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Author's Chapter Notes:

Back to the stewardesses.   This chapter ended up being longer than I thought it would have been, because in my ever so unpredictable writing style I tend to write more than I think.  The turn around time for these chapters is already long enough (and so is the chapter so far) so i figured i might as well release what I have for now.   But the story isn't going to stop till my planned end point, so that shouldn't matter to y'all.

This section is a little bit less of the "foot on the gas" so perhaps it will give some kind of reprieve.   I don't know, depends on what you're into I guess.

And yes, i do plan on writing that bonus college bonus chapter after all of this is done, god only knows when that will be though.

Anyway, leave a review if you'd like!

The sky had turned crimson as the sun set while Dianne carried a bundle of wood onto the beach, the lake before her now looking like wine as it reflected the sky. There were a few logs surrounding what was a previously used fire pit, rocks having been set up in a circle to contain the fire within. The physical activity had kept her warm, but she could tell it was getting cooler – the idea of a fire to warm her bones appealing. Dianne had slipped on some beige khaki shorts and a small white shirt that left her tan belly button exposed with a longer beige jacket on top of it.

After she dropped the wood into the fire pit she paused to wipe the sweat from her brow. Sighing, she looked at Sarah, who was sitting on one of the logs around the pit still wearing her blue two piece bathing suit. She was staring off towards the lake, her one leg stretched forward with her sand covered foot pointed towards the sky, her other leg curled under her, her toes partially buried in sand. Her blond hair had a pinkish tint from the sky; her body was clearly toned, the muscles in her legs defined. The foot she had curled under her lifted up from her heel slightly, further defining her calve muscles.

“God – this is beautiful” Dianne said, still looking at Sarah. She did mean the skyline – but Sarah was as well, and the thought crossed her mind.

Sarah nodded. “I know – like – I'm totes happy we got to do this” She paused, smiling. She took in a deep breath and shivered – a tingle of pleasure shooting up the blondes spine.

“This is soooo going to be a great night” Sarah said.

Dianne nodded, leaning down to arrange the wood for the fire, propping the wood up against each other to allow proper airflow before adding some kindling.

“Like, where'd you learn to do that anyway?” Sarah asked.

Dianne turned to look at her friend while she was squatted over the fire, seeing the girls sandy bare foot which was closest to her first before she traced her eyes up her leg to her face.

“I was a girl scout...” she said, pausing, her mind flooded with memories.

She found herself frowning. The girl scouts had been a wonderful experience for her – but it was her father who had gotten her into it. She was lucky – her father had died years before President Trent came to power and she only had a sister – she couldn't imagine how she would have handled it if she had her father shrunk. Families all handled it differently – if they were lucky the family got to keep their male members. Some families treated their male relatives well, but others were truly horrible. With some daughters, sisters and mothers so indoctrinated in their women's movement they no longer looked at their former siblings, children, and fathers as people – they had no qualms treating them terribly, because they knew that men were really no better than bugs.

And that's when Dianne thought of Mark again, a feeling of guilt sweeping through her,. She had no idea where he was.

“Where's Mark?” Dianne said, rather abruptly.

Sarah smiled, and then giggled.

“Oh – he's totes fine.”

Dianne was annoyed by this lack of response. She stood up and crossed her arms.

“Where is he?” She repeated, more sternly.

Sarah giggled again, leaning back onto her arms. Dianne watched as the leg planted below her shifted slightly, her toes erupting from the sand that covered them before the sand trickle back down between her toes.

“Ugh- fine” Sarah said finally, leaning forward and pointing down towards her right foot.

Dianne felt butterflies in her stomach as she traced her eyes down from her finger towards her foot.

“Where?” She said, a hint of concern in her voice.

Sarah laughed. “Like, you have to get closer, silly. You know how tiny your insert – Mark – is”

Dianne took a step forward and looked down. Sarah's foot was covered in sand, her toes slightly short and pudgy in comparison to her own – but even with the caked on dirt she could see how rough and calloused they were from her lifestyle of running.

At first she couldn't see anything, just the beige and tan sand, the occasional white skin from her foot peaking through it. It was only after staring down for a few seconds that she saw a small movement from between her big and second toe, a tiny thing slightly redder than the sand that surrounded it, the thing reminding her of a worm squirming in the mud after a storm.

