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Author's Chapter Notes:

Continuing the meeting backstory. 

Not going to lie, I'm enjoying writing this chapter, and i've found myself contemplating how much further this party is going to go.  I've already gotten some stuff written but it ha the potential to become a story arc in itself, so i'm not sure if i want to continue it as it is, or move forward into the story and bounce back to it later.   tbd i guess




“... Hey there sleepy head.” A voice boomed from above me. I found myself wet and shivering, but the surface I was on was incredibly warm, and I pressed myself into it, as if trying to hug a wall.


“Oh, are you cold? Let me warm you up!” It then became dark, and the air became stuffy, but the temperature increased dramatically. I found myself heating up and the cold left me, which allowed other parts of my faculties to process what was going on.


The voice was Kelly's, the surface of this alien planet, Kelly's hands. Like before it was slightly drier and rougher, but it was still soft, oily, and alive – and in contrast with what I had been through, felt like the world most comfortable couch. Exhausted, I almost found myself dozing off to sleep, before the light returned and a rush of cool air.


“Sorry about your shirt Mark” Kelly said giggling. While not sounding quite drunk, she was obviously a bit intoxicated. “I accidentally swallowed it I think – my bad”


The thought, while slightly terrifying, also flooded me with the memories of what just happened. The manhandling in her palm, the struggle in the wine cup, the descent and drowning in the cave that was her mouth. Logically, all of these things would amount to torture.


Kelly was smiling at me from above, her face looking like a billboard at the top of a skyscraper. She was holding me right below her breasts, which looked like huge green hills, and she was bent forward slightly so that she could see me past them. For some strange reason I wasn't mad at all. The fact that I was intact, alive, and that she comforting me in her hands, left me feeling like she saved me. Like I owed her not killing me – and it made me swoon. All of the abuse I just went through caused me to feel like Kelly really loved me, or at least cared for me. I knew it didn't make sense, but somehow it also did.


I wanted get on my knees, prostrate myself to her in her hands, and kiss her palms. I was almost drunk enough to do it. But while I felt like doing it – I couldn't quite force myself to act that way. The logical part of my brain was screaming at me not to – some sense pride forcing me not to. Instead, I just found myself in a trance again, looking at this hot leathery surface of a planet that was Kelly's huge palm.


I looked up at her. She had a devilish smile, but it just made me want to kiss her. She was as beautiful a woman as I had ever seen. Her hazel eyes looked like pools on the surface on a planet far away from our own. Her pony tail was now pulled over her muscular looking shoulder.


I continued to stare at her as she continued to stare at me. I could sense her pulse in her hands and saw her fingers flexing above me – extending 10 – 20 yards and curling over me to reveal her sharp plain nails, I could see a bit of dirt wedged into the index, and the rough callouses along the inside of her fingers.


“What did I miss?” I'm not sure where that came from, but I found the words coming out of my mouth.


Kelly whistled and rolled her eyes. “A lot – we found a way to return you to normal but you were off swimming” She winked at me and the devilish grin returned briefly before she continued. “But seriously, not much. We talked about where we came from and how we are going to advocate for men's rights across campus, even if it gets us in trouble, and continue recruiting and spreading the facts.”


Again, the fact that she was advocating for me endeared her to me further – made me she think she was more of a heroine than that of a normal woman. I had already forgotten that I had almost drowned in her mouth. Somewhere from the back of my mind a voice shouted that “YOU'RE REALLY DRUNK MARK”


I looked around, the other girls were talking, a few of them holding what I presumed to be a tiny David and John.


“But the serious business is over” Kelly said. I looked back up and her and she began smiling while she held up her glass of wine that I spent my last god knows how long struggling for my life in. Compared to her, it just looked like a normal glass of wine – but for me, it was like being inside of a water tower.


“Now we're going to have fun and finish the rest of this alcohol! I think we may have a little bit too much.” She laughed again, her voice booming, the vibrations in her hand, and my own intoxication sent me onto my back. I just continued to stare at her, becoming entranced. Kelly was beaming above me.


Two lumbering giantesses came at a 100 yards a second towards Kelly's open hand. One was dark and the other, slightly shorter, was more tan looking.

“Yea, Mark, everyone else is having fun, you've just been over here napping, leaving us girls bored.” A light African accent said. It was Naru, her dark eyes peering at me through her glasses, and her black curly hair almost touching Kelly's hand 20 yards away.


“Yea, we want to have fun!” The other voice said. It was Ani. “Both Naru and I have lived with David and John for a while now, so we are letting the other girls get acquainted with them. But we want to play with you!” She giggled, drinking wine from her own glass. Her brown eyes were staring at me, when suddenly her tan fingers swooped in from above me, her purple nails looked like large purple chainsaws. She grabbed me and lifted me up, not exerting a lot of pressure but her grip was tight. I wasn't quite sure what was happening but I was drunk enough to enjoy myself, although I felt the sudden urge to go to the bathroom. I'd drank enough wine to make me thoroughly intoxicated but I hadn't peed yet, and the now the liquid courage increased my resolve.


