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Author's Chapter Notes:

Finally back.  I'm going to try and finish this, for what it's worth.  How long is that going to take? Who knows.  We are near the end.

Back to the stewardess storyline. Summary so far:

Mark, a one inch tiny, is escaping from the United States and fleeing to New Zealand, a place where tinies have rights, a luxury Mark has not had in years since President Trent took over the United States and slowly shrank the male population.   However, Mark needed help from Dianne, a tan, green eyes, dark haired 30 something year old flight attendant, who has smuggled many tinies before.   

During the course of the flight, a fellow flight attendant, Sarah a pale, blue eyed 20 something year old blond, spotted Mark, forcing Dianne to pretend that Mark was actually a personal tiny insert for herself, to save face and not get in trouble for trying to smuggle a tiny, a very serious crime.  Sarah does not hold tinies in the same regard as Dianne, and believes tiny men are no different than a shoe, just an object to be used and discarded as needed. Sarah and Dianne are friends, so Sarah believes Dianne's lie, contingent on the fact that Dianne shares Mark with Sarah for the rest of the flight and subsequent hike they planned on taking the next day.   As Dianne is now going along with Sarah's treatment of Mark as nothing more than an object, Dianne begins to enjoy using Mark that way, a feeling she's conflicted with at first, but through a series of misreads, miscommunication, and misunderstandings, becomes increasingly convinced that Mark is actually enjoying it, until Mark (who is now battered and beaten, threatened to be dismembered by Sarah if Mark doesn't agree with enthusiasm to everything his "goddesses" say and under fear for his life) "admits" that he wants to be Dianne's pet.   Dianne cleans him off after talking with him about her future plans, until finally bringing him back to the fire on the lakeside beach that's now going, where Sarah is already waiting for her and enjoying the fire.

Dianne puts Mark on the ground as the two girls talk. Sarah shifts her foot below the sand, before having it burst out and grab mark, dragging him roughly threw the sand otherwise playing with him for her, torturing him for Mark. Mark eventually accepts his fate and worships Sarah's monstrous foot to appease her.

After some time worshipping, Dianne realizes Mark hasn't eaten, and with Sarah's recommendation, for "renewable" purposes, decide Mark's meal should be the callus on her toe and after eating a bit, she gets up to retrieve her own dinner, allowing Sarah a turn to play with him...

Sarah's toes fell like giant pillars from the sky and the impact was like being hit by a freight train, the sheer weight of Sarah's foot crushing me into the soft sand below. I felt the grains of sand pressing into my skin, sharp and abrasive against my tiny body. Each individual grain felt like a rock pushing into my already bruised and battered body and what breath I had left was knocked from my lungs.

The warm saliva that enveloped me now mixed with the sand I sank into and I felt like I was being pulled into a dense, suffocating quicksand. Every muscle in my body tensed, instinctively fighting against the weight of the thick mud pressing down-on and around me. It was like struggling against a thick, heavy quilt that threatened to smother me entirely. My heart pounded in my chest, the sound muffled by the viscous sand that now surrounded me, echoing in my ears like distant thunder.

I fought desperately to free myself from the suffocating embrace of the saliva, my limbs thrashing in the thick liquid as I struggled to find some semblance of air. But the more I struggled, I felt myself sinking deeper into the sand.

But it was the sensation of Sarah's toes pressing down on me that was the most overwhelming. The pressure was immense, like being caught in a vice grip that threatened to crush me to nothing. I could feel the soft flesh of her toes pressing into me, the warmth of her skin radiating through the saliva and sand that surrounded me.

I struggled to free myself from the suffocating embrace of the saliva, my tiny body writhing in the sand as I fought to escape. But no matter how hard I struggled, I couldn't break free from the thick, sticky liquid that surrounded me as Sarah's toes continued to press upon me. I felt like I was being swallowed whole by a monstrous titan. The world around me seemed to blur into a haze of shadows and light, the taste filling my mouth with sweat and dirt. I was engulfed in darkness, my senses overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of Sarah's foot pressing down on me.

With a sickening squelch, I was pushed into the narrow gap of skin and flesh that lay beneath Sarah's toes. It was like being squeezed into a tiny crevice, my naked body pressed against the soft, fleshy walls on all sides. I could feel the warmth of her skin enveloping me, the rough texture of her calloused toes scraping against my bare flesh.