And it was then she could see two sparkling dots – little glimmers reflecting the crimson sky between Sarah's sand covered toes. It was then she realized what she was looking at; Mark, the top half of his face only barely visible from between her toes. The boys' head was moving slightly, just enough to be visible, the rest of his body buried somewhere underneath the sand and her toes.

The boy looked so pathetic, completely helpless, even the slightest movement of Sarah could bury him alive. Dianne was suddenly overwhelmed with a feelings of guilt, but she couldn't help it as she stared at the small boy between Sarah's sandy pale toes.

Did I let the power get to me? She thought to herself.

Sarah picked her toes up slightly, just enough so that the sand fell from between them onto Mark and the ground below. Dianne simply watched, even though Mark was barely visible, already covered in sand from between Sarah's toes, she could tell that the sudden movement caused the boy to tremble, terrifying him.

And then Sarah's toes came back down, the sand erupting in small puff of smoke, the boy no longer visible between her toes.

“Hey!” Dianne blurted out, suddenly worried. “You're hurting him!”

Sarah laughed. “Like – what?” She paused and giggled. “I told you not to name your insert – you're getting totes attached to him!”

Dianne found herself blushing, suddenly nervous. “I-i am not...” She thought, worried that Sarah might realize what had happened.

But Sarah remained clueless to Dianne's smuggling and laughed.

“Look” She said, lifting her foot and shifting it to the right slightly.

“It's fine!” Sarah said.

Dianne looked down still, and again couldn't see Mark in the sand next to Sarah's pale sandy foot. But then she saw movement, a slight shimmer in the sand. It was Mark, struggling to unbury himself from the sand, his face and arms emerging from the earth, the boy slowly clawing himself free so he could draw breath.

Watching the boy struggle next to Sarah's enormous foot filled her with guilt again.

I had to do it. She thought, trying to justify what had happened. I would have been caught otherwise.

Dianne leaned down and spread her fingers, the tiny boy freezing in terror as he noticed the shadow appear over him, before her fingers easily surrounded the boy on all sides. Her fingers quickly closed and she scooped him up in her hand before standing back upright.

She could now see him easily, the boy covered in sand and dirt, before she smelled him, like an a ripe old sock mixed with sea.

“Ugh” Dianne said, wrinkling her nose as she dead. “He smells awful. Did you clean him?”

Sarah giggled. “Ooops – like – my bad. I totes forgot”

Dianne was full of irritation. While she had been out gathering wood, Sarah hadn't even bothered to do the one thing she asked her to do. Without thinking, she clenched her hands into fists, completely encasing Mark as she did, his tiny body completely entombed in her tight grip. Dianne couldn't even feel him as her anger swelled.

She was about to yell – but instead, she took a deep breath. It was a technique she learned dealing with passengers on a plane – you always needed to keep your cool in a metal can full of people flying thousands of feet in the air. She didn't want to start a fight with Sarah either – she had to spend a lot of time with her, and it really wasn't worth fighting over such a little thing...

It dawned on her what she was doing, and she uncurled her hand, looking down at the dirt covered man that been getting squeezed in her fist. As she did, he rolled over limp, but she could see him gasping for air - and she felt a wave of relief that she hadn't killed him.

Dianne looked up at Sarah.

“Look” She said to her younger blonde friend. “I'm going to clean Mark up – can you get the fire started at least?”

Sarah laughed, and then brought her hand up to her head for a mock salute.

“Aye aye, captain”

Dianne brought her thumb over the sandy tiny boy, pinning him down against her palm to make sure he wasn't going anywhere.

“And one more thing...” Dianne said, looking at Sarah. “I know you have your... techniques... when dealing with...” She paused, trying to think about a neutral word.

“... tinies” Dianne said, before continuing. “But I'd appreciate it with Mark if you refer to him as, well, a him, and not an it... ok?”

Sarah looked up at Dianne, her face cracking a small smile. “Like, why? Don't you plan on using it as an insert?”

Dianne looked down at Mark. The little man was pinned below her the black nail on her thumb, just his head visible on one side and the bottom of his legs on the other, still entirely covered in dirt.

“Well... I just view Mark as a pet... that's all. I don't think we should be unnecessarily cruel to him.”

Sarah laughed. “You're worried about being cruel... to your insert? You still want to break it in right?”