“Hey Girls! We can do whatever you want – just drop me off at the house first so I can use the bathroom. Then I'm all yours” I hadn't exactly realized what I said, but Kelly had. She bent forward, lowering her head by a foot or two to get level with Ani's smaller frame and where she was holding me. Her green tank top dangled forward and I could see Kelly's huge cleavage below her face, looking like a dark cavern. While in comparison to her body, not as big as Rebecca's, but in comparison to me, quite bigger.


A gust of hot wine smelling air blew into me, tickling my exposed skin. When it was gone the normal air temperature felt cold. Kelly nose seemed only yards away – her face extending in every direction of my vision and and preventing me from seeing anything but her. “Whatever we want, aye?” Kelly said, her voice coquettish. Her breath smelled heavy of wine and my hair blew wildly around my face, my vision blurred. The dark cavern of her mouth was once again before me.


I gulped. The goddess that was Kelly was more than enough stimulation for me. My feet were dangling below me as I was stuck between Ani's warm fingers. I couldn't see her but I could feel her grip tighten – not enough to do cause any pain, but enough to make breathing more difficult. I think it was a threat.


“Anything” I tried to sound confident, but these girls attitude and the alcohol still made me nervous – even though I was already drunk. I probably would have been freaking out of I was sober. Luckily, the urge to pee made me forget almost immediately what I had signed up for, and the unease went away, replaced by a desperate need to evacuate my bowels.


Naru's african accent boomed up in the sky as Ani flew me down towards the house, everything blurring. “We'll hold you to that, tiny man.” She giggled as I landed in front of the house.


I wanted to say something about being called tiny, but the fact that I was locked in place between two giant fingers of a girl made it seem pointless. I was tiny. The sooner I accepted it the better. Ani released me onto the floor.


Before going inside I turned around to look at the scene. Off on the coach to my left Linh was sitting, leaning forward and looking at the ground towards her feet, which were now bare, her brown leather boots sitting ajar to each respectively, one upright, the other looking like the entrance to a tunnel.. She was talking to one of the tiny men presumably, who I couldn't see. Stephanie was obstructing my view, her back was facing me and she had her legs extended to the the left and her right, creating a triangle, her violet ankle boots still fastened to her shoes, she also appeared to be looking at something on the ground in front of her.


To my right on the bed, was Crystal and Amoe. I again couldn't see their tiny man, because Amoe, the closer of the two, was blocking whatever they were looking at with her body. Each of them sat on the bed facing each other, Amoe's bare left leg dangling from the bed to the ground, her right extended across the bed and touching the wall. Her slippers were still on. Crystal was on her stomach, her arms propping up her head, and she was staring down almost into Amoe's crotch, talking. It looked weird. I guess girls were more comfortable being so close to each other than guys were. Her legs were bent over her back, her feet bare. Her loafers were on the floor next to the bed.


The earth began to shake and it sounded like explosions around me.




I barely maintained my balance, catching myself with my hand on the red field that was the rug to prevent myself from tipping over.


In front of me, Ani, Kelly, and Naru had stopped and stood – each of them looking like a taller and taller skyscraper, with Ani the smallest and Kelly the tallest, all easily ascending into the sky. I was only about 10 yards away from each, their shoes were basically touching each other, forming a wall obstructing 180 degrees of my vision. Ani's leather mules were to my left, huge brown buses, and I could the see the leather roof flexing further yards into the air, presumably by the squirming of her toes inside. Kelly, respectively, making the others girls feet look small, were right in front of me and the largest part of the wall. It almost seemed like the width of one Kelly's feet were equal to both of Ani's. The thin leather sole of Kelly's shoe came up to my knee, but Even her smallest toe was taller than I was. I could only see the front of her toes and the bottom of her multicolored toenails before me, before seeing her athletic feet meeting her equally athletic long bare legs ascending over 60 yards in the air before disappearing below her dark skirt, just above her knees. To my right was Naru, just the base of the front of her black shoe created a 5-6 yard black wall. Her black toes propped above them like lions with white tipped manes for toenails. I could see her the veins sticking out in the gaps between the exposed leather of her boots, her bare ankles above them before entering her gray pants 20 or so yards above that.


They were all peering down at me, each of them holding a glass of wine which shimmered from the light far above. Kelly laughed and her foot slid towards me, so rapidly I couldn't react, but stopped right as my face was about to make contact with her big toe, which completely filled my vision.


“Hurry up little man – these toes are getting restless” She laughed again along with the other girls.