For a brief moment, the world seemed to freeze around me, my face pressed into the bottom of one of Sarah's dirty, monstrous toes. I could feel the rough, uneven surface of her skin pressing into my cheek, the sensation sending shivers down my spine.

I finally had a tiny amount of air, which was thick with the scent of sweat and dirt, the overpowering aroma being the first thing I could breath leaving me lightheaded and nauseous. It was like being trapped in a hot, stuffy room with no air to breathe, the heavy atmosphere pressing down on me from all sides.

I struggled to move, my limbs feeling heavy and sluggish against the weight of Sarah's foot. Every inch of my body ached with the effort, the pressure of her toe bearing down on me like a crushing weight.

As I lay there, pinned beneath the giantess's foot, I couldn't help but feel a sense of despair wash over me. I was utterly helpless, trapped in this dark, suffocating prison with no way out. My face was pressed into the bottom of Sarah's dirty, sandy, callused, spit-covered toe, and I found myself engulfed in a surreal landscape of rough, uneven skin. The surface beneath me felt coarse and gritty, the sand and dirt sticking to my skin like glue. Each grain of sand felt like a tiny pebble digging into my flesh, the rough texture scraping against my cheek as I struggled to breathe.

The toe itself was a gnarled, twisted mass of flesh and skin, marred by years of neglect and abuse. Deep cracks and crevices ran along its surface, like winding canyons carved by the passage of time. The skin was rough and dry, cracked and peeling in places, revealing the raw, tender flesh beneath.

But it was the calluses that covered the bottom of Sarah's toe that truly caught my attention. They were thick and hardened, like layers of armor protecting the delicate skin beneath. Each callus was a patchwork of rough, uneven texture, with deep grooves and ridges.

As I pressed my face against the bottom of Sarah's toe, I could feel the rough, uneven surface pressing into my skin. It was like being pressed against a rough, sandpaper-like surface, the sensation sending shivers down my spine. The skin was dry and cracked, the rough texture scraping against my cheek as I struggled to breathe.

Yes, despite the discomfort, there was something strangely comforting about the feel of Sarah's toes wrapping around my naked body. Above where her toes met the ground, the undersides of them were warm and soft, the skin smooth and supple against my bare flesh. I could feel the gentle pressure of her toes pressing against me, the sensation oddly soothing in its familiarity.

But the reprieve was for naught.

The giant walls of flesh twitched around me, and a wave of fear gripped me. The world around me seemed to blur into a chaotic whirlwind of sensations, each one more overwhelming than the last. The rough, callused surface of her toe pressed against my skin, sending a wave of pain rippling through my tiny body.

With a sudden jolt, Sarah began to roll me roughly underneath her toes, the motion sending a burning sensation coursing through my fragile frame. I was tossed and turned like a ragdoll, my body flipping over and over as I was rubbed and scraped between the undersides of her callused, dirty toes and the spit-covered sand.

Every movement sent shards of agony shooting through me, the rough texture of Sarah's toes grinding against my bare skin like sandpaper. The sensation was unbearable, like being dragged across a bed of hot coals, my flesh raw and tender beneath the relentless assault. As I tumbled helplessly beneath her toes, I could feel the sticky, viscous saliva clinging to my skin, mixing with the sand and grime that covered me from head to toe. It was a nauseating sensation, the thick liquid coating my body like a second skin, making it difficult to breathe.

Amidst the chaos and pain, I caught brief glimpses of Sarah's monstrous toes towering above me like ancient stone pillars, the rough texture of her skin illuminated by the flickering light of the fire. They seemed to loom over me like towering walls, casting long, ominous dark shadows between the light the leaked in between her toes.

As I spun, like brief flashes of light at a rave, I caught sight of Sarah's giant face looming above me, framed by the gap between the gap of her sandy toes. Her features were distorted in my blurred vision, but her blue eyes burned with an intensity that juxtaposed with her wide smile that would have caused me to shiver if it wasn't in a complete tailspin. It was like the face of a vengeful god, her gaze piercing through me like a dagger.