Dianne could feel her face turn red, the conflict in her mind becoming visible on her face. She looked down again, looking at the tiny man pinned under her thumb she realized Mark was staring back up at her

She bit her lip, before looking back up at Sarah. “... I do – but I just don't think we need to be mean about it. Besides, you said a good insert can last a lifetime – I just want to make sure I take good care of him”

Sarah giggled. “Like, I totes did say that. I also literally said it's not likely at all – but hey, it's – I mean he's – your insert” She stood up and walked over to Dianne.

Sarah looked down at the boy in Dianne's hand, and Dianne tilted her head down to look at him as well.

“Just, like, promise me...” Sarah started saying. “... promise me you get how unlikely it is that this ...” She paused again, the instinct to refer to an insert as an object clearly well habit for her.

“... he will live very long. Most good inserts last 6 months at best. “You're totes putting an unfair emotional burden on yourself”

Both of the girls stared at the tiny man that was clearly shaking beneath Dianne's thumb. While part of Dianne felt horrible, another part of her hoped - perhaps even believed – that Mark could and would be the exception to that rule.

Dianne nodded. And with that, she turned to walk towards her tent set up behind the logs and off towards the woods. She had some stuff for her own personal hygiene there she could use to clean Mark, but it would also give her a chance to talk to Mark privately.

Her feelings of guilt reminded her of her original mission, and she remembered her promise to Mark earlier, that it would be up to him if he wanted to enter this new lifestyle with her. Her feelings pulling her every which way – part of her thinking Mark liked it, another wondering how he possibly could.

While she really hoped Mark would, she wanted to make sure it was his choice. Partly for his sake, and partly for her own.


The goddesses voices thundered from what seemed like hundreds of yards away.

My whole body ached as I lie on the living platform that was the tan brown flesh of Dianne's palm. Even covered in rocks and sand, I could feel the grooves on her skin as the living ship swayed back and forth like in a storm, strong gusts passing over me and pulling bits of sand off of me. And even though it felt like I was moving at the speed of an airplane, as I turned my head to look off in distance, towards the trees, it almost seemed like I wasn't moving at all. If the living leather land didn't take up half my vision below me, it might have almost looked normal. The crimson sky above me was getting darker, and off to my left, beyond the platform that was Dianne's palm, was the living mountain of Dianne looming over me, her breasts jutting out from beneath her white shirt and unbuttoned plaid jacket, her boobs looking like large hills in and of themselves. Above that, I could see the enormous thing that was her face, the thing seeming to float above the white breast hills like a hot air balloon. The strangeness was made even stranger by her green eyes, the huge pools reflecting the crimson sky in a way that made her look even more otherworldly. Her black hair hung freely behind her, swaying left and right as she walked, like thousands of glimmering chains suspended from the sky.

Dianne wasn't looking at me, but I found myself staring at her. I was oddly terrified and in awe of her, the palm of her hand I had lied on had only seconds before been entombing and crushing me without giving me a chance to resist. She was beautiful, and in another life she would have been the kind of girl I could only dream of marrying. But now, she was my god, her power unlimited and the pain she could inflict equally matching it – all without any effort on her part.

The world seemed to stop abruptly, her warm thumb disappearing from off of me, and in a flash I saw Dianne's head tilt down, her eyes locked on me. I was instantly terrified, uncontrollably trembling as I lie naked, covered in sand and muck in her palm, Sarah's threats from earlier echoing in my mind.

I'll rip your dick off... Kept playing over and over again in my head.

And then the goddesses voice boomed.

Hey Mark...” She roared, her hot breath blowing the sand and dirt around me.

I trembled as I looked at her billboard like face, which seemed to grow bigger each passing moment. She must have been lifting her hand closer to her face, the warm leather ground beneath me shifting and pushing my head up as her enormous fingers curled up above me, blocking the red light from behind me, the tan fingers looking like enormous leather trees that had grown together. I could feel the heat of them as I was forced upright on the slope, before a gust of hot breath hit me from in front, blowing sand around and temporarily forcing me to shut my eyes.

As I opened them again I could only see the wall that was Dianne's face in front of me, her green eyes glimmering like jewels in comparison to her tan flesh, her nostrils each big enough for me to crawl into. I watched in amazement and fear as they wiggled, feeling the air whip pass me as they were pulled up into them. The bottom of the tips of Dianne's black finger nails were visible above me, and I only needed to look up slightly to see the her fingers curling back over me, like monstrous trees bent over.

