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Author's Chapter Notes:

Continued from part 1.   Same crap applies as before.  Summary below:

Mark, in his freshman year of college, is shrunk down due to his schools "progressive" policies against toxic masculinity, to a height of one inch, a fate which he does not deserve.  Luckily, his new owner is Stephanie, a black friend of his, a bit of a nerdy tom boy. 

Stephanie builds him a doll house that is too big for his one inch size, but serviceable enough.  She organizes the first tiny rights meeting, which she hosts in her room with 7 other girls.   Alcohol is involved, and over the course of the night, Mark is subject to all sorts of "games", which terrifies/humliates Mark at best and beats him or narrowly avoids killing him at worse.

At this point, the only girls left at the party are Crystal, Amoe, and Stephanie, who all had been friends with Mark before hand.  Crystal is a tall, pale red head, who had been nicknamed "Crazy Crystal" as she was rather aggressive and wild, and is now wearing a red dress.   Amoe, who was a sweet, shy asian girl, with poor vision was also there, wearing a pair of shorts and shirt and years old slippers. The two of them had been making out and watching a movie, while Mark had remained trapped, unknowingly, in Amoe's slipper, and subjected to all sorts of slipper related horrors under the unaware toes of Amoe.    Stephanie, who had drank far too much, remains asleep in her bed.

Amoe and Crystal finish their movie, and Crystal finds Amoe asleep.   Crystal tucks Amoe in, taking off her slippers that Mark is trapped in, before going to the doll house to see if Mark is there to play with.  

But Crystal is suprised to hear Mark shouting from her slipper, and so slips her phone inside to see Mark on the camera feed, buried in the fluff.   Crystal teases the terrified Mark, and the story continues below...


Wrapped in the oily fuzz of Amoe's slipper, the otherworldly alien storm continued to roar from somewhere beyond the walls of the ripe, muggy slipper that had been the home for Amoe's foot for the last few years, and was now my coffin. The cell phone that had been wedged into the slipper above me illuminated the prison around me with a blinding white light – so bright I was forced to squint just to keep my eyes open.

The deep thunder of Crystal's voice shook the world around me, and in the white glow of camera light I could see particles of dust, dirt, and other unknown particulates dislodging and lifting from the slipper all around me, filling the air with various particles that made it look like a recently shaken snow globe.

I was exhausted, in pain, terrified and humiliated. I had only been a tiny for a week, and even though the previous seven days had been a nightmare, it had been nothing compared to tonight. This was worse than any nightmare I could possibly have imagined.

And so I did the only thing I could do. Even as the living thunder of the goddess continued to boom, I started to beg.

“P-p-please C-c-crystal...” I stammered, each clap of the living storm outside my fuzzy coffin filling me with dread.

P-p-p-prease...” Crystal's voice thundered all around me, the deep sound tinted with a mocking tone.

You sound sooooo funny micro Marky!” Her voice boomed, before being followed by the rapid loud cracks of giggles.


The blinding white light of the phones camera stained the particles that floated in the air that seemed to bounce with each strange boom of giggles. My vision started to blur before I realized I was crying, my quiet sobs inaudible over the sound of Crystal's girlish pleasure.

I'd heard her giggle like that before, many, many times. Usually when she was too drunk, and would start to get handsy with whatever guy was closest to her, teasing him before she would would inevitably get aggressive with who or whatever happened to be nearby when she finally lost all good sense.

It had happened to me before. She had punched me as hard as she could once. I had only thought it was funny when I was drunk and normal sized... but now...

I was terrified. Crazy Crystal was now as big as as a skyscraper.

The giggles suddenly stopped, the eerie silence filling me with an even greater dread.

Wellll microoo maaaark” Crystal thundered, her voice slurred.

Donchu wanta hearrr what we werr doin?” She paused, before her gunfire like giggles snapped underneath the blinding white light of the photo camera, the slipper more humid and hot with each passing second.

I stared into the light, tired, in pain, the dread washing over me. The white particles seemed to float around the slipper, and I stared at one as it fell down and landed up my lips. The thing seeped an oily residue that stung, leaving a taste of salt and oil that had been left out to rot in the sun.