But through it all there was a strange sense of resignation that washed over me. I knew that I was at the mercy of this monstrous titan, and that there was nothing I could do to escape her grasp. All I could do was endure the torment and pray that it would soon come to an end.


As Sarah continued to roll Mark underneath her toes, a malicious grin crept across her lips sending a thrill of sadistic pleasure coursing through her veins. The sensation of his tiny body writhing beneath her was intoxicating, like a deliciously twisted game of cat and mouse.

With each rotation, she could feel the soft flesh of his naked body pressing against the rough, callused skin of her toes, sending a shiver of delight down her spine. She missed having her own personal plaything on these trips, a tiny puppet at her mercy to torment and tease as she pleased.

With another rotation, she could feel his tiny body squirming beneath her foot, the sensation sending a thrill coursing through her. Each time he struggled helplessly beneath her she felt a surge of power, a sense of dominance that sent a wicked grin spreading across her face. It was exhilarating to know that she held his fate in her hands, that she could crush him beneath her feet with a single flick of her toe.

And yet, as she reveled in his suffering, a part of her couldn't help but drift to think of the trip that lay ahead. The hike had been a welcome distraction from the monotony of everyday life. Yet for now, she was content to lose herself in the sheer ecstasy of Mark's suffering. After all, there would be plenty of time for to enjoy her hike later. For now, all that mattered was the delicious rush of power and control that came with being the master of his fate.

But amidst the excitement, there was also a sense of boredom that gnawed at the back of her mind. Rolling Mark beneath her toes had become almost routine, a mundane task that she had performed countless times with countless tinies before. It was like going through the motions, each movement feeling predictable and stale. Each time she felt almost like a junkie, looking to raise up the intensity for the next hit. It was time for her to mix things up.

As she paused her rolling, a wave of satisfaction washed over her as she peered down at the tiny man trapped between her sandy toes. His face, barely visible amidst the grains of sand and dirt that clung to her skin, looked utterly pathetic and terrified. It was a sight that never failed to amuse her, the sight of this tiny creature cowering in fear beneath the might of her foot.

His small form seemed so insignificant compared to her toes, the tiny man smaller then her big toe. The rough, callused surface of her toes scraped against his fragile, now reddened skin, sending shivers of pleasure coursing through her as she watched him squirm helplessly beneath her.

As she stared down at the tiny man between her toes, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. He was so small, so insignificant, hardly worthy of her attention. And yet, here he was, cowering in fear beneath the might of her giant foot. It was almost too easy, too predictable.

As she gazed down at the tiny man trapped between her toes, a mischievous grin spread across her face. He looked so small, so vulnerable, lying there at the mercy of her giant foot. And in that moment, she felt an overwhelming urge to assert her dominance over him, to remind him of just how powerless he truly was.

With a slow, deliberate motion, she began to squeeze him between her toes, relishing in the feeling of control as his tiny body writhed and squirmed beneath her. She could feel his fragile form pressing against her skin, his struggles growing more frantic with each passing moment. It was exhilarating, the sensation of power coursing through her as she exerted her will over him.

As she continued to squeeze him, she could hear the faint sound of his muffled cries, the sound barely audible over the crackling fire. It was music to her ears, a symphony of fear and desperation that filled her with a sense of satisfaction that had almost become routine.

But even as she reveled in the feeling of control, a sense of boredom began to creep in. Squeezing him between her toes had become almost too easy, too predictable. And yet, here he was, squirming helplessly beneath her, his tiny body no match for the might of her giant foot. She wanted him to teeter on the edge of suffering for as long as possible.

With a sigh, she released her grip on him, allowing him to take a shallow breath, the feeling of which barely tickled the bottom of her toes, before tightening her hold once more. It was a game, a twisted form of entertainment that she couldn't seem to get enough of. And as she continued to squeeze him, forcing all the air out of his lungs, she couldn't help but feel almost relieved.

He was hers to toy with, hers to control, and there was nothing he could do to stop her. And as she watched him struggle for air, his tiny body growing weaker with each passing moment, she knew that she had won. He was nothing more than a plaything for her amusement.

Se released her grip on the tiny man trapped between her toes when his struggles had grown weaker with each passing moment, his tiny body no match for the strength of her foot. There he lay, utterly powerless beneath her, his fate entirely between her toes.