I wasn't even conscious that I had already been running away, so frightened by the huge leather wall moving in a way that seemed impossible.


“My toes are getting restless too.” Naru was saying as I was clambering up the steps. “Anything we want Mark! We're holding you too it!” Their giggles and their bodies vibrating the house and forcing me to pause on the steps, the shaking too intense to prevent me from climbing.


“We should play a game! Something interesting now that Mark is tiny – something that we wouldn't be able to do normally...” Ani was saying, giving a loud “HMMMM” as she finished. I was on the porch now and opened the door.


Inside, everything was as it had been since I had left. Their was still a huge pizza on the table, and my cup of beer was there. I grabbed the beer and started drinking, easing my nerves, and went into the bathroom to relieve myself. As I stood there I found myself with an odd mixture of nervousness, fear, and arousal. All three of these girls were beautiful. And while being toyed with them scared me, the lack of control and my own attraction to them was intoxicating. I chugged more beer and my anxiety respectively decreased. I was becoming increasing inebriated but my brain was having an easier time with submitting myself to these woman. I'll just do whatever they ask, I thought to myself. It'll be easy. I won't have to think about anything.


I walked out of the bathroom, refilled my beer, ripped off some pizza and ate it while washing down my beverage. After feeling satisfied, I stepped outside.


Kelly was speaking. “I have an idea. The one from earlier. Let's see if Mark can climb up to the top of Naru's shoe. If he can, then he can choose what we do. Otherwise, we'll let Naru make the decision.” The girls murmured in agreement, and Naru's toes seemed to wiggle in delight of the prospect.

I felt good about the idea. But I was also quite intoxicated. If I hadn't been, I would have felt the exhaustion in my muscles from earlier. But I wasn't thinking rationally, and as I approached the huge varied feet that turned into even larger towers of legs, I looked directly up at the girls, who were staring at me from the sky. I simply asked. “Do I have a time limit?”


Naru answered for the group. “Of course you do, tiny Mark – where would the fun be without the challenge?” I could feel her voice vibrating through my bones. The base of her open toe bootie was only 10 yards away from me, but looked like a great black wall. I could see that I was weathered on the side, with a grayish white discoloration along the bottom. There were slight indentations from wear and tear, - easily enough for me to to insert a hand or foot, and looking like the design for an indoor rock climbing store. The base of her shoe simply dwarfed me. It looked like a whole story of a building but it was just this small platform sole of her shoe. On top of this building of a shoe rested her black double decker bus of a foot, which was periodically wrapped in leather exposing her dark brown skin and veins before ascending into the towers that were her leg. As I craned my head up I once again found myself looking at this alien skyscraper, and realizing that this mammoth creature was watching me from above – her eyes locked onto me as if she was a spy plane in the sky. Her eyes blinked and she was giving had a slight grin as she realized we were looking at each other, and she gestured towards her shoes.


“Wow, I hadn't realized how dirty these shoes were. Tell you what tiny...” and with those words she pitched her right shoe onto her heel, revealing her dirty discolored sole below. Red strands from the carpet fell from the 20 or so yard height the front of her shoe was at, drifting down in seemingly random directions from the air resistance. “... if you clean the shoes now I'll remove the time limit, because if you fail you are going to be doing a thorough job cleaning these.”


Her foot lifted up, flew forward faster than I could react, and slammed down. I fell over from the earthquake, and could see that around me everything was dark. Her heel rested 10-15 yards in front of me, the sole of her shoe above me, as if she was planning to squash me any second. If I hadn't been drunk, I would have been terrified.


But because I was drunk, I simply found myself struggling to stand up, using my arms to steady myself on the ground as I got onto one knee.

“Clean your shoes? Really?” I wasn't quite slurring my words but it felt like I was talking with a water in my mouth. “They're like a building! It would take me all night!”


The discolored black sole that was now my roof bobbed up and down above me, when there was another crash that sent me toppling into the red field of a carpet. Disoriented, I looked up as I got onto my hands and knees, to now see that behind me had landed a gigantic foot with blue and yellow nails resting on top of leather floor of a sandal. From the position I was in now the sole of the sandal was still slightly above me, and was only about 5-10 yards away, cutting off my retreat in that direction.


It was Kelly's foot. I couldn't see her as Naru's shoe was blocking my vision of her ankle up, but I was too drunk to really comprehend that my interactions with these women was now more like a bug's relationship to a person. Their shoes and feet was all that was relevant to my existence – the rest of them were just divine beings that existed far above me.


As I stood up, looking at how much bigger Kelly's foot was compared to the other girls. To put simply, even if I had been standing on the sole of Kelly's sandal, her big toe was far taller than I was, possibly around a half of a yard.


