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Thursday, June 3 (cont.)


The smell hit him just seconds before her feet made touchdown, and he could tell he’d be in for a hell of a ride. The nauseating aroma was undeniable and unescapable. The mustiness of such dirty socks, having been stuck in a shoe for so many hours, was a blocky, obtrusive scent that seemed like it belonged to a different person entirely than the girl whose shoe he’d put on his head. It was a thick kind of staleness, like the shoe her socks had been in had shedded an internal layer of worn-out synthetic foam after being stuffed full of too much dirt and sweat and sock fuzz, after which her socks had magnetized all that waste, where it had clung to her foot ever since. 

The sock itself had long since lost its cotton smell and evolved into a dark and dreary mascot for the hundreds of limit-pushing runs that Elle had gone on; like a fresh-faced school kid after months of relentless bullying at a new school, its innocence had been stolen away and all it reflected now was misery, a misery that stormed into Reese’s nose and promised that if it had had to suffer, it’d make sure to pass along the pain and make someone else suffer too.

The hours of sweat had produced such a toxic and reeking aroma that Reese didn’t think his sister, even on her hardest-working, sweatiest days of the last few weeks (in which he’d gotten up-close smells of her feet multiple times) were representative of even a fraction of what Elle was able to produce from her workout. Over three hours of running almost 20 miles in the sun as practice for her upcoming marathon had allowed her socks to get moist just within the first 10 minutes, and after an hour they’d been truly soaked. So after triple that amount of time, there was so much sweat that Elle had started to feel a squishy feeling in her shoes, like the soles had turned into over-stuffed sponges, meaning the sweat was only able to pool at that point and maintain a constant state of foul wetness for the athlete’s socks. And with her shoe tied on as tightly as it was, the murky liquid wasn’t able to evaporate, despite how much the sun was beating down on the black pair of shoes Elle had worn. If the purpose of perspiration was to keep bodies from overheating in the sun, then Elle’s had certainly succeeded, at least for her feet, since they’d been enshrouded in such a thick layer of sweaty moisture that they absorbed all the heat for her, allowing her to power through her run. Her skin had even begun to prune down there from all the moisture seeping into her skin, waterlogging her toes and soles and arches and heels to the point that they wrinkled more aggressively than a centenarian who was a life long smoker. And all those folds in her skin just meant there were new nooks and crannies for her sweat to build up in, desperately cramming together as her pores simply kept pushing sweat out more and more and more and more and more.

There was no ‘cheesy’ smell as is classically described of people’s feet, probably because the stench was so noxiously vile that it would’ve ruined any actual cheese that could’ve cultivated in the greasy spaces between her toes. Although maybe one could say they smelled cheesy if that cheese had molded over to the point of self-decay, because the rotting, earthy aftermath would’ve blended in perfectly with whatever it was that had happened to Elle’s feet.

But then her feet made contact with with his face, and he was introduced to a new dimension of nauseating, foot-induced suffering. Elle’s feet, and subsequent socks, were so hot that Reese was worried she might even be sick. For her body to be emitting this much heat, she had to have a fever or something, it wouldn’t make sense any other way. Her feet were so hot that she made the rest of him feel cold, they were so blazing he felt like he was already started to get preemptively dehydrated, they were so steaming he wondered if it was physically possible for something roasting so close to his pupils to fog up the surfaces of his eyes.

But they wouldn’t have been so properly hot if it weren’t for how wet her socks were. She could’ve gone swimming with her socks on, and the result might’ve honestly been as sopping as they were now. It was a level of pure and potent saturation that it made Elle self-conscious; she’d sweat so much that she thought something was wrong with her body. That level of discouragement as a result of just how much sweat there was available to stain Reese’s cheeks. He wouldn’t have been surprised if it was more than just foot sweat too. There was probably ass sweat that had trickled all the way down her sculpted figure and come to rest at the lowliest part of her body, and pit sweat and boob sweat and back sweat. All those hours of hard work, and gravity had willed it it to come and rest at a spot where it could fester, clinging on desperately to her socks, before they were now, finally, placed on Reese’s little face. Her shoes had never been their intended final resting place, because his head was even lower than her feet (both physically and figuratively). Only on his face for a few seconds, and he could already feel half a dozen beads of sweat trickling down his cheeks, symbolic of how much he wished he could cry. Although he probably would be crying anyways, since the mixture of sweat and heat caused a stinging sensation in his eyes.