Wellll micro maaark?”

I trembled, lips quivering. I tried to blow the thing off my lips, but the thing only slipped inside my mouth, the chunk of whatever it was causing me to gag and cough only to get stuck to my teeth and cheek.

Crystals giggles thundered around the slipper, my world shaking like an earthquake.

Or maybeee you wanna haaave a slippppper slumber paaaarty?”

Her words filled me with instant terror. I honestly wasn't sure if Crystal would leave me in here... or worse. I had to play along.

“N-n-no. T-t-tell me...” I stammered, squinting blindly into the light.

Crystal's voice thundered once again, but I couldn't understand anything. I could hear her booming voice, and a slight ringing when she paused, but I wasn't processing a word. My fear and humiliation was so intense I couldn't focus on anything but the blinding light above me. Somewhere out beyond the walls of the humid, dank prison I was entombed in was the red headed girl, drunk, giggling about how she and Amoe hooked up while they watched a movie. She'd occasionally pause to giggle, then say something along the lines of

... and yoouu were under Amoeeee's toooooeeees the whoooole time...”

I couldn't make sense of it, hearing the words of what fun they had in comparison to the images in my mind, of Amoe's monstrous toes mercilessly beating me, before shoving the filth that caked them down my throat. She didn't even know as she did it.

It was all too humiliating, terrifying and painful.

“AHHHHHHHHH!!!” I screamed, as loud and as long as a I could, before I started coughing again.

Crystal's booming voice stopped, leaving nothing but the eerie white light and the floating slipper flakes.

I worked up the courage to speak again.

“This isn't funny Crystal! It was horrible!”

The eerie silence was replaced with a strange gunfire – crystals giggles.

Horrrrible? Buuuut tiiiiny maan... weeee allll knooooow youuuu looooove feeeet”

Crystal's thunderous voice seemed to echo before it was once again replaced with the strange gunfire.

I could only tremble. It wasn't true, she knew it wasn't true.

“W-w-why...” I could only stammer.


Crystal stared at the computer screen, the window displaying the camera's video feed full size. There were flecks of white dust passing near the front of the camera, the occasional one partially obstructing the only visible part of Mark's body, his face, his skin stained gray and brown, a few larger miscellaneous flecks pasted across his skin like wet paper, a long brown hair running from the fluff across his cheek and disappearing back into it.

“W-w-why...” The tiny face stammered, the sound tinny yet clear when coming through the computers speakers.

Crystal's smile turned to frown, her drunken stupor turning to rage. Without thinking, she slammed her fist on the table, next to the slipper that lied aside the laptop, causing the desk to shake for a second. The video feed on the laptop showed an eruption of dust and particles from the slipper, obscuring Mark for a few seconds, before the particles slowly began to settle.

“You're such an asshole Mark” She said, her slurred voice disappearing under the sudden rush of anger that focused her mind. She stared at Mark's face on the camera, the particles that continued to drift down on him, the tiny face suddenly hacking and coughing under the bright white light of the camera.

“How stupid can you be?” Crystal continued, leaning her face in closer to the slipper so she could speak directly into it. With every passing word, she continued to get more angry.

The coughing from the computer speakers slowed down. Crystal could feel her own pulse in her arms.

“W-w-wha...” A tinny voice came from the computers speakers.

Just that sound made Crystal's blood boil.

“SHUT UP!” Crystal nearly yelled, slamming her fist simultaneously on the desk, close enough to the slipper this time to move it slightly. She didn't even think about the other girls in the room, but it didn't matter. Both of other girls were passed out cold, and she knew it.

The explosion of slipper scum once again blew back up into the camera. Crystal took a deep breath, a screaming voice in her mind made the coughing from the computers speakers inaudible to her.

“You listen to me now, tiny.” Crystal said angrily, her long red hair partially obscuring face as she leaned even closer to the opening of the slipper.


Crystal's voice thundered even louder than before as I struggled to breathe, dirt and fuzz flying through the air as if it was a storm. Some would land on my face, forcing me to exhale deeply or risk suffocating.