With a slow, deliberate motion, she shifted her big, dirty toe so that it loomed menacingly over his face. She lightly began pressing down so that she could feel the weight of it pressing onto him, the rough, callused surface scraping against his delicate skin. She could feel him trembling beneath it, the response sending a tingling sensation up her spine.

"You must be totally enjoying yourself" she said, her voice dripping with malice as she lifted her toe up and down over him in an obvious threat. She could see the terror in his eyes, the fear that filled him to his very core. And yet, despite his obvious terror, he forced himself to nod, to feign enjoyment in a desperate bid to appease her.

It was a pitiful sight, the tiny man trembling beneath her, his body wracked with fear. And yet, as she watched him squirming helplessly beneath her toe, she couldn't help but feel contentment wash over her. He was hers to control, hers to manipulate, and there was nothing he could do to stop her.

With a cruel smile, she continued to hover her toe over him, relishing in the feeling of power that coursed through her. He was at her mercy now, and she intended to make the most of it. As she watched him squirming beneath her, she knew that she had won. He was nothing more than a plaything for her and Dianne's amusement. He quivered beneath her, she knew that there was nothing he could do to escape his fate. He forced himself to nod, his terror evident in every movement.

As she watched the tiny man trembling beneath her, a sense of cruel pleasure washed over her. His humiliation filled her with a sense of power, knowing that he was utterly at her mercy, his fate determined solely by the whims of her toes.

With a wicked smile, she decided to play a little trick on him, to further assert her dominance over him. "Oh, look at you," she said mockingly, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Your face is absolutely filthy. Let me clean that up for you."

With that, she lowered the bottom of her big, dirty, callused toe towards his face, relishing in the feeling of power as she pressed it against his delicate skin. she could feel the rough texture of her toe scraping against his face, the dirt and grime smearing against his skin as she dragged it across his cheek.

He struggled against her toe, but she held him firmly in place, enjoying the feeling of control as she forced him to submit to her will. "Like, did I say you could close your mouth, little bug?" she asked, a cruel smile playing on her lips.

To her delight, he obediently opened his mouth, allowing her to scrape the filth from the bottom of her toes directly into it. It was a sight to behold, the tiny man lying there with his mouth wide open, swallowing down the dirt and grime without complaint.

And as she watched him obediently swallowing the filth, a kind of gratification washed over her. It was a simple pleasure, really. With a cruel smile, she covered his face with her big toe, forcing him to swallow down the dirt and grime as she pressed down on more heavily, the feeling of his mouth moving sending tingles beneath her as she felt him slowly sinking into the sand beneath it..

He was held him firmly in place as she forced him to submit to her will. As she watched the tiny man beneath her, his mouth full of dirt and grime, her sadistic ideas filled her with mirth. He looked so pathetic lying there, utterly helpless beneath the might of her foot, and she couldn't help but revel in the feeling of power that coursed through her.

With another cruel smile, she decided to take things a step further, to push him even further beyond his limits. "Mmmmm, tasty” She said, shifting her dirty toe across his face, feeling the rough calluses scraping against him and causing her a tickle. His face was covered in sand and dirt, his lips barely visible and mouth full of wet sand. As she shifted her toe, she could barely feel his skin and lips pushed from rough skin, curling beneath her toe as she contorted his tiny face, a streak of red blood emerging before disappearing in a cascade of sand that fell on him.

“Now- Swallow" she commanded, her voice filled with malice as she suddenly pressed her big toe hard against his face, pushing the sand and dirt deeper in and forcing him to ingest the filth that coated his mouth.

She could feel the weight of her toe pressing down on him, the rough texture of her skin scraping against his delicate flesh. The feeling made her tingle as the tiny man lying there obediently swallowing it down, the feeling of it beneath her toe like a kind of trembling decompression.

She leaned in closer to see his tiny body underneath her toe, and as she watched him struggling beneath her, a sense of strange accomplishment washed over her, like she was cleaning the dirt underneath her nails. She smiled, pressing down harder on his face, feeling a tinge of wetness underneath the bottom of her sandy toe as it forced it's poked slightly into his mouth, forcing him to swallow down every last bit of dirt and grime.