As soon as the socks touched his face and originated a flurry of panicked thoughts, Reese tried to squirm from how mentally taxing it was to experience for just a few seconds. But Olivia only squeezed his head harder, so hard he imagined his head popping from the pressure, and he knew that the possibility of being able to budge even a hair was abysmally small. Her all-encompassing feet had glued him to where he was (and the sticky sweat was so aggressive that he was probably glued to Elle’s socks too). Additionally, Elle’s body weight felt like more than half a ton pinning him down, so heavy that he felt like he was at risk of sinking right into the mattress. So the rest of his body’s attempted squirms didn’t even register with her, since the main parts of his body were unable to move. His arms were the only thing that seemed to have any free will, and he had to remind himself every 5 seconds to keep them down and not try to push anything off of him, knowing that if he did, Olivia would just find a way to make his discipline even worse. 

“Please…” was the only thing he tried to croak out, although the roughness of Elle’s socks greatly muffled what it sounded like. And once his mouth had opened just the few millimeters needed to squeak out that single word, he regretted it instantly, since several beads of hot, stinging sweat slashed through the insides of his lips, before pooling at his gums and trying to soak in. But Reese’s body wouldn’t let it, as if it recognized the foreign substance for the toxicity that it was, so the couple of droplets just sat there in his mouth instead, a constant antagonistic presence.

After his first minor plea, a subtle, high-pitched squeal seeped out. It was like his brain was an auto-pilot, begging to make some kind of cry for help, and he had to use all his mental fortitude to keep his mouth shut, knowing that nothing he said would make a difference for his situation, other than to allow more beads of dirty sock flavored sweat into his mouth. Olivia could hear his whimpers and felt sorrowful, but she’d already started this and couldn’t turn back now. She wasn’t cruel enough to count his childish snivels as ‘complaining’ and increase his punishment, but it was important to her that she kept her word. Her iron will was the only thing keeping Reese from responding with any more than his minor peeps of olfactory pain. If she cracked now, it would set a precedent for the future that her decisions could be dissuaded, which would ruin all the authority over her brother that she’d built up. She had no desires to abuse that authority, but what he’d done yesterday had made it clear to her that maintaining her jurisdiction over her brother was important, so that she’d be able to doll out proper punishments when necessary. So with a quiet sigh, she kept her mouth shut.

With all the stinking, heated, wetness of Elle’s socks placed so perfectly on Reese’s head, it was like his face was designed to be beneath them. Each sole covering him from chin to forehead, and then some. Together with Olivia’s feet covering the sides of his head, the four giant girls’ feet had formed a perfect prison for Reese’s head. But even with their feet sequestering his face to such a foul and poisonously smelly position, they couldn’t contain all the stench to such a tight place. Not even 10 seconds after Elle had placed her feet on the face of Olivia’s little brother, a little bit of her filthy socks’ mucky aroma had leaked out, which was enough to prompt a fit from Olivia.

“Oh, shit! Ugh,” she loudly grumbled, recoiling as it hit her nose. “I don’t know why I thought it’d be a good idea to have him so close to me like this.” For a second, the thought crossed Reese’s mind that Olivia might change her mind and let him go, but he knew it was just a sporadic thought and not something to actually hope for. Once Olivia had committed to something, she was determined to see it through. “Jordan, I have a blanket over—actually, I don’t want the smell to rub off on that. There’s some spare blankets in the hall closet though. Can you go get us one?”

Jordan nodded and hopped off the bed, detouring for a second to lean in and see what the fuss was about. She only got as close as Olivia was, which was still a few feet away, but that was enough to give her more than enough of a sample. “Jesus,” she muttered in disbelief; despite her former teasing towards Reese, and her requests to Elle to have her come over as soon as possible while her socks were still ‘fresh’ (a complete oxymoron, of course), she felt instant pangs of sympathy. But that didn’t stop her from going to fetch the blanket for Olivia anyways.

They don’t even know the fucking half of it, Reese thought as he heard their reactions. The smell wasn’t just obnoxiously malodorous, it was evil. Not that Elle was evil, or Olivia for subjecting him to it; they didn’t truly know just how powerful the stench was. It was the kind of concoction that scientists could only hope to come up with in a lab, to be used as a chemical agent in times of war. There was something that kept trickling down his face, but he wasn’t sure if it was her sweat or his tears. Probably both. 