Dianne's voice boomed again.

Let's get you cleaned up...” She said, her hot breath blasting me, before her lips curled into ring.


I was blasted by hot air, sand whipping into me with a sting as I was rocketed into the wall of fingers behind me. I couldn't hear anything, just the sound of air whipping by me like a gale in a storm. I was pinned against the wall, screaming, but my voice was too quiet for me to even hear, before the gust was gone, the pressure pinning me to the wall no longer there, and I collapsed again onto her leather palm platform, shivering.

The gust of air had blasted much of sand from my skin and I could feel the heat from her palm more distinctly, and I couldn't help myself as I tried to press myself into it, an instinctive drive of both comfort and fear as I tried to hide myself in the grooves of her skin.

I looked up slightly, my eyes tracing along the grooves of her palm as my face lie flat against it, a slight glimmer across the surface from the slightly oily residue that came from it. In the dim light I could see a wall of white, Dianne's teeth, as her lips were curled up into a smile.

There...” Her voice thundered around me. “Isn't that better, honey?”

I continued to tremble as the wall that loomed over me stared down onto me, my hair bouncing in front of my eyes as the air was sucked into the blackness that was her nostrils. As each second passed I could feel her gaze lingering on me longer and longer, until the cave of her mouth opened slightly, for a brief terrifying moment I thought I was going to be tossed inside. But then the wall of flesh shifted, her lips moving closer to each other before what I thought were enormous white axes clamping down on her bottom lip.

I shivered as I stared at her teeth biting her lips, before I screamed as an enormous tan log emerged from my side, knocking me sideways and causing me to roll across her hot leather palm floor.

Are you ok?” Her voice thundered all around me. “You're all red...”

I was naked, lying on my stomach as her tree like finger loomed over me, her black fingernail looking like an enormous magical blade. Her finger came down on me slowly, and I could only shake in terror before I felt the heat of it distinctly before feeling it pressing into my back. It lightly pressed into my lower back, just above my butt. The feeling would have almost been pleasurable if I wasn't so scared.

And look at these bruises...” She roared, pressing into a discolored purple patch of skin, the slight pressure causing me to erupt in pain and to taste blood in mouth.

“Ahhh!” I couldn't help by scream.

The finger suddenly lifted off of me. “Sorry...” She thundered, suddenly looking sad. “Are you alright?”

I continued to tremble, but I realized she was actually speaking to me, her eyes staring down on me in concern. I was terrified though, my body aching, feeling weak from fatigue and battery.

I wasn't thinking anymore, and instinct kicked in, the terror of the monster looming over me mixing with the one that had threatened to rip me limb from limb.

It was my default position now – to be nothing more than her slave, and I found myself shouting before I even realized it.

“Yes, goddess!” I struggled to scream.

I could feel the heat from the enormous finger suspended over me approach my side, before it flipped me onto my back, revealing Dianne's enormous lips curled into a smile hovering above me. She giggled, the sound deafening my ears like gunfire.

Good!” She boomed, giggling. “I'm glad you're ok! We'll talk more in a minute, but let me finish cleaning you up. You positively stink!”

The world spun around me, the air flying passed me like a rocket, and I felt like I fell from the top of a building. Above me suddenly was strange pink bottle, and I watched in awe as some of Dianne's enormous tan fingers flanked it on either side, till a strange green ooze fell from it directly onto me. I was instantly blinded, suffocating under the soap as it completely coated my skin, before I felt the ground below me shift and enormous leather logs slam me from above, and I found myself spinning, choking on the suds that went into my throat as my chafed skin burned from the suds covering me.

I wanted to scream in pain but I was completely immersed, the soapy flavor getting into the back of my throat. The enormous logs that were Dianne's fingers began pushing into me, before pulling my limbs apart, and I shivered in pleasure and pain as they swept across my skin even as I was suffocating, before I could feel her digits spin around my crotch, instantaneously arousing me.

A massive leather pillow pushed into my face, forcing the soap down my throat, making me instantly queasy. Suddenly I was freezing, cold water pouring down on me like a waterfall, and I still hadn't breathed in what felt like a minute, becoming more light headed and panicking, trying to move away from the storm but being unable to as I was pinned to the palm beneath me.