And as she watched him obeying her command, she could see him trembling yet unable to move and she couldn't help but grin. He was utterly at the mercy of her toe.

She couldn't tell if he was trying to struggle against her, but she held him firmly in place with no effort, relishing in the feeling of power as she forced him to submit. He couldn't escape his fate.

As she felt the tiny man finish swallowing the dirt and grime beneath her big toe the sensation of his movements against the callused skin of beneath her toe sent shivers of pleasure up her spine. With a cruel smile, she lifted her toe slightly, gliding it across the rest of his body, allowing her to feel every movement he made beneath her. The soft skin his tiny body against the soft rough texture of her toe sent waves of pleasure coursing through her, and she couldn't help but relish in the feeling of dominance that filled her.

As she watched his little mouth continuing to chew, she giggled. He looked so pathetic lying there beneath her. With a wicked smile, she mocked him about the fact that he had swallowed it all. "Like, look at you," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "You actually managed to swallow it all. I'm totes impressed."

With that, she shifted her toes onto either side of his head, locking them in place, squeezing just enough to force his mouth open. He looked up at her with fear in his eyes, and she couldn't help but laugh at his pitiful expression.

"Are you thirsty?" she asked, her voice filled with malice. "Because I have like just the thing..."

With a wicked grin, she began to gather up another huge amount of saliva in her mouth. Without waiting for an answer, she let the saliva slowly descend from her mouth in one long string. She watched with sadistic delight at his terrified face as he saw it, his eyes widening with fear as the saliva slowly descended towards him.

With a satisfying splash, the saliva landed on top of her toes, the warm liquid slowly picking up dirt and grime as it flowed over her toes onto him, before enveloping him in its embrace. She watched with amusement as it slowly poured towards him on either side of the toes that framed his face, filling the area that he was in and beginning to drown him once again.

The sensation of his struggles against the liquid beneath her toes sent waves of pleasure coursing through her, and she couldn't help but relish in the feeling of power that filled her.

As she watched him struggle against the tide of saliva, she felt herself relax. With a cruel smile, she watched as he fought against the liquid that threatened to engulf him. His face distorted underneath the bubbles of warm spit she wrapped her hands around her knees and stared at him, his struggles becoming weaker and weaker as she locked him firmly between her toes.


As I struggled beneath the weight of the monstrous toes, my vision blurred from the thick saliva that surrounded me. The dirty, calloused toes on either side of my face appeared like rugged, weather-beaten walls, rising up from the sandy ground like ancient monoliths. Their surfaces were covered in layers of dirt and calloused skin, with deep crevices and ridges running along their length. Each toe seemed to have its own unique texture, some patches rough and uneven, while others were smoother where the skin had been worn down over time.

I could see tiny grains of sand embedded in the creases of the toes, sticking to the moist skin like minuscule jewels in a crown of filth. The nails, jagged and uneven, protruded from the tips of the toes like crude weapons, their sharp edges contrasting starkly against the softer flesh of the surrounding skin.

As I struggled to free myself from the suffocating pool of saliva, I felt the rough texture of the toes pressing against my skin, their surfaces abrasive and unforgiving. Each movement sent waves of discomfort rippling through my body, as I desperately tried to find a foothold amidst the chaos that surrounded me.

booom booom booom

The viscous liquid around me shook, sending tremors through my tiny body. The world darkened, and through the murky spit above me, I saw the outline of a massive shape before I realized at what I was looking.

Through the bubbly spit, I caught glimpses of Dianne's face, her pale green eyes shimmering, her face with an almost blank expression. Her features loomed large, each contour magnified by her enormous size. The faint light from the fire danced across her face, casting eerie shadows that seemed to flicker and dance with every movement she made. It was as if I was nothing more than a curious specimen to her, a tiny creature to be observed and toyed with at her leisure.

As the pool of saliva threatened to engulf me, I struggled harder, desperate for even a single breath of air. But with each passing moment, the darkness closed in around me, and I knew that I was at the mercy of these giant women, trapped in a nightmare from which there seemed to be no escape. I felt a surge of panic coursing through me as I struggled to breathe, the thick pool of saliva engulfing me, distorting my senses and muffling the world around me.