Naru giggled, her African twang more accentuated now that she had been drinking for a bit. “Well than maybe I'll just take you home with me if you don't finish the job? I'll have John assist you too – maybe Ani would lend me David” The bottom of her shoe finally withdrew and slammed in front of me. I could see her face and huge smile revealing her teeth far above me.

Kelly and Ani were flanking her, and I was now stuck between these three pairs of feet. They had managed to surround me and create a wall of leather and flesh.


Ani looked at Naru. “Haha!” She laughed. “Maybe if you hadn't given me such good ideas on putting David to work I would have! But now I think he's going to be have chores of his own to do for me!”


The girls giggled at this, but they were all looking down at me. All the 3 alien skyscrapers were causing the earth to tremble, and I found myself desperately wanting more alcohol to drink.


Kelly spoke. “How about this Mark. You have two minutes to climb from the second you touch Naru's shoe, and you have to get to the top strap of her bootie.” Naru's toes wiggled to indicate what I'd be dealing with in case I forgot already. “If you get there, then you win the challenge and can create a rule for Naru, if not Naru creates a rule for you.”


Naru laughed at this but didn't say anything. Ani, however, began to squat down, before she kicked her legs back got onto her knees, falling forward, she slammed her elbows into the ground and rested her face on her hands. I fell over from the shaking.


“Sorry Mark – i'm just getting set up for a close up view of the action.” she giggled.


Kelly didn't bother. She just smiled down at me from above, her grin slightly devilish. I wonder what challenge she would come up for me.


The combination of fear, intoxication of these giantesses, and my general inebriation costed me the very rational possibility of refusing or at least pondering why all of this was happening. But at this point, I moved forward unquestioningly. The vast size difference just one of a few factors that made me follow these goddesses orders without any hesitation. I approached the base of Naru's shoe, looking up, I could see that I'd have to climb up 3 times my own height just to reach Naru's toes.


“Whenever you're ready Mark – I have the timer right here” Kelly was holding her cell phone above me. Naru's face was also looking directly down at her feet – she had her hands on her hips, and would occasionally wiggle her toes. Looking to my right, Ani's face was less that 20 yards away. I could see folds her in purple lips distinctly. She had her phone out as well. The camera pointed straight at me. I knew she was going to record this but I didn't particularly care.


I started to circle the shoe to see if this was the easiest approach. The front of her shoe was the most worn and damaged, and appeared to have plenty of footholds to allow me to get a grip from minor chipping of her shoe. My only other options were the side, which were less worn, or to go back to her heel, which would mean climbing almost 2 to 3 times further – this didn't seem practical.


Without thinking, I reached for my first foothold. Naru's shoe smelled of leather and dirt, I could feel her living foot through even the sole of her shoe. It felt like rubber. I began to climb. One grip leading to another, pulling myself upward, occasionally finding a foothold but more often than not using my upper body to simply pull myself up.


At first it was easy, and I got up to a point where it seemed I had only a few yards left before reaching the base of her insole. But then I was hit with a wave of fatigue.


“Well he's up and at em girls! I think two minutes might be too much time, he's only 10 second in and he's almost near base camp!” Kelly said.


“More like toe camp” Ani chuckled, and so did the other girls, including Naru. Her laughter caused the shoe to vibrate and I nearly lost my grip, my bare chest rubbing against the huge dirty black wall that was her sole.


“Hey!” I yelled. “Stop interfering!”


The girls continued to laugh at this. Apparently I wasn't going to get a fair deal, and I was getting more tired. It wasn't worth arguing. I paused for them to finish laughing and continued to climb, sweat beginning to pour from my brow.


As I reached the base of the insole, I saw Naru's big toe looming above it. From my angle I could see the pale skin under her toe, and I could feel the heat from it. It smelled like leather. I was now pulling my self up onto the insole, in my struggle to get a grip on top I had rested my elbows on the surface, and began clawing myself with my hands, trying to get a grip on the rubber insole, and pushing up with my legs. I slowly lurked upwards and finally got a leg on top of the insole, and rolled myself onto the base. As I did, I rolled directly into Naru's big toe. The thing gave off heat like a radiator, and I could see the swirls on her light brown skin. It felt like a giant leather couch cushion, but had a faint smell of citrus. Mostly everything smelled like leather. I could only see the base of her toe and nail from here, Kelly was off to my left, her huge smile and the light from behind her head reminding me of a cartoon sun.


“Don't break now Mark, you only have a minute left!” Kelly sounded like she coaching me.