And just as quickly as it started, it stopped. I could feel the water splashing beneath me back and forth in the puddle I lie in, the cool air around me so cold it felt like I was freezing, and I found myself shivering, pushing myself into the puddle of water that was warming with each passing second from the living land beneath it. I was coughing up the soap and water that had been gagging me, my arms weak as I tried to hold myself above the puddle, when the liquid that was in my mouth reminded me of my dehydration, and the water below me suddenly feeling like a miracle.

I lowered my head down to drink from the glimmering pool. I was so thirsty I ignored the bits of particulates floating across the surface, instead noticing only at the waves of light that caused the ripples of skin below to shimmer like some living emerald.


With my lips only inches from the surface, I was blasted by hot air, my body again sent tumbling backwards before slamming into the wall of flesh behind me. The water sprayed up into me as I was pressed into the fleshy grooves between the logs of her fingers, the wind so strong I couldn't open my eyes and I had trouble breathing.

Then the blast of hot air disappeared and I fell limply back down, rolling over the bottom of the brown tan logs of flesh before slipping back into the grooves towards the center of her palm, each one distinct against my bruised body. I was so terribly thirsty I immediately went to look for the water that was no longer there, but I pressed my face into the grooves in her skin anyway, a small glimmer of an oily wetness in the rivulet tantalizing me with some type of liquid. I pressed my tongue into the warm groove; I could taste the soapy, salty flavor of her flesh, the liquid sheen in the groove only enough to wet my tongue.

I felt heat before an immense pressure pushed into my back, before I was forcefully rolled over, yelping in pain as the log of flesh touched my battered body.

Deep feminine giggles cracked like gunfire behind me, causing me to tremble, before Dianne's feminine voice thundered.

There you are, all clean now”

As the humid air calmed around me, the cold took it's place, and I shivered. I was frozen in fear from the booming voice, but eventually I worked up the courage to look up, and to see the wall of face that was in front of me, the green eyes strangely pink in the evening light. I had to crane my head upwards to see her eyes, which looked somewhat cross eyed looking down on me.

At the sight of this living wall the once time shivers from cold were replaced with trembles from fear, and a gust of hot air from her nose exhaled onto me. After a moment I could feel cold air pulled from behind me inside the black nostrils.

And then, appearing before me like magic, was the shimmering black ax that was an enormous fingernail. I yelped in fright, feeling the heat of the thing as it neared me. It pushed me onto my back, pinning against the warm palm. The feeling would have been pleasant if it wasn't for the massive log pushing into my bruised body.

“Ahhh!!” I screamed abruptly, my body erupting in pain.

Dianne's lips curled into a frown. I couldn't tell if she was disappointed or concerned, but it didn't matter – I was terrified of not pleasing her.

I'LL RIP YOUR DICK OFF... Sarah's voice echoed in my mind.

Oh Mark...” Dianne's voice boomed over me. “You're all bruised... are you Ok honey?”

And before the thunder finished leaving her mouth, I was spinning, flipped onto my stomach. I could feel the enormous log of an appendage pressing it my upper back before shifting down over my butt. The heat disappeared, and in a moment of shock and pleasure I felt the heat suddenly on my side, her cool black nail slipping under me like a huge shovel, only inches away from cock, before I was flipped again onto my back.

The sudden movements left me disoriented, but importantly, I felt, and was, absolutely helpless. This goddess continued to manhandle me, and I had no possible way to resist. I would have burst into tears if I wasn't so terrified. Lying from my back I could see the strange tree tops that were the tips of her fingers above me, their trunks disappearing behind me to form a wall of flesh. the top of Dianne's head and black hair was visible before I even attempted to tilt my head to look forward, only needing to move a few inches to see her eyes, before I could see the enormous index finger seemingly magically levitating over me, the black ax nail glimmering in the evening light before I felt the heat of it descending onto my crotch, before the tan leather pushed into it, completely covering my legs from one side to another. Her finger looked like some kind of strange leather slide, the ripples of her skin on her knuckle forming what looked like a frozen wave of skin, the whole thing blocking my vision of one half of the bottom of her mouth while her green eyes still remained locked onto me above it.

I was terrified.

“Yes, Goddess!” I found myself screaming, afraid of her.

Dianne smiled. “Great! I'm glad it wasn't that bad!” She boomed, picking her finger up slightly, not enough to remove the couch like flesh completely from my crotch and legs, only just enough to relieve some of the pressure.