The bright white light above me from the camera continued to shine down on me, forcing me to squint.

You've always been a jerk” Crystal thundered, so loud that it was deafening.

I was always sooo nice to you. And you always treated me like second fiddle. You know that?”

Her booming voice was so loud I couldn't hear myself breathe or cough. Each word she spoke vibrated my entire body, shaking the slipper and blowing dust and dirt into the air, making it difficult to draw even a tiny breath.

In the struggle, it was difficult for me to process what she was saying. But memories flooded back. As far as I could recall, I had always been nice to her. Sure, I teased her, but we all did. She did act crazy and aggressive sometimes when drunk, and sure, she could be annoying sometimes sober, but we still hung out...

The feminine thunder interrupted my train of thoughts, the booming vibrations drawing me back into the slipper hell that was my reality.

You know I had a crush on you?” Her voice boomed again, hot air blowing in from the end of the slipper tunnel.

I didn't understand what she said at first, and then, for a fraction of a second, I felt like I might blush. I'd never had a girl tell me that before and I was almost flattered. But any optimism I had was replaced by genuine terror of the position I was in. I knew Crystal, and now that I thought about it, I should have realized some of her weird behavior was just some strange way of her flirting with me. A flood of memories rushing back to me, like the time we both snuck into a bar and she leaned in to kiss me, only for me to laugh and turn away. I didn't think anything of it at the time, just assuming it was stupid drunken behavior, part of me nervous about making out with a friend and not wanting to make things weird.

Well?” Her voice boomed again. “Did you know?

I couldn't stop trembling; I felt like I was about to burst into tears.

God damnit Mark! Answer me!” She thundered, her voice vibrating my whole body, before what sounded like a third bomb went off outside the slipper.


“Ahhhhhh!” I screamed, feeling the pressure from somewhere beyond my humid prison lifting the sole of the slipper into the air, jerking my body violently like I was in a car accident, the threads and fuzz of the slipper sole acting as a seatbelt to leave me in place, before I felt my stomach drop as the slipper fell back the ground. I clenched up in a strange attempt to brace myself


The slipper fuzz and dust exploded once more, the sudden stop in motion knocking some wind out of me.

“N-no...” I struggled to say, gasping in air before I continued shouting in fear, all the while staring at the blinding white light above me.

“I-i-i did-did-didn't know...” I tried to shout, my voice short and choppy as I struggled to breathe in the ripe slipper air, bits of fuzz and dirt raining down on my face and getting in my mouth once more.

I coughed as Crystal thundered once more.

Typical...” She boomed, before continuing. “You were always pretty stupid”

I could feel her words in my bones as the slipper shook around me. I could only squint blindly into the light, my whole body shaking, although it was probably invisible beneath the mangy fluff.

Why didn't you ask me out, Mark?” She boomed. “Did you not think I was pretty?”

The words echoed in my mind, unleashing a torrent of memories from earlier tonight; of being trapped underneath her loafer, completely at her mercy, she could have crushed me like a bug.

I instantly started yelling.

“I think you're pretty!” I shouted, no longer stuttering, the need to say the words as quickly as possible suddenly some strange kind of survival instinct.

Well then why didn't you ask me out?” She boomed again, hot air accompanying her voice before echoing around the slipper.

“I – I – I ...” I stuttered, talking before I had even formed a thought, utterly terrified of saying something that might upset her.


Crystal's booming voice cut me off.

No guessing, bug” She thundered, her voice suddenly stern, more like a teacher who was upset at her student.

It wasn't the first time she called me bug, but it didn't help me any more in finding an answer, only making me more afraid.

I gulped, trying to gain enough composure to say something, anything. Then it popped into my mind.

“I-i-i...” I started, pausing calm myself enough to finish my statement without bursting into tears.

“w-was in-” I gulped. “Intimidated, by y-you” I said, still stuttering even though I was trying desperately not to, although it was less than before.