He heard footsteps enter the room again and a few seconds later, the light that had been seeping through the cracks around Olivia’s and Elle’s feet was suddenly cut off. “Mmm, that’s a little better,” Olivia noted, “but I can still kinda smell it a little bit. Can you see if there are any more?” She can still smell a ‘little bit,’ and she’s complaining?! I’m fucking dying, he thought, this fucking smell is literally going to fucking kill me. A few moments later, Jordan entered again, tossing a heavy bundle onto the bed before closing the door again. A second blanket was tossed over Reese, this time getting tucked under Olivia’s feet a bit. Then a third blanket. And a fourth. The final one was heaviest, the kind that was rarely used because you could wrap yourself with it during the dead of winter and still be a bit too hot. Reese hadn’t thought his situation could get much worse, but now his entire upper torso was buried under so many layers of blankets that he was quickly heating up. And the thick layers above Elle’s feet kept the stink particles buzzing around Reese’s head. Any hope that her socks might air out a little bit were squandered; for as long as Olivia decided to keep him down there, he’d be stuck beneath the sticky, wet prison of her friend’s rank feet. “Finally, I can’t smell anything again,” Olivia sighed with relief. Another round of whimpers squeaked out of her shrunken brother, but this time there was so much insulation that none of the girls even heard him.

As bad as Jordan felt for Reese—and she honestly did feel pretty bad—an idea popped into her mind that she couldn’t resists. She had to do something about it, if only for a second. She inched over to the bundled mass of blankets, glancing nervously between Elle and Olivia. But Olivia knew her friend well enough to tell that something was on her mind. “What?”

Without waiting for permission first, Jordan pounced forward and landed her hands squarely over where Elle’s feet were positioned, pushing them through the covers so they’d get pressed against Reese’s face even harder. Before, Elle had only been resting them there, so there wasn’t much weight that he had to worry about at least. But after Jordan’s quick attack, they suddenly caved downwards onto his poor face with so much pressure that she caused heaps of Elle’s sweat to get squeezed out of her socks, like wringing out a sponge. It was so forceful they could literally hear the resulting squelch, and Reese let out a muffled scream of pure terror as his face suddenly got coated with the toxic waste from Elle’s 3-hour run. It was like he’d been anointed at an alter, like it was some kind of horrifically stinky, dirty ritual, wherein his face got practically bathed in the salty, noxious fluids. Several beads of sweat trickled into his nostrils and made their way down his throat, and just those few droplets were enough to cause a fit of coughing.

Olivia angrily pushed her friend away, although it had already been too late. “Hey, what the fuck?! You know you’re fucking with me too when you do that, right?” she said over the muted, whimpering yells of her little brother. “I already feel bad enough for making him go through with this, but you’re just making me feel worse.” 

Jordan was taken aback by Olivia’s reaction, and scooted to the other side of the bed. “Sorry,” she said. Now she felt guilty over her own actions too. And Elle was still sitting against Reese’s legs, feeling weird for being in the middle of all this. But despite how confident she looked from her athletic body and upbeat attitude, she was actually a bit submissive, so she didn’t want to disappoint Olivia, and just kept quiet instead.

Olivia sighed, “Ugh, see now I can feel Ellie’s sweat on my feet too.” Reese finally felt the massive soles leave the sides of his head, as Olivia pulled them away and got up so she could get up and wipe them off with a towel from her hamper. “Ellie, if his knees don’t make a good backrest or whatever, you can sit where I was sitting and just turn your feet around on Reese, cuz I needed to go use the bathroom.”

Elle looked hesitant, since she wanted to deviate from Olivia’s plan. “Um… how long do you want me to do this to him? Cuz like, I’m kinda pooped after the run and wanted to take a nap. Like not a long one, I know we’re heading out soon, but just like 20 or 30 minutes.”

Olivia didn’t even need to think about a solution, since it was so readily clear to her. “That’s fine if you wanna take a nap. If you don’t mind lying on your stomach, or maybe on your side a little, then your feet could be facing up and we could just have Reese lay on his stomach too.” Olivia was never able to sleep on her stomach cuz of how massive her boobs were, but Elle’s were far more normal-sized and manageable.

“Oh, um… sure then… I guess…” Once more, she didn’t want to argue with what Olivia’s plans for them, so since she’d gotten her nap request granted, she decided to just go along with Olivia.