The slight movement caused me to shiver, and even though I was terrified, I could feel myself getting aroused. It was pathetic, but I couldn't help but find myself staring at the strange black fingernail that covered anything below my waist.

Dianne's voice thundered again.

Look – I know these last two days weren't exactly what you expected...” She paused, her tongue sticking out of her mouth slightly, before she moved it in a circular motion around her lips. The thing glistened with saliva, and I could tell it was easily larger than I was, like an enormous fleshy worm covered in spit, leaving her mouth glistening, before moving back inside.

... but I did what I had to do so that we didn't get caught – it was for your own good. Do you understand?” She boomed.

I continued to tremble in fear, blurting out words before I could even think about it.

“I understand, Goddess!” I shouted, terrified that she might swallow me whole.

Dianne's giggles once again cracked like gunfire, each one causing me to wince. Her finger pressed down slightly with each giggle, each movement causing the blood to rush slightly into my crotch, but her finger had it completely compressed, each passing second it was pinned causing me to ache.

Her lips parted from behind her finger, one half of her mouth revealing its enormous white teeth within.

Look - Do you really think I'm a goddess?” She roared, before giggling.

I looked up at her green eyes which were locked on my tiny figure, my crotch aching as the finger on it acted like an enormous cock block. I was terrified of this monster before me, all I could see was her face and finger, like a wall and tree respectively, the enormous fist drifting off to my left like a giant misshapen fleshy boulder.

And then I shifted my head further to the left, off into the abyss, towards the sand and forest, and I could see the glimmer of a fire in the distance. From this angle it almost looked normal, but I knew it would look like a forest fire up close. But as I stared, I saw dark figure, two blue emeralds gleaming in the middle.

My heart sank as I realize what I was looking at. It was Sarah, staring at us.

I'll rip you limb from limb... Her voice thundered in my mind.

“Yes, yes, Goddess!” I shouted, unconscious that I had done it till the words had already left my mouth.

The finger that was on my crotch suddenly lifted off of it, the heat disappearing with it. I felt naked and alone for a second, even though the relief came immediately, my member engorging slightly as it reformed a normal shape. But the finger then shifted up and over my face, so I could see the swirls of skin only on the tip of her finger in front of me, before it descended behind me.

And then, like a dog, it pushed into my hair, patting me on the head, the movement soft and gentle enough to be pleasant. And like the dog that I was I found myself trying to nuzzle back into it.

Oh Mark, that's so sweet...” She thundered, continuing to stroke my hair. I watched in strange fascination as part of the flesh of the huge log was suspended over me, the grooves and swirls distinctly visible as the muscles tensed and loosened above me, like some kind of strange fleshy piston. After a few pats I shifted my eyes slightly downward, back to the enormous wall that was Dianne's face, feeling the cold air rush by me as they were pulled into her black nostrils.

Her voice boomed again.

So... I think I know the answer to this next question already then but...” She paused.

Her voice shifted into a whisper, but to me, it went from being thunder to a sound of rain in a storm.

... I told you I wanted to make sure you were ok with it... this new lifestyle...”

Dianne's voice continued to thunder over me as the huge brown leather tree that was her finger blocked part of my vision of her face, suspended above me like the supernatural, as it lifted up slightly and curled it's black nail down, like it was aiming at me.

I was shaking, convinced she was going to impale me.

... and from what I've seen, I think you'll really enjoy it...” She boomed.

The huge log that was her finger swept back and forth over me, each time I could feel the heat of it as it approached before it left a gust of wind in it's wake, blowing my hair back and forth. As it neared me each time I was filled with panic, terrified that the brown leather log would smash me, the thing easily more than three times my size.

The huge brown finger fell down on me, blocking my vision of anything but it, before her voice thundered again.

So, Markie-poo? What do you think?...” The world that was her palm vibrated as she spoke, and as her finger swept up over me again, I looked down, her finger and hand now forming what looked like a huge boulder to one side of the living land I was on, behind it the enormous wall that was her dark face, her green eyes twinkling from the reflection of the moon and stars as the sky turned dark, each one looking like a strange glimmering pool. It was getting harder to make out her features distinctly in the darkness, her hand seeming to glow more brightly as her face lingered in shadow, the contrast forcing me to struggle to focus on the wall that was her face as I felt the gust of hot air that was her breath send my hair spinning.