It was true, at least partially. I was intimidated by her, even when I was normal sized. Not in a true violent way, of course. But I always felt bad for any guy that flirted with her, let alone tried to date her. Crystal would act absolutely crazy, and I knew that as a friend she could be fun, but as a partner, a nightmare. Yea, she was cute, but she wasn't worth the effort.

So I wasn't scared of rejection. I was scared of dating her at all.

There was silence outside my muggy prison. The silence was almost equally as terrifying as whatever booming explosion occurred each time she got angry.

The living storm finally responded.

Figures...” She boomed, shaking the world around me. “You were always pathetic and dumb”

Silence again, before she roared once more.

Now that I think about it, you deserve to be tiny. Too scared to ask me out. You were always such a loser”

The vibrations from her deafening booms blew further slipper fuzz into the air, like leaves in the wind, tiny bits and pieces of it raining down on me and causing me to struggle to breathe. But even with my life in peril, her words still cut me, her drunken slurred speech suddenly focused like a laser to humiliate me, and for more then just a second, I might have agreed.

I was trapped in a slipper, after all, squinting blindly into a light as Crystal's booming voice emanated from all around me like an earthquake.


Crystal could feel her blood boiling. Her lips was now nearly directly above the mouth of the slipper, the warm fumes of leather and feet strong enough for her to smell. But in her angry, drunken rage, she didn't care.

I had such a crush on you. She thought, the random image popping into her mind of Mark sitting next to Stephanie at the dining hall instead of her filling her with even more anger. The thought led to her memory of how she would get them ice cream, and Mark never even thanked her.

That asshole should be mine.

“And to top it all off, you fucking pick Stephanie to be your owner?” She spoke angrily, not bothering to look at the storm of white dots her hot breath blew up inside the slipper on the computer monitor.

“I did you sooo many favors you little shit. I even got you a fucking birthday present! Stephanie didn't get you a god damn thing!”

Crystal felt like she was running out of breath, so she paused and moved her head back slightly take a deep breath of clean air. It was true she had gotten Mark a gift, although it was a bit of a joke, just a shirt calling Mark out for being a nerd. And it wasn't true that Stephanie hadn't gotten him a gift, but she didn't know that, having not been there when Mark received it.

But those were beyond consideration for the drunk and angry girl, who leaned her head back in towards the slipper to berate Mark once more.

“She never cared about you the way I did” She said, finally turning to look at Stephanie, who was fast asleep in the bed.

“Look at her, she's drunk and asleep. How good of an owner is she? This is the second time tonight I'm going to save you”


Crystal's voice boomed around the humid slipper, the world around me shaking as I continued to be blinded by the white light

She never cared about you!” Her voice thundered once more.

I trembled and coughed simultaneously as the oily slipper fluff and junk blew over me. Her words seemed to echo strangely, and I found myself pondering them. It was true, of course, she had saved me once before tonight, and she was my only hope to get me from the slipper now. But I couldn't believe what she said about Stephanie – and I hadn't picked her to be my owner. Still, everything about tonight could have been prevented if Stephanie had retained a level head...

Well?” Her voice boomed, interrupting me from the thoughts as the storm inside the slipper picked up once more.

Do you have anything to say, bug?” Her words causing an earthquake in the slipper I was entombed in.

I could feel my face becoming red, whether from fear, embarrassment, anger, or simply struggling to breathe I couldn't be sure. Each time she called me bug I felt somehow smaller, the verbal tirade she had unleashed against me leaving me feeling even more vulnerable, like it was my fault I was here in the first place, like I did deserve this.

But more than anything, I wanted out of this slipper.

“P-please Crystal!” I shouted, coughing slightly as a piece of disgusting fluff fell over onto my mouth, my eyes now encrusted in crud that stung my eyes as I squinted into the light.

I needed to get out of here, and my focus returning on the task at hand.

“I'm sorry! Just please get me out of here!” I managed to shout without stuttering.

My words sounded muffled, my ears still ringing from the deafening booms of Crystal's voice, and I watched in eerie silence the dust and fluff that floated around the slipper slowing down, a nervous dread washing over me, a sudden thought in my mind.