But it worked. I found myself standing in front of Naru's big toe. It was almost as tall as I was, I only had a few inches on it. For a second I was about to pull myself on top, but I noticed that the gap between her big and second toe would allow for an easier ascent, so I opted for that. I stepped to the side and entered into the gap between her toes. I just tall enough to see the tops of both of them, and there was plenty of room on either side of me so that I could move normally between them. It was much warmer in between the gap, and I was happy I was no longer wearing a shirt, as it would have felt much hotter. As I reached the light web of flesh between her big and second toe, the gap narrowed, and I found myself pressing into either sides of her light brown skin – it was soft had the slight feel of oil. Her skin was mostly clean, although I could see an increasing amount of dirt towards the bottom. I was no longer looking anywhere except for the alien brown terrain before me, and while I was approaching I had forgotten that I was climbing onto some girls foot – it only seemed like a strange living hill I was being forced to climb. I put one foot onto the web and leaned forward with the rest of my body, putting my hands near the top of flesh that met the main part of her foot between her toes, and then on all fours started moving up the brown living hill. I could feel Naru's pulse and the twitch of her muscles under the surface, which would occasionally cause me to slip and I would find my face pressed into the her skin. It smelled a bit of citrus, with a splash of vinegar. I began to climb, and was confronted with the first leather strap. This was tightly wrapped across her skin, and I simply grabbed a bit of it and pulled myself over it.


“40 seconds!” Kelly boomed from above. I had another 7-8 straps to climb, which probably amounted to around less than 20 yards, at about a 40 degree angle.


So I scrambled over the first leather strap, and then found myself once again looking at Naru's brown leather flesh. In this section I could see a vein stretching up like a root of a large tree near the surface of the ground. I continued to pull myself upward, my bare chest occasionally rubbing on her skin. I reached the next strap and pulled myself over, before clambering across the next patch of skin.


6 straps to go. I saw the next straps were creating a slightly different problem. They weren't skin tight, in fact they had bulged out a bit and created small gaps between her skin and the leather. Small for a normal person, mind you, but easily big enough for me to crawl through.


I didn't think about it – it instinctively seemed easier to crawl under these than attempt to pull myself over them. I got on my chest and began to wiggle my way up her flesh, I could feel the heat from her foot and smell the leather from her boot, my face and chest rubbing against this living alien planet. Her pulse sent vibrations through my whole body.


“Clever boy” Naru said from above me. The girls giggled.


“30 seconds!” Kelly said.


I passed under this leather strap and saw that I could do the same with the next. I didn't bother to stand, I simply clambered on my hands and knees up to the next and began to crawl under it again, repeating the process from before, feeling Naru's dark skin rubbing against my own.

I had only 4 straps to go, but the ascent would be steeper at the end. As I cleared this strap, I could see the next were still tight, and I would have to climb over them again. I stood up to scramble up her foot, and climb over the next strap, but I slipped, and found myself rolling face first down her foot before I could catch myself.


“Uh oh!” Ani said giggling.


I got up and began to run, but I realized I had lost some serious time with my sloppiness. I was feeling fatigued and it felt like all my energy was going to be used trying to get over these last 4 gaps.


I climbed over the next strap, my arms feeling like they were weighted down by lead weights.


“20 seconds!”


I didn't stand. I was too exhausted to. I shambled up further on all fours, starting at the irregular black surface, seeing the slight pattern of flesh that made it look a bit like a puzzle piece. A vein bulged out and I placed my foot onto it to push myself forward onto the next strap. The leather smell from this was distinctive in comparison to her foot.


I cleared the strap but I had slowed down significantly. I paused for a second to take a breath, and began clawing my way forward. I reached the next strap, pulling myself over it.


Kelly began to count down.


“10, 9, 8...”


I continued to move upward. I had only two straps left but the alcohol and the nights previous tribulations made myself seriously fatigued. If I hadn't had to do any of that stuff I probably could have climbed up her shoe in a minute. Now, as it was, I didn't have the energy to pull myself any further. But I continued to try, pathetically crawling up her foot on my hands and knees. The girls were giggling above me. Naru's laughter wasn't helping and I would occasionally slip forward onto her foot, slamming my face into her skin, each time it felt more difficult to pick my head back up and continue crawling.



I reached the second to last strap and clawed myself onto it, only lifting enough of myself to move upward, not wanting to waste any energy. I was prone shuffling over this strap as I felt my hands reach her bare skin on the other side.




I had cleared the gap, and I could see the last strap almost at her ankle. All I had to do was touch it. I was so close, but it still was a few yards off, and I felt like I was using all my energy just to breathe. I crawled upward, trying to reach the final strap.




The final second had expired, and I was still a foot or so away. I failed.


“OHHHHH!! So close Mark!!” Kelly laughed above me, and Naru got very excited.


“I win!” she giggled, her foot vibrating and I tumbled down the strap below me. I found myself slamming to a halt as my right shoulder met the strap, stopping my descent. I could see Naru far above me from my back, her warm skin touching it. I simply tried to catch my breath. Her eyes were fixed on me and she had a broad smile, her hair falling around her face like thousands of curly black ropes.