Dianne was the only thing I could see, and I trembled as I saw her gleaming white teeth in contrast with her dark skin. Her beaming smile loomed over me, her cavernous maw dwarfed me, the thing looking like I could easily drive a truck into it.

I nearly screamed as her mouth opened, her voice booming over me as I was hit by a hot blast of her breath.

... do you want to be my pet?”

The hot air slowly dissipated, the cold of the late evening replacing it, the evening chill only accentuating my terror. The moment seemed to last forever, baking me in fear, terrified of this goddess before me, terrified of what might happen if I don't please her.

I'LL RIP YOUR DICK OFF... Sarah's voice screamed in my mind.

Something compelled me to turn my head, and I could see the pale white mountain that was Sarah, still staring at us.

“Yes!” I was screaming before I knew what was happening.

Suddenly I was terrified I hadn't addressed her properly.

“Goddess! Yes! Please!!! I'm sorry!!! I want to be your pet, Goddess!!!” I shouted, in a state of absolute panic as the words flew out of my mouth.

I closed my eyes as the world seemed to shake around me as the sound of giggles cracked once more, the sound deafening me. I felt the now familiar heat, my ears were ringing when I worked up the courage to open my eyes, the swirls of Dianne's finger print lingering over me, the width of it easily bigger than my body.

It came down quickly, too fast for me to react, slamming into my chest, knocking the wind out of me. The bottom of her black nail lingered over my face, and I couldn't see anything but the tip of her finger, the dirt encrusting underneath the nail looking like rust on an old ship.

“ooof-” I gasped, as the giggles continued to thunder around me.

Woah, hold your horses, tiny one...” Dianne boomed, finally pausing to take a breath amongst her giggles.

Don't get too excited” Her voice thundered, finally lifting her finger off of me for me to take a breath.

As my vision focused I could once again only see the wall that was her face, her hand and log of a finger suddenly vanishing before me. I somehow felt more exposed and afraid with their absence.

Are you sure, Mark?” She said, her voice sounding more like a storm as she tried to whisper.

Once you commit to this relationship there is no turning back. It's important you understand, for your sake and mine, we need to have clear boundaries – for your own safety of course.

Her hot breath washed over me like a wave, like my realization did to what was happening to me. I was no longer thinking like a person, my bug like instincts fully reemerging. Somewhere in my mind I knew what I wanted to say, but the bug was in control now.

Once you agree... you'll be mine... forever...”

The hot air further accentuated my terror as I found myself shouting.

“Yes, Goddess!” I screamed, as loudly as I could. “I want to be your pet, Goddess!”

Dianne's voice curled into a smile. If I had been a normal man, I would have felt instant attraction. Instead, I just felt like a terrified bug.

That's wonderful!” Dianne's voice thundered. “I was hoping you would say that! You're going to love it!”

Another voice thundered from the distance, the sound of it striking me cold with fear.

Are you still talking to your insert?” Sarah's voice boomed. “I mean – Mark? C'mon, the fires ready!”

Dianne's lips turned more neutral as she turned to her friend. “Just a second!” She said, her hot breath blasting me and knocking my hair in front of my face again.

By the time the hot wind settled I was being blasted by another gust. The enormous building that was Dianne's face loomed over me, the swimming pool green eyes locked onto me as I lay trembling naked in the center of her vast warm palm.

Sorry about Sarah” Dianne thundered. A black hair was loose and suspended over her eye, my trembling accelerated as I watched the enormous hill of a hand appear in front of her face, knocking it away.

I know she's been...” She paused, her hot breath washing over me and as I continued to tremble. “... a little rough. But we had to keep up appearances, you know? Even though you're my pet now... she still thinks you're just a random insert.”

I could feel the heat of a finger, having appeared out of nowhere above me. I nearly screamed as it descended, before it gentle patted my head. And just for a moment, I was amazed that something so big could be so gentle, before Dianne's booming voice rekindled my fear.

So, just tough it out, ok? Just another day or so and you won't have to worry about her...

She paused again, the cave that was her lips curling back into a smile.

... and then think about all the fun we will have! I've given it some thought, you know?

I trembled as I stared up at her face, the finger that was petting my head withdrawing behind me. The living wall appeared to inch forward, and I realize the palm behind me was lifting me up, closer to her face, closer to her green eye which grew with every passing second.

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