What if she fell asleep? What if she leaves me here on purpose?

And from the silence, once again, the otherworldly female storm returned.


She boomed, her voice deafening me as the hot air blew into the slipper, her words vibrating the world around me as bright white specs danced in frenzy through the air.

“W-what?” I could only stutter, terrified suddenly she might leave me in here.

WHY SHOULD I, STUPID?” She thundered once more, creating a gust for the humid slipper storm.

I trembled as the words flew out my mouth, no longer thinking.

“P-please Crystal! I-I-I'm begging you!”

There was once again a pause, dread washing over me.


Even though I'd heard the booming noise multiple times already, for a second, I thought it was an electricity storm. Sharp cracks that echoed from all around the slipper.

“P-p-please” I whimpered, the strange feminine giggles continuing sounded somehow deeper and louder than thunder, to the point I couldn't even hear myself.

You're beggin meeee?” Crystal roared, her malice in her voice dissipating to be replaced by a more mischievous tone.

Youuu're not even begging me properrrrrly” She thundered, before the alien giggle storm returned.

Her words echoed around my mind as much as it boomed around the slipper, the dust continuing to fly about, and I squinted into the blinding white light, of the phones camera. And because my life may very well have depended on it, I thought about what she said, my mind flashing throughout the night of Crystal's games, starting with the cat and mouse nightmare from earlier, where I hopelessly tried to escape her massive pink loafers to no avail.

“Goddess Crystal! Please let me out of here!” I begged, squinting into the light.

HI-HE-HI-HE” The giantess giggled, more levity in her voice. Even though it still was loud and deafening, I was actually happy to here it. I had no idea what she might do to me if she was angry. Knowing that she has a crush on me hasn't made me feel any better, and instead only increased my fear.

Youuuu can doooo bettttterrrr” She thundered, her speech once more slurring and causing an earthquake around me.

I gulped, trying to come up with something.

“Goddess Crystal! My most beautiful, smart, loving Goddess! Please get me out of here!” I cried out, staring at the light as my face started to feel increasingly heavy from the wet particles of fluff and whatever other junk was sticking to my skin.

Dooo ittt betttterrrr!” The redheaded goddess roared, shaking the slipper in another earthquake.

I trembled, truly afraid of disappointing her, the redheaded goddess that would decide my fate. She must have known, somewhere in her mind, what she was doing, even drunk. But she could leave me here, and based on how she acted, she might have. She had systematically humiliated me, pushing me to my limits throughout the night. Perhaps this was only because of the alcohol, but I didn't want to take the risk of her forgetting I was in here, only to be trampled and most likely killed underneath Amoe's dirty feet as she went about her day.

“Please, my most beautiful Goddess Crystal!” I cried, surprised how effortlessly the words came from mouth.

“You're beauty is only matched by your passion! You save those who need saving... you are the beginning and the end...” I started to trail off, unsure of what to say.

HI-HE-HI-HE” The goddess's giggle storm returned, vibrating my prison like a quake once more, and my dread began to rise.

Is she going to leave me in here forever?

“Please Goddess Crystal!” I cried, before suddenly correcting myself. “Most beautiful goddess! Please! I'll do anything! Just let me out of here!”

The giggles abruptly stopped, the eerie silence returning, and I could only hear my ears ringing slightly as I squinted into the light.

Annyyythiiiing?” The redheaded goddess boomed in her slurred voice.

All the nervousness I had felt before, somehow was eclipsed. I had to get out, I knew, but the way she said it made me sure I wasn't going to like what came next.

“Y-yes G-goddess” I stammered, gulping to compose myself. “Anything”

Silence, once more, just my ears ringing, the blinding white light and the floating particles of slipper scuzz like snowflakes. It almost felt like I had been hosed with worlds most fetid water on my face, the humidity in the slipper seeming to rise with each passing second.

Her voice boomed once again, but this time, not in a drunken slur, nor in the angry piercing roars.

I want to be your owner” she boomed, yet the sound she was making was like she was almost whispering it, deafeningly loud yet with the distinctive soft tone of someone whispering into your ear.

