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Author's Chapter Notes:

Hey Guys,

Sorry for the long ass hiatus.  I work at a hospital and ended up getting pretty sick with the wuhan, so hooray me.  A lot of shit happened and i needed a break.

I don't want any pity though - So back to the story.  Not the best chapter but i wanted to get something out.  i again plan on finishing this story and will have potential sequels.


if interested in an extra college girl chapter let me know who you like!





Crystal's white palm was slightly curled up around me, making it look like I was in the bottom of a shallow pit, her skin was etched as if it was weathered from a storm. I looked up nervously to see Crystal's red dress in front of me, taking up my vision of everything in that direction like a huge building. As I craned my neck upward Crystal's B sized breasts caused the red of her dress to jut out slightly, and her head was tilted forward to look at me. She was smiling, her arctic blue eyes seemed to glimmer in the sky far above me.


I simply gulped in nervousness, ecstatic to no longer be in the shoe and being battered by Ani's toes as she raped me with them. It was a nightmare, and worst of all, she didn't even realize what had happened. It made it all the more horrible.


And this giantess who's palm I was in let it all happen, before eventually coming to my rescue. It was terrifying how much power she had over me, and the fact that she tortured as well as saved me left me feeling confused and afraid of her.


Amoe was still off at the door as Crystal began to lift her hand up, not too quickly but fast enough to cause a strong breeze as I watched the building that was her body next to me shift as if it was being lowered. I eventually passed the cut out of her dress where her breasts were, which looked like a valley. I stopped ascending as I reached just below her lips, and she brought her hand close to them, until all I could see were her huge lips in front of me. I turned my head upward to see the black holes where her nostrils were, and her eyes were tilted down to look at me, making her appear cross eyed.


I was incredibly nervous, as hot air exhausted from her nose, causing the air to whip around me, my hair to spin. Each breath made the air shift from hot to cold, and as she breathed in I felt a gust of cold air that would cause me to shiver. I curled myself into a fetal position on her palm to try and stay warm, covering myself at the same time.


Her voice finally boomed around me, but she was clearly whispering. It was still overwhelming loud to me.


“So? What have we learned today Mark?”


I stared up at her, my fear and nervousness was strangely juxtaposed with her beauty and power. She had saved me, and she had tortured me. I knew what she wanted to hear, and I hoped that if I went along I would at least be spared further sadism.


“You're a beautiful goddess” I gulped, afraid and humiliated. “M-My goddess”


Crystal's lips curled into a smile, revealing her huge white teeth within them. It looked like a huge cave had suddenly appeared before me. The movement caused me to flinch, but I was no longer crying. The waiting seemed to take forever.


“That's right. I'm your god – you're my subject. If you serve me well you will be rewarded – if not, you'll be my bitch”


I found myself quaking in fear. She was laying down an ultimatum. I had to serve her.


“Yes – goddess. Whatever you want. I'm yours”


She giggled as I said the words she wanted to hear. “That's right” her whispering sounded like river rapids.


“You're mine. You're my little boy toy. Now worship your goddess”


I looked up at her eyes far above me, my hair spinning around from her hot wine breath. Fear drove me forward now.


I got on my knees, no longer even trying to hide my nakedness. I was too nervous to do anything but listen. And from my knees I bowed forward, prostrating myself to her in the middle of her palm, bringing my face to the ground that was her warm white skin. I could feel the heat on my face and lips, feel her pulse pumping below me.


“I said: Worship me” She cooed.


From here, I started to kiss the surface of her hand, lapping at it with my tongue like a dog. Crystal giggled.


But I felt the heat of her fingers from above me, and I was suddenly pinched between them, airborne, letting out a yelp. She brought me up to her eyes so that all I could see was the arctic blue pool before me.


“You're so cute at this size Marky. I'll be a great goddess. Don't worry.”


I was falling again, landing with a thud in her palm, the wind knocked out of me from the fall. I gasped for air, and when I turned over to look up, could see Crystal's face smiling over me. Her other hand was reaching into her red hair, which flowed around her face like some strange tree. She pinched a few strands and pulled them out, between her fingers were hundreds of strands that looked like glimmering copper ropes.


The world spun around me, and Crystal moved over to the couch, before she sat down, the movement making me feel like the drop of a roller coaster. I landed in her palm, before she tilted it, causing me to tumble into her lap.


I landed on her dress, it was soft and the heat from her legs radiated through it. Her one leg was crossed over the other, creating a huge red mound before me. I looked up to Crystal's high rise body above me, and she had her hair tight between her fingers, glimmering like a copper chain. Her face was beyond that, her eyes were wide open. She looked excited.


