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Author's Chapter Notes:

( I just plan on writing until this is finished. It'll probably come out sloppy, but eh, it's just for practice. )


  A small part of me wondered if something had malfunctioned. My world was being rocked rapdily, like crazy fast wooden roller coaster levels of rocking, but still I couldn’t see shit. That hadn’t stopped my imagination though. I could hear the voices in the sky above me, two of them, maybe even three? In my mind they belonged to anime characters. Soft higher pitched voices, ‘tee hees’ being turned into those loud rolling cannonball shot ~esque rumblings. My heart started beating faster and faster at the thought, my throat tingling, my chest running cold with anticipation.


“I’m getting a drink, you want anything?”


“I’m good, gonna open the next one.”


“Okay, there’s only like two more and then we can watch a movie.”


  I could have melted into a puddle. It was really happening, dreams were coming true. And it wasn’t somebody speaking another language, this was english! American accents. It was still hard to pick up, seeing as they were so loud and baritone.


  What came next was both familiar and alien all at once. The sound of ripping. Paper being torn in half, only in this case it was tape being pulled off a box. Only it was so so loud. I instinctively covered my ears, my mind again reflecting on the fact that even my ears were unfamiliar in shape. Just smooth little knobs almost. Then the world opened up to me, light flooding inside my little prison. I had not been prepared for this at all.


  The sheer size of everything was blowing my mind. I knew I was around a half an inch tall, maybe smaller. The smaller ones were cheaper, thank God. But the size of everything else was just.. I had pictured this a thousand times. I had seen videos online, and the closest thing that came to mind were those endoscopic lenses that people used to record with. This wasn’t distorted by some fish eye camera, but the level of detail was precise. The God above me looking down was both beautiful and terrifying. A creature thousands of feet tall, with long curly blonde hair and big blue eyes. Her face looked like a meteor coming to crash down on me as my box was lifted up for inspection. I couldn’t even make out all of her features, mostly just her big huge eyes growing larger and larger. Her breath coming out of her nose was warm, a gust of wind traveling down to caress my face, and somehow the tiniest of transparent hairs on her cheeks and around her big beautiful lips were shining in the light. Was she just a really hairy person or would I have not noticed this at my normal size?


  “Oh, this one’s already awake. Hello down there. Oh, shit, wait. Am I supposed to acknowledge you or pretend you don’t exist? Sorry, this is my first day. You’re actually my friend’s, I was just curious. Lemme read the instructions real quick.”


  I ran my hands through my hair, clenching and-- And getting nothing. I was bald. What the? Who cared!? This giantess wanted nothing more than to play with me, and as her school sized hand came into my box, I almost fainted.


  This wasn’t real, I wasn’t going to die. There was nothing to fear here, but that instinct was still hard to swallow. It wasn’t real, it was play pretend. I was a camera feed and some fancy VR techno mumbo jumbo wired into my head. But still… It was scary as shit and the hottest thing I had ever witnessed.


Wait, what was that?


  I could smell her skin, a light sweat and some earthy tones. It’s not something I would have necessarily wanted to have known about, but just the scent made things so much more real. I hadn’t realized how absent of smell my little box had been.


  The world shook as the hand drew out a slip of paper the size of my neighborhood. Her eyes quickly scanned the words, then she looked back down at me with a single raised eyebrow.


“You’re kind of a cheapskate, huh? What does 'A' mean?”


   God she was loud. 'A? I dunno what that means!' As I tried to yell up at her, I was half surprised to hear my own voice come out of my mouth. It sounds like a mundane realization, but I wasn’t really sure what all would have changed when I took the dive. I yelled up again. 'I don’t know! Hi, I’m-'

  My words were cut off as she spoke over me, her voice rattling the entire chamber, “Why am I even asking you, you little things can’t talk. Ha. Still, this is really cool.”


  Shaking my head, I ran my tongue against my teeth. I could feel everything. It was a mouth alright, tasted like my normal self. Why was that? Oh, I bet people could pretend to enjoy fancy steaks and stuff on those vacation simulators. This was all connected in some way or form, right?


  Distracted and a bit overwhelmed by everything, I watched as the girl’s face pulled away. That’s when I realized, I knew who this was.


Oh my god. Her?


  I couldn’t even remember her name. At first I had been too focused on her size and her eyes.. And her lips and, okay, her everything. Now that she had lowered my box, her features kind of drew together. She was a sophomore at my school, and one of the nerdier kids. Theatre, drama geek. That kind of explained why she would be into this sort of thing. It was kind of like acting. But this thing had an age restriction. It wasn’t porn or anything, but still, she wouldn’t be allowed to- Well, neither was I. Hm, go figure.


  I was still stuck staring out the giant cardboard window that was my shipping container as whats-her-face finished lowering me. She was wearing red pajamas of some sort, and as I laid on my back staring up, I watched as her barefoot flew over my box. Holy fuck that was awesome. Imagine just being-




“Oop, sorry!”


  The world rumbled and spun as I watched her pajamaed butt pass by in the blink of an eye, the sight of her ceiling making me dizzy as she accidentally kicked my container with her other foot. I held my stomach, then turned onto my side as my mouth opened, my throat covulsed and… nothing came out. The reflex was there, but there was nothing to spew. That made sense, but it hadn’t made the kick any less nauseating.


  I could feel the vibrations of the giant girl walking out of her room, shaking me in my little plastic bedding with each step deminishing fainter and fainter until stopping completely. . Getting my bearings, I sat up, then stood up to look around. The box itself couldn’t have been but an inch or two tall and wide. From what I remembered, the packages were small and all shipped together in one bigger container. Still, an inch to me was like.. Twelve to fifteen feet tall? The estimate was rough, but also kind of irrelevant. I looked down to see what I had been lying down in. Just a bit of plastic, molded to keep me secure. Still, I kind of wondered what had kept me from flying out. Maybe the package had been marked fragile. It sure cost enough, it should have.


  The rumbling of footsteps returned almost as quickly as they had left, this time a little more hurriedly. I barely even had time to look up as the sky darkened under a dirty grey threaded sock.


My ears rung out and I knew hell for all of one and a half seconds.




Kelsey, that was her name!


  A million pounds of teenage girl had stepped on me and my little box, squishing me so flat that I thought my guts would liquefy and spew out of my orifices. Simultaneously, the smell hit me. The earthy tones of her fingers had aroused a sense of realism in me, but this was nightmarish. It was the worst thing I had ever breathed in, in my entire life. Like, I’ve smelled rank feet before, but this was just so powerful.


  And in the blink of an eye, it was gone. Well, the smell still lingered, the pain was still there, even, but I was just lying still staring up at the sky. The edges of my box had been crumpled, allowing me to walk out, if I so pleased, but all I wanted to do was throw up.


  This is what I had paid for. Torture. This sucked, this wasn’t fun, this wasn’t sexy. This was fuckin Kelsey and- I paused to reflect. It was weird that I only remembered her name after my life had flashed before my eyes. More than that, my heart was still beating fast, my breath was caught in my chest and my downstairs seemed to have a mind of its own. It was almost like having a really dumb pet, which is a pretty weird perspective, but hey, it was having a good time down there. It was begging to be stepped on again.


  And as much as I hated it, that part of my brain was winning over. All was forgiven. Kelsey could do whatever she wanted to me, apparently, cause I was going to enjoy it anyways.




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