly.


Jake viewed the whole event in horror from down in the box. First she had licked one side clean of two hundred souls out of curiosity. Then out of excitement she had slowly and deliberately sucked and mashed the remaining five hundred with her tongue and lips. His mind rambled frantically trying to make sense of it all, trying to conceive of some way to organize the thousands left in the box to somehow grab her attention and still save them all. There had to be a way. The fates could not be so cruel as to offer them all a savior and then turn her into their executioner.


And then he felt, more than heard, a deific rumble emanate from her. He saw her enormous lips twist into an expression that mirrored contentment. Oh no, Jake realized, starting to sweat even more feverishly than before. She’s…enjoying this.


In his peripheral vision he noticed something, and glanced downward on the horizon to her chest. The box, still situated on the desk, was just below chest level to the girl whose face hovered thousands of feet directly above. What he noticed upon further inspection of her chest confirmed his worst suspicions as two gigantic bumps protruded on either side of her shirt. Her nipples were getting hard. She was getting horny. And she was about to get nasty.

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