Reese’s sister knew that as soon as Elle’s feet were lifted off of him, he’d start pleading with them—and she wouldn’t be able to blame him, of course. But since she still had to go through with her plan (Wait, why am I doing this again? she tried to remember. Oh yeah, to show him I can change my mind on things. Huh.), she didn’t wanna have to hear him, since she knew it’d only make her feel worse.

As Elle peeled back the layers of blankets, Olivia bent over with her hands at the ready, and as soon as Elle lifted her feet off, Olivia grabbed her brother’s head and hoisted him into the air. “You can get—Jesus, your face is like, so moist.” Feeling how damp his reddened skin was, while being hotter than any time he’d ever had a fever, she couldn’t keep herself from blurting out a comment on how he felt. “Um, anyways Elle, you can get comfortable and I’ll just keep ahold of him til you’re ready.” Which was true, but she was also firmly holding his jaw shut, making sure he wouldn’t be able to open it and say anything. They could all hear him definitely trying to say something, but with his mouth fastened shut, it was all unintelligible.

The blonde girl nodded, and pushed aside the blankets, before also peeling back Olivia’s sheets, before climbing under the covers and settling comfortably on her stomach with her head resting on a fluffy pillow. “I’m ready, I guess.”

As Jordan helped lift aside the covers that Elle had just climbed under, Olivia used one hand to lay out all four of the extra blankets beneath where Elle’s feet were laying, while still being able to hold her brother’s body in the air, her fingers still holding his jaw shut. Then she carefully draped his body facing downwards on top of Elle’s—his feet reached her lower back, with his face of course down at her feet—and firmly pushed his head into Elle’s stinking, smelly gray socks. With one hand on the back of his head to make sure he didn’t go anywhere, she picked up all four of the blankets and wrapped them over the top of his head. There was still some extra blanket left though, so she lifted Elle’s feet and Reese’s face up a few inches from the mattress, tucked the blankets underneath again, and then set them back down so the final ends of the blanket could come to drape over the top one last time. She’d cocooned her brother beneath four layers of thick blankets, although since he was double wrapped, it effectively felt more like eight. It was a tight wrap too, since she’d had to get the blankets all the way around twice. Once that had happened, she took the covers from Jordan and pulled them back over Elle’s body, smiling at her friend. “There, comfy?”

“Well… your brother feels kinda weird on top of me,” Elle responded, “but he’s not heavy or anything. So I guess so. Thanks.”

“Yeah, of course!” Olivia warmly smiled. “Jordan, if you still wanna do something to help, you can sit over there, and then rest your legs on Ellie to make sure Reese can’t squirm too much.” Jordan felt a little enthused about being allowed to help out again, so she shuffled over and gladly crossed her legs over where Reese’s back was.

Reese could barely hear the sound of Olivia leaving to head to the bathroom, but once she had, he truly felt alone. Elle’s feet, just as dirty, wet, warm, and disgustingly potent as ever, were still pressed to his face, except now there was a blanket holding him to them. His sister wasn’t even holding onto his head anymore, but he knew still wasn’t able to move his head, since it was wrapped under so many layers of blankets.

There was the first blanket that kept him wrapped up, securing him to Elle’s revolting socks.

Then the second blanket, wrapping him up a little bit more.

Then the third blanket, wrapping him up a little bit more.

And a fourth blanket, bundling him to Elle’s feet even more.

The first blanket was large enough to then wrap around him again, acting as a fifth blanket.

Which meant there was also a sixth blanket.

And then a seventh blanket. Who even sleeps under that many normally? Nobody, and yet it had confined Reese to a stinking, overly-sweaty prison.

Along with an eight blanket. There were eight blankets on top of him, and below him, and to the sides of him. Several inches thick—for a normal perspective. To him, the thickness of all the blankets must’ve been one or two feet deep.

But that wasn’t even the last of it, because Elle was sleeping under Olivia’s covers too. So there was a ninth blanket too.

And then a tenth blanket! Ten fucking blankets that he was so hopelessly trapped and swaddled up in.

And finally, thickest and worst of all, Olivia’s down comforter. The top and final layer. Eleven layers of hell. Fucking eleven. His own sister, so much older and bigger and stronger and better than him had bundled his head under so many layers of blankets it was like she’d doomed him to a new dimension. It was pitch black. It was hot enough to rival the Sahara Desert sun. It was so wet—FUCK! he thought—so maddeningly soggy with Elle’s dirty sweat. And he had to smell every single bit of it all.