“Put your hands behind your back.” Her voice boomed around me.


I stared up at her, confused and scared, but did what I was bid.

“Good boy” Crystal purred. Her hands shifted down towards me, and I could feel the heat off them as they created a gust of wind passing me. My hands were behind my back, and I could feel as her fingers linger behind me, casting a shadow over me.


I was shoved roughly from behind, pushed onto the red dress that was the terrain below me. I felt the copper hair began to be wrapped around my hands, creating a vice between them, like I was being handcuffed. It felt like thick ropes being twisted around my arms. It was tight, but not painful. I looked up from my back, crystals huge fingers and hands lingered over me like massive cranes. I looked up her building like body to her face, she was smiling, and her eyes were clearly locked on her purpose at hand.


I began crying as she shifted down to my legs.


“Put your legs together Marky” Her voice thundered.


I looked up at Crystal, I was full of anxiety and fear. I managed to gain enough breath through my crying to speak.


“Crystal... why?” My pleading voice was pitiful and resigned.


Crystal giggled above me. “That's goddess crystal to you tiny. And it's because I'm your god, silly” she thundered.


“But I -” I said before Crystal's booming voice cut me off.


“But nothing” Crystal thundered. “I'm doing it because I can.” She giggled. “I'm your god. You're mine. You don't question your goddess. Don't you forget that”


I couldn't respond. I was stunned. Does she believe it? Does she think she's a god?


“Now put your legs together for your goddess, you insignificant little speck”


I sobbed and did as I was bid. Crystal lifted me off the ground, wrapping her copper rope of hair around my legs, keeping them tight together, before she tied the rope together.


I started to beg. All I could do was squirm on my stomach in her lap.


“Crystal, please. I'm begging you, please let me go”


She giggled.


“Begging won't do you any good little toy. But if you play along...” She picked me up and and flipped me over until I was looking right at her, my arms tied behind my back, my legs tied tightly together. My manhood hung limply below me, and she looked down my limp manhood, and her lips curled into a smile.


“... maybe you'll get a divine treat at the end of this. Now, keep your mouth shut and do as your told.” She commanded.


Amoe's voice boomed as Crystal was finishing tightening the legs behind me. Fresh tears were coursing from my eyes as I stared at the white leather earth that was Crystal's palm.


“Well, it's getting late, and i'm knackered” She said with a yawn. “I'm going to take a shower before I crash”


Crystal's voice boomed in response. “Nice. Yea I'll probably take Mark there to clean him up too – he's looking like he might have had too much fun in Ani's mule”


It was true – minus the fun part. I felt like I smelled like her toes, and there was clearly black dirt and grime caked onto my naked skin. I turned my head to the side, and could see Amoe's collusal form off in the distance, looking like a mountain.


Amoe laughed. “Yea. I still owe mark an apology too” She laughed, and kicked her leg forward, lifting up her dirty green slipper, before she shook it. “Perhaps after the shower Mark?” She was squinting, I was clearly too small and too far away for her to see my clearly tied up on Crystal's hand.


Crystal laughter boomed above me, before she paused. “Mark says he can't wait” She then began to giggle.


Amoe laughed as she walked over to Stephanie closet, before pulling out a towel and a little basket that she used to for her bathroom products. There was little container for soap and some shampoo and a conditioner in it. She threw her towel over her shoulder before heading to the door.


“I feel kind of bad” Amoe thundered. “I still owe you but I really am exhausted Mark. We'll have to raincheck” She paused, and looked down at her slippers, sliding her foot out of it. I watched as she wiggled her toes, the debris on them visible even from the position I was in across the room, which looked like a 1000 yards.


“You'll get a date with these girls soon.” She paused to giggle. “And trust me, if you liked being in Ani's mule motel, you will love my slipper spa”


What the fuck?


It was literally the only thing I could think.


Crystal was laughing again, and her booming voice answered for me.


“Mark will take the day package” she thundered.


Amoe was opening the door, and paused to turn at the doorway. “Well I'm sure that can be arranged” She said, giggling. “Of course, for that length it'll cost you some quid.” She laughed, and slipped her naked foot out of the shoe again, kicking it upward so that that bottom of it was visible. Her skin was red near the ball and heel, black dirt was stuck under and between her toes.


“But i'll cut you a discount if you give these toes a little love between sessions” she laughed, before inserting her foot back in slipper.