The words bounced around my mind for a second, and in that simple moment I instantly understood why. She had a crush on me, she was jealous of Stephanie – of course she wants to be my owner, it made perfect sense.

But it also terrified me – and the fear is what I responded to.

“W-w-what?” I said, almost instinctively, and I instantly realized my mistake.


Crystal didn't say anything, her blood instantly turning into a boil.

Stupid Bug, was all she could think, and curled her hand into a fist, and raised it over the slipper, before quickly bringing it down.

She only narrowly avoided hitting it by an inch.



The motion was so violent and sudden, I didn't even have time to scream before I felt the air knocked out of me. Time seemed to move in slow motion as I felt the sense of vertigo, the phone above me seeming to shift backwards slightly while the white slipper particles moved up to the ceiling in slow motion. And just as quickly as I rose, the ringing sound was replaced by the sound of a dull roar, and everything sped up. My body felt snapped downward from the fuzz rapping it, my stomach dropping, and I watched in terror as the phone and particles moved rapidly down towards me like someone who had just been holding them up in the air had let go before I shut my eyes in terror.


I felt a rain of particles on me, like someone had just thrown a bucket of sand on my face. I held my breath for only a second, before I let out an awkward gasp, feeling the spray of tiny particles off my lips and nose, with some unceremoniously falling into my mouth, only causing me to try and cough them back out. I finally grew the nerve to open my dirt covered eyes, to see the phones bright white light slightly lower and closer to me, but not having moved much at all.

Stupid tiny asshole!” She thundered, the storm returning to the slipper.

I deserve to be your owner! I always liked you more than Stephanie, cared about you more!”

I wanted to speak, to beg her to stop her angry rant, but I was terrified, and wouldn't have been able to hear myself anyway.

She doesn't care about you! Where is she now to save you?” The redheaded goddess boomed.

I could only tremble, terrified.

Answer me you stupid fucking bug!” The female storm thundered.

“I-i-i d-don't kno-kno-know...” I stammered pathetically.

That's fucking right tiny boy, you don't! You don't know anything because your stupid and pathetic! Now say it!” She boomed, my slipper sauna vibrating like an earthquake.

I didn't need to be told twice. I knew where this was going.

“I-I...” I stammered, pausing to gulp. “I'm stupid and pathetic...” I paused, before adding “...Goddess” for good measure.

Silence once more, before the goddess boomed again, the edge of her anger taken off, but still very much stern.

Now, for the last time...” She boomed. “You've got a choice Marky poo” She thundered, her sing song voice slowly returning.

I'm going to be your new owner... orrrrr” She boomed, pausing slightly. “I'm going to put this slipper back on Amoe's foot, and you can enjoy the rest of your slipper spa.”

She paused, and then giggled, the sound echoing like gunfire.

... I just know how much you love feet”

After all that happened, it was strange that the statement still filled me with anger and resentment. I was trapped in a slipper, and being teased for having a thing for feet really shouldn't have bothered me. Crystal knew it wasn't true, why should I even care? Yet for some reason it did.

I didn't hesitate a moment longer.

“Goddess Crystal!” I shouted, with all my energy. “I want you to be my owner!”

I didn't have a choice. But at the same time, what did my words really mean? I needed to get out of here, and my words didn't suddenly transfer my ownership. Besides, even knowing what I know now, I still figured that all of this was really a case of a girl who had too much to drink. Sure, her feelings may have been true, but once she was sober she would surely be embarrassed. Besides, even if she was serious, there would be no way Stephanie would agree to it – she might have been my legal owner, but she still treated me as an equal the best she could, she would believe me when I told her how crazy Crystal was.

The strange alien storm of deep feminine giggles returned, echoing around the slipper, vibrating me and throwing a hail of dust into the air.

I kneeeew it!” She thundered, her voice returning to a girlish drunken zeal.

Now let'sss get you outttttta heeeereee” She boomed, before continuing.

And then we are going to plaaaaay, and I'll telll you alllll abooooouut worshiping your new Goddesssss!”

Play? I thought, suddenly realizing my night was far from over.

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