Every time he breathed in, he felt like he was at risk of choking. It was as if the nauseating smell was a sentient, miasmic fog that was just as furious as Reese about being completely trapped in this hellish bundle, until realizing that there was an escape, and that escape was Reese’s nostrils, but they were so tiny and the evil stink so gargantuan that it had to cram itself as tightly as possible to fit into his nose and make a new home in the boy’s weary lungs. It was a splintering stench, like so many hours of abuse beneath Elle’s feet had transformed the odor molecules into something spiky, something that was eager to dish out pain to something else, anything else, for how much suffering they’d gone through beneath Elle’s arduous soles. The awful, dirty, terrifyingly sour fucking smell of hers honestly seemed to have caloric value from how dense it was. Maybe that was what happened, maybe Olivia had found out that her little brother had evolved into the next stage of humanity, a stage that no longer consumed food into one’s stomach but instead consumed smells through their lungs, so she’d wrapped him up so tightly that she could be sure he’d be properly fed, his nose letting him feast on this permanent new sustenance of his, this obnoxious, stomach-churning vinegary odor. He might never eat again. His body was so desperate for air though that with each successive inhale, he breathed a little deeper and a little faster. It was exponentially horrid. Maybe this was how he died. Buried away in the darkness, huffing hordes of acidic sweat into his lungs, sucking it all down and filling his lungs so that it transformed into a humid jungle. He knew it was bad to get water in a person’s lungs, but the toxic gaseous substance he was breathing in now was so humid that it probably counted as a liquid of its own, and once it had all gathered up in his lungs, it’d bunch together like dew, and her collected sweat would paint the insides of his organs, so that even if he survived, all future air would have to be processed through those tainted lungs, ensuring a permanent case of dirty sock breath for the rest of his life.

Olivia’s door opened again, but instead of Olivia’s voice, he heard the familiar tone of his mother, except he was so drunken off Elle’s stinking socks that he couldn’t mentally process whether her arrival was good or bad. Beneath the eleven layers of blankets, Reese couldn’t hear exactly what his mom was saying, but her voice got a little louder, which he realized might mean she was coming closer to him. Surely she sees the huge lump at the foot of the bed, where all these blankets are piled up, he thought. And if she peels back the bed covers, she’d discover my body, and then I could be fucking saved.

“Oh! Did you get your nails done Jordan?” Tracy asked, speaking a bit quietly so she wouldn’t wake Olivia’s other friend. Jordan was anxious about Reese being discovered (it wasn’t like she’d get in trouble, but it might ruin their chances of going to the beach later), but she did her best to maintain a conversation with Olivia and Reese’s mom. 

“Yeah, they were… I just painted them today actually,” she answered politely. Her feet were still crossed over Reese’s back, and Tracy was earnestly checking them out.

“Wow, you did a really good job,” Reese’s mom said, impressed. “I’ve had days at the nail salon that didn’t even result in toes as cute as yours.”

“Oh,” Jordan chuckled nervously, “thanks Mrs. Smith.”

“So how was your grad—oh, I just noticed this big lump here,” she mused, looking down at the mass beneath Olivia’s covers. 

She was about to lift her daughter’s sheets off to see what it was, but Jordan held out her hands and abruptly stopped her before she could. “Wait wait, don’t open the covers, it’s for Ellie’s feet!”

Tracy paused, looking at Jordan curiously. “Huh?”

“Well, since she’s been practicing for an upcoming marathon or something, she’s been going on a lot of runs lately to train. But like, so now her feet smelly really bad today, I guess she didn’t change before coming over, and Olivia said she could take a shower but she wanted to just take a nap first.” It wasn’t even a lie.

“What, so you guys bundled her feet up with a bunch of blankets so you wouldn’t have to smell anything?” Tracy asked with a laugh.

Jordan nodded with a nervous smile, “Yeah, pretty much.”

“Oh, OK. Well anyways,” she started to say, returning to her prior conversation with Jordan, catching up with her daughter’s longtime friend.

Reese had heard bits and pieces of what his mom and Jordan were saying, and he even felt a slight weight difference as a corner of Olivia’s sheets were lifted off, when Tracy had been about to check out the strange-looking lump. He felt a glimmer of hope at the notion that he might be discovered, until the weight returned as the covers were set back down. There wasn’t any movement for a few seconds, and then suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, a massive, crushing weight bore down above him, and Reese became completely petrified as he realized his own mother had just sat on top of his head and practically merged his face with Elle’s feet without even realizing it.


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