She turned and the headed for the shower. I was trembling at the thought, but rapid movement of Crystal's hand made me forget about that terrifying idea and back to the current reality I was in. The heat rapidly incrased, and the now familiar sensation of being pinched between giant digits preluded the act. I was suddenly ascending, the earth below me that was crystal's palm seemed to drop out before me, before the world rapidly blurred around me, and I found myself back in front of Crystal's cave like mouth.


Her voice boomed over me. “You hear that Mark? I got you another 'hot date'” she giggled, before pausing and taking a sniff. “But you are seriously dirty. You smell a bit like cheese, you know that?”


I was suddenly furious. “Well maybe being beaten up by you friends toes in her dirty mule while your other one just laughs as it happens would cause that, you crazy ...” I paused as Crystal glared at me.


“What's that?” She thundered, her voice suddenly stern, and I found myself trembling by simply looking at her.


“Nothing...” I mumbled, suddenly terrified, trying not to look at the huge cave like lips before me.


Crystal paused, and for a second there a thought she might be considering throwing me into her mouth. Her huge molars could easily cover my entire body, and she could pop me with one or two bites.


But when her lips opened only the boom of her voice came out, hot wind sending the air spinning around me.


“Hm. Did you forget who you were speaking to?” she said, her voice the verge of malice.


I trembled as my anxiety began spiking. “No... goddess, i'm sorry, goddess” I said meekly.


Crystals lips parted, revealing her huge white teeth below them. I could easily fit between her lips, lying on the bottom one I wouldn't have been able to to touch the top if I had extended my arm.


“Good. Let's get you cleaned up. But one more detail first...” Crystal lowered me down slightly, and up came her free hand, still gripping bits of her copper chained hair.


Oh god I thought, wondering what she could possible be planning on further tying.


“I don't want to hear any further complaining from you. Open your mouth”


Whimpering, I did as I was bit. Crystal then placed a single strand of hair in mouth, like a copper rope, before pulling it back behind my head. I could feel it tighten only slightly as she tied it in a knot.


I was effectively gagged. I could still barely breathe through my mouth, but it was impossible for me to articulate, nothing more than a muffled garbled voice.


“Perfect” Crystal thundered. “Let's go visit Amoe in the shower, shall we?”


Before I knew what was happening, Crystal's fingers jerked suddenly, the world spinning around me before I landed in the now familiar white alien surface that was her palm. It then curled down around me, and like I was falling into the bottom of a pit everything became hot and dark as I was encased in her flesh. Her fingers slammed down onto of me, and it was impossible to breathe.


Panic set in, it was just blackness and heat as I struggled to breathe, my attempts to squirm further restricted from the bindings of hair that locked my limbs together.



Crystal could feel mark squirming inside her palm. It reminded her of hold a bug when she was a child, although Mark felt a little bit more sturdy than a bug. She had the utmost faith that he could endure the enclosed palm she had trapped him and, and walked briskly along to the bathroom humming the lady gaga song from earlier.


The bathrooms had an attached shower section, and Amoe was about to step into the first stall. The tiles were green, and there were hooks along the door so that you could hang up whatever you needed. As Crystal entered the bathroom, she saw that Amoe had left her shower kit on the counter, and looking at the soap container gave her a brilliant idea.


Crystal turned to Amoe as she walked into the shower with her towel on, before throwing it over the door.


“Forgetting something?” She said, giggling.


From inside the shower stall Amoe replied. “Huh?... oh, ya of course, i'm so forgetful” She started to laugh.


“Help a sister out?” Amoe said.


Crystal was laughing as she walked over to soap container, popped it open and saw the contents. There were bits of chunked soap, the largest one the remainder of an original bar, which made was flat and relatively thin. It rested in about a centimeter of soapy water, and made that side of the soap extremely soft and malleable. She took out the larger piece and took two of the smaller, thinner pieces, each one about only a square inch of so remaining and then opened her palm.


She looked down at Mark, who was trembling below her in her hands, his chest pressed against her palm. She picked him up by her fingers and placed a the larger bar of soap behind his back, then she took another, and put it in front of him. Mark could see what was happening, and clearly terrified, began to squirm, his voice tiny and muffled no longer audible over the noise of the shower in Amoe's stall.

Crystal began to giggle as she squeezed the soft wet edges of the soap together, the three malleable pieces being forced into each other and creates a strange kind of hard soap blanket that congealed around marks body. It wrapped almost over his mouth, locking him in place, and Crystal continued to giggle as tears coursed down his eyes.


“This is going to be fun” She said as she stared at him, giggling, placing mark back within the soap container, making sure to rub his face into the water soap that sloshed around the bottom, before flipping it face up.