“Rule time!” Naru was giggling. Her toes were flexing up and down below me, causing the muscles in her foot to contract and relax – in effect the alien hill I was on was pushing me up and down.


“While I did say I'd have you clean my shoes – that would take all night, and I don't want to be selfish – there are other girls here I have to share you with.”


Gee, thanks, I thought.


“So why don't I share my prize with everyone?” Naru's mouth formed a wry smile.


I in the meantime, simply lied on back and regained some energy. I just hoped whatever it was wouldn't be so exhausting. There were still 6 other giantesses here and I had no idea what was happening – being physically tired didn't make me feel any better. Being drunk and lying on this foot, I started to doze. It wasn't all that uncomfortable.


Ani appeared above me in an instant. Apparently she had stood up. The three giantesses conversed above me. I could easily hear what they were saying but my fatigue put me in a dream like state. I heard the sounds but didn't have any understanding. Eventually they stopped, and all their eyes were trained back on me, like 3 skyscrapers shining spotlights down onto me.


Naru began leaning forward, and her hand was going directly for me. Her hands went from being simply in the sky to being my whole reality, taking up all my vision and extending in every direction, causing the light to get darker, the folds of her skin and the ridges in her palms looking like weathered terrain. She picked up my deftly between her thumb and index finger, pinning me between them. There was nothing I could do other than accept the leathery claw that heated my entire body. She lowered me towards the floor and deposited me back into the carpet. All around me I could see a shuffle of motion, the girls had formed their triangular pen with their bodies and feet, and then Kelly and Naru were reaching down and adjusting the straps on their enormous shoes, lifting their feet up and grabbing their shoes before they came back down naked to the floor in the a thud, sending myself toppling onto the carpet.


When I looked back up, I could see naked feet 10 yards from me in every direction. I was completely surrounded by toes, which ascended into huge towers that seemed to go on forever. If I hadn't been drunk I would have been more scared, because I was, I made dad jokes.


“Toe-tally surrounded.” I said, releasing a slight hiccup. “Can you girls grab me a beer since you've got me 'en-toe-mbed'” I thought I was way funnier than I was, but the girls giggled at this.


Kelly's laughter made me blush. “You're really cute Mark.”

With those words I couldn't think of anything, I wanted to say something, but the butterflies just clouded my mind.


“Well this isn't a stand up comedy show, Mark.” Naru giggled but took a more stern voice. “As my prize you will have to perform a duty to us girls” Her toes began to wiggle and I subconsciously knew what my duty would relate to.

“You are to kiss each of our toes” Naru giggled again, and she brought some wine to her lips.


At this point, I think it was safe to say everyone was drunk. The alcohol had done the job it had been doing for thousands of years, allowing slightly sexual behavior to manifest itself in a situation that might have been considered awkward if sober. Now, with more compromised decision making skills and the sheer power dynamic, alcohol was bringing out the thoughts and desires of these girls that they wouldn't have said soberly – no prefrontal cortex to regulate what was a good and bad idea.


And, in part, mine was equally as fried. If I had been sober I might have found this humiliating. As it was, even though I was slightly embarrassed, the idea of kissing these girls toes wasn't one that repulsed me. The vast power difference, the sexual dynamic, and the alcohol made it all seem like a reasonable thing. Instead I asked questions related to my duty.


“Kiss all of your toes?” I looked around at the 30 toes, each a different size and shape, with a different tone of skin. The nails were each different, white on Naru, purple on Ani, and green and yellow on Kelly.


Kelly spoke and she took on a stern tone, but with her naturally deeper voice, I couldn't tell if she was being serious or not.

“Tinies don't question – they do as they are told.” the other girls giggled and their toes wiggled respectively. Kelly's big toe tapped the ground impatiently.


“Hop to it little one.” Naru spoke.


I was moving forward, as if I wasn't in control of my body, and heading towards Naru's feet first, it seeming only natural since she had given the command. Her bare feet rested in the shaggy red carpet, and I could see strands of red fiber emerging between her toes, only going about less than halfway up the big toe. As I approached foot, I could see the mammoth thing sloping upward, her black skin exposing well defined veins above her foot. The thing radiated heat. As I stood in the carpet, I could see that her white nail on her big toe was at about eye level. Her big toe was almost as tall I was.


This realization made me feel insignificant even though I was drunk, and oddly, it was this feeling of that pushed my face forward, until my lips made contact with her light brown skin at the front of her toe. With my lips pressed into the warm brown flesh, I breathed in through my nose, and her toe smelled very faintly of leather, citrus, and a splash of vinegar. I gave a light peck with my lips. Naru giggled above me, her toe wiggled, and everything shook. The skin against my lips left a lingering acrid taste.


“Good boy, Mark! 29 toes to go!”