From above me, I could see Dianne's lips open and move, the liquid saliva around me shimmering and dancing in response. Dianne's voice reached me as a booming, garbled murmur, unintelligible through the viscous liquid that surrounded me. I could make out the urgency in her tone, a plea for Sarah to cease her torment.

Suddenly, as if in response to Dianne's words, the pressure around me eased, and I was released from the suffocating grip of Sarah's toes. The saliva began to drain away, leaving me gasping for air as I coughed and spluttered, desperate to fill my lungs with oxygen once more. As I lay there, hunched over and trembling, I could feel the remnants of the saliva clinging to my skin, leaving a sticky residue that coated my body. The taste of it lingered in my mouth, bitter and unpleasant, a reminder of the ordeal I had just endured.

But despite the discomfort, I was grateful for the reprieve, however brief it may be. I could still feel the weight of Sarah's gaze upon me, her towering presence casting a long shadow over my tiny frame.

As I lay there on the gritty surface of the sand, I couldn't help but feel a shiver run down my spine as I gazed up at the monstrous toes that towered above me like ancient pillars. Each toe was thick and gnarled, coated in a layer of dirt and grime that seemed to blend seamlessly with the sandy beach beneath them. The nails were jagged and uneven, caked with remnants of mud and seawater, a testament to Sarah's neglectful care.

Droplets of saliva fell from above, landing on my prone form with a wet slap, causing me to flinch involuntarily at the sensation. The liquid trickled down my skin, leaving behind a slimy residue that clung to me like a second skin, coating me in a layer of stickiness that seemed impossible to shake off.

Dianne's voice thundered above me, causing the ground to vibrate once more around me.

"Sarah, you nearly drowned him! That was so not cool!"

Sarah's toes slowly descended towards me, each one casting elongated shadows in the light of the fire. The first big toe was like a massive boulder, its surface rugged and rough with calloused skin and dirt embedded in the creases. It looms above me, dominating his field of vision like a monolith of flesh and skin.

"Relax, Dianne, he's fine! I totally knew what I was doing" Sarah's voice boomed in response. Above me, her big toe twitched slightly, as if contemplating its next move, while the others remain still and dormant. I flinched in terror for a moment, wandering if it was going to crush me.

"Seriously, Sarah, you need to be more careful!" Dianne's thundered back, my vision vibrating on the ground as the sand shimmered. The second toe, slightly shorter but no less imposing, twitched ever so slightly as it approached, its surface is speckled with grains of sand and droplets of sweat, glistening in the firelight like tiny diamonds. Dirt and grime clinging to the crevices of Sarah's toenail shook loose above me falling on and around me, filling the air with a distinctive smell.

Giggles erupted from above, and a droplet of saliva dripped from the tip of her toe, landing with a wet splat on me and causing me to flinch.

"Chill, Di, he's just a little wet! Besides, he's totally into it."

Above me, her toes curled slightly, their movements resembling the slow, deliberate flexing of a predator's claws, and I couldn't help but tremble. The middle toes nail was jagged and uneven, with flecks of red nail polish clinging to the edges. It hovers above me like a blade, ready to slice through the air with its sharp edges.

"I don't know, Sarah... " Dianne's voice boomed, the giant girl moving towards a log to take her seat causing a gust of wind in her wake. Sarah's pinky toe wiggled playfully, its tiny movements causing the surrounding sand to shift and tremble.

"Relax, Di, it's all good! He's having the time of his life down there!"

As the two woman continued to speak, I found myself staring at the calloused skin covering the undersides of Sarah's toes, rough and textured, the cracks filled with dirt.

"I hope you know what you're doing, Sarah. I don't want any accidents happening."

My vision turned to a strand of grass clinging to the base of her third toe.

"Don't worry, Di, I totes got this under control! Just trust me."

As they lowered closer to me, I could feel the heat radiating from their surfaces, yet sending shivers down my spine.

"Well, okay, but if anything happens, it's on you, Sarah. I dont want anything happening to my Arch support"

As the toes got closer, the world darkened, till all I could see was the grimey undersides of her toes. All the sudden, world poured in light, as her toes split from above me, showering me in wet sand.

“You hear that? Thank your goddess for saving your life!” Sarah voice boomed, her face no longer visible in the darkness far above me, looking more like a faint, white silhouette.   

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