“What's going to be fun?” Amoe said from the shower, rubbing her hands through her hair as the stall began to fill with steam.


Crystal stared at her handiwork. Mark's eyes were wide open in terror, his body entombed in soap was clearly the biggest and most obvious piece of soap in the container – probable to be used. She shut the yellow container over him and put it back in the basket, before carrying it over to Amoe.


She handed it over the door and said “Nothing. Just thinking about how cool our tiny rights movement is going to be”

Amoe laughed. “Thanks – and yea. I know today had it's down moment for me but I think I learned a lot. I'm definitely going to pay way more attention to my surroundings now that I know how dangerous a risk I can pose to tinies”


Crystal giggled, and said. “Don't worry about it – you're a natural. I'll see you back in the room”



What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck?


It was looping through my mind like I was having a seizure. The soapy material around me locked me in place like I was frozen in carbonite. The stuff was clearly hard but malleable, and if my limbs hadn't been tied up I might have been able to squirm myself free. But now, as it was, it seemed like it would be ages before my squirming would have made any appreciable difference.


I could feel soapy water splashing as the water bounced in the mound of soap I was buried in, the soap smelling confines a dim yellow. I wasn't entirely sure where I was, but from the brief moment between Crystal's hands and my new prison it seemed like it was obvious – some kind of bathroom soap container. And considering Amoe had just gone to the shower – I was certain to who's. The world outside the container seemed to sound like a storm, and I could hear what sounded like woman's voices – but the container made it sounds like the booming of Niagara falls.


Crystal's red hair was pulled back in my mouth acting as a gag. But even if it wasn't there, the tremendous cannonade of water outside made it likely impossible for anyone to hear me. So instead I simply whimpered, terrified of what would inevitably happen, time seeming to pass incredibly slow as the torrent of water struck the plastic bin like a storm.


Bright light blinded me and the air seemed to get damper as huge blobs of water fell from the sky. Almost immediately I was struck in the face, the water covering me causing panic as I struggled to breathe as I blew the water out of my nose. My eyes stung from the soapy spray, and I instinctively tried to clear my eyes with my hands only to be reminded of the soap I was partially entombed in.


I stopped breathing as my attention was diverted by an enormous object that descended from above me. With my vision blurry, I couldn't see exactly what it was, but it was enormous and dark, and seemingly ascending into the sky before the top of it disappeared in the steamy mist.


As the heat increased, and before I could comprehend what was happening, the palm of enormous wet hand paused just above my face as her fingers grabbed the sides of the soap. Even with my vision blurry, I could see the folds of her skin as a torrent of water poured over her hands and from the gap between it and the soap, causing soapy wet water to pour across my face causing me to struggle to breathe from nose.


I was panicking, my the water blurring my vision, the tremendous cannonade of water, and the rapid movement meant I couldn't tell what was happening, but I could feel the heat from the hand in front of me until everything spun around, and I could see what amounted to a giant green walls far off in the distance, but a much closer, darker yellow looking mountain in front of me.


And then I heard it.


Can't read my, can't read my, no you can't read my pokerface...”


Her voice boomed around me like thunder as I ascended towards the peak of this enormous yellow skyscraper, the features becoming more distinct through my stinging eyes until I could make out her distinctive pink lips and the white teeth beneath them.


I accelerated towards her face before I could comprehend what was happening, the heat from it combined with the torrent of water felt like a never waterfall of hot jacuzzi being dumped on me. All I could see was her yellow skin, and then I was suffocating, the smooth yellow flesh of her skin was being pressed into me face and smothering me, preventing me from breathing.


I was pulled downward, and as my face rubbed against the massive wall of skin before me I could feel the individual ripples of the sheer leather wall mixed with soap and water. I struggled to breathe, but everything was black and there was no air to be had, just hot dark wetness as I was dragged across it.


And then the wall moved away from me, and I could see what looked like the massive side of a building which was her cheak, coated with a think layer of soapy white liquid, before a torrent of water splashed over me.


Oddly, tips of my own feet felt like they were burning, and from blurry vision I looked down – and saw that the layer of soap that had been coated over me had already worn signifcantly away. I looked up to see Amoe's face for a second before a torrent of water splashed onto me again, before the yellow wall that was her other cheek seemed to rocket forward towards me.