So I walked to my right, stopping in front of the second toe, it was smaller and I could more easily see the top of her white nail. I bent forward slightly and placed my lips below her nail, giving the hot living leather a kiss. The second toe squirmed in acknowledgment.


This went on for the third, fourth, and eventually the pinky toe. Her pinky toe was smaller than the rest, and only went up to my nipples. It's nail was small in comparison to the rest, and the folds of her flesh seemed to bulge around it. I got on one knee like I was going to propose to the thing, and gave it a kiss.


“Aww Mark, if I wasn't already engaged I would let you marry my pinky toe.” Naru and the other girls laughed.


A shadowed suddenly loomed over me. I looked up to see that the sky was completely blocked by the bottom of a rough, tan wall. No – it was a a foot.


From where I was standing under the arch, I couldn't see the face of the owner. But based on the size and weathering of it, I knew who's foot it was. Kelly. The ball of her foot was a dark brown yellow and was one giant callous, her heel looked equally as torn. Her toes all had callouses of their own, the one on her big toe embedded deeply with dirt. Her foot was enormous, especially for a girl. It seemed to be 25 yards long and 10 yards wide. Almost twice as long as a normal bus, and easily twice as wide. From below her foot, it was equally terrifying as it was magnificent in it's enormity. From 10 yards above me, it loomed large, cutting off my vision from any of the giants in the sky, seemingly stretching off endlessly towards her toes. The red strands from the carpet looked like nothing but tiny bits of string as they hung from her foot. A strand fell off from above me, and fell past me looking like a yard of rope.


Even from here I could feel the heat coming off her foot. I was staring at it in awe. A sharp smell of leather passed over me, and her foot began to lower. I didn't move from both fear and the butterflies going crazy in my stomach. As it got to be about 5 yards above me it paused – cutting off my vision of almost everything else. I could only see the feet and shoes of the other girls that, some of whom were close and others across the hundreds of yards across the room.


Kelly's tomboyish voice gloated from above me. “Why would Mark marry your pinky toe?”


She giggled, her foot over me, bringing her toes closer to me. Her callous on the ball of her foot was thick, there were visible layers of skin stacked on top each other, it was shredded towards the center. The folds of her skin bunched together and her long toes dipped down from the moving ceiling, like waves or rough ocean water. It all looked incredibly alien.


“When Mark can marry my whole foot! And they can give you a whole lot of love too” Her toes flexed up and down as she giggled. I felt myself blushing, and was happy nobody could see me face.


There was suddenly a splash of light from above me. Kelly had positioned her foot so that her huge toes were directly above me, and ray of light cast down on me from above, making it almost feel like I was in a spotlight. Kelly was staring down at me between her toes. Her expression wasn't holding anything back. She was obviously enjoying herself and she took a long drink of her wine.


“How about that Mark” She paused and laughed, her foot curling above me, her toes scrunching and unscrunching made the rough dark callous on the ball of her foot contort like a wave. I was scared, but my muscles already felt so heavy and Kelly's laughter had me in a trance.

“Would you like that? They are excellent company...” she began to wiggle her toes. “Each toe has something unique to offer. Well?” She and the other girls laughed. Naru stepped forward, back in her shoes, the black heel creating a wall in front of me. Kelly's toes almost met it as a roof, cutting of anything in that direction.


Looking up at Naru between Kelly's toes I could see she was also laughing, drinking from her wine slapping her chest with an almost exaggerated motion. Kelly was still balanced on her foot above me, drinking her own.


“You guys do look like an excellent couple” Naru said as she smiled down at me, the two goddesses staring at me between the gap in Kelly toes.


“Well? Do you want to marry Kelly's foot? Don't leave a lady waiting” Naru said it sternly, and stared down at me with an almost menacing look. Kelly continued to giggle, a look of divine joy on her face.
Her expression made her look beautiful, and I felt oddly pleased to give her so much joy. It made me feel like I was falling in love with her. But I was also incredibly scared of this living roof – she could easily smash me.


“...Well... uh...” I stammered out.


Naru cut me off. “Get down on your knee if you're going to propose”


I felt confused, like I was being rushed into doing something I didn't comprehend. “What?”


Kelly stopped laughing. She also took on a stern expression.


“On your knee!” She barked, her voice seemed deafening. At the same time, she slammed her heel down, making it seem that the roof collapsed around on me.

Her slamming her heel down surprised and scared me, the sudden violent shaking sent me tumbling down on, catching myself with my hands, down on one knee. The girls all laughed at this.


Ani giggled. “Well I guess he does! When shall we have the wedding?” Everyone laughed.


The spotlight on me was bright and my face was clearly red. Kelly stared at me and could see how exposed I was. Her foot moved back a bit and her toes landed down only a yard or two in front of me.


Her big toe was like a huge boulder. Even standing the green paint on her toenail was well above me. It was insane, but she was a huge girl even normally. The rough skin on the front of her toe had a thick callous from her field hockey and general outdoorsmenship. Her foot, oddly, didn't smell too strongly. But I could feel the heat emanating from it.


All the girls cooed, and then continued to giggle.


Kelly spoke “Well? What would you like to say? My foot is waiting!” The other girls laughed and my face became more red. I wanted to disappear. Why do I have to be immediately embarrassed in front of my crushes? Why does this always happen somehow?

I felt incredibly awkward and overawed, all of it was incredibly surreal. The mix of emotions almost sent my brain into overdrive, but I was unable to act. I wasn't sure if the best choice would just be to play along with it hoping that it would be the less awkward choice.


“I... uh...” I stammered her big toe looming over me, twitching in anticipation. I looked up at Kelly, and she was beaming over me.


“Woah Mark – my toe is down there, it's rude to let your eyes wander when you're talking.” She said in a sarcastic voice.


I felt my face get red and I slowly brought my head back down, this wall of rough skin in front of me taking up my vision. I looked at it and felt pathetic.


“...uh … would you...uh … marry me?” I spit out the final words and the girls burst in laughter. Kelly's toe reared up suddenly, revealing the torn flesh and hard callous underneath, and cave like gap of space under the gaps in her toes. It smelt briefly of leather, and a tiny amount of cheese. Her toes were like giant beasts rearing into the air.


I watched nervously as the toe went up and down, moving in such a way that almost seemed to be contemplating whether it should move slightly and squash me. Every time in reared up 10 or so yards in the air, easily changing directions at seemingly physics defying speed.


“They say yes!” Kelly gasped out amid giggles. The girls celebrated above me, causing the world around me to shake, even from down on my knee I had trouble staying up right as her big toe slammed down in front of me. She looked right into my eyes and continued to laugh. Her smile was beautiful.


“Well aren't you going to kiss your bride?” She said barely containing her laughter.


The girls all stared at me from far above me. The earth shook and Linh walked over, her boots were back on and looking like huge brown turrets.


“Who's kissing what?” Linh said, looking towards the ground but not seeing me. Naru, Ani, and Kelly all were in the sky above me, their heads tilted down, laughing directly at me.


I wondered if this was the alcohol, sexual, or the sheer power dynamic that was driving everyone forward.


Ani shushed her. “Mark just got engaged to Kelly's foot”

Linh stopped and laughed. “Oh.” Her eyes were on me and she smiled. “Well, are you gonna kiss or not?”


I broke my eye contact with her and looked at the toe. They all giggled and the toe squirmed, the heat pouring off of it. I felt red hot with embarrassment.


The impulse to kiss felt incredibly coerced. I stopped thinking and leaned forward, getting closer to the smell of leather with a splash of cheese, which became stronger the nearer I drew. As my lips neared the thick leather wall all my senses of her became more pronounced.

My lips made contact and I could feel the living force beneath it. It tasted salty on my lips. Her skin was thick and hardened, like densely packed leather. There was oily quality to it.


The peck only lasted for a second before I recoiled.


“Come on Mark that's hardly a kiss” Ani said teasingly.


I felt incredibly hot. I crossed my arms and felt a surge of anger. “Look, can't we save this for the wedding night?” I wanted to sound chill, play it off as something funny, but I was incredibly irritated.


“Oh he wants to save himself for his wedding night. How sweet” Kelly placed her hand over her chest and gave Naru a girly look, slightly laughing to herself.


All the girls said it in unison “Awwwww.....”


Kelly stared down at me, putting her finger to her face like she was thinking deeply, and smiled down at me. “For the wedding night then.”


She stuck out her tongue at me, and her toes lifted up before the ball of her foot did, revealing her the bottom of her huge soles, occupying all my vision in front of me. The callouses provided stark contrast to the smoother skin of her arch, and her skin rippled as she scrunched her toes, I could see dirt caked into some of her callouses, and a slight browning and strands of the carpet along the bottoms of her foot where they touched the carpet.


“Your bride here is looking forward to becoming very intimate with you” Her toes wiggled above me, and I could see Kelly's hazel eyes off in the sky above them, a smile on her face.


“I'm sure you will have a lot to look forward to” She laughed, and my face felt red hot, I was intimidated and oddly excited to be getting married to Kelly – even if it was just in mockery to her foot.



Kelly's foot suddenly lifted in the air, the whole thing passed over like an alien spaceship, and it was suddenly hundred yards away behind me. The skyscraper that was Kelly took a step forward, and she seemed gone in a flash.


I was stupefied by the sudden change in scenery, my world no longer an environment that was Kelly's enormous foot, but back on the red grass that was the shag carpet.


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