Then it was simply heat and the feel of soft leather of her skin, pushing against my own tiny body, warping my face and mouth so that I could taste it as I was being dragged against it. Crystal's hair dug into me painfully for a second, I felt like my mouth was being torn, and I tried desperately to scream as water poured over my body. Just as it felt like my lips were starting to bleed, the strand of hair snapped. As I was dragged along her skin I could feel myself simulatenously sinking further into the soap, and tasting her flesh as my mouth was forced open and dragged across the surface. At the same time, my body began to feel hotter, and as the soft skin finally moved seemed to move away from me I realized that the soapy prison I was confined to and had been shorn of it it's top most layer – my chest and legs were now fully exposed to the hot water pouring off her her monolithic hands onto me.


It was too hot and foggy to be able to tell what was happening, the sound of the shower sounded like Niagra falls, and the giantess that was Amoe before me appeared blurry in the steam and from the water splashing over me.


Then I seemed to rocket forward towards the huge yellow thing that was Amoe, and I started to scream.


Amoe continued to sing though, the over the roar of the waterfall it would have been impossible to hear me.


P-p-p-oker face na na na na”


“AMOOE!!!!!” I screamed desperately, before all I could see was her skin before me. I slammed into the surface, briefly feeling the heat from her body before started to be dragged across it's surface, her soft smooth skin rubbing into my own twisting my face and head awkwardly. But my crotch was exposed too, and I could feel my johnson rubbing into her soft leathery flesh, an eerily pleasant sensation as I struggled to breathe amongst the torrent of water for the brief seconds my face wasn't pressed into her skin.


And the huge leather wall that was her face careened towards me again.


“AMOEEE!!!” I was screaming, the water running over my exposed flesh revealing that the layer of soap that had coated me had dissolved away – the only thing keeping me from plummeting down to my doom the soap I was already sunk into.


The yellow wall of skin slammed into me, the heat and water combining with her smooth flesh to was eerily pleasant as I was dragged across the slick surface that had mixed with soap, a wildly tickling sensation juxtaposed with my struggle to breathe. And as I twisted and turned I could feel my body squirming against her skin, and my johnson was suddenly rushing with blood.


I was once again beginning to form an erection, and I was suddenly embarrassed – but that thought quickly left me when I realized I was suffocating.


But then a torrent of water splashed onto me as I could hear the echoing thunder of Amoe's voice all around me, as the yellow wall that was her face seemed to zoom into the distance.


Can't read my, can't read me, no he can't read my, poker face”


The world seemed to spin around me as water and soap splashed over me, forcing to me draw in short breaths as I felt the skin on the front of my body chilled by the rapid rush or air, before accelerating back towards the yellow mountain again, the steamy air juxtaposing with the wind leaving me shivering.


“AHHH!!!!!” I screamed uncontrollably. But instead of slamming into the yellow mass, it paused, and I could see what looked land below me, and a side of the mountain to my right.


Time seemed still as I tried desperately to shake the water from my vision. Part of me wanted to move, but the only thing keeping me from falling me to my death was the self same soap I was wedged in, and I was too afraid to try to pull myself out of it. And just as it seemed to this strange yellow land seemed to zoom up towards me, I realized what I was looking at – Amoe's shoulder.


Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun...”


The soft leathery ground gave slightly as I was slammed into it, and soon I was being dragged against it. I struggled to breathe as the wet surface slid across my body like some kind of out never ending waterslide, and even though her flesh was wet and soft it seemed like my own skin was being pulled from my bones. But it couldn't stop myself from starting to become more aroused, every dimple and crease, every change in direction in speed caused a new sensation that surrounded my whole body, and I blood further stiffening my erection.


She reversed directions, pulling me back into the soapy skin that was already covered, reducing the friction and strange sensation of pleasure as I still was slowly being smothered. My crotch flipped from the movement, a sudden and terrifying motion that at first instinct I thought might break my johnson in half, but simply flipped like a lightswitch, and the blood continued rushing into my groin.


I couldn't help myself becoming aroused, and but as I suffocated the thought increased my shame. Amoe had no idea.


And then the directions reversed again, and glanced down at my soapy body, only to feel a rush of wind and torrent of hot water splashing onto me. Amoes arm appeared to by side like some enormous wet crane, seemingly extending never ending to this mountain of a girl that loomed before me amongst the maelstrom of the shower.


I trembled nervously as I saw the waterfall like descent to the shower floor below, praying that I would remain stuck to the soap, knowing that if I fell I'd be washed away.


The mountain before me seemed to transform, and what looked like a bridge lifting and ascending into the sky. Suddenly the soapy mound I was wedged in was flying horizontally, and as I neared this mountain of skin the light dimmed and I realized I was heading straight for a dark, brown flecked piece of land that seemed dotted with tiny shrubs.


The smell made me realize what it was – Amoe's arm pit.


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